Due to the weather, this event has been postponed one week to Sunday, February 23, 2pm-4pm.
Grace: The History of Black Churches in Cambridge
Exhibit Now on Display in Kendall Square
Feb 10, 2025 – The Grace Exhibit, a powerful tribute to the historical and contemporary contributions of Black churches in Cambridge, is now on display at the Kendall Public Lobby, located between 355 and 325 Main Street, Cambridge, MA 02142.
This collaborative effort between the Cambridge Museum of History & Culture and the Office of Mayor E. Denise Simmons honors the spiritual, cultural, and social impact of these institutions on the city.
The mayor will host a launch reception on Sunday, February 23 from 2:00 to 4:00pm at the Kendall Public Lobby, featuring a short speaking program, light refreshments, and musical performances. Community members are invited to attend and celebrate this significant moment in Cambridge’s history.
“This exhibit is a testament to the enduring legacy of Cambridge’s Black churches and the pivotal role they have played in shaping our community,” said Mayor E. Denise Simmons. “From providing spiritual guidance to leading social justice efforts, these churches have been—and continue to be—pillars of resilience, hope, and empowerment. I am deeply honored to support this initiative and encourage everyone to visit and experience this remarkable history.”
Mayor Simmons also emphasized the importance of partnerships in bringing the exhibit to fruition:
“Collaborating with BXP, Cambridge Arts, The Cambridge Historical Commission, The Cambridge Redevelopment Authority, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has been invaluable in making the Grace Exhibit a reality, just as they’ve been such wonderful partners in bringing a number of our exhibits to fruition. Their support and commitment to preserving and presenting our city's rich history have been instrumental in showcasing the profound impact of Black churches in Cambridge.”
The exhibit was made possible through the dedicated efforts of community curators, including Chandra Salvi Harrington, Deacon Cheryl Maynard, Dr. Cheryl Townsend Gilkes, Dr. Janie Ward, Dr. Kris Manjapra, Lynette Riley-Belle, Patricia Weems, Reverend Dr. Ellis I. Washington, Reverend Lorraine Thornhill, Sister Danita Callender, and Valerie Beaudrault. Participating churches include, Abundant Life Church, St. Augustine’s African American Orthodox Christian Church, Cambridge Community Outreach Tabernacle, Christian Mission Holiness Church, Kingdom Empowerment Center, Massachusetts Avenue Baptist Church, North Cambridge Community Church, Pentecostal Tabernacle, Rush Memorial A.M.E. Zion Church, St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church, Union Baptist Church, and Western Avenue Baptist Church.
The Grace Exhibit is hosted in partnership with BXP, Cambridge Arts, The Cambridge Historical Commission, The Cambridge Redevelopment Authority, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, whose support has helped provide a platform for connection, sharing, and learning. It is scheduled to be up for display throughout the month of February.
For more information on the exhibit, the launch reception, and visiting hours, please contact the Cambridge Museum of History & Culture or the Office of Mayor E. Denise Simmons at dsimmons@cambridgema.gov.
Thurs, Feb 13 - Special Committee of the Whole
3:00pm The Special Committee of the Whole will hold a public meeting to resume the review and discussion of recommendations from the Charter Review Committee and any additional suggestions from the full City Council pertaining to the Cambridge City Charter. This is a continuation of the public hearing that began on Dec 9, 2024, that reconvened and recessed again on Jan 27, 2025. (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom) [Agenda & Attachments]
This meeting primarily focused on several proposed alternatives for the election of the mayor with the consensus being that this should best be left to the City Council Rules rather than be enshrined in the City Charter. They did not discuss several alternate proposals involving City Council taking greater control of the City Budget process and the matter of whether or not the City Solicitor should be appointed by the City Council or if the city manager’s chosen city solicitor should be subject to City Council approval or removal. There will be another meeting on February 24. It is also expected that the Law Department will very soon make available a marked-up draft of a proposed City Charter based on votes taken to date. - RW
Members Sought for Human Services Commission
Feb 10, 2025 – Cambridge City Manager Yi-An Huang is seeking Cambridge residents interested in volunteering to serve on the nine-member Human Services Commission.
What does the Human Services Commission Do?
The Commission advises the City Manager and the Assistant City Manager for Human Services on human services policy issues, needs assessment, and funding allocations. With the Department of Human Service Programs, the Commission also promotes activities that enhance the quality of life for Cambridge residents. Over the years, the Commission has responded to local needs by recommending Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding for a wide range of programs offered by the City and community agencies.
What skills are needed to serve on the Human Services Commission?
The City of Cambridge is committed to advancing a culture of antiracism, diversity, equity, and inclusion. Commission members must have the ability to work and interact effectively with individuals and groups with a variety of identities, cultures, backgrounds, and ideologies. Women, minorities, veterans, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
When does the Human Services Commission meet?
The Commission usually meets with the Assistant City Manager for Human Services on the second Thursday of every month from 5:30-7pm, at the City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, Cambridge.
Do Commissioners get compensated for their time?
Human Services Commission members serve without compensation.
When is the Application Deadline and How can I Apply?
Applications to serve on this committee can be submitted to City Manager Yi-An Huang using the City’s online application system at Cambridgema.gov/apply. A cover letter and resume or applicable experience must be submitted during the online application process. The application deadline is Monday, March 24, 2025.
For more information, contact Mike Payack at mpayack@cambridgema.gov.
Volunteers Sought to Serve on Cambridge Commission on Immigrant Rights & Citizenship
Feb 10, 2025 – The Commission on Immigrant Rights & Citizenship (CIRC) works to welcome, inform, connect, and support Cambridge’s immigrant community. CIRC staff provides information, referrals, and guidance to residents seeking assistance. The Commission collaborates with other city departments, community partners, and individuals that support immigrant rights and citizenship.
Commissioners will work with CIRC staff and the City’s Language Justice Division, to fulfill the goals and objectives of the Cambridge Commission on Immigrant Rights and Citizenship Ordinance (Cambridge Municipal Code Chapter 2.123).
Preferred applicants are Cambridge residents who:
- Are knowledgeable about immigrant rights and citizenship, or,
- Have lived experience as an immigrant to the United States.
The City of Cambridge is committed to advancing a culture of antiracism, diversity, equity, and inclusion and is seeking Cambridge residents who represent the diversity of Cambridge. Commissioners should have the ability to:
- Participate in a collaborative process;
- Consider diverse ideas and perspectives;
- Interact and work effectively with individuals and groups with a variety of identities, cultures, backgrounds, and ideologies.
Women, persons of color, veterans, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
CIRC's additional responsibilities include:
- To inform the Cambridge City Manager and the City Council on issues affecting the equal status of immigrants in education, employment, healthcare, housing, political, social and legal spheres;
- To design and implement programs that promote the equality of all immigrants in the city;
- To design and implement programs to encourage and maintain the cultural diversity immigrants bring to the city;
- To develop recommendations and recommend policy to the City Manager and the City Council to promote and ensure immigrant rights and citizenship;
- To coordinate activities and education within the city of issues affecting immigrants;
- To monitor the enactment of city, state and federal legislation which promotes immigrant rights and citizenship and make recommendations to the City Manager and the City Council regarding the implementation and enforcement of any such legislation if enacted;
- To monitor enactment of state and federal legislation which would restrict immigrant rights and citizenship and advise on same to the City Manager and the City Council, and recommend appropriate courses of action.
The Commission consists of 11 members appointed to three-year terms. Meetings are typically hybrid and held on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 6:00pm, at 51 Inman Street and on Zoom. The meeting schedule may be reassessed to accommodate Commissioners’ needs.
Commissioners are expected to:
- Attend monthly meetings;
- Participate and volunteer for outreach and other community events;
- Promote the principals of anti-racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion;
- Work with CIRC staff.
Board and Commission members in Cambridge do not generally receive compensation for their time. However, the City has explored the possibility of offering a stipend for high time commitment boards. Serving on CIRC does not require a high time commitment and therefore is not under consideration for a potential stipend at this time.
The deadline for submitting applications is Monday, March 10, 2025. Applications can be submitted using the City of Cambridge’s online application system at Cambridgema.gov/apply. A cover letter and resume, or an overview of relevant experience, can be submitted during the online application process. For more information, contact Carolina Almonte at 617-349-4396 or calmonte@cambridgema.gov.
Volunteer Opportunities - Cambridge Boards & Commissions (click for details)
Cambridge Commission on Immigrant Rights & Citizenship - deadline Mon, Mar 10, 2025
Human Services Commission - deadline Mon, Mar 24, 2025
The Other Shoe Drops - February 10, 2025 Cambridge City Council meeting
It should be noted that this Regular City Council meeting will be preceded by a 3:00pm Special Meeting relating to negotiations to extend the contract of City Manager Yi-An Huang. Public comment will permitted at that meeting prior to going into Executive Session.
The Big Items (other than any developments on the City Manager’s contract) are the inevitable ordination of the ill-begotten Multi-Family Housing zoning (better characterized as the Gargantuan Upzoning Amendment) and an Order to move ahead on Municipal Broadband - regardless of cost.
Here are the items on the Regular Meeting that drew my attention this week:
Manager’s Agenda #1. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the Cambridge Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan final adoption. (CM25#26) [text of report and Order]
Order Adopted, Placed on File 9-0
Order #3. That the City Manager is requested to create a plan with a schedule and milestones to move forward with the creation of a Municipal Broadband Network and present it for consideration by the Council at a Finance Committee meeting in the context of capital projects for coming years. Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Siddiqui, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Wilson
pulled by Sobrinho-Wheeler; comments by JSW dismissing concerns about feasibility claiming much consultation with City officials; Nolan notes that service would not be free, says this Order in not a mandate to move forward, notes importance of net neutrality, says this is a necessary utility, calls it a manageable investment; Toner notes opposition due to range of “Whereas” statements, $150-250 million cost and changing technologies, other ways to address Internet equity; McGovern says he has been supportive of this, but notes different financial circumstances now, refers to “Trump-Musk administration” and federal cuts, proposes amendment to strike to “to move forward to the creation…” clause; Zusy concurs re: current financial circumstances, notes other ways digital equity is being addressed; Siddiqui OK with amendment; Wilson says conversation is important; Simmons says affordable Internet now not a luxury but a necessity, need for greater digital equity, notes that proposal doesn’t assure lower cost; McGovern amendment to remove “to move forward” Adopted 9-0; Order Adopted as Amended 8-1 (Toner-No)
Though I have no strong feelings on Municipal Broadband, I am aware of the significant costs associated with it as well as the risks and uncertainty of moving forward on an infrastructure proposal in an environment where emerging technologies may make this obsolete. I am also reminded of the various meetings and presentations on the tax levy over the last year and the repeated advice that the City needs to be more fiscally prudent in the near term. Perhaps Councillors Sobrinho-Wheeler, Siddiqui, Nolan, and Wilson didn’t get the memo. Or maybe this is being introduced strategically right now as the City Manager’s contract extension is being negotiated. Or maybe it’s just another municipal election year bauble to be dangled in front of the electorate even though there is little or no indication that this will yield any cost savings for consumers. For the record, I deeply dislike Comcast/Xfinity - but mainly because of the crappy Cable TV options which, by the way, never enter into the discussions about Municipal Broadband.
Unfinished Business #1. An Ordinance has been received from City Clerk, relative to Ordinance 2025 #1 Multi-family Zoning Petition-Part 1. [Passed to 2nd Reading Jan 27, 2025; Amended Feb 3, 2025; Eligible to be Ordained Feb 10, 2025; Expires Feb 17, 2025] (ORD25#1) [Final Version as Ordained]
pulled by Azeem; Azeem amendment to footnote as suggested by CDD staff Adopted 9-0; McGovern amendment re: required abutters meeting that would have required notification to Planning Boards in adjacent towns (not viewable in recording of meeting); Nolan comments on electronic notification; McGovern amendment Adopted 8-0-1 (Toner-Absent); Zusy comments on this proposal producing most luxury units, raised real estate values, displacement, and other negative outcomes, suggests delaying this or reconsidering “3+3” alternative and establish funding mechanisms, community land trust; Azeem praises himself and Siddiqui; Siddiqui calls this her “birthday present”, suggests even more aggressive changes and “being intentional”, dismisses concerns of others as “fear of change”; McGovern addresses concern about “luxury units” and that target population is people who make too much money to be eligible for Inclusionary Housing units, calls this “good government”; Toner concurs and acknowledges that many people will be upset with his vote in favor, dismisses concerns about over-building on small lots, wants to now move forward on Squares and Corridors; Wilson emphasizes “crisis”, says she preferred “3+3” alternative; Nolan credits herself for initializing process for eliminating single-family zoning, says she preferred “3+3” alternative claiming it would have yielded more units and more affordability; Sobrinho-Wheeler notes that all current single-family housing sell for at least $1.5 million, says this change will yield 60% of all new buildings having affordable units; Simmons notes long process and suggests this will yield affordability for generations, says “leadership means making difficult choices”, says Squares and Corridors, housing vouchers next targets, says “we are a role model”; Petition Ordained as Amended 8-1 (Zusy-No); Reconsideration Fails 0-9
Unfinished Business #2. An Ordinance has been received from City Clerk, relative to ORDINANCE 2025 #2 Multi-family Zoning Petition-Part 2. [Passed to 2nd Reading Jan 27, 2025; Eligible to be Ordained Feb 10, 2025; Expires Feb 17, 2025] (ORD25#2) [Final Version as Ordained]
pulled by Azeem; Petition Ordained as Amended 8-1 (Zusy-No); Reconsideration Fails 0-9
Late Order #6. That the City Manager direct the Community Development Department and Law Department to draft an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance that would make the provisions of Section, Paragraph (e), which allow qualified increases in building height under the Affordable Housing Overlay, not applicable in the Residence C-1 district. Councillor Toner (PO25#16)
Late Order Adopted 9-0
Other than the allowance of multi-family housing in all residential districts (which is not controversial), I think this gargantuan zoning change is a huge mistake. The existence of varying heights and densities in different parts of Cambridge is a feature - not a bug. I am also acutely aware of the value of setbacks and access - especially in regard to fire safety. Sometimes I think some of our city councillors are just robots created as part of an MIT project – programmed to solve some maximum packing problem set with no sense of aesthetics, liveability, or community. Meanwhile, the activists promise benefits like cheaper rents and lower costs that will most likely never be realized - at least not as a result of these zoning changes. Sometimes the call of “crisis” is just a tool to ram things through - both nationally and locally.
Committee Report #1. The Transportation and Public Utilities Committee held a public hearing on Jan 28, 2025 to discuss inter-jurisdictional projects that are in play that may impact mobility in Cambridge. The discussion was focused on the Community Development Department’s report of Nov 14, 2024 to the City Council, Awaiting Report 24-36. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
I attended this meeting primarily to alert the councillors (at least those who actually listen) to some alternative approaches to pedestrian and bicycle-friendly crossings of the Charles River.
Order #2. That the City Manager is requested to work with appropriate departments to prepare a communication to DCR Commissioner Arrigo, urging that a study of traffic conditions at the intersections of Western Avenue and River Street at Memorial Drive and Soldiers Field Road (commonly referred to as “the box”), be included in their FY26 Capital Plan. Councillor Zusy, Councillor Siddiqui, Councillor Toner, Councillor Nolan
Order Adopted 9-0
This was one of the priorities discussed at the above meeting. Many of the current crop of activists only see merit in lane reductions and obstructions that make automobile use as difficult as possible. Reality sometimes has to intervene. - RW
Check out the latest episodes of Cambridge InsideOut: Tuesdays, 6:00pm and 6:30pm on CCTV
If you would like to be a guest (or co-host), let me know. - RW
Next Live Shows on CCTV: Tuesday, March 4, 6:00pm - 7:00pm (I'm skipping Feb 18) I may also produce some shows independently - on the City Charter, in particular. |
Episode 641 (Tues, Feb 4, 2025 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio] Topics: Broadway fire, importance of setbacks for fire safety and access; Multi-family Housing Zoning (a.k.a. Bigger Cambridge Zoning), concerns about heights, density, setbacks, stairwells, elevators; bad planning in crisis mentality; Broadway bike lane controversy, restrictions on emergency vehicles, misinformation about bike safety, importance of visibility; bulldozing Cambridge history; misguided leftist opposition to surveillance for police work, unsolved murders; Alewife MBTA excavation; $65K appropriation for Bisesquicentennial; appointments to “Broadway Safety Improvement Project” Working Group |
Episode 642 (Tues, Feb 4, 2025 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio] Topics: Hostility of some city councillors; advocate says only people with driveways should own cars; rumors of DSA strong mayor ballot question; history on nonpartisan municipal elections, drifting back to the dark ages; Sanctuary City or Welcoming City concerns, inability of federal government to address immigration; PILOT agreements, political hunger to fund pet programs; delegating curb cut authority to staff; Neville Center refinancing; notable passings; City Charter proposals re: budget control, appointing City Solicitor, direct election of mayor, 4-year City Council terms, Council approval of department heads, diminishing citizen redress and prohibitions against interference, need for better mechanism for accountability within City departments |
Episode 639 (Tues, Jan 7, 2025 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio] Topics: Remembering those we lost in 2024; death of former Cambridge Superintendent of Schools Robert S. Peterkin and some comments on the Cambridge Public Schools, the ultimate futility of social engineering; no paper of record; unwelcome City Hall, rumor, innuendo, and defamation; dissing the public as “neighborhood defenders” and NIMBYs; some truth about the AHO; the good leverage of the Special Permit process; the “Ending Exclusionary Zoning” trojan horse, eliminating setbacks, maximizing height and density; some issues with proportional representation; Neville Center; Job Training Trust Home Rule Petition; amendments to Cycling Safety Ordinance, misrepresentation of facts by advocates |
Episode 640 (Tues, Jan 7, 2025 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio] Topics: Fines or taxes for vacant storefronts and commercial properties - or a better approach; infinite extension of cannabis business gaming of the economics; choosing to not be inside the tent, saying what you think; Draw One Bridge Replacement and retrograde activism, better proposals such as the Charles River Dam Walkway and the new North Washington Street bridge; Charter revision status report and some dreadful alternate proposals pending from incumbents re: budget control, appointing City Solicitor, direct election of mayor, 4-year City Council terms (with major changes in election quota) w/o any recall provision, Council approval of department heads |
Episode 637 (Tues, Dec 17, 2024 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio] Topics: Remembering Vici Casana and the early days of Cambridge Recycling; Flexible Parking Zoning petition; Rethinking One-Way Garden Street; coming controversy of Broadway Bike Lanes; City Manager contract extension pending; streetcorner dedication moratorium; John Tagiuri resolution; Whitney's Bar closure controversy and Gerald Chan properties; City Clerk cleaning up City Council neglect; Iram Farooq exiting CDD for Harvard; Charter Review Meeting and votes |
Episode 638 (Tues, Dec 17, 2024 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio] Topics: Sanctuary City resolutions; Porchfest pilot pending; Two-way Garden Street and the Untouchable Cycling Safety Ordinance; MBTA should adhere to Cambridge's Asbestos Protection Ordinance; Last word on DSA and defamation; Draw One Bridge Replacement; A Brief History of Big Ideas and Plans - Some Whose Time Never Came; Charles River Dam Walkway; Proposed Colossal Upzoning sold as Multifamily Housing Citywide |
Complete list of all episodes (2013 - present) |
Trumping History - February 3, 2025 Cambridge City Council meeting
Barring divine intervention, the ordination of The Bigger Cambridge Zoning is expected to happen next week (Feb 10) after being passed to a 2nd Reading at last week’s meeting. Having experienced a building fire this past Thursday just 10 feet from my house on Broadway, I have never felt the need for space between buildings more than I do right now. Urban planning in Cambridge is being steadily eclipsed by the urge to pack everything closer and stack everything higher. On the bright side, I suspect more than a few residents who rarely vote in local elections may have a change of heart this year now that new building heights and densities may soon be doubling or tripling in their neighborhoods.
Last week the second meeting of the “Special Committee of the Whole” looked at some of the more fringy proposals from some of the more fringy councillors. They dropped the proposal to double City Council terms from 2 years to 4 years when they heard some of the negative aspects that they should have understood all along had they been actually paying attention. The proposal to expand City Council authority in the City Budget process was soundly bashed by City staff, but its chief advocate (Sobrinho-Wheeler, DSA-Cambridge) chose to strategically withdraw it for possible revision rather than see it go down in flames. The proposal to have Department Head appointments be subject to City Council approval was mercifully put to sleep, but there will be another meeting on Feb 13 to continue discussion of some of the other problematic proposals. What they do after that is anyone’s guess, but I hope they will at least take a second look at the mechanisms for citizen redress as well as what appears to be a drastically watered down version of the Plan E prohibition of city councillors going around the city manager to direct or pressure City staff.
As for this week’s meeting, here are some things of possible interest:
Manager’s Agenda #1, #2, #3. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to a Surveillance Technology Impact Report (STIR). [#1 - Automated License Plate Recognition; #2 - Locked Cellular Device Access Software; #3 - Remotely Piloted Aerial Vehicle] (CM25#9)
pulled by Toner noting that these have already been through Public Safety Committee; Police Commissioner Christine Elow, Dept. Supt. John Boyle explain; Toner notes how drones may have been helpful in Faisal case, asks about circumstances when information gathered might be shared outside CPD; Boyle explains; Toner highlights unsolved murders and hesitancy of some people to come forward with information, trust in CPD; Zusy concurs with Toner, asks about use of surveillance in LA and in NYC, concerns about federal overreach; Elow explains how we have been at a deficit w/o these technologies, need to ask community with cameras, agrees that timing couldn’t be worse with new administration; City Solicitor Megan Bayer notes how policy is to protect residents in line with Welcoming City Ordinance; Yi-An Huang notes when it is appropriate to work with federal agencies in criminal investigations; Zusy asks about use of technologies to monitor protests; Boyle emphasizes that these would not be used to restrict speech but to monitor effects on traffic; Azeem comments, especially re: sharing of information; Megan Bayer explains about license plate recording and redaction of information; Azeem asks about “Proud Boys” illustration (suggesting that he would be OK with sharing info on some organizations but not others) and about joint investigation of extremist groups; Elow notes need for probable cause; Huang objects to these hypotheticals; McGovern notes that as a privileged white male he would not be subject to surveillance; Sobrinho-Wheeler says that only concept of surveillance was discussed at Public Safety Committee, wants to refer all 3 reports to Public Safety for further discussion; Huang notes uncertain times but says drone footage not high priority, real priority in keeping community safe; Wilson notes loss of friends to gun violence and how some technology might have been helpful in solving these crimes; Wilson motion to accept reports on license plate identification and cell phone data access; Siddiqui objects to Wilson motions, suggests that technology use overly broad, objects to use of drones; Nolan has concerns about drones, wants ACLU in conversation; Elow offers example of how technology would be used; Simmons offers additional explanation; Huang notes use of license plate readers to capture places in and out of the city; Nolan questions re: access to phones; Simmons notes Charlene Moore, Anthony Clay, Xavier Louis-Jacques murders and difficulty in bringing murder charges, reality that cameras and other technologies are already all around us, disproportionate effect of violence on Black and Brown communities and need to bring those most affected into conversation; Motion to approve license plate readers, cell phones access and to refer use of drones to Public Safety Committee Adopted 6-3 (BA,MM,PT,AW,CZ,DS - Yes; PN,SS,JSW - No)
Manager’s Agenda #5. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 24-69 regarding asbestos concerns with the MBTA’s Alewife construction. [text of report]
pulled by Nolan; comments by Nolan, DPW Commissioner Kathy Watkins, Zusy, Sam Lipson (Senior Director of Environmental Health); Placed on File 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #6. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $65,000 to be allocated to the Grant Fund Public Celebrations Other Ordinary Maintenance Account. This grant will support activities focused on the themes of revolution and independence, celebrating the significant historical milestones that have taken place in Cambridge.
Order Adopted 9-0
“This grant will support activities focused on the themes of revolution and independence, celebrating the significant historical milestones that have taken place in Cambridge.” … “Events will take place from April through June 2025, with a marketing campaign beginning in February.”
Manager’s Agenda #7. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appointment of members of the Broadway Street Safety Improvement Project Working Group.
pulled by Zusy - notes timing of these appointments after most conclusions already made, imbalance of appointments tilted toward cycling advocates; Jeff Parenti (TPT) says Cycling Safety Ordinance dictates most except for finer details, esp. use of side streets to make up for loss of parking (which is beyond ridiculous from point of view of resident parking); Parenti deflects concerns about representativeness of the committee; Zusy suggests there should have been a commercial representative on the committee, lot of concern from residents about loss of parking, asks about use of parking lots (which is essentially irrelevant for Broadway); Owen O’Riordan notes recent amendments to TPDM ordinance; Wilson asks how many applications were received (over 30), also has concerns about representativeness of the appointments; Parenti says you don’t want too few or too many people on the committee; Wilson wants to hear from all people; Toner suggests mailing to all property owners w/parking lots (which is a deflection and fails to not potential exorbitant cost); Nolan notes limitations on what the committee can affect (the implication being that there will be no changes to the CSO); Appointments Approved, Placed on File 9-0
First, it’s just “Broadway”, not “Broadway Street”. We’ll see how this advisory process goes, but what many residents of Mid-Cambridge really want is to simply remove Broadway from the list of streets to be reconfigured in this manner, and that tide is rising.
Order #2. That the City Manager is requested to work with relevant City departments to prepare a report on the use of M.G.L. Ch. 40U to determine which local statutes can be enforced by the local-option procedure in order to better collect fines in violation of Cambridge ordinances and provide a recommendation to the City Council for implementation of Ch. 40U procedures. Councillor Nolan, Councillor Toner, Councillor Zusy
Order Adopted 9-0
Charter Right #1. That the City Manager is requested to direct the Traffic, Parking and Transportation Department to install “Bicycles Must Yield” signs along the Linear Park Parkway, Russell Field, Cambridge Commons, and any other shared use pathway determined appropriate by the City Manager and staff. [Charter Right – Sobrinho-Wheeler, Jan 27, 2025]
pulled by Sobrinho-Wheeler w/concerns about staff capacity and who would be putting up/removing (A-frame) signs; Jeff Parenti would prefer to not deal with these and to use only fixed metal signs (Share the Path; Keep Right); Toner, Nolan, Zusy, Wilson supportive of improved signage; Azeem asks what exactly would change; Owen O’Riordan explains; Order Adopted 8-1 (JSW-No)
Charter Right #2. Condolences to the family of Janet Rose. [Charter Right – Simmons, Jan 27, 2025]
Resolution Adopted as Amended by Substitution 9-0
Charter Right #3. That the City Council Amend Petition One, Section 5.40, Footnote (2) to add paragraph (c) to read: (c) If the building does not require a Planning Board Advisory Consultation per Section 19.40 of this Zoning Ordinance and does not require any special permit from the Planning Board, then before applying for a building permit, the applicant shall schedule an in-person or virtual meeting to answer questions and gather feedback from abutters and shall prepare a notification including, at a minimum, a general description of the project, the date, time, location, and other information necessary for people to attend the meeting, and contact information (telephone and e-mail, at minimum) for the developer and shall provide that notification by mail to abutters, owners of land directly opposite on any public or private street or way, and abutters to the abutters within three hundred feet of the property line of the lot, and to others whom the applicant may choose to contact, and shall include with the building permit application a copy of the notification and mailing list, a summary of the meeting, who attended, and what questions and feedback were received. [Charter Right – Sobrinho-Wheeler, Jan 27, 2025] [amended text]
taken up with Unfinished Business #4; McGovern comments, motion to amend by substitution; Nolan also proposes amendment; comments by Jeff Roberts (CDD); Zusy suggests that is neighborhood associations can do hybrid meetings then developers should also be able to do so; Simmons, Toner, Wilson comments - keep it simple; Nolan amendment Adopted 9-0; Megan Bayer clarifies language; Simmons comments; Sobrinho-Wheeler amendment to allow online notifications Adopted 9-0; Megan Bayer notes that this amendment is a new footnote to proposed ordinance; City Clerk LeBlanc clarifies votes; Order Adopted as Amended 9-0; Additional Amendment to add footnote #37 and to strike previous amendment 9-0; Zusy asks about proposal change 75' height to 74' height in Res. C-1 districts (due to AHO concerns) and to have 40% open space requirement (up from 30%), at least half permeable, for buildings over 75,000 sq ft; Toner seeks examples of where these apply; Jeff Roberts, Melissa Peters explain; JSW concerned about how this might affect unit count; Simmons withdraws this for now.
Unfinished Business #4. An Ordinance has been received from City Clerk, relative to Ordinance 2025 #1 Multifamily Zoning Petition-Part 1. [Passed to 2nd Reading Jan 27, 2025; Eligible to be Ordained Feb 10, 2025] (ORD25#1) [amended text]
taken up with Charter Right #3; Amended 9-0
The general trend with recent City Councils is to limit most neighborhood and abutter feedback on development proposals and, in the case of the AHO to eliminate or greatly limit the roles of the Planning Board and BZA. They see the book “Neighborhood Defenders” as the last word and that all feedback is inherently NIMBYism. My sense is that if Sobrinho-Wheeler and several others could have their way, the only permissible objections would be from renters.
205 Communications: 73 pro-upzoning, 106 opposed, 15 for the “3+3” alternative (Councillor Wilson commented last week that “the community” supports the “3+3” proposal - based on what exactly?), and 11 others on various topics.
Resolution #4. Congratulations to Robyn Culbertson on the occasion of her retirement as Executive Director of the Office for Tourism. Mayor Simmons
Committee Report #1. The Finance Committee and Housing Committee held a joint public hearing on July 10, 2024 to review and discuss the Cambridge Affordable Housing Trust and to discuss the City’s relationship with the Trust, consider funding priorities, and ways to fund affordable housing development in Cambridge. [text of report]
Comments by Nolan - meeting recessed, now closed, possible future meetings on topic; Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Meeting of the Special Committee of the Whole on the City Charter – Monday, January 27, 2025, 11:00am-1:00pm [Agenda]
I was the only person who gave public comment at the previous meeting in December. Presumably there will be others this time, but the unfortunate truth is that even though this is perhaps the single most significant matter now before this City Council, it has been flying almost completely under the radar.
This meeting features 5 additional proposed Charter changes from several city councillors, but the most interesting part of the agenda is the master class response from City Solicitor Megan Bayer that lays out with remarkable clarity the major problems with each of these proposals.
The new proposals are:
(1) give the City Council the power to increase parts of the annual budget by up to 10% compared to what is initially proposed by the City Manager
(2) City Solicitor would be appointed by the City Council
(3) Popularly elected mayor alongside a City Manager similar to Worcester
(4) 4 year (staggered) terms, with elections every 2 years
(5) Department heads appointed by the City Manager and approved by the Council
It is also worth noting, and I will likely address these during Public Comment, that:
(a) At the previous meeting of this Special Committee of the Whole, the councillors dismissed proposals for Resident Assemblies as well as proposed mechanisms for citizen-initiated referendums and initiative petitions. What they perhaps failed to realize is that citizen-initiated referendums and initiative petitions are part of our current Plan E Charter (by reference) and the apparent intention of the Charter Review Committee was to incorporate those provisions (with some changes) into the new proposed Charter. The action of the Special Committee effectively threw out an existing right to a mechanism for redress by citizens.
(b) The current Plan E Charter imposes severe penalties for Interference by City Council:
Section 107. Neither the city council nor any of its committees or members shall direct or request the appointment of any person to, or his removal from, office by the city manager or any of his subordinates, or in any manner take part in the appointment or removal of officers and employees in that portion of the service of said city for whose administration the city manager is responsible. Except for the purpose of inquiry, the city council and its members shall deal with that portion of the service of the city as aforesaid solely through the city manager, and neither the city council nor any member thereof shall give orders to any subordinate of the city manager either publicly or privately. Any member of the city council who violates, or participates in the violation of, any provision of this section shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars or by imprisonment for not more than six months, or both, and upon final conviction thereof his office in the city council shall thereby be vacated and he shall never again be eligible for any office or position, elective or otherwise, in the service of the city.
The Proposed Charter addresses Interference by City Council, but conveniently removes all penalties:
3.3 (d) Interference by City Council Prohibited – Except as provided in Section 2-7 and by this charter, neither the city council nor any of its committees or members shall direct or request the appointment of any person to, or their removal from, office by the city manager or any of their subordinates, or in any manner take part in the appointment or removal of officers and employees in that portion of the service of said city for whose administration the city manager is responsible. Except as otherwise provided by this charter, the city council and its members shall not give orders to any subordinate of the city manager either publicly or privately and shall direct all requests for service through the city manager. Nothing in this section shall prevent city council or its members from discussing matters generally with city staff, presuming the city manager is kept informed.
Without severe penalties against improper Council interference, it is likely that councillors would routinely blow past guardrails that protect against political meddling within City departments. I am of the belief that we should have better mechanisms for inquiry into policies and actions taken within City departments, but removal of these necessary guardrails is definitely not the remedy. - Robert Winters
Catching Up on the (Official) Cambridge News![City Seal](http://rwinters.com/images/Cambridge.png)
CPD Promotes Two Deputy Superintendents (Feb 14, 2025)
City of Cambridge 2025 Scholarship Applications Now Being Accepted (Feb 14, 2025)
Happy Valentine’s Day - 2025 (Feb 11, 2025)
Fire Safety Tips for the holiday
Surface Ice/Water Rescue Training (Feb 11, 2025)
Commonwealth Elevates Northeast Region To Level 3-Critical Drought Status (Feb 11, 2025)
Members Sought for Human Services Commission (Feb 10, 2025)
CPD to Host Civil Service Exam Information Session Monday, February 24 (Feb 10, 2025)
CPD Assists with 2025 Hasty Pudding Parades (Feb 7, 2025
Bird Flu (HPAI-H5N1) Advisory from the State and What You Need to Know (Feb 6, 2025)
Volunteers Sought to Serve on the Cambridge Commission on Immigrant Rights and Citizenship (Feb 6, 2025)
Chief Patrick H. Raymond - First Black Fire Chief in the nation (Feb 6, 2025)
Complete and Return Your 2025 Annual City Census (Feb 6, 2025)
Join the North Cambridge Senior Center for Spanish Fun Lessons! (Feb 5, 2025)
Two-Thirds of Burn and Scald Injuries in the Home Involve Children (Feb 5, 2025)
Cambridge Public Health Department Publishes FY2024 Annual Report (Feb 5, 2025)
Apply to Cambridge Works to Get Paid Job Experience! (Feb 5, 2025)
CPD Officers Take Part in 2025 BFit Challenge (Feb 4, 2025)
Weekend Traffic Alert: Super Sunday Road Race and Harvard Square Chili Cook-Off (Feb 4, 2025)
GIS Data Download Updates (Feb 4, 2025)
Annual Event Brings Together Hundreds of Cambridge Girls in Grades K-5 to Explore Sports (Feb 4, 2025)
City of Cambridge Closures and Services for Presidents’ Day Holiday February 17 (Feb 3, 2025)
Changes to Sewer Connection Fees Effective March 1, 2025 (Feb 3, 2025)
Traffic Impacts on February 5 from Hasty Pudding Theatricals Woman of the Year Event (Feb 3, 2025)
Apply to the 2025 DHSP Summer Lottery through March 3! (Feb 3, 2025)
Three Alarms - Box 3-42 - January 30, 2025 (Feb 3, 2025) - [right next door to me]
Kendall Square Construction Projects (Feb 1, 2025)
City of Cambridge Celebrates Black History Month With Music, Theater, Tributes and More (Jan 31, 2025)
GIS Data Dictionary Updates (Jan 30, 2025)
New Development Log Available - 2024 Q4 (Jan 29, 2025)
$450K In Covid Relief Awarded To 25 Cambridge Cultural Organizations (Jan 29, 2025)
Making Math Fun through the High School Equivalency (HSE) Credential Program (Jan 29, 2025)
Open Mic Poetry Night 2/21 (Jan 29, 2025)
Work in Progress - Main Fire Station (Jan 29, 2025)
“Navigating Loss,” An Informal Conversational Group Exploring Grief, Extends Sessions (Jan 28, 2025)
Construction Starts on Greater Cambridge Energy Program, Including Only Underground Substation of its Kind in the U.S. (Jan 28, 2025)
Two Alarms were ordered, Box 2-612, for the fire at 68 Francis Avenue (Jan 27, 2025)
Fun Skate Teaches Skating Skills to Elementary Students (Jan 22, 2025)
Take Precautions to prevent Cold-Related injury during this period of Challenging Cold Weather (Jan 22, 2025)
Free Winter Art Tour 1/27: Gallery Exhibit & City Hall Annex Murals (Jan 21, 2025)
Elections Theme on AxisGIS (Jan 21, 2025)
Community Meeting on the January 13th Fatal Shooting on Clifton Street (Jan 21, 2025) [flyer]
Tues, Jan 28, 6:30-8pm (in-person only); Food and light refreshments will be available starting at 6pm; Peabody School 70 Rindge Avenue
Join the Center for Families at Winter Family Fun Day on January 25! (Jan 17, 2025)
Working Smoke and Carbon Monoxide (CO) Alarms are Essential Safety Tools (Jan 16, 2025)
Current Board Vacancies: Cambridge Housing Authority, Historical Commission, Avon Hill/Half Crown-Marsh/Mid Cambridge NCDs (Jan 15, 2025)
Parking Meter Fees Will Change to $2 per Hour in Harvard Square (Jan 15, 2025)
Join Us at Sports Night for Girls on Tuesday, January 28! (Jan 15, 2025)
Fatal Shooting Under Investigation in Cambridge (Jan 14, 2025)
Box 4334 - Fire at 820 Massachusetts Avenue (Jan 13, 2025)
Adopt a Hydrant - 2025 (Jan 13, 2025)
Meet and Greet Opportunities with Cambridge Veterans Services in 2025 (Jan 12, 2025)
City of Cambridge Closures and Service Information for Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday (Jan 9, 2025)
Mass Ave Planning Study (MAPS) - A Focus on Porter Square (Jan 9, 2025)
2025 Cambridge-Northeastern Police Academy Begins Its 7th Class (Jan 9, 2025)
Stay off the Ice! (Jan 9, 2025)
Annual Martin Luther King Day Commemoration Features Rev. Jeremy Battle, plus Poetry, Music, and Coffee Hour (Jan 8, 2025)
Cambridge Commemorates Martin Luther King Jr. Day with Various Events and MLK Day of Service and Learning January 9-20 (Jan 8, 2025)
City of Cambridge Launches Safety Improvement Project on Broadway (Jan 7, 2025)
This latest promo states that “we hope to maintain about 40% of the current spaces”, but all prior announcements state that 75% of the parking will be removed. In addition, it is likely that in any area where there is now metered parking, some resident parking spaces on side streets may become metered spaces - though the City has not yet stated this - even more loss of resident parking.
Key Information on Multifamily Housing Zoning (Jan 7, 2025)
It is important to emphasize that the issue here is not “multifamily zoning” in spite of the deliberate emphasis. The true essense of this proposal is to merge all residential zones into a single residential zoning category with significantly greater heights and densities, decreased side and rear setbacks, and greatly diminished opportunity for public objection. There are also proposals to allow even greater heights and densities if subsidized housing units are included.
GIS Data Download Updates (Jan 7, 2025)
Cambridge Fire Department 2024 Emergency Response Numbers at a Glance (Jan 6, 2025)
Doing Business with the City Workshop Series (Jan 6, 2025)
Train to become a Certified Nursing Assistant through the Community Learning Center! (Jan 2, 2025)
Cambridge Awards $1 Million in ARPA Funds for Solar Panel Installation on Affordable Housing (Jan 2, 2025)
Local Walks/Hikes (more listings) – Boston Walking Meetup Group (BWMG), AMC, DCR, etc.
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If you would like to walk and talk (history, civics, politics, mathematics, or anything else), I am almost always on the Fresh Pond Sunset Walk every Sunday (see above). - Robert Winters
Coming up soon (more details here):
Tues, Feb 18
3:00pm Special Meeting of the City Council to go in to Executive Session to conduct a strategy session in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel, specifically the City Manager. There will be public comment. (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
Thurs, Feb 20
3:00pm The City Council’s Public Safety Committee will hold a public hearing to review and discuss the City Manager’s Surveillance Technology Impact Report (STIR) related to allowing Remotely Piloted Aerial Vehicle (RPA) technology in Cambridge. (CM25#11). (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
Mon, Feb 24
10:00am The City Council’s Health and Environment Committee will hold a public hearing to review and discuss the launch of the Cambridge Net Zero Transportation Plan (NZTP). (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
1:30pm The Special Committee of the Whole will hold a public meeting to resume the review and discussion of recommendations from the Charter Review Committee and any additional suggestions from the full City Council pertaining to the Cambridge City Charter. This is a continuation of the public hearing that began on Dec 9, 2024, that reconvened and recessed again on Jan 27, 2025, and reconvened and recessed again on Feb 13, 2024. (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
5:30pm Roundtable/Working Meeting with the Cambridge City Council and School Committee to discuss FY26 Cambridge Public Schools budget priorities. No Public Comment. (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
Tues, Feb 25
3:00pm The City Council’s Neighborhood and Long Term Planning, Public Facilities, Arts and Celebrations Committee will hold a public meeting to discuss tenant-paid broker fees and other housing fees and the options that the city and state government have to regulate them. (Zoom only - Why?)
Mon, Mar 3
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
Tues, Mar 4
11:30am The City Council’s Housing Committee and Neighborhood and Long Term Planning, Public Facilities, Arts and Celebrations Committee will hold a joint public hearing to discuss zoning priorities focusing on major squares and corridors. (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
Wed, Mar 5
11:00am The City Council’s Neighborhood and Long Term Planning, Public Facilities, Arts and Celebrations Committee will hold a public hearing to receive an update on the state of the arts in Cambridge and discuss how the City is currently supporting artists and art organizations through grant programs and funding, with a focus on the Central Square Cultural district. (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission (Zoom)
5:30pm – Statement of Financial Interests Filing Delinquency Hearing
I. PUBLIC COMMENT II. MINUTES III. REPORTS 1. Executive Director’s Report 2. Assistant Director’s Report 3. Commissioners’ Reports |
IV. ACTION AGENDA Old Business - State/Presidential Election, November 5th Review - Timeline and City Charter Revision Update New Business
Mon, Mar 10
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
Tues, Mar 11
3:00pm The City Council’s Economic Development and University Relations Committee will hold a public hearing with the City Solicitor and the Community Development Department, Economic Opportunity Division, to discuss concerns with vacant store front in Cambridge, and prior efforts and possible options such as new policies, taxes, and/or fines to reduce the number of vacant store fronts in Cambridge. (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
Wed, Mar 12
8:00-9:30am Recycling Advisory Committee (RAC) Meeting (DPW, 147 Hampshire St., or via Zoom)
Minutes of Past Meetings
Mon, Mar 17
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
Thurs, Mar 20
3:00pm The City Council’s Economic Development and University Relations Committee will hold a public meeting from 3:00pm-5:00pm. This meeting will be a Cannabis Roundtable with cannabis businesses to discuss issues facing the retail cannabis industry in Cambridge and discuss potential changes, including adjustments to the current 1,800 foot buffer zones and introduction of social consumption. (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
Mon, Mar 24
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
Tues, Mar 25
3:00pm The City Council’s Health and Environment Committee will hold a public hearing to review and discuss the update to the Zero Waste Master Plan (ZWMP) 2.0. (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
Thurs, Mar 27
1:00pm The City Council’s Finance Committee will hold a public meeting to receive a status update on the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding in Cambridge, as well as to review and discuss the Police Department budget for FY26 before it is submitted to the City Manager, as required under Cambridge Municipal Code Chapter 2.74.040. (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
Mon, Mar 31
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
The Cambridge City Charter: From Town Meeting to Plan E premiered on Monday, May 15, 2023 at 5:30pm on CCTV Channel 9 and is viewable on YouTube.
Created by writer-narrators John Pitkin and Robert Winters, both long-time Cambridge residents, and director Gregorio Leon, a 2016 graduate of CRLS and Emerson College, the video is introduced by WGBH’s Jim Braude. The Cambridge’s City Charter: From Town Meeting to Plan E combines historical documents, images, maps, and statistics to present a provocative half-hour overview of Cambridge’s first 94 years as a city and the origins of the current Plan E charter.
The episode examines our shared history through the lens of the City Charter and local elections. It shows how the Town Meeting style of government became impracticable and led to the consolidation of Old Cambridge, the neighborhood around Harvard College, with the villages of Cambridgeport and East Cambridge to create the city of Cambridge, chartered by the Commonwealth in 1846. The half-hour video presents a visually engaging review of the expansion of Cambridge as bridges linked Old Cambridge to Boston in the 18th and early 19th century, as migration drove population growth, suffrage expanded, and participation in local elections increased.
A second episode of Cambridge Civic View is planned that will look at the history of the current Plan E charter. Since 1940, Plan E has defined our local government, given us the existing system of nine City Councillors with a City Manager as our chief executive, and established the ranked-choice proportional representation voting system used to elect our Councillors and School Committee. It is hoped that these videos will provide necessary perspective on how the current City Charter came to be and how it might be modified.
Switching from Cable TV
May 23, 2024 – I am finally getting around to changing from my current “Triple Play” plan with Comcast to something better, but I need advice.
I certainly need to maintain a fast Internet connection for many reasons - not the least of which is an online course I teach via Zoom in the fall (and office hours). I also do the Cambridge InsideOut show via Zoom. For telephone (not cell phone) I have a device from Ooma that I can use for VoIP phone service at low cost.
The difficult part to understand is how to navigate the various streaming options in such a way that I don’t end up paying even more than I am currently forking over to Comcast. My primary TV needs are old movies (like TCM), Red Sox games, Twilight Zone, real news stations like BBC, all the local channels (of course), some science stuff (we’re really into cosmology), South Park, and a few other things. My understanding is that streaming can be a real data hog, and though Comcast doesn’t currently charge extra for excess data, they will likely do so at some point.
Sooo.... I am looking for a plan here. Any sage advice?
Stories from the Archives: The History of Voting In Cambridge for African Americans and Women
hosted and written by Alyssa Pacy, Archivist at the Cambridge Public Library; produced by Peter Levine, CCTV
A chronology of the 1972 conflict over Proportional Representation in Cambridge
(posted Feb 24, 2023)
Cambridge City Charter Study Group
I would like to informally gather a group of concerned Cambridge residents to form a Study Group to better understand the Cambridge City Charter - past, present, and future - in detail. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the current Charter? How did we come to have the current (Plan E) Charter? What improvements to the governmental form and election methods might be advisable? [References]
This Study Group would be separate from the “official” Cambridge Charter Review Committee that was recently appointed by several city councillors. Among other things, this group can monitor the official review committee, discuss and critique any proposals coming from that committee, and independently propose alternatives. If you are interested, please let me know. - Robert Winters
original proposed 1846 Charter (this is not the same as what was passed and sent to Cambridge voters!) |
1846 Charter (approved by Legislature and Cambridge Town Meeting) |
1846 Charter w/amendments through 1890 appended (as approved by Legislature and voters) |
1891 Charter (as approved by Legislature and voters) |
1915 (Plan B) Charter (as approved by voters) |
1940 (Plan E) Charter (as approved by voters) |
M.G.L. Chapter 43: CITY CHARTERS | |||||
M.G.L. Chapter 43B: HOME RULE PROCEDURES | |||||
Featured recent stories in the Cambridge Chronicle (the paper of record) - with some comments:
If you would like to subscribe or pick up a free paper copy at various sites, I encourage you to do so. It really is The Paper of Record - even if it is currently understaffed and in need of rejuvenation. What we really need is a summit meeting of all Cambridge news providers, including CCTV and Cambridge Municipal TV, to figure out a long-term plan. We absolute need to get Gannett to the table to talk about any long-term plans they may have and if and when the Cambridge Chronicle might be restored to its former role (dating back to 1846) as an essential source for news and features about Cambridge (as opposed to regional feeds of little or no relevance to the people of Cambridge).
A new food hall is coming to the Cambridge mall. Here’s what restaurants it will have (Oct 22, 2024)
Head of the Charles Regatta weekend rowing event in Cambridge (Oct 18, 2024)
Poll tests statewide support for MBTA Communities Act. Its results may surprise (Sept 26, 2024)
Harmful bacteria found in the Charles River? Here’s what to know. (Sept 24, 2024)
Voter’s guide: How to vote early in Massachusetts. What you need to know (Sept 22, 2024)
Julie Wormser starts Oct. 1 as Cambridge’s first chief climate officer (Sept 18, 2024)
Decker beats MacKay in Democratic primary recount for State House seat (Sept 13, 2024)
Recount Sept. 12 between Democrats contending for Cambridge state rep (Sept 12, 2024)
Cambridge state representative race may require a recount (Sept 4, 2024)
Massachusetts Ballot Questions 2024: MCAS, medical psychedelics, more (Sept 4, 2024)
Porter Square Books plans move to larger space in Cambridge (Aug 27, 2024)
Cambridge Brewing Company announces closure. Here’s are the details (Aug 20, 2024)
Cambridge artist Elizabeth Rawls spends her retirement free motion quilting (Aug 14, 2024)
Who were Cambridge’s 25 top paid municipal employees in 2023? We have a list (May 23, 2024)
Cambridge city, school employee salaries for 2023: Searchable Database
Cambridge’s ‘Duke’ of bartending inducted into Hall of Fame (Dec 27, 2022, subscribers only)
At 86 years old, longtime Cambridge resident Daniel “Duke” Pugliese was just inducted into the Bartender Hall of Fame after a career filled with giving to charity, pouring drinks and listening to people pour out their soul.
Fuel assistance applications available for Cambridge, Somerville residents in need (Oct 18, 2022)
Trees have a story to tell, on your next walk in the woods take in the natural history (Oct 17, 2022)
Star Market and Shaw’s acquired: What to know about the Kroger-Albertsons deal (Oct 14, 2022)
MA electricity, gas prices going up 64 percent compared to last year (Sept 22, 2022)
Measure to limit wildlife-killing rat, mice poisons is in Senate hands (Sept 22, 2022)
Somerville, Medford rents rise as landlords tout Green Line Extension (Sept 22, 2022, subscribers only)
Removing dams restores river ecology, but the process can take years (Sept 15, 2022)
Is the drought making MA water unsafe? Here’s where e-coli outbreaks have been reported (Sept 12, 2022)
Coalition says just enforcing waste bans would greatly reduce trash (Sept 9, 2022)
Plans show Cambridge nightclub, music venue could become 6-story hotel (Sept 7, 2022)
PHOTOS: Oldtime Baseball Game honors Jim Corsi (Aug 25, 2022)
Beware the Asian longhorned beetle and lanternfly, Mass residents advised (Aug 17, 2022)
Governor’s desk crowded with almost 70 measures still pending (Aug 11, 2022)
Plan E Cambridge City Councils - At A Glance (Mayor in bold) — Comments?
Plan E Cambridge School Committees (and Mayors) At A Glance — Comments?
In case you were wondering about how to make Cambridge’s PR elections independent of how the ballots are counted…
Election Method Comparison – STV/Cincinnati vs. Fractional Transfer – 2021 Cambridge City Council Election (posted Jan 15, 2022)
March-????? Programs (and Beyond) at Fresh Pond Reservation These events are FREE and open to the public. Children are welcome in the company of an adult. |
Fresh Pond Reservation will remain open to the public daily from dawn to dusk. You are all invited to enjoy nature as spring crawls across the landscape of the City’s active drinking water reservoir protection land. Please continue to respect the property by picking up after your pup, making sure all trash makes it to proper receptacles, and respecting all life by leaving only footprints and taking only photographs. The Ranger Station and public restrooms are open from 7am to 7pm. In addition, portable restrooms are available in the parking lots. |
Interested in Volunteering? Get hands on and give back to the land! Contact Ranger Tim at tpuopolo@cambridgeMA.gov to find out more! Unless otherwise specified, please contact Martine at 617-349-6489 or fpr@cambridgema.gov for any RSVPs or questions! Would you like to join Friends of Fresh Pond Reservation? Membership is $10 and can be paid online or sent to 31 Mt. Pleasant St., Cambridge, MA 02138. Keep up to date on events at the Pond. Visit the Friends group website at http://friendsoffreshpond.org to learn more about Friends group activities and the reservation and its inhabitants. A Remembrance of Chip Norton, Watershed Manager for the Cambridge Water Department |
pictures added Mar 27, 2021 scanned from original magazine
[Collier’s Magazine, January 31, 1948]
A Paper read at the Annual Meeting of the National Municipal League at Chicago, April 28, 1904
by Henry N. Wheeler, President of the League
preceded by a Program of the Work of the League for 1904
[original PDF]
Cambridge InsideOut Episodes on CCJ Forum
Cambridge InsideOut currently airs every first and third Tuesday at 6:00pm and 6:30pm with producers/hosts Robert Winters and (sometimes) Patrick Barrett. We will have other guest hosts as well. All shows are posted on YouTube after broadcast.
[complete list of shows - with links to YouTube videos (and now audio too!)]
Cambridge InsideOut Episodes 641-642: Feb 4, 2025 (solo w/Robert Winters)
Cambridge InsideOut Episodes 639-640: Jan 7, 2025 (solo w/Robert Winters)
Cambridge InsideOut Episodes 637-638: Dec 17, 2024 (solo w/Robert Winters)
Cambridge InsideOut Episodes 635-636: Nov 19, 2024 (solo w/Robert Winters)
Cambridge InsideOut Episodes 633-634: Nov 5, 2024 (solo w/Robert Winters)
Cambridge InsideOut Episodes 631-632: Oct 15, 2024 (solo w/Robert Winters)
Cambridge InsideOut Episodes 629-630: Sept 17, 2024 (solo w/Robert Winters)
Cambridge InsideOut Episodes 627-628: Sept 3, 2024 (solo w/Robert Winters)
Cambridge InsideOut Episodes 625-626: Aug 6, 2024 (solo w/Robert Winters)
Cambridge InsideOut Episodes 623-624: July 2, 2024 (solo w/Robert Winters)
Cambridge InsideOut Episodes 621-622: June 18, 2024 (solo w/Robert Winters)
Cambridge InsideOut Episodes 619-620: June 4, 2024 (solo w/Robert Winters)
Cambridge InsideOut Episodes 617-618: May 21, 2024 (solo w/Robert Winters)
Cambridge InsideOut Episodes 615-616: Apr 16, 2024 (solo w/Robert Winters)
Cambridge InsideOut Episodes 613-614: Mar 19, 2024 (solo w/Robert Winters)
Cambridge InsideOut Episodes 611-612: Mar 5, 2024 (solo w/Robert Winters)
Cambridge InsideOut Episodes 609-610: Feb 20, 2024 (solo w/Robert Winters)
Cambridge InsideOut Episodes 607-608: Feb 6, 2024 (solo w/Robert Winters)
Cambridge InsideOut Episodes 605-606: Jan 16, 2024 (solo w/Robert Winters)
Cambridge InsideOut Episodes 603-604: Jan 2, 2024 (solo w/Robert Winters)
Cambridge InsideOut Episodes 63 and 64 with Glenn Koocher
We had a great time doing these shows with the man who invented the original Cambridge InsideOut - Glenn Koocher.
Cambridge InsideOut on CCTV during 2013-2014 featured co-hosts Susana Segat and Robert Winters.
Cambridge InsideOut on CCTV during 2015-2022 featured co-hosts Judy Nathans and Robert Winters.
Cambridge InsideOut on CCTV during 2022-2023 featured co-hosts Patrick Barrett (sometimes) and Robert Winters.
History - Kendall Square and the Cambridge Redevelopment Authority
MBTA Role in Cambridge Center Project – Kendall Station Urban Initiatives Project, 1979-1989 (Feb 13, 2014 by Thad Tercyak)
Kendall Square Urban Renewal Project: Six Pivotal Episodes (June 8, 2013 by Thad Tercyak)
Kendall Square Urban Renewal Project, Initial Years, 1963 to 1982 (July 12, 2012 by Thad Tercyak)
Kendall Square Urban Renewal Area – Cambridge Redevelopment Authority (Apr 5, 2012)
Open for Comments - CCJ Forum
List of all CCJ Forum posts (2009 – present) – reverse chronologically with author’s name (originally Aug 14, 2022 - updated automatically)
Grace: The History of Black Churches in Cambridge (posted Feb 10, 2025)
Current City of Cambridge Board and Commission Vacancies (updated Feb 11, 2025)
The Other Shoe Drops – February 10, 2025 Cambridge City Council meeting (posted Feb 10, 2025, updated Feb 11)
Trumping History – February 3, 2025 Cambridge City Council meeting (posted Feb 3, 2025, updated Feb 4)
It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Flushing – January 27, 2025 Cambridge City Council meeting (posted Jan 26, 2025, updated Jan 28)
Special Committee of the Whole on the City Charter – Monday, January 27, 2025 (posted Jan 26, 2025)
Meet the New Year, Same as the Old Year – January 6, 2025 Cambridge City Council meeting (posted Jan 4, 2025, updated Jan 7)
Random Thoughts – February 14, 2024 (posted Feb 14, 2024)
Cambridge Municipal Election News – 2023 (originally posted Oct 25, updated periodically)
Plan E Cambridge School Committees (and Mayors) At A Glance (originally posted Jan 21, 2022, updated Jan 1, 2024)
Plan E Cambridge City Councils At A Glance (originally posted Jan 21, 2022, updated Jan 1, 2024)
Municipal Election Voting Comparison: 2021 vs. 2023 (and then some) (posted Dec 16, 2023)
Voter Success and Number of Candidates – Cambridge Municipal Elections (updated Nov 26, 2023)
Rally at City Hall – Oct 9, 2023 (posted Oct 10, 2023)
What is the main message of The Crucible? (posted Oct 7, 2023)
Now It’s My Turn To Speak – by Robert Winters (Oct 2, 2023 - message from candidate Robert Winters)
New Video Series Opens With Focus on Cambridge’s Charter Leading to Plan E (posted May 16, 2023)
Municipal Broadband or Municipal Boondoggle (posted Mar 13, 2023)
A chronology of the 1972 conflict over Proportional Representation in Cambridge (posted Feb 24, 2023)
Arlington to Harvard Square on a Bicycle (by John Allen, posted Jan 31, 2023)
Alice Wolf: 1933-2023 (posted Jan 28, 2023)
An Idea Whose Time Has Come Again – Redress of Grievances (posted Jan 26, 2023)
Completing the Square [originally posted June 11, 2013]
On Love and Elections (Dec 26, 2022 by David Goode)
Sheila Doyle Russell – City Councillor, Mayor, and Friend (posted Dec 13, 2022)
HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE – Rev. Lucius Paige, 1877 – INDIAN HISTORY (posted Nov 25, 2022)
A word or two about Cambridge property tax increases (posted Nov 1, 2022)
April 1 Cambridge News – Somerville Invades Cambridge! (posted Apr 1, 2022)
Election Method Comparison – STV/Cincinnati vs. Fractional Transfer – 2021 Cambridge City Council Election (posted Jan 15, 2022)
City of Cambridge Releases Comprehensive Digital Equity Study (posted Apr 20, 2021)
HOW TO BREAK A POLITICAL MACHINE – Collier’s Magazine, Jan 31, 1948 (posted Sept 24, 2020, updated Mar 27, 2021)
A few observations on density (posted Feb 16, 2021)
Cambridge Growth Policy – Toward a Sustainable Future (posted Oct 31, 2018)
The Advent of PR in Cambridge (Nov 10, 2013)
Completing the Square (June 11, 2013)
On becoming a True Cantabrigian (Dec 29, 2012 by Glenn Koocher)
April Fools’ Day - 2022 (and here)
April Fools’ Day - 2017 (and here) April Fools’ Day - 2016 (and here)
April Fools’ Day - 2015 (and here) April Fools’ Day - 2013 (and here)
The Advent of PR in Cambridge
originally published in the Cambridge Civic Journal on Feb 12, 1998
Central Square Advisory Committee 2011/2012 Recommendations (Nov 28, 2012) |
The Neverending Study of Central Square
Aug 11, 2012 - While preparing to write a series of essays on Central Square, I put together the following list of Central Square studies culled from a variety of sources. I have originals for most of these. If you know of any others, please let me know. - Robert Winters
Feb 1980 - CDD report entitled “Central Square - Commercial Area Revitalization District”
June 1980 - CDD booklet entitled “Facade Improvements” with focus on Central Square
Apr 1983 - “Central Square Report” produced by City Council’s Central Square Subcommittee (study began in 1980 or 1981)
1987 - A report produced in 1987 about a Subcommittee that allegedly built on the 1983 report (may be same as Central Square Action Plan)
Nov 1987 - Central Square Action Plan
1989 - Draft Central Square Development Guidelines
May 1993 - Results of the “Mayor’s Forum on Central Square”
Oct 1993 - Report by the Committee to Promote and Enhance Central Square Now!
Aug 1994 - A Study of the Visual Images and Signage of Central Square (CDD)
May 1995 - Central Square Improvements Project, Master Plan Report
May 1995 - An Urban Design Plan for Central Square (executive summary)
May 2001 - Summary Notes from “A Conversation about Central Square”
Feb 2000 - The Gibbs Report, Central Square Commercial Market Study - Executive Summary (June 30, 1999)
Oct 2004 - Central Square, Cambridge - Rising Fortunes at a Regional Crossroads (Rekha Murthy)
Dec 2004 - Reviving a Traditional City - Central Square, Cambridge, gets a facelift (Rekha Murthy)
June 2005 - Street Media: Ambient Messages in an Urban Space - a photographic analysis of Central Square, Cambridge, Massachusetts (Rekha Murthy)
2009 - CDD Central Square Customer Intercept Survey Report
2011 - Central Square Market Profile
2011 - Red Ribbon Commission Study Report
2012 - Goody/Clancy report and recommendations
2013 - K2C2 Final Reports (Dec 30, 2013)
The final reports for Kendall Square and Central Square are now available for download. Zoning discussions based on the recommendations of the K2 and C2 Advisory Committees, which are encapsulated in these reports, will continue in 2014.
Kendall Square Central Square Planning Study (K2C2)
Central Square Final Report 2013 Part 1, December 2013 (K2C2)
Central Square Final Report 2013 Part 2, December 2013 (K2C2)
Kendall Square Final Report 2013 Part 1, December 2013 (K2C2)
Kendall Square Final Report 2013 Part 2, December 2013 (K2C2)
This comprehensive planning effort guided by stakeholder advisory committees, City staff, and a team of multidisciplinary consultants led by Goody Clancy, developed a vision and master plan for Central Square, Kendall Square, and the area South of Main Street (including the Osborn Triangle) connecting the two squares. Both final reports are divided into two parts; in each case you will need to review both parts to read the entire report.
FYI - Current Rules and Goals: Cambridge City Council & Cambridge School Committee
City Council Rules 2024-2025 (as amended Mar 25, 2024)
City Council Rules 2022-2023 (as amended Nov 21, 2022)
City Council Rules 2020-2021 (as amended Oct 26, 2020)
City Council Rules 2018-2019 (adopted January 29, 2018; provisionally adopted for 2020-2021 term on Jan 6, 2020)
City Council Rules 2014-2015 (adopted January 7, 2014, amended Feb 10, 2014 to reflect revised Council committees)
City Council Goals - FY2018 (current, adopted Oct 16, 2017)
City Council Goals - FY2012-2013 (adopted Dec 13, 2011)
City Council Committees (for the current term)
School Committee Rules (Adopted January 1, 2018; Revised June 19, 2018)
School Committee Rules (adopted January 7, 2008) School Committee Goals (adopted October 7, 2008)
Civic Infrastructure - 2009
June 7, 2009 - Once upon a time there was a civic organization in Cambridge known as the Cambridge Civic Association (CCA). It was formed in 1945 out of several organizations that had been existed through the 1930s and that had lobbied the state legislature to create the Plan E Charter option (1938) which featured a city manager form of government and proportional representation elections for city council and school committee. These reforms were central to model charter reform movements active in the United States from the early 1900s. The central theme of the CCA in its early days was “good government” in the sense of being anti-patronage and for professionally managed local government. This changed with the introduction of rent control at the end of the 1960s after which the CCA shifted leftward and became permanently lashed to the mast of the rent control vessel. Though the CCA still exists on paper (I believe), it rapidly declined after the statewide abolition of rent control (late 1994) and essentially disappeared a decade later (early 2005).
I bring up the ghost of the CCA today only to point out that when it was created it had some very admirable goals. Here’s the original Mission Statement of the CCA:
Purposes: This association is formed for the following purposes:
- To promote businesslike, honest, and efficient conduct of local government, open to public scrutiny.
- To induce residents to take an active interest in the affairs of the City of Cambridge.
- To encourage and support the candidacy of men and women seeking election to public office and to support intelligent, wholesome leadership in public affairs.
- To assure that the best qualified persons are appointed to positions in the City government after consideration of all qualified candidates.
- To promote among the citizens of Cambridge equitable distribution and benefit of public services and equal opportunity for economic security, education, and social advancement.
These are pretty good founding principles for a civic organization and I’m tempted to say that some should be incorporated into the recently adopted City Council’s Goals for FY2010 (adopted Feb 2, 2009). In fact, of the 22 current goals, the only one that comes close is: “An increased level of recruitment and opportunities for membership on boards and commissions.” The current Council goals emphasize things like “fostering community” via block parties and such, though one has to wonder if the City should be promoting these activities or just getting out of the way so that people can foster community on their own. The goals also seem to put some emphasis on developing “successful nightlife campaigns” while mentioning nothing about promoting ordinary “daytime” economic activity that supports the everyday needs of residents.
One founding principle of the CCA that fell into disuse over the years is listed above as #3: To encourage and support the candidacy of men and women seeking election to public office and to support intelligent, wholesome leadership in public affairs. Indeed, I can personally testify to the fact that in its dying years the only reason the CCA made endorsements at all was because the CCA-endorsed incumbents wanted the benefit of having an advertised CCA slate of candidates that would help secure their reelection. There was precious little effort to recruit new candidates or to support them. Today, the benefits of incumbency are greater than ever. The cost of political campaigns have become absurdly high and most of the incumbents now have (City paid) staff who are inevitably political appointees who directly or indirectly assist in the reelection efforts of their bosses. The deck is increasingly stacked against challengers. Furthermore, the salary and benefits for elected councillors are now so sweet that it is unlikely that any of them would ever want to move on to another job.
With this background in mind, I would like to encourage all Cambridge residents to help level the playing field by finding out about this year’s challengers for seats on the Cambridge City Council and the Cambridge School Committee. This is not meant as a dig against any particular incumbent as much as an appeal to support the challengers in what is a difficult and laudable effort. Please see the Cambridge Candidate Pages for the current list of expected candidates. Then use your own judgment - don’t expect me or anyone else to do it for you.
Speaking of this year’s municipal election, there are some activists who are now expending great effort to attack the City Manager and most of the current City Council. That is not nor has it ever been the intention of the Cambridge Civic Journal or its editor. Candidates are now being seduced by financial promises from one angry fellow with a Brattle Street address and a basketful of grudges. Former CCA Executive Board members from its darkest and most manipulative days are oozing up from the civic swamp trying to at last make good on their failed campaigns of the early 1990s to oust city manager Bob Healy.
It’s entertaining to watch people who have primarily earned disrespect in their civic efforts try to capitalize on the recent Monteiro jury decision as a means of realizing their decades-old vendettas. Conveniently forgotten in their recent letters to Cambridge’s “oldest weekly newspaper” are the many achievements of City Manager Bob Healy, the strong financial position of the City, and the recent 8-1 vote of confidence bestowed upon Mr. Healy in granting him a three year contract extension. Also missing in this testimony is the fact that virtually all affirmative action in the hiring of employees and department heads has taken place on Mr. Healy’s watch. These letters also fail to divulge how long these writers have been carrying their jealousy and anger toward Mr. Healy for actually orchestrating progress in Cambridge while the best they could ever do is snipe from the sidelines. - Robert Winters
This Old Land of Cambridge - The true story of the geological history of Cambridge - by George Ehrenfried
Sadly, George passed away (Jan 5, 2010) at the age of 96. He led many a geology-themed hike with the AMC Local Walks/Hikes.
Selected City of Cambridge References:
Plan E Charter (Cambridge’s city charter)
Acts of 1921, Chapter 239 as amended (establishment of Cambridge Election Commission)
Mass. General Laws Chapter 54A (governing Cambridge’s PR elections)
Pen Portraits of Prominent People - by Henry J. Mahoney Editor, Cambridge Sentinel - 1923
This book was published c. 1923 and features very witty one-page “pen portraits” (with photo) of prominent Cantabrigians of the day. I’ll be adding names alphabetically as time permits. There are 182 portraits in the book.
It comes to mind that there may be some value in expanding these profiles to other prominent Cantabrigians who arrived on the scene after 1923, including prominent Cantabrigians of today. With this in mind, I extend the invitation to any and all who may wish to contribute their own “pen portraits” of Cambridge people. Contributions do not necessarily have to be in the style of Mr. Mahoney. Inclusion is, as always, subject to the erratic discretion of the editor.
Special thanks to Karen Welch for sending me the book. - RW
Political History of Cambridge in the 20th Century - by Glenn Koocher (Nov 2004); edited by Robert Winters (July 2006)
[An alternate edit of this essay appeared, along with many other valuable essays, in a
centennial volume to be published by the Cambridge Historical Society in 2007.]
Which People’s Republic - by Bill Cunningham (1999)
Cambridge School Volunteers is looking for people who can give one to two hours per week to help students in the Cambridge Public Schools, grades K through 12. No experience necessary. Call 617-349-6794 or e-mail csv@cpsd.us for more details. |
![]() Robert Winters, Editor Cambridge Civic Journal (about me - updated!!) |
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![]() The Cambridge Civic Journal is an independent newsletter of civic affairs in the City of Cambridge, Massachusetts. It is published as a public service by Central Square Publications. All items are written by Robert Winters unless otherwise noted. [Of course, I do sometimes forget.] |
Thoughts for these times: “This is our fucking city, and nobody is gonna dictate our freedom. Stay strong.” -- David Ortiz “The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.” – Plato |
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“The Number One thing I would emphasize is that journalists and bloggers would do well to see themselves as partners in the provision of information and that each can benefit greatly from the other. I’ve never seen this as a competition. It is especially true these days that local papers and young journalists are not very well-versed in the communities they serve. Much of the institutional memory has either died out or been bought out.” – Robert Winters, mathematician and creator of the Cambridge Civic Journal, an online publication about Cambridge, MA (rwinters.com)
Jorkin: “Come, come, Mr. Fezziwig, we’re good friends besides good men of business. We’re men of vision and progress. Why don’t you sell out while the going’s good? You’ll never get a better offer. It’s the age of the machine, and the factory, and the vested interests. We small traders are ancient history, Mr. Fezziwig.” Fezziwig: “It’s not just for money alone that one spends a lifetime building up a business, Mr. Jorkin…. It’s to preserve a way of life that one knew and loved. No, I can’t see my way to selling out to the new vested interests, Mr. Jorkin. I’ll have to be loyal to the old ways and die out with them if needs must.” Scrooge: “I think I know what Mr. Fezziwig means, sir.” Jorkin: “Oh, you hate progress and money, too, do you?” Scrooge: “I don’t hate them, sir, but perhaps the machines aren’t such a good thing for mankind, after all.” Memorable scene in “A Christmas Carol” |