Cambridge InsideOut - Sept 25, 2018
Possible Topics:
1) Sept 24, 2018 City Council meeting
2) Ant Bikes, Lime Scooters, etc.
3) Inman Square reconfiguration updates
5) Sept 17, 2018 City Council meeting
6) Pending zoning petitions (4)
Rainwater & Flat Roofs
7) News, Upcoming Events, etc.
Bow Tie Ride
Document Shredding
Civic Opportunities
Proposed Church Street development (Gerald Chan)
Charter Right Do-Over - Agenda items from the Sept 24, 2018 Cambridge City Council meeting
Manager's Agenda #7. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 18-30 regarding a report on the possibility of Cambridge joining the national suit against opioid manufacturers and distributors. Normally I don't care for lawsuits like this, but in this case I'll make an exception. These are the worst kinds of dope dealers. Better yet, we don't have to pay for the litigation unless the City prevails and is awarded damages. Charter Right #2. That the City Manager is requested to work with the Community Development Department to establish a Senior Living Overlay District at the current site of Sancta Maria Nursing Facility to encourage and incentivize redevelopment specifically for continuum of care services. [Order #1 of Sept 17, 2018] I think we're starting to get a bit too prescriptive with Cambridge zoning, especially with the introduction of "overlay districts" for every imaginable use. Many of us would like to see opportunities for senior living or a place where artists can flourish. We would also like places to buy affordable groceries. Is the creation of an overlay district to dictate one use while preventing other potential good uses the right way to go? It's one thing to classify land use as residential, commercial, industrial, etc., but how far down should this categorization go? Charter Right #5. That the City Manager is requested to confer with the appropriate City departments and relevant housing partners to aggressively attempt to obtain, or help others obtain, the Sancta Maria property for purposes of affordable housing. [Order #3 of Sept 17, 2018] Whatever happened to the idea of a relocated Public Works Yard? I'm not necessarily recommending this, but putting DPW on Concord Ave. and building mixed-income housing on the current DPW site isn't a crazy idea. Both of these Orders now appear to be moot thanks to this news flash: Charter Right #7. That the City Manager is requested to report back to the City Council on the tax status, zoning history, and sale of The Constellation Center's Parcel C in Kendall Square. [Order #7 of Sept 17, 2018] Anyone who has followed this knew this Order would eventually come. That will be an interesting and likely fruitless journey down the road of Retroactive Zoning & Tax Classification. Looking forward would make a lot more sense, but I'm sure I'll find the history interesting. Charter Right #12. That the City Manager is requested to work with the Economic Development Division to regularly update the vacant property database as well as review the strategies presented in the Storefront Vacancies Best Practices Report and report back on the feasibility of implementing these recommendations. [Order #12 of Sept 17, 2018] I testified recently at a follow-up meeting of this committee about the potential unintended consequences of encouraging "pop up" businesses to occupy vacant spaces at (presumably) much lower rents than nearby businesses. I can easily see a seasonable "pop up" store showing up and stealing all the holiday business away from an existing business. The temporary filling of a vacant store could then lead to another vacancy. Charter Right #14. A communication was received from Donna P. Lopez, City Clerk, transmitting a report from Councillor Dennis J. Carlone and Councillor Craig A. Kelley, Co-Chairs of the Ordinance Committee, for a public hearing held on July 23, 2018 to discuss a proposed amendment to the Municipal Code in Chapter 10.17 entitled “Vehicle Trip Reduction Ordinance” in section 10.17.070 entitled “Fees for Residential Parking Stickers.” [Committee Report #6 of Sept 17, 2018] I attended this meeting. My impression is that we have several elected officials who have never seen a fee increase or a tax increase that they didn't embrace and celebrate. The simplest way to understand fees is to make clear the distinction with taxes. A fee pays for a service, and the money raised has to support that service. It's not just another revenue source like a tax that can be used for whatever pet project a councillor wants to support. Personally, I find the notion of renewing a parking sticker every year a bit ridiculous. We accept it only because we're familiar with the routine (and the long lines for some). A much better system would be to pay a one-time fee for a sticker that's good for as long as you own the vehicle and still live in Cambridge. It would be easy to encode the sticker for easy verification against City databases. The only people waiting on lines would then be for new residents or new vehicles. Committee Report #1. A communication was received from Paula M. Crane, Deputy City Clerk, transmitting a report from Councilor E. Denise Simmons, Chair and Councilor Sumbul Siddiqui of the Housing Committee for a public hearing held on June 12, 2018 to discuss the housing ombudsman position, receive a detailed update regarding the timeline and plan for the affordable housing overlay district, an update on the inclusionary housing report, and the map of all affordable housing in the city. I get the sense that not many Cambridge residents know what exactly is being proposed in the current plan for a citywide "affordable housing overlay district". I'll provide a few more details shortly, but the basic idea is that your city councillors want to give builders of subsidized housing the right to to build up to four times the density as any other property owner with some setback requirements waived and little or no public process permitted. - RW |
100% Affordable Housing Overlay Proposal (Sept 13, 2018)
Super-Inclusionary Housing Proposal (Sept 13, 2018)
Environment Performance Incentive Proposal (Sept 13, 2018)
Combined Super-Inclusionary & Environmental Performance Scenarios (Sept 13, 2018)
Pre-Fall - Select menu items from the Sept 17, 2018 Cambridge City Council Agenda
Manager's Agenda #1. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to recommendations of the Community Preservation Act Committee (CPAC) for FY2019. 80% housing, 10% open space, 10% historic preservation - same as every year. Not negotiable. Manager's Agenda #4. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to a recommended appointment of the following person as a member of the Cambridge Housing Authority for a term of 5 years: Elaine DeRosa I cannot think of a better choice for this important appointment. Committee Report #3. A communication was received from Paula Crane, Deputy City Clerk, transmitting a report from Councillor Sumbul Siddiqui, Chair of the Economic Development and University Relations Committee, for a public hearing held on Wed, June 20, 2019 to discuss the potential for a City-based Cannabis Social Equity Program, focusing on ways to reduce barriers to entry in the commercial Cannabis industry. Manager's Agenda #6. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to a Planning Board recommendation to adopt the Cannabis Zoning Petition with suggested revisions and additional considerations. I'm a little curious about this: "Board members suggested further study of whether mobile facilities could be allowed, given that a mobile facility operating on a temporary basis might provide lower barriers to entry for small businesses that cannot afford typical retail rents." Are they talking about pot trucks to go along with the food trucks? When I was a kid there was a Good Humor Man who got caught selling dope out of his ice cream truck. Nowadays they'd just call that economic empowerment. Manager's Agenda #8. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the reappointment of the following persons as a members of the Library Board of Trustees: Karen Kosko, Patricia Payne and Nancy Woods. Excellent appointments all around. Applications & Petitions #3. An application was received from the Office of the Mayor McGovern requesting permission for a temporary banner across Massachusetts Avenue in front of City Hall promoting the Indigenous Peoples' Day from Oct 3, 2018 thru Oct 15, 2018. Most people just celebrate this as Day Off. No banner necessary. Resolution #3. Resolution on the death of Frances (DeGuglielmo) Tingle. Councillor Simmons, Councillor Toomey Resolution #6. Retirement of Attorney David Sullivan from the Massachusetts State Senate. Mayor McGovern Resolution #29. Retirement of William"Bill" Dwyer from the Department of Public Works. Mayor McGovern One thing not everyone knows is that the Department of Public Works is a community with many people who work for decades, sometimes their entire working life, within DPW. Retirements of people like Bill Dwyer are a very big deal indeed. Order #1. That the City Manager is requested to work with the Community Development Department to establish a Senior Living Overlay District at the current site of Sancta Maria Nursing Facility to encourage and incentivize redevelopment specifically for continuum of care services. Councillor Mallon I think we're starting to get a bit too prescriptive with Cambridge zoning, especially with the introduction of "overlay districts" for every imaginable use. Many of us would like to see opportunities for senior living or a place where artists can flourish. We would also like places to buy affordable groceries. Is the creation of an overlay district to dictate one use while preventing other potential good uses the right way to go? It's one thing to classify land use as residential, commercial, industrial, etc., but how far down should this categorization go? Order #3. That the City Manager is requested to confer with the appropriate City departments and relevant housing partners to aggressively attempt to obtain, or help others obtain, the Santa Maria property for purposes of affordable housing. Councillor Kelley, Councillor Toomey, Mayor McGovern Whatever happened to the idea of a relocated Public Works Yard? I'm not necessarily recommending this, but putting DPW on Concord Ave. and building mixed-income housing on the current DPW site isn't a crazy idea. Order #4. That the City Manager is requested to work with the Police Commissioner to increase enforcement of the Bike Lane Bill to keep our bicycle infrastructure free and unobstructed. Mayor McGovern, Vice Mayor Devereux, Councillor Zondervan Does this apply to Really Bad Bicycle Infrastructure (RBBI)? Order #7. That the City Manager is requested to report back to the City Council on the tax status, zoning history, and sale of The Constellation Center's Parcel C in Kendall Square. Councillor Kelley, Councillor Toomey Anyone who has followed this knew this Order would eventually come. That will be an interesting and likely fruitless journey down the road of Retroactive Zoning & Tax Classification. Looking forward would make a lot more sense, but I'm sure I'll find the history interesting. Order #12. That the City Manager is requested to work with the Economic Development Division to regularly update the vacant property database as well as review the strategies presented in the Storefront Vacancies Best Practices Report and report back on the feasibility of implementing these recommendations. Councillor Siddiqui, Councillor Mallon, Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Carlone I testified recently at a follow-up meeting of this committee about the potential unintended consequences of encouraging "pop up" businesses to occupy vacant spaces at (presumably) much lower rents than nearby businesses. I can easily see a seasonable "pop up" store showing up and stealing all the holiday business away from an existing business. The temporary filling of a vacant store could then lead to another vacancy. Order #13. That the City Manager is requested to direct the City Solicitor to provide a legal opinion on a Motion to Rescind. Councillor Zondervan Order #14. That the City Council rescind its vote of July 30, 2018 failing to send the climate safety (Brown, et al) petition to a second reading, thereby taking no action on the petition. Councillor Zondervan Our petulant Councillor Zondervan continues to stomp his feet in protest over the failure of the Nakagawa-Brown petition to be passed to a 2nd Reading. First he tried to file reconsideration, and now he wants to go for the legislative equivalent of annulment. I am not a lawyer (IANAL) and I have no prior knowledge of anyone ever looking to do pull a "Motion to Rescind" on a prior vote, but consider the ramifications of such a thing. A local legislature votes on a zoning matter (one way or another) and the matter is finalized. A property owner then happily goes to the bank to secure financing now that the road has been cleared. Then a month or so later the local legislature comes back and cries "Do Over" like that annoying kid who didn't like the fact that the other kids prevailed in the ball game. Committee Report #5. A communication was received from Donna P. Lopez, City Clerk, transmitting a report from Councillor Dennis J. Carlone and Councillor Craig A. Kelley, Co-Chairs of the Ordinance Committee, for a public hearing held on Aug 13, 2018 to discuss revisions to the proposed Municipal Code amendment to create a new chapter 12.22 entitled “Surveillance Technology Ordinance;” said revisions were submitted to the City Council on June 25, 2018. The interesting aspect of this (at least to me) is the legal separation of authority under the City Charter. The City Council may be the body that sets general policies, but can you imagine the ensuing chaos of having the Cambridge City Council micromanaging how the Cambridge Police Department conducts its day-to-day operations or how it responds to an emergency situation? It's one thing to set parameters and maintain a dialogue, but police investigations should not be arbitrarily constrained by people trained more in politics than in police work. Committee Report #6. A communication was received from Donna P. Lopez, City Clerk, transmitting a report from Councillor Dennis J. Carlone and Councillor Craig A. Kelley, Co-Chairs of the Ordinance Committee, for a public hearing held on July 23, 2018 to discuss a proposed amendment to the Municipal Code in Chapter 10.17 entitled “Vehicle Trip Reduction Ordinance” in section 10.17.070 entitled “Fees for Residential Parking Stickers.” I attended this meeting. My impression is that we have several elected officials who have never seen a fee increase or a tax increase that they didn't embrace and celebrate. The simplest way to understand fees is to make clear the distinction with taxes. A fee pays for a service, and the money raised has to support that service. It's not just another revenue source like a tax that can be used for whatever pet project a councillor wants to support. Personally, I find the notion of renewing a parking sticker every year a bit ridiculous. We accept it only because we're familiar with the routine (and the long lines for some). A much better system would be to pay a one-time fee for a sticker that's good for as long as you own the vehicle and still live in Cambridge. It would be easy to encode the sticker for easy verification against City databases. The only people waiting on lines would then be for new residents or new vehicles. Committee Report #8. A communication was received from Donna P. Lopez, City Clerk, transmitting a report from Councillor Dennis J. Carlone and Councillor Craig A. Kelley, Co-Chairs of the Ordinance Committee, for a public hearing held on Aug 8, 2018 to discuss City Council petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance in Article 5.000 as it relates to rainwater and flat roofs. As an owner of a triple-decker with a flat roof, I completely understand the concerns about clogged drains and why someone might seek an alternative design. The ideas in this zoning petition have merit. The only issue should be how to ensure that one person's cure is not another person's cause of trouble, i.e. rainwater being diverted to an unwelcome place. - Robert Winters |
Nakagawa/Brown Petition - See you in two years!
Applications & Petions #5 (Apr 23, 2018). A Zoning Petition was received from Douglas Brown Et Al, regarding Zoning petition that aims to balance the future health and safety impacts of climate change.
Referred to Planning Board & Ordinance Committee
Applications & Petitions #4 (June 25, 2018). A zoning petition has been received from the Pizzuto Family Limited Partnership Cambridge Zoning Ordinance 20.900 and Zoning Map by added section entitled New Street Overlay District.
Order #1 (June 25, 2018). That the City Council refer proposed changes to Cambridge Zoning Article 5.000.Rainwater & Flat Roof Zoning to the Ordinance Committee and the Planning Board for hearing and report. Councillor Kelley, Mayor McGovern, Councillor Zondervan
Order #4 (June 25, 2018). That the zoning amendment to section 4.22 of the zoning code, with strikeouts and highlighting to identify proposed changes for discussion, be forwarded to the Planning Board and the Ordinance Committee for their review as a zoning solution to the challenges posed by current zoning constraints regarding accessory dwelling units. Councillor Kelley, Councillor Carlone, Councillor Zondervan
Cannabis Regulation Zoning Petition (July 30, 2018)
Manager's Agenda #22. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to a draft zoning petition concerning the regulation of cannabis establishments in the City of Cambridge in response to Awaiting Report Item Number 18-75. [Cannabis Zone Map]
My prediction: Legal marijuana shops will sell the expensive stuff and the riff raff will still buy from other sources. Also, let's face it - so-called "medical marijuana dispensaries" were always intended to be a first step toward recreational pot shops. I hope they can at least bring back the Peter Max posters and lava lamps from the head shops of my youth.
The Cambridge Consumers’ Council will be helping residents safely dispose of unwanted records at a free document shredding event on Saturday, Sept 29, from 9am–1pm, at Cambridge City Hall, 795 Massachusetts Avenue. Reserved Parking is available on Bigelow St.
Documents will be destroyed on the spot in a highly advanced technical mobile shredding truck and sent for recycling. Information for consumer rights and safety will be available. Please note that this is event is based on first come, first served, or until the truck is full to capacity. Limit 5 paper size boxes per household or equivalent.
For more information, or to request a reasonable accommodation, please call the Consumers’ Council at 617-349-6150 or visit CambridgeMa.Gov/ConsumersCouncil.
Join the Cambridge Bicycle Committee for the most stylish bike ride in Cambridge! On this leisurely two-hour ride, we'll trace the bow-tie shaped boundaries of the city and celebrate cycling in Cambridge!
We will assemble at and depart from the Cambridge Public Library Main Branch. Midway through the ride, there will be a brief break at Danehy Park. As in other years, the ride will be supported by the Cambridge Police Department and there will be rolling street closures. We ask that riders be able to maintain a moderate pace to stick with the group.
The ride will end back at the Cambridge Public Library with a light snacks and a raffle. Thank you to our sponsor OoOtie for bringing the fashionable fun!
The ride will be postponed in the case of heavy rain. Announcements regarding rain will be sent to this email list and posted on There is no registration or charge for the tour -- just show up and enjoy!
Bow ties encouraged, but not required.
Sept 19, 2018 – The City of Cambridge is seeking volunteers to serve on a new Working Group to help guide the River Street Infrastructure and Streetscape Design Project. The group will advise City Manager Louis A. DePasquale and his staff on key issues related to the planning and design for this important project, which has three main components:
The working group will consist of 12-15 members who will meet monthly for a period of 9-12 months, starting late fall 2018. The group will include residents, business, and institutional representatives and subject matter experts and who will work with city staff and a consultant to develop design principles and alternative design options. The process will culminate in a final design for River Street and Carl Barron Plaza, which will proceed into construction.
Individuals with interest in the River Street corridor, Central Square/Carl Barron Plaza, experience or expertise in relevant topics — transportation, accessibility, urban design and placemaking, landscape architecture, green infrastructure — and a demonstrated ability to work effectively with diverse viewpoints to craft consensus solutions are encouraged to apply. Meetings of the Working Group will be open to the public.
For additional questions about the new Working Group, contact Jerry Friedman, Supervising Engineer, Department of Public Works at 617-349-9720 or
Individuals interested in being considered should apply by using the city’s online application system at A cover letter and résumé or summary of applicable experience can be submitted during the online application process. Paper applications are available in the City Manager’s Office at Cambridge City Hall, 795 Massachusetts Avenue. The deadline for submitting applications is Friday, October 12, 2018.
Sept 18, 2018 – Cambridge City Manager Louis DePasquale is seeking persons interested in serving on the Cambridge Commission on Immigrant Rights and Citizenship (CIRC). The Commission consists of 11 volunteer members, who are appointed by the City Manager, following an application and interview process. The term of the appointment is three years. Commissioners are expected to be knowledgeable about immigrant rights and citizenship and must be residents of Cambridge. It is desirable for this Commission to be fully representative of the diverse Cambridge community.
Cambridge welcomes immigrants and wants to encourage their success and access to opportunity and advancement in this country. It will be a goal of this Commission to get the message of welcome out, through collaboration with organizations that already provide services and outreach to our immigrant community. The Commission will act as a centralizing organization in Cambridge, to address immigrant rights and citizenship issues through providing information, referral, guidance, coordination and technical assistance to other public agencies and private persons, organizations and institutions engaged in activities and programs intended to support immigrant rights and citizenship.
Commissioners are expected to work with other members of the Commission and staff to fulfill the goals and objectives of the Cambridge Commission on Immigrant Rights and Citizenship Ordinance (CMC Chapter 2.123).
Individuals interested in being considered should apply by using the city’s online application system at A cover letter and résumé or summary of applicable experience can be submitted during the online application process. Paper applications are available in the City Manager’s Office at Cambridge City Hall, 795 Massachusetts Avenue. The deadline for submitting applications is not yet determined.
In its ongoing efforts to identify ways to better serve the community, the City of Cambridge is currently conducting its biennial Resident Opinion Survey. The survey, which has been conducted since 2000, serves as an important evaluation tool that enables residents to rate city services and offer input on what the City of Cambridge does well and where it can make improvements.
The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete. Don’t miss this opportunity to let us know how you feel!
Take the 2018 Online City of Cambridge Public Opinion Survey.
Opinion Dynamics Corporation (ODC), a national public opinion polling firm with its own state-of-the-art telephone calling facility, will be coordinating the Resident Opinion Survey. ODC will be randomly calling 400 Cambridge households (a sub-set of which will be cell-phone only households) on behalf of the city to complete the survey. Every household will have an equal chance of being called.
A hard copy of the Resident Opinion Survey can be completed September 17 - October 1, 2018 during business hours at the following locations:
For additional information, please contact Lee Gianetti at 617-349-3317 or by email
Tues, Sept 25
6:00pm School Committee meeting (Henrietta Attles Meeting Room, CRLS, 459 Broadway)
The School Committee will reconvene in Executive Session immediately following the regular meeting in the School Committee Conference Room, 459 Broadway, for the purposes of hearing a Level III grievance as part of collective bargaining with CEA Unit E and for the purpose of discussing collective bargaining strategy and litigation/arbitration strategy with respect to such grievance as an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining and the litigation/arbitration positions of the Cambridge School Committee.
6:30pm Planning Board meeting (2nd Floor Meeting Room, City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway)
General Business
1. Update from the Community Development Department
2. Adoption of Planning Board meeting transcripts
3. PB#141 – North Plaza and Sky Bowl - Design Review (continued) (Materials)
4. PB#303 – 314 Main Street (Building 5) – Ground Floor Design Update
5. Envision Cambridge Update
6. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
BZA-016894-2018 – 1815 Massachusetts Avenue – Special Permit to remove existing previously-permitted rooftop telecommunication equipment and replace with up-graded equipment. Art. 4.000, Sec. 4.32.G.1 & Sec. 4.40 (Footnote 49) (Telecommunication Facility); 6409 Section 47 USC 1455 (a). (Materials)
BZA-016938-2018 – 102 Sherman Street – Special Permit to replace 3 existing antennas and add and upgrade other telecommunications equipment. Art. 4.000, Sec. 4.32.G.1 & Sec. 4.40 (Footnote 49) (Telecommunication Facility); Art. 10.000, Sec. 10.40 (Special Permit); 6409 Section 47 USC 1455 (a). (Materials)
BZA-016948-2018 – 678 Massachusetts Avenue – Special Permit to replace 3 existing panel antennas and install additional remote radio units. Art. 4.000, Sec. 4.32.G.1 & Sec. 4.40 (Footnote 49) (Telecommunication Facility); Art. 10.000, Sec. 10.40 (Special Permit); 6409 Section 47 USC 1455 (a). (Materials)
BZA-016963-2018 – 280 Brookline Street – Special Permit to replace 6 panel antennas as well as install 9 remote radio units on the rooftop. Art. 4.000, Sec. 4.32.G.1 & Sec. 4.40 (Footnote 49) (Telecommunication Facility); Art. 10.000, Sec. 10.40 (Special Permit); 6409 Section 47 USC 1455 (a). (Materials)
BZA-016997-2018 – 212 Hampshire Street – Variance to add 8 dwelling units on two floors to an existing ground floor commercial building. Art. 5.000, Sec. 5.31 (Table of Dimensional Requirements); Art. 10.000, Sec. 10.30 (Variance). Special permit to reduce the parking requirement. Art. 6.000, Sec. 6.35.1 (Reduction in the Required Parking); Art. 10.000, Sec. 10.40 (Special Permit). (Materials) - former Ryles site
7. Town-Gown Discussion
Wed, Sept 26
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
I. MINUTES II. REPORTS 1. Executive Director's Report 2. Assistant Director's Report 3. Commissioners' Reports III. PUBLIC COMMENT |
IV. ACTION AGENDA Old Business 1. State Primary, September 4, 2018 - Review 2. State Election, November 6, 2018 Early Voting - Set Early Voting Schedule and Locations - Commissioner Schedules New Business |
6:00-7:30pm Central Square Advisory Committee meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 4th Floor Conference Room)
This meeting will focus on "Placemaking in Central Square" to reintroduce and revisit the City's approaches to public space with the goal of creating a set of values for public spaces in Central Square. The focus of this meeting will be - Arts + Programming.
6:00pm Envision Cambridge Scenarios Public Meeting (Graham & Parks Alternative Public School, 44 Linnaean St.)
3:00pm The City Council's Health and Environment Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss storm water management practices and get an update on how Cambridge will be impacted by the EPS’s new MS4 permit which took effect on July 1, 2018. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm The City Council's Housing Committee will conduct a public hearing to receive an update from the Community Development Department on the Affordable Housing Overlay District, and an update on the annual Inclusionary Zoning report. The Housing Committee shall also meet the City Manager's candidate for the open Cambridge Housing Authority Board position. (Sullivan Chamber)
6:00pm LGBTQ+ meeting (Windsor St. Health Center, 119 Windsor St.)
6:00-8:00pm Pedestrian Committee Meeting (4th Floor Conference Room, 344 Broadway)
Noon to 6:00pm Cambridge Arts Open Studios (CAOS) (Citywide)
Mon, Oct 1
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
6:30pm Tax Rate Hearing (Sullivan Chamber)
6:00pm Mid-Cambridge Neighborhood Conservation District Commission (MCNCDC) meeting (2nd Floor Meeting Room, City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway)
Tues, Oct 2
3:00pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss a petition filed by the City Council to amend Articles 2.000, 4.000, 6.000 and 11.000 of the Zoning Ordinance to establish provisions for Cannabis Uses. This Hearing is to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Wed, Oct 3
3:00pm License Commission Public Hearing (Lombardi Building, 831 Mass. Ave, Basement Conference Room)
4:00pm The City Council's Economic Development and University Relations Committee will conduct a public hearing to further discuss a City-based Cannabis Social Equity Program and Policy Order #10 from June 25, 2018. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm Transit Advisory Committee meeting (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
6:00pm Envision Cambridge - Housing Working Group Meeting (4th Floor Conference Room, 344 Broadway)
6:00pm Cambridge Historical Commission meeting (Citywide Senior Center, 806 Massachusetts Ave.)
Tues, Oct 9
1:00pm The City Council's Health and Environmental Committee will conduct a public hearing to receive an update on progress towards the Zero Waste goals and to discuss successes and challenges of the citywide composting and recycling programs to date. (Sullivan Chamber)
Wed, Oct 10
8:00-9:30am Recycling Advisory Committee (RAC) Meeting (Sullivan Chamber, City Hall)
5:30-7:30pm Bicycle Committee meeting (4th Floor Conference Room, 344 Broadway)
5:30-7:00pm Commission for Persons with Disabilities meeting (51 Inman St., 2nd Floor Conference Room)
Mon, Oct 15
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
6:00pm Half Crown-Marsh Neighborhood Conservation District Commission Meeting (Lombardi Building, 831 Mass. Ave, Basement Conference Room)
3:00pm The City Council's Neighborhood & Long-Term Planning; Public Facilities, Arts and Celebrations Committee will meet to discuss CMA 2018 #196 (better known as Order #1 of Feb 5, 2018) and any other matter related to Jerry’s Pond (for example, this July 30, 2018 response from the City Manager). (Sullivan Chamber)
Wed, Oct 17
5:30pm Cambridge Redevelopment Authority Board Meeting (Police Station, 125 Sixth St., First Floor Community Room)
[Meeting Agenda and supporting materials]
6:00-7:30pm Central Square Advisory Committee meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 4th Floor Conference Room)
This meeting will focus on "Placemaking in Central Square" to reintroduce and revisit the City's approaches to public space with the goal of creating a set of values for public spaces in Central Square. The focus of this meeting will be - Public Health.
Thurs, Oct 18
10:00am Pole & Conduit Commission meeting (Lombardi Building, 831 Mass. Ave, Basement Conference Room)
Mon, Oct 22
5:30pm City Council Roundtable/Working Meeting to discuss the Envision process. This Meeting is to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Wed, Oct 24
3:00pm License Commission Public Hearing (Lombardi Building, 831 Mass. Ave, Basement Conference Room)
10:00am The City Council's Human Services and Veteran’s Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss the Summer food program update. (Sullivan Chamber)
6:00pm LGBTQ+ meeting (Windsor St. Health Center, 119 Windsor St.)
6:00-8:00pm Pedestrian Committee Meeting (4th Floor Conference Room, 344 Broadway)
Mon, Oct 29
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm Avon Hill Neighborhood Conservation District Commission Meeting (Lombardi Building, 831 Mass. Ave, Basement Conference Room)