Cambridge InsideOut - Aug 8, 2017
Potential Topics:
1) Civic Updates - Vail Court, Volpe Rezoning, Short-Term Rental regulation, Central Flea, Cambridge Jazz Festival, the continuing Foundry saga, ... [Volpe Site/Petition Overview]
2) Upshot of the Aug 7, 2017 Cambridge City Council meeting
3) Election Commission may have to limit number of rankings on City Council ballot due to number of candidates
4) 2017 Candidates Cambridge Candidate Pages
Shapes of the campaign season to come
List of Candidates for City Council & School Committee - with sortable tables
5) 2017 Cambridge City Council Campaign Bank Reports
6) 2017 City Council Campaign Receipts
Continuing Question: How will the turmoil in national politics trickle down to the local level and, in particular, how might it influence the Cambridge municipal election?
Speculation: After over a century of non-partisan Cambridge elections (a major tenet of "The Cambridge Idea" dating back to the late 1800s), there are indications that "Our Revolution", the Bernie Sanders-driven national entity and effectively an emergent political party separate from the Democratic Party, may back candidates in the 2017 Cambridge municipal election.
A Midsummer's Night - Featured Agenda items for the August 7, 2017 Cambridge City Council meeting
Manager's Agenda #1. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the Final Landmark Designation Report for the Jones and Hall Houses at 66-68 Otis Street, received from the Historical Commission. [Report] Not much to say here other than how much I appreciate these detailed reports from the Cambridge Historical Commission. Manager's Agenda #12. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 17-8, regarding a report the Urban Agriculture Ordinance. [Report] The attached report is actually a proposed zoning amendment (that would go along with the more general Urban Agriculture Ordinance) that would permit beekeeping under certain conditions as an allowed use in residential, institutional, office and laboratory zones, as well as in conjunction with retail, manufacturing, and light industry uses (if I am reading it correctly). Upshot: The Beekeeping Zoning Petition was referred to the Ordinance Committee and Planning Board. The City Manager reported that there may still be a way to go with the rest of the proposed Urban Agriculture Ordinance Manager's Agenda #14. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to a revised version of the Short-Term Rentals zoning petition text, incorporating changes from the July 5, 2017 Ordinance Committee hearing. [Text of Revised Version] Unfinished Business #9. An amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cambridge to create a new Chapter 4.60 – to regulate Short-Term Rentals (STR). The question comes on passing to be ordained on or after June 26, 2017. Planning Board Hearing held May 23, 2017. Petition expires Aug 29, 2017. Committee Report #2. A communication was received from Donna P. Lopez, City Clerk, transmitting a report from Councillor Dennis J. Carlone and Councillor Leland Cheung, Co-Chairs of the Ordinance Committee, for a public hearing held on July 5, 2017 to continue the discussion on the City Council petition on short-term rentals and will potentially discuss the feasibility of grandfathering non-conforming uses related to STR, breakdown of owner adjacent full unit STR statistics, clarification of whether a small two family can be treated as an operator occupied single STR unit and implementation by Inspectional Services Department. This is really the central topic for this meeting. Not all points are yet agreed upon, but it is expected that this zoning amendment will be ordained in some form at this meeting. It's important not only for Cambridge as other cities may possibly pass similar ordinances based on this model. Upshot: The STR zoning petition was ordained unanimously with some clarifications, especially in the change from a proposed 2-year schedule for inspection and licensing to a 5-year schedule. The City Council reiterated that landlord approval and, if applcable condo association approval is mandatory. Councillor Mazen wanted to permit tenants to list their apartment on Airbnb without seeking landlord approval. There were also amendments proposed, primarily by Councillor Carlone, to not permit "owner-adjacent" units to be eligible for short-term rental, but those amendments were defeated on 4-5 votes with only Calone, Devereux, Mazen, and McGovern in favor. Everybody acknowledged the efforts of Craig Kelley and especially Wil Durbin in shepherding this over the past year to a successful conclusion. Charter Right #1. A rezoning petition has been received from MIT/GSA Volpe to amend the Cambridge Zoning Ordinance by adding a new Section 13.90 to Article 13.000 and amend the Zoning Map to add new PUD-7 District. [Text of MIT/Volpe Petition] Order #16. That the City Manager is requested to confer with the Assistant City Manager of Community Development and report back to the City Council with language to continue to pursue a Grand Junction Overlay District and to confer with MIT about incorporating plans for the Grand Junction Path into the design process for the Volpe Site and report back to the City Council by Sept 18th, 2017. Councillor Toomey There's really nothing to do on this topic at this meeting, but it is the next big thing before the City Council. The Planning Board and the Ordinance Committee already held their first hearings on the petition (in spite of the pointless Charter Right) and additional hearings are expected in September. The expiration date of the petition is Oct 31, 2017 - one week before the municipal election. If the City Council blows this opportunity to get a good outcome it will be unforgivable. This is where Councillor Carlone can play a pivotal role with his professional background if only the City Council can rise above the politics. The order regarding the Grand Junction corridor isn't really directly related to the Volpe question, but Volpe represents leverage. Upshot: Though there was no action item here, Ordinance Committee Co-Chair Carlone made clear that he expected that some contribution by MIT toward the realization of the Grand Junction Path should be part of any Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) tied to ordination of the MIT/Volpe Petition. Unfinished Business #10. An amendment to the Municipal Code in Title 6 entitled “Animals” to insert a new Chapter 6.20 entitled “Restrictions on the sale of animals in Pet Shops.” The question comes on passing to be ordained on or after July 10, 2017. This is not a zoning matter and there's no deadline for when it should be ordained, but it's possible that something could happen at this meeting. Upshot: The proposed ordinance was ordained on an 8-1 vote with Councillor Maher voting NO. Resolution #8. Congratulations to Superintendents Steven DeMarco and Christine Elow. Councillor Maher, Councillor Toomey I would like, in particular, to celebrate Christine Elow's appointment. She has been an extraordinary representative from the CPD in matters relating to Central Square and she is very deserving. Cambridge residents should feel very good about our Police Department and where it is headed. Our new Police Commissioner Branville Bard assumes command on August 21. Order #3. That the City Manager is requested to confer with the City Solicitor and the City Arborist with the view in mind of drafting appropriate language for an ordinance that would require a public hearing before the Ordinance Committee or any other appropriate department before the removal of 4 or more trees from private property. Councillor Toomey, Councillor Cheung, Vice Mayor McGovern These are always sticky proposals when perceived public benefit clashes with private property rights. Order #13. The Cambridge City Council is calling on Governor Charles Baker and his administration to cease any efforts in enacting any Massachusetts legislation that would be used to detain, hold or jail anyone that has met any requirements to be released under Massachusetts Criminal Statutes. Vice Mayor McGovern Order #18. That the City Manager is requested to establish a public fund that can be utilized in the event that the Trump Administration withholds federal funds from Cambridge as a Sanctuary City. Mayor Simmons, Vice Mayor McGovern There probably is some acceptable middle ground here that acknowledges that local police departments are not federal agents and should not be required to act as such in detaining people whose actions wouldn't normally warrant arrest and detention. This is at least as much about practicality as it is about political ideology. Order #14. Order Relating to Bicycle Lanes. Mayor Simmons, Councillor Maher, Councillor Toomey Anyone who actually reads this Order will likely see it as very reasonable. Nonetheless, social media is now lighting up calling for there to be no discussion or consideration due to claims that the Order would "kill all the momentum that advocates have gathered toward building protected bike lanes". Their description suggests a juggernaut that has every intention of running over all who would oppose or even question their agenda. I found it interesting that none of the "calls to action" I have seen so far provide the text of the Order. I suspect that it might "kill all the momentum" if people understood that there is nothing unreasonable being proposed in the Order. This is unfortunately a political turf war at this point being fueled by self-righteous activists who cannot possibly imagine that other points of view exist. Upshot: The Boston Cyclist Union and allies successfully packed the meeting with many of their speakers referring to the Order as a "moratorium" which it obviously is not. Mayor Simmons substituted new language and a stripped-down version of the Order was approved. There are lots of tools for improving bicycle safety. Unfortunately, any such discussion is apparently off-limits and non-debatable. No discussion of traffic calming, parallel "calm streets", shared streets (or woonerfs), or maintaining standard bike lanes in places where curb access for vehicles is warranted. It's "separated bike lanes" or nothing. I'm very disappointed in this group of city councillors. Order #15. Porter Square Intersection Update. Councillor Devereux, Councillor Mazen, Councillor Carlone The Porter Square intersection currently sucks on may levels. The question is whether or not a modification would suck less or possibly more. What should really happen (but it won't because it would be prohibitively expensive and might involve property takings or getting air rights over the commuter rail tracks) would be a radical reconfiguration of the whole area. Order #22. That the City Manager confer with relevant City departments and report back to the City Council on the status of the City’s plans to review and possibly implement a municipal Broadband system. Councillor Kelley Order #25. That the Municipal Broadband Task Force be reconstituted and that the City Manager is requested to report back on successful cost-effective procurement for phase II by the end of calendar year. Councillor Mazen, Councillor Devereux, Councillor Cheung Though I'm interested in where this may be going, my chief concern is that the price tag could be astronomical and that we might be investing in technologies that might become outmoded soon after we have made the investment. Order #24. That the City Manager is requested to provide an update to the City Council, at the first meeting in September, as to the progress and plan to address the concerns regarding the sale of liquor licenses. Councillor Mazen, Councillor Devereux, Vice Mayor McGovern I seriously doubt whether a solution to this dilemma can be devised that will satisfy anyone. Sometimes you just have to take a big loss. Communications & Reports from City Officers #1. A communication was received from Donna P. Lopez, City Clerk, transmitting a communication from Mayor E. Denise Simmons, regarding a request of a copy of City Council's Executive Session Minutes from June 12, 2017. Communications & Reports from City Officers #2. A communication was received from Donna P. Lopez, City Clerk, transmitting a copy of an Open Meeting Law Complaint Decision - OML 2017-106, filed by John Hawkinson on Mar 13, 2017, alleging that the City Council improperly redacted certain August and October 2016 executive session minutes and that said minutes failed to include a summary of the discussions. [Conclusion: There was no violation of the Open Meeting Law.] It's unfortunate that the Open Meeting Law has become little more than a means to annoy City staff. Complaints like the ones referenced above all involve trivial matters rather than matters of substance. Communications & Reports from City Officers #3. A communication was received from Donna P. Lopez, City Clerk, transmitting a Non-Binding Public Opinion Advisory Question Petition filed with the Election Commission on July 14, 2017. I don't know how many will come out to speak on this or how the City Council will act on it. Personally, I feel that the proposal is Not Ready For Prime Time. The case for tax-funded political campaign financing simply has not been made in the context of Cambridge's PR municipal elections. I hope this matter is not placed on the municipal ballot until a more comprehensive discussion has taken place. It is worth noting that there are many new candidates this year and obtaining voluntary contributions does not seem to be a heavy burden for the more credible candidates who actually well-rooted in Cambridge. I will also continue to question the belief that municipal election campaigns need to be very expensive. Indeed, the greater problem is excess spending rather than inadequate funds. [CC Receipts][CC Bank Reports]. Upshot: Councillor Cheung exercised his Charter Right on this matter based on the loaded language in the preamble in the proposed ballot question: "the undue influence of a few wealthy donors and special interest groups on municipal elections" and "the potential to erode the people's confidence in their elected officials" and "undermining the objectives of responsible government". The petitioners would have fared better if they had dropped all that language and just popped the question. Personally, I suspect the timing of this ballot question was done very deliberately to mesh with themes now being emphasized by some City Council candidates and their endorsing organizations. For example, the Cambridge Residents Alliance has on this year's City Council candidate questionnaire" Will you work for establishing a program that increases voter participation by providing some city funds to candidates running for City Council?" That said, it was a Mazen group that proposed the ballot question. There was some interesting maneuvering at the end of the City Council meeting (which had been extended to 12:45am). Councillor Mazen proposed having a Special City Council Meeting on Wednesday morning on this specific matter due to this being an "emergency" because the deadline for inclusion on the ballot is imminent. This would be a violation of the state Open Meeting Law which requires 48 hour notice. Ironically, Mazen did this at the suggestion of the above-referenced individual who files Open Meeting Law complaints regularly. In the end the time of the meeting expired and no action was taken. The petitioners may still attempt to gather the necessary 6500+ signatures to place the question on the ballot. - Robert Winters |
July 21, 2017 – Beginning the week of July 24, 2017, the baselinee rate for most parking meters in the City of Cambridge will begin to increase to $1.25 per hour. At the same time, meter rates in Harvard Square will be set at $1.50 per hour based on the high level of demand, while rates in certain outlying areas with lower demand will remain at the current rate of $1.00 per hour. The new rates, the first increase in baseline parking meter rates since 2008, will be phased in over the next month, starting with the changes in Harvard Square.
The City of Cambridge installs parking meters to provide short term parking for visitors and patrons of Cambridge businesses. Most on-street meters have a two hour time limit; others have 30 or 60 minute limits. The meter rate and time limit in effect are clearly posted on all parking meters, and cars should not remain parked for longer than the time limit.
"This modest rate increase will allow the City to better manage the demand for parking," said Joseph Barr, Director of Traffic, Parking and Transportation. "Parking revenues generated from meters also help support various transportation and Vision Zero initiatives in the city. Investments in new bicycle infrastructure, traffic calming, and safety improvements in key intersection in Cambridge are funded through Parking Fund revenue."
For more information on the rate increase or parking management in the city, please contact the Traffic, Parking, and Transportation Department at 617-349-4700 or
July 19, 2017 – Cambridge City Manager Louis A. DePasquale is seeking residents and members of the Cambridge community (including private sector, municipal employees, business owners, students and others) interested in serving on the Citizens’ Committee on Civic Unity.
The mission of the City of Cambridge Citizens’ Committee on Civic Unity is to foster fairness, equity, unity, appreciation, and mutual understanding across all people and entities in Cambridge. The Committee works to provide opportunities for constructive discussions and community events regarding race, class, religion, gender, disability, and sexual orientation, through recognizing and raising awareness of historic, existing, and potential civic issues; providing opportunities for honest dialogue and engagement; and by building bridges across communities to better understand and connect with one another.
The Committee generally meets monthly. Committee meetings are open to the public and may include presentations by guest speakers, city staff, and various experts. For information on the committee’s work, current goals, meeting schedule, and events, please visit:
Individuals interested in being considered can submit a cover letter, résumé or summary of applicable experience using the city’s online application system at Paper applications are available in the City Manager’s Office at Cambridge City Hall, 795 Massachusetts Avenue. The deadline for submitting applications is Monday, August 28, 2017.
July 12, 2017 – Bernadette Charles-Sanon’s dream came true when the Cambridge Community Learning Center (CLC) offered a Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) training for English Language Learners this year in partnership with the Academy for Healthcare Training. While studying English at the CLC, she had been entreating staff to provide this program so she could progress from her work as a home health aide. When funding became available through grants from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and Commonwealth Corporation, she was excited to enroll along with others. “There are a lot of elderly in Cambridge,” Charles-Sanon said, “and I want to help them.”
In the four-month cycle that ended in June, 16 students completed the course despite the intensive schedule: two nights a week in Cambridge learning English and math and two nights at the Academy in Malden learning clinical skills. The teachers remarked on the diversity of students, who included two men and 14 women from six countries and with varied educational backgrounds.
Program Coordinator Pat Murphy noted that they “come from cultures of caring, especially for the elderly. It’s a task that they do with joy and compassion.”
Math teacher Sally Waldron praised the students for their work ethic and dependability as well as their support and respect for each other. “They really became a group.”
The program gives participants the chance to enter the field of healthcare, an area with many opportunities and an improvement over their current jobs. In addition to the academic and skills training, the program teaches its students job search skills. In collaboration with the Cambridge Employment Program, the program also offers assistance with job placement. After experience as a CNA, some graduates plan to study for other health careers, such as nursing or occupational therapy.
Haimanot Temesgen was walking by the Community Learning Center on Western Avenue with her 2 year old son when she saw a sign advertising free English classes. She wasn’t sure she could manage a program with her young child, but she decided to stop in. “It was a life-changing decision,” she said. “Another door opened in my life—to give me a skill and a future. Caring for people—that’s what I want to give my life to.”
The Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) training for English Language Learners program will be offered again in the fall of 2017 and the spring of 2018. For more information, call Pat Murphy at 617-349-6365 or visit the Community Learning Center at 5 Western Avenue, Cambridge. The Community Learning Center is the Adult Basic Education program of the City of Cambridge Department of Human Service Programs.
Central Flea will return to 95 Prospect St. on the last Sunday of the month now through October! We're thrilled to bring together local artists and vendors in partnership with New England Open Markets. 11:00am to 5:00pm.
Aug 2 - The Election Commission voted to certify all nomination signatures submitted between July 27 and the July 31 deadline. All signatures for the 26 City Council candidates and 12 School Committee candidates are now certified and official.
City Council Candidates | School Committee Candidates | |
Ronald Benjamin, 172 Cushing St., 02138 Josh Burgin, 812 Memorial Drive #1411, 02139 Dennis Carlone, 9 Washington Ave. #6, 02140 Olivia D'Ambrosio, 270 3rd Street #305, 02142 Jan Devereux, 255 Lakeview Ave., 02138 Samuel Gebru, 812 Memorial Dr., 02139 Richard Harding, 189 Windsor St. #1, 02139 Craig Kelley, 6 Saint Gerard Terr. #2, 02140 Dan Lenke, 148 Richdale Ave., 02140 Ilan Levy, 148 Spring St. 02141 Alanna Marie Mallon, 3 Maple Ave., 02139 Marc McGovern, 15 Pleasant St., 02139 Gregg Moree, 25 Fairfield St. #4, 02140 |
Adriane Musgrave, 5 Newport Rd. #1, 02140 Nadya Okamoto, 220 Banks St. #5, 02138 Hari I. Pillai, 165 Cambridgepark Dr. #234, 02140 Jeff Santos, 350 3rd St. #809, 02142 Sumbul Siddiqui, 530 Windsor Street, 02141 E. Denise Simmons, 188 Harvard St. #4B, 02139 Vatsady Sivongxay, 59 Kirkland St. #2, 02138 Bryan Sutton, 764 Cambridge St. #6, 02141 Sean Tierney, 12 Prince St., 02139 Paul Toner, 24 Newman St., 02140 Timothy J. Toomey, 88 6th St., 02141 Gwen Volmar, 13 Ware St. #4, 02138 Quinton Zondervan, 235 Cardinal Madeiros Ave., 02141 |
Mannika Bowman, 134 Reed St., 02140 Fran Albin Cronin, 1 Kimball Ln., 02140 Jake Crutchfield, 281 River St. #1, 01239 Emily Dexter, 9 Fenno St., 02138 Fred Fantini, 4 Canal Park #203, 02141 Elechi Kadete, 10 Laurel St. #4, 02139 Kathleen Kelly, 17 Marie Ave. #1, 02139 Laurance Kimbrough, 24 Aberdeen Ave., 02138 Will MacArthur, 18 Shea Rd., 02140 Piotr Mitros, 9 Michael Way, 02141 Patty Nolan, 184 Huron Ave., 02138 David J. Weinstein, 45 S. Normandy Ave., 02138 |
2017 Cambridge Candidate Pages
2017 Campaign Event Listings and Candidate Forums
[Note: Only events open to the general public (with or without RSVP) will be listed.]
2017 Cambridge City Council Campaign Bank Reports (with sortable tables)
Campaign Finance Reports - 2017 City Council (PDF with links to detailed reports)
Campaign Contributions (2017) - Total Receipts and Cambridge Receipts
July 20 - A group of at least 10 registered voters filed a petition to have a non-binding public opinion question placed on this year's municipal ballot asking if voters will approve of public financing for municipal elections. My personal opinion is that this lies somewhere between frivolous and an attempt to influence this year's City Council and School Committee elections. New candidates don't appear to be having any difficulty at all raising sufficient funds to run a credible campaign and they all have unlimited free access to social media. The Election Commission certified that the required minimum of 10 signatures were filed in support of this petition, and it now will be referred to the City Council and will (presumably) appear on the agenda for the August 7 Midsummer City Council meeting. The City Council can approve of it being placed on the November municipal election ballot, but that has to happen a minimum of 90 days prior to the Nov 7 election. The Council could also disapprove (or someone could presumably delay it via the Charter Right) which would then require the petitioners to instead gather the valid signatures of 10% of registered voters (about 6500 signatures) - a substantial task. They would also have to file the necessary paperwork with the state if they intend to raise or spend any money. The number of days between Aug 7 and Nov 7 is 92 days. The lead petitioner appears to be someone named Adam Strich who was photographed recently carrying a sign that says, in Arabic, "The people want to bring down the regime." Well, as long as we're clear about where the petitioners are coming from.
Here's the text of the petition:
We, the undersigned registered voters of Cambridge, Massachusetts, hereby petition the Cambridge City Council to include the following nonbinding public policy advisory question on the November 2017 ballot:
“Many Cantabrigians have expressed concern over what they perceive to be the undue influence of a few wealthy donors and special interest groups on municipal elections. Such concerns have the potential to erode the people's confidence in their elected officials and reduce civic engagement, thereby undermining the objectives of responsible government. In response to similar concerns, cities as diverse as Los Angeles, New York City, Portland (OR), Seattle, and New Haven have provided for the complete or partial funding of electoral campaigns. Although they typically require only a tiny fraction of a city's budget, these public-financing programs have nevertheless been shown to result in a more vibrant and democratic process. Would you be in favor of the City of Cambridge adopting such a program for elections to the City Council?”
Just in case you're interested in how this rather large number of candidates compares to past Cambridge PR elections, here's the whole history going back to 1941 (CC for number of City Council candidates and SC for number of School Committee candidates). Any significant write-in candidates are included in the totals.
Number of candidates in Cambridge municipal elections: 1941-present | ||||||||||||||
Year | CC | SC | Year | CC | SC | Year | CC | SC | Year | CC | SC | |||
1941 | 83 | 28 | 1961 | 23 | 16 | 1981 | 25 | 13 | 2001 | 19 | 10 | |||
1943 | 39 | 19 | 1963 | 22 | 17 | 1983 | 16 | 16 | 2003 | 20 | 8 | |||
1945 | 37 | 14 | 1965 | 24 | 13 | 1985 | 22 | 9 | 2005 | 18 | 8 | |||
1947 | 34 | 18 | 1967 | 20 | 18 | 1987 | 19 | 13 | 2007 | 16 | 9 | |||
1949 | 40 | 16 | 1969 | 26 | 14 | 1989 | 28 | 8 | 2009 | 21 | 9 | |||
1951 | 27 | 15 | 1971 | 36 | 22 | 1991 | 19 | 12 | 2011 | 18 | 11 | |||
1953 | 35 | 18 | 1973 | 34 | 26 | 1993 | 29 | 11 | 2013 | 25 | 9 | |||
1955 | 41 | 19 | 1975 | 25 | 16 | 1995 | 19 | 11 | 2015 | 23 | 11 | |||
1957 | 35 | 26 | 1977 | 24 | 10 | 1997 | 20 | 8 | 2017 | 26 | 12 | |||
1959 | 31 | 21 | 1979 | 23 | 12 | 1999 | 24 | 13 |
Candidates who have pulled nomination papers (as of July 31, 5:00pm) - FINAL | |||||||
Candidates | Office | Address | Birthdate | Occupation | Signatures | Certified | Notes |
E. Denise Simmons | CC | 188 Harvard St. #4B, 02139 | 10/2/1951 | Mayor | 50(July 6),46(July 18) | 50+40=90 | July 3 |
Dan Lenke | CC | 148 Richdale Ave., 02140 | 3/31/1947 | - | 100(July 31) | 67 | July 3 |
Samuel Gebru | CC | 812 Memorial Dr., 02139 | 11/20/1991 | Self-Employed | 50(July 3),33(July 3) | 45+28=73 | July 3 |
Gwen Volmar | CC | 13 Ware St. #4, 02138 | 9/25/1985 | University Admin. | 70(July 6) | 59 | July 3 |
Ronald Benjamin | CC | 172 Cushing St., 02138 | 1/5/1971 | - | 80(July 7) | 66 | July 3 |
Jeff Santos | CC | 350 3rd St. #809, 02142 | 5/28/1963 | Radio Host | 83(July5) | 79 | July 3 |
Paul Toner | CC | 24 Newman St., 02140 | 4/28/1966 | Teacher, Lawyer | 50(July 6),37(July 7) | 49+35=84 | July 3 |
Vatsady Sivongxay | CC | 59 Kirkland St. #2, 02138 | 2/20/1982 | - | 50(July 10),7(July 10),43(July 26) | 49+7+37=93 | July 3 |
Marc McGovern | CC | 15 Pleasant St., 02139 | 12/21/1968 | Social Worker | 99(July 10) | 83 | July 3 |
Craig Kelley | CC | 6 Saint Gerard Terr. #2, 02140 | 9/18/1962 | Politician | 86(July 10),9(July 31) | 73+9=82 | July 3 |
Sumbul Siddiqui | CC | 530 Windsor Street, 02141 | 2/10/1988 | Attorney | 96(July 10) | 78 | July 3 |
Sean Tierney | CC | 12 Prince St., 02139 | 3/10/1985 | Lawyer | 49(July 6),28(July 10),5(July 28) | 45+25+5=75 | July 3 |
Nadya Okamoto | CC | 220 Banks St. #5, 02138 | 2/11/1998 | Student | 100(July 10) | 86 | July 3 |
Quinton Zondervan | CC | 235 Cardinal Madeiros Ave., 02141 | 9/15/1970 | Entrepreneur | 58(July 13) | 54 | July 3 |
Michelle Lessly | CC | 410 Memorial Dr., 02139 | -- | - | will not be a candidate | - | July 3 |
Jan Devereux | CC | 255 Lakeview Ave., 02138 | 5/13/1959 | City Councillor | 50(July 7),19(July 10) | 46+18=64 | July 3 |
Richard Harding | CC | 189 Windsor St. #1, 02139 | 10/16/1972 | Administration | 93(July 17) | 78 | July 3 |
Alanna Mallon | CC | 3 Maple Ave., 02139 | 12/6/1970 | Nonprofit Admin. | 99(July 10) | 93 | July 5 |
Josh Burgin | CC | 812 Memorial Drive, 02139 | 2/7/1976 | - | 33(July 13),32(July 18),21(July 31) | 29+29+19=77 | July 5 |
Dennis Carlone | CC | 9 Washington Ave. #6, 02140 | 5/7/1947 | Architect | 70(July 18) | 68 | July 5 |
Adriane Musgrave | CC | 5 Newport Rd. #1, 02140 | 10/14/1985 | - | 50(July 17),14(July 20) | 44+13=57 | July 5 |
Timothy J. Toomey | CC | 88 6th St., 02141 | 6/7/1953 | City Councillor | 100(July 24) | 98 | July 5 |
Bryan Sutton | CC | 764 Cambridge St. #6, 02141 | 5/19/1982 | Management | 38(July 25),20(July 27),11(July 31) | 30+18+8=56 | July 5 |
Gregg Moree | CC | 25 Fairfield St. #4, 02140 | 6/16/1957 | perennial candidate | 90(July 31) | 80 | July 6 |
Leland Cheung | CC | 157 Garden St., 02138 | 2/11/1978 | City Councillor | will not be a candidate | - | July 10 |
Olivia D'Ambrosio | CC | 270 3rd Street #305, 02142 | 9/13/1983 | Theatre Artist | 64(July 20) | 56 | July 10 |
David J. Stern | CC | 50 Follen St. #516, 02138 | 5/10/1952 | - | will not be a candidate | - | July 11 |
Ilan Levy | CC | 148 Spring St. 02141 | 11/1/1967 | Software Engineer | 99(July 31) | 85 | July 11 |
Paul F. Mahoney | CC | 23 Lawn St., 02138 | 5/8/1950 | - | will not be a candidate | - | July 17 |
Curt Rogers | CC | 8 Austin Pk., 02139 | -- | Administrator | will not be a candidate | - | July 20 |
Christopher Kosinski | CC | 77A Spring St. #1, 02141 | 5/18/1971 | Administrator | will not be a candidate | - | July 24 |
Hari I. Pillai | CC | 165 Cambridgepark Dr. #234, 02140 | 3/17/1975 | Business | 68(July 31) | 59 | July 24 |
Jake Crutchfield | SC | 281 River St. #1, 01239 | 3/31/1987 | Teacher | 50(July 3),38(July 6) | 35+34=69 | July 3 |
Will MacArthur | SC | 18 Shea Rd., 02140 | 5/24/1998 | Student | 50(July 5),35(July 11) | 40+30=70 | July 3 |
Fred Fantini | SC | 4 Canal Park #203, 02141 | 6/8/1949 | Retired | 47(July 6),42(July 10),11(July 11) | 47+41+11=99 | July 3 |
Richard Harding | SC | 189 Windsor St. #1, 02139 | 10/16/1972 | Administration | running for City Council | - | July 3 |
Mannika Bowman | SC | 134 Reed St., 02140 | 11/27/1979 | - | 100(July 10) | 92 | July 5 |
Fran Albin Cronin | SC | 1 Kimball Ln., 02140 | 2/14/1952 | Aide | 77(July 31) | 72 | July 5 |
Patty Nolan | SC | 184 Huron Ave., 02138 | 8/28/1957 | School Committee | 44(July 14),24(July 20) | 42+22=64 | July 5 |
Laurance Kimbrough | SC | 24 Aberdeen Ave., 02138 | 7/3/1979 | Educator | 55(July 27) | 54 | July 6 |
Kathleen Kelly | SC | 17 Marie Ave. #1, 02139 | 3/8/1960 | Social Worker | 69(July 20) | 65 | July 10 |
David J. Weinstein | SC | 45 S. Normandy Ave., 02138 | 12/10/1972 | Writer/Comm. | 49(July 21),23(July 31) | 45+20=65 | July 13 |
Emily Dexter | SC | 9 Fenno St., 02138 | 3/16/1957 | Research | 50(July 27),22(July 28) | 48+20=68 | July 13 |
Elechi Kadete | SC | 10 Laurel St. #4, 02139 | 9/30/1989 | Accountant | 50(July 20),19(July 24) | 40+17=57 | July 17 |
Piotr Flawiusz Mitros | SC | 9 Michael Way, 02141 | 3/6/1979 | Engineer | 50(July 27),41(July 31) | 45+33=78 | July 18 |
Rebecca Bowie | SC | 30 Cambridgepark Dr. #1115, 02140 | 8/2/1987 | Dean | will not be a candidate | - | July 24 |
The following City Council candidates have either had or scheduled a campaign kickoff event, announced their candidacy, or submitted sufficient signatures to qualify for the ballot (26): Ron Benjamin, Josh Burgin, Dennis Carlone, Olivia D'Ambrosio, Jan Devereux, Sam Gebru, Richard Harding, Jr., Craig A. Kelley, Dan Lenke, Ilan Levy, Alanna Mallon, Marc McGovern, Gregg Moree, Adriane Musgrave, Nadya Okamoto, Hari Pillai, Jeff Santos, Sumbul Siddiqui, Denise Simmons, Vatsady Sivongxay, Bryan Sutton, Sean Tierney, Paul Toner, Timothy J. Toomey, Jr., Gwen Volmar, and Quinton Zondervan.
The following School Committee candidates have either had or scheduled a campaign kickoff event, formally announced their candidacy, or submitted sufficient signatures to qualify for the ballot (12): Manikka Bowman, Fran Cronin, Jake Crutchfield, Emily Dexter, Alfred B. Fantini, Elechi Kadete, Kathleen Kelly, Laurance Kimbrough, Will MacArthur, Piotr Mitros, and Patricia M. Nolan, and David J. Weinstein.
5:30-7:30pm Bicycle Committee Meeting (4th Floor Conference Room, 344 Broadway)
12:00pm-12:45pm Cambridge Walking Tour – Public Art, Harvard Sq. and Cambridge Common (meet at Harvard Square T-Station, Main Entrance)
7:00pm-11:30pm Board of Zoning Appeals meeting (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave)
This meeting is noteworthy because the Grand Kerfuffle of the "fast food" permit for &pizza at 8 Brattle Street is scheduled to have a new hearing starting at approximately 9:00pm [AGENDA]. Surely, this represents the clash of civilizations in that place called Armageddon, a.k.a. Harvard Square.
5:30pm Half Crown-Marsh Neighborhood Conservation District Commission Meeting (Lombardi Building, 831 Mass. Ave, Basement Conference Room)
6:30pm Planning Board meeting (2nd Floor Meeting Room, City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway)
5:00pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting (Citywide Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
5:30pm Avon Hill Neighborhood Conservation District Commission Meeting (Lombardi Building, 831 Mass. Ave., 2nd floor conference room)
6:30pm Planning Board meeting (2nd Floor Meeting Room, City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway)
6:00-8:00pm Envision Cambridge Advisory Committee meeting (4th Floor Meeting Room, City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway)
Discussion topic: corridor visioning and analysis
6:00pm Pedestrian Committee Meeting (City Hall Annex, 4th Floor Conference Room, 344 Broadway)
6:30pm Planning Board meeting (2nd Floor Meeting Room, City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway)
3:30pm The City Council's Health and Environment Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss the recently published “City of Cambridge Getting to Net Zero Action Plan: Fiscal Year 2016 Progress Report,” and to receive a general update on the Net Zero Action Plan. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
8:00am-9:30am Recycling Advisory Committee (Sullivan Chamber, City Hall)
6:00-8:00pm Envision Cambridge Advisory Committee meeting (Citywide Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
Discussion topic: present focus area working group recommendations, review and comment
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
3:00pm The City Council's Health and Environment Committee will conduct a public hearing as a follow up to Policy Order #2 of June 20, 2016 to discuss the City’s Tree Ordinance and possible ways to improve this ordinance to protect the tree canopy while protecting individual property rights. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
8:00am-9:30am Recycling Advisory Committee (Sullivan Chamber, City Hall)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Municipal Election. Polls are open 7:00am until 8:00pm. The Preliminary Election Count will follow at the Cambridge Senior Center in Central Square.
The Preliminary PR Count will take place at the Senior Center after the polls close.
9:00pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
The PR Election Count continues at the Cambridge Senior Center as auxiliary ballots are tabulated and Unofficial Results are determined.
9:00am Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
8:00am-9:30am Recycling Advisory Committee (Sullivan Chamber, City Hall)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
4:30pm The Cambridge Election Commission will meet to finalize the 2017 Cambridge Municipal Election results, including any provisional ballots and overseas absentee ballots (if any). (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
The Official 2017 Election Results will be tabulated, certified, and announced after these ballots are included.