Cambridge InsideOut - June 27, 2017
Guest (5:30pm): Paul Toner, City Council candidate
We have no set agenda for candidate guests and we prefer to give candidates as much latitude as possible.
A sampler of some things people may want to hear about might include:
a) Background - personal and professional
b) Why on Earth are you running for City Council?
c) What distinguishes you from other candidates?
d) Besides everybody, are there any particular constituencies that you feel should consider voting for you? [issues, neighborhoods, age, etc.]
e) Your pitch - basically a sample of what you might say at your kickoff event
f) Who is supporting you? Event announcements? Anything else?
g) Any comments on current issues before the City Council or issues that may be anticipated.
Usual Topics:
1) Civic Updates and Opportunities
2) CRLS again using Ranked Choice Voting for Student Government Elections
3) June 26 City Council meeting
4) June 19 City Council meeting
5) 2017 Candidates Cambridge Candidate Pages
Shapes of the campaign season to come
Continuing Question: How will the turmoil in national politics trickle down to the local level and, in particular, how might it influence the Cambridge municipal election?
Speculation: After over a century of non-partisan Cambridge elections (a major tenet of "The Cambridge Idea" dating back to the late 1800s), there are indications that "Our Revolution", the Bernie Sanders-driven national entity and effectively an emergent political party separate from the Democratic Party, may back candidates in the 2017 Cambridge municipal election.
Jimmy Tingle hosts "Humor for Humanity," a benefit for fellow Cambridge comedian Jimmy Smith, on Thursday, June 29 at 7:30pm at the Regent Theater, 7 Medford Street, Arlington. Guests include Tony V, Mike Donovan, Mike McDonald, Lenny Clarke, Christine Hurly, Jack Gallagher and musical guests Erie Blue Band. Tickets available
Jimmy was also a CRLS teacher.
Join thousands of Cambridge residents and visitors who will gather on Massachusetts Avenue in front of Cambridge City Hall (795 Massachusetts Ave.) for the City’s 20th Annual Dance Party. The portion of Mass. Ave., between Prospect and Bigelow streets, will be closed to traffic from 7pm – Midnight but open for dancing. This event is free and open to the public. MBTA: Red Line to Central Square.
The annual dance extravaganza with DJ spun music is a special opportunity for the entire Cambridge community to celebrate summer. After dark, colorful lights will be launched, adding to the magic of the evening.
PLEASE NOTE: MBTA #1 Bus Line will terminate in Central Square at 6pm and is expected to resume full service by Midnight. (Take the Red Line subway to travel between Central & Harvard Squares). The closest subway stop to the Dance Party is Central Square, then two blocks to City Hall.
For more information, contact Maryellen Carvello at 617-349-4301 or
Here Comes Summer - Featured Attractions for the June 26, 2017 Cambridge City Council meeting
Manager's Agenda #1. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 17-31, regarding a report on the status of the Community Garden program. This is useful information. However, any property owner can make space available for gardeners - residential property owners, institutional owners, and others. Even the narrowest strips of land can be gardened. Some of the best community gardens in Cambridge have been on private property. Manager's Agenda #5. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 17-6, regarding an analysis and evaluation of "pop up" bicycle lanes. Order #10. That the City Manager is requested to work with the appropriate City departments to accelerate the planning and installation of two or more protected bike lanes by September, to produce a plan by October 2017 for the roll-out of protected bike lanes on all major city thoroughfares, to ensure that the Bike Plan recommendations are fully implemented on all road projects, and that additional infrastructure changes to provide for safety are implemented when possible. Councillor Devereux, Councillor Carlone, Councillor Cheung, Vice Mayor McGovern First, don't count on there being any actual analysis and evaluation of the "pop up" bicycle lanes. Unless there's a fatality in one of them they'll remain regardless how dysfunctional or unnecessary thay may be. As for this latest Council order on the subject, I'm now finally starting to get a sense of what the word "progressive" really means - pushing through changes with minimal analysis and without consulting those affected under the belief that they will one day agree with you. In other words - the opposite of actual democracy. There is a place for segregated bike paths - primarily along arterial roadways, but there are plenty of reasons why they are not ideal for streets with many cross streets and driveways. They also send the rather clear message that cyclists are not welcome on the road and they should stay on the sidewalk like obedient children. Manager's Agenda #7. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the Street Performers Ordinance as well as Arts Council staffing and programming. Not much to say here - just interesting information. Manager's Agenda #8. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Numbers 17-46, 17-47, 17-48 and 17-49, short term rentals. The regulation of short term rentals has become the central legislative theme for this year. There will be at least one more Ordinance Committee meeting to refine things, and ordination is expected at the Midsummer meeting (August 7). Manager's Agenda #9. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to an amendment to the City’s previous submission of a Home Rule Petition to the Legislature whereby I requested authorization to include in the planned reconstruction (the “Project”) of the King Open / Cambridge Street Upper School and Community Complex (“KOCSUS”) the area that is presently occupied by the public swimming pool known as the Gold Star Pool (the “Pool Site”) and to construct subsurface geothermal wells in a portion of Donnelly Field that lies directly along and adjacent to the current southerly boundary of the KOCSUS site. Again, not much to say here - just interesting information. Charter Right #1. That the City Manager is requested to confer with the Affordable Housing Trust with the view in mind of immediately contacting the Episcopal Divinity School to begin negotiations for the purchase of 8-acre Episcopal Divinity School site for construction of critically needed affordable housing units including single occupancy spaces and middle income housing, particularly housing for eligible Cambridge residents, families, starter apartments for young adults, veterans, homeless and seniors who have been displaced. [Charter Right exercised by Vice Mayor McGovern on June 19, 2017.] It's very unlike that any portion of this site will become available for subsidized housing - for a variety of reasons. It is, however, fun to listen to the well-heeled activists come up with creative ways to oppose it while still trying to look like high-minded progressives. For this, thank you Councillor Toomey for filing the Order. Unfinished Business #10. An amendment to the Municipal Code Ordinance that Title 8 entitled “Health and Safety” be amended by adding a new Chapter 8.69 entitled “Running Bamboo Ordinance.” The question comes on passing to be ordained on or after June 26, 2017. Perhaps this will be ordained at this meeting. My only question is: "What will the Cambridge City Council ban next?" Applications & Petitions #2. A rezoning petition has been received from MIT/GSA Volpe to amend the Cambridge Zoning Ordinance by adding a new Section 13.90 to Article 13.000 and amend the Zoning Map to add new PUD-7 District. Committee Report #2. A communication was received from Donna P. Lopez, City Clerk, transmitting a report from Councillor Dennis J. Carlone and Councillor Leland Cheung, Co-Chairs of the Ordinance Committee, for a public hearing held on June 7, 2017 to have a general discussion to receive an update on the planning that has been going on for the Volpe Project. [appended materials] This has been a long time coming. If you want to learn more and participate, MIT is hosting a workshop on Thurs, June 29 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm in the Kendall Marriott hotel. There will be plenty of other opportunities in the future to be heard. Order #1. City Council support of Massachusetts House of Representatives bill H.3542, legislation to establish a Massachusetts Infrastructure Bank designed to encourage borrowing and facilitate growth for municipalities. Councillor Carlone, Councillor Mazen, Councillor Devereux It's an interesting idea, but my sense is that it would make more sense for municipalities facing far greater challenges and with fewer resources than Cambridge. Our AAA bond rating has its advantages. Order #2. That the City Manager is requested work with the Department of Public Works and the Cambridge Arts Council to formally review the use of the Fern Street path as currently designed and consider options to ensure that the path functions as a safe, shared bicycle and pedestrian path and to work with the Department of Public Works to consider whether it is appropriate and feasible for a skateboarding feature to be included at Danehy Park. Councillor Devereux The planners delivered a skate park that was never mentioned when they were selling the concept to neighbors as an artsy bike path. Order #7. That the City Manager is requested to confer with Department of Public Works and Cambridge Fire Department (CFD) staff and other relevant City officials to determine if new facilities are needed by either DPW or CFD to best carry out their respective missions in the future and, if so, what type of facilities they would need and how much space that would require and where they might possibly be located. Councillor Kelley, Councillor Toomey, Vice Mayor McGovern This is an important matter that has to be explored, but sufficiently large sites are disappearing fast - especially in parts of the city where access to and from the site can be done efficiently. Committee Report #3. A communication was received from Paula Crane, Deputy City Clerk, transmitting a report from Councillor Jan Devereux, Chair of the Economic Development and University Relations Committee, for a public hearing held on May 17, 2017 to discuss updates and data collected thus far for the Retail Strategic Plan, and other matters pertaining to the Study. [appended materials] This continues to be an interesting topic both in the committee and as part of the Envision Cambridge process. That said, the City doesn't control economics or consumer habits, so the best we can do will always be a good guess. - Robert Winters |
Almost Summer - June 19, 2017 Cambridge City Council Agenda Highlights
Order #2. That the City Manager is requested to work with the Traffic, Parking and Transportation Department and any other appropriate City departments on the feasibility and cost of installing computerized traffic signals along the City’s main corridors. Councillor Devereux, Councillor Mazen This Order could easily have been written 40 years ago when the issue wasn't climate change so much as air quality. Back then a number of two-way streets were made one-way in order to move traffic through more quickly. I might argue that some of those one-way streets should be restored to two-way so that desirable routes can be made less circuitous. [Word has it that the Prospect Street bridge to Union Square, Somerville may be restored to two-way traffic - a good idea, in my opinion.] Of course all the best technology will still not resolve the problem of intersections with heavy traffic on both streets. Shorter or longer signal cycles won't change the average throughput for an F-rated intersection when traffic is queued up in both directions. Order #3. That the matter of reviewing the placement of the Committee Reports section within the City Council agenda be referred to the Rules Committee for consideration. Councillor Cheung, Councillor Kelley There is a certain logic in doing this consistent with Robert's Rules of Order. One could argue that Committee Reports are more in line with "Old Business" and City Council Orders are really "New Business", and Old Business is generally taken up before New Business. Order #5. City Council opposition to dismantling of the Dodd-Frank reforms that were put into place following the 2007-2010 Great Recession. Councillor Carlone The race is on to see which City Council candidates will most effectively associate themselves with national politics in this election year. There's plenty of red meat to work with - even though the City Council has close to zero influence in national and international affairs. Order #6. That the City Manager is requested to confer with the Affordable Housing Trust with the view in mind of immediately contacting the Episcopal Divinity School to begin negotiations for the purchase of 8-acre Episcopal Divinity School site for construction of critically needed affordable housing units including single occupancy spaces and middle income housing, particularly housing for eligible Cambridge residents, families, starter apartments for young adults, veterans, homeless and seniors who have been displaced. Councillor Toomey A few years ago it was Shady Hill Square and a call to pack subsidized housing into the middle of that Square just to stick it to the residents who wanted to preserve the open space that was part of the original design of this group of buildings when built. Now the call is to insert subsidized housing into a parcel facing Brattle Street with land values somewhere in the stratosphere. It's hard to interpret this as anything other than a statement sticking it to Brattle Street just because it's Brattle Street. Order #7. That the City Council go on record opposing H.R.38 and S.446, the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017, and calls on its representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate to vote against these bills, and to work with their colleagues to oppose these bills. Councillor Devereux, Vice Mayor McGovern See Order #5 above. That said, the lunatics are clearly running the Congressional asylum if they really believe that gun-toting dudes from the deepest red states should have license to pack heat in Massachusetts just because they come from or simply visited a wacky state in order to get a gun and a license. Even some bars in the Wild West required patrons to check their weapons at the door. Committee Report #2. A communication was received from Donna P. Lopez, City Clerk, transmitting a report from Councillor Craig Kelley, Chair of the Public Safety Committee, for a public hearing held on May 30, 2017 to discuss the role of police officers in the community, the installation of a police substation in Central Square and the stationing of a uniformed police officer in City Hall. Though I like the idea of having a police officer in the vicinity of City Hall, I really don't think the best use of highly-trained police is to serve as professional greeters. Regarding the installation of a police substation in Central Square, this would only make sense if done as a multi-purpose storefront location for police, MBTA workers, public information, and a public bathroom. That, of course, would require coordination among different agencies, so it will never happen. - Robert Winters |
June 26 - Ilan Levy will apparently again be a City Council candidate.
June 22 - Fran Cronin will be hosting an issue forum on Tues, June 27 starting at 6:00pm at Atwood's Tavern (877 Cambridge St.).
June 21 - Marc McGovern has posted a re-election announcement.
June 21 - Denise Simmons has formally announced her reelection campaign and the date of her Campaign Kickoff (July 13).
June 21 - Paul Toner has hired Hannagh Jacobsen as Campaign Manager and has received the endorsement of Mass Retirees.
June 20 - Adriane Musgrave will have her campaign kickoff on Sat, June 24 from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at Christopher's in Porter Square.
June 18 - No new candidates to report, but at what point does calling oneself a "progressive" in an election where all candidates are "progressive" render the term completely meaningless?
June 10 - We have a new City Council candidate: Gwen Volmar
June 9 - We have a new School Committee candidate: Laurance Kimbrough
June 7 - We have a new City Council candidate: Jeffrey Santos
The following City Council candidates have either had or scheduled a campaign kickoff event or fomally announced their candidacy (19):
Ron Benjamin, Dennis Carlone, Olivia D'Ambrosio, Jan Devereux, Sam Gebru, Craig A. Kelley, Ilan Levy, Alanna Mallon, Marc McGovern, Adriane Musgrave, Nadya Okamoto, Jeffrey Santos, Sumbul Siddiqui, Denise Simmons, Vatsady Sivongxay, Sean Tierney, Paul Toner, Gwen Volmar, and Quinton Zondervan.
The following individuals have not yet formally announced their candidacy but are expected to be City Council candidates: None
The following individuals have not yet announced their City Council candidacy and it's not yet clear if they will (3):
Dennis Benzan, Leland Cheung, Timothy J. Toomey, Jr.
The following School Committee candidates have either had or scheduled a campaign kickoff event or fomally announced their candidacy (6):
Manikka Bowman, Fran Cronin, Emily Dexter, Kathleen Kelly, Laurance Kimbrough, Will MacArthur
The following individuals have not yet formally announced their candidacy but are expected to be School Committee candidates (3):
Alfred B. Fantini, Richard Harding, Jr., Patricia M. Nolan
2017 Cambridge Candidate Pages
2017 Campaign Event Listings and Candidate Forums
[Note: Only events open to the general public (with or without RSVP) will be listed.]
Campaign Finance Reports - 2017 City Council
Probable City Council and School Committee candidates for 2017 (with age at time of election)
City Council Candidate | Birthdate | Age | address | Notes |
Timothy J. Toomey | 6/7/1953 | 64 | 88 6th St., 02141 | incumbent, first elected in 1989, unclear if seeking reelection |
E. Denise Simmons | 10/2/1951 | 66 | 188 Harvard St. #4B, 02139 | incumbent, first elected in 2001 |
Craig Kelley | 9/18/1962 | 55 | 6 Saint Gerard Terr. #2, 02140 | incumbent, first elected in 2005 |
Leland Cheung | 2/11/1978 | 39 | 157 Garden St., 02138 | incumbent, first elected in 2009 |
Dennis Carlone | 5/7/1947 | 70 | 9 Washington St. #6, 02140 | incumbent, first elected in 2013 |
Marc McGovern | 12/21/1968 | 48 | 15 Pleasant St., 02139 | incumbent, first elected in 2013 |
Jan Devereux | 5/13/1959 | 58 | 255 Lakeview Ave., 02138 | incumbent, first elected in 2015 |
Jeffrey Santos | 5/28/1963 | 54 | 350 3rd St. #809, 02142 | announced, registered with OCPF |
Paul Toner | 4/28/1966 | 51 | 24 Newman St., 02140 | announced, registered with OCPF, actively fundraising |
Ilan Levy | 11/1/1967 | 50 | 148 Spring St. 02141 | apparently running based on email |
Quinton Zondervan | 9/15/1970 | 47 | 235 Cardinal Madeiros Ave., 02141 | announced, registered with OCPF, actively fundraising |
Alanna Mallon | 12/6/1970 | 46 | 3 Maple Ave., 02139 | announced, registered with OCPF, actively fundraising |
Ronald Benjamin | 1/5/1971 | 46 | 172 Cushing St., 02138 | announced, registered with OCPF |
Vatsady Sivongxay | 2/20/1982 | 35 | 59 Kirkland St. #2, 02138 | announced, registered with OCPF, actively fundraising |
Olivia D'Ambrosio | 9/13/1983 | 34 | 270 3rd Street #305, 02142 | announced, registered with OCPF |
Sean Tierney | 3/10/1985 | 32 | 12 Prince St. #6, 02139 | announced, registered with OCPF, actively fundraising |
Gwen Volmar | 9/25/1985 | 32 | 13 Ware St. #4, 02138 | not yet announced, but registered with OCPF |
Adriane Musgrave | 10/14/1985 | 32 | 5 Newport Rd. #1, 02140 | definitely running, registered with OCPF |
Sumbul Siddiqui | 2/10/1988 | 29 | 530 Windsor Street, 02141 | announced, registered with OCPF, actively fundraising |
Sam Gebru | 11/20/1991 | 25 | 812 Memorial Dr., 02139 | announced, registered with OCPF, actively fundraising |
Nadya Okamoto | 2/11/1998 | 19 | Canaday Hall B44, 22 Harvard Yard, 02138 | announced, registered with OCPF, actively fundraising |
Dennis Benzan | 1/25/1972 | 45 | 1 Pine St., 02139 | served 2014-15, may seek reelection |
Nadeem Mazen | 9/20/1983 | 34 | 720 Mass. Ave. #4, 02139 | has informed colleagues that he will not seek reelection |
James Williamson | 1/13/1951 | 66 | 1000 Jackson Pl., 02140 | perennial candidate |
Gary Mello | 5/24/1953 | 64 | 324 Franklin St. #2, 02139 | ran several times |
Nathan Taylor Thompson | 10/12/1985 | 32 | 31 Tremont Street $#3, 02139 | probably not running, registered with OCPF |
Andrew King | 4/17/1986 | 31 | 40 Essex St., 02139 | conflicting reports on whether or not a candidate |
Romaine Waite | 6/7/1991 | 26 | 60 Lawn St. #5, 02138 | not announced, but may try again |
School Committee Candidate | Birthdate | Age | address | Notes |
Fred Fantini | 6/8/1949 | 68 | 4 Canal Park #203, 02141 | incumbent, first elected in 1981 |
Richard Harding | 10/16/1972 | 45 | 189 Windsor St. #1, 02139 | incumbent, first elected in 2001 |
Patty Nolan | 8/28/1957 | 60 | 184 Huron Ave., 02138 | incumbent, first elected in 2005 |
Kathleen Kelly | 3/8/1960 | 57 | 17 Marie Ave. #1, 02139 | incumbent, first elected in 2013 |
Emily Dexter | 3/16/1957 | 60 | 9 Fenno St., 02138 | incumbent, first elected in 2015 |
Mannika Bowman | 11/27/1979 | 37 | 134 Reed St., 02140 | incumbent, first elected in 2015 |
Fran Albin Cronin | 2/14/1952 | 65 | 1 Kimball Ln., 02140 | planning to seek reelection |
Laurance Kimbrough | 7/3/1979 | 38 | 24 Aberdeen Ave., 02138 | definitely running for School Committee |
Will MacArthur | 5/24/1998 | 19 | 18 Shea Rd., 02140 | definitely running for School Committee |
Jake Crutchfield | 3/31/1987 | 30 | 281 River St. #1, 01239 | speculation that he may run again |
Elechi Kadete | 9/30/1989 | 28 | 10 Laurel St., 02139 | will likely not run again this year |
David J. Weinstein | 12/10/1972 | 44 | 45 S. Normandy Ave., 02138 | ran in 2015, possibility for 2017 |
2017 Cambridge Candidate Pages
There are others who are likely to be candidates but who have not yet chosen to be identified as such. Please let me know of other candidates. Not all of the individuals listed above may wish to be identified as candidates, and I will be more than happy to remove those names (unless I am absolutely certain they will be running!). Anyone who has filed papers with OCPF (Office of Campaign & Political Finance) is assumed to be running for City Council. - RW
Campaign Finance Summaries - City Council 2017 (updated June 26) | |||||||
Candidate | From | To | Start | Receipts | Expend | Balance | As Of |
Benjamin, Ronald | 1-Jan-17 | 15-Jun-17 | 9.00 | 541.12 | 532.39 | 17.73 | 16-Jun-17 |
Carlone, Dennis | 1-Jan-17 | 15-Jun-17 | 17827.87 | 2572.34 | 737.56 | 19662.65 | 19-Jun-17 |
Cheung, Leland | 1-Jan-17 | 15-Jun-17 | 90880.32 | 0.00 | 8830.50 | 82049.82 | 20-Jun-17 |
D'Ambrosio, Olivia | 1-Jan-17 | 15-Jun-17 | 122.75 | 5250.31 | 3193.80 | 2179.26 | 16-Jun-17 |
Devereux, Jan | 1-Jan-17 | 15-Jun-17 | 8715.10 | 15313.05 | 5808.60 | 18219.55 | 16-Jun-17 |
Gebru, Sam | 1-Jan-17 | 15-Jun-17 | 0.00 | 26223.50 | 24027.40 | 2196.10 | 16-Jun-17 |
Levy, Ilan | 26-Jun-17 | 26-Jun-17 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 26-Jun-17 |
Kelley, Craig | 1-Jan-17 | 15-Jun-17 | 2231.84 | 230.52 | 534.00 | 1928.36 | 19-Jun-17 |
Mallon, Alanna | 1-Jan-17 | 15-Jun-17 | 100.00 | 27960.00 | 9687.61 | 18372.39 | 16-Jun-17 |
McGovern, Marc | 1-Jan-17 | 15-Jun-17 | 14966.66 | 19919.62 | 11711.51 | 23174.77 | 19-Jun-17 |
Musgrave, Adriane | 16-May-17 | 15-Jun-17 | 0.00 | 5000.00 | 1867.55 | 3132.45 | 16-Jun-17 |
Okamoto, Nadya | 16-Mar-17 | 15-Jun-17 | 0.00 | 3018.66 | 581.91 | 2436.75 | 16-Jun-17 |
Santos, Jeffrey | 7-Jun-17 | 15-Jun-17 | 0.00 | 35.00 | 19.72 | 15.28 | 16-Jun-17 |
Siddiqui, Sumbul | 16-Feb-17 | 15-Jun-17 | 0.00 | 22154.60 | 5662.06 | 16492.54 | 16-Jun-17 |
Simmons, Denise | 1-Jan-17 | 15-Jun-17 | 10179.79 | 7398.35 | 5118.26 | 12459.88 | 19-Jun-17 |
Sivongxay, Vatsady | 1-Jan-17 | 15-Jun-17 | 0.00 | 21011.31 | 9860.72 | 11150.59 | 16-Jun-17 |
Tierney, Sean | 1-Feb-17 | 15-Jun-17 | 0.00 | 8384.35 | 5282.73 | 3101.62 | 16-Jun-17 |
Toner, Paul | 16-Feb-17 | 15-Jun-17 | 0.00 | 30464.25 | 7447.31 | 23016.94 | 19-Jun-17 |
Toomey, Tim | 1-Jan-17 | 15-Jun-17 | 4069.67 | 26679.94 | 8054.26 | 22695.35 | 16-Jun-17 |
Volmar, Gwen | 9-Jun-17 | 15-Jun-17 | 0.00 | 20.00 | 0.00 | 20.00 | 16-Jun-17 |
Zondervan, Quinton | 1-Jan-17 | 15-Jun-17 | 3510.00 | 14747.51 | 15460.89 | 2796.62 | 16-Jun-17 |
Campaign Finance Reports - 2017 City Council (updated June 21)
Campaign Contributions (2017) - Total Receipts and Cambridge Receipts (updated June 27) |
Candidate | ID | Total Receipts | Cambridge Receipts | Percent Cambridge |
Kelley, Craig | 14104 | $480.00 | $480.00 | 100% |
Volmar, Gwen | 16691 | $409.00 | $409.00 | 100% |
D'Ambrosio, Olivia | 16520 | $5,250.00 | $5,000.00 | 95% |
Devereux, Jan | 16062 | $14,583.50 | $13,628.50 | 93% |
Carlone, Dennis | 15680 | $2,572.34 | $2,350.00 | 91% |
Musgrave, Adriane | 16657 | $5,000.00 | $4,000.00 | 80% |
McGovern, Marc | 15589 | $21,818.83 | $16,732.66 | 77% |
Mallon, Alanna | 16530 | $28,060.00 | $15,810.00 | 56% |
Zondervan, Quinton | 16516 | $14,157.53 | $7,769.65 | 55% |
Toner, Paul | 16576 | $32,585.11 | $16,950.00 | 52% |
Toomey, Tim | 12222 | $27,179.94 | $13,304.69 | 49% |
Siddiqui, Sumbul | 16556 | $24,019.60 | $11,095.00 | 46% |
Tierney, Sean | 16559 | $13,059.35 | $5,575.00 | 43% |
Simmons, Denise | 13783 | $7,398.35 | $3,100.00 | 42% |
Santos, Jeffrey | 16686 | $35.00 | $10.00 | 29% |
Sivongxay, Vatsady | 16528 | $21,011.31 | $4,965.00 | 24% |
Gebru, Sam | 16531 | $25,601.00 | $4,688.00 | 18% |
Benjamin, Ronald | 16493 | $141.15 | $20.00 | 14% |
Okamoto, Nadya | 16596 | $3,316.72 | $350.00 | 11% |
Cheung, Leland | 14923 | $0.00 | $0.00 | - |
Levy, Ilan | 16173 | $0.00 | $0.00 | - |
6:30pm Planning Board meeting (2nd Floor Meeting Room, City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway)
General Business
1. Update from the Community Development Department
2. Adoption of Planning Board meeting transcripts
3. North Point #179
• Parcel “W” Building Design Review
• North Point Common Design Modification Review
• Parcel “A” Pump Station Design Review
• Baldwin Park Designs Update
Public comment will be taken during these design reviews.
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
I. MINUTES II. REPORTS 1. Executive Director’s Report 2. Assistant Director's Report 3. Commissioners' Reports III. PUBLIC COMMENT |
IV. ACTION AGENDA Old Business 1. 2017 Annual City Census 2. 2017 Street Listing Book New Business 1. Municipal Election, November 7th |
6:00pm Central Square Advisory Committee (City Hall Annex, 4th floor conference room)
5:30pm-7:30pm Volpe Site Development - Retail, Open Space, & Community Space Workshop (Marriott Cambridge, 50 Broadway, 2nd Floor, Kendall Square)
Dinner will be served.
7:00pm-11:00pm City Dance Party (Mass. Ave. in front of City Hall)
4:00pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct an additional hearing to continue the discussion on the City Council petition on short-term rentals and will potentially discuss the feasibility of grandfathering non-conforming uses related to STR, breakdown of owner adjacent full unit STR statistics, clarification of whether a small two family can be treated as an operator occupied single STR unit and implementation by Inspectional Services Department. (Ackermann Room)
6:00-8:00pm Envision Cambridge Advisory Committee meeting (Citywide Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
Discussion topic: community interaction
5:30pm The City Council's Neighborhood and Long Term Planning, Public Facilities, Arts and Celebrations Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss the next steps for the Foundry Building including: financing, community benefit, non-profit ecosystem, and community engagement. (Dr. Henrietta S. Attles Meeting Room, CRLS)
3:30pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss a zoning petition by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to create a new Planned Unit Development Overlay District (PUD-7) over the area known as the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center site in Kendall Square. This hearing to be televised. (Dr. Henrietta S. Attles Meeting Room, CRLS, 459 Broadway)
5:30pm Special (Midsummer) City Council meeting (Dr. Henrietta S. Attles Meeting Room, CRLS, 459 Broadway)
6:00-8:00pm Envision Cambridge Advisory Committee meeting (4th Floor Meeting Room, City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway)
Discussion topic: corridor visioning and analysis
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
8:00am-9:30am Recycling Advisory Committee (Sullivan Chamber, City Hall)
6:00-8:00pm Envision Cambridge Advisory Committee meeting (Citywide Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
Discussion topic: present focus area working group recommendations, review and comment
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
8:00am-9:30am Recycling Advisory Committee (Sullivan Chamber, City Hall)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Municipal Election. Polls are open 7:00am until 8:00pm. The Preliminary Election Count will follow at the Cambridge Senior Center in Central Square.
The Preliminary PR Count will take place at the Senior Center after the polls close.
9:00pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
The PR Election Count continues at the Cambridge Senior Center as auxiliary ballots are tabulated and Unofficial Results are determined.
9:00am Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
8:00am-9:30am Recycling Advisory Committee (Sullivan Chamber, City Hall)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
4:30pm The Cambridge Election Commission will meet to finalize the 2017 Cambridge Municipal Election results, including any provisional ballots and overseas absentee ballots (if any). (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
The Official 2017 Election Results will be tabulated, certified, and announced after these ballots are included.