City of Cambridge

(as amended March 25, 2024)

These rules, after adoption by the City Council, shall be published and made available to the public. The rules of the City Council should be reviewed and provisionally adopted towards the beginning of every new City Council term.

Rule 1. At all meetings of the City Council five (5) Councillors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.


Rule 2. On the first Monday of January, following the regular municipal election, the City Council shall by a majority vote of all the members elected, elect a Mayor from its own members who shall preside at all meetings of the City Council and perform such other duties as are prescribed in section one hundred (100) of Chapter 43 of the General Laws, and any acts in amendment thereof or supplementary thereto. The City Council shall, in like manner, elect a Vice-Chair who shall also be called Vice-Mayor.

Rule 3. The Mayor shall take the Chair at the hour of the first Council meeting following Inauguration and election as Chair and call the members to order. In the absence of the Mayor, the Vice-Chair of the City Council shall preside and, in the absence of both, the most senior member in length of service or if more than one has so served then the member senior in both age and length of service who is present shall serve as Chair during the absence of both the Mayor and Vice-Chair.

Rule 4. The Mayor shall preserve decorum and order, and may speak to points of order, in preference to other members. The Mayor shall decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal to the City Council. If the ruling of the Chair is questioned, no other business shall be in order until the question on the appeal shall have been decided; the question shall be put as follows: “Shall the decision of the Chair stand as the judgment of the City Council?” The vote shall be by roll call, and it shall be decided in the affirmative unless a majority of the votes are to the contrary.

Rule 5. The Chair shall state the motion that is before the Council before there can be discussion on the motion. The Chair shall declare all votes. If any member doubts the vote, the Chair without further debate upon the question, shall require the members voting in the affirmative and negative, respectively, to be counted; the Chair shall declare the results, but no such declaration shall be made unless a quorum of the City Council has voted.

Rule 6. All final votes of the City Council on questions involving the expenditure of fifty dollars or more, or upon the request of any member, any vote of the City Council shall be by yeas and nays and shall be entered on the records.

Rule 7. All petitions, memorials, communications or any matter before the City Council may be referred as follows:

  1. To a standing committee of the City Council.
  2. To a consent agenda.
  3. To a special committee of the City Council.
  4. To the City Manager.
  5. To any department or department head or any person, group or organization to whom referral is permitted, authorized or allowed under the provisions of the Plan E Charter and under applicable provisions of the Massachusetts General Laws.

Any member offering a motion, order or resolution which is referred to a committee shall be given a hearing on the same by the committee before a report is made thereon, provided he or she so requests at the time of the communication, or before final action by the committee.

Rule 8. The Chair shall place before the body all questions in the order in which they are moved, unless the subsequent motion be previous in its nature, except that in naming sums and fixing times, the largest sum and the longest time shall be placed before the body first. After a motion has been placed before the body by the Chair, the mover may withdraw the motion before amendment or final action without objection.

Rule 9. When a question is under debate the Chair shall receive no motion, but

To Adjourn.

To Lay on the Table.

To Postpone to a certain day.

End debate, move, or call the question.



Postpone indefinitely.

These motions shall have precedence in the above order. A motion to adjourn shall be in order at any time except upon immediate repetition. A motion to adjourn, to lay on the table, to take from the table, or to end debate shall be decided without debate.

Rule 10. When two or more members ask to be recognized at once, the Chair shall name the member who is entitled to the floor.


Rule 11. Every member, when about to speak shall respectfully address the Chair, and wait to be recognized. The member shall confine their remarks to the question under debate. During debate each Councillor will state their comments clearly and concisely with the understanding that other members are waiting to present their comments.

Rule 12. No member speaking shall be interrupted by another except to make a point of order, request an explanation, or request a point of personal privilege.

Rule 13. No member shall vote on any question, or serve on any committee, where their private interest is immediately concerned distinct from that of the public. All City employees, including all elected and appointed officials, are subject to the Massachusetts Conflict of Interest Law.

Rule 14. When a question is put, every member present shall vote yes, no, or present and their vote shall be accepted by the Chair and so recorded. A member that is recusing themselves from voting shall announce that they are recusing themselves prior to any discussion or deliberation of the matter and shall state the reason for recusal (a conflict of interest or to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest). A member that has recused themselves shall not participate in the discussion while the matter is being deliberated and if present shall leave the Council Chamber or if participating remotely shall turn off their microphone and video during discussion and deliberation on the matter. Their recusal shall be accepted by the Chair and so recorded.

Rule 15. A question having been taken, it shall not be in order for any member to move a reconsideration thereof at the same meeting. A motion to reconsider may be made at the next meeting, provided written notice of such motion has been filed with the City Clerk within thirty-six hours of the day of the vote, Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays to be excluded in the computation of the thirty-six hours. No more than one motion for reconsideration of any vote shall be entertained. Any councillor among those whose votes prevailed may move reconsideration; if reconsideration is not moved prior to the adjournment of the next regular or special meeting called for that particular purpose, the action taken by the City Council stands.


Rule 16. Special Events Presentations.
Before any regular meetings there may be a SPECIAL EVENTS PRESENTATION. At this time special events will be presented and may be broadcast on cable television. Special Events Presentations will be scheduled through the Mayor’s Office. The Special Events Presentations will conclude at 5:30pm. No quorum of the City Council is required.

Rule 17. Regular Meetings.
All regular meetings of the City Council shall be held in the Sullivan Chamber, City Hall, virtual, hybrid with virtual access and access in the Sullivan Chamber or, at any other suitable public building as determined by the Chair within the City of Cambridge, at 5:30 p.m. on Monday of each week, from the first Monday in January to and including the last Monday in June, and from the second Monday in September to and including the last Monday in December. When a meeting day falls on a holiday, the succeeding Monday shall be the meeting. The City Council may at any meeting, by a majority vote, decide to discontinue any future meeting previously scheduled. All City Council meetings shall end no later than l2:00 midnight.


Rule 18. The Mayor, or the Vice-Chair of the City Council, or any four members thereof, may at any time call a special meeting by causing written notices, stating the time of holding such meeting and signed by the person calling the same, to be delivered in hand to each member of the City Council, or left at their usual dwelling place, or delivered electronically with at least forty-eight hours’ notice (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays) to all members and with notice provided to the public by posting same at least forty-eight hours (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays) prior to each meeting, unless the Mayor, in consultation with the City Manager and City Solicitor, determines an emergency exists and there is a need to call a meeting with less than forty-eight hours’ notice. If necessary, the Mayor may call one or more special meetings during July and August to conduct the Council’s business.


Rule 19. Any ordinance, order or resolution may be passed through all its stages of legislation at one session, provided that no member of the City Council objects thereto; but if any member of the City Council objects, the measure shall be postponed for that meeting (the “Charter Right”.) (Chapter 43, Section 22 of the General Laws.) At the next regular meeting, any member may move the item which has been subject to the Charter Right. If no action is taken at the next regular meeting by any member, then the item will be removed from the City Council Calendar. The provisions of this Rule, as well as M.G.L. c.43, §22, do not apply to the submission to the City Council of a proposed zoning ordinance, which, pursuant to M.G.L. c.40A, §5, the City Council shall within fourteen days of receipt of such zoning ordinance submit to the Planning Board for review.

Rule 20. All matters of whatever description, except Applications and Petitions, which require action by the City Council at its meeting shall be presented to the City Clerk by 12:00pm on the Thursday preceding the regular meeting. During a week in which a legal holiday falls on a Friday, said matters shall be presented to the City Clerk by 12:00pm on the Wednesday preceding the regular meeting. Communications submitted later will be held over for the next regular meeting, except that where the City Manager believes that emergency or exigent circumstances require the City Manager to present to the City Council a matter which was not presented to the City Clerk by the 12:00pm deadline, the City Manager may present such matters to the City Council at its meeting in writing as part of a Supplemental Agenda of the City Manager.

Rule 20A. For a Policy Order or Resolution to be filed and placed on the Council agenda it must have two Councillors sponsoring it. This rule does not apply to ceremonial resolutions..

Rule 20B. Applications and Petitions which require action by the City Council at its meeting shall be presented to the City Clerk by 3:00pm on the Wednesday preceding the regular meeting. During a week in which a legal holiday falls on a Friday, said matters shall be presented to the City Clerk by 3:00pm on the Tuesday preceding the regular meeting. Applications and Petitions submitted later will be held over for the next regular meeting.

Rule 20C. In the event of City Hall closure the City Clerk, after consultation with the City Manager, may change the deadlines accordingly for when matters must be presented to the City Clerk for inclusion on the agenda.

Rule 21. The City Clerk shall prepare the minutes of the previous regular and/or special meetings and a calendar of all matters to come before the City Council at each meeting in accordance with the established order of business and shall deliver electronically or to the residence of each City Councillor a copy of the same not later than twenty-four hours prior to said meeting. On all matters on which there has been a roll-call vote, the minutes shall reflect the votes of the individual members.

Rule 22. The City Clerk is authorized by these rules to order and publish notice of hearings on petitions presented to the City Clerk regarding public hearings before the Council.


Rule 23A. At every regular meeting of this City Council, except for roundtable/working meetings, the order of business shall be as follows:

1. Public Comment.

2. Reading of the record, if requested by the City Council.

3. Motions for Reconsideration

4. Manager’s Consent Agenda

5. Communications from the City Manager (Manager’s Non-Consent Agenda)

6. Consent Policy Orders and Resolutions.

a. Non-Consent Policy Orders and Resolutions

7. Unfinished Business from preceding meetings

a. Charter Rights

b. On the Table

c. Unfinished Business

8. Consent Applications for permits or petitions which require City Council approval or referral.

a. Non-Consent Applications and Petitions.

9. Consent Communications (petitions, memorials and other communications from individuals, employees and others, which do not require action by the City Council).

a. Non-Consent Communications.

10. Consent Resolutions.

a. Non-Consent Resolutions

11. Committee Reports

12. Roundtable/working meeting minutes

13. Communications and Reports from City Officers

14. Announcements.

15. Adjournment.

Rule 23B. Requests to the City Manager for information regarding matters that have previously been referred to the City Manager for repair or replacement of items or attention to or implementation of matters which do not require City Council action shall not be placed on the agenda but shall be referred directly to the City Manager by the member making the request.

Rule 23C. At least six, no more than twelve meetings per year may be roundtable/working meetings; three of which will be with the School Committee. The date for a particular roundtable/working meeting shall be set by majority vote at a prior regular business meeting or at a special meeting. At a roundtable/working meeting, no votes shall be taken except upon a motion to adjourn. The roundtable/working meeting shall be broadcast on cable television and live streamed. The Mayor shall determine the agenda for the roundtable/working meeting in consultation with the City Manager and other members of the City Council.

Rule 23D. Public Comment.
1. Regular and Special Meetings

a. Under the provisions of Chapter 43, Section 98 of the General Laws, Tercentenary Edition, individuals and employees of the city shall have reasonable opportunity to be heard at regular and special meetings of the City Council in regard to any matter considered thereat. Opportunities for individuals and employees of the City to be heard at all regular and special meetings, except for roundtable/working meetings, shall be provided directly before the reading of the record, if requested by the City Council (submission of the record of the previous meeting). Members of the public may comment upon items in the following categories of business: Motions for Reconsideration, City Manager’s Consent Agenda, Unfinished Business from preceding meetings, Applications and Petitions requiring approval or referral by the City Council, Consent Resolutions, Consent Policy Orders and Resolutions relating to policy analysis or development, Committee Reports, Roundtable/Working Meeting Minutes, Communications and Reports from Other City Officers. Each speaker shall limit their comments to no more than three minutes. In the event there are 20 or more speakers signed up for public comment, the amount of time allocated would be two minutes. If there are more than 75 speakers, the amount of time allocated would be one minute. Individuals are not permitted to allocate the remainder of their time to other speakers.

b. Procedure: An individual may signup to speak before the City Council on-line via the City’s website from 9:00am on the Friday before the meeting until 6:00pm the day of the meeting or via telephone to the City Council office on the day of the meeting from 9:00am to 5:00pm. On the day of the meeting, between 5:00pm and 6:00pm, a computer terminal will be available to the public in the City Council Office for on-line signup until 6:00pm on the day of the meeting. There will be in-person assistance for those who need help signing up. The individual should indicate on the signup sheet their name, address, and which item(s) they are planning to address. Individuals will be heard in the order that they signed up whether they are participating in person or remotely.

2. Roundtable/working meetings.

Public comment shall not take place at roundtable/working meetings of the City Council, where no matter being discussed may be finally considered, in that no votes may be taken. Written comments will be accepted and made part of the record of the roundtable/working meeting. The opportunity for the public to make oral comments on items discussed at roundtable/working meetings shall be at the regular or special meeting at which the item may be considered for action by the City Council.

Rule 23E. Each Consent Agenda is voted on in its entirety, with no discussion. By request of a single City Councillor, item(s) may be removed for separate vote. Upon such request, the item will be moved to the appropriate section of the agenda. Placement of items on the City Manager’s Consent Agenda shall be determined by the City Manager. Placement of items on the Communications Consent Agenda shall be at the discretion of the City Clerk.

Rule 23F. The City Clerk shall include the written statement of the mission and goals or priorities of the City Council and the City Manager with the materials prepared for the agenda of the City Council for its weekly meeting.

Rule 24. The seats of the members of the City Council shall be determined by the Assistant to the City Council, based on seniority, in consultation with the members; no member shall change their seat but by permission of the Chair.


Rule 25. All communications, petitions, or resolutions addressed to the City Council, which require action by the City Council at its meeting shall be filed with the City Clerk. The City Clerk shall place all new communications on the agenda for the next regular City Council meeting. Upon receipt of a communication that is a substantially unchanged copy of a previously submitted communication, the City Clerk shall not place the communication on the agenda and shall transmit said communication to the Mayor. Any communication, petition, or resolution that does not meet the agenda deadline specified in Rule Twenty-One shall be held over for the subsequent City Council agenda unless it is of an emergency nature.

Rule 26. The Mayor shall appoint the standing committees of the City Council. The Mayor shall appoint a Chair for each committee and may appoint Co-Chairs for the committees that consist of at least five members. In the absence of the Chair and Co-Chair of the committee the most senior member in length of service or if more than one has so served then the member senior in both age and length of service who is present shall chair. The City Clerk or their designee shall staff each committee and where deemed appropriate, the Chair may request additional staff help through the City Manager.

Each committee shall meet regularly to review matters referred to it by the City Council or to take up other matters within its domain. To the extent possible, matters of policy shall be referred to the appropriate committee, so that careful study and consideration can be given to the subject matter. Where appropriate, the committee shall work with other committees of the City Council to assure the coordination of related aspects within the purview of those committees. The committee shall make policy and other recommendations to the City Council as a whole for discussion, consideration, and adoption. The committee may monitor implementation of City Council policies related to the subject matter within its purview as authorized by the City Council. If so authorized by the City Council, the committee may represent policy interests related to its subject matter at committees of the General Court of Massachusetts.

It is the goal of the City Council to involve individuals actively in the work of City government through these committees. All committees shall work with community and neighborhood groups and committees on issues that relate to these groups’ mandates and interests. The committee staff shall keep lists of interested parties and shall keep individuals informed of the meetings and deliberations of the committees.

The standing committees of the City Council shall be as follows:

ORDINANCE COMMITTEE – A committee of the whole consisting of the Mayor and eight City Councillors – the quorum shall be five members.

FINANCE COMMITTEE – A committee of the whole consisting of the Mayor and eight City Councillors – the quorum shall be five members.

GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS, RULES AND CLAIMS COMMITTEE - A committee of five City Councillors – the quorum shall be three members.

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND UNIVERSITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE – A committee of five City Councillors – the quorum shall be three members.

HOUSING COMMITTEE - A committee of five City Councillors – the quorum shall be three members.

CIVIC UNITY COMMITTEE - A committee of five City Councillors – the quorum shall be three members.

HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE - A committee of five City Councillors – the quorum shall be three members.

HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE AND VETERANS’ COMMITTEE - A committee of five City Councillors – the quorum shall be three members.

NEIGHBORHOOD AND LONG TERM PLANNING, PUBLIC FACILITIES, ART AND CELEBRATIONS COMMITTEE - A committee of five City Councillors – the quorum shall be three members.

PUBLIC SAFETY - A committee of five City Councillors – the quorum shall be three members.

TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - A committee of five City Councillors – the quorum shall be three members.

Rule 27. Every committee of the City Council to which any subject may be referred shall report on the subject within a reasonable time from the time of referral. Any committee report that has not been signed by the Chair of the committee within seven days after submission of the committee report by the City Clerk will be placed on the City Council agenda unsigned. In the case that the Chair of any committee shall fail for thirty (30) days from the time any subject has been referred to it to call a hearing of the committee, a quorum of the committee may call a hearing of said committee. Notice of all committee hearings must be given at least forty-eight (48) hours before the time of the hearing.

Rule 28. Minutes shall be kept of all committee proceedings. All minutes, reports, and papers shall be submitted to the City Council by the City Clerk or their designee. Recommendations of each committee shall be made to the City Council for consideration and adoption.

Rule 29. The Councillor first named thereto shall be the Chair of any committee of which they are a member, and in case of their resignation or inability to serve, another member of the committee shall be named by the Mayor.


Rule 30. No person will be admitted within the rail in the Sullivan Chamber or in Members’ Lobby connected with said chamber at any meeting of the City Council except upon permission of the Chair.


Rule 31A. Public hearings may be requested for matters of public interest or of legislative requirement. Public hearings may be held during regular business meetings of the City Council. The City Council shall refer such requests to a committee of the City Council. If the City Council deems it advisable, it may direct that the hearing be televised.

Rule 31B. The time devoted to public hearings shall not be more than two (2) hours at any one sitting. Any hearing not completed within the specified time may be continued to another meeting.

Any individual appearing before the City Council at a public hearing and claiming to represent another as agent or otherwise in the matter of being heard shall file with the City Council a written authorization signed by the individual, organization, or corporation whose interests such individual represents.

For matters where a public hearing is not required by law, the Chair shall determine if there will be public comment and when it will occur. For matters where a public hearing is not required by law, and the Chair has called for public comment, each speaker shall limit their comments to no more than three minutes. In the event there are 20 or more speakers signed up for public comment, the amount of time allocated would be two minutes. If there are more than 75 speakers, the amount of time allocated would be one minute. Individuals are not permitted to allocate the remainder of their time to other speakers. Speakers shall be required to address themselves solely to the issue(s) before the City Council for discussion.

For matters where a public hearing is required by law, including but not limited to amendments to the City’s Zoning Ordinance, amendments to the City’s Municipal Code, annual determinations of the percentages of local tax levy for real and personal property pursuant to G.L. c. 40, § 56, and hearings related to the submission and approval of the City’s annual budget pursuant to G.L. c. 44, §32, each speaker shall limit their comments to no more than three minutes. In the event there are 20 or more speakers signed up for public comment, the amount of time allocated would be two minutes. If there are more than 75 speakers, the amount of time allocated would be one minute. Individuals are not permitted to allocate the remainder of their time to other speakers. Speakers shall be required to address themselves solely to the issue(s) before the City Council for discussion.

In all hearings before the City Council, the case of the petitioner shall be submitted first, except in matters affecting acceptance of highways or taking by right of eminent domain.

Rule 31C. The Housing Committee will hold a public hearing to review the City Manager’s appointments to the Cambridge Housing Authority prior to the City Council confirmation on the appointments. The Neighborhood and Long-Term Planning, Public Facilities, Arts and Celebrations Committee, or other suitable committee, will hold a public hearing to review the City Manager’s appointments to the Cambridge Redevelopment Authority prior to the City Council confirmation of the appointments.

Rule 31D. Rules for Public Comment should be posted in a visible and prominent place both in person and online for the benefit of those wishing to participate in Public Comment.


Rule 32. All by-laws passed by the City Council shall be termed ordinances, and the enacting style shall be “Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Cambridge.” In all votes by which the City Council expresses anything by order or command the form of expression shall by “Ordered,” and in all votes by which the City Council expresses opinions, principles, facts or purposes, the form shall be “Resolved.”

Rule 33. The City Clerk shall determine the newspaper of the city in which shall be published any loan order or any ordinance.

Rule 34. Every ordinance and every order, resolution or vote shall after its passage remain in the possession of the City Clerk for thirty-six (36) hours after the day of the meeting for the purpose of giving any Councillor among those whose votes prevailed an opportunity to file notice of their intention to move reconsideration.


Rule 35A. Any of the foregoing rules with the exception of Rule 20 may be suspended at any meeting by a two-thirds yea and nay vote of the entire membership of the City Council, provided that suspension of the rules to take up an item of business out of order may be moved only one time per meeting by each member. This limitation does not apply to motions to suspend the rules to move reconsideration hoping the same does not prevail.

There shall be a roll call vote for suspension of the rules to consider late items. Items will be taken up at the end of the regular business meeting, after the regular order of business has been concluded. A late item should only be considered if it cannot wait until the next regular meeting.

Rule 35B. No amendments or additions to the rules may be enacted until at least seven days have elapsed from the date of the submission of the proposed changes or additions and require a majority vote of the entire membership of the City Council.


Rule 36. The City Council shall be governed by “Roberts’ Rules of Order” in all questions of parliamentary practice not provided for by these rules.


Rule 37.
1. No one shall delay or interrupt the proceedings or refuse to obey the orders of the presiding officer.

2. All persons shall refrain from any private conversation, which would interfere with the proper conduct of the meeting or hearing.

3. No food or beverages of any kind except water is permitted in the public section of the Sullivan Chamber.

4. Signs, posters and placards must remain outside the Sullivan Chamber.

5. People are admitted to the Sullivan Chamber up to the fire safety capacity of the room which includes the balcony. Overflow crowds may listen to the proceedings on loudspeakers and television provided in the hallway.

6. All persons shall confine their remarks to the question under debate. The following will not be tolerated: uttering fighting words, slander, unreasonably loud or repetitive speech, and/or speech so disruptive of City Council proceedings that the legislative process is substantially interrupted. Any person engaging in behavior that disrupts the proceedings such that the legislative process is substantially interrupted will be warned once by the Chair that if their disruptive behavior continues, they will be requested to withdraw from the meeting, and if the behavior continues, the speaker will be asked to withdraw from the meeting. If the speaker does not withdraw from the meeting as requested by the Chair, the Chair may authorize a constable or other officer to remove the person from the meeting.

7. All rules of decorum and conduct for comment established by these rules shall be applicable to all individuals attending a meeting or hearing.

8. Every person addressing the City Council should speak into the microphone and should state the person’s name and address in an audible tone of voice for the record. All remarks shall be addressed to the City Council as a body through the Chair, and not to any individual member thereof.

9. While in the Sullivan Chamber, all persons with cell phones, pagers or other devices emitting audible signals shall either set the device to a non-audible signal mode or turn off the device.


Rule 38. The City Council’s travel and incidental expenses thereto shall be approved by five members of the City Council through the budget process. All individual expenses will be substantiated by receipts and requests for payments will be approved by the City Auditor prior to reimbursement. The City Auditor shall be required to keep copies of Travel Expense Reports for all City Council travel expenditures reimbursed by the City and make the same available on request to all interested persons. The City Council may adopt a Travel Policy consistent with this rule to specify acceptable travel arrangements and limitations on reimbursable expenses.

Cambridge City Council
Travel Policy as Amended

1. Introduction
The City Council recognizes the value of travel for purposes clearly related to the overall improvement of the City and travel for the purpose of assisting the individual City Councillor in performing their official duties. City Council travel should be as economical as possible.

2. City Council Travel Budget
The City Council will set a total amount for annual travel expenses, based on the amount it considers reasonable for each member to expend each year for travel which relates to city business. The Executive Assistant to the City Council shall keep individual travel budgets for each City Councillor, to which an equal allocation of the total travel budget shall be made.

a. Travel plans for which the individual City Councillor expects reimbursement up to the amount budgeted for an individual Councillor do not require pre-approval by the City Council. except that there will be no reimbursement for travel outside the continental United States without prior approval of the City Council.

b. A member of the City Council who anticipates utilizing more than the total annual amount budgeted for their travel must request approval from the City Council for funding for additional travel relating to the member’s duties or official capacity as a City Councillor. Said request shall be made by submission of a proposed order for the City Council’s consideration and vote at a regular business meeting.

c. The Mayor’s travel budget is approved separately, and mayoral expenses are not included in the City Council travel budget. In all other respects, the travel policy applies to the entire City Council, including the Mayor.

3. Travel Arrangements
All arrangements for air travel, lodging and rental cars will be made by the Executive Assistant to the City Council and the Assistant to the Mayor, and not by individual City Councillors, except in unusual or unforeseen circumstance, or where the individual City Councillor is able to make a less expensive travel arrangement. Sound business practices should be followed at all times.

Councillors should provide as much advance notice of travel requirements as possible to enable the staff to obtain advantageous rates for airfares, conference registration and lodging.

Travel arrangements should be made by government or convention rates whenever possible. Care should be taken to make cost effective arrangements, such as utilizing super-saver rates. The City will pay only for standard hotel rooms, standard or “coach” A (no premium or First Class) airfare and midsize rental cars. The City will not pay for flight insurance. All additional costs caused by family members or other persons traveling with the City Council member will be the obligation of the City Councillor.

Economical travel is favored. If by extending travel through Saturday, airfare savings exceed additional hotel, meals, car rental and other expenses, then such an extension is allowed.

4. Travel Expense Reimbursement
All payments to City Councillor for their City Council travel expenses shall be by reimbursement. No expenses will be reimbursed without proper documentation and an expense report. City Councillors shall utilize the City of Cambridge Travel Expense Report required by the City Manager for all City Employee travel.

Proper documentation must include itemized receipts, except for the food category when an alternative reimbursement allowance is requested. The expense report must clearly state the purpose of the travel. Allowance amounts are as follows:

Transportation: Air or Rail
Standard or economy fare.
Related ground travel: Actual cost of trips between home – airport/train station, airport/train station – lodging and returns.

Transportation: Personal Automobile
Travel by personal automobile will be reimbursed per mile up to 450 miles one way at the City’s per mile reimbursement rate in effect at the time of the trip. The City will also reimburse toll expenses upon production of the relevant receipts. The City will only reimburse one day’s worth of per diem expenses for each leg of a trip except in cases of extraordinary and unforeseen events such as extreme weather that cause an unexpected delay in travel.

Standard single occupancy. If travel is part of a convention, choose either the convention hotels or alternative hotels with rates within the range of the convention hotels. If not part of a convention, choose by informal quote procedure. Short-term rental, internet and access fees are allowable.

Actual expenses based on detailed and reasonable itemized receipts for each City Councillor or $100.00 per diem without itemized receipts. The City will not pay for alcohol. Where bill includes reimbursable food expenses and non-reimbursable alcohol expenses, the receipt should clearly identify what portion of the bill is reimbursable.

Ground Transportation
Taxis and Ride Hail Services

Reimbursement will be for actual expenses. Taxi and ride hail service receipts must be properly completed and signed by the individual City Councillor.

Rental Automobiles
Reimbursement for non-luxury midsize automobiles. Any upgrades must be paid by the individual City Councillors.

Miscellaneous Business Expenses
This category includes tips, telephone calls, parking, etc. Any individual expense over $15 must be documented.

The Auditor shall reject or adjust any receipts that he or she deems excessive or not properly documented.

Reimbursement shall not be approved under any circumstances for the following:

Alcoholic Beverages
Laundry & Dry Cleaning
Barber, Hairdresser, Manicure or Bootblack
Newspapers or Magazines
Articles of Apparel
Pay Per View Television
Conference events not related to the business travel


Rule 39. That Home Rule Petitions are sent to the entire Cambridge delegation.