Cambridge InsideOut schedule - week-by-week schedule

Cambridge InsideOutRobert & Judy on Cambridge InsideOutNote: We’re actively seeking guests for the show. If you would like to do either a single or a double segment on some topic or if you have some significant news updates or if you have anything else to say of interest to the hosts, let me know and we’ll consider scheduling you on the show. Each segment is 27 minutes long (assuming we start on time) and it’s important to get to the studio a little early (5:45pm for the 6:00pm show, for example). The hosts (Judy Nathans, Patrick Barrett, Robert Winters and others) prefer to schedule guests with whom we can have an actual conversation, so it’s helpful if we know at least a little about whatever you’d like to talk about on the show. We can switch back and forth to websites during the show to provide greater detail, and we can pre-load any such detail onto a web page if it is provided at least a day before the show. - RW

The CCTV studios are open again, but we’re still doing remote live broadcasts for now.
We may also produce some pre-recorded Cambridge InsideOut shows (with guests!).
Episode 641 (Tues, Feb 4, 2025 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Broadway fire, importance of setbacks for fire safety and access; Multi-family Housing Zoning (a.k.a. Bigger Cambridge Zoning), concerns about heights, density, setbacks, stairwells, elevators; bad planning in crisis mentality; Broadway bike lane controversy, restrictions on emergency vehicles, misinformation about bike safety, importance of visibility; bulldozing Cambridge history; misguided leftist opposition to surveillance for police work, unsolved murders; Alewife MBTA excavation; $65K appropriation for Bisesquicentennial; appointments to “Broadway Safety Improvement Project” Working Group
Episode 642 (Tues, Feb 4, 2025 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Hostility of some city councillors; advocate says only people with driveways should own cars; rumors of DSA strong mayor ballot question; history on nonpartisan municipal elections, drifting back to the dark ages; Sanctuary City or Welcoming City concerns, inability of federal government to address immigration; PILOT agreements, political hunger to fund pet programs; delegating curb cut authority to staff; Neville Center refinancing; notable passings; City Charter proposals re: budget control, appointing City Solicitor, direct election of mayor, 4-year City Council terms, Council approval of department heads, diminishing citizen redress and prohibitions against interference, need for better mechanism for accountability within City departments
Episode 639 (Tues, Jan 7, 2025 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Remembering those we lost in 2024; death of former Cambridge Superintendent of Schools Robert S. Peterkin and some comments on the Cambridge Public Schools, the ultimate futility of social engineering; no paper of record; unwelcome City Hall, rumor, innuendo, and defamation; dissing the public as “neighborhood defenders” and NIMBYs; some truth about the AHO; the good leverage of the Special Permit process; the “Ending Exclusionary Zoning” trojan horse, eliminating setbacks, maximizing height and density; some issues with proportional representation; Neville Center; Job Training Trust Home Rule Petition; amendments to Cycling Safety Ordinance, misrepresentation of facts by advocates
Episode 640 (Tues, Jan 7, 2025 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Fines or taxes for vacant storefronts and commercial properties - or a better approach; infinite extension of cannabis business gaming of the economics; choosing to not be inside the tent, saying what you think; Draw One Bridge Replacement and retrograde activism, better proposals such as the Charles River Dam Walkway and the new North Washington Street bridge; Charter revision status report and some dreadful alternate proposals pending from incumbents re: budget control, appointing City Solicitor, direct election of mayor, 4-year City Council terms (with major changes in election quota) w/o any recall provision, Council approval of department heads
Episode 637 (Tues, Dec 17, 2024 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Remembering Vici Casana and the early days of Cambridge Recycling; Flexible Parking Zoning petition; Rethinking One-Way Garden Street; coming controversy of Broadway Bike Lanes; City Manager contract extension pending; streetcorner dedication moratorium; John Tagiuri resolution; Whitney's Bar closure controversy and Gerald Chan properties; City Clerk cleaning up City Council neglect; Iram Farooq exiting CDD for Harvard; Charter Review Meeting and votes
Episode 638 (Tues, Dec 17, 2024 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Sanctuary City resolutions; Porchfest pilot pending; Two-way Garden Street and the Untouchable Cycling Safety Ordinance; MBTA should adhere to Cambridge's Asbestos Protection Ordinance; Last word on DSA and defamation; Draw One Bridge Replacement; A Brief History of Big Ideas and Plans - Some Whose Time Never Came; Charles River Dam Walkway; Proposed Colossal Upzoning sold as Multifamily Housing Citywide
Episode 635 (Tues, Nov 19, 2024 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Post-election recap, insane campaign spending, strange Cabinet choices; possible ramifications for sanctuary cities”, possible effects on federal funds, housing eligibility, transportation projects, effect on property tax levy to compensate; misunderstanding democracy, people staying in their respective silos; the Moulton reaction and refusal to moderate; Resident Satisfaction Survey - what it says and doesn’t say; traffic obstruction as City policy; things the City can fix vs. things they cannot; non-solutions to housing affordability; massive upzoning proposed; misrepresentation of the electorate; Advisory Committee appointments; non-negotiable mandates; growing problem of City departments choosing citizen advisory committees based on the outcomes that they want, irony of non-representative appointments in a city with proportional representation elections, need for better outreach and recruitment; drought and fire hazards continue
Episode 636 (Tues, Nov 19, 2024 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Many opportunities for City boards and commissions; City Council diminution of authority of the Planning Board, growing City Council opposition to public input; process underway to ruin Broadway for the Cycling Safety Ordinance, removal of 75% of parking - all a done deal to rubber-stamp plans of City staff, possible political backlash, Traffic and Parking Department and other City departments don’t care; Linkage fee increases, Nexus studies, and proposal for Job Training Trust - how much is too much?; Dramatic upzoning proposal disguised as “ending exclusionary zoning” - potential for major political backlash, dumping all the negative effects onto the “corridors” for political expedience; status of possible City Charter changes - things that could use revision and things that should remain
Episode 633 (Tues, Nov 5, 2024 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Election Day 2024; City Hall Inscription restored; State Ballot Questions; poor Presidential choices, political dysfunction, no choices in most elections; democracy not just about winner-take-all; putting the “united” back in United States; speed humps and bumps; solar systems; kerfuffle over Sqa Sachem; proposed Jobs Training Trust and Linkage
Episode 634 (Tues, Nov 5, 2024 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Tax rates, assessments, tax levy; pet programs (Rise Up) may not be fundable; Supersized Zoning Petition - obliterating current residential zoning districts; unacceptable alternatives; disingenuous CDD presentation, misinterpretation of Envision Cambridge process; lazy and arrogant planning; blocking public input; Central Square Rezoning and local pushback
Episode 631 (Tues, Oct 15, 2024 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Cambridge Mosaic; Joan Pickett memorial; Cathie Zusy elected; Bow Tie Ride and Brattle Street crash; Memorial Drive fatality, short-term and long-term redesigns, Beacon Yards and Mass Pike realignment; Ballot Questions 1 and 2
Episode 632 (Tues, Oct 15, 2024 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Ballot Questions 3-5; Tax Rate Hearing and Vote, tax bills coming; A Bigger Cambridge upzoning proposals being sold as “ending exclusionary zoning”; disconnect between ideologues and residents; Central Square rezoning
Episode 629 (Tues, Sept 17, 2024 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Constitution Day; Open Archives Roadshow; Boomer Kennedy; Women in Trades; Bob LaTrémouille; Red McGrail; Joan Pickett memorial service; Cambridge Mosaic; Vacancy Recount; Decker/MacKay Recount; charter reconsideration and consensus
Episode 630 (Tues, Sept 17, 2024 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Boards & Commissions; “emergency” extension of Cannabis Permitting Ordinance; Vail Court, lost opportunities, let the planners plan; Housing Committee super-size proposal, ABC hostility and arrogance; MBTA Communities Act - Cambridge as example; soft targets bear the burden; political fallout; perfect tax storm coming soon
Episode 627 (Tues, Sept 3, 2024 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Death of Cambridge City Councillor Joan Pickett; Vacancy Recount to be scheduled to elect Cathie Zusy - actual procedure, alternatives, history of Plan E vacancies 1941-present; brutality and disrespect of anonymous commenting; a clearer view of Joan Pickett
Episode 628 (Tues, Sept 3, 2024 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Shallowness of local press; Councillor Pickett’s actual views on bicycle and pedestrian safety and compromise; Sept 3 Primary; 77 supervoters; lack of candidates, choices; commentary on Decker-MacKay contest; Meet Your Neighbor Day; Boards and Commissions - Volunteer Opportunities - best education money can’t buy; Pre-K startup; $100 tickets for street cleaning; Oldtime Baseball; City Charter commentary; rejuvenation of local news; Central Square zoning
Episode 625 (Tues, Aug 6, 2024 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topic: Starlight Square Best Last Day, possible futures; Appreciation of Harvard Summer School & Brigadoon; Cambridge Jazz Festival and appreciation of my neighbors; Oldtime Baseball Game coming Aug 22; openings on City Boards & Commissions - like going to school with free tuition plus being a good citizen; City Council supports psychedelics; Zooming backwards
Episode 626 (Tues, Aug 6, 2024 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Aug 5 City Council highlights; Universal pre-K updates and Interim School Superintendent David Murphy; $ for bodycams; Vision Zero and bicycle safety updates, the intersection question, the importance of simplicity, education and enforcement; AHO annual report; large screen TVs for CHA buildings - for City Council meetings?; Charter change process and supermajority support, election method misconceptions; redevelopment of Alewife garage/station and the possibilities; Order on funding local news withdrawn; Tenants Rights ordinance amendment; retirement of Cara Seiderman
Episode 623 (Tues, July 2, 2024 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topic: Starlight Square Retrospective: 2020-2024

Starlight Square slide show is here - and images will be added.
Click on images to scroll through.

Episode 624 (Tues, July 2, 2024 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Possible future of Starlight Square - floating some ideas; compatibility with housing; creating a Square within the Square; working with abutting property owners for best solutions; the problem of self-appointed spokespersons for people they don’t represent; cyclist fatalities at Mt Auburn/DeWolfe and now at Hampshire/Portland, the problem with intersections and visibility, better solutions needed, hostility and vengefulness by bike lane advocates; noteworthy board appointments; Central Lots Study and future zoning considerations continue - “hurry up and wait”; PILOT agreements; upcoming meetings of interest; accountability of Affordable Housing Trust; Charter Review status - what should happen, keep it simple; DPW gratitude; Cambridge Jazz Festival coming July 27; government role in local news? - reinvention needed, a problem that needs to be solved; a final note on Presidential election prospects
Episode 621 (Tues, June 18, 2024 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Harvard Summer School; Recent (Riverfest) and upcoming festivals and events (Juneteenth, Spelling Bee, Fresh Pond Day, Citywide Dance Party, Starlight Lovefest); World Champion Celtics; Red Sox rising; Mayor Simmons mutual interests, solving the mystery of the shrinking annual reports; Municipal Facilities Improvement Plan and fiscal constraints; reviving local news, public funding, objectivity, right ways and wrong ways, the larger questions, future of Cambridge Chronicle, the purpose of a “paper of record”, democracy dies in darkness
Episode 622 (Tues, June 18, 2024 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Best ways to augment democracy with healthy environment of objective information, community voices, marshalling existing resources - the overdue conversation that needs to happen, Cambridge once had 5 newspapers covering Cambridge; cyclist death at Mt Auburn/DeWolfe and aftermath; some City bicycle planning not consistent with bicycle safety at intersections, the limits of signalization, the importance of simplicity; consideration of possible charter changes - simple is best; Cambridge Public Schools and dismissal of Superintendent Victoria Greer; ongoing planning for Central Square - and reactions from abutters
Episode 619 (Tues, June 4, 2024 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Recycling updates, zero waste plan 2.0, Hazardous Waste Day; FY2025 Budget Adopted - nearly a billion dollars, significant increases over time and especially this year; potential tax implications for fall; reorganization of some City departments - Executive and CDD; sizable 34.3% increase in Mayor’s Office budget; Charter Review status and Gov’t Operations Committee; Planning Board appointments and voracious appetite of some city councillors for behind-the-scenes control or public inquisition; Ronayne Petition v. Supersize proposals
Episode 620 (Tues, June 4, 2024 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Ronayne Petition v. Supersize proposals for residential zoning, legalizing multi-family housing; preference for diversity of housing stock rather than supersize everywhere; turning Cambridge into Flushing and rents don’t go down; artificial affordability via subsidy; Central Square zoning discussions and Central Square Lots Study; lunacy of permitting only low-income housing; naive belief that Starlight Square 2.0 would be compatible with high-density housing; Central Square should be more than a social utility - should be a regional draw, need to involve people who currently don’t want to go to Central Square; the perils of onerous Inclusionary Housing requirements; Historical Commission award for our video, the many things we didn’t include in our video; disappearance of the historical role of the wards; need for a history of the Plan E era
Episode 617 (Tues, May 21, 2024 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: End of semester; Outstanding City Employees; Historical Commission Preservation Awards - recognition for John Pitkin, Robert Winters; Harvard and MIT encampments resolved; Salman Rushdie quote; Budget Hearings, the “fiscal crisis” that’s really more of a warning of sticker shock in Fall tax bills for single-, two-, and three-family homeowners; PTDM Ordinance modified, Cycling Safety Ordinance delayed - and the sky did not fall, but there were theatrics and record numbers of communications; nothing but public housing and bike lanes; Order trying to keep Cambridge Police from being involved in campus interventions, perfect response from City Manager re: mutual aid agreements; petition and other proposal to allow multi-family housing in all residential zones - plus A LOT MORE, a defense of maintaining diversity in housing stock, falsehoods promoted by advocates; questions raised by affordable housing advocates, possibility of AHO 3.0.
Episode 618 (Tues, May 21, 2024 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Ronayne Petition vs. Azeem/Farooq/Cotter Petition-To-Be; Tripling the Resident Permit Parking Fee from $25 to $75; $77 million Fire Headquarters, the costs associated with meeting BEUDO standards, cost/benefit considerations - more exorbitant costs likely for future projects, Is it really worth it?; Porchfest for Cambridge? Riverfest, Dance Party coming in June; Central Square Rezoning and Central Square Lots Study - NLTP meeting, curious beliefs about outreach to select community groups, social balkanization - “first and foremost a housing production plan”, Totten wrongheadedness; treating Central Square as a utility rather than a place or destination; not just about nightlife; Charter revision process pending - June 5 Gov’t Operations meeting, unanswered questions, what needs to change and what should not change, the Manager vs. Strong Mayor question, things overlooked by the Charter Review Committee, proper ways of facilitating “redress of grievances” and citizen assemblies.
Episode 615 (Tues, Apr 16, 2024 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Tax Day, StuffSwap, compost giveaway, community meetings, C-Port Neighbors Assn. meeting w/CARE and the Cent. Sq. BID; CSBID background, actions, reauthorization, coming attractions, World’s Fair, Dance Party, resident survey; Eclipse; Multivariable Calculus at CRLS; mathematics in Cambridge schools; the $6100 April Fool; Crimson article on Supt. Greer being asked to resign - true? violation of Executive Session?; the importance of not violating confidence; Graham & Parks principal controversy; ward committees and notion of wards as a better alternative to proposed “citizen assemblies” in charter reform
Episode 616 (Tues, Apr 16, 2024 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Repairing the Cycling Safety Ordinance - original and 2020 revised, problematic implementations, impact of local businesses, political third rail, PTDM and alternate parking arrangements; Cambridge political and civic life should not be dominated by bike lanes; upcoming Budget Hearings in era of fiscal limitations; paradox of tenant protections - need not be warfare; payments-in-lieu-of-taxes (PILOT) legislation; Ronayne Petition, simplifying ADUs, allowing multi-family buildings in all zones, reasonably adjusting FAR; crossing the RR tracks and then some; supervoters down to 77
Episode 613 (Tues, Mar 19, 2024 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Middlesex Canal - history, Sullivan Square to Middlesex Village, Brooks Bridge, Medford, gypsy moth infestation, Pomp’s Wall, extensions from Concord NH to Haymarket Square; knowing where you live - Cambridge and elsewhere; Flushing Remonstrance (1657) and religious freedom in USA; Adopt-A-Drain, volunteerism; Little Things - just be a good citizen; School Committee campaign finance update; Linear Park plans - bikeway or park?
Episode 614 (Tues, Mar 19, 2024 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Linear Park, lack of public process; paradoxical negative climate effects of electrification - increased electrical demand outpacing new energy sources; Reinventing the Wards, organizing in the wards, party ward committees, potential charter changes to create issue-specific “citizen assemblies” - a partisan, biased proposal; creation of nonpartisan ward committees; triple AAA bond ratings for 25th straight year; water & sewer rates; Red Line shutdowns and proposal for fare-free #1 Bus - better than expecting everyone to move to bikes; proposal to restrict conversions to fewer units and unintended consequences; proposal to allow multi-family homes citywide - rationale in Order based on fiction
Episode 611 (Tues, Mar 5, 2024 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Super Tuesday; Iran voting boycott vs. campaign for “No Preference”; Trump vs. Biden; ward committees; City Council less dysfunctional, more collaborative w/City Manager; Finance Committee - levy projections, call for restraint, need to maintain excess levy capacity; use of operating budget for affordable housing has consequences; anticipated 10%+ annual increases in levy coming; fewer building permits - revenue not subject to Prop 2½ limits; commercial values relatively flat - shift of levy from commercial to residential; within residential, condos get sweetest deal after residential exemption and most of the increases borne by single-, two-, and three-family properties; need for intervention now to avoid future need for overrides; councillors had luxury for years in not having to think about limitations; FY24 consolidated spending categories; note that every stick of affordable housing (deed restrictions) has de minimis tax revenue - receive far more value in services that tax generated
Episode 612 (Tues, Mar 5, 2024 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: PERF report - good recommendations, positive evaluation of CPD practices, less-lethal options, CPD first in Mass. with policy on releasing names of involved officers; Central Square Lots Study, zoning changes; other assets, adjacent properties; everyone loves Central Square until they don’t; demise of current Starlight, need for replacement; contradictory signals on more information vs. take action; exclusively “affordable housing” creates net financial negative in perpetuity - math doesn’t work; plan in concert with privately-owned adjacent lots; the never-ending study of Central Square; not just bigger - need to make things better, more creative, more interesting; death of Paul Ryder; Charter Review next steps, desire to control process, facets of City government via Special Acts that should be part of Charter or at least be referenced; housing-related orders re: real estate transfer tax and municipally-funded vouchers (a real budget buster); the more we fund affordable housing the wider the gap in affordability
Episode 609 (Tues, Feb 20, 2024 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Local News - Cambridge and beyond; Valentine’s Day - 46 years; City Council Goals & Objectives; the ordeal of facilitation and training; the value of informality and interaction in committee meetings; 311 vs. SeeClickFix vs. an Ombudsman vs. a simple phone call; benefiting from the existence of a problem; pros and cons of a good idea; upside-down priorities - the essential difference between a city manager and a strong mayor system
Episode 610 (Tues, Feb 20, 2024 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Ambiguity in affordable housing – buy vs. rent, market vs. subsidized; the DEI lens - one lens in addition to effectiveness, efficient delivery of services, and transparency; Envision – quote it when it suits you, ignore it when it doesn’t; the mythology of Central Square progress; Cycling Safety update - drawing conclusions from the inconclusive; Community Safety update - tiptoeing around the HEART problem; foreign policy or not; Charter Review Report gets political right out of the gate
Episode 607 (Tues, Feb 6, 2024 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Charles Fried and a Capitol tale; Peter Valentine archive; Mapping Black Cambridge; campaign finance wrap-up; Gaza capitulation and activist misbehavior; the long history of foreign policy at the Cambridge City Council; City gobbling up Central Square; what’s in store for ’24
Episode 608 (Tues, Feb 6, 2024 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Campaign Finance - 2023 election 6) January 29, 2024 Cambridge City Council meeting Gaza, Ceasefire, etc. 7) City Council Committee Assignments 8) The Inaugural Protest, the Jan 8 Protest, and Future Disruptions - Time to Amend the Rules 9) Government Operations - Amending the Rules 10) Catching Up on the (Official) Cambridge News 11) Charter Review Final Report 12) What’s in Store for 2024? 13) Some history of proportional representation elections in the world, the USA, in Massachusetts, and in Cambridge 14) The need for an actual Cambridge Civic Association 15) Civic Calendar
Episode 605 (Tues, Jan 16, 2024 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Shout out to DPW; OCPF reports due Jan 20; Council committees pending; Clean Slate at Jan 8 Council meeting; Jerry’s Pond; dealing with the nonresident protesters and bad political theater
Episode 606 (Tues, Jan 16, 2024 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Looking back at the 2022-23 City Council term and ahead to the 2024-25 term; single-issue advocacy at the root of the problem, need for cost/benefit analysis - examples with transportation, housing, energy; Charter considerations; phantom Traffic Board; confounded analysis of slate voting; and a Big Wish for better Squares and more fun
Episode 603 (Tues, Jan 2, 2024 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: City Council and School Committee Inaugural Meetings - entertainment courtesy of PSL (Party for Socialism and Liberation); Mayor Denise Simmons; protests and groupthink; Simmons appointments guaranteed better than predecessor; Charter considerations pending; Resignation of Harvard President Claudine Gay and other Harvard observations; university presidents as fundraisers
Episode 604 (Tues, Jan 2, 2024 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Globe article on Bernie Goldberg, Brookline Lunch; Charter Review Committee - horror of Zoom-only process, nothing binding, strong mayor vs. manager form, bad behavior of CRC member(s), voting age, non-citizen voting, term length, recall provisions, at-large PR elections, citizen assemblies, citizen petitions, citizen initiative petitions, late proposals rejected, policy order vs. “action” orders; some highlights/lowlights of 2022-23 City Council term
Episode 601 (Tues, Nov 21, 2023 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Notable Passings: Teresa Neighbor, Gregg Moree, Kevin Glynn; a personal tale of candidacy, the politics of personal destruction, the lack of a viable local press, and “taking one for the team”; Gaza takes center stage; municipal election results - City Council and School Committee; election mechanics, configuration files, ballot data files; the problem of ballot order dependence and how to fix it
Episode 602 (Tues, Nov 21, 2023 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Replacements in the event of a vacancy; The Comedy of Voting Errors; Ward/Precinct #1 Vote distribution; neighborhood bases of support; great disparity in voter turnout among precincts and disproportional representation; #2 Vote Distribution from the ballot data; Cost per #1 Vote; some history of proportional representation historically and in the United States and in Massachusetts; Question: Proportional to what?
Episode 599 (Tues, Sept 19, 2023 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Patrick
Topics: Candidate’s Eye View of municipal election, candidate forums; national focus ≠ local competence; some observations on endorsing organizations; AHO restricting housing growth; “100% affordable” vs. mixed-income housing; Special Permit alternative with good criteria; false dichotomy of affordable housing vs. commercial/lab; actual cost of deed-restricted units
Episode 600 (Tues, Sept 19, 2023 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Patrick
Topics: The Never-Ending Study of Central Square and City Council Policy Order; Zoning Reform; C2 Study recommendations now ready for prime time; Arts & Entertainment + Housing; the short-sightedness of only “100% affordable”, deed-restricted housing; infeasible housing policies; let planners actually plan; in support of big audacious plans and reimagination; getting past anti-capitalism and decommodification; quoting Envision while ignoring it
Episode 597 (Tues, Sept 5, 2023 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Patrick
Topics: Municipal election updates; changing hats; Candidate Pages - many good new candidates; endorsing organizations; the problematic “Bike Pledge” and the fallacy of perfection of the Cycling Safety Ordinance; misinterpretation of election results and slates; feeders vs. preferred candidates; the purpose of proportional representation - and the need for a strong executive; bringing ideas rather than beliefs; representation vs. advocacy; perverse candidate questionnaires; deviation from party line may lead to job loss or non-appointment - a problem in democracy; tax troubles on the horizon
Episode 598 (Tues, Sept 5, 2023 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Patrick
Topics: Taxes, tax classification, and Prop 2½; fiction and promise of candidate handcards; taking wrong roads toward housing affordability; the problem of earmarking housing for specific groups; driving vs. “The T” and delusional thinking; looking at housing and transportation holistically, unilateral “solutions” are not solutions; Cambridge is better because of its diversity of housing styles and densities; solving problems or just taking down “the aristocracy”; the need to walk and observe; CDD undoing decades of better planning; lefties need to find more joy in life
Episode 595 (Tues, Aug 1, 2023 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Patrick
Topics: Municipal election updates - final list of candidates; proposed 2030 gas ban amendment - de minimus benefit, detrimental effect on commercial kitchens, cultural discrimination; the problem of elected officials who don’t care what you think, exerting control and accomplishing little; half truths sold as whole cloth
Episode 596 (Tues, Aug 1, 2023 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Patrick
Topics: Interesting candidates and not just radicals; civic resources and appreciation; the positive aspects of candidacy; Candidate Pages - individuals, not organizations; tail wagging the dog - bike lanes and AHO, narrow interests attempting to define the election issues; AHO - violating planning and zoning principles, the big lie of addressing affordability; the “other issues” that may be far more important; Is proportional representation really proportional?
Episode 593 (Tues, July 18, 2023 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Patrick
Topics: Saundra Graham; municipal election updates, candidates; Charter concerns; state of the Council; representatives vs. activists, democrats vs. progressives; the problem with City Council Aides; troubles in the Mayor’s Office; Ned Sennott - reporter-councillor; councillor never meant as a full-time profession
Episode 594 (Tues, July 18, 2023 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Patrick
Topics: Platform? - just be a representative; School Committee challenges - do the math; School Committee candidates; fallacy of throwing money and expecting solutions; loss of multi-families and disappearance of working/middle class; market distortions; myth of the Cambridge-centric universe; mandates as lazy governance; subculture of smart and reasonable people
Episode 591 (Tues, June 20, 2023 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Patrick
Topics: Charter history; municipal election updates; activists are not representatives; problem of single-issue candidates and organizations; recollections of Independents vs. Cambridge Civic Association (CCA); current inability to evaluate and modify; the problem with pledges; questionable effectiveness of BEUDO and other climate-related ordinances; voluntary actions vs. City Council mandates
Episode 592 (Tues, June 20, 2023 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Patrick
Topics: Grading the 2022-23 City Council on a curve; local initiatives written by national players; ideology vs. effectiveness; theory vs. reality in residential development; cumulative effect of regulations; few prospects for evaluation and revision; working with economics vs. fighting it; fallacy of command and control; idiocy of conjugating the Charter Right; citizen outrage as a barometer of policy failure; responsiveness vs. unresponsiveness of elected officials; municipal election mode - all goodness and light
Episode 589 (Tues, June 6, 2023 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: Central Square updates - Starlight Square and a shoutout to Matt Boyes-Watson, Nina Berg, and especially Brian Wright; Cambridge Police doing the work; politicizing the moment and jumping on board the latest ideological train; looking back at the craziness of Covid, getting back to living; “saving capitalism one screw at a time”; retail spaces as amenities rather than as profit centers; Popportunists coming to Columbia Street
Episode 590 (Tues, June 6, 2023 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: Municipal Election Calendar; time to declare intentions for City Council or School Committee; dumbing down in the name of social justice; education and lifting people up; candidacy takes courage - putting yourself out there - service, not a career; need for a broad range of candidates and a lot of voter education; small “d” democrats vs. performative progressives; Sullivan Chamber as community theater; BEUDO - incentives and support vs. mandates; CDD as an activist organization; upzoning petitions on parade
Episode 587 (Tues, May 2, 2023 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: John Clifford and Central Square heroes; AHO - different rules for different people; when bigger and denser is your only goal; starting with conclusions; Vision Zero fantasies; public policy driven by social media; the consequences of living in a news desert
Episode 588 (Tues, May 2, 2023 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: FY2024 Budget, shifting allocations, growth of City Manager’s Office; self-congratulation vs. public information; questioning Cambridge Public Schools; Tax Classification, shift from commercial to residential, abatements anticipated with vacancies; cumulative effect of regulations; golden geese in decline; kerfuffle over Riverbend Park
Episode 585 (Tues, Apr 4, 2023 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: Development standards and costs; cumulative effect of ordinances, regulations, and other requirements; Inclusionary housing, Linkage and nexus studies; economies of scale benefitting major players; memories of rent control driving properties from small-scale to large-scale owners; more diverse ownership preferable
Episode 586 (Tues, Apr 4, 2023 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: Charter Review; ideas of charter changes; proportional representation; elected office as service and not as a career; redress of grievances in previous charters; charter provisions as guardrails; history of revised ordinances after charter change
Episode 583 (Tues, Mar 21, 2023 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Judy Nathans
Topics: Cambridge Police Department (CPD) policies, analysis, bodycams, tasers, alternatives, rarity of officer-involved shootings; HEART, potential conflicts with CPD; PSL protests and threatened occupation; naiveté of the press and blogosphere
Episode 584 (Tues, Mar 21, 2023 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Judy Nathans
Topics: Municipal Broadband, CCTV funding, Cable TV vs. Internet and streaming, financial exposure/risk, consumer viewpoint; Charter Review and request for extension; history of Cambridge Charter from Town to Plan E - video program coming; shoutout to the Office of the City Clerk
Episode 581 (Tues, Mar 7, 2023 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: David Leslie, Sam Corda, Robert Steck; “Tenant Protection Act” and Rent Control as political decisions; contradictory rhetoric - local control is good or bad depending on whose ox is gored; regulatory taking; pro-YIMBY bill, legality of municipally-funded housing voucher programs; ARPA as political patronage
Episode 582 (Tues, Mar 7, 2023 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: The politics of ARPA, patronage, and mayoral fiat; Plan E as answer to patronage; the story of the failed Ombudsman proposal; property valuation, Prop 2½, tax-exempt properties, hunger for programs, and Tax Classification - and why commercial development paid (and still pays) the bills; some truth about rents; beware of averages
Episode 579 (Tues, Feb 21, 2023 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Judy Nathans
Topics: Charter Review, previous charters based on need and not political fortune, proportional representation and the Plan E Charter, 1972 PR repeal chronology, Belin decision; Cambridge Chronicle as paper of record; Cambridge Candidate Pages as successor to League of Women Voters; informed citizenry
Episode 580 (Tues, Feb 21, 2023 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Judy Nathans
Topics: Landmarking studies;; Memorial Drive closures and traffic impacts in Riverside; the promise of DCR plans and Mass Pike realignment; BEUDO revisions, Eversource realities, engineering by wishful thinking; lost initiatives; Cambridge Police alternatives - bodycams, less-than-lethal options; Planning Board and other appointments pending - proving ground for city manager
Episode 577 (Tues, Feb 7, 2023 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Black History Stroll; Alice Wolf 1933-2023; Council meetings disrupted by Socialists; bodycams, PRAB reports, police alternatives; electricity alternatives - mandate or choice; repetitive petitions; Brown Petition; Council lust for control
Episode 578 (Tues, Feb 7, 2023 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: BEUDO conflict; abuse of the word “crisis”; volunteer opportunities - Planning Board and the changing face of “activism”; Charter Review and options under consideration; redress of grievances; PR election fixes; the AHO Behemoth Proposal and the coming election
Episode 575 (Tues, Jan 17, 2023 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: Fatal police-involved shooting in Cambridgeport; few answers, plenty of activism; leadership vs. opportunism; test for City Manager, Mayor, Police Commissioner; alternatives
Episode 576 (Tues, Jan 17, 2023 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: Covid updates and optimism; status of lab ban proposals and analysis - wrong conversations and false dichotomies; BEUDO, proposed stretch energy codes, lack of public outreach and disclosure; wanting to be first not the same as leadership; changing the narrative to push the agenda
Episode 573 (Tues, Jan 3, 2023 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Sheila Doyle Russell - fond memories and good friends, Senior Center, modernization of elections; 2022 highlights; chronology of actions, reactions, and inactions of City and City Council - especially bike lanes, golf course controversy
Episode 574 (Tues, Jan 3, 2023 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: 2022 chronology of actions, reactions, and inactions of City and City Council; choosing Auditor, Clerk, and City Manager; FY2023 Budget; charter review; expectations for the coming municipal election year
Episode 571 (Tues, Dec 6, 2022 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: Charter Review Ups & Downs; Caroline Hunter elected to School Committee in Vacancy Recount - and memories from 1994; Covid update; and a good word for the Manager’s 90-day update
Episode 572 (Tues, Dec 6, 2022 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: Truth-Telling; the Inconvenient truths about proposed lab bans; Pride in the good things; the value of nuance vs. broad proposals; the problem with movements and binary thinking
Episode 569 (Tues, Nov 15, 2022 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: The Replacements - esp. for departing School Committee member Akriti Bhambi, how vacancy recounts are conducted in Cambridge; Covid optimism; positive and negatives from the Covid experience - outdoor patios, virtual meetings; Charter Review dominated by uninformed gripes
Episode 570 (Tues, Nov 15, 2022 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: Climate Resiliency zoning, flood-prone areas, building elevations, “green score”, ADA compliance, intended and unintended consequences; learning from history - a Muddy River illustration; the value of “the 80% solution”, economic slowdown, especially labs; floating Linkage; reasonable outcomes in federal elections; listening vs. telling, pushing back on the ideologues; City Boards & Commissions - professionalism vs. politics
Episode 567 (Tues, Nov 1, 2022 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: Shoutout to Keith Streng, Josh Kantor, the Fleshtones, Split Squad, and the Plough & Stars; big city vs. small town; citizens petition abuse and what City Council aides should and should not be doing on the dime of taxpayers; some history of CC aides; down to 94 supervoters; How to Become a True Cantabrigian
Episode 568 (Tues, Nov 1, 2022 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: City Boards & Commissions - listings, history, stipends, term limits, etc.; BZA and Traffic Board members sought; the value of serving on boards and commissions; Moment of Truth coming for City Manager & city councillors re: appointments and to boards and City Council review - professionalism vs. politics; the destructive nature of religious zeal in national and local politics
Episode 565 (Tues, Oct 18, 2022 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: Shoutout to MassSave/NEEECO and home insulation; Amendments to Incentive Zoning/Linkage ordained; fealty to political bosses; to ban or not to ban labs; the perils of single-issue politics; Central Square safety and appreciation of CPD
Episode 566 (Tues, Oct 18, 2022 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: Middle East site status and history; Charter Review and a campaign for a Charter Commission; Plan E restrictions on councillors and aides; prospects and ideas for charter revision; upcoming appointments and review for City boards and role of political groups; eliminating parking minimums - ideology vs. nuance; the Traffic Board dilemma
Episode 563 (Tues, Oct 4, 2022 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: Covid comes home; 25 years of CCJ; Jack Thomas - newspaperman; new City positions - Chief People Officer, Talent Officer, Director of Community Engagement; communication & cooperation; the importance of saying “No”; BEUDO now not just about disclosure, mandates as taxation; Linkage as revenue generator w/o regard to incentives and unintended consequences
Episode 564 (Tues, Oct 4, 2022 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: Linkage & Incentive Zoning - where do things stand; revision of ordinances and advice to fit the times, e.g. Incentive Zoning, Street Code; Ribfest!; proposal for Middle East site in Central Square; nostalgia vs. preservation; Redefining community benefits to include housing, open space, ground floor retail, and music, arts, and entertainment venues - shifting the paradigm
Episode 561 (Tues, Sept 6, 2022 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: Primary Election Day; 1st day of work for City Manager Yi-An Huang; Council returns next week; Covid updates; Central Square revives - amidst challenges; Linkage, Incentive Zoning, and perverse incentives
Episode 562 (Tues, Sept 6, 2022 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: Charter review and charter reform, history of Cambridge charters 1846-present, causes for change, influence of councillors by proxy; legislators nibbling at executive role; strong mayor = less democracy, less access; upcoming events
Episode 559 (Tues, Aug 2, 2022 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Midsummer meeting; transitions of City Manager and City Clerk; fond farewell to Will Dowd of Cambridge Chronicle; the past, present, and future of local journalism; Cambridge Jazz Festival; drought continues
Episode 560 (Tues, Aug 2, 2022 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Charter Review update; the scourge of cherry-picking data to support predetermined conclusions; 105 Windsor and the process problem - echoes of The Foundry and Cherry Street; reports and comments on linkage, incentive zoning, AHO, homeownership programs; policies rarely beat economic realities; Boston vs. Cambridge on wealth building and middle class retention; MBTA Bus Redesign - mixed reactions; fare-free transit options; farewell to Judy
Episode 557 (Tues, July 19, 2022 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: Sounding the alarm on BEUDO, perverse incentives, and bad design; Linkage and Incentive Zoning w/o incentives; thinking creatively
Episode 558 (Tues, July 19, 2022 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: BEUDO, condos, and older buildings; Cambridge is not Ithaca; carrot vs. stick; non-inclusive process - policy-making in isolation; ARPA misspending; Cambridge policies, inequality by design, and market distortion; re-creating Central Square; new city management and departmental restructuring; Charter review update
Episode 555 (Tues, July 5, 2022 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: July 4 weekend wrap; benefiting from the existence of a problem, tales from the death of rent control; Charter revision history, ideas and concerns
Episode 556 (Tues, July 5, 2022 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Charter Review Committee; election methods - corrections and pitfalls; School Committee as forgotten stepchild of charter revision; Cambridge Jazz Festival; retirements of Louis DePasquale, Jim Monagle, Arthur Goldberg, Jim Maloney
Episode 553 (Tues, June 21, 2022 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Judy Nathans, Patrick Barrett
Topics: Building Energy Use Disclosure Ordinance (BEUDO) - history, purpose, proposed amendments, concerns
Episode 554 (Tues, June 21, 2022 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio] - w/Judy Nathans, Patrick Barrett
Topics: Incentive Zoning Ordinance (LINKAGE) - history, purpose, nexus studies, proposed amendments, concerns
Episode 551 (Tues, June 7, 2022 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: City Council appoints Yi-An Huang as new City Manager; review of process; public perceptions and misunderstandings; born and raised in Cambridge treated as a liability; role of Deputy City Manager; all 3 appointments completed with commendable results
Episode 552 (Tues, June 7, 2022 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Graduations, commencements, festivals, students moving out, road closures - perfect storm for Covid and traffic; Bikes Lanes, Memorial Drive closure and subtext of anti-car movement, class distinctions, ageism; Alewife Moratorium ordained without Triangle; fading Envision with shifting politics; trash toter rollout; communication breakdowns; BEUDO proposals unknown to stakeholders
Episode 549 (Tues, May 17, 2022 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Hiring the City Auditor (Joseph McCann), City Clerk (Diane LeBlanc), and City Manager (4 finalists); the ability to say NO as an essential quality in a city manager; reports on the Budget Hearings; councillors on their best behavior - especially in regard to Police Dept. and Community Safety budgets. [Apologies for the poor audio/video quality.]
Episode 550 (Tues, May 17, 2022 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Alewife Moratorium pending - Quadrangle and Triangle, roadway connections, bridges, and some history - connecting the cul-de-sacs; blurred Envision; YIMBY cult vs. thoughtful consideration of where density makes sense; Cambridge schools, vocational education, and opportunities; discussion of municipal broadband continues to ignore Cable TV; broadband options and financial risk. [Apologies for the poor audio/video quality.]
Episode 547 (Tues, May 3, 2022 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: FY2023 Budget arrives, significant changes; new Community Safety department; HEART or CARP?, Police budget increased and not “de-funded”; public investment and annual loan orders
Episode 548 (Tues, May 3, 2022 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: ARPA funding, long-term intentions; Alewife Moratorium pending - Quadrangle and Triangle, blown chances; fare-free transit; “hostile architecture”; bike lane intransigence; fearful rhetoric, actual vs. perceived risk
Episode 545 (Tues, Apr 19, 2022 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Board appointments; Charter Review details in process - “activist” vs. neutral review?; roles of regulatory boards; power, politics, agendas & who gets to appoint
Episode 546 (Tues, Apr 19, 2022 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Mass. Ave. bike lane and roadway alternatives; pushing back against the “Pledge”; bureaucratic simplification; anti-idling bounty hunters; tweeting in your political silo, and the dark side of proportional representation; ageism and ignorance; wandering through history in Concord and Cambridge
Episode 543 (Tues, Apr 5, 2022 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Baseball; Covid status; Zapping Rats (rabbits get a pass); compost do’s and don’ts; community gardens - history and policies, agency, urban agriculture; simplified regulations at small scale
Episode 544 (Tues, Apr 5, 2022 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Reputation and character (and not qualifications and experience) of applicants…; criteria for review of Board appointees; Budget Hearings coming - and a “Community Safety” category; ignoring citizen petitions; 5 votes to hire a City Manager, a City Clerk, and a City Auditor - regardless of the process; assault in Central Square
Episode 541 (Tues, Mar 15, 2022 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Ides of March; Spring Training Baseball; Covid status; City Manager search & interim possibilities; Council complaints & light workload; Board appointments - “apply at your own risk”; misunderstanding the Charter and roles of councillors vs. manager
Episode 542 (Tues, Mar 15, 2022 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: “Moving Forward Together” w/o most involved councillor; Planning Board discussions re: single-family zoning, evolving roles as planners vs. petition reviewers; building the tax base; some history of Kendall Square, University Park, NorthPoint, Alewife Triangle, Alewife Quadrangle; planning before and after demise of rent control; Blurred Envision; real routes to affordability requires transit and not unilateralism; flexibility in residential uses
Episode 539 (Tues, Mar 1, 2022 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Ukraine invasion hits home; higher education reinventing itself; adjusting the center; Covid updates; assaulting the Boards; efforts to eviscerate neighborhood conservation districts and some history of their success; turning grudges into policy
Episode 540 (Tues, Mar 1, 2022 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: dependent vs. independent councillors; charter review; city manager search; budget process misunderstandings; purpose of City Council orders under Plan E; some history of responsiveness of city managers and the nuclear option; AAA bond ratings; regulation and taxation; envisioning transit and urban planning
Episode 537 (Tues, Feb 15, 2022 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Plague report, Covid relief funds and tilted priorities; delegating curb cuts and some history of delegating authority; cases coming of Council review of appointments; eliminating required parking minimums, depaving options
Episode 538 (Tues, Feb 15, 2022 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Wordle; parking minimums, transit-oriented development, on-street parking; car-sharing, electric vehicle charging, Kelley Petition, residential impacts; bending rules on renting parking spaces; City Manager search, focus groups, screening committee, misconceptions of role of City Manager; BEUDO amendments, deadlines, taxation, and the offensive comparison of MIT to tobacco companies
Episode 535 (Tues, Feb 1, 2022 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Wildlife, snowpocalypse; continued bus/bike lane controversies, options, advisory committee; future planning and Quick Build shortsightedness; Fresh Pond Golf Course controversy, revolutionary stupidity, new councillor naivete, ideology superseding reason
Episode 536 (Tues, Feb 1, 2022 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: City Manager search, schedule, screening concerns; civic knowledge on a need-to-know basis; simultaneous searches for City Manager, Clerk, & Auditor under cloud of possible charter changes; opportunity to reexamine job descriptions of City Manager, Clerk, Auditor, and City Council Aides and staff; test cases coming in review of Board appointments
Episode 533 (Tues, Jan 18, 2022 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Police Commissioner Christine Elow and some history of Chief vs. Commissioner; optimistic Covid update; bikes & buses - controversy and alternatives; ideology within Community Development Department; future prospects
Episode 534 (Tues, Jan 18, 2022 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Charter questions - past, present, and future; Envision history; Charter Change while seeking new City Manager, City Clerk (and City Auditor); proportional representation (PR) realities and distortions by single-issue politics; role of planning within CDD vs. responding to partisan petitions; PR revisions for fractional transfers should be part of future Charter revision discussions
Episode 531 (Tues, Jan 4, 2022 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Inauguration and Election of Mayor; history of mayoral elections; Plague Report and forecast; committee appointments pending; civility pledge; work vs. inflammatory posturing; prospects for new councillors; failure to produce committee reports; cleaning up old business prior to taking up new business
Episode 532 (Tues, Jan 4, 2022 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Looking ahead; competing proposals for alternate police response; Chapter 30B and contracting for alternatives for police response; HEART proposal - no experience, no qualifications; no expertise; search for City Manager and City Clerk; housing/zoning alternatives, form-based zoning; ideology/movements vs. good ideas and compromise; role of councillors as eyes, ears, thermometer of resident views and concerns vs. imposing ideology on residents
Episode 529 (Tues, Dec 21, 2021 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Obscurity of Zoom; parting resolutions (esp. Tim Toomey); alarming increase in Covid positive tests and potential new restrictions; City Manager search status with City Clerk search coming; hazardous political environment; clearing out the dead wood at the end of a City Council term
Episode 530 (Tues, Dec 21, 2021 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Mayoral prospects and the coming inaugurations; transition and some truth about election results; need for cooperation and de-poisoning of the political waters; the consequences of initiatives passed under the cover of darkness (Zoom); the “OK, Boomer” dynamic of playing to one lobby over all other concerns; “processing to death” vs. “running over all opposing views”; campaign finance limits ordained, changing traditions, and running on purity
Episode 527 (Tues, Dec 7, 2021 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Covid-19 updates; Bike Lane Battles, confirmation bias of studies, and some history of bicycle advocacy; campaign finance limitations and City Council contorted rhetoric
Episode 528 (Tues, Dec 7, 2021 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Zoom reflections; campaign finance facts & fallacies; Battles of Righteousness - virtue signalling and hypocrisy; policy orders as policies and not mandates; strong mayor vs. city manager systems; Awaiting Report Forever; tribunals for board appointments coming soon
Episode 525 (Tues, Nov 16, 2021 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Final Election process; reprecincting; Boncore vacancy; non-implementation of planning efforts in Alewife and Central Square; Alewife and Envision chronology; failure of well-paid councillors to show up for work; deep pockets and the means to achieve good results
Episode 526 (Tues, Nov 16, 2021 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Detailed election results and analysis; the dominance of incumbency; political spin in the absence of mandates; importance of establishing a loyal political base vs. “movement” candidates; winners & feeders; slate voting results; Siddiqui’s margin of victory and dissatisfaction with other candidates; the Cincinnati problem; ballot transfers, #2 votes, alternate measures of popularity; School Committee campaign finance
Episode 523 (Tues, Nov 2, 2021 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Election Day; turnout; early and mail-in voting; Candidate Page statistics; ballot questions & Quest for Control – selling control as “democracy”; truths about City boards & commissions; civic responsibilities; Federico Muchnik videos - Walden Square, The Tasty; reducing elections to “hot topics”
Episode 524 (Tues, Nov 2, 2021 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Changing rules for voter registration; auxiliary ballots, provisional ballots; preliminary vs. unofficial vs. official election results; campaign finance for City Council and School Committee; reporting the details of the PR Count; the down side of slate voting and the importance of voting for individuals
Episode 521 (Tues, Oct 19, 2021 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Election Countdown; Zoom candidate forums don’t cut it; baseball; Toomey Park & Slide; North Mass. Ave. bike/bus lane controversy; pledging to never listen; coronagendas; Covid update
Episode 522 (Tues, Oct 19, 2021 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Carl Barron Plaza - fact vs. fiction; what hostile architecture isn’t; hostile bus shelters and CDD stonewalling; Ballot Questions; Boards & Commissions - definitions, history, ideas, institutional memory; lazy councillors
Episode 519 (Tues, Oct 5, 2021 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Wild Card baseball; voter registration and voting options; tax classification & taxes, councillors wanting to tax & spend; over-reliance on commercial development, residential exemption and the condo sweet deal; neighborhood associations, community schools, & neighborhood councils; topics for candidates
Episode 520 (Tues, Oct 5, 2021 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Tim Toomey Park and happy reunions; from carpetbagger to townie; voting history and supervoters; reprecincting; PACs and candidate slates; campaigning door-to-door; using City Council committee meetings for political organization and promotion
Episode 517 (Tues, Sept 21, 2021 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Covid updates; municipal elections; candidate forums; political endorsements; “pledging” to not consider other opinions; slates as incumbency protection; dictating “the issues”
Episode 518 (Tues, Sept 21, 2021 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Boston and Somerville preliminary elections; lefties vs. townies; Cambridge ballot questions and consequences; in search of the city manager search; major appointments and exits; the inescapable problem of Central Square drug abuse
Episode 515 (Tues, Aug 17, 2021 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Baseball; Covid updates; recent gun violence; the wisdom of Christine Elow and Ellen Semonoff; pathways for Cambridge young people; Port Pride Day
Episode 516 (Tues, Aug 17, 2021 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Election updates - early voting and mail-in voting; voter turnout speculation; Boston and Somerville mayoral elections; political organizations, slates, & Independent Expenditure PACs; Candidate Pages & leveling the playing field; social media, retail politics; US Census data
Episode 513 (Tues, Aug 3, 2021 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: City Manager search; Manager-Clerk-Auditor; questioning the Charter Change ballot questions; the ABC war against landmarking, conservation districts, and historic preservation; vetting candidates for boards & commissions; Orders & Resolutions re: gun violence; on conflicting rallies and coexistence; the legacy of Robert Parris Moses
Episode 514 (Tues, Aug 3, 2021 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Candidates on the municipal ballot; political organizations & slates; Big Money & Independent Expenditure PACs; case studies in simple-mindedness, great eloquence, and callous disregard; an 8-1 thank you to Police Commissioner Branville Bard; mixed prospects in our battle vs. Covid
Episode 511 (Tues, July 20, 2021 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: NYC mayoral RCV primary completed; Boston mayoral election and Independent Expenditure PACs; Cambridge candidates and nomination papers, esp. Kathleen Kelly & Caroline Hunter; Candidate Pages; political “times”; buzzards circling for #2 votes behind ill-fated candidates
Episode 512 (Tues, July 20, 2021 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: “car storage”, rhetorical warfare, subverting the dominant paradigm; real vs. Potemkin changes; Animal Farm and strategic political dishonesty; Cambridge water - treatment, quality, watershed, fire protection, redundancy
Episode 509 (Tues, July 6, 2021 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Nomination papers; candidates; “movement politics” and PACs/slates; Toomey, Bowman exit; full-time or part-time; registered voter facts; turnout; prospects for no-excuse absentee (mail-in) voting
Episode 510 (Tues, July 6, 2021 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: NYC mayoral primary and Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) in fits and starts; RCV fallout among partisan pundits; Tree Protection Ordinance amended; creeping toward statism; car “storage” and rhetorical aggression; cannabis zoning and promotion; $65 million in Covid rescue funds eyed as free money; Charter Change may be heading to ballot or State Legislature; political approval for City boards and the abandonment of proportionality
Episode 507 (Tues, June 15, 2021 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Flattening the curve; reopenings; Temple Street and varying views of environmental justice; AHO realities; Central Square Library rhetorical competition; progressive vs. sensible; misrepresenting “the community”; alternatives to the misguided Missing Middle; rejecting unilateralism
Episode 508 (Tues, June 15, 2021 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Tree Protection Ordinance; misrepresenting “the community”; lack of civic education and targeting “low-information voters”; afterschool programs & community schools; overeagerness to spend $ from American Rescue Plan; federal funding and the long view on infrastructure projects; City Manager hiring process continues; NYC mayoral primary and RCV; candidate updates
Episode 505 (Tues, June 1, 2021 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Optimistic Covid update; serendipity; Planning Board seeks members; Charter review and the quest for power; conflict between elected mayor and city council; FY22 Budget coming to a vote; Gaza via Zoom and Public Comment as political theater
Episode 506 (Tues, June 1, 2021 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Petition to gut Neighborhood Conservation Districts, echoes of Robert Moses and “urban renewal”, remembering Jane Jacobs; Missing Middle Muddle and fictional zoning narratives; nothing to address the general affordability of housing; The “HEART” proposal vs. the Task Force on the Future of Public Safety; misrepresenting “the community”; when will City buildings reopen?; Redistricting coming; mayoral races in Somerville, Boston, and NYC
Episode 503 (Tues, May 18, 2021 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Looking back; camaraderie of the unmasked; Apollo & Cambridge; Budget hearings and political theater; trickle-down politics; boycotts, divestment, and Chapter 30B; Plan E and city management; digital equity/municipal broadband - and Cable TV
Episode 504 (Tues, May 18, 2021 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Legal tussles over acoustic music; License Commission; emerging from the pandemic; end of the emergency - beginning of the questions; voting post-Covid; eviction moratorium to end; sidewalk & street dining - temporary or permanent; election year rhetoric; emergent candidates and PR realities; Starlight future
Episode 501 (Tues, May 4, 2021 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: candidates; charter review; School Committee; FY2022 Budget; tax abatements, budget hearings; remote participation a mixed bag; Police Department Budget
Episode 502 (Tues, May 4, 2021 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Green Roofs Petition ordained; mandates & inefficiency; affordable homeownership and the limitations of limited equity; $500 million bond proposal; electric vehicle charging and the future; legal counsel for councillors?; Plan E Charter facts; charter reform in secret - more power, less accountability
Episode 499 (Tues, Apr 20, 2021 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: compost collection returns, digital equity study released, on vaccinations and VW Buses, School Superintendent pseudosearch, City Manager selection, the shortcomings of remote government, web pages for City Council committees, staff for committees vs. personal aides, micromanagement vs. policy-making
Episode 500 (Tues, Apr 20, 2021 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: 500th milestone; City Boards & Commissions and public participation; obsolete info on City web pages; legal counsel for City Council?; updates on municipal election candidates
Episode 497 (Tues, Apr 6, 2021 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Covid forecast, school reopening, Superintendent decision; remote possibilities; Day of Reckoning for colleges; appointments to Boards & Commissions and City Council meddling; Housing Choice and voting thresholds, one-way zoning
Episode 498 (Tues, Apr 6, 2021 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Housing Choice and legalities; composting, recycling realities, City purchase of rubbish toters; City Council micromanagement; worst outcomes of Charter change; political patronage; emerging candidates and 2021 Municipal Election Calendar
Episode 495 (Tues, Mar 16, 2021 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio] w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: Heroes of Central Square through the pandemic; flexibility w/City agencies as a philosophy; Arts & Music, busk stops, and what is to come.
Episode 496 (Tues, Mar 16, 2021 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio] w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: Popportunity and its progeny; Starlight Square; city manager search; charter change and the lust for power; Covid-19 updates and the misreading of data; real human services; Cambridge schools during Covid; School Superintendent search
Episode 493 (Tues, Mar 2, 2021 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Tree protection and reasonable latitude; Mayor Joe Curtatone of Somerville won’t seek reelection; campaign finance limits at the Ordinance Committee; legal issues with early/no-excuse absentee voting; roughing up the Voting Rights Act
Episode 494 (Tues, Mar 2, 2021 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Alterations to single-family zoning; Cambridge as a sandbox for national organizations; factual vs. fictional history of Cambridge zoning; support/guidelines for “neighborhood groups”; distinguishing neighborhood groups vs. advocacy groups vs. political groups; community schools program and neighborhood councils; Covid-19 update; Alewife zoning and a brief mention of the “land bank” proposal (1990)
Episode 491 (Tues, Feb 16, 2021 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Impeachment and acquittal; redefinition of major parties; Red Sox; Covid update; observations on density and the “missing middle” petition; loosening of single-family zoning
Episode 492 (Tues, Feb 16, 2021 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: In search of a Superintendent of Schools and the mythical visionary; eduspeak; young socialist robots invade public comment; democracy by the pound; SROs - an idea whose time may have come again; organically grown local politics
Episode 489 (Tues, Feb 2, 2021 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Covid-19 status and vaccination roll-out; challenges of non-congregate housing; Kendall Square Urban Redevelopment Plan; Alewife Quadrangle/Triangle planning and transportation for real; Jerry’s Pond optimism; significant retirements
Episode 490 (Tues, Feb 2, 2021 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Early days of Cambridge Recycling; Retirements of Lisa Peterson, Susan Fleischman, and Liza Paden; false advertising and the “Missing Middle Housing” zoning petition; how dense is dense enough?; hostile architecture - or not?; Cambridge City Council on hallucinogens
Episode 487 (Tues, Jan 19, 2021 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Inauguration & Insurrection; Apr 1971 vs. Jan 2021 in DC; I Beg your Pardon; Starting up the Biden Administration; avoiding civil war; Covid-19 Status and vaccination roll-out; Schools, Superintendent resignation, between a rock and a hard place
Episode 488 (Tues, Jan 19, 2021 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Public Safety and Populist Politics; hostile architecture, the MBTA and ADA; public discourse vs. political theater; civics vs. politics; the paradox of liberalism; municipal election candidates and wild cards
Episode 485 (Tues, Jan 5, 2021 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Post-War America 2021; Georgia on our Minds; municipal election candidates and prospects; Covid update
Episode 486 (Tues, Jan 5, 2021 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Green Ribbon Open Space Report and political forgetfulness; $18.5 million open space acquisition; Executive Session mysteries and the $1.4 million question; Vail Court and lost opportunities; future mobility realities; Riverbend Park on hiatus; shared streets; sour grapes and Rep. DeLeo; and CCTV congratulations
Episode 483 (Tues, Dec 15, 2020 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: electoral college; first Covid vaccinations, testing, transmission; neighborhood groups; Dec 7 and Dec 14 City Council highlights; local history - sanitized or real; who speaks for “the community?”
Episode 484 (Tues, Dec 15, 2020 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: 2021 municipal candidates; OCPF; advocates vs. representatives; Covid-19 changes the issues; good intentions vs. reality; housing non-policies; ABC war against single-family homes; Starlight Square updates
Episode 481 (Tues, Dec 1, 2020 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Frank Duehay; COVID rates still up - shutdowns averted for now; Council committee priorities in the time of COVID
Episode 482 (Tues, Dec 1, 2020 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Neighborhood associations; controversies; MCNA, ECPT, NAEC, NCSC, ANC, CSNC, PSNA, FPRA, HSNA, CNA, A4NC, WHNA, etc.; history; priorities; the gold standard of neighborhood associations; the value of archives for history and introduction; listserv vs. website vs. Facebook; reputation - not “standing”; community school program and neighborhood councils
Episode 479 (Tues, Nov 17, 2020 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Presidential Election Results and Reflections; coming to terms with those who voted for the other guy; mandates and conflict; Blue vs. Grey or Red vs. Blue; social media and the importance of journalism you can trust - both nationally and locally; The Grifter as Anti-President
Episode 480 (Tues, Nov 17, 2020 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: RCV fails; COVID - more than just an “uptick”, causes, COVID fatigue, MIT & Harvard, controversy over Late Order calling for shutdown; City Council Aides discussion - history, suggestions, political patronage, and pushing limits of Plan E
Episode 477 (Tues, Nov 3, 2020 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Election Day - Judgment Day; deaths of Rich McKinnon, Rick Jarvis; Covid updates; Nov 2 City Council Agenda - Resident Permit Parking Fee increase shot down; early signs of the 2021 municipal election; patio heaters and greenhouse gases
Episode 478 (Tues, Nov 3, 2020 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Competing proposals to limit campaign donations, candidates loaning to their own campaigns; wealthy friends vs. developers; proposal to ban tear gas and some history; the morphing of boards & commissions
Episode 475 (Tues, Oct 20, 2020 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: T Minus 14 Days and Counting; Ballot Questions - especially Question 2 and RCV; Neighborhood Conservation Districts and civic mendacity
Episode 476 (Tues, Oct 20, 2020 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Municipal Broadband; Tree Ordinance; Fresh Pond Golf Course off limits until the golfers leave; Participatory Budgeting and miniature golf; Vacant Storefronts; zoning - changes to the Table of Uses and Home Occupations
Episode 473 (Tues, Oct 6, 2020 at 6:10pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Topics from Oct 5 City Council meeting; AHO; Cycling Safety Ordinance; Cambridge Bicycle Plan; Bus-Only Lanes; Shared Streets; Blowfish; Coronagendas; bar/restaurant closures
Episode 474 (Tues, Oct 6, 2020 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Topics from Oct 5 City Council meeting; police alternatives; “Defund Police” vs. promote best practices; Charter Review; 80-year track record for Plan E; City Councillor job description
Episode 472 (Tues, Sept 15, 2020 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Sept 14 Cambridge City Council meeting; Disaster funding for arts organizations?; Affordable Housing Overlay (AHO) - passed to 2nd Reading; Community Preservation Act (CPA) funding for FY2021; Charter Review?; Cycling Safety Ordinance amendments; City Manager’s contract extension; Sept 1, 2020 Primary Election Results
Episode 471 (Tues, Sept 1, 2020 at 6:00pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Virus tales; spending actual money; Primary Day - ballots, MA 4th CD, runoffs and Ranked Choice Voting; Constitutional curiosities; yearning for better politics; Socialism vs. choices of an affluent society; Political conventions and the rhetoric of chaos and violence - perception vs. reality; Shared streets - an appraisal; Revising the Charles; Starlight Square; slow reopening of schools, libraries, senior centers; emergence of “learning pods as a school alternative; good virus news from universities
Episode 470 (Tues, Aug 18, 2020 at 6:15pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: 19th Amendment, Voting Rights Act; cyclist fatality in Harvard Square; Democratic National Convention; Markey-Kennedy; Ranked Choice Voting & Mass. 4th CD; USPS mailbox controversies, Board of Governors & Postmaster General, local postal delivery; Cambridge voting options; Starlight Square; Future of Central Square; Covid-19 ups and downs and university plans; coming attractions
Episode 469 (Tues, Aug 4, 2020 at 6:16pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: The importance of mail-in voting; Starlight Square; Picture Show - Around Town; Midsummer City Council meeting - traffic enforcement by non-police, police inventory, gas infrastructure ban runs afoul of state law and constitution, zoning petitions
Episode 468 (Tues, July 21, 2020 at 6:16pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: 19th Amendment; Pandemic continues; Starlight Square and Central Square in transition; City Manager’s Contract; Changes in Roads and Squares and Around Town; The Empty City; City Council/School Committee Updates
Episode 467 (Tues, July 7, 2020 at 6:15pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Death of Barbara Ackermann; updates on the Changes in Roads and Squares and Around Town; How free is free speech?; Presidential Prognostication and Random Observations; June 29, 2020 City Council meeting.
Episode 466 (Tues, June 23, 2020 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: News updates; Lechmere Square changing; June 22 and June 15 City Council meeting highlights; some recycling history; reinventing roads during the pandemic
Episode 465 (Tues, June 9, 2020 at 6:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Defund the Police? Abolish the Police?; National unrest; Rally on the Cambridge Common; Notable Passings; Civic Calendar
Episode 464 (Tues, May 26, 2020 at 6:30pm) - Carefully Venturing Outside from Inside [materials] [audio]
Topics: The Empty City; Riverbend Park and the closing of streets here and elsewhere; Impasse on Municipal Broadband; Catching Up with the City Council; FY2021 Budget
Episode 463 (Tues, May 12, 2020 at 6:30pm) - Still Inside more than Outside [materials] [audio]
Topics: The Empty City; closing of streets; mandatory face masks and social distancing; Coronagendas; carefully restarting construction; Catching Up with the City Council; FY2021 Budget; To Tweet or Not to Tweet - Councillors and the City Charter; access to recycling
Episode 462 (Tues, April 21, 2020 at 6:30pm) - More Inside than Out [materials] [audio]
Topics: Covid-19 updates; The Empty City - continued; Are emergency shelters being occupied?; Business Impacts of Shutdown; Disparate Impacts - Tough times in Chelsea while Cambridge debates access to recreation; Resiliency in Focus; price in oil dropped below zero; What Happens Next? What will change permanently?
Episode 461 (Thurs, April 16, 2020 at 7:00pm) - The Quarantine Edition [materials] [audio]
Topics: The Empty City; The City Responds to COVID-19; Business Impacts of Shutdown; Virtual Public Meetings; Coronagendas; The Digital Divide in Sharp Focus; Disparate Impacts - Some can work at home while others are on the front lines; Lack of Resiliency on Display; What Happens Afterwards? What will change permanently? What will remain the same?
Episode 459 (Mar 10, 2020, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Covid-19, Harvard, MIT; Presidential Primaries; paper ballots & verifiable voting; voting standards - state or federal; ballot access
Episode 460 (Mar 10, 2020, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Fresh Pond Apartments affordability extended; real estate transfer tax proposals; regulating gas/electric/telecom - mandates vs. choice/rights; Broadband and Cable TV - Where’s Popeye?; dearth of local State Rep/Senate candidates
Episode 457 (Mar 3, 2020, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Presidential Primary; Grand Junction Overlay Ordained 9-0, Eversource substation to be relocated
Episode 458 (Mar 3, 2020, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Grand Junction Pedestrian/Bike Linear Path; Harvard Square Overlay amendments ordained 9-0; matching vacancies to retail tenants; zoning vs. culture of making good things happen
Episode 455 (Feb 25, 2020, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Goin’ to meetings; ideologues vs. practicalists; baseball makes it real; the return of the AHO; political power, nonrepresentation and ABC-CresA-CCC-ORC; tales of CCA; surveillance & laryngoscopes
Episode 456 (Feb 25, 2020, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: MBTA & bikes & buses & compromise; Manager’s contract and broadband feasibility; Carlone’s billions on the table; Prop 2½ and the levy limit; tax classification; condo sweet tax deal; discontinuing library fines; garbage limits; the Forgiving & Courteous City; absentee landlords, rats and the Lechmere of the future
Episode 453 (Feb 18, 2020, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Nevada caucuses, brokered convention, Presidential prognostication; Local State Rep. & State Senate contests; Charlie Cards; cannabis litigation; Harvard Square Zoning Petition
Episode 454 (Feb 18, 2020, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Zoning updates; broader look at zoning; Neon!; Waste reduction milestone, history and future goals; River St. reconstruction; Carl Barron Plaza, perpetual substance abuse, and lowered expectations; nonnegotiables, inflexibility, and bad outcomes in public ways
Episode 451 (Feb 11, 2020, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Voting & Elections & Cheating; election standards, voting machines, voter registration, early voting, Presidential primary, noncompetitive elections, broken political systems, ranked choice voting; Tree Cutting Moratorium extended
Episode 452 (Feb 11, 2020, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Welcoming Community Ordinance; Council rhetoric and misunderstanding; Charter Rights and Charter Wrongs; Foreign Policy Committee? history of and possible changes to City Council subcommittees; Full-Time City Council Aides, political patronage, Incumbency Protection Program; City Manager contract
Episode 449 (Jan 28, 2020, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Impeachment; Kobe Bryant & Graffiti Alley; Jan 27 City Council meeting; Richard Griffin; free buses; the Green Tortoise and the Gray Rabbit
Episode 450 (Jan 28, 2020, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Natural gas hookup ban; Tree Protection Ordinance and extension of moratorium; Cannabis lawsuit and injunction; laws vs. guidelines vs. good intentions; Board vacancies
Episode 447 (Jan 21, 2020, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Red Sox; campaign finance, money talks; Vacancy Recount - David Weinstein elected; Patty Nolan joins the 20,000 Club
Episode 448 (Jan 21, 2020, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Impeachment, judicial appointments; seeking a culture of compromise; Board vacancies, regulatory vs. advisory boards, Plan E limitations; proportional representation - proportional to what?
Episode 445 (Jan 14, 2020, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: New year, new City Council; Jan 13 Council meeting, Tree Removal Moratorium extension debated; practical vs. ideological; committee appointments; City Manager contract and budget growth
Episode 446 (Jan 14, 2020, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Schmidt Petition, definition of “family” in zoning, rooming houses; rent control vs. helping people; What’s Next? chasing a crisis vs. promoting a good idea; Will this be a confiscatory Council?; incentives vs. mandates
Episode 443 (Jan 7, 2020, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio] w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: City Council and School Committee Inaugurations; Election of Mayor, Vice-Chair of City Council; School Committee & Cancel Culture; City Manager Contract on the horizon; Liberalism vs. Radicalism; Freakonomics in affordable housing, small business, and the Achievement Gap; money doesn’t solve everything
Episode 444 (Jan 7, 2020, 6:00pm) [audio] w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: City Council priorities; return of Subsidized Housing Overlay proposal or alternatives; tenant protections and condo regulation; protection vs. control; zoning & development in Central Square, near Union Sq./Green Line Extension; Alewife possibilities, including multiple bridges
Episode 441 (Dec 17, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio] w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: On Elections & Vacancies; The Departure of Councillors Craig Kelley & Jan Devereux; Karp Petition and East Cambridge development, Contract Zoning a.k.a. “Let’s Make A Deal”; Mall Tales and Mini-Retail
Episode 442 (Dec 17, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio] w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: Harvard Square Zoning Petition - how zoning might help retail.; Form-Based Zoning - Citywide Somerville Rezoning; Finding the “Sweet Spot” in zoning density
Episode 439 (Dec 10, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Impeachment; recycling
Episode 440 (Dec 10, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Surveillance Ordinance and Surveillance Use Policy; Karp Petition up next week; Incentive Zoning and the latest Nexus Report and recommendations; Inclusionary Zoning
Episode 437 (Dec 3, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Analysis of voters by age, turnout, possible causes; cost of a campaign, effectiveness
Episode 438 (Dec 3, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Karp Petition ordination pending; Universal Pre-K, Tobin School renovation/relocation; participatory budgeting
Episode 435 (Nov 26, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Karp Petition; Planning vs. “Let’s Make A Deal”; how high is high, how dense is dense?; the YIMBY-NIMBY War to Nowhere
Episode 436 (Nov 26, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Harvard Square zoning petition, “super crosswalk”; zoning change vs. cultural change; riding the latest bandwagon; License Commission authority
Episode 433 (Nov 19, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Final Official Municipal election results; ballot data; ward/precinct distribution; #2 Vote Distribution; Instant Runoff mayor
Episode 434 (Nov 19, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: The Replacements; more results from ballot data; campaign finance reform
Episode 431 (Nov 12, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio] w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: Municipal election results; effectiveness of slates; role of major issues (if any); what’s next
Episode 432 (Nov 12, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio] w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: Election last details; Harvard Square Zoning Petition; where do we go from here
Episode 429 (Oct 29, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Election coming; voter success; dirty politics, warring slates, and inflammatory issues; “Who defines ‘the issues’?”
Episode 430 (Oct 29, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: dog people; awaiting report; the “gift” of the Foundry; renewable energy, municipal utilities, cost effectiveness; “weaponizing” the issue of campaign donations; shaming as a political strategy
Episode 427 (Oct 22, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Election coming; election systems, district vs. at-large; Candidate page updates; slates & endorsing organizations; incumbency protection and feeders; how to vote a PR ballot
Episode 428 (Oct 22, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Candidate forums; Cambridge Club event; some Plan E history; Devereux piece; myths about single-family zoning and density; Green Line Extension; growing the metropolis
Episode 425 (Oct 15, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Candidate slates and election outlook; a look at municipal elections over the years; Flotsam & Jetsam
Episode 426 (Oct 15, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Slates, candidate forums, strategies, campaign spending, “developer money”; Ranked Choice Voting; MIT, energy; Opening King Open
Episode 423 (Oct 8, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Tax rate hearing; property tax classification; residential exemption; tax levy; Harvard Square Zoning Petition; and more
Episode 424 (Oct 8, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Energy (gas & electric) infrastructure and City Council proposals; other topics from Oct 7 Council meeting
Episode 421 (Oct 1, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Candidate slates; political action committees; DigBoston Dirty Politics; ABC, CResA, ORC, CCC; reemergence of single-issue politics; independent candidates; future Council - Practical Solutions or Pointless Revolution
Episode 422 (Oct 1, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: School Committee election; Candidate Forums; slate politics; SNL; pending zoning matters - Karp, Article 19, Northwest Alewife Quadrangle, and Barrett Times Three
Episode 419 (Sept 24, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Bow Tie Ride; supervoters; First St. Garage/Courthouse resolution; Cannabis Business Ordinance approved; beer gardens in City parks
Episode 420 (Sept 24, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Road ahead for bike lanes on Mass. Ave.; resources to find out about candidates; Candidate Pages, CCTV videos, forums; sage advice; Follow the Money; campaign propaganda
Episode 417 (Sept 17, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Sept 16 Council meeting (Part 1) - Cannabis, First Street Garage, Lobbying via Direct Mail, zoning history, changing nature of the city, New Street zoning failure
Episode 418 (Sept 17, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Sept 16 Council meeting (Part 2) - UpperWest pandering and Charter ignorance, evolution of License Commission practices, Municipal Broadband feasibility and shelf life, candidate forums and endorsements, CDD policy failures
Episode 415 (Sept 10, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Sept 9 Council meeting (Part 1) - First Street Garage, Affordable Housing Overlay, and more
Episode 416 (Sept 10, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Sept 9 Council meeting (Part 2) - First Street Garage, Affordable Housing Overlay, and more
Episode 413 (Aug 13, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio] w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: Central Square (of course); Overlay continued; Courthouse politics; zoning for a purpose
Episode 414 (Aug 13, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio] w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: Creative zoning for Squares and mixed use districts; thoughts on this year’s municipal elections and lack of civic infrastructure
Episode 411 (Aug 6, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Overlay juggernaut; targeting single-family homes for fun and politics; false attribution and zoning; lack of a coherent housing vision
Episode 412 (Aug 6, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Cannabis Business Regulation and political patronage; electric vehicles, Eversource, and using surplus parking for charging; First Street Garage theatrics; municipal election candidates all set
Episode 409 (July 16, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Candidate updates; emerging civic/political organizations; some history of downzoning, upzoning, and Concord-Alewife; road to a bridge at Alewife
Episode 410 (July 16, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: East Cambridge Courthouse saga, political red herrings, and intellectual dishonesty; the need for a better plan for the greater Lechmere area; the joys of homeownership - drains and trees and broken things (and Eversource)
Episode 407 (July 2, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: “Affordable Housing Overlay” at Planning Board & Ordinance Committee; Inclusionary Zoning; some housing history; CDD Housing Division as landlords
Episode 408 (July 2, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Candidates pulling nomination papers; who is and is not running; School Committee toxicity; Open Archives highlights; Tom Magliozzi; hiding the state flag
Episode 405 (June 25, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Picking winners in Inclusionary Housing, Cannabis permitting; micro-legislating; First Street Garage & innuendo
Episode 406 (June 25, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Open Archives, Car Talk Plaza, City Dance Party; candidate updates; rooftop mechanicals, BarBQ; Arts Task Force, CMAC, EMF, and politics
Episode 403 (June 18, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio] w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: City Clerk-Elect Anthony Wilson and a tribute to City Clerk Donna Lopez; Central Square Business Improvement District - where do we go from here?
Episode 404 (June 18, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio] w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: Proposed Subsidized Housing Overlay; housing issues in general; regional housing perspective; Sullivan Courthouse
Episode 401 (June 11, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Central Square Business Improvement District (BID) approved; evolving transportation.
Episode 402 (June 11, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Candidate updates (before Patty Nolan announced), candidate requirements; big issues, candidate pages; zoning - infrastructure and obstruction, Eversource; echoes of the Parking Freeze
Episode 399 (June 4, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: modifying the PR ballot, PR misconceptions, Ranked Choice Voting for Presidential primaries, Democratic realities, candidate updates, campaign finance, PR election strategizing
Episode 400 (June 4, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Reefer Madness; Mapping Feminist Cambridge, Mapping Utopia, walking tours; Mark McCabe retirement; TNCs and the taxi industry, liquor licences, AirBnB; Zero Waste and the evolution of recycling
Episode 397 (May 21, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: FY2020 Budget adoption; Cambridge Multicultural Arts Center (CMAC) questions; Constellation Center future; Foundry; and the Cambridge Health Alliance
Episode 398 (May 21, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Bike Ride; modifying the PR ballot; some PR election facts; curb cuts; Cambridge River Arts Festival; paradigm shifts and the achievement gap in the Cambridge Public Schools
Episode 395 (May 14, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Devereux announcement to not seek reelection; election-related matters, modifying the ballot, new candidates; candy and cannabis and Central Square
Episode 396 (May 14, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: School Committee controversies and dysfunction; wrapping up the budget; Transportation planning vs. “quick build” for Mass. Ave.; controversy for political gain; State seal controversy; civic opportunities
Episode 393 (May 7, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Jane Jacobs and the virtue of standing in the way of “progress”; reconsidering the roadways; Cambridgeport churches; Outstanding City Employees
Episode 394 (May 7, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Budget hearings; new candidates; new, old, good, bad, and dreadful zoning petitions
Episode 391 (Apr 30, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio] w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: Affordable Housing Overlay proposal; broken zoning; the value of building market rate housing; luxury housing that isn’t; virtue signalling and politics
Episode 392 (Apr 30, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio] w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: Retail vacancies - right and wrong solutions; problematic zoning; amateur cannabis regulation; Freakonomics
Episode 389 (Apr 23, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: FY2020 Budget; Central Square Business Improvement District (BID) petition filed; cities reshaping themselves
Episode 390 (Apr 23, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Webster Ave. bike alternatives; Eversource substation and misperceptions of risk; Courthouse opportunistic politics; cannabis proliferation; no-excuse absentee voting, lowering voting age, and non-citizen voting
Episode 387 (Apr 9, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Red Sox Home Opener; Destination Watertown; Livable Cambridge forum; Courthouse & other political opportunism; candidate updates; cycling safety ordinance; Beware of Zealots; the Wisdom of Kelley
Episode 388 (Apr 9, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Graduate student realities, unionization; adjunct faculty exploitation; university relations; workforce development; STEM/STEAM initiatives; trades; rocket ships and science and mathematics
Episode 385 (Apr 2, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: The Subsidized Housing Overlay proposal; political misrepresentation
Episode 386 (Apr 2, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Municipal candidates; rent control and tenant displacement; upcoming events; a word on applying to serve on City Boards & Commissions; political uprisings/opportunism in East Cambridge
Episode 383 (Mar 26, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topic: In and Out of Town - The Old Middlesex Canal
Episode 384 (Mar 26, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Middlesex Canal; Mar 25 City Council meeting; Plan E and Proportional Representation - proportional to what?
Episode 381 (Mar 19, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Candidate update and some PR notes; counting bikes, proposed Cycling Safety Ordinance; the misuse of surveys; and Better Buses?
Episode 382 (Mar 19, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Plan E and the City Auditor; nominations for Outstanding City Employee awards; Faux Retail; Cambridgeside Galeria Re-Envisioned
Episode 379 (Mar 12, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Fresh Pond/Mt. Auburn walk invitation; Housing Overlay proposal and Housing Committee meeting
Episode 380 (Mar 12, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: New City Council candidates; national politics; PR election realities; Zero Waste Plan; upcoming events
Episode 377 (Mar 5, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Housing - Overlay proposal and background, Envision, condo conversion, and rent control; municipal election topics; defining Central Square
Episode 378 (Mar 5, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Condos continued; task forces; River Street; AAA bond ratings; new Council candidates; national politics
Episode 375 (Feb 26, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Tree Removal Moratorium vote and politics; proposal for a total ban on all leaf blowers
Episode 376 (Feb 26, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Trucks & Free Speech; proposed MBTA fare increase, tradeoffs, Uber/Lyft; The Return of Lodging Houses?; home ownership & responsibility; acoustic music licensing
Episode 373 (Feb 19, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Putnam Ave. fire; death of Paula Sharaga; Feb 11 City Council meeting; infrastructure
Episode 374 (Feb 19, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Infrastructure; Tree Ordinance & proposed Moratorium; Robert’s Rules & The Joy of Walking Out
Episode 371 (Feb 5, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Patriots; Trees, continued; Eversource & Infrastructure; Assessing Upzoning; 20mph speed limit sign deluge
Episode 372 (Feb 5, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Cannabis tax; Al Vellucci; Young’uns and Commissions; Board of Fun
Episode 369 (Jan 29, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Proposed moratorium on tree removals; Jan 28 City Council meeting
Episode 370 (Jan 29, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Bottled water; value of upzoning; publicl funding for municipal elections (again); Jan 29 City Council meeting
Episode 367 (Jan 15, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Jan 14 City Council meeting; Notable Retirements, Envision Cambridge, aging water infrastructure, and more.
Episode 368 (Jan 15, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: How Big is Too Big?; table-setting for the election year.
Episode 365 (Jan 8, 2019, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: History; Political Trichotomy; Trees; Infrastructure & Inundation
Episode 366 (Jan 8, 2019, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Significant passings; arts funding and earmarking; proposed Home Rule petition for a real estate transfer tax; and more
Episode 363 (Dec 18, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: One Way Zoning; Housing Choice Initiative; Suburban Zoning and Subsidized Housing
Episode 364 (Dec 18, 2018, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Housing, continued; Cannabis Retail Ordained; City Clerk Donna Lopez to retire in May; Plan E in Lowell
Episode 361 (Dec 11, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: New Central Square Police Substation; Central Square BID update; Surveillance Ordinance; Revised Street Performer Ordinance; 1899 Ordinances.
Episode 362 (Dec 11, 2018, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: City Hall landscaping; Late Order on “Act to Promote Housing Choices”, oddity of asymmetric rules for passing zoning ordinances, political consequences; Airplane Noise.
Episode 359 (Dec 4, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Publicly funded municipal election campaigns and PR elections; refranchising of Cable TV and the future
Episode 360 (Dec 4, 2018, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Early days of Cable TV, Grand Junction updates, Davis Sq. changes, flat roof zoning, accessory dwelling unit zoning, City housing policy = social ownership
Episode 357 (Nov 27, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Late semester musings; Nov 26 City Council meeting - trees, curb cuts, councillor coddling, municipal facility upgrades, urban agriculture, outdoor lighting; Van Morrison and Astral Weeks
Episode 358 (Nov 27, 2018, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Voter histories, targeting voters, publicly financed campaigns, age distribution of voters 2012-2018, voter turnout, supervoters, #1 voter fealty
Episode 355 (Nov 20, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Thanksgiving memories; Nov 19 City Council meeting highlights - First Street Garage saga, Surveillance Ordinance, Street Performers Ordinance
Episode 356 (Nov 20, 2018, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Nov 19 City Council meeting highlights - Street Performers Ordinance, Climate-relatd committee appointments, bicycle safety (esp. the Craigie Bridge & Museum Way)
Episode 353 (Nov 13, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Central Square murals, Taste of the BID; Elections - local, state, federal - recounts & runoffs; Ranked Choice Voting in Maine
Episode 354 (Nov 13, 2018, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Field trip following Cambridge organics recycling; Ranked Choice Voting; some PR history, and a comparison of the Cambridge PR election system and a proposed alternative
Episode 351 (Nov 6, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio] w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: Central Square, Business Improvement District (BID), Formula Business Ordinance and the Central Square Restoration Petition, Envision Cambridge
Episode 352 (Nov 6, 2018, 6:00pm) [audio] w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: Nov 5 City Council meeting highlights, Envision Cambridge, First Street Garage & Sullivan Courthouse redevelopment
Episode 349 (Oct 30, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: World Champion Red Sox, Oct 29 City Council highlights, trees!, proposal for early voting for municipal elections
Episode 350 (Oct 30, 2018, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Growth Policy Document, Envision Cambridge Housing Working Group, middle-income housing, property assessments and FY19 tax bills, parking $ in Cambridge property, vacancy rates
Episode 347 (Oct 23, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Baseball, Envision Cambridge, some history (Cambridge ECO, CCLN, Parking Freeze, Growth Policy Document, Vehicle Trip Reduction Ordinance, housing policy changes, Concord-Alewife Plan, Master Plan), Chapter 40B, Subsidized Housing Overlay proposal
Episode 348 (Oct 23, 2018, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Envision Cambridge, middle-income housing, Central Square murals, formula business regulation
Episode 345 (Oct 16, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Baseball, Oct 15 Council meeting, Inman Square, Subsidized Housing Overlay controversy, Envision Cambridge
Episode 346 (Oct 16, 2018, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Zero Waste Report, urban design & retail (creating actve storefronts), Central Square, upcoming events
Episode 343 (Oct 2, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Baseball, zoning & housing affordability, property taxes, tax rates, tax classification, tax levy
Episode 344 (Oct 2, 2018, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: affordable housing, Envision Cambridge end game, the changing face of Central Square
Episode 341 (Sept 25, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Charter Rights and Wrongs, opioid lawsuit, Sancta Maria salvation, zoning & housing affordability, property taxes, tax rates, tax classification, tax levy, assessments
Episode 342 (Sept 25, 2018, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: time travel, Middlesex Canal, Constellation Center and future possibilities, resident permit parking fees, street cleaning/towing, current zoning petitions
Episode 339 (Sept 18, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: 3rd CD recount result, the case for Ranked Choice Voting, recycling updates, electric scooters, retail and vacant storefronts
Episode 340 (Sept 18, 2018, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Sept 17 City Council meeting, Inman Sq. configuration to move ahead, rainwater and flat roof zoning petition, Envision Cambridge updates (Affordable Housing Overlay, Super-Inclusionary Zoning, Environment Performance Incentive proposals), and more
Episode 337 (Sept 11, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Sept 11 comments, modern campaign realities, Primary Election results, 3rd Congressional District recount, Ranked Choice Voting, and Bill Galvin. [Note: The crackling sound at the start and at various points is the sound of one of the CCTV studio microphones failing.]
Episode 338 (Sept 11, 2018, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: 3rd CD recount, the case for Ranked Choice Voting, shortcomings of top-two runoffs, Capuano-Pressley election outcome and dynamics, voter turnout, November election outlook, some history of Question 9 (rent control), return of the City Council, Inman Sq. redesign questions, Envision Cambridge updates - development scenarios and likely pushback, quadrupling density and the proposed Affordable Housing Overlay, and ignoring traffic issues.
Episode 335 (Aug 28, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Sept 4 Primary preview, Emerald Ash Borer
Episode 336 (Aug 28, 2018, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: new voting machines, MIT graduate student housing, new developments in Kendall Square, Alewife, Harvard Square
Episode 333 (Aug 21, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: Envision Cambridge, Affordable Housing Overlay proposal
Episode 334 (Aug 21, 2018, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: Central Square Mural Project, Neon lights!, OldTime Baseball
Episode 331 (Aug 14, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio]
Topics: EMF landmark study, St. James obstructionism, Fallout from the Nakagawa-Brown Debacle, pending zoning petitions, and more
Episode 332 (Aug 14, 2018, 6:00pm) [audio]
Topics: OldTime Baseball, Central Sq. murals, Surveillance Tech. Ordinance and Plan E Charter, civic opportunities, and upcoming primary
Episode 329 (Aug 7, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Central Square Cultural District, Buildings Going Up!, St. James obstructionism
Episode 330 (Aug 7, 2018, 6:00pm)
Topics: Last details of the Midsummer City Council meeting, EMF landmarking proposal, Central Square Arts Overlay District
Episode 327 (July 31, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: July 30 City Council meeting, esp. Nakagawa-Brown disposition
Episode 328 (July 31, 2018, 6:00pm)
Topics: July 30 City Council meeting and more
Episode 325 (July 17, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: “a few of our favorite things” in Cambridge - with pictures, including Magazine Beach, Sacramento Field and the community garden, Fresh Pond Reservation, and Mount Auburn Cemetery.
Episode 326 (July 17, 2018, 6:00pm)
Topics: “a few of our favorite things” in Cambridge - with pictures, including Mount Auburn Cemetery, North Point, and the annual Old-Time Baseball game at St. Peter’s Field
Episode 323 (July 10, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials]
Guest: Cathie Zusy; Topics: Magazine Beach, Powder magazine and other projects
Episode 324 (July 10, 2018, 6:00pm)
Topics: Civic leadership and some summer thoughts
Episode 321 (June 26, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: June 25 City Council meeting, pending zoning amendments
Episode 322 (June 26, 2018, 6:00pm)
Topics: June 25 City Council meeting, autonomous vehicles, Open Archives
Episode 319 (June 19, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials]
Guests: City Councillors Sumbul Siddiqui, Alanna Mallon. Topics: “Women Are Here” podcast and more.
Episode 320 (June 19, 2018, 6:00pm)
Topics: trees, commercial recycling, public safety and more
Episode 317 (June 12, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials]
Guest: Michael Monestime, Central Square Business Association. Topics: Business Improvement District proposal, Central Flea, River St./CB Plaza improvements, Arts Overlay
Episode 318 (June 12, 2018, 6:00pm)
Topics: Vellucci Plaza and Inman Square; Envision Cambridge - and then some
Episode 315 (May 29, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Recycling, Broadband, FiOS.
Episode 316 (May 29, 2018, 6:00pm)
Topics: The Reluctant Delegate (Mass. Dem. State Convention); Envision Cambridge.
Episode 313 (May 22, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials] w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: Arts Overlay proposal for Central Square Cultural District
Episode 314 (May 22, 2018, 6:00pm) w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: May 21 Council meeting, Inman Square controversy, Harvard Square, alternate views on zoning
Episode 311 (May 15, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: May 14 Council meeting and some history of the Parking Freeze and the Vehicle Trip Reduction Ordinance
Episode 312 (May 15, 2018, 6:00pm)
Topics: May 14 Council meeting: proposed Outdoor Lighting Ordinance, traffic calming, trees
Episode 309 (May 8, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: FY2019 Cambridge Budget hearings, Curbside Compost Program, and related matters
Episode 310 (May 8, 2018, 6:00pm)
Topics: May 7 City Council meeting, parking issues, update on some Squares
Episode 307 (May 1, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials]
Possible Topics: Cambridge FY2019 Budget, historical look at City budgets
Episode 308 (May 1, 2018, 6:00pm)
Possible Topics: Featured items from the Apr 30 Cambridge City Council meeting
Episode 305 (Apr 24, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: proposed HP boycott and the new zoning petition relating to Alewife and climate and heat, etc. introduced at the Apr 23 Cambridge City Council meeting.
Episode 306 (Apr 24, 2018, 6:00pm)
Topics: FY2019 Cambridge City Budget plus a note on the pending sale of the Constellation Center site in Kendall Square.
Episode 303 (Apr 10, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Alewife planning, resiliency, Pause Petition rebranded
Episode 304 (Apr 10, 2018, 6:00pm)
Topics: Pause Petition rebranded, EMF building update, upcoming events
Episode 301 (Apr 3, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: April 2 City Council meeting, EMF Building controversy
Episode 302 (Apr 3, 2018, 6:00pm)
Topics: First Week of Citywide Compost Collection; Economic Development Committee meeting on retail strategy, Harvard Square; upcoming events
Episode 299 (Mar 27, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: March 26 City Council meeting, Central Square Arts Overlay, Rooming Houses, and other housing issues
Episode 300 (Mar 27, 2018, 6:00pm)
Topics: short-term rental regulation updates, Housing Committee priorities, citizen activism for municipal broadband
Episode 297 (Mar 20, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials] w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: Tenant Right of First Refusal, Envision Cambridge
Episode 298 (Mar 20, 2018, 6:00pm) w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: Envision Cambridge, Central Square
Episode 295 (Mar 6, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: CRLS Boys Basketball, Mar 5 City Council meeting, rejection of proposed Tenant Right of First Refusal (a.k.a. Expansion of Eminent Domain to Residential Properties at Point of Sale)
Episode 296 (Mar 6, 2018, 6:00pm)
Topics: Ward caucuses, The Reluctant Delegate, Democratic party politics, upcoming meetings
Episode 293 (Feb 27, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Feb 26 City Council meeting; new voting machines; Right of First Refusal; Bill Nobel; rent control.
Episode 294 (Feb 27, 2018, 6:00pm)
Topics: Feb 26 City Council meeting; bridges at Alewife; Fishbook; connectivity; and the future of transportation.
Episode 291 (Feb 13, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Feb 12 City Council highlights - bike lanes, Inman Square redesign, Vision Zero, and more
Episode 292 (Feb 13, 2018, 6:00pm)
Topics: Cambridge Historical Commission landmark designation reports, fate of the “Tenant Right of First Refusal” bill, and more
Episode 289 (Feb 6, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Feb 5 City Council meeting - Jerry’s Pond, Central Square crosswalks, right of first refusal.
Episode 290 (Feb 6, 2018, 6:00pm)
Topics: proposed “Right of First Refusal” enabling legislation now at the State House
Episode 287 (Jan 30, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Jan 29 City Council meeting; electric vehicles; Mass Pike reconfiguration; committee appointments, and more
Episode 288 (Jan 30, 2018, 6:00pm)
Topics: Central Square news and opportunities, and more
Episode 285 (Jan 23, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Transportation planning - Green Line Extension, Mass Pike realignment, and more
Episode 286 (Jan 23, 2018, 6:00pm)
Topics: The Womens March - one year later; new voting machines coming; Kroon Petition and “formula business” regulation; Central Square news and opportunities
Episode 283 (Jan 16, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Civic Nerdiness, City Council Rules and Committees
Episode 284 (Jan 16, 2018, 6:00pm)
Topics: Cambridge history of garbage
Episode 281 (Jan 9, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Jan 8 City Council meeting highlights, supermarket closure, snow issues
Episode 282 (Jan 9, 2018, 6:00pm)
Topics: Council committee appointments; discussion of the record of the 2016-2017 City Council
Episode 279 (Jan 2, 2018, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: 2018 Inaugurations of the Cambridge City Council and School Committee and the Election of Mayor Marc McGovern
Episode 280 (Jan 2, 2018, 6:00pm)
Topics: Discussion of some of the more challenging priorities for the new 2018-2019 City Council
Episode 277 (Dec 19, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Dec 18 City Council recap, fond farewells
Episode 278 (Dec 19, 2017, 6:00pm)
Topics: Harvard Square, Central Square, Catching Up on the Cambridge News
Episode 275 (Dec 12, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Dec 11 City Council recap, Hubway, looking back at 2017
Episode 276 (Dec 12, 2017, 6:00pm)
Topics: Looking back at 2017, anticipating the next Council term
Episode 273 (Dec 5, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Dec 4 City Council recap, curbside compost collection coming
Episode 274 (Dec 5, 2017, 6:00pm)
Topics: more election-related facts
Episode 271 (Nov 28, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Election Data Binge - Part 1, final results, voter turnout, demographics
Episode 272 (Nov 28, 2017, 6:00pm)
Topics: Election Data Binge - Part 2, fractional transfer, #2 votes, vacancy replacements
Episode 269 (Nov 14, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Post-Election Notes - Part 1
Episode 270 (Nov 14, 2017, 6:00pm)
Topics: Post-Election Notes - Part 2
Episode 267 (Oct 31, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Pre-Election Notes
Episode 268 (Oct 31, 2017, 6:00pm)
Topics: Pre-Election Notes
Episode 265 (Oct 24, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Guest: Emily Dexter, candidate for Cambridge School Committee
Episode 266 (Oct 24, 2017, 6:00pm)
Guest or Topics: MIT Volpe Petition ordained, Sanders meddles in local affairs
Episode 263 (Oct 17, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Guest: David Weinstein, candidate for Cambridge School Committee
Episode 264 (Oct 17, 2017, 6:00pm)
Guest: Elechi Kadete, candidate for Cambridge School Committee
Episode 261 (Oct 10, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Guest: Jake Crutchfield, candidate for Cambridge School Committee
Episode 262 (Oct 10, 2017, 6:00pm)
Guest: Josh Burgin, candidate for Cambridge City Council
Episode 259 (Oct 3, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Guest: Manny Lusardi, Liaison for Immigrant Affairs (w/Vice-Mayor’s Office)
Episode 260 (Oct 3, 2017, 6:00pm)
Topics: Elections, Harvard Square, Volpe Petition, property taxes
Episode 257 (Sept 19, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: elections, endorsements, Harvard Square, Sept 18 Council meeting
Episode 258 (Sept 19, 2017, 6:00pm)
Guest: School Committee candidate Piotr Mitros
Episode 255 (Sept 12, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Sept 11 City Council meeting, tax-financed municipal campaigns, Volpe Petition
Episode 256 (Sept 12, 2017, 6:00pm)
Topics: Volpe Petition, MIT graduate housing, candidate forums, endorsements
Episode 253 (Aug 29, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Hurricane Harvey and resiliency of cities, the Volpe Petition and a related new petition
Episode 254 (Aug 29, 2017, 6:00pm)
Topics: some history of the Plan E Charter and some of the realities of PR elections
Episode 251 (Aug 22, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Oldtime Baseball, Solar Eclipse, Politics
Episode 252 (Aug 22, 2017, 6:00pm)
Topics: Cambridge Candidate Pages - some history and a request for topics, questionnaires from political organizations
Episode 249 (Aug 15, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Guest: School Committee cabdidate Fran Cronin
Episode 250 (Aug 15, 2017, 6:00pm)
Guest: Wil Durbin and the newly ordained Cambridge regulations for short-term rentals
Episode 247 (Aug 8, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Agenda items from the Aug 7 City Council meeting, especially the ordination of the Short-Term Rental Zoning Petition
Episode 248 (Aug 8, 2017, 6:00pm)
Topics: Agenda items from the Aug 7 City Council meeting, especially the MIT/Volpe Petition, controversy over segregated bike lanes, and an unsuccessful late effort to place a ballot question on the November ballot regarding publicly funded municipal campaigns
Episode 245 (Aug 1, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Final list of candidates for Cambridge municipal election, Leland Cheung’s decision to not seek reelection
Episode 246 (Aug 1, 2017, 6:00pm)
Topics: municipal campaign finance, MIT/Volpe Petition
Episode 243 (July 25, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Cambridge municipal election and its many candidates as well as some history of Cambridge’s PR elections
Episode 244 (July 25, 2017, 6:00pm)
Topics: upcoming events and some observations re: Harvard Square activism
Episode 241 (July 18, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Guest: Alanna Mallon, City Council candidate
Episode 242 (July 18, 2017, 6:00pm)
Guest: Will MacArthur, School Committee candidate
Episode 239 (July 11, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Nomination papers for Cambridge City Council and School Committee, candidate list - who’s on the ballot so far
Episode 240 (July 11, 2017, 6:00pm)
Topics: Cambridge PR election history (especially the probability of an incumbent being ousted when there are multiple vacancies), and the status of short-term rental regulation
Episode 237 (June 27, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Guest: Paul Toner, City Council candidate
Episode 238 (June 27, 2017, 6:00pm)
Topics: June 26 City Council meeting, upcoming events
Episode 235 (June 20, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Guest: Sean Tierney, City Council candidate
Episode 236 (June 20, 2017, 6:00pm)
Topics: Adriane Musgrave, City Council candidate
Episode 233 (June 13, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: civic updates, electricity aggregation program, new municipal election candidates, and more
Episode 234 (June 13, 2017, 6:00pm)
Topics: City Council wrapup, short-term rentals, liquor licenses
Episode 231 - (June 6, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topic: June 5 City Council Roundtable meeting on Envision Cambridge - Alewife
Episode 232 (June 6, 2017, 6:00pm)
Topics: Envision Cambridge Roundtable; Mass. Democratic party platform; short-term rental regulation
Episode 229 (May 23, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: ranked choice voting advocacy in Cambridge and elsewhere in Massachusetts; the role of City Council committees vs. unofficial (and not especially public) working groups
Episode 230 (May 23, 2017, 6:00pm)
Topics: May 22 City Council meeting, affordable housing in Somerville, short-term rentals and more
Episode 227 (May 16, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials] w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: Cambridge politics and the municipal election [audio]
Episode 228 (May 16, 2017, 6:00pm) w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: City Council candidates, their political bases, and their viability [audio]
Episode 225 (May 9, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials] w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: death of former City Councillor Bob Moncrieff, vacancies on the Central Square and Harvard Square Advisory Committees, Participatory Budgeting, the Outstanding City Employee Awards
Episode 226 (May 9, 2017, 6:00pm) w/Patrick Barrett
Topics: Misbehavior of a city councillor at last week’s Budget Hearing; this week’s Budget Hearings; the AirBnB Question; and the issue of long-term vacant properties and how best to deal with them.
Episode 223 (May 2, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: 2017 municipal election and some recent developments in the field of candidates
Episode 224 (May 2, 2017, 6:00pm)
Topics: FY2018 Budget Hearings, Ranked Choice Voting in Cambridge and elsewhere
Episode 221 (Apr 25, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: drawn from Apr 24 Cambridge City Council meeting, including the FY2018 Budget and the proposed Surveillance Ordinance
Episode 222 (Apr 25, 2017, 6:00pm)
Topics: Envision Cambridge Working Groups and general concerns about long-term planning
Episode 219 (Apr 18, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Women in Comedy, Cambridge Science Festival, and more
Episode 220 (Apr 18, 2017, 6:00pm)
Topics: Mass. Turnpike Realignment and other infrastructure
Episode 217 (Apr 4, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: national issues & municipal politics; City Council order calling for impeachment of the President, upcoming civic and other opportunities
Episode 218 (Apr 4, 2017, 6:00pm)
Topics chosen from the Apr 3 City Council meeting, including discussion of police presence in City Hall and Central Square; updates on municipal election candidates
Episode 215 (Mar 28, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics chosen from the Mar 27 Cambridge City Council meeting, including water rates, Harvard Square Kiosk, school construction costs, bamboo, recycling for small businesses, and Central Square.
Episode 216 (Mar 28, 2017, 6:00pm)
Topics: survey of the potential City Council and School Committee candidates in the 2017 Cambridge municipal election, and the Cambridge Candidate Pages.
Episode 213 (Mar 21, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: State Championship victory of the CRLS Boys Basketball team, some upcoming civic events, design review of MIT-Kendall projects, and a curious zoning petition that appeared at the Mon, Mar 20 City Council meeting regarding short-term rentals
Episode 214 (Mar 21, 2017, 6:00pm)
Topics: zoning and short-term rentals, changes to the Smoking Ordinance, and the proposed changes to the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance that was passed to a 2nd Reading at the Mon, Mar 20 City Council meeting
Episode 211 (Mar 7, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Upcoming events, Police Commissioner search, new municipal election candidates
Episode 212 (Mar 7, 2017, 6:00pm)
Topics: items discussed and acted on at the Mar 6 City Council meeting
Episode 209 (Feb 28, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: School Committee member Kathleen Kelly - budget and more
Episode 210 (Feb 28, 2017, 6:00pm)
Topics: civic opportunities, Feb 27 City Council highlights
Episode 207 (Feb 21, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: effect of national politics on the Cambridge municipal elections, the current minibond sale, and the recent update by MIT about plans for the Volpe site
Episode 208 (Feb 21, 2017, 6:00pm)
Topics: Roundtable meeting of School Committee/City Council, municipal election candidates, Feb 13 City Council highlights, Inclusionary Zoning and Planned Unit Developments (PUDs)
Episode 205 (Feb 7, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Patriots’ win, events in DC, civic opportunities, partial recap of Feb 6 City Council meeting
Episode 206 (Feb 7, 2017, 6:00pm)
Topics: Partial recap of Feb 6 City Council meeting, unfinished matters, roster of possible candidates for the 2017 Cambridge municipal election.
Episode 203 (Jan 31, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: National events, announcements, recap of Jan 30 City Council meeting
Episode 204 (Jan 31, 2017, 6:00pm)
Topics: Recap of Jan 30 City Council meeting
Episode 201 (Jan 24, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Women’s March, Inaugural comments, Volpe site, Envision Cambridge
Episode 202 (Jan 24, 2017, 6:00pm)
Topics: Jan 23 Council recap, Events
Episode 199 (Jan 17, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Voter turnout 2016, Envision Cambridge, Village Green Preservation Society.
Episode 200 (Jan 17, 2017, 6:00pm)
Topics: Campaign finance 2015, comments on 200th Anniversary show.
Episode 197 (Jan 10, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Outdoor lighting, Central Square, Harvard Square, and emerging candidates for the 2017 municipal election
Episode 198 (Jan 10, 2017, 6:00pm)
Topics: Outdoor lighting, Central Square, Harvard Square, and emerging candidates for the 2017 municipal election
Episode 195 (Jan 3, 2017, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: civic infrastructure, slates, new candidates, etc.
Episode 196 (Jan 3, 2017, 6:00pm)
Topics: unfinished business
Episode 193 (Dec 27, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Looking Back at 2016
Episode 194 (Dec 27, 2016, 6:00pm)
Topics: Looking Back at 2016 (continued); Looking Ahead to 2017 (including names of some new candidates)
Episode 191 (Dec 20, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Dec 19 City Council meeting; meeting on Harvard Square development & preservation
Episode 192 (Dec 20, 2016, 6:00pm)
Topics: Participatory Budgeting winners; a 1987 poem about Central Square; Little Free Libraries for Central Square; and the upcoming Zero Waste Plan.
Episode 189 (Dec 6, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topic: Berkshire Street fire.
Episode 190 (Dec 6, 2016, 6:00pm)
Topics: Speed limit reduction to 25mph, Participatory Budgeting, Central Square Restoration Petition.
Episode 187 (Nov 29, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Lucius Paige; possible late night MBTA bus service; MIT development plans and potential at MIT/Kendall, the Volpe site, the northwest campus, and at Mass. Ave.; Cambridge Boards & Commissions; and Monday’s Roundtable meeting on Cambridge’s status as a Sanctuary City.
Episode 188 (Nov 29, 2016, 6:00pm)
Topics: Sanctuary City; Central Square Restoration Petition; recent meetings of the Central Square Advisory Committee and the Envision Cambridge Advisory Committee
Episode 185 (Nov 22, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Sanctuary cities, non-citizen voting
Episode 186 (Nov 22, 2016, 6:00pm)
Topics: Bicycle Safety Plan, Inclusionary Zoning, Harvard Square future
Episode 183 (Nov 15, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Local election results; Louis DePasquale takes the oath of Office
Episode 184 (Nov 15, 2016, 6:00pm)
Topics: David Maher to move to Chamber of Commerce; Ranked Choice Voting wins in Maine
Episode 181 (Nov 1, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Recap of Oct 31 City Council meeting
Episode 182 (Nov 1, 2016, 6:00pm)
Topics: Recap of Oct 31 City Council meeting
Episode 179 (Oct 25, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Early Voting, Inman Square changes, Media and the Elections, Broadband Task Force
Episode 180 (Oct 25, 2016, 6:00pm)
Topics: Broadband Task Force, Charter Schools Roundtable, Municipal Lighting Ordinance
Episode 177 (Oct 18, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: Recap of Oct 17 City Council meeting, esp. bike-related Orders
Episode 178 (Oct 18, 2016, 6:00pm)
Topics: Bicycle safety; demographic analysis of the Sept 8 primary, 26th Middlesex House district
Episode 175 (Oct 11, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials]
Topics: presidential debates, Red Sox elimination, a death in Porter Square, Riverside zoning
Episode 176 (Oct 11, 2016, 6:00pm)
Topics: The Foundry, charter school opinions, absentee ballots, Early Voting
Episode 173 (Oct 4, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials] Episode 174 (Oct 4, 2016, 6:00pm)
Episode 171 (Sept 27, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials] Episode 172 (Sept 27, 2016, 6:00pm)
Episode 169 (Sept 13, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials] Episode 170 (Sept 13, 2016, 6:00pm)
Episode 167 (Sept 6, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials] Episode 168 (Sept 6, 2016, 6:00pm)
Episode 165 (Aug 23, 2016, 5:30pm) with Ronald Benjamin [materials] Episode 166 (Aug 23, 2016, 6:00pm)
Episode 163 (Aug 9, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials] Episode 164 (Aug 9, 2016, 6:00pm)
Episode 161 (Aug 2, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials] Episode 162 (Aug 2, 2016, 6:00pm)
Episode 159 (July 26, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials] Episode 160 (July 26, 2016, 6:00pm)
Episode 157 (July 19, 2016, 5:30pm) - 1996 episode of original Cambridge InsideOut
[Bob Moncrieff’s 1996 article on demise of rent control]
Episode 158 (July 19, 2016, 6:00pm) - 1996 episode of original Cambridge InsideOut
Episode 155 (July 12, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials] - featuring the Cambridge Water System Episode 156 (July 12, 2016, 6:00pm)
Episode 153 (July 5, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials] Episode 154 (July 5, 2016, 6:00pm)
Episode 151 (June 28, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials] Episode 152 (June 28, 2016, 6:00pm)
Episode 149 (June 21, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials] Episode 150 (June 21, 2016, 6:00pm)
Episode 147 (June 14, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials] Episode 148 (June 14, 2016, 6:00pm)
Episode 145 (June 7, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials] Episode 146 with Luis Vasquez (June 7, 2016, 6:00pm)
Episode 143 (May 31, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials] Episode 144 (May 31, 2016, 6:00pm)
Episode 141 (May 24, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials] Episode 142 (May 24, 2016, 6:00pm)
Episode 139 (May 17, 2016, 5:30pm) with Will MacArthur [materials] Episode 140 (May 17, 2016, 6:00pm)
Episode 137 (May 10, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials] Episode 138 (May 10, 2016, 6:00pm)
Episode 135 (May 3, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials] Episode 136 (May 3, 2016, 6:00pm)
Episode 133 (Apr 26, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials] Episode 134 (Apr 26, 2016, 6:00pm)
Episode 131 (Apr 19, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials] [audio] w/Patrick Barrett Episode 132 (Apr 19, 2016, 6:00pm) [audio] w/Patrick Barrett
Episode 129 (Apr 12, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials] Episode 130 (Apr 12, 2016, 6:00pm)
Episode 127 (Apr 5, 2016, 5:30pm) Episode 128 (Apr 5, 2016, 6:00pm)
Episode 125 (Mar 29, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials] Episode 126 (Mar 29, 2016, 6:00pm)
Episode 123 (Mar 22, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials] Episode 124 (Mar 22, 2016, 6:00pm)
Episode 121 (Mar 15, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials] Episode 122 (Mar 15, 2016, 6:00pm)
Episode 119 (Mar 8, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials] Episode 120 (Mar 8, 2016, 6:00pm)
Episode 117 (Mar 1, 2016, 5:30pm) - Super Tuesday Episode 118 (Mar 1, 2016, 6:00pm)
Episode 115 (Feb 23, 2016, 5:30pm) - InsideOut goes Presidential! Episode 116 (Feb 23, 2016, 6:00pm)
Episode 113 (Feb 16, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials] - Picture Show, Part 1 Episode 114 (Feb 16, 2016, 6:00pm) - Picture Show, Part 2
Episode 111 (Feb 9, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials]
with Michael Orr, Waste Reduction Mgr, DPW on the Bag Ban
Episode 112 (Feb 9, 2016, 6:00pm)
discussion of current issues (possibly including the presidential primaries!)
Episode 109 (Feb 2, 2016, 5:30pm)
1992 Tip O’Neill interview (part 2) on Cambridge: Inside Out
Episode 110 (Feb 2, 2016, 6:00pm)
1992 Tip O’Neill interview (part 3) on Cambridge: Inside Out
Episode 107 (Jan 26, 2016, 5:30pm) [materials]
updates and discussion of current issues
Episode 108 (Jan 26, 2016, 6:00pm)
1992 Tip O’Neill interview (part 1) on Cambridge: Inside Out
Episode 105 (Jan 12, 2016, 5:30pm) - with Anthony Galluccio Episode 106 (Jan 12, 2016, 6:00pm) - with Anthony Galluccio
Episode 103 (Jan 5, 2016, 5:30pm) - with Marc McGovern [materials] Episode 104 (Jan 5, 2016, 6:00pm) - with Marc McGovern
Episode 101 (Dec 29, 2015, 5:30pm) - Looking ahead to 2016-17 Episode 102 (Dec 29, 2015, 6:00pm) - Looking ahead to 2016-17
Episode 99 (Dec 22, 2015, 5:30pm) - Looking back at 2014-15 Episode 100 (Dec 22, 2015, 6:00pm) - Looking back at 2014-15
Episode 97 (Dec 15, 2015, 5:30pm) - materials Episode 98 (Dec 15, 2015, 6:00pm)
Episode 95 (Dec 8, 2015, 5:30pm) w/Patrick Barrett Episode 96 (Dec 8, 2015, 6:00pm) w/Patrick Barrett
Episode 93 (Dec 1, 2015, 5:30pm) - materials Episode 94 (Dec 1, 2015, 6:00pm)
Episode 91 (Nov 17, 2015, 5:30pm) - materials Episode 92 (Nov 17, 2015, 6:00pm)
Episode 89 (Nov 10, 2015, 5:30pm) Episode 90 (Nov 10, 2015, 6:00pm)
Nov 3, 2015 - 8:00pm to 12:00pm - Election Night Live Coverage with Susana Segat and Robert Winters
Episode 87 (Nov 3, 2015, 5:30pm) Episode 88 (Nov 3, 2015, 6:00pm)
Episode 85 (Oct 27, 2015, 5:30pm) - materials Episode 86 (Oct 27, 2015, 6:00pm)
Episode 83 (Oct 20, 2015, 5:30pm) - materials Episode 84 (Oct 20, 2015, 6:00pm)
Episode 81 - Cambridge InsideOut returns (Oct 13, 2015, 5:30pm) Episode 82 - Cambridge InsideOut returns (Oct 13, 2015, 6:00pm)

Cambridge InsideOut Returns on Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Cambridge InsideOut is returning to CCTV weekly starting Tuesday, October 13 at 5:30pm and 6:00pm. The back-to-back programs will be produced by Robert Winters and Judy Nathans. The producers will host the first programs, but other Cambridge luminaries will occasionally serve as guest hosts on the programs. We will often have guests on the programs in addition to providing news and commentary on current Cambridge civic and political matters. Videos of the programs will be made available after the live shows. Questions? Suggestions?

on hiatus
Episode 79 with Terry Smith - Part 1 (Aug 19, 2014, 5:30pm) Episode 80 with Terry Smith - Part 2 (Aug 19, 2014, 6:00pm)
Episode 77 with Patty Nolan - Part 1 (Aug 5, 2014, 5:30pm) Episode 78 with Patty Nolan - Part 2 (Aug 5, 2014, 6:00pm)
Episode 75 with Brian Corr - Part 1 (July 29, 2014, 5:30pm) Episode 76 with Brian Corr - Part 2 (July 29, 2014, 6:00pm)
Episode 73 with Marc McGovern - Part 1 (July 22, 2014, 5:30pm) Episode 74 with Marc McGovern - Part 2 (July 22, 2014, 6:00pm)
Episode 71 (July 15, 2014, 5:30pm) - News and events, July 2014 and beyond (Part 1) Episode 72 (July 15, 2014, 6:00pm) - News and events, July 2014 and beyond (Part 2)
Episode 69 (July 1, 2014 at 5:30pm) with guest Rozann Kraus featured highlights from the June 30 City Council meeting, updates from the state legislature, and transportation safety in Cambridge. Episode 70 (July 1, 2014 at 6:00pm) with guest Rozann Kraus focused on transportation safety in Cambridge.
Episode 67 (June 24, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut” featuring news and commentary from around town Episode 68 (June 24, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut” featuring news and commentary from around town
Episode 65 (June 17, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut” featuring tales from the Mass. Democratic Party Convention in Worcester Episode 66 (June 17, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut” featuring news and commentary from around town
Episode 63 (June 10, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut” with Glenn Koocher (Part 1) Episode 64 (June 10, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut” with Glenn Koocher (Part 2)
Episode 61 (June 3, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut” - News and Commentary (Part 1) Episode 62 (June 3, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut” - News and Commentary (Part 2)
Tues, May 20, 5:30pm
Episode 59 (May 20, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut” with City Councillor Craig Kelley (Part 1)
Tues, May 20, 6:00pm
Episode 60 (May 20, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut” with City Councillor Craig Kelley (Part 2)
Tues, May 13, 5:30pm
Episode 57 (May 13, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut” with School Committee member Fran Cronin (Part 1)
Tues, May 13, 6:00pm
Episode 58 (May 13, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut” with School Committee member Fran Cronin (Part 2)
Tues, May 6, 5:30pm
Episode 55 (May 6, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut” with State Rep. Marjorie Decker on the state budget
Tues, May 6, 6:00pm
Episode 56 (May 6, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut” - Upcoming events, the FY2015 Budget, and news updates
Tues, Apr 22, 5:30pm
Episode 53 (Apr 22, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut” with Mayor David Maher (Part 1)

Tues, Apr 22, 6:00pm
Episode 54 (Apr 22, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut” with Mayor David Maher (Part 2)
Tues, Apr 15, 5:30pm
Episode 51 (Apr 15, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut” with guest Dennis Carlone (Part 1)
Tues, Apr 15, 6:00pm (RW only)
Episode 52 (Apr 15, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut” with guest Dennis Carlone (Part 2)
Tues, Apr 8, 5:30pm
Episode 49 (Apr 8, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut” with guest Dennis Benzan (Part 1)
Tues, Apr 8, 6:00pm
Episode 50 (Apr 8, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut” with guest Dennis Benzan (Part 2)
Tues, Apr 1, 5:30pm
Episode 47 (Apr 1, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut” with guest Saul Tannenbaum (Part 1 on municipal broadband)
Tues, Apr 1, 6:00pm
Episode 48 (Apr 1, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut” with guest Saul Tannenbaum (Part 2 on civic technology)
Tues, Mar 18, 5:30pm
Episode 45 (Mar 18, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut” with guest Tim Toomey (Part 1)
Tues, Mar 18, 6:00pm
Episode 46 (Mar 18, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut” with guest Tim Toomey (Part 2)
Tues, Mar 11, 5:30pm
“The Cambridge Idea” and the roots of civic reform in the 20th Century with Gavin Kleespies
Episode 43 (Mar 11, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut”: The “No License Movement” with guest Gavin Kleespies
Tues, Mar 11, 6:00pm
Cambridge Historical Society with Gavin Kleespies
Episode 44 (Mar 11, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut”: Cambridge Historical Society with guest Gavin Kleespies
Tues, Mar 4, 5:30pm
News updates: Democratic caucuses and statewide elections, an update on the options for the Foundry Building, and the possibility of public restrooms for people who use the Cambridge Common.
Episode 41 (Mar 4, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut”: News and Views (Part 1)

Tues, Mar 4, 6:00pm
News updates: Disposition of the Sullivan Courthouse, naming rights for T stations, School Committee policy change regarding middle school mathematics, the MIT report on the need for graduate student housing, and the promise of the opening of H-Mart soon in Central Square.
Episode 42 (Mar 4, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut”: News and Views (Part 2)
Tues, Feb 25, 5:30pm
Episode 39 (Feb 25, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut”: A Conversation with Brian Corr of the Cambridge Peace Commission
Tues, Feb 25, 6:00pm
Episode 40 (Feb 25, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut”: A Look Back at the Early Days of Cambridge Recycling
Tues, Feb 18, 5:30pm
State Sen. Sal DiDomenico - Family’s East Cambridge history. Topics: Education - particularly early ed, community development, election reforms, public safety, and how things have changed since I was a kid growing up in Cambridge at the old Harrington School and CRLS.
Episode 37 (Feb 18, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut”: A Conversation with State Senator Sal DiDomenico (Part 1)
Tues, Feb 18, 6:00pm
State Sen. Sal DiDomenico
Episode 38 (Feb 18, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut”: A Conversation with State Senator Sal DiDomenico (Part 2)
Tues, Feb 11, 5:30pm - w/ Denise Simmons
Episode 35 (Feb 11, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut” with guest Denise Simmons (Part 1)
Tues, Feb 11, 6:00pm - w/ Denise Simmons
Episode 36 (Feb 11, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut” with guest Denise Simmons (Part 2)
Tues, Jan 28, 5:30pm
Discussing Foundry options with guest Rozann Kraus (Part 1)
Episode 33 (Jan 28, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut”: Discussing Foundry options with guest Rozann Kraus (Part 1)
Tues, Jan 28, 6:00pm
Discussing Foundry options with guest Rozann Kraus (Part 2)
Episode 34 (Jan 28, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut”: Discussing Foundry options with guest Rozann Kraus (Part 2)
Tues, Jan 14, 5:30pm (RW only)
A Conversation with City Councillor Marc McGovern (Part 1)
Episode 31 (Jan 14, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut”: A Conversation with City Councillor Marc McGovern (Part 1)
Tues, Jan 14, 6:00pm (RW only)
A Conversation with City Councillor Marc McGovern (Part 2)
Episode 32 (Jan 14, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut”: A Conversation with City Councillor Marc McGovern (Part 2)
Tues, Jan 7, 5:30pm - guest Alice Turkel (Part 1)
Episode 29 (Jan 7, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut” with guest Alice Turkel (Part 1)
Tues, Jan 7, 6:00pm - guest Alice Turkel (Part 2) and comments on mayoral election
Episode 30 (Jan 7, 2014) of “Cambridge InsideOut” with guest Alice Turkel (Part 2) and comments on mayoral election
Episode 27 (Dec 17, 2013, 5:30pm) of “Cambridge InsideOut” - Updates and the end of the 2012-13 City Council term Episode 28 (Dec 17, 2013, 6:00pm) of “Cambridge InsideOut” - Reflections on the exit of four city councillors
Episode 25 (Dec 10, 2013, 5:30pm) of “Cambridge InsideOut” - Focus on Porter Square with guest John Howard (Part 1) Episode 26 (Dec 10, 2013, 6:00pm) of “Cambridge InsideOut” - Focus on Porter Square with guest John Howard (Part 2)
Episode 23 (Dec 3, 2013, 5:30pm) of “Cambridge InsideOut” - The Recount Commences Episode 24 (Dec 3, 2013, 6:00pm) of “Cambridge InsideOut” - Looking Deeper at the Ballot Data
Episode 21 (Nov 26, 2013, 5:30pm) of “Cambridge InsideOut” with guest Marjorie Decker Episode 22 (Nov 26, 2013, 6:00pm) of “Cambridge InsideOut” - Analyzing the ballot data
Episode 19 (Nov 19, 2013, 5:30pm) of “Cambridge InsideOut” - Notes on a possible Recount Episode 20 (Nov 19, 2013, 6:00pm) of “Cambridge InsideOut” - On Vacancies and Cambridge Boards & Commissions
Episode 17 (Nov 12, 2013, 5:30pm) of “Cambridge InsideOut” - A detailed look at the 2013 Cambridge election results and possible recount Episode 18 (Nov 12, 2013, 6:00pm) of “Cambridge InsideOut” - Boulder vs. Cincinnati vs. Fractional transfer methods in Cambridge’s PR elections

Tues, Nov 5, 8:30pm - Live Election Night coverage of the Preliminary PR Count

Episode 15 (Oct 29, 2013, 5:30pm) of “Cambridge InsideOut” with City Council candidates Dennis Carlone and Dennis Benzan

Episode 16 (Oct 29, 2013, 6:00pm) of “Cambridge InsideOut” with City Council candidates Denise Simmons and Minka vanBeuzekom

Episode 13 (Oct 22, 2013, 5:30pm) of “Cambridge InsideOut” with guest Jesse Kansen-Benanav (Part 1)

Episode 14 (Oct 22, 2013, 6:00pm) of “Cambridge InsideOut” with guest Jesse Kansen-Benanav (Part 2)
Episode 11 (Oct 15, 2013, 5:30pm) of “Cambridge InsideOut” with guest Alice Wolf (Part 1) Episode 12 (Oct 15, 2013, 6:00pm) of “Cambridge InsideOut” with guest Alice Wolf (Part 2)
Episode 9 (Oct 8, 2013, 5:30pm) of “Cambridge InsideOut” features visits from School Committee candidates Elechi Kadete and Patty Nolan Episode 10 (Oct 8, 2013, 6:00pm) of “Cambridge InsideOut” features visits from Cambridge School Committee candidates Patty Nolan and Joyce Gerber
Tues, Oct 1, 5:30pm - The Incumbents - City Council
Episode 7 (Oct 1, 2013, 5:30pm) of “Cambridge InsideOut” features phone interviews with City Council candidates (Part 1)
Tues, Oct 1, 6:00pm - The Incumbents - School Committee
Episode 8 (Oct 1, 6:00pm) of “Cambridge InsideOut” features phone interviews with City Council candidates (Part 2)
Tues, Sept 24, 5:30pm - The Wisdom of Veterans - City Council
Episode 5 (Sept 24, 2013, 5:30pm) of “Cambridge InsideOut” features guest Anthony Galluccio (Part 1)
Tues, Sept 24, 6:00pm - The Wisdom of Veterans - School Committee
Episode 6 (Sept 24, 2013, 6:00pm) of “Cambridge InsideOut” features guest Anthony Galluccio (Part 2)
Tues, Sept 17, 5:30pm - The Issues - City Council election
Economic development (esp. Kendall Square); Community development (esp. Central Square); Housing and affordability; Choice of City Manager; City Council Goals; Environmental issues - local; Environmental issues - global, climate; Transportation: motor vehicles, traffic, bikes, MBTA; Public safety/security - cameras; Civic Unity - racial, economic, town/gown; City administration: departments, boards, commissions, service delivery; Municipal Finance; Use of technology
Episode 3 (Sept 17, 2013, 5:30pm) of “Cambridge InsideOut” addressed some of the Big Issues in the City Council election
Tues, Sept 17, 6:00pm - The Issues - School Committee
Innovation Agenda; Special Education; Advanced learners; Buildings - cost and long-range plans; Enrollment; Academic achievement, gaps; Controlled choice
Episode 4 (Sept 17, 2013, 6:00pm) of “Cambridge InsideOut” addressed some of the Big Issues in the School Committee election
Tues, Sept 10, 5:30pm
Introduction of program - history, Koocher acknowledgement
History and purpose of ranked choice voting (PR) in Cambridge
Thomas Wright Hill (1821), Thomas Hare (1857), John Stuart Mill, Henry Richmond Droop (1881); early reform efforts in Cambridge, National Civic League; 1938 Plan E legislation, 1938 and 1940 elections.
How to vote a PR ballot
Tabulation of the ballots: quota, surplus transfer (Cincinnati method), series of runoffs.
Discussion of advantages/disadvantages of PR-STV; anecdotes - 1941 (83 candidates), 1945 Arthur Drinkwater, 1991 Wolf/Walsh
Episode 1 (Sept 10, 2013, 5:30pm) of “Cambridge InsideOut - The Sequel” featured PR voting in Cambridge
Tues, Sept 10, 6:00pm
The Candidates - 2013
Quick run-through using online pictures and brief information.
Use stickers on map to show where they live
Set up web page or pages with just pictures, addresses, years served (incumbents)
City Council and School Committee candidates
References to Candidate Pages
Episode 2 (Sept 10, 2013, 6:00pm) of “Cambridge InsideOut - The Sequel” introduced this year’s municipal election candidates

Possible Future Topics and Wish List of Guests (suggestions welcome):

Fred Levy, Michael Sullivan, Kathy Born, anyone from the City administration with programs or events to promote

Youth On Fire - This was suggested by John Gintell who spoke glowingly about this group who had work with him and the GLBT Commission.

Representative from the East Cambridge Planning Team (ECPT) to address current topics, e.g. Courthouse building, Foundry building

Cambridge City Planning from the early days through the Growth Policy Document to today

Chronology of Interim Parking Freeze, Vehicle Trip Reduction Ordinance, and current environmental and transportation planning in Cambridge

Charles River Edge - bridges, paths, dams, proposals that were realized and those that have not yet been realized

Chronology and highlights of Central Square studies, visions, plans over the last 35 years

The ongoing debate about supply, demand, and cost of Cambridge housing; market vs. subsidized; regional perspectives

Various topics in Cambridge history from the 17th Century through today

Additional informational programs on proportional representation and other voting systems

Watch it live on CCTV every (1st and 3rd) Tuesday at 6:00pm and 6:30pm or on YouTube.