Cambridge InsideOut - January 23, 2018
Possible Topics:
1) Transportation planning - Green Line Extension, new Lechmere station, Mass Pike realignment, Porter Square simplification, proposal to jack up resident parking fee, and driving without apology
2) The Womens March; a few more words on City Council Rules; new voting machines, some curious ballot analysis (trucation, skipped rankings, and more)
3) Jan 22 City Council meeting highlights
5) Looking Back at 2017 and the 2016-2017 City Council term
Choice Bits from the Jan 22, 2018 Cambridge City Council agenda
Manager's Agenda #4. Transmitting Communication from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $23,000 from Free Cash to the General Fund Elections Commission Other Ordinary Maintenance Account to reimburse funds used for the 2017 voter guide printing and mailing. The reimbursement is necessary to cover other election related expenses. Voter turnout went up in the 2017 municipal election by about 26% from 17,959 to 22,581. There were many factors – reaction to the 2016 presidential election, multiple vacancies and a large field of interesting new candidates, several issues whose flames were fanned by activists, increased use of social media and related tools to target voters, and the citywide mailing of the voter guide. It's hard to say which factors had the greatest effect. I'll add that the most well-funded campaign was unsuccessful while a new candidate soared over quota with relatively little campaign funding. Perhaps money is no longer, as Tip O'Neill used to say, "the mother's milk of politics". Manager's Agenda #11. Transmitting Communication from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $5 million from Fund Free Cash to the Public Investment Fund Executive Department Extraordinary Expenditures account, for the City’s first contribution to the GLX project. This expenditure has me thinking about the Mass Pike (I-90) realignment project now being planned for the Allston-Brighton area across the river, and the current omission of the proposed West Station that was to be part of it. I have been reading about suggestions that since the concurrent new development in that area would primarily be by Harvard University, then perhaps Harvard should be providing the funds for the new station. Could this be the new normal, i.e. that developers and host cities who would benefit by new transit should pay for the transit? The realization of the Green Line Extension seems to have been made possible, at least in part, by the promise of financial contributions from Cambridge, Somerville, Medford, and the developer of the NorthPoint area. Manager's Agenda #12. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to a Planning Board recommendation to adopt parts of the Kroon, et al, Harvard Square Zoning Petition and to further study some parts. There is wisdom in the Planning Board recommendations (as usual). It is especially interesting to see the Board agreeing that the "formula business" regulations adopted not long ago for Central Square would also be appropriate for Harvard Square (and presumably elsewhere). The Board makes a special point regarding the review of signage which might be subject to review by both the Historical Commission and the Planning Board. [Frankly, I think the issue of signage is overstated. Some business districts, e.g. Central Square, would benefit from some additional "gawdy" and "spectacular" signage.] Despite some legal risk in moving toward "formula business" regulations, it is far preferable to some previous regulation such as the regulation of "fast food". One other positive recommendation from the Planning Board is for the exemption of below-grade space from floor-area limitations. This is consistent with the Barrett Petition of a couple of years ago. The Planning Board also cites the City's recently completed Retail Strategy. Indeed, the whole matter of the table of uses in the City's various zoning districts needs some attention. Order #1. That the City Manager is requested to report back to the City Council regarding efforts to expand the number of electric vehicle charging stations, the feasibility of appropriately placing electric vehicle chargers on residential streets where there is need, the status of possible City fleet replacement to electric vehicles, expanded outreach and education on available rebates and incentive programs, and the feasibility of requiring developers to include a greater number of electric vehicle charging stations in new or substantially renovated multi-unit buildings. Vice Mayor Devereux, Councillor Zondervan It's worth noting that Eversource doesn't exactly have the best track record for proactive electric utility planning in Cambridge. They generally upgrade service only when new development requires it or if the service fails. If electric vehicle charging locations are installed on some Cambridge streets it seems likely that increased capacity will be needed and aging and failed service will have to be upgraded - like on my street where the underground service failed several years ago and where numerous "temporary" quick fixes are now the norm. Order #2. That the City Manager is requested to work with the Department of Public Works to publicize and enforce a “zero tolerance” policy on space savers, working to remove them as quickly as possible following snow events. Vice Mayor Devereux, Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Siddiqui Is this really a widespread problem in Cambridge? The only places where I have seen this are on streets near public housing. A better solution would be to selectively have even/odd side parking restrictions during which all snow is pushed back all the way to the curb and/or consolidated - assuming there are no plastic "flexi-posts" there to prevent it. Order #4. City Council support of the New York City climate lawsuit. Councillor Zondervan, Vice Mayor Devereux I'm starting to get the sense that every City Council meeting agenda is going to have several climate change-related Orders, and that this will become the universal public policy litmus test - even for things that have little or nothing to do with climate change. Order #5. That the City Manager is requested to explore mechanisms for achieving greater levels of snow clearing by the city and increase the public response during major snow events or heavy snow winters. Councillor Zondervan, Mayor McGovern, Vice Mayor Devereux See above. Order #7. That the City Manager is requested to confer with the Chief Information Officer for the City and report back with information regarding electronic device usage and current processes regarding the same. Councillor Toomey Did the exiting three councillors run off with their City-issued computers and phones? Order #8. That the Mayor is requested to work with the appropriate City staff to establish a method of effectively communicating the new rules for the 2018-2019 City Council term with the members of the public. Councillor Simmons I'm on it. Committee Report #1. A communication was received from Donna P. Lopez, City Clerk, transmitting a report from Vice Mayor Devereux, Chair of the Ad-Hoc Rules Committee, for a public hearing held on Tuesday, Jan 16, 2018 to discuss and suggest changes to the City Council Rules and transmitting recommended changes to the City Council Rules. Communications & Reports from City Officers #3. A communication was received from City Clerk Donna P. Lopez, transmitting a communication from Vice Mayor Jan Devereux regarding the outcome of the Ad-Hoc Rules Committee hearing. There were some good ideas and some not-so-good ideas expressed at this meeting. It doesn't look like we'll be seeing any realignment of the Council committees. At some level it doesn't really matter. The real question is whether or not the councillors actually show up for the committee meetings and if they decide to take up matters of substance. - Robert Winters |
This week on Tuesday, Jan 16 at 2:30pm, the City Council's Ad-Hoc Rules Committee will conduct a public hearing in the Sullivan Chamber to discuss and suggest changes to the City Council Rules. This committee consists of Vice Mayor Devereux (Chair) and Councillors Mallon and Kelley; as well as Donna Lopez, City Clerk; Nancy Glowa, City Solicitor; Maryellen Carvello, Office manager to the City Manager, and Wil Durbin, Chief of Staff to the Mayor.
I suppose it must be the pinnacle of civic nerdiness to care about the City Council Rules, but the structure of the City Council subcommittees, their mission, the number of members on each committee, and what constitutes a quorum are actually contained within the City Council Rules. From this civic nerd's point of view this actually is significant. In an ideal world the subcommittees should be where most of the detail work takes place. Unfortunately, it has sometimes been the case that these subcommittees become little more than discretionary devices for their respective Chairs where matters that sometimes have little to do with the purpose of the committee are pursued. In addition, there have been some topics in the last few years that didn't really have a natural match to any of the existing City Council committees or which were taken up by what might be viewed as the wrong committee. For example, if there is a Transportation and Public Utilities Committee, why were matters relating to bicycle transportation handled within the Neighborhood and Long Term Planning, Public Facilities, Art, and Celebrations Committee? [I would restructure the committees just to shorten the name of that one.]
It's interesting to look at what the standing committees have been at various times in Cambridge history. Here are a few snapshots, including some recorded in the City's Annual Documents (yes, I really do have these original books on my shelf):
Joint Committees: 1887 Standing Committees Standing Committees |
Joint Committees: 1911-1912 Standing Committees Standing Committees of the Common Council |
City Council Committees: 1938 Bonds City Engineering City Planning Claims Elections and Printing Finance Health Industrial Development Legislative Matters Licenses Military Affairs Ordinances Parks and Cemeteries Public Celebrations Public Property and Public Institutions Public Safety Public Service Roads and Bridges Rules and Orders Soldier's Aid Water Supply Wires and Lamps |
City Council Committees: 1998 Civil and Human Rights Claims Economic Development, Training, and Employment Elder Affairs Environment Finance Food Policy Government Operations Health and Hospitals Housing and Community Development Human Services and Youth Ordinance Public Safety Public Service Rules Sister Cities Traffic and Transportation Veterans |
City Council Committees: 2000 Civic Unity Economic Development, Training, and Employment Finance Government Operations, Rules, and Claims Health and Environment Housing Human Services Neighborhood and Long-term Planning Ordinance Public Facilities, Art, and Celebrations Public Safety Transportation, Traffic, and Parking Veterans |
City Council Committees: 2012 Civic Unity Claims Community Health Economic Development, Training, and Employment Environment Finance Government Operations and Rules Housing Human Services Neighborhood and Long Term Planning Ordinance Public Facilities, Art, and Celebrations Public Safety Transportation, Traffic, and Parking University Relations Veterans |
City Council Committees: 2016 Economic Development and University Relations Finance Government Operations, Rules, and Claims Health and Environment Housing Human Services and Veterans Neighborhood and Long Term Planning, Public Facilities, Art, and Celebrations Ordinance Public Safety Transportation and Public Utilities |
City Council Committees: 2018 ????? |
It's likely that prior to the adoption of the Plan E Charter that went into effect in 1941 there was either the need or the desire for more oversight of City departments, and both the number and the nature of the City Council (and Board of Alderman) committees seem to reflect this. Some standing committees are essentially permanent (Ordinance, Finance), but others clearly change with the times and even with the desires of individual councillors. What should be the focus of City Council subcommittees for the 2018-2019 City Council term? Should they remain the same? Are there any priorities that warrant a redefinition of the Council subcommittees? Should we revive some committees from the long past?
Looking Back at 2017 and the 2016-2017 City Council term
Two years ago I put together an outline of some of the issues and tasks that lay before the City Council and the City administration that perhaps needed attention at that time. I called this outline “Unfinished Business” (Jan 5, 2016). Let's do a status check on how we fared over the last two years.
I – Housing
II – Citywide Master Plan/Envision Cambridge
IV – Bans, Ordinances, and changes in City services
V – Mass & Main
VI – Foundry Building
VII – Volpe Site – Zoning and Possible Uses
VII – The “Sharing Economy”
IX – Miscellaneous other Cambridge-style initiatives that may happen or go nowhere
X – Civic Unity – Race, class, and the never-ending conflicts between different groups, neighborhoods, etc.
XI – Other Notable Things that emerged in the intervening two years
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
6:30pm Planning Board meeting (2nd Floor Meeting Room, City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway)
General Business
1. Update from the Community Development Department
2. Adoption of Planning Board meeting transcripts
Public Hearings
6:30pm PB#243 – 100 Binney Street and 41 Linskey Way – Major Amendment to Planned Unit Development (PUD) Special Permit by ARE-MA Region No. 45, LLC and ARE-MA Region No. 47, LLC, c/o Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. to revise the Development Plan of 2010 and to allow up to 2,700 square feet of bank use at 100 Binney Street and to shift the approved location of an active use in the Final Development Plan from 100 Binney Street to the abutting parcel, 41 Linskey Way pursuant to Section 12.37 Amendments to Final Development Plan. This will be the second of two required public hearings for the Planned Unit Development process as outlined in Article 12.000. (Notice) (Materials)
General Business
3. PB#66 – CambridgeSide exterior upgrades – informational update (Materials)
4. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
Linwood Court – 261/63 Broadway, 267 Broadway, 269 Broadway, 200 Columbia Street, 204 Columbia Street, 210 Columbia Street, 40 market Street, 1-6 Linwood Place – Comprehensive Permit for addition of 23 new units to the existing 45 units, including two new buildings and addition to an existing building along with 26 parking spaces at grade and seeking relief from dimensional requirements for FAR (5.11, 5.31, 11.203.5(a)), setback (5.11, 5.31), height (5.11, 5.31), density (5.11, 5.31, 11.2035(b)), private open space (5.22.2, 5.31), and distance between buildings (5.13); relief from required number of off-street parking spaces (6.31, 6.36.1), requirements for on grade parking facilities (6.44.1, 6.48.1), and required number of long-term bicycle parking spaces (6.36.1, 6.107.2); multi-family special permit (4.26.1); and relocation of the curb cut.
5:30pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct an additional public hearing to discuss the Zoning Petition filed by Peter Kroon, et al, to amend Section 20.50 of the Zoning Ordinance in the “Harvard Square Overlay District”. This meeting is televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
6:00-8:00pm Envision Cambridge - Housing Working Group Meeting (Senior Center, 806 Mass Ave.)
Topic: Housing Indicators
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
6:00pm Regular School Committee meeting (Henrietta Attles Meeting Room, CRLS, 459 Broadway)