Cambridge InsideOut - January 2, 2018
Possible Topics:
3) Looking Back at 2017 and the 2016-2017 City Council term
4) That's All Folks! - Featured Items on the Dec 18, 2017 Cambridge City Council Agenda
5) Catching Up on the Cambridge News
Jan 1, 2018 - The 2018-2019 Cambridge City Council was inaugurated this morning in the Sullivan Chamber of City Hall. After each elected councillor took the oath of office, the new City Council took care of its first order of business - the election of the Mayor. Though the eventual outcome was already known to many in the room for the last few weeks, there is always at least some drama due to the possibility that an alternate deal could be struck in the interim. However the vote went more or less as predicted with Marc McGovern being elected as Mayor for the 2018-2019 term. The initial vote was 7-2 for McGovern with Councillors Simmons and Toomey casting their votes for Tim Toomey, but Councillor Simmons changed her vote to McGovern to make the final vote 8-1.
After a speech by the newly elected Mayor McGovern that stressed themes of unity the Council then elected Jan Devereux to serve as Vice Chair of the City Council for the 2018-2019 term. That vote was initially 5 votes for Jan Devereux and 4 for Denise Simmons, but Alanna Mallon and then Craig Kelley changed their votes to Devereux to make the final vote 7-2 with Councillors Simmons and Toomey voting for Simmons.
After these proceedings their were several statements by councillors thanking Sandra Albano for her 47 years of service to the City and especially her role managing the City Council office since 1982. Sandy's last day on the job is tomorrow - Jan 2, 2018 - and it's hard to imagine City Hall without her.
Perhaps the high point of the entire Inaugural Meeting was Cambridge Police Deputy Superintendent Pauline Carter Wells singing John Lennon's song "Imagine" - just as she did two years ago and just as inspiring.
Later in the day, starting at 6:00pm, the newly elected 2018-2019 Cambridge School Committee took their oaths of office and elected Kathleen Kelly as the Vice Chair (who will be responsible for making all subcommittee appointments). That vote was initially split with Manikka Bowman and Laurance Kimbrough voting for Manikka Bowman; Emily Dexter and voting for Patty Nolan; and Fred Fantini, Kathleen Kelly, Patty Nolan, and Marc McGovern voting for Kathleen Kelly. Emily Dexter and Laurance Kimbrough then changed their votes to Kathleen Kelly leading to the final 6-1 vote to elect Kathleen Kelly.
Mayor McGovern has tapped Wil Durbin to serve as Chief of Staff of the Mayor's Office. He also tapped Luis Vasquez to be in charge of constituent services and outreach. Both are inspired choices.
The Plan E Charter only designates the Mayor as Chair of the City Council and the School Committee. All other roles and initiatives of the Mayor and the Mayor's Office are at the discretion of the Mayor, and every Mayor defines their role differently. Mayor Simmons was a wonderful Mayor for the last two years and our newly elected Mayor McGovern promises to be just as inspiring in how he defines his role for the next two years.
One last note: A new portrait of former Mayor Barbara Ackermann now graces the back wall of the Sullivan Chamber. This was an extra special treat. - RW
![]() Marc McGovern is sworn in as Mayor |
![]() Mayor McGovern's inaugural address |
![]() Pauline Carter Wells sings "Imagine" |
![]() Barbara Ackermann portrait in Sullivan Chamber |
Looking Back at 2017 and the 2016-2017 City Council term
Two years ago I put together an outline of some of the issues and tasks that lay before the City Council and the City administration that perhaps needed attention at that time. I called this outline “Unfinished Business” (Jan 5, 2016). Let's do a status check on how we fared over the last two years.
I – Housing
II – Citywide Master Plan/Envision Cambridge
IV – Bans, Ordinances, and changes in City services
V – Mass & Main
VI – Foundry Building
VII – Volpe Site – Zoning and Possible Uses
VII – The “Sharing Economy”
IX – Miscellaneous other Cambridge-style initiatives that may happen or go nowhere
X – Civic Unity – Race, class, and the never-ending conflicts between different groups, neighborhoods, etc.
XI – Other Notable Things that emerged in the intervening two years
That's All Folks! - Featured Items on the Dec 18, 2017 Cambridge City Council Agenda
Here are some agenda items that seem to rise above the others: Manager's Agenda #11. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the Regulation for Keeping of Honey Bees. Unfinished Business #8. An amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cambridge on Beekeeping. The question comes on passing to be ordained on or after Nov 6, 2017. Planning Board hearing held on Oct 3, 2017. Petition expires Jan 3, 2018. This is expected to be ordained at this meeting (or it will expire). Manager's Agenda #12. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to letter from Leggat McCall Properties regarding the proposed disposition of a leasehold interest in the First Street Garage for parking spaces and the development of first floor retail space in connection with Leggat McCall’s redevelopment of the former Edward J. Sullivan Courthouse building at 40 Thorndike Street in East Cambridge. Now that the series of lawsuits (that never had a chance) have expired, the redevelopment of the courthouse building is expected to proceed. Unfinished Business #9. An amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cambridge on Innovation Office Space in PUD-3A and PUD-4C Zoning Districts. The question comes on passing to be ordained on or after Dec 18, 2017. Planning Board hearing held on Oct 17, 2017. Petition expires Feb 13, 2018. This may also be ordained on Monday. The expiration isn't for some time but there's really no reason to kick this can down the road. Resolution #6. Retirement of Alessandra "Sandra" Albano from the City Council Office. Councillor Cheung Sandy's tenure dates to the days of Mayor Al Vellucci. It's hard to imagine City Hall without her. Happy Trails, Sandy. Order #1. That all items pending before the City Council and not acted upon by the end of the 2016-2017 Legislative Session be placed in the files of the City Clerk, without prejudice provided that those proposed ordinances which have been passed to a second reading, advertised and listed on the Calendar under "Unfinished Business" during the 2016-2017 City Council term, along with any other pending matters on the Calendar listed as "Unfinished Business," shall be forwarded to the next City Council and further provided that any items pending in committee may, at the discretion of the committee, be forwarded to the next City Council. Mayor Simmons There's nothing nicer than a clean slate, and that goes especially for virtually all of the items on "Awaiting Report" - many of which have already been addressed and some of which should have been brushed off long ago. I hope the next City Council exercises more discretion in the demands made of City staff and the wild geese it chooses to chase. - Robert Winters |
Dec 18, 2017 – On Dec 5, 2017, the Court issued an order vacating the temporary restraining order that prohibited the City's proposed abatement and demolition of the buildings at the Vail Court property. Accordingly, the City may now proceed with the planned abatement demolition of the buildings.
Due to the delay caused by the litigation, the City will need to re-bid the contract to hire a new contractor for work at the property. We expect abatement and demolition to move forward in spring 2018 as the method of demolition (using water) that will likely be used cannot be done without a consistent outdoor temperature above 32 degrees. The City will be maintaining rodent control on site in the interim. Those with questions about abatement/demolition and conditions on site should contact Dan Riviello at / 617-349-4825.
While the Court has vacated the temporary restraining order issued earlier this year, the litigation brought by the former owner against the City in this matter is still pending. We cannot predict how long this challenge will be pending, however can say that litigation like this can often take considerable time to resolve. The City will continue to vigorously defend against this challenge to the City's ownership of the property. However, as the litigation is still active, we believe the best course of action at this time is to continue to delay the process to plan for the redevelopment of the property as affordable housing.The City and the Affordable Housing Trust will monitor the status of the litigation, and, when advisable, reengage with the community. As was discussed at the last community meeting, both the City and the Trust remain committed to holding a second public meeting to gather more community input to be considered in the redevelopment of the property as affordable housing, and will do so at the appropriate time. The City remains committed to moving forward with building new affordable housing at the property as swiftly as possible, however must move forward in a manner that acknowledges the active legal challenge to this effort.
We will provide more information when it becomes available and encourage residents to visit the project page at to subscribe to email updates. [City of Cambridge]
Dec 6, 2017 – City Manager Louis A. DePasquale is seeking residents to fill vacancies on the Cambridge Conservation Commission and the Cambridge Human Rights Commission.
The Conservation Commission is responsible for the administration of the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act (WPA), a state law governing activities in and immediately adjacent to local wetlands, waterways and floodplains. The Commission holds two regularly scheduled public meetings each month to review permit applications under the WPA, issue permits, and conduct other business related to the management of Cambridge's natural resource areas.
The Conservation Commission consists of seven members appointed by the City Manager to serve three-year terms. Cambridge residents with expertise in landscape architecture, civil/environmental engineering, hydrology, ecology, or law are encouraged to apply. For more information, contact Jennifer Letourneau, Cambridge Conservation Commission, or 617-349-4680.
The Cambridge Human Rights Commission (CHRC) seeks Cambridge residents representing the diversity of Cambridge. Commissioners are expected to attend monthly meetings, participate in subcommittees on outreach and public education, and work with Commission staff on the investigation, mediation and resolution of complaints filed with the Commission which allege discrimination in housing, public accommodations, employment or education based upon race, color, sex, age, religion, disability, national origin or ancestry, sexual orientation, gender, marital status, family status, military status or source of income.
The Human Rights Commission is made up of 11 members who serve three-year terms. Meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month at 6pm. For more information, contact Nancy Schlacter, Cambridge Human Rights Commission, at 617-349-4396 or
The deadline for submitting applications for both commission vacancies is Friday, January 12, 2018. Applications to serve on these committees can be submitted to City Manager Louis A. DePasquale using the City's online application system at A cover letter and resume or applicable experience can be submitted during the online application process. Paper applications are available in the City Manager's Office at Cambridge City Hall, 795 Mass. Ave.
The City's Commission on Immigrant Rights & Citizenship is pleased to announce the formation of a free, monthly Screening Clinic for Immigrants seeking legal advice and possible referral for additional legal services. [flyer]
The first City of Cambridge/Community Legal Services and Counseling Center (CLSACC) Immigration Legal Screening Clinic was held on Wed, Dec 13, from 5:15-7:15pm at the offices of Community Legal Services and Counseling Center (CLSACC), 47 Thorndike St. (lower level), in East Cambridge. Program participants are asked not to arrive at CLSACC more than 15 minutes prior to the start time; please note that early arrivals will not be given any preference. Starting in 2018, the Screening Clinic will be held on the 3rd Wednesdays of the month, at same time/location.
For more information, contact Nancy Schlacter, or 617-349-4396.
During the week of December 18th, trash and recycling collection will be performed on a regular schedule. During the week of December 25th, there will be no trash or recycling collection on Monday, December 25th and collections will be delayed one day for the remainder of the week. During the week of January 1st, there will be no trash or recycling collection on Monday, January 1st and collections will be delayed one day for the remainder of the week.
The Recycling Drop-off Center will be open on Saturday, December 23rd and Saturday, December 30th. There will be no change to the Recycling Center’s hours this holiday season.
Curbside collection of bare holiday trees (weather permitting), will take place January 2nd, 2018 - January 12th, 2018 on your regular trash/recycling day. Decorations and stands must be removed and trees should not be in a plastic bag. Residents can also bring bare trees to the Recycling Center during open hours (Tues/Thurs 4pm-7:30pm and Sat 9am-4pm) from December 26th - January 31st.
Street cleaning operations will not take place on Monday, December 25th and, weather permitting, those streets will be swept on Friday, December 29th, the last day for street cleaning operations in 2017. Street cleaning services will resume in April 2018.
The Cambridge Cemetery gates will be open from 7am until 5pm throughout the holiday season. Cemetery and Public Works Administrative Offices will be closed on Friday, December 22nd, Monday, December 25th, and Monday, January 1st.
Payments are not required at City of Cambridge parking meters and parking meter pay stations on Monday, December 24th and Monday, January 1st.
If your yard waste, holiday tree, trash, or recycling are missed, please let us know immediately by submitting a service request via the Commonwealth Connect app for iPhone and Android or at www.CambridgeMA.Gov/CommonwealthConnect.
Dec 13, 2017 – The results are in for the fourth Participatory Budget (PB) Process. Over 6,778 Cambridge residents age 12 and older voted to decide how to spend $800,000 on capital projects to improve the community - a 43% increase from last year.
The following 7 projects won $867,000 in FY19 Capital Funding:
"Participatory Budgeting has been an incredible community engagement tool in the city and I am pleased we were able to invest $67,000 more in funds to allow a 7th winning project to be selected," said Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager. "Over the past 4 years we have been able to engage thousands of people in this innovative process, and I am particularly proud that all Cambridge residents at least 12 years old, including non-US citizens and university students, were able to vote."
Participatory Budgeting is a democratic process through which community members directly decide how to spend part of a public budget. The goal of PB is to directly involve residents in the budgeting and City-building process, foster civic engagement and community spirit, and help ensure that the City's Capital Plan reflects the priorities of Cambridge residents.
Community members brainstormed and submitted project ideas this summer to improve Cambridge. Afterward, volunteer Budget Delegates researched and developed those ideas into formal project proposals that were reviewed by City staff and approved by the City Manager appeared on a PB ballot in December for a public vote. The following winning projects will be included in the FY19 Capital Budget for adoption.
Many thanks to the PB Outreach Committee, Budget Delegates and Facilitators, City staff, and all of the volunteers and participants who helped make the City's third PB cycle a success.
To learn more about PB and the winning projects, please visit
Dec 12, 2017 – City Manager Louis A. DePasquale is seeking applicants to serve on a new task force that will advise and provide guidance and feedback to a project team charged with developing a comprehensive Urban Forest Master Plan (UFMP).
The UFMP will guide the development of the urban forest into the future and includes a strategic plan to evaluate, maintain and expand the urban forest canopy while being more resilient to climate change, reducing the urban heat island effect, mitigating stormwater runoff, reducing nutrient runoff, and contributing to community well-being. The UFMP will coordinate with the efforts of the citywide comprehensive plan (Envision Cambridge) and the Climate Change Preparedness & Resilience Plan.
The Task Force Committee will meet monthly over the next 12 months. Subcommittees may be set up to investigate specific topics to report back to the full committee. All Task Force meetings are open to the public.
Applicants are sought from various stakeholder groups, including residents, neighborhood groups, city boards/committees, universities, property owners, local businesses and experts from surrounding universities and government agencies.
The deadline for submitting an application to serve on the Task Force is Fri, Jan 19, 2018. Applications can be submitted to City Manager Louis A. DePasquale using the City's online application system at A cover letter describing your interest, resume, or applicable experience can be submitted during the online application process. Paper applications are available in the City Manager's Office at Cambridge City Hall, 795 Mass. Ave.
Dec 7, 2017 – The City of Cambridge announced earlier this week that the Barr Foundation, as part of its BostonBRT initiative, has awarded the community a grant to conduct a pilot project testing bus rapid transit (BRT) features in collaboration with Watertown and the MBTA. The pilot, affecting routes 71 and 73, will include inbound bus “queue jump” lanes to give buses priority in lane segments on Belmont Street at Mt. Auburn and Mt. Auburn St. at Fresh Pond Parkway and transit signal priority where feasible.
The pilot will seek to create a faster and more reliable commute for over 12,000 daily bus riders, representing about 50% of rush hour travelers in the corridor. The bus priority lanes could save bus riders an average of 3 minutes per trip. The pilot will be carried out in conjunction with the Department of Conservation & Recreation’s improvements to the Fresh Pond Parkway / Mt. Auburn Intersection planned for late spring/early summer 2018.
The pilot is a temporary demonstration. Following a robust public engagement strategy, Cambridge, Watertown, and the MBTA will work with community members to evaluate the pilot and determine if any of the elements should be permanently implemented or explored further.
“Encouraging and improving public transit options improves mobility for everyone. The Bus Rapid Transit pilot aligns with Cambridge’s Vision Zero efforts to make our streets safer for people of all ages and abilities to travel between work, school, shops, and other destinations, whether they choose to walk, bicycle, drive, or take transit,” said Cambridge City Manager Louis A. DePasquale. “We are grateful to the Barr Foundation for their support in helping us implement the pilot, and we look forward to collaborating with our neighbors in Watertown to make it a success.”
The grant in Cambridge was one of three awarded as part of a competitive request for proposals from BostonBRT, which invited municipalities to partner with the MBTA to demonstrate the potential of BRT in high-ridership, high-traffic areas, with the goal of improving the transit experience for the most people. The Cambridge-Watertown project was selected along with projects in Arlington and Everett. Cambridge will work closely with Arlington to support their transit signal priority implementation for bus route 77 along North Mass Ave.
“We are thrilled to receive funding from the Barr Foundation to pilot Bus Rapid Transit infrastructure,” said Iram Farooq, Assistant City Manager for Community Development. “The grant will contribute to our citywide goal of creating a comprehensive, sustainable transportation network. We look forward to collaborating across departments and city lines to make bus transit safer and more reliable for all riders.”
“These pilot projects will show BRT’s potential to transform how people in Greater Boston get to where they need to go, and how BRT can fit within the region’s transportation system,” said Mary Skelton Roberts, co-director for climate at the Barr Foundation. “For BRT to be successful, local and state governments, communities, and transit experts need to work together. These winning proposals demonstrated their readiness to do so. And we hope their commitment to collaboration during this pilot testing periods is just the beginning. Massachusetts residents deserve flexible, environmentally-sustainable transportation options they can count on, like BRT.”
All pilot grants were selected by a committee comprised of Massachusetts transportation leaders convened by the Barr Foundation and BostonBRT technical consultants that reviewed criteria such as the number of BRT elements included within proposals, proof of concept, potential impact (including density of population and employment), municipal and community support, and willingness to partner with state agencies to create a successful pilot.
Over 500 Cambridge residents and businesses now receive 100% renewable electricity through the Cambridge Community Electricity program’s 100% Green option. By opting into 100% Green, these households and businesses are powered by carbon-free renewable energy, including solar and wind, generated locally in New England.
Following the November release of Eversource’s Basic Service rates, residents and businesses enrolled in the 100% Green Option will save money and receive 100% renewable electricity. Eversource’s Basic Service, in effect through June 2018, costs 13.157 cents/kilowatt-hour (c/kWh) compared to the 100% Green Option’s 12.180 c/kWh.
Currently, over 32,800 residential electricity customers and more than 4,800 commercial electricity customers are participating in the Cambridge Community Electricity program. Those enrolled in the Standard Green option, which provides more solar energy from local resources than required by the state of Massachusetts, are also saving money, with rates at 10.486 cents/kWh. Participants can switch from Standard Green to 100% Green or opt-out of the program at any time with no penalties.
“We are proud to offer a program that has allowed people to support the city’s climate goals without negative impacts on their personal finances,” said Cambridge City Manager Louis A. DePasquale. “Standard Green participants have seen savings since July 2017, and now residents and businesses have the opportunity to upgrade to receive 100% renewable energy and still save money through next June.”
The electricity supplied through the 100% Green option is generated by renewable energy projects in New England. Through 100% Green, Cambridge residents and business owners support New England-based jobs in addition to reducing the environmental impact of their electricity use. Cambridge residents and business owners can opt-in to the 100% Green Option through January 2019 by calling the Cambridge Community Electricity program supplier, Agera Energy, at 1-888-589-7790.
“The 100% Green option offers a unique opportunity for Cambridge residents and business owners to use renewable energy and support the local economy,” said Assistant City Manager for Community Development Iram Farooq. “The Cambridge Community Electricity program is a crucial step toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions by mid-century and ensuring a Net Zero Energy future for Cambridge.”
The Cambridge Community Electricity program launched in July 2017. As a municipal electricity aggregation approved by the state, it uses the bulk purchasing power of the entire community to negotiate a price and increase the amount of renewable energy in the City’s electricity supply. The program provides an alternative to Eversource Basic Service and other electricity supply offers in the marketplace. The City has signed a contract with Agera Energy that runs until January 2019.
Updated energy mix information is now available for the Cambridge Community Electricity program. This document shows how the electricity was generated and provides detail on how much of that energy comes from renewable vs non-renewable sources.
Additional information about the program and its enrollment options are available at Residents and business owners can also contact the City’s program consultants at 1-844-379-9934 or
Nov 30, 2017 – Last month, the City of Cambridge was awarded a Bronze-level Community designation from SolSmart, a national program supported by the U.S. Department of Energy that provides recognition and technical assistance to help local governments reduce barriers to solar energy growth.
The award recognizes Cambridge’s efforts to provide resources and support to make the process of converting to solar energy faster, easier, and more affordable for Cambridge homeowners, property managers, and businesses.
Cambridge also received special recognition in the “Community Engagement” category for its exemplary public outreach efforts, its climate advisory board, the Climate Protection Action Committee, and its Sunny Cambridge campaign to help residents go solar for the best price.
“We are proud to be nationally recognized for our efforts to promote solar energy in Cambridge,” said Iram Farooq, Assistant City Manager for Community Development. “The Cambridge Energy Alliance conducts extensive outreach to inform the community about solar resources and options, and programs like Sunny Cambridge and the Multi-Family Energy Pilot are designed to make converting to solar energy an easy process for property owners. We look forward to continuing to promote solar energy through outreach and innovative programs.”
SolSmart uses objective criteria to award points to communities based on the actions they take to reduce barriers to solar energy development. These actions range from implementing zoning and construction codes to promote solar energy, collaborating with utility companies for widespread solar implementation, engaging the community in solar development, and encouraging solar market growth and financial innovation.
Cambridge was awarded Bronze for its efforts, which include:
“The City’s SolSmart designation reflects the significant steps that Cambridge has taken to make it easier for residents to convert to solar energy,” said Susanne Rasmussen, Director of Environmental & Transportation Planning. “Renewable energy is crucial to the City’s efforts to combat climate change.”
Cambridge pursued its SolSmart designation in partnership with the Metropolitan Area Planning Council and received no-cost technical assistance from a team of national experts. City staff are continuing to work with SolSmart to achieve a Gold designation.
SolSmart is led by The Solar Foundation and the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) and funded by the U.S. Department of Energy SunShot Initiative. More than 140 cities, counties, and small towns have achieved SolSmart designation since the program launched in 2016. For more information about the Solsmart designation, visit
Yard Waste Ends Next Week
Yard waste collection of leaves, grass and small twigs & branches ended the week of December 11. Yard waste begins again April 2, 2018 (same day that curbside compost begins citywide!).
Holiday Season & Your Waste
Dec 25 & Jan 1 are holidays. All waste collection will be delayed one day both weeks.
Reduce waste, give the gift of experiences:
* Tickets to a film, concert, play, or sporting event.
* Gift certificates for a restaurant, spa, or museum.
* Donate to a non-profit organization in their honor.
Get Rid of It Right:
* Recycle all paper gift wrap and bags. But, trash tissue paper, bows and ribbons.
* Recycle all cardboard. But, trash styrofoam. Bubble wrap and air pillows can only be recycled at the DPW Recycling Center.
Donate Old Clothes with Give Back Box
This holiday season, give back to charity (and recycle!) with Give Back Box.
Reuse the cardboard box in which you've received a shipment, collect clothes and shoes you no longer want. Visit Give Back Box to print a free shipping label. Then, UPS or USPS will ship your donation to charity.
• Missed curbside collection? Report it by 9am the day after collection.
• Need toters, flyers, recycling labels, yard waste stickers or posters? Email or fill out this form.
Nov 20, 2017 – The City of Cambridge has been awarded the 2017 “Deal of the Year” by The Bond Buyer in the non-traditional financing category. The annual Deal of the Year Awards recognize innovation in municipal finance and attract submissions from government and municipal bond issuers across the country. This award recognizes Cambridge's new Minibond program, which offers City of Cambridge bonds directly to Cambridge residents. The bonds funded city-wide capital projects including school building renovations, municipal facility upgrades, and implementation of Cambridge's “Complete Streets” plan. The City offered $2 million of Minibonds with a $1000 minimum size, much lower than the standard $5000 minimum denominations of most municipal bond offerings.
“I am absolutely thrilled to receive national recognition for the City and our staff members who worked so hard to get this program established.” said City Manager Louis DePasquale. “For many years, the City of Cambridge received calls from City residents asking how they could buy the City’s Bonds. Our Minibonds are a great way to provide Cambridge residents a way to invest directly in City projects that will benefit our entire community. There was a lot of demand from our citizens and we sold out early last year, so we plan to expand our Minibonds offerings to Cambridge residents this year, too.”
Cambridge’s financial team worked with Boston representatives from legal firm Locke Lord and municipal advisory firm Hilltop Securities who provided advice to the City for the 2017 Minibonds, and with Neighborly Securities, a San-Francisco based underwriting and broker-dealer working to expand individuals’ access to the public finance market by leveraging technology and innovative marketing techniques. The Minibonds received the highest possible Aaa and AAA ratings from Fitch Ratings, Moody’s Investors Service and S&P Global Ratings.
Cambridge is in prestigious company with the other finalists for the 2017 Deal of the Year. Other regional winners which will be honored along with Cambridge:
Cambridge will receive the Deal of the Year finalist award along with the six other Deal of the Year 2017 qualifiers at The Bond Buyer’s 16th Annual Deal of the Year Awards event this December in New York City.
Learn more about Cambridge's Minibond program at
More Election Fun Facts:
City Council Elected (in order of election): Simmons, Siddiqui, McGovern, Devereux, Zondervan, Mallon, Toomey, Carlone, Kelley
City Council Official Election Results (Fri, Nov 17, PDF, 2 pgs.)
School Committee Elected (in order of election): Nolan, Bowman, Dexter, Fantini, Kelley, Kimbrough
School Committee Official Election Results (Fri, Nov 17, PDF, 1 pg.)
Round-by-Round City Council Official Results (Fri, Nov 17, HTML)
Round-by-Round School Committee Official Results (Fri, Nov 17, HTML)
How would the City Council election have proceeded using "fractional transfer" - independent of ballot order? (NOT the official Count)
City Council Distribution of #1 Votes by ward/precinct (PDF)
School Committee Distribution of #1 Votes by ward/precinct (PDF)
Voter Turnout by Precinct: 2013-2017 Municipal Elections (PDF)
#2 Vote Distribution - 2017 City Council (PDF)
#2 Vote Distribution - 2017 School Committee (PDF)
Popularity - Total Rankings (#1, Top 2, Top 3, etc.)
List of Candidates for City Council & School Committee - with sortable tables
Questionnaires and Endorsing Organizations - Who are they, WHAT are they, and what are they asking?
2017 City Council Campaign Receipts and Expenses
2017 Cambridge City Council Campaign Bank Reports
Index of all Cambridge City Council and School Committee candidates: 1941 to 2017
plain text version PDF version
6:00pm Regular School Committee meeting (Henrietta Attles Meeting Room, CRLS, 459 Broadway)
6:30pm Planning Board meeting (2nd Floor Meeting Room, City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway)
General Business
1. Update from the Community Development Department
2. Adoption of Planning Board meeting transcripts
3. Election of the Planning Board Chair
Public Hearings
6:30pm PB#331 (continued from 11/14/2017)
1385 Cambridge Street – Special Permit application by Commonwealth Alternative Care, Inc. to convert existing space into a Registered Marijuana Dispensary pursuant to Sections 11.800 Registered Medical Marijuana Dispensary and 10.43 Special Permit. (Notice) (Materials)
General Business
4. Retail Strategy Review (Materials)
Public Hearings
7:30pm Harvard Square Overlay District Rezoning (continued from 11/14/2017)
Zoning Petition by Peter Kroon et al., to amend Section 20.50, “Harvard Square Overlay District”. (Notice)
General Business
5. PB#179 North Point (Materials)
• Parcel Q1 Building Design Review
• Parcel EF/G Open Space Design Review
6. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
BZA-015090-2017 1923-1925 Massachusetts Avenue – Special Permit to modify existing wireless telecommunications facility. Section 6409 of the Spectrum Act. Section 4.32 and 10.4 of the Cambridge Zoning Ordinance. Art. 4.000, Sec. 4.32.G.1 & Sec. 4.40 (Footnote 49) (Telecommunication Facilities). Art. 10.000, Sec. 10.40 (Special Permit). & Section 6409 (Middle Class Tax Relief & Job Creation Act). (Materials)
BZA-015044-2017 5 Cambridge Parkway – Special Permit to modify existing wireless telecommunications facility. Section 6409 of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012, 47 U.S.C 1455. Art. 4.000, Sec. 4.32.G.1 & Sec. 4.40 (Footnote 49) (Telecommunication Facilities). Art. 10.000, Sec. 10.40 (Special Permit). & Section 6409 (Middle Class Tax Relief & Job Creation Act). (Materials)
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
5:30pm SFI Hearing (Statement of Financial Interest)
I. MINUTES II. REPORTS 1. Executive Director's Report 2. Assistant Director's Report 3. Commissioners' Reports |
III. PUBLIC COMMENT IV. ACTION AGENDA Old Business 1. 2017 Municipal Election Review New Business |
6:30pm MassDOT meeting on Mass. Turnpike (I-90) interchange redesign (Morse School, Granite St.)
MassDOT will present their plans for the Mass Turnpike (I90) interchange redesign. (Snow date: Jan. 10.) From previous meetings the topics that have been outlined as of most concern to Cambridge are: multimodal transportation, noise, access from Soldiers Field Road and the turnpike, parkland, redesign of the area near BU (the throat), construction mitigation and traffic in the area near River and Western Ave bridges. Please come to the meeting to hear from MassDOT and learn how to send in your comments on this very important project.
Henrietta Davis, Cambridge Community Representative
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
6:00pm Regular School Committee meeting (Henrietta Attles Meeting Room, CRLS, 459 Broadway)
6:00pm Meeting to discuss Porter Square intersection safety improvements (Lesley University, University Hall Amphitheatre, 1815 Mass. Ave.)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)