Cambridge InsideOut - September 19, 2017
Guest at 6:00pm: School Committee candidates Piotr Mitros
Possible topics:
alternatives to traditional lecture format in classes;
appropriate/inappropriate uses of testing in schools;
role of the school committee;
professional development for teachers
and, of course, why did you choose to run for School Committee?
5:30pm topics:
1) Civic and Political Updates
2) Sept 18 City Council meeting
3) Sept 11 City Council meeting
4) Cambridge Candidate Pages CCTV Recordings of Candidate Forums
Topics for Candidates for Cambridge City Council – 2017
Topics for Candidates for Cambridge School Committee – 2017
List of Candidates for City Council & School Committee - with sortable tables
Questionnaires and Endorsing Organizations - Who are they, WHAT are they, and what are they asking?
2017 Cambridge City Council Campaign Bank Reports
2017 City Council Campaign Receipts and Expenses
Index of all Cambridge City Council and School Committee candidates: 1941 to 2017
plain text version PDF version
Central Flea this Sunday, Sept 24 - Prospect and Bishop Allen Drive
Sept 15 - I'm actually starting to enjoy reading and posting candidate submissions for the Cambridge Candidate Pages. Today's real treat comes from School Committee candidate Piotr Mitros. I urge you to read what this very interesting candidate has to say: - RW
Sept 14 - The really thoughtful responses for the Cambridge Candidate Pages continue with today's submission by City Council candidate (and Vice Mayor) Marc McGovern. I strongly recommend reading it. - RW
Sept 13 - Cambridge School Committee candidate Fred Fantini today sent a really comprehensive response for his Cambridge Candidate Page. Check it out at:
Sept 10 - New responses to the Cambridge Candidate Pages were submitted today by City Council candidates Denise Simmons and Hari Pillai. I encourage you to read their thoughtful responses. - RW
Sept 10 - I just remade my Big Voter Database that merges the current (Sept 1) registered voter list with the voter histories going back to 1997. As of Sept 1 there are 65,142 registered Cambridge voters. Of these, there are 131 supervoters who haven't missed a Cambridge election since 1997, including all municipal elections, state elections, state primaries, citywide special elections, federal elections, and presidential primaries. - RW
Sept 9 - The latest quality submission to the Cambridge Candidate Pages comes from School Committee candidate Will MacArthur. I highly recommend that you read his responses. - Robert Winters
Sept 6 - The requests went out a couple of days ago to all City Council and School Committee candidates to provide statements on a variety of topics for their Candidate Pages. Every once in a while a candidate provides statements that rise above all others. Today I received a statement from City Council candidate Sean Tierney on the issue of housing and housing affordability that really took me to school. You should definitely read what he wrote for his Candidate Page on this topic. You'll be impressed. - Robert Winters
Aug 21 - The Election Commission has issued the official candidate list with names as they will appear on the ballot:
City Council Candidates | School Committee Candidates | |
Ronald Benjamin, 172 Cushing Street, 02138 Josh M. Burgin, 812 Memorial Drive #1411, 02139 Dennis J. Carlone, 9 Washington Avenue #6, 02140 Olivia D'Ambrosio, 270 3rd Street #305, 02142 Jan Devereux, 255 Lakeview Avenue, 02138 Samuel Gebru, 812 Memorial Drive #614A, 02139 Richard Harding, Jr., 189 Windsor Street #1, 02139 Craig A. Kelley, 6 Saint Gerard Terrace #2, 02140 Dan Lenke, 148 Richdale Avenue, 02140 Ilan Levy, 148 Spring Street, 02141 Alanna M. Mallon, 3 Maple Avenue, 02139 Marc C. McGovern, 15 Pleasant Street, 02139 Gregg J. Moree, 25 Fairfield Street #4, 02140 |
Adriane B. Musgrave, 5 Newport Road #1, 02140 Nadya T. Okamoto, 220 Banks Street #5, 02138 Hari I. Pillai, 165 Cambridgepark Drive #234, 02140 Jeff Santos, 350 3rd Street #809, 02142 Sumbul Siddiqui, 530 Windsor Street, 02141 E. Denise Simmons, 188 Harvard Street #4B, 02139 Vatsady Sivongxay, 59 Kirkland Street #2, 02138 Bryan Sutton, 764 Cambridge Street #6, 02141 Sean Tierney, 12 Prince Street, 02139 Paul F. Toner, 24 Newman Street, 02140 Timothy J. Toomey, Jr., 88 6th Street, 02141 Gwen Thomas Volmar, 13 Ware Street #4, 02138 Quinton Y. Zondervan, 235 Cardinal Medeiros Avenue, 02141 |
Manikka L. Bowman, 134 Reed Street, 02140 Fran A. Cronin, 1 Kimball Lane, 02140 Jake W. Crutchfield, 281 River Street #1, 01239 Emily R. Dexter, 9 Fenno Street, 02138 Alfred B. Fantini, 4 Canal Park #203, 02141 Elechi M. Kadete, 10 Laurel Street #4, 02139 Kathleen M. Kelly, 17 Marie Avenue #1, 02139 Laurance V. Kimbrough, 24 Aberdeen Avenue, 02138 William MacArthur, 18 Shea Road, 02140 Piotr Flawiusz Mitros, 9 Michael Way, 02141 Patricia M. Nolan, 184 Huron Avenue, 02138 David J. Weinstein, 45 S. Normandy Avenue, 02138 |
2017 Cambridge Candidate Pages
2017 Campaign Event Listings and Candidate Forums
[Note: Only events open to the general public (with or without RSVP) will be listed.]
2017 Cambridge City Council Campaign Bank Reports (with sortable tables)
Campaign Finance Reports - 2017 City Council (PDF with links to detailed reports)
Campaign Contributions (2017) - Total Receipts and Cambridge Receipts
Interesting Agenda Items on the Sept 18, 2017 City Council Agenda
Here are some things I find interesting on this week's agenda: Charter Right #2. That the City Manager is requested to confer with the City Solicitor, the City Assessor and the Community Development Department to prepare a Municipal Transfer Fee Ordinance and, if required, an appropriate Home Rule Petition, to implement a municipal transfer fee on sale of all residential, commercial and institutional properties where the buyer pays 1% of purchase price on any amount in excess of $2.5 million and an additional 4% of the purchase price on any amount more than $5 million. Charter Right #3. City Council support of H.3512 in the Massachusetts Legislature, allowing Massachusetts to obtain a fee on large real estate transactions that will be put towards affordable housing endeavors. As I said last week, there may be some merit in these proposals, but as long as the focus remains exclusively on raising more revenue to regulate even more housing while not solving the affordability question more generally, this is all just pissing in the wind. Applications & Petitions #1. A Zoning Petition has been received from Joseph Maguire, SVP - Real Estate Development & Asset Services, Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc., to amend certain provisions of Article 13.000 of the Zoning Ordinance to allow for the creation of Innovation Office Space in the PUD-3A and PUD-4C Zoning Districts. I would like to learn more about the motivation for this change. It seems minor, but interesting. Resolution #9. Resolution on the death of Cleo Stoughton. Councillor Devereux Cleo was a transportation planner at the Community Development Department. She recently passed away at the age of 28 after battling cancer. Resolution #11. Congratulations to Sheriff Peter J. Koutoujian for being honored for his exemplary work in reducing crime and incarceration rates by the Adolescent Consultation Services. Mayor Simmons I just want to give a shout-out to Sheriff Koutoujian. His efforts to match prison inmates with work projects provided us with the labor to clear previously inaccessible parts of the towpath along the Middlesex Canal in Billerica. I was able to lead a better hike along the canal, and all of the prisoners enjoyed the work - a really great community service. Order #2. That the City Manager is requested to provide an update to the City Council on the status of the Light Cambridge Committee and anticipated next steps. Councillor Maher The idea here is to promote appropriate architectural lighting of culturally or historically significant sites in Cambridge. It does not appear to be controversial, but it does seem that lighting draws political attention like moths. Order #4. That the Co-Chairs of the Housing Committee are requested to schedule hearings to take up the attached proposed Comprehensive Housing Plan for review and consideration in the near future. Mayor Simmons I'll have to read this very long proposal a bit more carefully. Either that or you can explain it all to me. It just seems like we've been arguing the same points about housing for decades and we just keep spinning our wheels. Order #5. That the City Manager is requested to confer with the Director to the Election Commission and the Election Commissioners with the view in mind of adding a link to the Office of Campaign and Political Finance on the Election Commission website. Councillor Toomey There's already a link there, but you can get some easier to digest summaries here and here. Order #8. That the City Manager is requested to report back to the City Council with a schedule for resubmitting a revised draft of the Outdoor Lighting Ordinance that incorporates clearer wording and/or more clearly explains each section in less technical jargon and is more coherent in its entirety, with the goal of seeing such an Ordinance adopted by the end of this City Council term. Councillor Devereux, Councillor Carlone I was getting kinda curious about whatever became of this. Here it returns - just in time to shine a light on it during election season. Order #10. That the City Manager is requested to direct the Office of Workforce Development and other appropriate City personnel to establish a comprehensive and robust skilled labor trades program, with a view toward increasing the number of Cambridge residents working in the skilled labor trades. Mayor Simmons, Councillor Toomey, Vice Mayor McGovern The truth is that the City could do more to address income inequality by taking on initiatives like this than all the combined political rhetoric on the issue. There are a lot of people now in Cambridge who need people to work on their houses and can afford to pay for that work. There's plenty of work to do. Order #13. That the City Manager is requested to consult with the appropriate City personnel to establish an aggressive outreach program to all property owners, with a view towards purchasing any properties possible and converting these properties into affordable housing. Mayor Simmons I'm always a bit suspicious about initiatives like this. I don't know that I would be comfortable with the City scooping up any properties just to regulate them. It almost sounds as though the goal is to regulate as much housing as possible - like a back door recreation of rent control. I don't like the rampant speculation that's been happening with Cambridge residential properties, but I'm equally uncomfortable with putting so much residential property under government control. Committee Report #1. A communication was received from Paula M. Crane, Deputy City Clerk, transmitting a report from Mayor E. Denise Simmons and Vice Mayor Marc C. McGovern, Co-Chairs of the Housing Committee, for a public hearing held on May 16 to discuss tenant protections, anti-displacement policies, and Inclusionary Housing tenant selection policies; the Committee will also discuss any updates received from the Cambridge Housing Authority (CHA), including a report on the issuance of CHA Choice Vouchers to public housing applicants. Committee Report #2. A communication was received from Paula M. Crane, Deputy City Clerk, transmitting a report from Councillor Nadeem Mazen, Chair of the Neighborhood and Long Term Planning, Public Facilities, Arts and Celebration Committee, for a public hearing held on July 26 to discuss the next steps for the Foundry Building including: financing, community benefit, non-profit ecosystem, and community engagement. Committee Report #3. A communication was received from Donna P. Lopez, City Clerk transmitting a report from Councillor Jan Devereux, Chair of the Health and Environment Committee, for a public hearing held on Sept 6 to discuss the recently published “City of Cambridge Getting to Net Zero Action Plan: Fiscal Year 2016 Progress Report” and to receive a general update on the Net Zero Action Plan. Councillor Devereux stated that there is information in the report explaining how the City originally adopted the Net Zero Policy. It began with a citizen petition, and was later adopted by the City Council. The Community Development Department will be producing yearly progress reports to track movements on the way towards the ultimate Net Zero goal. This hearing is to discuss the first progress report. No comments to offer on these committee reports - just links for you to read them if you wish. - Robert Winters |
Fall Semester at the Sullivan School - Sept 11, 2017 City Council Agenda Highlights.
Manager's Agenda #15. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 17-45, regarding a report on formulating a plan that will provide relief and fair compensation to liquor license holders that have been impacted by dramatic devaluing of their liquor licenses, and Awaiting Report Item Number 17-72, regarding an update on the progress and plan to address the concerns relative to the sale of liquor licenses. [Reports from City Solicitor and License Commission Chair] This City Solicitor's response is pretty much what was logically expected. The final paragraph states: "Therefore, in my opinion, the License Commission has no legal obligation to provide compensation to alcohol license holders who may be experiencing a devaluation of their alcohol license on the private market. There may be ways that the License Commission could mitigate the devaluation of certain alcohol licenses, such as by exercising its discretion not to issue new alcohol licenses, but there is nothing of which we are aware that would require the License Commission to do so." The true value of a liquor license is in the income it can generate in the normal course of business. It was never meant to be a retirement investment. Like taxi medallions and confederate currency, not all things were meant to have lasting value. Manager's Agenda #16. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appointment of the following persons as members of the Harvard Square Conservation District Study Committee, effective Sept 1, 2017: Christopher Mackin, Jerry Murphy, Christopher Angelakis, Jessica Sculley, William Barry, Joseph Ferrara and Kyle Sheffield. Manager's Agenda #18. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appointment of the following person as a member of the Central Square Advisory Committee for a term of three years, effective Sept 11, 2017: Tahir Kapoor Never underestimate the value of our volunteer citizen boards and commissions. Congratulations and thank you to all the appointees. Charter Right #3. A communication was received from Donna P. Lopez, City Clerk, transmitting a Non-Binding Public Opinion Advisory Question Petition filed with the Election Commission on July 14, 2017. [Charter Right exercised by Councillor Cheung on Aug 7, 2017] It's likely that we'll have more posturing on this issue at this meeting. It's worth noting, by the way, that the mailing address for the petitioners is the business address for Councillor Mazen. There is a worthwhile conversation to be had regarding various ways to level the playing field for candidates, but this is not the way to do it. For starters, the statement of the petitioners reads more like an accusation than a proposal. More importantly, the proposal asks voters to "buy a pig in a poke". There are no specifics provided - only that public financing of political campaigns is to be supported like motherhood and apple pie. I will simply suggest that if a voter understood this to mean that new candidates would receive a small stipend to get their campaign started there might be a fair amount of support. On the other hand, if the goal is to grant $50,000 to every candidate to waste in any way they see fit, it's almost certain that voters would not support this. The details matter. It also matters that we use PR elections in Cambridge, and slates would certainly be formed just to aggregate money to support the slate candidates. It's worth noting that Communication #12 comes from Adam Strich, the person who delivered the signatures to the Election Commission for this proposed ballot question. His words should make clear where these petitioners are coming from: "It’s hardly a secret that more than a few councillors are in the pocket of special interests, big developer in particular. I would imagine, however, that you didn’t enter into public service aspiring to become corporate stooges and shills. But whatever idealism you may have had was gradually eroded by the realities of local politics – in particular, by the need to maintain a war chest large enough to fund the practically endless campaigning required of you. All of that is completely understandable; I’m not here to judge. I would hope, though, that you retain some sense of unease regarding this state of affairs, and that such feelings would lead you to embrace the opportunity to provide public funding for municipal election campaigns, so that you can finally serve the hardworking residents of this great city, rather than your current robber baron overlords. Thank you." Councillor Toomey has a somewhat different view. See Order #23. Perhaps throwing even more money into the furnace of municipal election campaigns isn't really the answer. Applications & Petitions #1. A zoning petition has been received from Christopher D. Smith, et al., to amend the Cambridge Zoning Ordinance by adding sections and provisions to Article 13.000 regarding Graduate Student Housing Production Requirements. Some candidates and advocates have been referring to this as the MIT graduate student petition. However, it didn't come from the MIT Graduate Student Union and, in fact, 4 of the 16 signers are new City Council candidates hoping to exploit the controversy. Most people will agree that MIT should be providing more housing for graduate students and possibly for post-docs. In fact, MIT agrees. How much graduate housing is appropriate is open to question and should not be prescribed in zoning. Most MIT graduates have preferred to live off-campus and generally choose to do so as long as they can find a place where they can afford the rent. Hopefully MIT can provide greater clarity regarding its plans to build more graduate (and undergraduate) student housing - both how much and where - between now and the vote on the Volpe Petition. Perhaps a Memorandum of Understanding can be signed with some commitments. That would be the better approach. Order #2. That the City Manager is requested to confer with the appropriate City departments to streamline recording and transcription requirements in line with those currently in place for the Planning Board for the Board of Zoning Appeal and the Historical Commission. Councillor Devereux There does come a point of diminishing returns. Is it really that important to have a play-by-play of every discussion regarding dormers, paint colors, and types of shingles? Order #8. That the City Manager is requested to update the City Council on a Police Substation in Central Square. Mayor Simmons I'll once again say that a multi-service space for police, MBTA workers, and public information - with a public bathroom - would have been the right approach. Separate little huts for each of these purposes isn't the best plan. We could, however, use a little more police presence in Central Square regardless. Order #10. That the City Manager update the City Council on progress for the goal of 1,000 New Affordable Units by the end of the decade. Mayor Simmons If you factor in all the Inclusionary units in the pipeline we might actually be doing pretty well. However, the greater problem is not the number of regulated "affordable units" so much as the general loss of affordability in market housing, and that can only be solved regionally. I hate to break it to you Cambridge, but you cannot house the world unilaterally. Order #12. That the City Manager is requested to provide an update on the Eastern Cambridge Kendall Square Open Space Planning Study. Councillor Toomey This is useful information in the ongoing discussion of the Volpe Petition. What will the Big Picture be for residents and workers navigating their way through the greater Kendall Square area when everything is built out? Order #15. That the City Manager is requested to confer with City staff to identify and share with the City Council possible solutions to regulatory or legislative gaps on the local or state level that would help clarify how emerging types of conveyances can most safely and effectively be incorporated into Cambridge’s Urban Mobility planning and infrastructure investments. Councillor Kelley, Councillor Devereux, Councillor Cheung Order #17. That the City Manager is requested to confer with the Police Commissioner and the Fire Chief with the view in mind of creating and developing city wide alternate routes for fire apparatus and emergency police vehicles in an emergency situation that would avoid travel routes where there is backed up traffic. Councillor Toomey Order #18. That the City Manager is requested to determine the feasibility of procuring additional fire apparatus, especially rescue vehicles and ambulances, in the East Cambridge and the Port area. Councillor Toomey Every day I see how some of the City's well-intentioned roadway reallocations effectively choke some roads, make it more difficult for buses and delivery vehicles to navigate, and make it virtually impossible to pause to pick up or drop off people or goods. Curb access is disappearing even as the need for improved curb access is increasing in a world of online shopping, Uber and Lyft vehicles, and a variety of new modes of transportation. The only thing the Traffic Department (a.k.a. the Department of Wishful Thinking) seems to prioritize is novice cyclists. I shudder to think what we'll have to contend with when there's either snow or a motor vehicle breakdown. The City is rapidly removing all flexibility in the roads. Pretty soon the only way a driver will be able to yield to an emergency service vehicle will be by running down some "flexi-posts". Order #21. That the City Manager is requested to confer with the City Solicitor, the City Assessor and the Community Development Department to prepare a Municipal Transfer Fee Ordinance and, if required, an appropriate Home Rule Petition, to implement a municipal transfer fee on sale of all residential, commercial and institutional properties where the buyer pays 1% of purchase price on any amount in excess of $2.5 million and an additional 4% of the purchase price on any amount more than $5 million. Councillor Toomey Order #22. City Council support of H.3512 in the Massachusetts Legislature, allowing Massachusetts to obtain a fee on large real estate transactions that will be put towards affordable housing endeavors. Councillor Mazen, Councillor Devereux, Councillor Carlone There may be some merit in these proposals, but as long as the focus remains exclusively on raising more revenue to regulate even more housing while not solving the affordability question more generally, this is all just pissing in the wind. Order #23. Establishment of a "Cambridge Municipal Election People's Pledge" program. Councillor Toomey This "modest proposal" does manage to make a few interesting points - most significantly regarding the amount of money being spent this year and in recent years on some municipal election campaigns. While some candidates speak ill of money from "developers", some of these same candidates have a political base encompassing the loftier socio-economic classes and are graced with $500 and $1000 checks like the falling of autumn leaves. It's also interesting how many candidates pay big money or campaign managers and even pay people to canvass for them. That's not how things used to be done. Candidates had actual supporters for many of those tasks. Maybe the dirty little secret now is that some campaigns only have as much support as they can purchase. I can't say that I support all of Councillor Toomey's proposals in this "People's Pledge", but some of them do have some merit. In the meantime, we can settle on disclosure - making abundantly clear where campaign funds come from and how efficiently those funds are spent. Let the voters judge. Committee Report #1. A communication was received from Donna P. Lopez, City Clerk, transmitting a report from Councillor Dennis J. Carlone and Councillor Leland Cheung, Co-Chairs of the Ordinance Committee, for a public hearing held on Aug 2, 2017 to discuss a zoning petition by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to create a new Planning Unit Development Overlay District (PUD-7) over the area known as the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center site in Kendall Square. I'll simply say that if the current City Council cannot settle this with a good outcome by the Oct 31 expiration date, then perhaps they should be judged accordingly a week later. There are some great opportunities here if these nine councillors can earn their pay and create those good outcomes. - Robert Winters |
6:30pm-9:00pm A Better Cambridge (ABC) City Council Candidate Forum (Broad Institute auditorium)
6:30pm Planning Board meeting (2nd Floor Meeting Room, City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway)
General Business
1. Update from the Community Development Department
2. Adoption of Planning Board meeting transcripts
3. PB# 179 - North Point Sites G and H – Informational update on design development (Review Materials)
4. PB# 300 16 Eliot Street – Request to extend the special permit (Letter)
5. PB# 321 411 Massachusetts Avenue – Informational update on design development (Review Materials)
6. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
BZA-013730-2017 - 8 Brattle Street - Special Permit to open and operate a fast order food establishment. Sec. 4.35.0 & Art. 11.000, Sec. 11.30 (BZA continued case)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
6:30pm The City Council will conduct a public hearing to discuss the property tax rate classification. (Sullivan Chamber)
3:00pm The City Council's Health and Environment Committee will conduct a public hearing as a follow up to Policy Order #2 of June 20, 2016 to discuss the City’s Tree Ordinance and possible ways to improve this ordinance to protect the tree canopy while protecting individual property rights. (Sullivan Chamber)
7:00-9:00pm Green Cambridge's Environmental Resiliency Candidates Forum (location TBD)
3:30pm The City Council's Public Safety Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss with universities seamless communication about appropriate preparations for University events that may have an impact on outside University campuses. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
5:30pm SFI hearing [Statement of Financial Interest]
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
4:30am The City Council's Neighborhood and Long Term Planning, Public Facilities, Arts and Celebration Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss and receive feedback on bike safety related issues, and to plan for future bike safety measures in the City of Cambridge. (Sullivan Chamber)
3:30pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss a proposed zoning amendment on Beekeeping. This hearing to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
10:00am-1:30pm NAACP Candidate Forum (Christian Life Center, 85 Bishop Richard Allen Drive)
School Committee forum: 10:00am-11:30am
City Council forum: noon-1:30pm
10:00am The City Council's Transportation and Public Utilities Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss implementing a program that would provide instant notification via e-mail to individuals that their vehicle has been towed and the location of where the vehicle has been towed. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:00pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
8:00am-9:30am Recycling Advisory Committee (Sullivan Chamber, City Hall)
7:00-9:00pm Mid-Cambridge Nbhd. Assn. (MCNA) City Council Candidates Night (CRLS Main Cafeteria)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
6:30pm-9:00pm PSNA City Council Candidate Forum (Lesley University)
6:30pm-8:30pm School Committee Candidates Forum with a focus on the High School (Lecture Hall of the Cambridge Public Library)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
6:00pm-8:00pm CEOCs City Council Candidates' Forum (Central Square Senior Center)
6:00-8:00pm Envision Cambridge Advisory Committee meeting (Location TBD)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Municipal Election. Polls are open 7:00am until 8:00pm. The Preliminary Election Count will follow at the Cambridge Senior Center in Central Square.
The Preliminary PR Count will take place at the Senior Center after the polls close.
9:00pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
The PR Election Count continues at the Cambridge Senior Center as auxiliary ballots are tabulated and Unofficial Results are determined.
9:00am Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
8:00am-9:30am Recycling Advisory Committee (Sullivan Chamber, City Hall)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
4:30pm The Cambridge Election Commission will meet to finalize the 2017 Cambridge Municipal Election results, including any provisional ballots and overseas absentee ballots (if any). (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
The Official 2017 Election Results will be tabulated, certified, and announced after these ballots are included.