Cambridge InsideOut - May 22, 2018
Guest: Patrick Barrett
Possible Topics:
1) May 21, 2018 City Council meeting
2) Inman Square (Vellucci Plaza), Porter Square (intersection redesign), Harvard Square (MayFair, Palmer Street), Central Square (Green St. garage, Manning Apts, MLK Plaza, Library, Central Flea)
3) The Prospect of a Central Square Arts Overlay
4) May 14, 2018 City Council meeting
5) May 7, 2018 City Council meeting
6) The Triviality of SeeClickFix
7) News, Upcoming Events, etc.
Rearranging the Deck Chairs - What's Up on the May 21, 2018 Cambridge City Council AgendaHere are my selections from this week's menu: Manager's Agenda #2. Transmitting Communication from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $44,000 from Free Cash to the Public Investment Executive Department Extraordinary Expenditures which will be used to assist the Department of Conservation & Recreation in constructing an ADA accessible canoe and kayak boat launch. I remember back in 1999 when the City first partnered with MDC (now DCR) to invest $1,500,000 to upgrade Magazine Beach in exchange for priority in field scheduling. This satisfied what would otherwise have been a need identified in the Green Ribbon Open Space Report (2000) for access to a community park for the Cambridgeport neighborhood. Most of that investment went toward the fields and landscaping in the eastern part of Magazine Beach. The City's later investment (approx. $300,000 plus over $700,000 in matching funds and capital expenditures by DCR) has been focused on the western part, and a lot of credit for that goes to the Magazine Beach Partners (originally formed out of the Cambridgeport Neighborhood Association as the Friends of Magazine Beach) for spearheading the renovations of the old powder magazine and its vicinity. This is civic activism at its best. Manager's Agenda #3. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 18-17, regarding the status and proposed next steps to advance the urban agriculture initiative. The City already established regulations for the keeping of honeybees (Dec 2017) and will soon address hen-keeping (as opposed to henpecking), but this report is specific to "urban farming" whcih will include zoning recommendations affecting "the cultivation of agricultural products for public consumption". It does not affect home gardening. The zoning recommendations are expected in Fall 2018 and will require City Council approval, and soil safety regulation will be determined by the Commissioner of Public Health. Manager's Agenda #4. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to a request for approval to submit the attached Home Rule Petition that would authorize the City of Cambridge to include as part of the Inman Square Intersection Safety Improvements Project (“Project”) the planned reconfiguration of the intersection of Hampshire Street and Cambridge Street in the Inman Square area of the City (hereinafter, “Inman Square”) as well as a portion of the land that makes up Mayor Alfred E. Vellucci Community Plaza (“Vellucci Plaza”).
This agenda item will likely be the centerpiece of the meeting. There are a few points that warrant comment. First, the substance of this matter is the Home Rule Petition to the state legislature to swap existing designated open space for new "open space" in order to facilitate a realignment of the roadways. That has its own controversies, including different viewpoints regarding preservation of trees in the short and long term. The reconfiguration of the road is being supposedly done for the sake of safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and motor vehicle operators, but it is not at all clear that the proposed configuration (at considerable cost) will actually improve anything. The City routinely invokes the "Vision Zero" mantra to justify non-debatable changes in infrastructure with the assertion that all decisions are "data-driven", but at one recent meeting on this topic it was asserted by someone very close to the debate that there have been no accidents at all in Inman Square since the simple application of green paint to the roadway to better clarify the presence of cyclists as they pass through the intersection. What seems quite clear in the proposed road reconfiguration is that it is centered on pushing all cyclists to use the sidewalk as they pass through the intersection (which many cyclists simply will not do - and for good reason). Will this result in fewer traffic incidents? Or will there be a spike in altercations between cyclists and pedestrians? Will cyclists who choose to use the roadway have their safety compromised? Personally, though I suppose there may be some room for improvement, my sense is that the "short term" fixes of painting the green lanes and restricting some turning movements have addressed most of the safety issues and that this next round of "improvements" may actually make things worse. The proposed changes seem more ideology-driven than data-driven. There is a lot to be said for intuitive and simple road design, and this is anything but that. PS - It is stated in the report that "the Mid-Cambridge Neighborhood Conservation District Commission approved the proposed Plaza design", but I heard from one member that this was only because their authority extends only to buildings and not to roadways, and since there are no buildings involved in either the land swap or the road design they didn't have standing in this matter. Manager's Agenda #5. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to a request for approval to seek authorization from the Massachusetts Office of the Inspector General (the “IG”) for the City to use the Construction Manager at Rick (“CMAR”) procurement and construction method (the “CMAR Method”) in connection with the redevelopment of the Foundry building. How many years has it been now since we received this "gift" of the Foundry building? Unfinished Business #1-4. Appropriation and Loan Authorization Orders for $5,000,000 (Municipal Facilities Improvement Plan); $650,000 (School building infrastructure projects, and a new boiler at CRLS); $61,500,000 (water pollution abatement projects, including construction of sewer separation, storm water management and combined sewer overflow reduction elimination improvements within the The Port neighborhood, and the River Street neighborhood); and $21,000,000 (reconstruction of various City streets and sidewalks). Committee Report #1. A communication was received from Donna P. Lopez, City Clerk, transmitting a report from Councillor E. Denise Simmons, Chair of the Finance Committee, for public hearings held on May 1, 2018, May 8, 2018 and May 9, 2018 relative to the General Fund Budget for the City of Cambridge for Fiscal Year 2019 and recommending adoption of the General Fund Budget in the amount of $597,219,385. Committee Report #2. A communication was received from Donna P. Lopez, City Clerk, transmitting a report from Councillor E. Denise Simmons, Chair of the Finance Committee, for a public hearing held on May 8, 2018 relative to the Water Fund Budget for the City of Cambridge for Fiscal Year 2019 and recommending adoption of the Water fund Budget in the amount of $13,973,855. Committee Report #3. A communication was received from Donna P. Lopez, City Clerk, transmitting a report from Councillor E. Denise Simmons, Chair of the Finance Committee, for a public hearing held on May 8, 2018 relative to the Public Investment Fund for the City of Cambridge for Fiscal Year 2019 and recommending adoption of the Public Investment Budget in the amount of $17,267,995. Objectively speaking, this really is the most significant agenda item, but there's really nothing left but the vote (and, of course, the usual round of gushy thank-you's by councillors to City staff and vice-versa). Order #1. That the City Manager is requested to report back to the City Council with a detailed accounting of locations, if any, where Cured-In-Place Plastic Pipe (CIPP) and other plastic pipes currently exists in Cambridge, when it was installed, and why there was no public process for such a potentially hazardous change in water policy. Vice Mayor Devereux, Councillor Zondervan, Mayor McGovern, Councillor Siddiqui There are several available methods for re-lining pipes as an alternative to replacement including Cured-In-Place Plastic Pipe (CIPP) which uses fitted mesh and epoxy. Some people, including members of the Water Board, have expressed concerns about this method based on possible leachate, but this seems to be more a function of quality control than of the material itself. The Order states that "all plastics leach chemicals" which may be true but is not helpful. People buy water and other beverages in plastic bottles all the time and those drinks are often in contact with their container far longer than municipal water is with those pipe sections that are lined with epoxy. In addition to the matter of real vs. perceived hazard, there's also an interesting question here of who really has the authority to make decisions like these - the Water Department or the volunteer Water Board. A century ago the Water Board had very broad authority, but it's not so clear today where that authority ends under the current form of City government. Order #3. That the City Manager is requested to create a structured commercial tax rate system for FY20 that prioritizes lowering the tax rate for small businesses. Mayor McGovern, Councillor Toomey, Councillor Simmons Any such change would require either a general change in state law or a Home Rule Petition. The tax classification (residential, commercial, industrial, open space, and personal property) allows different rates (within prescribed limits) among these categories but there is no further refinement within any of the categories. This can translate into a hardship for a small "mom 'n pop" retail business since (at least for Cambridge) the commercial tax rate is nearly 2½ times the residential tax rate, and there is nothing analogous to the residential exemption (which is a fixed exemption that can yield very inequitable benefit). Personally, I think the state legislature should create enabling legislation to give cities and towns a bit more flexibility, but there is an understandable risk that this would simply result in the maximum benefit being shifted onto those who vote in the local elections regardless of the net public good. Much of Cambridge retail is being driven into oblivion by rising rents (which factor in the taxes to some degree) and shifting consumer habits (like, you know, Amazon). Tax relief may help some, but the problem is bigger than that. Order #4. That the City Manager is requested to work with the relevant City Departments to launch a program during the summer months to activate the Front Lawn of City Hall in the afternoon with games (such as cornhole boards), food trucks, and other forms of entertainment to engage a diverse age range of residents in recreation. Mayor McGovern, Vice Mayor Devereux, Councillor Toomey, Councillor Zondervan Why not a ferris wheel and a zipline? I do like the fact that people are drawn to this space, but it is passive for a lot of them and they may not appreciate all the activity. Regarding food trucks, there would be a certain irony in having them within 100 or so feet of the License Commission offices (but that cryptic reference is something you'll have to ask me about). In any case, a hot dog vendor on the sidewalk would be a nice addition, though I suppose it would have to be a vegan alternative "not dog" vendor to gain approval (in which case forget I ever mentioned it). Order #5. That the City Manager is requested to direct the Community Development Department and the City Solicitor to report back to the Housing Committee on how the City could establish a method of eviction data collection. Councillor Simmons, Councillor Siddiqui Order #6. That the City Manager is requested to direct the Cambridge Human Rights Commission to report back on housing-related activities including number of housing-related investigations, number of housing-related cases successfully mediated, relationships with regional housing-related organizations, and successes and challenges of the Cambridge Fair Housing Ordinance Councillor Siddiqui, Councillor Mallon, Councillor Simmons My presumption is that these requests relate to the ongoing agenda of the City Council's Housing Committee, but these issues have also been discussed within the Envision Cambridge Housing Working Group and elsewhere. My presumption is that the concern here is the Bad Behavior of Very Big Mean Landlords, but this is, after all, the People's Republic of Cambridge which, unfortunately, has at least some history of collateral damage against owners of rental property regardless of virtue. Order #7. That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to direct the Recycling Division of the Department of Public Works to study the feasibility of expanding the curbside composting program to small businesses and nonprofits in the City by the end of 2019. Mayor McGovern, Vice Mayor Devereux, Councillor Toomey, Councillor Mallon It's definitely worth looking into, but it's not so simple to determine what constitutes a small business deserving of the City's largess. For example, if a large office building houses 50 small businesses should the City pick up the tab (and the garbage) for the whole building? There is already a lot of ambiguity with mixed residential/commercial buildings all over the city. - Robert Winters |
On the Agenda - May 14, 2018 Cambridge City Council meetingFirst... what's still Not On the Agenda (even though letters continue to pour in to the City Council commenting on this Non-Order): The HP Divest matter. Wherefore art thou? Perhaps it's with all the other missing Orders highlighting Bad Behavior (real or perceived) by governments around the world. On the domestic front, there are these: Manager's Agenda #4. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 18-13, regarding electric vehicles. It's an interesting report and it seems like the City is using good sense in knowing when and under what circumstances vehicles should be changed over to all-electric or hybrid-electric. Nobody wants to see a fire engine or police car crap out in an emergency situation because its battery ran down. This report also brings to mind two competing philosophies when it comes to making changes to meet environmental or other goals - the Carrot or the Stick. Some (like me) prefer the carrot to encourage people to make changes, i.e. to provide incentives or offer a convincing argument to make a switch, e.g. to participate in curbside organics collection or to buy efficient vehicles or appliances. Others are all about the stick, e.g. changing the Zoning Ordinance to TELL people what they have to do to be righteous - or else. I have long felt that mandates are what people make when they fail to make a convincing case on the merits. Charter Right #1. That the City Manager is requested to work with the Traffic, Parking and Transportation Department to develop a small business parking pilot that would allow temporary on-street employee parking during typical daytime operating hours. [Charter Right Exercised By Mayor McGovern.] Councillor Mallon, Councillor Siddiqui, Councillor Simmons I'm interested to see where this goes. People seem to have forgotten that there used to be a lot more unregulated spaces around the city, i.e. neither Resident Only nor sporting a parking meter. In fact, it has often been said by the folks at Traffic & Parking that parking meters are installed not for the revenue but rather to ensure sufficient turnover adjacent to businesses. I don't know that I believe them anymore. What I do remember is that an enormous number of unregulated spaces were changed to regulated spaces during the days of the Interim Parking Freeze because that was one way to get spaces in the Commercial Parking Bank that could be used in the permitting of new commercial development. The deal was that for every two spaces you regulated you could put one in The Bank. Prior to that there were unregulated spaces that were available to people who worked at local businesses or who taught in Cambridge schools. I'm sure some of the anti-vehicle zealots in the Community Development Department would set themselves on fire rather than agree to ease up on any parking restrictions, but simple deregulation of some spaces in some areas (while keeping some time restriction for nonresidents) might actually be a good way to resolve this dilemma. Order #1. That the City Manager is requested to report back to the City Council by June 11 with an updated schedule for resubmitting a revised draft of the Outdoor Lighting Ordinance that incorporates suggestions from the Light Cambridge Committee. Vice Mayor Devereux, Councillor Carlone I was wondering when this would again be brought back into the spotlight. The original idea to tone down lights glaring through bedroom windows was worthwhile (even though it originally - and wrongly - appeared as a proposed zoning amendment rather as a municipal ordinance) before it got clogged up and bogged down by its own details. That and the desire of some people to clamp down on lighting in places where they have no business calling the shots. Indeed, there are some places, e.g. Central Square, that would benefit by the return of some pretty spectacular lighting.
Order #3. That the City Manager is requested to explore the possibility of improving road safety conditions on Clinton Street. Councillor Zondervan, Mayor McGovern, Vice Mayor Devereux, Councillor Carlone As near as I can tell, it took just one car getting clipped when backing out of a Clinton Street driveway to get this response. There must be some Very Special People living on Clinton Street. To borrow from the statement in this petition, I just want to point out that "there are small children and pets and elderly people" living on probably every street in Cambridge. Perhaps we all deserve to have "three speed bumps or speed platforms" installed along the lengths of all our streets. Order #4. That the City Manager is requested to complete a tree canopy study based on the April 2018 LiDAR data before the end of 2018, and to complete future LiDAR based studies as frequently as possible, but no more often than once a year. Councillor Zondervan, Vice Mayor Devereux, Councillor Siddiqui, Councillor Kelley I do like seeing the data generated by these studies, but I also find it curious how trees have become the defining Cambridge political topic for 2018. From one bandwagon to another, I suppose. I am once again reminded that there are Carrot Councillors and Stick Councillors. Some will prefer to give you encouragement and incentives to preserve trees on your property, while the others will make you hire a lawyer and file a string of permit applications before taking action against your resident Ents. - Robert Winters |
On the Agenda - May 7, 2018 Cambridge City Council meetingAnother week, another nonappearance of the much-heralded "Divest HP" matter. Perhaps it will never appear - good riddance. As for actual agenda items, here are some: Manager's Agenda #1. Transmitting Communication from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of a supplemental appropriation of $125,000 from Free Cash to the Public Investment Fund Public Works Department Extraordinary Expenditures account to support the revitalization of the Martin Luther King Plaza, the art components and enhance the primary entrance into the Central Square Branch Library. While the improvements are appreciated, what would be even better is if an additional deck or two were added to the Green Street garage to compensate for future losses if and when housing (and more) is built on some of the area's surface parking lots. The whole facade of the library branch should also be reimagined. Today it appears to be little more than a public urinal and shelter for substance abusers. This would never be tolerated in Harvard Square, so why do we tolerate it in Central Square? Charter Right #1. That the Ordinance Committee be and hereby is requested to review and consider the proposed amendment to §10.17.070-- “Fees for Residential Parking Stickers” for a hearing and report. [Charter Right exercised by Mayor McGovern on Apr 30, 2018] When the lead sponsor of an Order calling for increases in Resident Permit fees responds to a Facebook comment that said "Ban cars" with a "Like", then I have to believe this isn't really about the revenue. Communication #15. A communication was received from Steve Sands, 4 Buckingham Street, regarding Hewlett Packard Boycott. I normally don't pay much attention to these sorts of things (except for the fun or it), but this gentleman captures the absurdity of the HP thing perfectly. Order #5. That the City Manager is requested to work with the Traffic, Parking and Transportation Department to develop a small business parking pilot that would allow temporary on-street employee parking during typical daytime operating hours. Councillor Mallon, Councillor Siddiqui Oh my God! A reasonable viewpoint about compromise and reality. Order #6. That the City Manager is requested to direct the appropriate City staff to work with all Harvard Square stakeholders, including the Harvard Square Business Association, the Harvard Square Neighborhood Association, abutting businesses, and Harvard University to actively engage the community in a design charrette process with a view in mind towards making Palmer Street a more active and inviting pedestrian walkway and public space. Vice Mayor Devereux, Councillor Mallon, Mayor McGovern Great idea, and I would love to participate even though I don't fit into any of the named categories. Shared streets (woonerfs) are a great idea that seems to fail in the execution, e.g. Palmer Street, Blanche Street. I want to see both of those streets looking like a crowded street fair after all the trucks have made their deliveries. Palmer Street, in particular, is perhaps the street with the least motor vehicle traffic and it's in the middle of busy Harvard Square. It's interesting that nobody seemed to give a damn about Palmer Street until the Harvard Square Business Association tried to do something positive about it and caught grief for it.
Order #7. That the City Manager is requested to develop a plan to achieve the above policy goals as it relates to the digital divide. Councillor Zondervan, Mayor McGovern, Vice Mayor Devereux, Councillor Simmons This week's "I want municipal broadband" Order. I would like to see an Order that asks for a Cable TV package that can get Red Sox games for less than $100/month. Communications & Reports #1. A communication was received from City Clerk Donna P. Lopez, transmitting a communication from Councillor Kelley, transmitting a memorandum regarding Bike Lanes, Street Use, and Micro-Mobility Challenges Facing Cambridge. I really like reports like this from Councillor Kelley. Sometimes he seems like the only councillor who thinks broadly about transportation and the future. [Hint: It's not just about PVC plastic posts, segregation, and aggressive political lobbies claiming "turf".] - Robert Winters |
The Cambridge Historical Society (CHS) is hosting its first History Cafe of the 2018 season on Wednesday, May 30th at Atwood’s Tavern at 6:30pm in East Cambridge. Open to the public, the event will feature guest speakers and lively discussion about where Cambridge is from with a focus on East Cambridge, the first stop for many newcomers to our city:
Tickets are modestly priced and can be purchased at the door or at
Each year, CHS programs explore a “big question” facing our community alongside a historical perspective to inspire curiosity and enable better understanding. This year’s theme is “Where Is Cambridge From?” Our 2018 History Café events and other activities will highlight various aspects of people’s experiences of identity and belonging in Cambridge.
Mark your calendar for more History Café events throughout 2018. Dates and times will be announced at
About the Speakers:
![]() Cliff Cook |
![]() Michael Delia |
![]() Reed Gochberg, Moderator |
Cliff Cook joined the Cambridge Community development Department in 1995. He is currently Senior Planning Information Manager, responsible for a variety of topics where urban planning and data intersect. He acts as the unofficial city demographer, providing information about the population of Cambridge from a range of sources. He is the president of the Association of Public Data Users and a member of the Census Bureau’s Data products Review Group. He has Master of Regional Planning and undergraduate degrees from Cornell University.
Michael Delia has over 25 years of experience in management positions within not-for-profit organizations. He has served as the President and CEO of East End House since 1996. During his tenure, East End House has received numerous awards, including the Massachusetts Nonprofit Network’s Award for Excellence in Management in 2010 and Family Strengthening Award from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and United Neighborhood Centers of America in 2009 and 2010. Michael received a Masters Degree from the University of Chicago in Social Service Administration and a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the State University of New York at Buffalo.
Dr. Gochberg is a Lecturer in History and Literature at Harvard University. She received her PhD in English in 2016 from Boston University, and she specializes in nineteenth-century American literature and culture, with research interests in the history of science, material culture, and the history of museums. Reed is a member of the Society's Programs Committee.
About The Cambridge Historical Society
From the American Revolution to the biotech revolution, the history of Cambridge, Massachusetts is unlike that of any other city. A city this vibrant and vital must preserve its past and learn from it to make the Cambridge of today the best it can be. Founded in 1905, the Cambridge Historical Society is a membership organization that serves our community through inclusive programming and stewardship of its historic collections and the property entrusted to it. The Society helps those who live and work in Cambridge explore and understand how and why we got here and use that perspective to facilitate the exploration and understanding of contemporary issues. We enable our community to better recognize, understand, and appreciate the threads that connect yesterday, today, and tomorrow and connect us to each other and our community.
About Atwood’s Tavern
Located at 877 Cambridge Street, Atwood’s is a neighborhood restaurant, bar, and music venue that features local and touring musicians. Atwood’s serves a full dinner menu until 11:30pm nightly and offers an outdoor patio space to enjoy the warm weather.
In observance of the Memorial Day Holiday on Monday, May 28, 2018, Cambridge city offices, libraries, and senior centers will be closed. Payments will not be required at City of Cambridge parking meters and parking meter pay stations, and there will be no trash, recycling, or compost pickup, and no street cleaning. The Cambridge Veterans' Organization (CVO) and Cambridge Veterans' Services will hold their annual Memorial Day Parade and Observance on Monday, May 28.
The trash, recycling, and compost daily pickup routes will be one day behind schedule for the rest of that week. Regularly scheduled street cleaning routes for May 28 will be swept on May 29. The offices at the Cambridge Cemetery, 76 Coolidge Avenue, will be closed on the holiday, however the gates will be open from dawn to dusk.
Residents can find their curbside collections and street cleaning schedules by entering their address in the “My Cambridge Schedule” tool found at
Reminders related to above city services are now available by text message, email, or app notifications by downloading the “Zero Waste Cambridge” app for iPhone/Android. Users who are registered to receive reminders through E-Line should re-subscribe using the scheduling tool or by downloading the app in order to receive future reminders.
The Memorial Day Parade on Monday, May 28 will begin with a cannon salute at 9:30am by the MA Bicentennial Battery on the Cambridge Common and proceed through Harvard Square, up Mount Auburn Street to Coolidge Avenue, and conclude at the Cambridge Cemetery on Coolidge Avenue. Cambridge Mayor Marc McGovern and CVO President Philip Anderson will serve as parade commentators. Parade participants will include veterans’ groups, elected officials, police and fire personnel, color guards, bands, drill teams and youth organizations.
Following the parade, at approximately 11am, a Memorial Day Observance will be held at the Cambridge Cemetery. CVO President Philip Anderson will serve as Master of Ceremonies. CVO Chaplain Zelma Bostick will give the Invocation and Benediction. Mayor Marc McGovern will give the greetings of the city. Amigos School 4th graders will lead the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance and a CRLS Drama student will read the Governor's Memorial Day Proclamation.
In addition, a CRLS student vocalist will sing the National Anthem, America the Beautiful and God Bless America. Bagpiper, Edward O’Callaghan will Play “Amazing Grace.” The CVO Rifle team along with the Massachusetts Bicentennial Battery will render a rifle salute, and Bugler, Robinson Pyle will blow “TAPS.”
Following the memorial observance, the Women's Auxiliary of the Veterans’ of Foreign Wars accompanied by local elected officials will hold a brief memorial ceremony at the Weeks Bridge in honor of the Cambridge servicemen and women who were lost at sea.
The public is cordially invited to attend all of the Memorial Day events and activities.
Immediately following the day’s events, a collation, hosted by the Cambridge Veterans' Organization will be held at the VFW Mt. Auburn Post, #8818, located at 688 Huron Avenue, Cambridge.
The 2018 Fresh Pond Stewardship awards ceremony hosted by the City of Cambridge on May 16 recognized retired Cambridge City Manager Richard C. Rossi and retired city Recreation Director Paul Ryder for their environmental stewardship and dedicated commitment to preserving, protecting and maintaining Fresh Pond Reservation, one of the area’s most precious natural resources.
Rossi began his 45-year career with the city in 1971 as an intern in the Water Department. He went on to serve in numerous capacities, including Purchasing Agent, Acting Commissioner of Public Works, Acting Director of the Water Department, Deputy City Manager for 32 years, and as City Manager from July 2013 through his retirement in 2016. Rossi initiated the development of the Fresh Pond Reservation Master Plan, which was completed in 2000, and championed its implementation. He also led the effort to organize the Fresh Pond Advisory Committee in 1997, which later became the Fresh Pond Advisory Board. Rossi also recommended the use of Community Preservation Act funds for Fresh Pond Reservation restoration projects such as Northeast Sector, Little Fresh Pond, Stream C, Glacken Slope, Kingsley Park, Black’s Nook, and most recently, the Drainage and Community Garden Project. These projects helped create a healthier and more natural open space, leading to a Reservation that is more accessible and sustainable for the future.
Paul Ryder served as Recreation Director with the City of Cambridge since 1982 and helped ensure that any work at Fresh Pond Golf Course, which was within Fresh Pond Reservation, also met the water quality needs for the drinking water supply. He contributed to and participated in priority Fresh Pond Reservation restoration projects such as Little Fresh Pond, Stream C, and Black’s Nook. Paul contributed countless hours and strong leadership as an original member of the 1997 Fresh Pond Master Plan Advisory Committee and subsequent Advisory Board as well as the Shared-Use Process. Paul directed the Cambridge City Run Road Race around the reservation for 30 years.
“This is the 10th year for this awards program which provides us with a good opportunity to recognize some of individuals who have gone the extra mile to help protect and preserve Fresh Pond Reservation,” said Sam Corda, Manager Director of the Cambridge Water Department. “We are very lucky to have many residents and City officials who truly care about this important community resource.”
Congratulations to the 2018 Fresh Pond Steward Award recipients, retired city
Recreation Director Paul Ryder and retired Cambridge City Manager Richard C. Rossi
The City of Cambridge hosted a special ceremony this week to honor the recipients of the 2018 City of Cambridge Scholarship. This year, the city awarded 78 scholarships of $3,000 each for a total $234,000 to Cambridge high school seniors and others pursuing higher education. This is the highest amount ever awarded in a single year. Since the program’s inception in 1993, the city has awarded 952 scholarships totaling $2.2 million.
The City of Cambridge gratefully acknowledges the generous contribution of the many generous residents and local businesses that make this opportunity possible. Two Cambridge businesses that made significant contributions to the Scholarship Fund that we would especially like to thank were Boston Properties, contributing $50,000 and CambridgeSide, contributing $15,000 through proceeds from the Cambridge Half Marathon held in November.
Special thanks also to our Scholarship Committee who volunteer their time year after year to carefully review the applications and select our recipients.
“I’m glad we have you our young leaders here to inspire us,” said Mayor Marc C. McGovern. And wherever you end up, whether it is Cambridge or elsewhere, I encourage you to continue working on making a difference.”
City Manager Louis A. Pasquale also congratulated the scholarship recipients, adding “You should be proud of your hard work and I hope you how proud your city is of you. As you look toward your future, please keep in mind that you are the future of the City (of Cambridge).”
The 2018 City Scholarship recipients included: Kale Abrha; Nathaniel Adamian; Rakeyah Ahsan; Nathnael Aschale; Alula Assefa; Selamawit Balcha; Anne Ball; Gregory Barrow; Marcus Bartholomew; Samira Begum; Lucy Bent; Rebecca Bilodeau; Samanta Breval; Ella Brown; Nathalia Burini; Lucas Chen; Gabriel Colburn; Pilli Cruz-De Jesus; Caroline Daley; Beminet Desalegn; Alexandra DeWeese; Miya Duffy; Leonardo Escobar; Fahedur Fahed; Noon Farsab; Jayven Feliz; Christopher Figueroa; Luyao Fu Carolina Galvis; Laura Gill; Mahkeida Goncalves-Charles; Noah Gonci; Lily Grob; Evelyn Hartenstein; Adam Hermon; Nusrat Jahan; Kelsey Jajoute; Jeynaba Jamanka; Fnu Jarna; Kyia Jones; Cooper Kelley; Sarah Kim; Natalie Krieg; Joshua Kruskal; Abigael Lafontant; Cynthia Laroche; Mingjie Lian; Lila Lifton Nidjee Lisson; Yufan Liu; Juliette Low Fleury; Robel Mahari; Summia Mahmud; Vanessa Marques Pineda Luke Matheson; Paul McCann; Kiel McGowan; Thomas McNulty; Samerwite Mekonen; Lisa Mekonnen; Helina Mekonnen; Yigermal Mekonnen; Daniel Jackson Moore-Otto; Tenzin Phelgay; Abigail Reynolds; Amireh Rezaei-Kamalabad; Charles Rideout; Shuvom Sadhuka; Asma Sheikh; Kebron Sime; Samuel Somerdin; Smarika Suwal; Danait Teclezghi; Eldana Tewodros; Diana Voevodsky; Evan Wilcox; Feven Woldesenbet; and Elaina Wolfson.
For more information on the City Scholarship Fund, or to consider a contribution, please visit CambridgeMA.Gov/CityScholarship.
10:30am Jane's Walk – Jazz and Rock at an Old Trolley Stop
Meet at 10:30am at Carl Barron Plaza in the heart of Central Square. Hosted by Boston Globe reporter Michael Kenney.
Stand at the corner of Brookline Street and Massachusetts Avenue, and, depending on the hour, you will hear sounds of jazz and rock from The Middle East restaurant and nightclub. But there was a time, a century ago, when instead there would have been the clatter of trolleys heading up from their car barn. Michael Kenney, longtime Boston Globe city-reporter now independently researching Cambridge’s history, will lead us through a choice sample of local historical layers of city life up to the present. We will head down Pearl Street from Mass. Ave. for a half dozen or so blocks and then walk back up the parallel Brookline St, one block east, passing – among many intriguing sights – the old car barn itself and the 1920s EMF electrical supply warehouse, now studio space for two hundred musicians. End at The Middle East café, where those who wish may purchase lunch and continue the conversation.
Every Sunday, May - October
11:00am-5:00pm The Central Flea Returns every weekend starting this Sunday (University Park, Sidney Street)
The Central Square Business Association (CSBA) + New England Open Markets are pumped for the return of the Central Flea! As you may have noticed, the Flea will have the same awesome vintage, antique, arts, etc. vendors you've come to know and love – but we've also got a few new things up our sleeves. We've moved to the other side! Of #CentralSQ, that is. Join us at University Park (91 Sidney St, Cambridge, MA) for a Flea surrounded by gorgeous greenery.
We're excited to announce that Lamplighter Brewing Co. will be opening an all-new beer garden at the Flea this year! When you're tired of shopping, stop by for a cold one.
So there's a public meeting on Thursday, May 3 regarding what is called the "South Massachusetts Avenue Corridor Safety Improvements Project". The meeting will take place from 6:00pm to 8:30pm at MIT, Room 2-190 (182 Memorial Drive, Simons Building). The essentials from the meeting notice are:
"To improve safety and reliability for users of the street, the City of Cambridge is evaluating 'quick build' changes to Massachusetts Avenue from Sidney Street to Memorial Drive with an emphasis on increasing the comfort and convenience of people walking, biking and riding buses. This project supports the City’s Vision Zero goal to reduce and eliminate serious injuries/fatalities from crashes, as well as City policies that promote the use of sustainable ways to travel in Cambridge."
Having seen a few notices and having attended more than my share of meetings, allow me to interpret. When the public notice uses the word "comfort" or the phrase "comfort index", that's code for "separated bike lanes", i.e. PVC plastic posts bolted to the road, and I can pretty much guarantee that regardless whether this gives any safety improvement or if it creates significant traffic problems, the entire matter is nonnegotiable. The purpose of the meeting is to tell you what has already been decided, and the only public input that might have any effect will be in regard to aesthetic matters (color of the posts) and whether or not even more parking spaces should be removed to compensate for any potential hazards at intersections or reduced visibility.
This project will likely not be nearly as controversial as what was done to Cambridge Street or Brattle Street (due to the scarcity of residents along this stretch of Mass. Ave.), but I imagine there could be some concerns from the businesses since it's likely that most or all parking may soon disappear. Perhaps the only real question at this point is whether all of the parking disappears or if traffic is reduced to one lane each way for the whole stretch (which may well result in traffic being backed up during some hours along the entire stretch). One things is virtually certain – if you don't think that segregated bike lanes are a good idea here, you may as well stay home because nobody will hear you. - RW
Not a day goes by without a flurry of SeeClickFix (Commonwealth Connects) requests for matters ranging from dangerous to absurdly trivial. In addition to the ridiculous complaints about armored vehicles parking in a bike lane (because the cyclists wants the driver to carry sacks of money to a loading zone a block away) or a flatbed truck queued up at a construction site (and they want him to do what? - keep circling around the block with many tons of steel on a long, wide vehicle?) to matters so trivial that it could make your head spin. For example, I saw one this morning from 23 Clinton Street where the complainant says: "Can you please remove white mark left on brick sidewalk by parking dept?" Perhaps I should file a string of complaints about the large hot top temporary patch on my sidewalk left by NStar (before they became Eversource) that's now been there for most of the past decade plus a medley of various painted markings from Traffic & Parking, the Dig Safe folks, etc. Let's also not forget those 02138 sensitive souls who lost their minds over the color of their NEW sidewalk having a shade that didn't quite match their ideal. Good grief!
May 19, 2018 – City Manager Louis A. DePasquale is seeking Cambridge residents interested in serving on the city’s Committee on Public Planting.
The Public Planting Committee is charged with the responsibility of promoting and improving the quality and diversity of plantings throughout all areas of Cambridge. This includes: reviewing planting plans for new public work in the city; advising the city on effective maintenance of public plantings; supporting the role of the City Arborist; and encouraging interest in public plantings in all neighborhoods. Candidates should have an interest in urban forestry and landscape issues, and, ideally, experience in horticulture. The Committee usually meets on the second Wednesday of each month from 5:30-7pm, at the Department of Public Works, 147 Hampshire Street, Cambridge, MA.
The deadline for submitting applications is June 11, 2018. Applications can be submitted to City Manager Louis A. DePasquale using the City’s online application system at A cover letter and resume or applicable experience can be submitted during the online application process. Paper applications are available in the City Manager’s Office at Cambridge City Hall, 795 Massachusetts Avenue.
For more information about the committee, contact David Lefcourt, City Arborist, at 617-349-6433 or
May 7, 2018 – City Manager Louis A. DePasquale is seeking to fill a vacancy on the Board of Trustees for the Cambridge Public Library.
Library trustees are volunteer community representatives, library advocates, and leaders in the establishment of goals and policies for the Cambridge Public Library system. Trustees are a vital link between the library staff and the community and work to ensure the quality of library services, collections, and programs, and to make certain that the library reflects and is relevant to the community.
Trustees serve a 3 year term and are expected to attend monthly board meetings, committee and community meetings, appropriate continuing education workshops or conferences, and library programs as their schedules allow.
Ideal candidates will have an interest in and passion for public libraries and an understanding of the importance of the public library as a center of information, culture, recreation, and life-long learning in the community. Candidates should also have knowledge of the community, including an awareness of diverse social and economic conditions, needs and interests of all groups. Strong verbal and written communication skills, including public speaking skills are required. Trustees work productively as a team. It is also important for candidates to understand how the role of the public library is evolving and how information technology and societal changes inform the library’s future.
The deadline for submitting applications is June 4, 2018. Applications can be submitted to City Manager Louis A. DePasquale using the City’s online application system at A cover letter and resume or applicable experience can be submitted during the online application process. Paper applications are available in the City Manager’s Office at Cambridge City Hall, 795 Massachusetts Avenue. For more information about the role of Library trustees, contact Maria McCauley, Director of Libraries at 617-349-4032 or
May 2, 2018 – Cambridge City Manager Louis A. DePasquale is seeking to fill a vacancy on Cambridge’s Open Data Review Board and is looking for representatives from public, private, academic, or nonprofit sectors with expertise in or relevant experience with Open Data.
The city’s Open Data Program makes government data easily available in useful formats, and is intended to increase transparency, foster engagement among residents, and create new opportunities for collaboration between Cambridge and the public.
The Review Board, comprised of at least three residents and four or more city employees, will meet quarterly to help ensure that the program balances its goals of transparency and accessibility with the city’s obligation to protect private, confidential, and sensitive information.
The Board will make recommendations to the City Manager and Open Data Program Manager on policies, rules, and standards related to Cambridge’s Open Data Program, including methods for determining the appropriate level of accessibility for new datasets and timelines for making new datasets available.
Specifically, the Review Board will help answer the following questions:
For more information about Open Data Review Board, contact Josh Wolff, The deadline for submitting applications is June 4, 2018. Applications can be submitted to City Manager Louis A. DePasquale using the City’s online application system at A cover letter and resume or applicable experience can be submitted during the online application process. Paper applications are available in the City Manager’s Office at Cambridge City Hall, 795 Massachusetts Avenue.
Apr 20, 2018 – City Manager Louis A. DePasquale is seeking a resident to fill a vacancy on the Cambridge Human Rights Commission.
The Cambridge Human Rights Commission (CHRC) seeks Cambridge residents representing the diversity of Cambridge. Commissioners are expected to attend monthly meetings, participate in subcommittees on outreach and public education, and work with Commission staff on the investigation, mediation and resolution of complaints filed with the Commission which allege discrimination in housing, public accommodations, employment or education based upon race, color, sex, age, religion, disability, national origin or ancestry, sexual orientation, gender, marital status, family status, military status or source of income.
The Human Rights Commission is made up of 11 members who serve three-year terms. Meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month at 6:00pm.
The deadline for submitting applications is May 25, 2018. Applications can be submitted to City Manager Louis A. DePasquale using the City’s online application system at A cover letter and resume or applicable experience can be submitted during the online application process. Paper applications are available in the City Manager’s Office at Cambridge City Hall, 795 Massachusetts Avenue. For more information, contact Nancy Schlacter, Cambridge Human Rights Commission, at 617-349-4396 or
Upcoming Envision Cambridge Meetings – Join the Conversation this May
Envision Cambridge Advisory Committee Meeting - Agenda
Wednesday, May 23, 6:00-8:00pm
Citywide Senior Center Ballroom, 806 Massachusetts Ave.
For more information about Envision Cambridge, visit
Apr 23, 2018 – City Manager Louis A. DePasquale is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2018 Outstanding City Employee Award. The annual award recognizes a select number of employees for superior performance, positive attitude, hard work and dedication to public service. The recipients were honored at a ceremony on Friday, May 11, at 9:00am, in the Sullivan Chamber of Cambridge City Hall, 795 Massachusetts Avenue.
The City Manager also presented an award in honor and memory of the late Brian Murphy, to a person who is committed to making government improve the lives of others.
Congratulations to our 2018 Outstanding City Employees:
The 2018 Brian Murphy Award was presented to former City Manager Richard C. Rossi
In THE COLOR OF LAW, Richard Rothstein makes irrefutable that the segregation laws and policies passed by all levels of government expressly and systematically promoted the discriminatory patterns that persist to this day.
Pro-housing group "A Better Cambridge (ABC)" will host a Boston-metro community conversation with Richard Rothstein who will discuss his widely acclaimed book, The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America. Through clear prose and extensive research that Ta-Nehisi Coates has lauded as "brilliant,” Rothstein’s book describes the forgotten story of how our federal, state, and local governments explicitly encouraged racial segregation across the country - in blue states, red states and as recently as the 2008 housing crisis. Today we are living with the repercussions of these policies with, for example, extreme racial wealth inequality and a stubborn achievement gap in our schools. This one-of-a-kind conversation will take place on May 22nd, at 6:30pm at the Cambridge Rindge and Latin School Fitzgerald Theater.
A panel discussion will follow Rothstein’s presentation, featuring Chrystal Kornegay, Executive Director of MassHousing; Dr. Atyia Martin, Distinguished Senior Fellow at Northeastern and former Chief Resilience Officer of Boston; Eva Martin-Blythe, Executive Director of the Cambridge YWCA; and Bob Terrell, Executive Director of the Fair Housing Center of Greater Boston; The conversation will be moderated by The Boston Globe’s Ideas Editor, Dante Ramos.
“The Color of Law is one of those rare books that will be discussed and debated for many decades. Based on careful analyses of multiple historical documents, Rothstein has presented what I consider to be the most forceful argument ever published on how federal, state and local governments gave rise to and reinforced neighborhood segregation.”– William Julius Wilson, author of The Truly Disadvantaged
ABC founder and chairman, Jesse Kanson-Benanav, is thrilled to welcome Mr. Rothstein, saying that “in a progressive community like Cambridge and a deep blue state like Massachusetts, we often lose sight of how our own housing and land use policies have contributed to the government-sanctioned segregation that Mr. Rothstein writes about.” And while Cambridge makes a small but ominous appearance in the book, specifically with regard to the intentional racial segregation when the Washington Elms & Newtowne Court public housing developments were first built, “the community discussion following Mr. Rothstein’s presentation will provide more local context, explore how we continue to perpetuate segregation in Cambridge and Greater Boston, and examine what we can do about it.”
The event is free and open to the public, but registration at is strongly recommended. Doors open at 6:00pm and the discussion begins at 6:30pm. Copies of Rothstein's book will be available for purchase. Advanced purchases are encouraged at The Harvard Bookstore and Porter Square Books.
Richard Rothstein is a research associate of the Economic Policy Institute and a Fellow at the Thurgood Marshall Institute of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. He lives in California, where he is a Fellow of the Haas Institute at the University of California–Berkeley. The Color of Law was a Publisher's Weekly Top 10 Best Books of 2017 and was a finalist for the National Book Award.
A Better Cambridge (ABC) is a non-profit organization made up of Cambridge residents who are committed to building a more diverse and sustainable city with housing for all people. They support increased housing of all kinds, smart, eco-friendly density, and growth that is public-transit centered, to create vibrant, walkable, bikeable, livable neighborhoods. Through education and advocacy, they seek to impact the public conversation, include under-represented groups, and encourage thoughtful, smart planning and policy.
2:00pm The City Council's Transportation and Public Utilities Committee will conduct a public hearing to follow-up on Policy Order #7 of March 5, 2018 on the future of dock-less bikes in Cambridge. (Sullivan Chamber)
6:30pm Planning Board meeting (2nd Floor Meeting Room, City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway)
General Business
1. Update from the Community Development Department
2. Adoption of Planning Board meeting transcripts
Public Hearings
6:30pm PB# 243 – 50 Rogers Street and 161 First Street – Major Amendment to Planned Unit Development (PUD) Special Permit by ARE-MA Region No. 21, LLC and ARE-MA Region No. 32, LLC, c/o Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. to modify the previously approved Final Development Plan to permit a stand-alone residential building at 50 Rogers St. with a two-level below-grade parking garage for 102 parking spaces and adaptive reuse of the existing building at 161 First St. to contain 30,319 square feet of nonresidential gross floor area (GFA) including up to 10,000 SF of Innovation Space that is exempt from GFA calculations pursuant to Sections 12.37 Amendment to Final Development Plan; 13.50 PUD 4C; 13.59 Conditions authorized by the Planning Board; 19.20 Project Review; and waive the five-foot driveway setback requirement for 161 First St pursuant to Section 6.44.1(b) and (g) special permit for waiver of the driveway setback. This will be the second of two required public hearings for the Planned Unit Development process as outlined in Article 12.000. (Notice) (Materials)
General Business
3. PB# 243 – 50 Rogers Street Building Design Review (Materials)
4. PB# 256 – 34-36 Hampshire Street – Request to extend the Special Permit (Letter)
2:00pm The City Council's Economic Development & University Relations Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss an Arts Overlay District ordinance that would achieve the goals of creating and preserving spaces for the arts in the Central Square Cultural District. (Sullivan Chamber)
1:30pm The City Council's Health and Environment Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss the City of Cambridge getting to NET Zero Action Plan: Fiscal Year 2017 progress report as well as the Low Carbon Energy Supply Strategy and to receive a general update on the NET Zero Action Plan. (Ackermann Room)
6:00pm-8:00pm Public Meeting to Discuss Demolition of Vail Court. (Sullivan Chamber)
The City of Cambridge acquired (by eminent domain) the property located at Vail Court off Bishop Allen Drive. Presently there are no occupants in the building(s). As part of the eminent domain process, the City recommended redeveloping the site for affordable housing. Due to its condition, the City plans to demolish the buildings that currently exist on the site. Due to the delay caused by the litigation, the City needed to re-bid the contract to hire a new contractor for work at the property. On Thursday, May 24 at 6:00pm, the City will hold a public meeting in the Sullivan Chamber at City Hall to provide project updates, introduce the contractor selected for abatement, demolition and site work activities that are planned, and to share available details regarding the abatement and demolition process and schedule.
6:45pm Harvard Square Kiosk and Plaza Working Group meeting (Ackermann Room)
The purpose of this meeting is to review feedback from the April 25th public meeting and work toward finalizing recommendations.
11:00am-6:00pm Cambridge Arts River Festival (DCR Cambridge Parkway & Lechmere Canal Park)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
12:00pm The City Council's Transportation and Public Utilities Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss an overview on car sharing. (Ackerman Room)
6:00pm Regular School Committee meeting (Henrietta Attles Meeting Room, CRLS, 459 Broadway)
1:00pm The City Council's Public Safety Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss the role and duties of the Police officer assigned to City Hall. (Sullivan Chamber)
2:00pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss a proposed amendment to the Street Performers Ordinance in section 12.16.170 in the Municipal code. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm City Council Roundtable/Working Meeting for the purpose of discussing Envision Cambridge. (Sullivan Chamber)
3:00pm The City Council's Housing Committee will meet for an as yet undisclosed purpose. (Sullivan Chamber)
4:00pm The City Council's Public Safety Committee will conduct a public hearing to receive an update on the Short-Term Rental Ordinance. (Ackermann Room)
8:00-9:30am Recycling Advisory Committee (RAC) Meeting (Sullivan Chamber, City Hall)
4:30pm 2018 Volunteer Awards Ceremony (Sullivan Chambers)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
3:00pm The City Council's Public Safety Committee will conduct a public hearing to review the whole licensing and permitting process and to discuss ways to make it more efficient. (Ackermann Room)
2:00pm The City Council's Transportation and Public Utilities Committee will conduct a public hearing to receive a follow-up on a response received from the City Manager on May 14, 2018 regarding electric vehicles and the originating Policy Order #6 adopted Jan 29, 2018. (Ackermann Room)
4:00pm The City Council's Economic Development & University Relations Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss the potential for a City-based Cannabis Social Equity Program, focusing on ways to reduce barriers to entry in the commercial Cannabis industry, particularly for women and minority-owned businesses; review best equity practices from other states; and promote sustainable, socially and economically reparative practices in the commercial Cannabis industry in Cambridge. (Sullivan Chamber)
9:30am Bikes and Bricks! An Architectural Tour of Cambridge (meet at Cambridge Public Library Main Branch)
Ride departs at 10:00am. Join the Cambridge Bicycle Committee for a leisurely, family-friendly ride through the streets of Cambridge as part of the city's annual Bike Month activities. The theme of this spring's bike tour is an exploration of architecture in Cambridge, passing sites associated with famous and historically interesting architecture. We will start at the Cambridge Public Library Main Branch and ride for about two hours (see route below). We'll be escorted by the Cambridge Police Department's Bike Patrol. The ride will end back at the library with a light lunch.
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
3:30pm The City Council's Public Safety Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss the City's Cyber Security Policy. (Ackermann Room)
5:30pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss the Zoning petition received from Douglas Brown et al to amend the zoning in Section 20.70 Flood Overlay district and the creation of a new Section 22.80 – Green Factor. This hearing is to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm City Council Special Midsummer meeting (Sullivan Chamber)