2023 City Council Agenda Notes - January to June
(transferred from main Council Notes page)
Here’s the rundown of interesting agenda items before the players run away:
Manager’s Agenda #2. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Proposed Clarifications to Building Energy Use Disclosure Ordinance Amendments discussed at the June 12, 2023 Council Meeting. (CM23#191) [Manager’s memo] [June 22 BEUDO Amendment – clean version] [June 22 BEUDO Amendment – redline version]
pulled by Zondervan; Rules suspended 9-0 to bring forward Unfinished Business #5, Communications & Reports #3; BEUDO Proposal amended 9-0 with CDD language; Amendment by Mallon, Simmons, Toner, and McGovern re: hardships w/hospitals, large health/elder care facilities, and houses of worship (CR#3) - Nolan objects (with a speech), Carlone objects, Siddiqui objects, Amendment Fails 4-5 (AM,MM,DS,PT-Yes; BA,DC,PN,QZ,SS-No); Proposed Amendment to remove residential apartment buildings from Councillors Toner, McGovern and Simmons - Nolan objects (with a speech asserting that at some point the BEUDO restrictions will be made to apply to all residential buildings all the way down to single-family homes, calls those who disagree fear-mongers); Azeem doesn’t like fact that condo owners contacted but not renters; Carlone questions CDD and Ms. Rasmussen explains that all residential buildings will eventually be targeted - especially at any point of sale, time of lease, or time of renovation - with deadlines; Zondervan objects to amendment; Siddiqui asks CDD if they have additional recommendations, Farooq explains why CDD wants to include apartment buildings but exclude condo buildings; City Manager calls this doable, yet quotes use of RECs (Renewable Energy Credits) in Boston - a tax that can be used as a workaround when non-compliant; Toner wants to exclude all large apartment buildings with presumption that they will be addressed soon; McGovern says they'll go after a single-family home BEUDO mandate soon enough; Nolan asks if dorms would be covered; Farooq talks of voluntary inclusion of dorms by universities [recess], CDD proposes change to campus definition; Toner amendment Fails 4-4-1 (BA,AM,MM,PT-Yes; DC,PN,QZ,SS-No; DS-Absent); CDD Amendment Approved 9-0; On Rules Suspension to allow Simmons to vote on previous (Toner) amendment it is noteworthy that DC,PN,QZ,SS voted against suspension in order to prevent Simmons from casting her (deciding) vote, suspension prevails 5-4; Simmons recorded as Yes, so Toner amendment Prevails 5-4 (BA,AM,MM,PT,DS-Yes; DC,PN,QZ,SS-No); Nolan amendment Approved 9-0; Zondervan proposed amendment to move Net Zero deadlines up to 2025 and 2030 for New Covered Buildings; Nolan expresses appreciation of proposal and desire that no new building use fossil fuels; CDD expresses reservations about amendment and its aggressive standard, challenges buildings will have in meeting this standard - noting the use of “carbon credit” and other compliance taxes as workarounds; Azeem says this is all new to him and hard for him to support tonight, suggests referring to committee along with his desire to have BEUDO apply to all residential buildings; Mallon not supportive of amendment; Zondervan moves to refer his amendment to Ordinance Committee, Mallon objects to referral and suggests including this in discussion of Fossil-Free Demonstration proposal; McGovern notes that electric grid currently maxed-out and 85% fueled by fossil fuels (which makes all of this downright comical); Carlone cries crisis again; City Manager suggests that Council should do a better job at process of policy-making - either pass BEUDO now as it is and save Zondervan proposal for a later day, or delay passage of BEUDO; Motion to refer Zondervan amendment to Ordinance Committee Prevails 5-4 (BA,DC,PN,QZ,SS-Yes; AM,MM,PT,DS-No); Siddiqui confused about suspension of the rules (clearly motivated by those who did not want Simmons to be allowed to vote); Glowa explains that while a 2/3 vote needed for suspension of the rules, in this case it was technical difficulties on part of Simmons that prevented her from voting; McGovern notes how offensive it would be to prevent Simmons from voting in order to have your way; Toner notes that the recess was partly responsible for the difficulties; Azeem notes that councillors should be generous toward their colleagues; Nolan coldly says that we should follow our rules (really cold, and typically manipulative from Councillor Nolan); Zondervan wants to redo the vote on suspension; Simmons speaks of collegiality. Siddiqui calls for Reconsideration on previous motion to suspend rules - Reconsideration Prevails 7-2 (Carlone, Nolan - No); on Third Attempt, Toner amendment Prevails 6-3 (BA,DC,AM,MM,PT,DS-Yes; PN,QZ,SS-No); They screwed up yet again because of Carlone’s inattention, so another Reconsideration - Prevails 9-0; on Fourth Attempt, Toner amendment Prevails 5-4 (BA,AM,MM,PT,DS-Yes; DC,PN,QZ,SS-No); Simmons, Toner, McGovern, Zondervan, Carlone, Mallon, Nolan, Azeem, Siddiqui speeches; On Final Ordination of BEUDO as Amended: 8-0-0-1 (Simmons - Present); Reconsideration Fails 1-8 (Simmons - Yes); Mgr #2 Placed on File 9-0; Comm & Reports #3 Placed on File 9-0
On The Table #5. Proposed amendment to BEUDO. [Tabled – June 12, 2023]
Removed from Table 9-0; Placed on File 9-0
Unfinished Business #6. Ordinance entitled “Building Energy Use,” Chapter 8.67 of the Municipal Code of the City of Cambridge Building Energy Use Disclosure and Emission Reductions BEUDO (Ordinance 2021-26). [Passed to 2nd Reading June 5, 2023; To Be Ordained on or after June 26, 2023]
BEUDO Proposal amended 9-0 with CDD language; Amendment by Mallon, Simmons, Toner, and McGovern re: hardships w/hospitals, large health/elder care facilities, and houses of worship (CR#3) Fails 4-5 (AM,MM,DS,PT-Yes; BA,DC,PN,QZ,SS-No); Toner amendment to remove residential apartment buildings Prevails 5-4 (BA,AM,MM,PT,DS-Yes; DC,PN,QZ,SS-No); On Final Ordination of BEUDO as Amended: 8-0-0-1 (Simmons - Present); Reconsideration Fails 1-8 (Simmons - Yes); Mgr #2 Placed on File 9-0; Comm & Reports #3 Placed on File 9-0
Communications & Reports #3. A communication was received from Vice Mayor Mallon, transmitting proposed amendments to the Building Energy Use Disclosure Ordinance. Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Toner, Councillor Simmons
Placed on File 9-0
Late Policy Order #8. Policy Order re: creating a BEUDO Compliance Advisory Committee. Councillor Simmons, Councillor Toner
comments by Simmons; Charter Right - Azeem
The word on the street is that some version of BEUDO has the simple majority votes needed to pass. This really should be renamed “Building Energy Use Mandatory Retrofit Ordinance” (BEUMRO) or something similar because this is no longer just about “disclosure”.
Manager’s Agenda #3. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to a Fossil Fuel Free Demonstration pilot. [Fossil Fuel Free Council Submission for June 26 2023] [225 CMR 24.00 (Updated)5.10.23] [Model Rule - Fossil Fuel Free Demonstration Project 5.10.23]
pulled by Zondervan; Rules suspended 9-0 to bring forward Charter Right #1 (with modified language); Comments by Zondervan, Toner, Simmons, Carlone, McGovern (on claims that “celebrity chefs” support this - really?), Nolan (who claims that there has been outreach over many years in support of this - really?, and also equates this with worker health?); Rasmussen (CDD) claims that outreach is being done and that she would like this to be ordained at Summer Meeting; Substitute Language Approved 7-2 (DS,PT-No); Passed to 2nd Reading 7-1-0-1 (Toner - No, Simmons - Present); Referred to Ordinance Committee 7-1-0-1 (Toner - No, Simmons - Present)
Charter Right #1. Fossil Fuel-Free Demonstration Pilot. [Charter Right – Zondervan, June 12, 2023]
Substitute Language Approved 7-2 (DS,PT-No); Passed to 2nd Reading 7-1-0-1 (Toner - No, Simmons - Present); Referred to Ordinance Committee 7-1-0-1 (Toner - No, Simmons - Present)
As the proposal states: “the Fossil Fuel-Free Demonstration is to restrict and prohibit new building construction and major renovation projects that are not fossil fuel-free.” This basically would mean that unless large wind turbines sprout up and massive solar arrays cover the city, all new buildings will be forced to rely on an increasingly unreliable electric grid. I can’t even get Eversource to restore the feed to my building that failed over 8 years ago, so Good Luck Cambridge!
Manager’s Agenda #4. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appointment of the following person as a member of the Foundry Advisory Committee (FAC). This appointment is for a term of three years; Jameson Johnson.
Appointment Approved 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #5. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appointment of the following persons as members of the Community Preservation Act (CPA) Committee. These appointments are for five years: Elaine DeRosa, Kathy Watkins, Taha Jennings, and David Lyons.
Appointments Approved 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #11. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appointment of the following persons as members of the Community Benefits Advisory Committee. These appointments are for three years; Anya Bear and Elena Sokolow Kaufman.
Appointments Approved 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #14. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appointments of the following persons as a members of the Planning Board. These appointments are for five years; Mary Lydecker, Ashley Tan, Tom Sieniewicz, Adam Westbrook, and Diego Macias.
pulled by Siddiqui; Appointments Approved 9-0
I would love to learn more about the criteria used to select the new Planning Board appointees. I still recall the Government Operations Committee meeting last year where councillors expressed concerns about possibly embarrassing an appointee by exercising their new veto power in open session. It was suggested at that time that they might prevent such discomfort by privately communicating their concerns to the City Manager outside of any open meetings. I have no idea if that’s how things are now playing out, but I do worry that for significant appointments such as the Planning Board, adherence to the agenda of a political group could well be the hidden test.
Manager’s Agenda #6. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to an order requesting the rescission of the remaining amount [$2,600,000] of the loan order authorized by the City Council on May 23,2016 for the construction of the King Open/Cambridge Street Schools & Community Complex.
pulled by Siddiqui; Order Adopted 7-0-1-1 (Azeem - Absent; Simmons - Present)
Manager’s Agenda #12. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 21-60, regarding the review of the Parking Permit Program.
pulled by Toner; comments by Toner, Simmons, Azeem, Nolan; additional clarification from Brooke McKenna; Placed on File 9-0
This addresses the abuse of the Resident Parking Permit Program that had vehicles being rented out on a peer to peer car sharing model as part of a business enterprise. Nothing like using our dwindling supply of on-street parking to run a car rental business. Enough!
Manager’s Agenda #13. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report #23-29, regarding the legal opinion for issuing bonds for affordable housing.
pulled by Zondervan; comments by Zondervan (It’s not a hard “No”), Nolan; clarification by City Solicitor Nancy Glowa (It is a hard “No”); Placed on File 9-0
I can hear the hearts breaking among councillors who would like nothing better than to dip even further into the pockets of residential and commercial taxpayers to the tune of the half billion dollars that had been suggested. Solicitor: “Therefore, given that there is no general statutory authority to borrow for the purpose of affordable housing, if the City wishes to borrow for such purpose and does not want to do so under the specific statutory authority available under Chapter 44B, the City would be required to seek special legislation.” I can almost hear the fingers tapping on the keyboards drafting yet another Home Rule Petition to gather dust on Beacon Hill.
Manager’s Agenda #15. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to a Planning Board report recommending that the City Council not adopt the Franklin, et al., Zoning Petition.
Referred to Petition 9-0
Among other things, the Planning Board report has this to say: “Board members were unsure as to whether the proposed zoning changes would actually have the effect of reducing housing costs. Board members expressed concern that the proposed changes could have the opposite effect, resulting in the creation of more high end units, as the development potential of the parcels would also be increased. There was also some doubt expressed about whether the dimensional standards proposed were the “right ones”, and Board members expressed support for studying the proposed standards in greater detail to understand if they would complement the existing, prevailing development pattern in many parts of the City.” … “Many Board members felt that the Petition was too broad-brush to be particularly effective. Board members agreed that an overhaul of the City’s zoning should be accompanied by detailed study and a more robust public involvement process than what exists in a public hearing process as part of a zoning petition.” – True that.
Manager’s Agenda #16. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to PO23#49, regarding the review of multi-family properties on the market for potential affordable housing acquisitions.
pulled by Carlone; remarks by Carlone, Chris Cotter (CDD Housing), Nolan; Placed on File 9-0
The Manager’s communication is worth the read, but at some point everyone should take a step back and consider what the net effect and unintended consequences of this and related proposals (AHO on steroids, real estate transfer tax, dedicating 10% of the entire City Operating Budget, etc.) might be. It’s hard to “Envision”.
Manager’s Agenda #17. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to an update on Summer Programs. [text of report]
pulled by Simmons; comments by Simmons; comments by Liz Speakman (Community Safety Department), Ellen Semonoff, City Manager Huang, Carlone; Placed on File 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #18. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 23-37, regarding a Policy of Releasing Names of Officers and Use of Force. [text of report]
pulled by Zondervan; mumbling comments by Zondervan (wants to know when inquest will be completed, wants to know why officer names cannot be released); clarification by Police Commissioner Christine Elow, City Manager Huang, City Solicitor Glowa (notes that restriction by court applies to release of officer names); Placed on File 9-0
The Party for Socialism & Liberation kids will not be pleased. The adults in the room will continue to honor due process.
Manager’s Agenda #19. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to request that the City Council vote to designate the members of the Charter Review Committee as special municipal employees pursuant to G.L. c. 268A.
pulled by Siddiqui; clarification by City Solicitor Glowa; Order Adopted 8-0-1 (Mallon - Absent)
I don’t get this. These are volunteers.
Charter Right #2. Golf Course Demographic Information PO. [Charter Right – Zondervan, June 12, 2023] (PO23#117)
comments by Zondervan (who invokes “racism”), Nolan, Toner, Simmons (what will we do with this information?); Order Adopted 5-4 (BA,DC,PN,QZ,SS-Yes; AM,MM,DS,PT-No)
As I said two weeks ago: “I don’t really know how we got to the point of recording racial and other characteristics of people who choose to play golf. This is madness. Let’s also not forget that City Council Order from January 2022 that suggested closing part of the golf course in favor of such things as high density affordable housing development. That original Order was proposed by Councillors Nolan, Carlone, Zondervan, and Azeem.”
Charter Right #3. That the City Manager is requested to amend the Cambridge Math Circle budget up by $100,000 annually. [Charter Right – Toner, June 12, 2023] (PO23#118)
comments by Toner, Carlone, Mallon; Rules suspended to bring forward Comm & Reports #2; Mallon objects to this Order because “other nonprofits” not getting this funding; comments by Simmons, McGovern, Nolan, Siddiqui, Carlone (who notes that Council was OK with asking for add’l funding for CHA), Azeem; Order Adopted 5-4 (BA,DC,PN,QZ,SS-Yes; AM,MM,DS,PT-No)
Communications & Reports #2. A communication was received from Councillor Dennis Carlone, transmitting a document with supplementary information about Cambridge Math Circle. (COF23#114)
Charter Right #4. City Council support for MIT GSU’s right to a fair contract. [Charter Right – Toner, June 12, 2023] (PO23#119)
comments by Toner, Zondervan (accusing Toner of being a “union buster”), McGovern, Simmons; Toner Proposed Amendments (striking several “WHEREAS” clauses) Fail 2-7 (DS,PT-Yes); Order Adopted 8-0-0-1 (Toner-Present)
177 Communications - mainly AHO and Bike Lanes
Resolution #12. Congratulations to David J. Kale on his retirement from the City of Cambridge. Councillor Toner, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Simmons, Councillor Carlone
I’ll miss seeing David around City Hall, but I hope to see him around town so that we can continue our regular conversations about baseball (and occasionally municipal finance and other crunchy topics).
Order #1. That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to work with the Law Department to review the proposed amended ordinance language and to work with the Law Department and the Historical Commission to provide an explanation of the legal standard that is used to compel changes or deny projects reviewed by the Historical Commission or Neighborhood Conservation District Commissions and report back to the full City Council by Aug 7, 2023. Councillor Zondervan, Councillor McGovern
Order Adopted 8-0-1 (Carlone - Absent)
I continue to have serious concerns about the efforts of some activists to eviscerate historic preservation in this historic city.
Order #2. That the City Manager is requested to issue an RFP calling for an agency that will lead the City through a community process with all stakeholders that will include community education, feedback, location possibilities, and potential legal issues as it relates to Overdose Prevention Centers. Councillor McGovern, Councillor Zondervan, Vice Mayor Mallon
Order Adopted 8-0-1 (Carlone - Absent)
Committee Report #1. The Human Services and Veterans Committee held a public hearing on Tues, June 13, 2023 from 3:00pm-5:00pm to discuss Overdose Prevention Sites, previously referred to as Safe Consumption Sites. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 8-0-1 (Carlone - Absent)
Councillor McGovern wants desperately to site such a facility in the heart of Central Square. As I have often said at various meeting regarding the future of Central Square: “We should plan for the Central Square we would like to see in the future, and not around those things we feel we are stuck with in the present.” You can change the names all you like, but this is basically a Drug Abuse Enabling Center.
Order #4. That the City Manager is requested to work with relevant departments, local business associations, and local businesses to communicate to all retail businesses operating in Cambridge to encourage them to keep doors closed when operating cooling systems and inform them of other energy saving tools. Councillor Nolan, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Zondervan
Order Adopted 8-0-1 (Carlone - Absent)
What, no mandate? No ordinance? No fine?
Order #5. That the City Manager is requested to consider measures to improve the Cycling Safety Ordinance Business Impact Study. Councillor Nolan, Councillor Zondervan, Councillor McGovern, Vice Mayor Mallon
pulled by Toner; comments by Nolan; Charter Right - Toner
Translation – Please pay no attention to what residents and businesses are actually saying and experiencing.
Order #6. That the Human Services & Veterans Committee hold a public hearing to discuss options for addressing the situation at Central House. Councillor Zondervan, Councillor McGovern, Mayor Siddiqui
Order Adopted, Referred to Human Services & Veterans Committee 8-0-1 (Carlone - Absent)
FYI – “Central House” is the Central Square YMCA building.
Order #7. That the City Council go on record in enthusiastic support of H.R.1433, the Philippine Human Rights Act, and in urging Representatives Katherine Clark and Ayanna Pressley to co-sponsor the existing bill. Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Carlone
pulled by Nolan; comments by Zondervan; Charter Right - Zondervan
Councillor Azeem announced recently that he would no longer be voting for foreign policies Orders such as this one. Regardless of sentiments expressed in Orders such as this, they really have no place in the Sullivan Chamber. - Robert Winters
Late Resolution #16. Condolences to the family of Saundra Graham. Councillor Simmons, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Toner
comments by Simmons, McGovern; Resolution Adopted 8-0-1 (Carlone - Absent)
Late Resolution #18. Resolution on the death of Norman Thomas McIver. Councillor Toner
Resolution Adopted 8-0-1 (Carlone - Absent)
Tis the season for pushing through political agendas prior to the ever-important business of gathering nomination signatures and soliciting support during the lead-up to the November municipal election. Here are the items that struck me this week like a velocipede blowing through a red light:
Manager’s Agenda #1. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the proposed structure for the Cambridge Community Electricity program (CCE) for the period 2024-2025. [presentation]
pulled by Nolan; comments by PN, QZ, BA, DS; Placed on File 8-0-1 (SS-Absent)
Manager’s Agenda #3. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 23-31, regarding potential amendments to the Affordable Housing Overlay (AHO).
pulled by Zondervan; comments by QZ, MM, DC, Iram Farooq explains that CDD supports disparate zoning standards for different developers; Mallon cuts off Carlone’s questions; Carlone explains that City purchasing land for the purpose of building mixed-use projects would be the preferred route; Simmons and Azeem are all-in for “sky’s the limit” amendments to AHO; Nolan expresses concern about changes to open space and setback requirements; Farooq comments sound almost like she works for the housing developers; AM comments; Amended language adopted as a City Council zoning petition 8-0-1 (SS-Absent); Referred to Planning Board and Ordinance Committee 5-3-1 (BA,AM,MM,DS,QZ-Yes; DC,PN,PT-No; SS-Absent)
The ABC propagandists have been lighting up their mailing lists over this proposal to accelerate the transition from relatively dense residential housing to extra-high density subsidized housing in the Squares and along all of the major “corridors” in Cambridge. Expect a long line of Zoom speakers reading scripted comments. It should be noted that this proposal is not currently in the queue of proposed zoning amendments. It is likely that some version of this will now be put in the queue to be considered during the next several months and likely be woven prominently into upcoming political campaign propaganda and used to malign anyone who opposed or even questions to “wisdom” of the proposal.
A sampler of what is proposed:
We really need to ask that a new hand be dealt in this November’s municipal election.
Manager’s Agenda #4. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Policy Order 2023 #81 directing City staff to recommend what new city regulations and council action or changes to existing regulations or ordinances are needed to put in place in order to implement the Craig Kelley et al. Zoning Petition for residential car sharing and renting of EV charging stations. [cover letter] [CDD memo] [Solicitor’s Legal Opinion]
pulled by Nolan; Unf. Bus. #2 before Council; comments by Nolan; Petition language amended by substitution of CDD language 8-0-1 (SS-Absent); QZ, DC comments; Ordained as Amended 7-1-1 (DC-No; SS-Absent)
Unfinished Business #2. An Ordinance has been received from Craig Kelley et al, relative to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cambridge regarding EV and car share Zoning change. [Passed to 2nd Reading May 15, 2023; To Be Ordained on or after June 5, 2023; Expires Aug 1, 2023] (ORD23#2) [First Publication]
Petition language amended by substitution of CDD language 8-0-1 (SS-Absent); QZ, DC comments; Ordained as Amended 7-1-1 (DC-No; SS-Absent)
As I have stated before, this is a fundamentally good idea with potential unintended consequences - not the least of which would be resident homeowners with parking spaces relocating their vehicles to on-street parking in order to operate their EV-equipped driveways and yards as a commercial enterprise. I am sure that apps will follow to direct people to these addresses just like Airbnb and Waze. Another question would be whether a portion of the residential property should then be taxed at commercial property tax rates.
Manager’s Agenda #5. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 23-27, regarding the Charter Review Timeline Legal Opinion Request. [Solicitor’s Legal Opinion]
pulled by Nolan; comments by Nolan, Zondervan, Azeem; responses by City Solicitor Nancy Glowa, Election Commission Exec. Director Tanya Ford-Crump; Nolan expresses desire to have a Special Election in 2024; Placed on File 8-0-1 (SS-Absent)
Late Order #8. That the City Manager is requested to have the Legal Department answer several questions related to the timeline on voting a possible charter change. Councillor Nolan
comments by PN, MM, DC; Order Adopted 6-1-1-1 (QZ-No, SS-Absent, DS-Present)
Under G.L. c. 43B, §11, a proposed charter amendment approved by the City Council pursuant to a two-thirds vote and approved by the Attorney General shall be submitted to the voters for their approval or disapproval at the “first regular city election” … “held at least two months after the order proposing such charter amendment becomes effective.” (Nov 4, 2025 at the earliest) An alternative would be that “Upon local approval by vote of the City Council, the charter or charter change can be filed as a bill by a member of the City’s delegation to the General Court, with the bill proceeding through the legislative process in the same manner as other legislation. … The special legislation, if passed by the Massachusetts General Court and enacted and signed by the Governor, would then go before the voters on the next municipal ballot.” … “The election on potential amendments to the City’s charter could theoretically be conducted during either the City’s biennial municipal election or the City’s biennial state election, depending on the final language in the home rule petition that the state legislature approves and the Governor signs. Likewise, the language … does not preclude the City from requesting a special election on potential charter amendments in its home rule petition to the state legislature. … The state legislature may object to a local election detracting from the state/federal election in the state’s fourth largest municipality. Tanya Ford, the Executive Director of the Election Commission, has noted that conducting two simultaneous separate elections on the same day would also require increasing staffing and resources.”
I don’t believe that the current City Council would be so reckless as to rush through such an important matter, but there are clearly precedents for such recklessness.
Manager’s Agenda #6. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the recommendation of the following appointments and reappointments of members to the Avon Hill, Half-Crown-Marsh, and Mid Cambridge Neighborhood Conservation District (NCD) Commissions. These appointments are for three years and are effective June 12, 2023 unless otherwise noted; Levin Campbell, Ruby Booz, Aaron Kemp, Donna Marcantonio, James Van Sickle, Kathryn Moll, Nan Laird, Catherine Tice and Charles Redmon
Appointments Adopted 8-0-1 (SS-Absent)
Manager’s Agenda #7. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appointments and reappointments of the following person as members of the Commission on Immigrant Rights and Citizenship (CIRC) Commission for a term of three years effective June 12, 2023; Maximus Daniel De Medici, Debra Klein, Vanessa Sarmiento, Tsamchoe Dolma and Ana D. Mejia
Appointments Adopted 8-0-1 (SS-Absent)
Manager’s Agenda #8. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appointment of the following persons as members of the Public Arts Commission (PAC) for a term of three years, effective June 12, 2023; Diana Smith, John Ravenal, Frank Shirley, Jennifer Lawrence, Gabrielle Domb and Keisha Greaves.
Appointments Adopted 8-0-1 (SS-Absent)
Will this be the moment when the City Council invokes its veto power to reject volunteers to City boards who fail to meet their ideological and other tests? Even more problematic (and as suggested in prior meetings of the Government Operations Committee), are city councillors quietly vetting candidates prior to the City Manager’s appointments? Inquiring minds would like to know. How might that jibe with the usual claims of “transparency” - let alone the Open Meeting Law? We are currently in unchartered waters.
Manager’s Agenda #10. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the establishment of a Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) Stabilization Fund.
Order Adopted 8-0-1 (SS-Absent)
Manager’s Agenda #11. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $10,000,000 from Free Cash to the Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) Stabilization Fund. Funds appropriated to and held by the UPK Stabilization Fund, will be expended for the provision of programs and services related to establishing, maintaining and expanding a Universal Pre-Kindergarten program and other early childhood programs in the City of Cambridge.
Order Adopted 8-0-1 (SS-Absent)
Manager’s Agenda #12. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $1,000,000 from Free Cash to the Public Investment Fund Department of Public Works Extraordinary Expenditures account for technical assistance in assessing and implementing the City’s Building Energy Use Disclosure Ordinance (BEUDO) for new and existing City-owned buildings.
Order Adopted 8-0-1 (SS-Absent)
Manager’s Agenda #13. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $250,000 from Free Cash to the Public Investment Fund Department of Public Works Extraordinary Expenditures account, for a conditions assessment and preliminary feasibility study for the City’s property at 119 Windsor Street.
pulled by Zondervan; comments by QZ; responses from Deputy City Manager Owen O’Riordan; Order Adopted 8-0-1 (SS-Absent)
Manager’s Agenda #14. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $660,866.80 from Free Cash to the Public Investment Fund Public Works Extraordinary Expenditures account. Funding will support projects to convert inefficient lighting to energy-saving LEDs at the Healy Public Safety Building, Main Library, Alice K Wolf Building, Longfellow-Broadway School and First Street Garage.
pulled by Nolan; comments by PN, BA, DC, QZ; Order Adopted 8-0-1 (SS-Absent)
“As of June 12, 2023, the City’s Free Cash balance is $142,269,242 from an initial certified amount of $199,259,756.” These appropriations would further reduce that. Many people have also suggested that substantial commercial tax abatements may be forthcoming which would, presumably, further reduce our unreserved fund balance.
Charter Right #1. That the Transportation and Public Utilities and Neighborhood & Long-Term Planning, Public Facilities, Arts & Celebration Committees work with the City Manager and appropriate city departments and staff, to hold a joint hearing to receive input from city staff and the community to review the effectiveness and develop recommendations on methods to collect data and establish measurable benchmarks and standards as it relates to the Cycling Safety Ordinance. [Charter Right – Azeem, June 5, 2023]
Azeem comments and amendments; Toner, Nolan, Zondervan, Carlone, McGovern comments; original sponsors added to substitute order 7-1-1 (QZ-No, SS-Absent); Amendments Adopted 7-1-1 (QZ-No, SS-Absent); Order Adopted as Amended 7-1-1 (QZ-No, SS-Absent)
This should again bring lots of public comment. The only real question is what particular phrasing Councillor Azeem will propose to effectively say “that under no circumstance shall any data collected, benchmarks, or standards in any way alter any provisions or timelines of the Cycling Safety Ordinance. “and the Judge wasn’t going to look at the twenty seven eight-by-ten color glossy pictures with the circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one was to be used as evidence…”
Unfinished Business #3. Ordinance entitled “Building Energy Use,” Chapter 8.67 of the Municipal Code of the City of Cambridge Building Energy Use Disclosure and Emission Reductions BUEDO (Ordinance 2021-26) [Passed to 2nd Reading June 5, 2023; To Be Ordained on or after June 26, 2023] [First Publication]
Order #1. Proposed amendment to BEUDO. Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Nolan, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Carlone
pulled by Zondervan; comments by QZ who wanted to exercise Charter Right (cannot), Tabled 7-1-1 (PT-No, SS-Absent)
Order #2. Fossil Fuel Free Demonstration Pilot. Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Nolan
pulled by Zondervan; comments by MM, QZ; Charter Right - Zondervan
Regarding these proposals, I refer you to the remarks of Patrick Barrett who understands these issues far better than any of the currently elected city councillors. It’s getting beyond tiresome when late amendments arrive with virtually zero time for members of the public and affected property owners to digest them.
Order (withdrawn). That the City Manager is requested to work with the Executive Director of the Cambridge Housing Authority to extend the deadline for submitting applications to fill the Resident Board Member vacancy on the CHA Board of Commissioners, and to invite the Alliance of Cambridge Tenants to submit a list of names for this position. Councillor Zondervan
The deadline has already been extended. Meanwhile, the “Alliance of Cambridge Tenants” is in chaos with some of its most prominent figures either resigning or being excluded. It would seem that the Cambridge Housing Authority is exercising an alternative option by posting the open position in the common spaces of all of its properties. It’s also quite possible that the current board member may be reappointed which would make this whole matter moot.
Order #3. Golf Course Demographic Information PO. Councillor Zondervan, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Carlone
pulled by Toner; comments by QZ, PT, PN, DC, MM, AM; Charter Right - Zondervan
I don’t really know how we got to the point of recording racial and other characteristics of people who choose to play golf. This is madness. Let’s also not forget that City Council Order from January 2022 that suggested closing part of the golf course in favor of such things as high density affordable housing development. That original Order was proposed by Councillors Nolan, Carlone, Zondervan, and Azeem.
Order #4. That the City Manager is requested to amend the Cambridge Math Circle budget up by $100,000 annually. Councillor Carlone, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Nolan
pulled by Carlone; comments by DC, PN (add as cosponsor), PT; Charter Right - Toner
This is a worthwhile proposal definitely worth funding, but the real question is: “Why is this proposal coming from three city councillors?” Isn’t this the province of the Cambridge School Committee? I would really like to better understand the background of why this is coming in as a City Council Order.
Order #5. City Council support for MIT GSU’s right to a fair contract. Councillor Azeem, Councillor Zondervan
pulled by Toner; comments by BA, PT; Charter Right - Toner
Order #6. That the Home Rule Petition titled “PETITION FOR AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF CAMBRIDGE TO EMPLOY AUTOMATED ENFORCEMENT WITHIN THE CITY OF CAMBRIDGE” be forwarded to the state delegation in order to forward to the General Court for adoption. Councillor Nolan, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Carlone, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Simmons, Councillor Toner, Councillor Zondervan, Mayor Siddiqui
pulled by Zondervan; comments by PN; QZ motion to make unanimous adopted 8-0-1 (SS-Absent); Order Adopted as Amended 8-0-1 (SS-Absent)
I love the contradictory positions of this City Council being suspicious of surveillance and now potentially in favor of automatic traffic enforcement. That said, the background of this Order is pretty clearly an effort to jump on yet another nationwide bandwagon questioning the use of uniformed police officers to enforce traffic laws. It’s worth noting the provision: “No photographs taken in conformance with this chapter shall be discoverable in any judicial or administrative proceeding other than a proceeding held pursuant to this chapter without a court order. No photograph taken in conformance with this chapter shall be admissible in any judicial or administrative proceeding other than in a proceeding to adjudicate liability for such violation of this chapter without a court order.” In contrast, when a police officer does a traffic stop there’s always the possibility that there may be outstanding warrants (or worse).
Committee Report #1. The Ordinance Committee held a public hearing on Wed, May 24, 2023 on the Citizens Zoning Petition received from Charles Jessup Franklin et al., regarding allowing new construction hat is similar in size and shape as existing buildings for the purpose of promoting housing and first floor retail. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 8-0-1 (SS-Absent)
I’m not sure where this is headed, but I would love to read what the Planning Board has to say. As I stated last week: “The Franklin et. al. Petition would essentially double and triple allowable densities broadly across all residential zones and mixed-use zones. Though it claims to be an effort to “restore” the right to build structures similar in size and shape as existing buildings, this is entirely not the case in most areas that would be affected by the proposed zoning change. It also substantially reduces setback and open requirements. It also would require ground floor nonresidential uses in many settings - even as retail continues to struggle. … This proposal needs a lot more than just a review for consistency.” If you add this on top of the proposed AHO amendments, I can’t even begin to describe what a miserable urban environment may be in our future. The sheer dishonesty and misrepresentation of it all is enough to make you retch. - Robert Winters
Here are a few select items on this week’s agenda, starting with the expected adoption of the FY2024 Budget:
Manager’s Agenda #1. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to amendments to the FY24 Submitted General Fund Budget.
pulled by Nolan; Orders #3 and #4 and Committee Reports #1, #2, and #3 taken up early (see below); Zondervan asks Manager to increase tax levy by an additional 4% instead of applying Free Cash; Manager explains why this would not be prudent; Order Adopted 9-0, Referred to Finance Committee Reports
“With these changes the estimated increase in the property tax levy for FY24 is approximately 9.2% (from the original FY24 estimate of 8.8%).” Please note that even though the rate of inflation has gone up, the City’s tax levy has gone up even more.
Order #3. That City Manager is requested to adjust the Health Alliance Budget to ensure that all services provided to the City of Cambridge by the Health Alliance for Public Health Department needs and staff are fully funded, and to adjust the Capital Budget to ensure all necessary repairs are made to the Windsor Street Clinic. Councillor Zondervan
Order Adopted 9-0
Order #4. That the City Manager is requested to increase the Affordable Housing Trust budget in FY24 by 7.1% to equal the increase of the overall city budget, increase the Affordable Housing Trust budget by $20 million through a free cash appropriation, outside of the FY24 budget, and engage in creating a 3-year plan to increase the Affordable Housing Trust budget to 10% of the overall City budget. Councillor Simmons
Order Divided:
ORDERED: That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to increase the Affordable Housing Trust budget in FY24 by 7.1% to equal the increase of the overall city budget.
Order Adopted 9-0ORDERED: That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to increase the Affordable Housing Trust budget by $20 million through a free cash appropriation, outside of the FY24 budget.
Order Adopted 5-4 (BA,MM,DS,QZ,SS - Yes; DC,AM,PN,PT - No)ORDERED: That the City Manager be and is hereby requested to engage in creating a 3-year plan to increase the Affordable Housing Trust budget to 10% of the overall City budget.
Order Adopted 6-3 (BA,AM,MM,DS,QZ,SS - Yes; DC,PN,PT - No)
Committee Report #1. The Finance Committee conducted a public hearing on Tues, May 9, 2023, from 9:00am-5:00pm to discuss the City and School budgets covering the fiscal period July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Committee Report #2. The Finance Committee conducted a public hearing on Wed, May 10, 2023, from 6:00pm-11:00pm to discuss the School Department budget covering the fiscal period July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Committee Report #3. The Finance Committee conducted a public hearing on Tues, May 16, 2023 and reconvened on May 18, 2023, to discuss the City and School budgets covering the fiscal period July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Zondervan motion to reduce the Police budget and defund Shotspotter:
That the Police Department Budget be reduced to $73,000,000 and that funding for Shotspotter be discontinued in FY24.
Fails 2-7 (QZ,SS-Yes) - [Not surprising that Zondervan voted this way, but now Mayor Siddiqui has officially gone on record in favor of “Defund the Police”]General Fund Budget of $834,684,910 Adopted as Amended 8-1 (QZ - No)
Water Fund Budget of $15,502,965 Adopted 9-0
Public Investment Budget of $18,056,905 Adopted 9-0
All Loan Orders Adopted 9-0
Reconsideration Fails 0-9 on all Budget-related items
Unfinished Business #3. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to relative to the appropriation and authorization to borrow $50,000,000 to provide funds for the reconstruction of the Mass Avenue between Waterhouse Street and Alewife Parkway. [Passed to 2nd Reading May 1, 2023; Referred to Finance Committee] [text of order (May 1, 2023)]
Order Adopted 9-0
Unfinished Business #4. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to appropriation and authorization to borrow $35,350,000 to provide funds for the Municipal Facilities Improvement Plan. Funds will support upgrades to the 689 Mass Avenue Interior; upgrades at the Moses Youth Center; Interior fit-out of Rindge Pre-K building; electric vehicle charging station infrastructure at several municipal buildings; and additional work at Inman and East Cambridge Fire Houses; First Street Garage upgrades to stairs and elevator; and other City building upgrades. [Passed to 2nd Reading May 1, 2023; Referred to Finance Committee] [text of order (May 1, 2023)]
Order Adopted 9-0
Unfinished Business #5. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to appropriation and authorization to borrow $2,500,000 to provide funds for the construction of the Peabody School Playground and Corcoran (Raymond Street) park. [Passed to 2nd Reading May 1, 2023; Referred to Finance Committee] [text of order (May 1, 2023)]
Order Adopted 9-0
Unfinished Business #6. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to appropriation and authorization to borrow $1,800,000 to provide funds for financing school building upgrades. [Passed to 2nd Reading May 1, 2023; Referred to Finance Committee] [text of order (May 1, 2023)]
Order Adopted 9-0
Unfinished Business #7. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation and authorization to borrow $51,500,000 to provide funds for the construction of sewer separation, storm water management and combined sewer overflow reduction elimination improvements within the Port and River Street areas as well as the Sewer Capital Repairs Program and climate change preparedness efforts. [Passed to 2nd Reading May 1, 2023; Referred to Finance Committee] [text of order (May 1, 2023)]
Order Adopted 9-0
Unfinished Business #8. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation and authorization to borrow $26,000,000 to provide funds for the reconstruction of various City streets, sidewalks and bike facilities. $15,000,000 of this loan order is attributable to the improvement project related to sewer infrastructure upgrades on River Street, which include full depth roadway reconstruction, new sidewalks, new street trees and various other street improvements. [Passed to 2nd Reading May 1, 2023; Referred to Finance Committee] [text of order (May 1, 2023)]
Order Adopted 9-0
When you consider the rapid rise in the tax levy coupled with expected property tax reductions and abatements for the many commercial properties that are currently underutilized, there is a good chance that residential property tax bills this fall may jump significantly. Meanwhile, our City Council continues to advocate for even more discretionary spending.
Manager’s Agenda #7. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to AR23-29, regarding amendments to the Building Energy Use Disclosure Ordinance. (CM23#155) [cover memo] [Summary Chart] [Amendment_redline] [Amendment_clean]
Passed to 2nd Reading 8-0-0-1 (Simmons - Present)
The proposed amendment of the “Building Energy Use Disclosure Ordinance” was first introduced on Nov 8, 2021, was referred to the Ordinance Committee on Jan 24, 2022, and has since been the subject of much criticism - especially from condominium owners who could potentially be hit with significant costs. Some of the provisions would also greatly affect commercial properties - particularly in regard to mandated electrification and its associated hardware and access. There are also feasibility questions in regard to electrical supply and how Cambridge’s mandates might divert resources away from other communities. The name of the ordinance really should be amended to something more like “Building Energy Use Mandatory Retrofit Ordinance” (BEUMRO) since this clearly would no longer be just about “disclosure”.
When exactly did notions like encouragement and incentive give way to mandates?
Unfinished Business #9. An Ordinance has been received from Craig Kelley et al, relative to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cambridge regarding EV and car share Zoning change. [Passed to 2nd Reading May 15, 2023; To Be Ordained on or after June 5, 2023; Expires Aug 1, 2023] (ORD23#2) [text of report (May 15, 2023)]
No Action Taken
There is a lot of merit to this proposal, but that pesky “Law of Unintended Consequences” continues to be a concern. Will residential properties become the 21st Century equivalent of “filling stations”.
Order #5. That the City Manager is requested to direct the Community Development Department to provide further study on the proposed changes by the Franklin Petition, as well as a careful review of the language to remove any potential conflicts and ambiguities and is requested to direct the Law Department to provide guidance on any legal issues and questions raised by CDD and the Planning Board by the Franklin Petition. Councillor Zondervan, Councillor McGovern, Vice Mayor Mallon
Order Adopted 9-0
The Franklin et. al. Petition would essentially double and triple allowable densities broadly across all residential zones and mixed-use zones. Though it claims to be an effort to “restore” the right to build structures similar in size and shape as existing buildings, this is entirely not the case in most areas that would be affected by the proposed zoning change. It also substantially reduces setback and open requirements. It also would require ground floor nonresidential uses in many settings - even as retail continues to struggle. This Order asks the Community Development Department and the Law Department to review the petition language for potential conflicts and ambiguities especially as they relate to “climate planning, affordable housing, and inclusionary zoning”, but this proposal needs a lot more than just a review for consistency.
Order #1. That the City Manager is requested to direct the appropriate City staff to establish a new phone number and email address for Inclusionary Tenants to utilize for complaints and emergency issues as they arise, ensuring that their voices are heard and their concerns are addressed in a timely and effective manner. Councillor Simmons
pulled by Simmons; Order Adopted 9-0
It’s interesting how the comfort level among some people has been increasing in asking to have different rules and mechanisms for different people.
Order #2. Recognizing June 19, 2023 as Juneteenth in the City of Cambridge, and in urging all Cambridge residents to reflect upon the meaning of this important day. Councillor Simmons, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Carlone, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Toner, Councillor Zondervan
pulled by Simmons; Order Adopted as Amended 9-0
At the risk of being attacked for pointing this out, why exactly is the Juneteenth flag displayed on the front of City Hall 365 days per year? Juneteenth takes place on June 19. [This reminds me of the song by Roy Wood’s Wizzard called “I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday”.] It’s also worth considering Renee Graham’s recent column in the Boston Globe entitled, “The gentrification of Juneteenth”.
Order #8. That City Manager is requested to ensure adequate funding to fully repair the irrigation system in Danehy Park immediately. Councillor Nolan, Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Carlone, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Toner (PO23#106)
pulled by Nolan; Order Adopted as Amended 9-0
Hopefully things will be better for this year’s Cambridge Jazz Festival on June 29-30. Last year’s event was more like Burning Man due to the scorched grass.
Order #10. That the City Manager is requested to direct the Fire Department, the Police Department, Emergency Communications Department, Traffic, Parking and Transportation Department, the Department of Public Works and the Harvard Square Business Association to determine if permanent automatic bollards could be feasible in the area of Winthrop Street. Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Nolan
pulled by Mallon; Order Adopted 9-0
Order #11. That the Transportation and Public Utilities and Neighborhood & Long-Term Planning, Public Facilities, Arts & Celebration Committees work with the City Manager and appropriate City departments and staff, to hold a joint hearing to receive input from City staff and the community to review the effectiveness and develop recommendations on methods to collect data and establish measurable benchmarks and standards as it relates to the Cycling Safety Ordinance. Councillor Toner, Councillor Carlone, Councillor Nolan
pulled by Toner; Charter Right - Azeem
This is likely to dominate Public Comment. I anticipate an amendment from at least one of the councillors of the form “as long as this in no way affects any aspect of the Cycling Safety Ordinance”. Some councillors are quite content to never reevaluate their decisions. – “and the Judge wasn’t going to look at the twenty seven eight-by-ten color glossy Pictures with the circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each One explaining what each one was to be used as evidence…”
Order #12. That the City Manager is requested to work with the appropriate departments to provide a legal opinion on whether the city could, without violating state law, use traffic cameras, regulated under the Surveillance Ordinance, to inform motorists of potential traffic violations or dangerous actions, without issuing any citations or formal warnings. Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Carlone
Order Adopted 9-0
Please don’t do that. Pretty please with sugar on it. - Robert Winters
This week brings a few more pearls of ignorance from Mr. Zondervan. Specifically, in spite of the ongoing Charter Review process, he wants to cut the line and put a ballot question on the November municipal ballot to change the charter specifically to make the Police Review and Advisory Board a popularly elected board. I suppose the Party for Socialism and Liberation kids may be interested in the jobs. I understand that he’s not pleased that his colleagues thought so little of his controversial Order last week that they proposed a more sensible substitute, so this week he’s decided to double down. Let’s not overlook that little QZ pearl from last week’s meeting when he said: “The institution of policing itself is fundamentally broken and we must move away from it as quickly as possible.” Does anyone actually take this guy seriously? Oh yeah, he also has an Order asking for a legal opinion on whether Cambridge could permanently switch to the MWRA water supply, i.e. abandon our state-of-the art water treatment plant at Fresh Pond. The wackiness doesn’t stop there.
Here’s this week’s Whitman Sampler:
Manager’s Agenda #6. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the third annual Cycling Safety Ordinance (CSO) Progress Report.
pulled by Toner; comments by PT,DS,QZ,DC,PN,AM; Placed on File 9-0
Cambridge political discourse these days seems to boil down to bike lanes, subsidized housing, and BEUDO. I’m confident that Public Comment will draw the usual suspects suspects eager to take sides on the bike lane issue, and the councillors will surely follow suit in their typically unyielding fashion. I pledge allegiance to the [FILL IN THE BLANK].
Manager’s Agenda #7. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) Community Connections Grant, in the amount of $230,070.35, to the Grant Fund Community Development Department Extraordinary Expenditures account. Funds will contribute to the purchase and installation of Bluebikes bikeshare equipment.
pulled by Zondervan; comments by QZ,BA (who would apparently rather use an e-bike to get to South Station rather than the Red Line); Order Adopted 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #8. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of a grant in the amount of $100,000 received from the Massachusetts Gaming Commission to the Grant Fund Community Development Department Extraordinary Expenditures account. Funds will support the cost of two 19 dock Bluebikes stations and bicycles that were placed at the Kennedy/Longfellow School and Twin City Plaza.
pulled by Carlone (who questioned by gambling $ is being allocated for bikes rather than gambling addiction prevention); Order Adopted 9-0
Even though there is already a BlueBike station across the street from me at the old Longfellow School, the City apparently wants to install another at the Lee Street park around the corner from me even though the two stations will only be a few hundred feet from each other. Gotta spend that grant money. Now I’ll get to hear the crashing sound of unsuccessful attempts to lock up the bikes in “surround sound”.
Manager’s Agenda #9. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the proposed Alewife Overlay District: Quadrangle (AOD-Q) Zoning Petition and Design Guidelines. (CM23#147) [Council Memo_Alewife Quad_20230517] [AODQ Height Subdistricts] [CLEAN AOD-Q Zoning Petition – 20230517] [Description of Quadrangle Overlay Boundaries] [New Street Centerlines] [Alewife Design Guidelines_2023.05.15]
pulled by Toner; comments by PT,MM,PN,QZ,DC,BA; Zoning language Adopted as a City Council Zoning Petition, Referred to Ordinance Committee and Planning Board 9-0
I’m glad to see this getting started again, and I hope that one day a couple of new crossings of the RR tracks will grow out of whatever happens in the Quadrangle - The Final Frontier (queue up Star Trek intro). A pedestrian bridge over the Little River connecting the wetland/stormwater retention ponds area in the Alewife Triangle to the Science Park area adjacent to Acorn Park Drive would also be a welcome addition (though it’s north of the current study area). If it’s a choice between connectivity and cul-de-sacs, I’ll choose connectivity.
Charter Right #2. That the City Manager is requested to work with the relevant departments to establish a policy of releasing the names of officers involved in any use of force incident, up to and including those incidents resulting in injury or death. [Charter Right – Zondervan, May 15, 2023]
It is worth noting that the chronic several dozen protesters from the Party for Socialism and Liberation again dominated Public Comment with comments directed at individual councillors (thanks to recent rules changes); Mayor Siddiqui violated City Council Rules three times by allowing speakers to speak a 2nd time;
Zondervan began with prepared speech quoting Angela Davis and others, referring to Toner substitution as “whitewashing amendments”, and referring to all who disagree with him as showing “cowardice” and “hiding behind ideology” (which is so opposite to reality as to be amusing);
Councillor Nolan exhibited resolve by saying that she would not be changing her support for the Toner amendment and that contrary to the statements of protesters there was no consensus on this issue among city residents (correct), that it was fiction to say that the City Council has not taken any action in response to the Jan 4 incident, that all involved police officer names will be released when the investigation is complete, and that releasing the names today will do nothing for justice (all true);
City Manager Huang provided a limited update on where we now stand in the investigation and related processes, that per court order no information in the inquest is to be shared until complete, and provided a chronology of the wealth of City actions that have taken place since January in response to the incident;
Commissioner Elow provided updates on the cooperation of CPD with PERF;
Mallon aligned with Zondervan and stated that she won’t be supporting the Substitute Order and that she wants officer names released now (“it’s what progressive cities do” - as opposed to enlightened cities);
Simmons agreed that a policy is needed and that she would not align with Zondervan noting that the specific circumstances of the January incident are not yet known and that releasing the names now does not buy justice, closure, or anything else and that she supports a full, fair and thorough investigation;
McGovern suggested that the original two “WHEREAS” clauses were simply factual and should be included, and asked whether if a City Council policy was approved prior to the investigative report would the names of the officers be released (City Manager Huang seemed to indicate that if the policy was established he would follow policy while acknowledging need to work cooperatively with Police Department - noting that they are involved in complex and dangerous work - “What you want is a change in the culture.”);
Carlone offered comments including cryptic references to “rumors”;
Siddiqui double-talked about her comments in the Boston Globe and that she would align with Mallon and Zondervan and oppose the Substitute Order;
Toner made clear that he does not want officer names released until after DA report is released and noted that references to the releasing of names in other cities was done in the context of bodycams being instituted;
Zondervan referred to Toner Substitute as “sloppy and misleading”;
Azeem offered a broader perspective on how he arrived at his current understanding and position - especially the range of changes and initiatives that have been arrived at working cooperatively with the Cambridge Police Department and the City Administration;
McGovern referred to last two weeks of public comment as “powerful” (though manipulative, coercive, and short on facts may be better descriptors);
Simmons motion to amend Toner Substitute by adding first two “WHEREAS” clauses Passes 8-1 (QZ - No);
QZ motion to added phrases “including retroactively” Passes 6-3 (PN,DS,PT - No);
QZ amendment to add at end the phrase “with such a policy and the names of the offers involved in Faisal’s killing” Fails 3-6 (AM,QZ,SS - Yes);
Substitute Order Adopted as Amended 5-4 (BA,DC,MM,PN,DS - Yes; AM,PT,QZ,SS - No)
Order #6. That the City Council go on record favoring the filing of the attached home rule petition, entitled: “AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF CAMBRIDGE TO INCLUDE A BALLOT QUESTION ON THE NOVEMBER 7, 2023 MUNICIPAL BALLOT RELATIVE TO THE HOME RULE CHARTER” regarding electing the Police Review and Advisory Board. Councillor Zondervan
pulled by Zondervan (who was soundly excoriated by his colleagues); comments by QZ,AM,DS; Order Fails of Adoption 1-8 (QZ - Yes)
Another day in Zondervan’s sandbox. The only questions are whether petulance will result in a recess and/or Zoom alternative, and if any of the other councillors sign on to either of these Orders. Perhaps the best strategy going forward might be to simply move a substitute order completely replacing every word and intention of QZ whenever things like these are introduced.
Resolution #4. Congratulations on the birth of Sabrina Reid Roberts. Councillor McGovern, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Simmons
Congratulations, Jeff and Sylvia!
Order #1. New Green Park at Third And Binney Streets. Councillor Carlone, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Zondervan
Order Adopted 9-0
This Order concerns the possibility of MIT purchasing a 6,000 square-foot lot at the corner of Third and Binney Streets that could be joined with an adjacent 8,000 square foot lot to create open space in the area of the redeveloping Volpe site in Kendall Square. There is a notion that some or all of the 131 mature trees that are to be removed from the Volpe site could be relocated to this area. This is a very appealing idea, but it’s questionable whether such expensive tree relocations will actually be successful. I would personally like to see a miniature golf course integrated into the Volpe site. Maybe even a batting cage where tech workers can work out their frustrations with a few line drives.
Order #2. Removing Cuba From The State Sponsors Of Terrorism List. Councillor Carlone, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Zondervan, Mayor Siddiqui
pulled by Azeem; comments by BA,DC; Order Adopted 7-0-1-1 (MM - Absent; PT - Present)
I’m so glad to see the Council back doing what it does best – foreign policy. Hey, the Council spoke and Muammar Gaddafi got his comeuppance.
Order #3. Law Department to provide a legal opinion on whether Cambridge could permanently switch to the MWRA water supply. Councillor Zondervan
pulled by Toner; QZ explains that this is only asking for a legal opinion on the legality of abandoning the Cambridge water system; other comments by PT,BA,PN,DS,DC; Order Adopted 5-3-1 (BA,DC,PN,QZ,SS - Yes; AM,DS,PT - No; MM - Absent)
Send Mr. Zondervan some bottled water in glass bottles. The rest of us would prefer to keep our Cambridge water system.
Order #7. That the “Amendments to Protect Family Inclusion and Relationship Diversity” be forwarded to the Ordinance Committee for discussion and recommendation. Councillor Zondervan, Mayor Siddiqui
pulled by Zondervan; QZ Motion to Refer to Ordinance Committee; Charter Right - Simmons
Order #8. That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to work with the Law Department to provide a legal opinion on whether the City could fund affordable housing construction through a ($500 Million, at least) bond issue. Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Azeem
pulled by Zondervan; comments by QZ,PN,BA,DC; Amended to add Azeem as co-sponsor; Order Adopted as Amended 9-0
This was an idea floated by Councillor Simmons back in May 2021. This is just another facet of the quest of some councillors to replace as much privately-own housing with “social housing” as possible and to use tax revenue from private-property owners to fund that replacement. - Robert Winters
Today’s my birthday and we’ll be celebrating it with a hike in Concord (as well as the grading of Final Exams). This is also premier day on CCTV for the video “Cambridge City Charter: From Town Meeting to Plan E” that John Pitkin, Gregorio Leon, and I have been working on for the last several months. John and I do most of the narration with an assist from our good friend (and former city councillor) Jim Braude. You can watch it on CCTV Channel 9 at 5:30pm (just in case Public Comment gets either boring or annoying) and at several other times this week. Special thanks to the CCTV staff, Diane LeBlanc, Alyssa Pacy, Charlie Sullivan and all of the wonderful people at the Cambridge Historical Commission. We have more “Civic View” programs planned. [Watch on YouTube]
Tonight’s City Council meeting features these morsels:
Manager’s Agenda #1. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to a recommendation from the Board of Election Commissioners for the City Council to vote to authorize in-person early voting for the Nov 7, 2023 Municipal Election, in accordance with “The VOTES Act”.
pulled by Nolan; Order Adopted 9-0
Early Voting and No-Excuse Absentee Voting may be here to stay, but a formal City Council vote is required. Vote Early and Vote Often! (well, not really)
Cambridge Water Department - 250 Fresh Pond Parkway
Valente Library – 826 Cambridge Street, Side Entrance on Berkshire Street
Main Library – 449 Broadway
Saturday | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
October 28 | October 29 | October 30 | October 31 | November 1 | November 2 | November 3 |
9:00am-3:00pm | 9:00am-3:00pm | 8:30am-8:00pm | 8:30am-5:00pm | 8:30am-5:00pm | 8:30am-5:00pm | 8:30am-12:00pm |
Charter Right #1. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to a recommendation that the City Council approve an Order to take by “friendly” eminent domain proceeding parcels of land located at 319 Webster Avenue, Cambridge (as shown on Cambridge Assessors Map 81, Parcel 21), 333 Webster Avenue, Cambridge (as shown on Cambridge Assessors Map 81, Parcel 23), and 455 Columbia Street (as shown on Cambridge Assessors Map 81, Parcel 16) (collectively “Cambridge Parcels”), and approve an Order authorizing the purchase of a parcel of land located at 94 Webster Avenue, Somerville (as shown on Somerville Assessors Map 96, Parcel B-7) (“Somerville Parcel”) (collectively, the “Premises”), all of which are owned by Webster Avenue Ventures LLC (“WV”). [Charter Right – Mallon, May 8, 2023]
Nolan motion to Table Ch. Rt #1 Fails 1-8 (PN - Yes); Appropriation of $3,101,250 Adopted 8-1 (PN - No); Order of Taking Adopted 8-1 (PN - No); Appropriation of $10,276,750 Adopted 8-1 (PN - No); Order of Purchase Adopted 8-1 (PN - No); Appropriation of $1,022,000 Adopted 8-1 (PN - No); Appropriation of $1,000,000 Adopted 8-1 (PN - No); Rules Suspended for Reconsideration 8-1 (PN - No); Reconsideration Fails 1-8 (PN - Yes)
Order #3. That the City Manager is requested to initiate a planning process to determine the use of several parcels of land along Webster Avenue to accomplish Envision goals, including how to best ensure that the acquisition of these parcels results in additional affordable housing and open space. Councillor Zondervan, Vice Mayor Mallon, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Carlone
Order Adopted 9-0 (early in meeting)
Manager’s Agenda #5. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to an update concerning the property at 333 Webster Avenue.
pulled by Mallon; Rules suspended to take up Charter Right #1 and Order #3; Placed on File 9-0
Often lost among competing priorities are the basic things that are necessary for a well-functioning city. This includes public works facilities. I’ll add that this also includes things like redemption centers, loading zones, parking, and sufficient road width for emergency vehicles. These are often forgotten by zealous planners and elected officials who rarely see beyond their own narrow single-issue agendas.
Order #1. City Council support of bill SD 487 and HD 825 which would require the use of Integrated Pest Management strategies and improve pesticide monitoring in Massachusetts to limit ecological damage due to rodenticides. Councillor Nolan, Councillor McGovern, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Zondervan
Order Adopted 9-0
Order #2. That the City Manager is requested to work with the Community Development Department and other relevant departments to fund and implement the grant proposal submitted to DOE GTO to design and implement a community-scale geothermal heating and cooling system in Cambridge. Councillor Nolan, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Azeem, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Carlone, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Simmons, Councillor Toner
pulled by Nolan; Order Adopted as Amended 9-0
Order #4. That the City Manager is requested to work with the appropriate departments to produce the petition(s) necessary to accomplish the goal of lowering the speed limit as much as possible on all state highways that fall within Cambridge’s geographic boundaries. Councillor Zondervan, Mayor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Carlone
pulled by Zondervan; Order Adopted 9-0
Order #5. That the City Manager is requested to work with the relevant departments to establish a policy of releasing the names of officers involved in any use of force incident, up to and including those incidents resulting in injury or death. Councillor Zondervan
pulled by Zondervan [“I submitted this order because I agree with the public’s observation that the decision around whether to release the name of the officer is not yet actually in the hands of the City Manager -- because we haven’t yet asked him to do so. I believe that the public has a right to know where the Council stands on this issue. Of course, it is important to acknowledge that the asks contained in this order are wholly insufficient. As some members of the public have pointed out, this is just a first step. Knowing the identity of the officer isn’t going to change anything about what happened or make it any less likely to happen next time – because this isn’t about just weeding out a few bad apples. The institution of policing itself is fundamentally broken and we must move away from it as quickly as possible, towards true investment in our community. I’m aware that some of my colleagues have produced a substitute order whitewashing the original ask to release the name of the officers involved in the killing of Faisal. While I’m heartened to see the council finally engaging with this ask, and glad to see that my colleagues agree that most forward-thinking police departments release the names of officers involved with use of force even when awaiting the results of investigations, it is disappointing but not surprising to see the ask to release the officers’ names immediately be completely erased by this substitute. To give my colleagues an opportunity to reconsider, I exercise my Charter Right.”]; Charter Right - Zondervan (who objected to the proposed Substitute Order)
Besides catering to the young socialists, rallying his base, and encouraging harassment, I really don’t know what Councillor Zondervan expects to gain from this. I do expect a Charter Right, but if this does come up for a vote it will be VERY interesting to see which other councillors, if any, choose to sign on.
Committee Report #2. The Ordinance Committee held a public hearing on May 3, 2023, from 3:00pm to 5:00pm on Citizens Zoning Petition from Craig Kelley, et al. – Cambridge Transportation Emissions Reduction and Car Sharing Act (APP 2023 #9). [The Committee voted favorably to send the Craig Kelley, et al. – Cambridge Transportation Emissions Reduction and Car Sharing Act Petition to the Full City Council with a favorable recommendation to Pass to a Second Reading.] [text of report]
Passed to 2nd Reading 8-1 (QZ - No); Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
As I said last week, this seems like an interesting initiative, but I’m wary of potential unintended consequences.
The Kouncil Kids may need to retire early so that their eyes will be bright and their tails bushy for what should be the last of the FY2024 Budget Hearings Tuesday morning.
Tues, May 16
10:00am The City Council’s Finance Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss the FY2024 City Budget. (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
Community Maintenance and Development & Human Resources Development:
Cambridge Health Alliance Public Works Water Community Development Historical Commission |
Cable TV Debt Service Capital Building Projects Library Human Services |
Women’s Commission Human Rights Commission Veterans’ Services MWRA Cherry Sheet |
City Overview Section Financial Summaries Section Revenue Section Public Investment Section |
On the eve of the annual Budget Hearings, the Regular City Council meeting includes the following somewhat interesting agenda items:
Note: The Party for Socialism and Liberation lynch mob descended on the City Council meeting with their rehearsed talking points, performance art, and chanting and even forced a recess for a while. They continue to demand the release of the names of police officers involved in the January shooting of a young deranged man who ran at the officers with a kulfi knife. To what end do these protesters seek the officers' names? So that they could do what? Picket the officers’ homes? Harass their families? The petulance and ignorance of these protesters are really quite the spectacle. They also apparently believe they are “the people”. Buy a clue, kids. You are not “the community”. You are not “the people”.
The rest of Public Comment was primarily a mix of the usual AHO advocates from “A Bigger Cambridge” and opponents to the proposed amendments. Monday night at City Council has become just a really bad TV show with even worse consequences. I am reminded of a City Council campaign from some years ago by candidate Ian McKinnon whose campaign catch phrase was “Hire Better Actors.”
Manager’s Agenda #3. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the Final Landmark Designation Report for the Charles Hicks Saunders House.
Order Adopted 8-0-1 (MM Absent)
Manager’s Agenda #5. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to a recommendation that the City Council approve an Order to take by “friendly” eminent domain proceeding parcels of land located at 319 Webster Avenue, Cambridge (as shown on Cambridge Assessors Map 81, Parcel 21), 333 Webster Avenue, Cambridge (as shown on Cambridge Assessors Map 81, Parcel 23), and 455 Columbia Street (as shown on Cambridge Assessors Map 81, Parcel 16) (collectively “Cambridge Parcels”), and approve an Order authorizing the purchase of a parcel of land located at 94 Webster Avenue, Somerville (as shown on Somerville Assessors Map 96, Parcel B-7) (“Somerville Parcel”) (collectively, the “Premises”), all of which are owned by Webster Avenue Ventures LLC (“WV”). (CM23#128) [plot plan] [Order of Taking] [Order authorizing purchase]
pulled by Nolan; PN objects to $14.4 million price tag and suggests site better used for housing rather than DPW use; PT, QZ support proposed use as well as future housing; Owen O’Riordan explains the needs of DPW for operations and how this site is badly needed for foreseeable future; QZ would prefer high density subsidized/social housing for the site; DPW Commissioner Kathy Watkins notes that site likely has “urban fill” with some contamination; AM would prefer to turn site over for subsidized/social housing, concerned about price tag; O’Riordan notes that parcels were assembled by a 3rd party; Bob Riordan notes that original asking price was 10% higher; QZ identifies site as a “Square” which would permit taller buildings under proposed AHO amendments; MM also would prefer high density subsidized/social housing on site but will support proposal; DC says he’s been advocating City purchase of land for years; BA asks about specific proposed uses; Kathy Watkins notes likely use by Parks Division and/or Buildings Divisions, including vehicle storage and office space; PN wants City to buy any and all properties available but cannot support this purchase; Huang explains costs; PN unhappy about why City did not purchase another lot; Charter Right - Mallon; David Kale notes that this sale is timely and could fall apart if delayed; Bob O’Riordan notes that there have been other offers for the parcels; McGovern Reconsideration Motion Fails 1-8 (PN - Yes)
These parcels include the site where Phil’s Towing was located until very recently and which closed as a consequence of the City Council’s (and City Manager’s) policy change to only tag vehicles for street weeping violations rather than be “tagged and towed”. It also includes the site of E&C Bottle and Can Return - a go-to location for those needing to cash in bulk amounts of deposit containers. It is likely that there is some soil contamination as a result of many years of junkyard operations on these parcels. The most likely use of these parcels in the near future would be as a municipal public works facility.
Manager’s Agenda #6. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Items Numbered 23-2, related to exploring the need for a special permitting process for cannabis dispensaries, special permitting fees and bicycle parking requirements, and Response to Awaiting Report No. 23-4 regarding establishing the framework that will allow for the immediate elimination of the bicycle parking fees imposed on Economic Empowerment and Social Equity applicants and cannabis dispensary operators. (CM23#129) [report and proposed zoning change]
pulled by Nolan; Referred to Planning Board & Ordinance Committee 9-0; Reconsideration prevails (later) due to screw-up, Re-Vote to adopt language of proposed zoning change from CDD and Refer to Planning Board and Ordinance Committee 9-0
If only our City government had the same level of concern for businesses other than cannabis businesses.
Manager’s Agenda #7. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to a Planning Board report with no positive or negative recommendation on the Kelley et. al. Zoning Petition.
pulled by Carlone; DC notes that this increases commercialization; Referred to Petition 9-0
Order #1. That the City Manager is directed to work with all relevant departments to recommend what new City regulations and Council action or changes to existing regulations or ordinances are needed to put in place in order to implement the Craig Kelley et al. Zoning Petition for residential car sharing and renting of EV charging stations and bring those recommendations to the full council by June 12, 2023. Councillor McGovern, Councillor Nolan
Order Adopted 9-0
I’m all for allowing flexibility in this, but I’m also mindful of the fact that this effectively turns residential uses into commercial operations with the inevitable phone apps will direct people to residential properties in much the same way that people now seek out gas stations. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but you do have to anticipate unintended consequences. Should homeowners also provide rest rooms? How about windshield washing apparatus? Will fast-charging result in local voltage drops? Will residential homeowners with driveways now park on the street in order to make their driveway available for this use?
Manager’s Agenda #8. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to an update on Afterschool care.
pulled by Nolan; Ellen Semonoff notes staff increases; additional comments by QZ, MM, SS; Placed on File 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #9. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to an update on the development of the City of Cambridge Community Safety Department (CSD).
pulled by Mallon; Interim Director Liz Speakman notes May 4 meeting with HEART and $300,000 contract changes [remarkable how much this City Council wants to be involved in contract specifics]; QZ wants to refer report to Public Safety Committee, asks about Steering Committee process; Speakman notes that “Future of Public Safety Task Force” involved (which itself raises some questions), all meetings informal and not public; QZ wants meeting notes made public (which hopefully will include names of participants); Michelle Scott (Program Coordinator) adds details; QZ wants more details on integration with HEART; Speakman notes conversations to build “more trust” and possibility of providing other services; MM asks about loitering; Speakman feels that sleeping in ATMs is not “really” trespassing; MM says “you can never have too many services”; PN notes name change from CSD (Community Safety Department) to CARE (Community Assistance, Response and Engagement); BA, DC, SS additional comments; Referred to Public Safety Committee 9-0
This communication includes notification that a contract for $300,000 of ARPA funding was sent to HEART. “The scope of services includes crisis response, conflict resolution, mutual aid, aftercare, and community cohesion. The funding will cover a Licensed Social Worker position, partial funding of several responder salaries, partial funding of one Co-Director salary, and partially covering the fiscal sponsor fee.”
Pardon my cynicism, but I continue to categorize this under “political patronage”.
Manager’s Agenda #10. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 23-07, regarding report on providing publicly-accessible traffic stop, arrest, and citation police data on a new Procedural Justice Dashboard.
pulled by Mallon; Police Commissioner Christine Elow responds about type of data and availability; PN questions; Placed on File 9-0
Charter Right #1. That the City Manager is requested to direct the Community Development Department to promptly draft a zoning petition to be considered for filing by the City Council, based upon the proposed Affordable Housing Overlay amendments now before the Housing Committee. [Charter Right – Nolan, May 1, 2023] (PO23#75)
Comments by Toner, Nolan in support of Substitute Order; Nolan notes that the ABC proposal for corridors does not align with what was in Envision Report and recommendations; Mallon calls AHO “landmark legislation” - a “huge supporter”, notes that a 5-year review was included in original ordinance, does not want CDD involved “in an unfettered way”, has not yet heard need expressed by subsidized/social housing builders for 25 stories, cannot support Order without these amendments; McGovern trashes Envision in favor of whatever ABC wants, saya subsidized/social housing developers want 9-12 stories and upward (well, of course, since they are effectively writing their own regulations]; QZ will not support Substitute Order because of “crisis” and that action required even if not well-considered, calls this an effort to delay until next Council term; DC explains his beliefs with some historical context that the ABC acolytes will never understand; BA double-talks about collaboration and consensus but won’t support substitute; Siddiqui says Substitute Order can only be voted up or down; Simmons puts no limits on increasing units, heights, densities and will not support Substitute Order, expresses distrust of CDD, wants to rush proposal through; SS suggests that amendments are possible at Ordinance Committee (but this is a joke), won’ support Substitute Order; Vote on Substitute Order Fails 4-4 (DC,AM,PN,PT - Yes; BA,MM,DS,QZ,SS - No); PN notes that “BEUDO must be done by May 31”; QZ asks what is meant by “providing heights in the specified corridors that constitute bonuses”, wants no other limits; Siddiqui waffles; MM continues to express desire that developers should propose their own regulations; AM says request to CDD is too prescriptive, wants to remove first bullet re: maximums of 12 and 15 stories, refers to “beauty and the simplicity of the original AHO”, wants to remove first bullet, the phrase “if it can do so by June 1” and change “may” to “shall”; DC asks what is needed to make AHO work in specific locations - but he’s talking to deaf ABC ears; DS wants first bullet point with 12 and 15 stories to remain, supports SS amendment w/amendment, wants June 1 deadline to remain so that this can be rushed through; BA agrees; SS amendment (with “may” to “shall”) and added “base” approved 8-1 (QZ - No); AM amendment to strike first bullet Fails 4-5 (DC,AM,PN,PT - Yes; BA,MM,DS,QZ,SS - No); AM amendment to strike “if it can do so by June 1” approved 8-1 (QZ - No); AM amendment to add “including” in 2nd bullet approved 8-1 (QZ - No); Order Adopted as Amended 5-3-1 (BA,MM,DS,QZ,SS - Yes; AM,PN,PT - No; DC - Present)
I seriously hope this does not go forward as currently drafted, and if it does I hope there will be political consequences for all of the co-sponsors. If the ultimate goal of these councillors is to gradually replace privately-owned residential property coming onto the market with “social housing” under a socialist model, then they should come right out and say that and stop dancing around the edges.
Order #2. That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to determine the feasibility of purchasing available property from Lesley University to address City goals. Mayor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Carlone, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Simmons, Councillor Toner
pulled by McGovern; add all councillors as sponsors; Order Adopted as Amended 9-0
See above.
Order #3. Online Publication of Legal Notices. Councillor Nolan, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Azeem
This is an idea that has been brought up for a long time but which has not up to this point gained much traction at the State House. The Massachusetts General Laws require publication in a “newspaper of general circulation” and these legal notices continue to be an essential means of support for many local publications. There’s a reasonably good chance that a change in the law will drive the last nail into the coffin of some publications.
Order Adopted 9-0
I wrote about this in October 2009: Putting the Paper to Bed
Committee Report #1. The Health and Environment Committee held a public meeting to review and discuss the update on Urban Forest Master Plan and to discuss how to improve tree health and tree canopy across the City. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Committee Report #2. Ordinance Committee meeting of Wed, Apr 12, 2023, 5:30pm on BEUDO - recessed. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Committee Report #3. Ordinance Committee meeting of Wed, Apr 26, 2023, 3:00pm on BEUDO – continuation. [text of report] [communications]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Budget Hearings:
Tues, May 9
9:00am The City Council’s Finance Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss the FY2024 City Budget. (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
General Government & Public Safety:
Budget Overview Mayor’s Office Executive - Leadership Executive - Diversity Executive - DGVPI Executive - Equity and Inclusion Executive - Public Information Office Executive - Tourism Executive - Housing Liaison |
City Council City Clerk Law Finance - Administration Finance - Budget Finance - Purchasing Finance - Auditing Finance - Assessing Finance - Treasury/Revenue |
Finance - Information Technology Finance - General Services Employee Benefits Human Resources Election Commission Public Celebrations Reserve Animal Commission |
Community Safety Fire Department Police Department PRAB / Peace Commission Traffic, Parking & Transportation Inspectional Services License Commission Emergency Communications |
Those marked in bold are the ones pulled for discussion. *may appear at May 16 hearing |
Wed, May 10
6:00pm The City Council’s Finance Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss the FY2024 School Department Budget. (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
Tues, May 16
10:00am The City Council’s Finance Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss the FY2024 City Budget. (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
Community Maintenance and Development & Human Resources Development:
Cambridge Health Alliance Public Works Water Community Development Historical Commission |
Cable TV Debt Service Capital Building Projects Library Human Services |
Women’s Commission Human Rights Commission Veterans’ Services MWRA Cherry Sheet |
City Overview Section Financial Summaries Section Revenue Section Public Investment Section |
Those marked in bold are the ones pulled for discussion. |
Mon, June 5
5:30pm City Council meeting - Anticipated Budget Adoption (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
Budget Season is upon us, and we appear to be in for the largest jump in memory - a nearly 10% increase from last year. The total City Budget for FY23 was $787,913,900 and that’s proposed to go up to $866,254,920 - a 9.9% increase (and that doesn’t include the additional $167,150,000 in loan authorizations). The budget for the Executive Department (the City Manager’s Office) is going up a whopping 50.2% from $5,638,040 to $8,467,495. I’m eager to get my hands on the full Budget Book to better understand why the Community Development Department’s budget is going from $14,409,820 to $39,290,300, a 172.7% increase - most likely due to some reshuffling of City departments and budget categories, but this really is bewildering.
Manager’s Agenda #1. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the FY2024 submitted budget and appropriation orders.
Referred to Finance Committee 8-0-1 (AM - Absent)
It was explained that the reason the CDD Budget went up by 172.7% was because of an accounting change in which $23,045,750 from the Capital Budget for the Affordable Housing Trust was moved to the Operating Budget under CDD. If this shift were to be excluded, the increase in the overall Operating Budget would be $57,260,265 or 7.1% over the FY23 Adopted Budget (instead of the reported 9.9% increase).
Other changes revealed in the FY2024 Budget Book are that the Electrical Department was moved into the Public Works Department during FY2023, and the Water Department is now listed under the Community Maintenance and Development category rather than as its own separate Budget category. There is now also a new “Capital Building Projects” budget line under Community Maintenance and Development. The Personnel Department has also been taken out of the Finance Department Budget and is now its own “Human Resources” budget line.
It’s worth noting that the City Manager’s Office (Executive) had grown to 16 full-time positions in FY2022 (up from 11 a few years earlier). That grew to 22 in FY2023 and has now leapt to 31 full-time positions in the FY2024 Budget. This partially explains its 50.2% increase from $5,638,040 to $8,467,495.
Manager’s Agenda #2. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to relative to the appropriation and authorization to borrow $50,000,000 to provide funds for the reconstruction of the Mass Avenue between Waterhouse Street and Alewife Parkway.
Passed to 2nd Reading 7-1-1 (QZ - No; AM - Absent); Referred to Finance Committee 8-0-1 (AM - Absent)
Manager’s Agenda #3. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to appropriation and authorization to borrow $35,350,000 to provide funds for the Municipal Facilities Improvement Plan. Funds will support upgrades to the 689 Mass Avenue Interior; upgrades at the Moses Youth Center; Interior fit-out of Rindge Pre-K building; electric vehicle charging station infrastructure at several municipal buildings; and additional work at Inman and East Cambridge Fire Houses; First Street Garage upgrades to stairs and elevator; and other City building upgrades.
Passed to 2nd Reading 7-1-1 (QZ - No; AM - Absent); Referred to Finance Committee 8-0-1 (AM - Absent)
Manager’s Agenda #4. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to appropriation and authorization to borrow $2,500,000 to provide funds for the construction of the Peabody School Playground and Corcoran (Raymond Street) park.
Passed to 2nd Reading 7-1-1 (QZ - No; AM - Absent); Referred to Finance Committee 8-0-1 (AM - Absent)
Manager’s Agenda #5. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to appropriation and authorization to borrow $1,800,000 to provide funds for financing school building upgrades.
Passed to 2nd Reading 7-1-1 (QZ - No; AM - Absent); Referred to Finance Committee 8-0-1 (AM - Absent)
Manager’s Agenda #6. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation and authorization to borrow $51,500,000 to provide funds for the construction of sewer separation, storm water management and combined sewer overflow reduction elimination improvements within the Port and River Street areas as well as the Sewer Capital Repairs Program and climate change preparedness efforts.
Passed to 2nd Reading 7-1-1 (QZ - No; AM - Absent); Referred to Finance Committee 8-0-1 (AM - Absent)
Manager’s Agenda #7. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation and authorization to borrow $26,000,000 to provide funds for the reconstruction of various City streets, sidewalks and bike facilities. $15,000,000 of this loan order is attributable to the improvement project related to sewer infrastructure upgrades on River Street, which include full depth roadway reconstruction, new sidewalks, new street trees and various other street improvements.
Passed to 2nd Reading 7-1-1 (QZ - No; AM - Absent); Referred to Finance Committee 8-0-1 (AM - Absent)
Budget Summaries - FY2024 Comparisons
The City Manager’s presentation on Monday (and at the upcoming Budget Hearings) should be very interesting. I’m also eager to hear if there are any (misguided) efforts to turn some of the ARPA windfalls into permanent parts of the City’s Operating Budget. Questions worth asking would be about how changes in commercial property use and value in addition to a rapidly growing City Budget will translate into residential property tax rates over the next few years. These are the kinds of questions city councillors should be asking now rather than after the municipal election.
Manager’s Agenda #17. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 22-74, regarding needs assessment of the Danehy Park and recommendations for improvements; and irrigation updates.
Placed on File 8-0-1 (AM - Absent)
“Danehy Park opened in 1990 - a 50-acre open space that provides sports fields, walking paths, a dog park, and other open space amenities. Previously, between 1847-1952, clay was extracted to manufacture bricks by the New England Brick Company. The result was a deep clay pit that the City used as its landfill between 1952 and 1971. This was capped and Danehy Park created in 1990. … The City has begun working with MassDEP on a 30-Year Post Closure Evaluation and Report that will include an evaluation of the existing methane trench. … On Mar 21 a contractor working for the City performing soil borings identified a methane pocket beneath the clay cap in Danehy Park. … City staff from DPW, DHSP, Fire, and Public Health are working closely with DEP to install additional venting structures to allow the landfill gases to safely vent and increase monitoring in the park to ensure the effectiveness of the venting modifications. … Other improvements presently underway: Girls Softball Improvements, Irrigation System Improvements.”
Manager’s Agenda #18. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appointment and reappointment of the following persons as a members of the Board of Zoning Appeals: Members (five-year term) – William Boehm, Fernando Daniel Hidalgo, Virginia Keesler, Steven Ng; Associate Members (two-year term): Carol Agate, Michael LaRosa, Thomas Marshall Miller, Zarya Miranda; Associate Members (two-year term reappointment): Matina Williams, Wendy Leiserson
Appointments Approved 8-0-1 (AM - Absent)
Let’s see if the City Council’s newfound authority to confirm Board appointments results in any challenges to these BZA appointments - one of the Boards targeted by ABC (a.k.a. “A Bigger Cambridge”) for Just Doing its Job. The role of the BZA has never been to overrule zoning regulations as a policy matter, but rather to manage exceptional and hardship cases and to grant some Special Permits – regardless what some have claimed in regard to some recent major development proposals.
Manager’s Agenda #19. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to a Planning Board report with no positive or negative recommendation on the Michael Monestime et. al. Zoning Petition. (CM23#123) [Monestime Petition - amended]
Referred to Petition 8-0-1 (AM - Absent); later moved to Suspend Rules for Reconsideration 8-0-1 (AM - Absent); Reconsideration of Referral Fails 0-8-1 (AM - Absent) to allow for immediate ordination
Unfinished Business #1. A Zoning Ordinance has been received from Diane P. LeBlanc City Clerk, relative to the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cambridge be amended on a Zoning Petition by Michael Monestime, et al., to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cambridge by creating new footnotes in the Table of Permitted Uses in Section 4.30 for Outdoor Retail or Consumer Service Establishment, not otherwise defined and Outdoor Entertainment and Recreation Facility”; in the Business B, B-1 and B-2 column which read, “For the Central Square Overlay see section 20.304.5 (5)”; and “For the Central Square Overlay see section 20.304.5 (6)”;; and by amending Section 20.304.5 of the Central Square Overlay District to allow Outdoor Retail or Consumer Service Establishment, not otherwise defined by Special Permit from the Planning Board, with associated approval criteria, and to permit Outdoor Entertainment and Recreation Facility as-of-right within the Business B District of the Central Square Overlay District. [Passed to 2nd Reading Apr 24, 2023; To Be Ordained on or after May 15, 2023; Expires July 12, 2023] (ORD23#1)
Motion to Declare This Matter a “Special Emergency” Prevails 8-0-1 (AM Absent); Ordained 8-0-1 (AM - Absent)
Though we all expect this will be ordained unanimously and perhaps even fast-tracked as an “emergency”, the issue of concern is amplified music that may annoy close neighbors. There are three abutting 8-family affordable housing structures, and the Planning Board received communications from some of the residents. Under existing zoning it has been up to the BZA to allow this exceptional use - together with regulation of noise levels by the License Commission. The zoning change would make the operation of Starlight Square (and other areas within the Central Square Overlay District) an as-of-right use, but noise levels and days/times of operation would continue to be regulated by the License Commission. The best long-term solution would be to build an enclosed performance space that would be usable year-round and in inclement weather, but that won’t likely be happening any time soon.
Applications & Petitions #2. A Zoning Petition has been received from Ian Ferguson, et al. regarding Pitched Roofs Zoning Petition. (AP23#22) [text of petition]
Referred to Planning Board & Ordinance Committee 8-0-1 (AM - Absent)
At first I thought this reminiscent of the Rainwater & Flat Roof Zoning Petition from 2018 that was championed by Councillor Kelley, but it’s actually quite different (and interesting).
Communications #31. A communication was received from Marie Elena Saccoccio, regarding Proposed Amendments to Ch. 2.78, Art. III.
Communications #32. A communication was received from Frank J. Paolitto, regarding Proposed changes in housing policies.
Order #1. That the City Manager is requested to direct the Community Development Department to promptly draft a zoning petition to be considered for filing by the City Council, based upon the proposed Affordable Housing Overlay amendments now before the Housing Committee. Councillor Simmons, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Zondervan
Charter Right - Nolan (after numerous speeches by the likes of Zondervan and McGovern who declared that they would prefer even taller heights along all of the declared “Corridors” and Squares, and that anything less that the City obtaining every residential property that goes on the market should be viewed as a failure);
Councillor Toner introduced a Substitute Order that will be reintroduced when this matter comes up at the next regular meeting
I suppose if Major League Baseball can institute pitch clocks then perhaps this is the City Council’s own version of a hurry-up strategy. That said, this entire proposal is outrageously wrongheaded. It would be one thing to propose some height increases along streets where 3-story buildings are typical to perhaps allow an extra few stories - especially along streets where there are already some 4-6 story apartment buildings, but this offensive proposal would more than quadruple the allowed heights for favored housing developers. Perhaps the most disappointing aspect of this attempt to fast-track this matter is that it has Councillor Simmons as a co-sponsor - someone who up until now I thought actually cared about the concerns of neighbors.
Order #2. That the City Manager is hereby requested to work with the Community Development Department and neighboring cities and agree to a non-binding framework that Cambridge can use to work towards a more diverse real estate development industry. Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Simmons, Councillor Toner, Councillor Azeem
Order Adopted 8-0-1 (AM - Absent) - Zondervan declares that he would also like to codify requirements for union labor and a laundry list of social goals to do business in Cambridge, Siddiqui concurs
The last “Ordered” states: “That this framework includes an update to the Special Permit process with a request that they report on actions they are taking to increase the diversity of their teams, construction firms, and investors, and share the findings of this update with regional partners.” Regardless of its merits, this is a rather unusual thing to include as part of any Special Permit criteria regardless of whether it is non-binding. It’s one thing to require a range of requirements in City contracts, but I’m not aware of even a requirement for something like union labor anywhere in the Zoning Ordinance. Shall only those owners/developers matching the political/social goals of the City Council be allowed to do business in Cambridge? This is a very slippery slope.
Order #4. That the City Manager is requested to work with CDD, Law Department, the Assessor’s Office, and any other relevant departments to produce final draft ordinance language for the BEUDO amendments based on the CDD proposal as amended by the Ordinance Committee at its Apr 26, 2023 hearing; and that the City Manager report back on this matter, including presenting final draft language to the City Council no later than May 31st, 2023. Councillor Zondervan, Councillor McGovern
Order Adopted 8-0-1 (AM - Absent)
Order #6. City Council support of letter on strong Clean Heat Standards. Councillor Nolan, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Carlone
Order Adopted 8-0-1 (AM - Absent)
Committee Report #1. The Economic Development & University Relations Committee held a public meeting on Apr 4, 2023 to the discuss the practical impact of various city policies, regulations and ordinances on commercial and residential development and construction projects in Cambridge. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 8-0-1 (AM - Absent)
This committee report is very interesting. It gives a nice summary of the multitude of requirements faced by those who seek to build anything in Cambridge. - Robert Winters
Here’s my survey of the more interesting items on this week’s agenda:
Manager’s Agenda #2. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appointment of School Committee Member Caroline Hunter as a member of the Family Policy Council.
Appointment Approved 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #3. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appointment of the following persons as member of the to the Cambridge Commission on the Status of Women for a term of three years: • Jean Connor (appointment) • Caitlin Dube (appointment) • Rhonda Greene (reappointment) • Mara Horwitz (appointment) • Natalie Le (appointment) • Judith Tumusiime (appointment)
Appointments Approved 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #4. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appointment of the following persons as members of the the Mass Ave Partial Construction Working Group: • Sukia Akiba • Steven Beaucher • Darren Buck • Christopher Cassa • Makayla Comas-Race • Gary Dmytryk • Debby Galef • Diane Gray • Denise Jillson • Timothy Keefe • Ruth Ryals • Eitan Normand • Daniel Stubbs • Laurie Pessah
Appointments Approved 9-0
“The Working Group will meet over a period of 12 months to advise City staff on key issues related to the planning, design, and construction of this important project.”
Manager’s Agenda #5. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, requesting that the City Council authorize an agreement to partner with the Town of Arlington (“Arlington”) in its receipt of a federal planning grant (“Grant”) from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (“FEMA”).
pulled by Nolan; comments by Nolan, DPW Commissioner Kathy Watkins, Zondervan, Deputy City Manager Owen O’Riordan (Roundtable suggested); Nolan offers a committee hearing and Siddiqui agrees; Order Adopted 9-0 (after Siddiqui misstep of merely calling for a vote to accept report and place on file)
“The Grant is to conduct a study in furtherance of this work undertaken by Arlington and the City as members of the Resilient Mystic Collaborative (“RMC”). … The Grant concerns the Amelia Earhart and the Charles River (the Island End River and the Draw 7 Park) dams that protect Arlington, the City, and other communities from coastal flooding. … Arlington’s Hazard Mitigation Plan recognizes coastal hazards as high and serious for Massachusetts but not currently applicable because of dams that turned the upper Mystic and Charles Rivers from tidal estuaries to freshwater impoundments. However, climate projections show the dams at risk of being overtopped by 2030 and failing by 2050.”
Manager’s Agenda #6. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to improvements to the area around Jerry’s Pond. (CM23#103) [Danehy Bridge Connectivity] [Open Space Needs Assessment] [Jerry’s Pond Communication from CM]
pulled by Siddiqui who expresses shock and disappointment on City’s lack of transparency in diversion of funds; Carlone says $400,000 is peanuts and that we should do both projects (bridge and Jerry’s Pond enhancements); McGovern notes ~700 new trees and ~$14 million from IQHQ but disappointment w/diversion of funds from Jerry’s Pond study; Toner asks what reasoning was for diversion of funds; O’Riordan notes loss of significant trees and level of excessive excavation and inability of site to act as wetland due to hydrology, potential benefits questionable; Comm. Watkins reiterates concerns about loss of significant trees, suggests a floating wetland adjacent to Rindge Avenue without doing excavation; Toner would like this all summarized in a memo, notes additional time and cost associated with plans from Friends of Jerry’s Pond; O’Riordan notes that IQHQ owns the site and that they do not support to proposal from advocates; Zondervan expresses concern about other groups not getting their ARRPA funds and Council’s inability to determine allocations, wants improvements on Rindge Ave. edge; City Manager Huang expresses gratitude to the advocates, City still looking at plans, says City does not take lightly reallocation of funds, echoes comment of Deputy City Manager, notes 2200 dump-truck loads of required excavation, concern about $600,000 toward a proposal that would not happen; Nolan acknowledges work of advocates and that plans improved as a result, expresses delight with RR crossing but would prefer an underpass instead; O'Riordan says City will be exploring both a bridge and an underpass; Nolan has liability concerns; Watkins notes significant amount of urban fill that would have to be moved and disposed - not clean soil, liability would fall on IQHQ; Azeem appreciates learning now about infeasible plans; Referred (Zondervan) to NLTP Committee 9-0
“we plan to reallocate the ARRPA funds identified to study the feasibility of renovating Jerry’s Pond to fund the 25% design of a new bike and pedestrian bridge over the Fitchburg Commuter Line to connect Rindge Avenue and Danehy Park. … The latest multi-use path projects, including the upcoming Danehy-New Street Path and the recent completion of the Watertown-Cambridge Greenway, make the bike/ped bridge connection over the Fitchburg Commuter Line even more valuable.”
Manager’s Agenda #7. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 23-08, regarding a report regarding exploring additional less-lethal alternatives that pose the smallest risk of injury when deployed for standard issue in the Cambridge Police Department. (CM23#104) [text of report]
pulled by Zondervan who wants report also referred to Public Safety Committee for further discussion; Toner notes that only “Axon Taser 10” and “FN-303 Less-Lethal Launcher” (a shoulder-fired weapons system that is accurate from up to 160 feet) are not currently part of CPD inventory, would prefer that this matter not be referred to committee; Police Superintendent Rob Lowe notes that only the taser is currently recommended for addition to inventory; Simmons notes our exemplary Police Department, wants to allow Commissioner Elow freedom to make recommendations informed by ongoing study; McGovern asks about concerns that if officers had tasers this might lead to less de-escalation; Lowe notes that significant training would accompany any use of tasers; McGovern notes willingness of CPD to self-evaluate and adapt; Mallon asks about why FN-303 and “Vector Shield” not currently recommended; Nolan asks when PERF report may be available; Elow says they have begun and report will not be available until after inquest is done; Siddiqui chimes in; Zondervan notes that tasers can also be lethal; Report Referred to Public Safety Committee 9-0
“Whenever practicable, Cambridge Police officers are to use verbal and non-verbal engagement techniques and de-escalation actions to stabilize a law enforcement situation so that more time, options, and resources are available to gain a person’s voluntary compliance and to reduce or eliminate the need to use force. However, when de-escalation tactics have been attempted and failed or are not feasible based on the totality of the circumstances, officers are authorized to use reasonable force to gain, maintain, or reestablish control to protect the lives and safety of others and/or themselves.” … “we are recommending that the department wait and evaluate PERF’s final report and recommendations before we consider pursuing or expanding less-lethal options.”
Charter Right #2. Riverbend Park on Memorial Drive. [Charter Right – Simmons, Apr 10, 2023]
Simmons notes comments by Riverside residents who feel disrespected by Council intentions to ask DCR reconsideration - “people closest to the pain should be closest to the power” - asks Councillors Nolan and Azeem to rescind or table this Order; Nolan fully supports Order and claims that only a small number of people object, suggests that people in Riverside support all-weekend closure, proposes amendment to seek legal justification for full weekend closure; Carlone says all sides are right, City has insufficient open space, DCR controls the land and road, compliments Suzanne Blier (and others) suggestion to close from Eliot Bridge to JFK Street on Saturdays; Zondervan notes that DCR has decided against Saturday closures so Riverside residents were heard, calls traffic on Memorial Drive environmental injustice, says eventually it will be closed all weekend; Azeem notes that Order expresses disappointment about DCR decision to not consider other options; McGovern is dismissive of Blier proposal if this is a matter of legal authority, notes that neighborhood is divided on issue, wants traffic mitigation regardless; Siddiqui on defense over neighborhood concerns, agrees with need for traffic mitigation; Carlone notes that Blier proposal would still need DCR approval, notes that City has insufficient capacity for studying traffic; Simmons notes that compromise proposal for Eliot Bridge to JFK St. was suggested by multiple people; Nolan protests Simmons suggestion that a cover letter include minority view - Simmons takes exception; Order Adopted 7-2 as Amended (DS,PT - No)
I look forward to yet another meeting where advocates on either side of an issue talk past each other. I also expect a lot of “studies have shown” rhetorical BS. In the end, this may simply come down to whether someone has “pull” with the incoming DCR Commissioner.
Communications #22. A communication was received from Joan Pickett, regarding Material for Monday City Council Meeting. [Analysis of Cycling Safety in Cambridge Under the Cycling Safety Ordinance Year-3]
Placed on File 9-0
At the very least, this partially fills the gap left by the City’s failure to actually evaluate the safety impacts of various road reconfigurations undertaken in recent years. I’ll leave it to others to sift through the statistics. Anecdotally, I will say that I feel a lot more nervous when driving now because of the many different road obstructions and greatly narrowed lane widths. Whether they provide increased bicycle safety (as opposed to “comfort”) is debatable. Former Traffic Czar Joe Barr would likely call it all “traffic calming”, but I feel a lot less calm when driving, and I worry a lot more now about cyclists racing up while I’m making a right turn due to decreased visibility. This was not a problem when I previously would simply pull as far to the right as possible when making a turn.
Resolution #2. Resolution on the death of Ruth Hill. Councillor Simmons
pulled by Simmons with comments of great respect; Adopted 9-0
Ruth Edmonds Hill was a magnificent and brilliant person in her own right, but some may remember “Sister Ruth” as the wife of the late Hugh Morgan Hill (“Brother Blue”). [Obituary]
Order #4. That the City Manager is requested to work with relevant City departments to bring together a working group to conduct outreach through neighborhood groups including the Fresh Pond Residents Alliance, and any other nearby neighborhood groups and City departments, in order to discuss and review options for use of the BB&N Field. Councillor Nolan, Vice Mayor Mallon, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Carlone
Order Adopted 9-0
“this property could be utilized by the City in a variety of important ways, including: a location for the City’s operations, affordable housing development, preschool use, open space, and other uses which would benefit the larger Cambridge community” – It’s worth reiterating my comments from the previous meeting on this topic: “Toner asks about public process in determining uses for City-owned property; Mallon says site would be perfect for an affordable housing development; Zondervan proposes that tall affordable housing towers be built on this site on Larch Road; Carlone prefers mixed use w/o towers and proposes stormwater storage under buildings with zero parking.”
Order #5. That the City Manager is requested to direct relevant departments to work together to develop a policy that would lead to a ban on the use of gas-powered lawn equipment in Cambridge in line with other municipalities and development of possible ordinance language limiting the use of gas-powered lawn equipment by residents, businesses, and city operations. Councillor Nolan, Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Carlone
pulled by Toner; Nolan comments; Toner notes that a Working Group was supposed to have been formed (but wasn’t), asks if a proposed ban is a foregone conclusion; Zondervan bemoans fact that a ban has not already been enacted; Nolan states that within a few years there will be no gas-powered cars and no gas-powered equipment; Adopted 9-0, Referred to Health & Environment Committee
Frankly, among all the competing priorities worth pursuing, this ranks pretty low on my list. Then again, I live on a busy street where a leaf blower would be just another instrument in the cacophonous orchestra.
Committee Report #1. The Health and Environment Committee met on Mar 1, 2022 to receive an update on the Net Zero Action Plan. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Committee Report #2. The Health and Environment Committee met on Mar 8, 2022 to conduct a public hearing on proposed BEUDO amendments. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Committee Report #3. The Health and Environment Committee met on Mar 23, 2022 to continue discussion on the Net Zero Action Plan. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Committee Report #4. The Health and Environment Committee met on Mar 29, 2022 to receive a report from the Climate Resilience Zoning Task Force. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Committee Report #5. The Health and Environment Committee met on Tues, Apr 11, 2023 to review plans for solar and renewable energy installations in the city, including report on solar expansion and works by the CEA (Cambridge Energy Alliance) and potential for solar on city owned water supply land, and any other items related to renewable energy. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Please note that four of these five reports are from more than a year ago.
Committee Report #6. The Ordinance Committee held a public hearing on Apr 13, 2023 on the Citizen’s Zoning Petition received from Michael Monestime et al. regarding Outdoor Use Zoning in the Central Square Cultural District. [text of report]
pulled by Zondervan; Passed to 2nd Reading 9-0; Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
This zoning petition will likely breeze through to ordination, but lest anyone be concerned about as-of-right noisiness to neighbors, the Cambridge License Commission will continue to have authority to regulate any potential nuisances (as opposed to the Board of Zoning Appeal). - Robert Winters
Please excuse the perceived microaggressions. Here’s what I found most interesting this week (other than the Red Sox, the history of the Cambridge City Charters, springtime, and partying for socializing and libations):
Manager’s Agenda #6. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 21-71, regarding placing a cricket field in one of the Cambridge parks.
pulled by Siddiqui; Toner asks about public process in determining uses for City-owned property; Mallon says site would be perfect for an affordable housing development; Zondervan proposes that tall affordable housing towers be built on this site on Larch Road; Carlone prefers mixed use w/o towers and proposes stormwater storage under buildings with zero parking; Placed on File 8-0-1 (MM - Absent)
![]() ![]() |
Manager’s Agenda #7. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to a communication from DCR to the City regarding Memorial Drive closures.
pulled by Nolan; Nolan and Azeem Late Order appealing DCR decision - Charter Right - Simmons; Zondervan and Nolan attempt to define “environmental justice”; Simmons notes that even with motor vehicles on Memorial Drive there are ample opportunities to “walk, bike, and crawl”; Mallon addresses “the elephant in the room” noting that incoming DCR Commissioner may provide opportunities to call in political favors to restore Saturday closures, suggests that Covid measures like outdoor patios, eviction protections, and Saturday road closures should all be continued; Carlone debunks suggestions by QZ,PN that Memorial Drive users are primarily suburban upper crust [the truth is that the Harvard Square area is like a mid-city blockage that pushes traffic to the periphery and that it’s largely local traffic that uses the Riverbend Park section of Memorial Drive]; Placed on File 8-0-1 (MM - Absent)
Late Order #5. That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to work with relevant City departments and state agencies to mitigate traffic impacts and to formally request DCR to reconsider its decision to not close Memorial Drive on Saturdays. Councillor Nolan, Councillor Azeem
Charter Right - Simmons
Manager’s Agenda #8. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to a 2023 Quarter One update.
pulled by Zondervan who uses opportunity to call for disarming of Cambridge Police and diverting 911 calls to HEART; Nolan wants more City Council control of City Budget before City Manager proposes it to City Council [I expect she will want to change the City Charter to gain more “executive” control over City Budget]; City Manager Huang recommends using summer months to work out a plan for deciding Goals & Objectives prior to developing the next Budget; Placed on File 8-0-1 (MM - Absent)
146 Communications covering topics on this and and mainly on the previous agenda.
Resolution #17. Resolution on the death of Ned Handy. Councillor Carlone, Councillor Toner
Resolution #22. Thanks to Nancy Woods for her service to the Cambridge Public Library. Mayor Siddiqui
Order #1. City Manager Performance Review Ad Hoc Committee. Mayor Siddiqui
pulled by Siddiqui; Order Adopted 8-0-1 (MM - Absent)
Order #4. That the City Manager is requested to direct the City Solicitor to provide the City Council with a legal opinion on the earliest possible date that potential changes to the charter could be voted on by the electorate, assuming the Charter Review Committee submits proposed changes to the City Council by the new Dec 31, 2023 deadline. Councillor Zondervan
Order Adopted 8-0-1 (MM - Absent)
Committee Report #1. The Health and Environment Committee conducted a public hearing on June 7, 2022 to discuss the adverse impacts of gas-powered leaf blowers and recent bans on their use in other jurisdictions. [text of report]
Report Accepted; Placed on File 8-0-1 (MM - Absent)
Committee Report #2. The Neighborhood & Long-Term Planning, Public Facilities, Arts & Celebrations Committee held a public meeting Mar 22, 2023 to discuss potential amendments to the Affordable Housing Overlay. [text of report]
Report Accepted; Placed on File 8-0-1 (MM - Absent)
Committee Report #3. The Finance Committee held a public meeting Mar 23, 2023 to review the FY24 Police Department’s budget before it is submitted to the City Manager, and to review any budget proposal items related to body cameras. [text of report]
Report Accepted; Placed on File 8-0-1 (MM - Absent)
Note: The meeting opened (after Public Comment) with remarks by Fire Chief Thomas Cahill, City Manager Yi-An Huang, and Deputy City Manager Owen O’Riordan about the Faith Lutheran Church fire the previous day, and that although the steeple will have to be removed on Tuesday, most of the church building can likely be saved even though there was extensive damage. - Robert Winters
The Cambridge City Council continues to be held hostage by those braying brats of socialism, so The Nine will again gather in their respective Zoom Caves this Monday to stumble through the motions of another futile exercise in shaky democracy. Here are a few items worth noting:
Manager’s Agenda #2. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to a Revised Response to Proposed Amendments to Ch. 2.78, Art. III (Neighborhood Conservation District and Landmarks Ordinance).
pulled by Zondervan; remarks by Zondervan, Carlone, Toner, McGovern; Refer to Ordinance Committee 9-0
Committee Report #8. The Ordinance Committee held a public hearing on Tues, Mar 7, 2023, on potential changes to Chapter 2.78 Historical Buildings and Landmarks, Proposed Ordinance #2022-11. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
These particular proposed amendments seem quite reasonable - as opposed to the Robert Moses (not our Bob Moses) tear-it-all-down perspective on “urban renewal” espoused by some current activists. One of the many great things about living in Cambridge is its remarkable history and the coexistence of many different types of architecture in every corner of the city.
Manager’s Agenda #3. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 22-79, regarding Garden Street Safety Improvement Project local traffic analysis.
pulled by Zondervan; Toner moves to take up with Charter Right #1; Placed on File 9-0
Charter Right #1. Policy Order for Garden Street Accommodations. [Charter Right – Zondervan, Mar 20, 2023]
Zondervan proposed amendments to implement recommendations proposed by staff; Toner opposed to QZ amendments; Carlone notes that there were NO pedestrian improvements in project; Nolan disagrees with QZ amendments that eviscerate original recommendations and notes that Cycling Safety Ordinance was meant to override any concerns of Traffic Department; McGovern also disagrees with first and last QZ amendments; Mallon notes that report calls original proposed changes infeasible and supports QZ amendments; Azeem says he was open to proposed amendments but now supports QZ amendments; responses by Brooke McKenna (TPT) - back-and-forth with Nolan; Zondervan says Council should not be second-guessing the Traffic Department and suggests that any criticism is sexist; McKenna notes that proposed changes would complicate the Huron/Garden intersection with an exclusive bicycle signal phase and cause gridlock; Siddiqui remarks; additional Toner remarks supporting original proposal and on role of councillors; McKenna says “charterwritten” (cringe); McGovern notes that one can support both the Order and the Traffic Department report, notes that he was the lead sponsor of the Cycling Safety Ordinance; Carlone notes that there are two women on this policy order and objects to Zondervan's use of word “sexist” as ridiculous (Zondervan objects); QZ amendment #1 passes 6-3 (PN,DS,PT - No); QZ amendment #2 passes 7-2 (DS,PT - No); QZ amendment #3 passes 6-3 (DC,DS,PT - No); QZ amendment #4 fails 3-5-0-1 (BA,AM,QZ - Yes; MM,PN,DS,PT,SS - No; DC - Present); Siddiqui attempts to explain function of policy orders; Toner notes that it is proper role of City Council to submit policy orders; Zondervan will vote against the Order; Toner wants assurances that TPP will actually look at proposals; Zondervan says TPP has already done their analysis; Mallon would support “explore the feasibility” rather than “implement”; McGovern moves to replace “implement” with “consider” [passes 6-3 (PN,DS,PT - No); Order Adopted as Amended 5-3-1 (DC,MM,PN,PT,SS - Yes; AM,QZ,DS - No; BA - Present)
139 Communications on a range of topics, especially (a) the Garden Street road configuration a.k.a. Policy Order #3 from Mar 20 and Charter Right #1, (b) the HEART patronage proposal, (c) the AHO Behemoth Proposal, and (d) Starlight Square and the proposed Outdoor Use Zoning for the Central Square Cultural District.
The only two observations I’ll make on this hot topic are (a) it’s never OK to begin a traffic study with predetermined conclusions followed by “cherry-picked” data to support those conclusions; and (b) elected officials are not necessarily the best people to be evaluating traffic studies.
Charter Right #2. That the City Council authorize an extension of time for the Special Committee/Charter Review Committee to file its report on suggested Charter changes with the City Council until Dec 31, 2023. [Charter Right – Zondervan, Mar 22, 2023]
Zondervan would prefer interim changes on the ballot this year rather than waiting until 2025 (not at all clear that this would be when changes would be on ballot); Nolan would have preferred faster action and notes that any changes to elections could not be proposed for this year, says that a Special Election could be held in 2024 specifically on the Charter; Simmons supports additional time for committee to do its work; Zondervan wants clarification about procedure for changing how elections conducted, suggests they could not take effect until 2025; Glowa disagrees - notes that proposals would go to City Council, then Attorney General, then voters (should also include State Legislature if substantial changes); Zondervan thinks a Special Election would be burdensome; McGovern asks what would be the alternative; Order Adopted 8-1 (QZ - No)
A six-month extension of the Charter Review Committee will almost certainly be approved. After that, it’s a crapshoot since the end product will only be recommendations, and the incumbents can pick and choose whatever suits their fancy to present to the Legislature and ultimately to Cambridge voters. The long history of Cambridge city charters from 1846 to the present has been of modifications made in the public interest, and certainly not in the self-interest of incumbents. Keep that in mind when you hear calls for more power and/or longer terms. There are some good and important modifications to the charter that can and should be made in the public interest, but let’s save that discussion for later.
Unfinished Business #3. An Ordinance has been received from Diane P. LeBlanc City Clerk, relative to a Zoning Petition from Patrick Barrett et al. North Mass Ave BA-5 Zoning District Petition. [Passed to 2nd Reading, Mar 6, 2023; To Be Ordained on or after Mar 20, 2023; Expires Apr 3, 2023]
McGovern notes that several votes required; Zondervan consistently opposed as spot zoning, feels that this subverts AHO and speaks in favor of AHO Behemoth Proposal; Carlone notes that proposal is for a 4.0 FAR yet project under 3.0 FAR with maximum height of 69 feet; objects to absence of documents and call this “a joke” - classic spot zoning with no City benefits; Toner supports proposal - heights not unreasonable - wants further N. Mass. Ave. study, says Planning Board liked the project but wanted the full study first; Nolan says she’s torn, questions why a 4.0 FAR is necessary, proposes amendment to reduce maximum FAR to 3.0 (acceptable to petitioner); Azeem wants to remove dwelling area to lot ratio; Siddiqui want to pass this tonight; Carlone reiterates desire for calculation and drawings for what is proposed, expects this will yield enormous pressure to have this up and down Mass. Ave., concerned about precedent; Toner asks if this requires 5 votes or 6; Zondervan notes that for creation of housing requires only 5 votes, Glowa agrees; Zondervan opposed to amendments - not discussed at Ordinance Committee; Glowa says that because proposal allows office and retail uses, requires 6 votes for any parts not involving housing; Nolan amendments adopted 7-2 (QZ,SS - No); Azeem proposes amendment to reduce ratio of dwelling units to lot area to zero; Glowa affirms that 6 votes required; Carlone notes that developer promised parking for each unit; Azeem amendment passes 5-3-1 (DC,AM,SS - No; PN - Present); Amend by Substitution with CDD modifications (as amended) passes 9-0; Ordained as Amended 6-3 (DC,QZ,SS - No)
Order #1. That the City Manager is requested to work with the City Solicitor to provide a legal opinion which clarifies the state law on zoning petition signature requirements to ensure clarity and lawful deliberation in the future. Councillor Nolan
Order Adopted 9-0
Order #4. That the City Manager is requested to direct the Department of Human Service Programs to develop a three-year plan to expand and improve After School Care for Cambridge children. Councillor McGovern, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Simmons, Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Carlone, Councillor Toner, Vice Mayor Mallon
pulled by McGovern; Order Adopted as Amended 9-0
Order #5. That the City Manager is hereby requested to direct the Community Development Department and the Law Department to review the Citizens Zoning Petition received from Michael Monestime et al. regarding Outdoor Use Zoning for the Central Square Cultural District for form and content. Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Zondervan
Order Adopted 9-0
Committee Reports #1-7 from the distant past (2019-2020 Transportation and Public Utilities Committee) w/special thanks to the staff of the City Clerk’s Office. It will take time to make up for the negligence of committee Chairs who apparently prefer darkness over light. [Long Overdue Reports: Carlone (15), Simmons (12), McGovern (11), Nolan (11), Zondervan (10), Devereux (4), Kelley (7), Sobrinho-Wheeler (2), Mallon (2), Toner (2), Azeem (2)]
Reports Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Committee Report #9. The Housing Committee held a public meeting on Mar 8, 2023 to continue the recessed meeting from Feb 8, 2023 to continue discussing potential amendments to the Affordable Housing Overlay district as outlined in the Nov 21, 2022 policy order adopted by the City Council. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
I’m not sure where this offensive proposal stands since it ultimately would have to go through the Ordinance Committee and Planning Board before coming to a vote. It may be that the industry lobbyists who wrote it strategically proposed such absurd deviations from existing zoning so that anything less might be viewed as a “compromise”. It’s also a municipal election year, and there may be political risks or benefits to being associated with such a radical upzoning. In any case, let me just say that in Cambridge and elsewhere, use of the word “crisis” is often just another way of saying “do what I say or else”.
Communications & Reports #4. A communication was received from City Solicitor Nancy E. Glowa, transmitting Legal Opinion on Recent Supreme Judicial Court Case Regarding Public Comment. [text of opinion]
pulled by Mallon (early); Mallon proposes Rules Changes - 38.6, 32B, and 12; Late Policy Order Adopted 7-0-0-2; Placed on File 9-0
Late Order #8. That the City Council amend Rules 38.6, 32B, and 12 to align the City Council Rules with the decision made in Barron v. Kolenda. Vice Mayor Mallon
Comments by Mallon, Zondervan suggests a Gov’t Ops. meeting; Carlone notes that this will make the Council more of a circus; Nolan says no meeting necessary, need for Council to prevent a tone; Mallon asks if Rules changes can be done now without usually required delay; Glowa says that no law requires delay - just City Council Rules, can be changed immediately under suspension of rules; Mallon moves suspension (passes 7-0-0-2; Carlone, Simmons - Present); Azeem says this should have been on City Manager’s Agenda, asks if the ruling applies to City Council; Glowa notes that changes to Rule #12 would make this apply to City Council as well; Simmons notes that in a previous training question raised about what is actually meant by “avoid personalities”, would prefer more discussion in committee of proposed changes; Glowa reticent on interpreting “avoid personalities” in City Council Rules; Simmons wants to be recorded as voting Present (Zondervan objects) - approved 7-1-1 (PT - Absent, QZ - No); Zondervan favors striking all restraints on free speech, wants fuller conversation in Gov’t Ops.; Order Adopted 7-0-0-2 (DC,DS - Present) for immediate Rules changes
It looks like uncivil comments will now be considered permissible during Public Comment, but City Council Rules can still require speakers to stay on point. Shutting down an actual (in-person) meeting is still not protected speech, but that really doesn’t mean much if there’s no will to prevent it. - Robert Winters
1. A communication was received from the Chair of the Cambridge Charter Review Committee, Kathleen Born, transmitting a Letter and Report to the City Council, Charter Review Committee Presentation, and Appendix. (COF23#49)
Report Accepted, Placed on File
O-1 Mar 22, 2023 Charter Right - Zondervan (PO23#54)
ORDERED: That the City Council authorize an extension of time for the Special Committee/Charter Review Committee to file its report on suggested Charter changes with the City Council until December 31, 2023.
Spring officially begins Monday, Mar 20, 2023 at 5:24pm. Six minutes later the Cambridge City Council will spring backwards into Zoom isolation. Here are the agenda items that caught my attention:
Manager’s Agenda #1. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the new appointments of Maria Guadalupe Arlotto and Brendan Koscher as members of the Police Review and Advisory Board for terms of five years.
Appointments Approved 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #2. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 23-05, regarding a report on beginning the process of obtaining police body worn cameras (BWC) for the Cambridge Police Department, and to work with all appropriate departments to produce policy recommendations that would allow body worn camera usage while also not violating civil liberties in compliance with the City’s Surveillance Ordinance.
pulled by Toner; comments by PT, DS, MM, PN (critical of previous city managers), QZ (opposed to body cameras); responses by Commissioner Christine Elow, and Superintendent Freddie Cabral; Placed on File 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #3. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 23-09, regarding a report on engaging a third party, independent firm/consultant or university partner to review and examine the Cambridge Police Department’s policies and practices regarding de-escalation methods, mental health calls for service, training, and more.
pulled by Zondervan; questions from Siddiqui; comments by QZ (concerned about bidding process for contract - curious that no such concerns about HEART funding and contract; also challenging use of a police entity doing review), DS (noting that CPD already intentional about deescalation methods), AM, DC, PN, SS; responses by Elow, City Manager Huang; Placed on File 9-0
Charter Right #1. That the City Manager is requested to fund the HEART initiative and negotiate a contract for services with HEART, to include but not limited to HEART responding to certain 911 calls. [Charter Right – Nolan, Mar 6, 2023]
Siddiqui again says “charterwritten”; Toner moves to also discuss Comm. & Rpts. #3; Nolan reads prepared statement, says HEART expects to be ready in Fall, proposes amendments; Zondervan supportive of amendments; Toner OK with amendments but questions HEART, prefers to develop a scope of services for others to bid on, questions about liability; McGovern says that Manager believes that contracts with a non-profit entity do not need to go out to bid, floats notion of $8 million funding for HEART, fully supports Community Safety Department but wants HEART to be outside of any City department; Simmons notes her letter with Toner expressing concerns about HEART, notes model for non-police response that grew from Task Force, wants assurance that any entity chosen is actually equipped to do the job; Zondervan expresses support w/o any questions; Amendments Adopted 9-0; Order Adopted as Amended 7-1-0-1 (Simmons - Present; Toner - No)
Communications & Reports #3. A communication was received from Councillor Toner, transmitting Questions regarding Requests to Fund Heart Using City Funds.
Discussed along with Charter Right #1; Placed on File 9-0
It seems all but certain that the reason the City Council meeting is taking place on Mount Zoom this week is because of the multiple police-related agenda items and the inevitability of a PSL invasion (Party for Socialism and Liberation). We may also see further evidence of the current Mayor’s differences of opinion with the City Administration (and perhaps a signal of how she might prefer to change the Charter to gain more authority). [“In Cambridge, our charter grants the City Manager power over the Police Department as well as oversight of personnel matters. There have been repeated demands from the community to release the name of the officer who shot Faisal, and I personally believe this is an important step for the sake of transparency, but a statement released last week made clear the City will not do so.”]. Ms. Siddiqui’s definition of “the community” is not so clear.
Regarding HEART: There’s something disturbing about the fact that city councillors are pressing the City Manager to award a contract to a particular vendor - and especially a vendor with zero track record other than the consistent hostility of its adherents toward the Cambridge Police Department.
Manager’s Agenda #6. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to recommendations for the block rates for water consumption and sewer use for the period beginning Apr 1, 2023 and ending Mar 31, 2024. [FY24 water/sewer charts]
pulled by Nolan; comments by PN; responses by Owen O'Riorden, Kathy Watkins (DPW); Placed on File 9-0
The notable increases in the water rate this year actually exceed the increases in the sewer rate, but it has generally been the reverse for some time. It costs far more to lose the water than to supply it.
Water Rates (per CcF) | FY05 | FY14 | FY15 | FY16 | FY17 | FY18 | FY19 | FY20 | FY21 | FY22 | FY23 | FY24 | |||
Block 1 | 0 – 40 CcF | $2.73 | $3.02 | $3.02 | $3.02 | $3.02 | $3.02 | $3.02 | $3.02 | $3.02 | $3.05 | $3.11 | $3.32 | ||
Block 2 | 41 – 400 CcF | $2.94 | $3.24 | $3.24 | $3.24 | $3.24 | $3.24 | $3.24 | $3.24 | $3.24 | $3.27 | $3.33 | $3.55 | ||
Block 3 | 401 – 2,000 CcF | $3.11 | $3.44 | $3.44 | $3.44 | $3.44 | $3.44 | $3.44 | $3.44 | $3.44 | $3.47 | $3.54 | $3.77 | ||
Block 4 | 2,001 - 10,000 CcF | $3.31 | $3.65 | $3.65 | $3.65 | $3.65 | $3.65 | $3.65 | $3.65 | $3.65 | $3.69 | $3.76 | $4.01 | ||
Block 5 | Over 10,000 CcF | $3.58 | $3.96 | $3.96 | $3.96 | $3.96 | $3.96 | $3.96 | $3.96 | $3.96 | $4.00 | $4.08 | $4.35 | ||
Sewer Rates (per CcF) | FY05 | FY14 | FY15 | FY16 | FY17 | FY18 | FY19 | FY20 | FY21 | FY22 | FY23 | FY24 | |||
Block 1 | 0 – 40 CcF | $5.54 | $8.19 | $8.62 | $9.21 | $9.50 | $10.23 | $11.00 | $11.77 | $12.51 | $13.51 | $14.59 | $15.34 | ||
Block 2 | 41 – 400 CcF | $5.87 | $8.67 | $9.12 | $9.74 | $10.05 | $10.82 | $11.63 | $12.44 | $13.22 | $14.28 | $15.42 | $16.21 | ||
Block 3 | 401 – 2,000 CcF | $6.30 | $9.31 | $9.79 | $10.46 | $10.79 | $11.62 | $12.49 | $13.36 | $14.20 | $15.34 | $16.57 | $17.42 | ||
Block 4 | 2,001 - 10,000 CcF | $6.79 | $10.02 | $10.54 | $11.26 | $11.62 | $12.51 | $13.45 | $14.39 | $15.30 | $16.52 | $17.84 | $18.75 | ||
Block 5 | Over 10,000 CcF | $7.22 | $10.66 | $11.21 | $11.97 | $12.35 | $13.30 | $14.30 | $15.30 | $16.26 | $17.56 | $18.96 | $19.93 | ||
Combined Rates (per CcF) | FY05 | FY14 | FY15 | FY16 | FY17 | FY18 | FY19 | FY20 | FY21 | FY22 | FY23 | FY24 | |||
Block 1 | 0 – 40 CcF | $8.27 | $11.21 | $11.64 | $12.23 | $12.52 | $13.25 | $14.02 | $14.79 | $15.53 | $16.56 | $17.70 | $18.66 | ||
Block 2 | 41 – 400 CcF | $8.81 | $11.91 | $12.36 | $12.98 | $13.29 | $14.06 | $14.87 | $15.68 | $16.46 | $17.55 | $18.75 | $19.76 | ||
Block 3 | 401 – 2,000 CcF | $9.41 | $12.75 | $13.23 | $13.90 | $14.23 | $15.06 | $15.93 | $16.80 | $17.64 | $18.81 | $20.11 | $21.19 | ||
Block 4 | 2,001 - 10,000 CcF | $10.10 | $13.67 | $14.19 | $14.91 | $15.27 | $16.16 | $17.10 | $18.04 | $18.95 | $20.21 | $21.60 | $22.76 | ||
Block 5 | Over 10,000 CcF | $10.80 | $14.62 | $15.17 | $15.93 | $16.31 | $17.26 | $18.26 | $19.26 | $20.22 | $21.56 | $23.04 | $24.28 | ||
Percent Increases (Water) | FY14 | FY15 | FY16 | FY17 | FY18 | FY19 | FY20 | FY21 | FY22 | FY23 | FY24 | 10 Year | 19 Year | ||
Block 1 | 0 – 40 CcF | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 1.0% | 2.0% | 6.8% | 9.9% | 21.6% | |
Block 2 | 41 – 400 CcF | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.9% | 1.8% | 6.6% | 9.6% | 20.7% | |
Block 3 | 401 – 2,000 CcF | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.9% | 2.0% | 6.5% | 9.6% | 21.2% | |
Block 4 | 2,001 - 10,000 CcF | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 1.1% | 1.9% | 6.6% | 9.9% | 21.1% | |
Block 5 | Over 10,000 CcF | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 1.0% | 2.0% | 6.6% | 9.8% | 21.5% | |
Percent Increases (Sewer) | FY14 | FY15 | FY16 | FY17 | FY18 | FY19 | FY20 | FY21 | FY22 | FY23 | FY24 | 10 Year | 19 Year | ||
Block 1 | 0 – 40 CcF | 4.2% | 5.3% | 6.8% | 3.1% | 7.7% | 7.5% | 7.0% | 6.3% | 8.0% | 8.0% | 5.1% | 87.3% | 176.9% | |
Block 2 | 41 – 400 CcF | 4.2% | 5.2% | 6.8% | 3.2% | 7.7% | 7.5% | 7.0% | 6.3% | 8.0% | 8.0% | 5.1% | 87.0% | 176.1% | |
Block 3 | 401 – 2,000 CcF | 4.3% | 5.2% | 6.8% | 3.2% | 7.7% | 7.5% | 7.0% | 6.3% | 8.0% | 8.0% | 5.1% | 87.1% | 176.5% | |
Block 4 | 2,001 - 10,000 CcF | 4.2% | 5.2% | 6.8% | 3.2% | 7.7% | 7.5% | 7.0% | 6.3% | 8.0% | 8.0% | 5.1% | 87.1% | 176.1% | |
Block 5 | Over 10,000 CcF | 4.2% | 5.2% | 6.8% | 3.2% | 7.7% | 7.5% | 7.0% | 6.3% | 8.0% | 8.0% | 5.1% | 87.0% | 176.0% | |
Percent Increases (Combined) | FY14 | FY15 | FY16 | FY17 | FY18 | FY19 | FY20 | FY21 | FY22 | FY23 | FY24 | 10 Year | 19 Year | ||
Block 1 | 0 – 40 CcF | 3.0% | 3.8% | 5.1% | 2.4% | 5.8% | 5.8% | 5.5% | 5.0% | 6.6% | 6.9% | 5.4% | 66.5% | 125.6% | |
Block 2 | 41 – 400 CcF | 3.0% | 3.8% | 5.0% | 2.4% | 5.8% | 5.8% | 5.4% | 5.0% | 6.6% | 6.8% | 5.4% | 65.9% | 124.3% | |
Block 3 | 401 – 2,000 CcF | 3.1% | 3.8% | 5.1% | 2.4% | 5.8% | 5.8% | 5.5% | 5.0% | 6.6% | 6.9% | 5.4% | 66.2% | 125.2% | |
Block 4 | 2,001 - 10,000 CcF | 3.0% | 3.8% | 5.1% | 2.4% | 5.8% | 5.8% | 5.5% | 5.0% | 6.6% | 6.9% | 5.4% | 66.5% | 125.3% | |
Block 5 | Over 10,000 CcF | 3.0% | 3.8% | 5.0% | 2.4% | 5.8% | 5.8% | 5.5% | 5.0% | 6.6% | 6.9% | 5.4% | 66.1% | 124.8% |
*All rates are per CcF. CcF is an abbreviation of 100 cubic feet. One CcF is approximately 750 gallons
Manager’s Agenda #7. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appointments and reappointments of Danielle Jones-McLaughlin, Deepti Nijhawan, Loring Brinckerhoff, Avril dePagter, Mary Devlin , Dan Stubbs as members of the Cambridge Commission for Persons with Disabilities (CCPD).
Appointments Approved 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #8. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the Salvation Army Shelter and Daytime Program.
pulled by Zondervan; comments by QZ, MM, PT; responses by Yi-An Huang, Ellen Semonoff (annual cost $1,080,000); Placed on File 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #9. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to PO23#35, related to the Allocation Plan for Cambridge’s HOME-ARP funds.
pulled by Nolan; comments by PN, QZ, MM, DC, SS; responses by Yi-An Huang, Iram Farooq; Placed on File 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #10. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to a summary of a Planning Board Meeting on the 2022 Town-Gown Reports and Presentations.
pulled by Carlone; comments by DC (graduate student housing, etc.), PN; Placed on File 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #11. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the final report for the City’s comprehensive year-long municipal broadband feasibility study.
Placed on File 9-0
I am eager to be convinced that this is a worthwhile investment that won’t jeopardize the City’s financial standing. The $194 million estimate is almost certainly less that what the actual cost will be. I also have a lot of questions about what this initiative would mean in terms of residents who have their Internet, Cable TV, and phone bundled into a single Comcast package. For example, will a resident still have to contract with Comcast if they want to watch TV? Will the result actually be cost savings or additional cost? Will Cable TV simply dry up and blow away in a few years with everything shifting toward data-intensive streaming options? Even more fundamentally, were any of these questions raised in the supposedly “scientific survey” now being touted by some councillors in their pre-campaign email blasts?
Manager’s Agenda #12. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to PO23#44, related to the Barrett, et al., Zoning Petition. [text of report]
Referred to Petition 9-0
Unfinished Business #3. An Ordinance has been received from Diane P. LeBlanc City Clerk, relative to a Zoning Petition from Patrick Barrett et al. North Mass Ave BA-5 Zoning District Petition (Ordinance #2022-21). [Passed to 2nd Reading, Mar 6, 2023; To Be Ordained on or after Mar 20, 2023; Expires Apr 3, 2023]
Charter Right #2. That the City Manager is requested to confer with the appropriate City departments to ensure multi-family properties on the market are reviewed as quickly as possible as potential affordable housing acquisitions. [Charter Right - Simmons, Mar 6, 2023]
Remarks by Simmons, Nolan; Amendments Adopted 9-0; Order Adopted as Amended 9-0
I don’t wish to infuriate anyone by saying this, but the notion that multi-family buildings, particularly two- and three-family buildings, should be removed from private ownership flies in the face of the reality that small property owners have been possibly the greatest source of affordable rents in Cambridge for well over a century. A nonprofit corporation is not an improvement over a good landlord or landlady and these properties have long been an essential part of securing a middle class of Cambridge residents.
Unfinished Business #4. An Ordinance has been received from Diane P. LeBlanc, relative to Ordinance # 2022-6 Article III Green Jobs 2.66.100 Definitions. [Passed to 2nd Reading, Feb 27, 2023; To Be Ordained on or after Mar 20, 2023]
pulled by Zondervan; Ordained 9-0
Applications & Petitions #1. A Zoning Petition Has been received from Charles Jessup Franklin et al., regarding allowing new construction that is similar in size and shape as existing buildings for the purpose of promoting housing and first floor retail.
pulled by McGovern; comments by MM, BA (not enthusiastic, wants even higher density); Referred to Planning Board and Ordinance Committee 8-0-0-1 (Carlone - Present)
Perhaps we should call this latest variation the Missing Middle Revisited Petition. Variations on this theme by the densifiers seem endless. The suggested residential densities in this variant are in many ways even greater than those proposed in the previous “Missing Middle” attempt - and continue to be be somewhat oblivious to how housing on Cambridge streets actually functions. [Ref.: “A few observations on density”]
Applications & Petitions #2. A Zoning Petition Has been received from Michael Monestime et al. regarding Outdoor Use Zoning Petition for the Central Square Cultural District.
pulled by McGovern; comments by MM, QZ, PT, PN, DS; Referred to Planning Board and Ordinance Committee 9-0
Order #4. That the City Manager work with the Central Square Business Improvement District and provide a license agreement, as well as direct financial and regulatory support for the continued and uninterrupted operation of Starlight Square. Mayor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Simmons, Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Carlone, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Toner, Councillor Nolan
pulled by Siddiqui; remarks by Siddiqui, Simmons, McGovern, Nolan, Zondervan, Carlone (consider redevelopment of the edges as well), Azeem, Mallon; Order Adopted as Amended 9-0
I greatly appreciate that we had Starlight Square during the pandemic, and I absolutely hope that we can have a suitable venue like this in the future. That said, Starlight Square as it is now is something of a relic that would need either a substantial upgrade or a relocation. Many of us view it as an experiment that strongly made the case for comparable and perhaps much better options in the future. Central Square needs options for vendors such as those provided by Popportunity, and we definitely need better gathering spaces for events or a rethinking of existing spaces. Dumping on the BZA (as some councillors are doing) is more of a cheap shot than an actual plan that can be sustained.
Resolution #1. Congratulations to Sara Reese on receiving the 2023 Exemplary School Champion Award for her leadership in workforce development in Cambridge. Councillor Toner
Resolution #2. Gratitude to Margaret Drury for her many years of tireless service to the Cambridge Redevelopment Authority and to the City of Cambridge. Councillor Simmons, Vice Mayor Mallon, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Toner, Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Carlone, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Nolan
pulled by Simmons (notes Margaret’s three decades of service to the City); remarks by McGovern, Carlone; Adopted as Amended 9-0
Order #2. That the Executive Assistant to the City Council is requested to confer with the Dedication Committee to consider the request to dedicate a street corner in honor of Ned Handy. Councillor Carlone, Councillor Toner
pulled by Carlone; remarks by Carlone; Order Adopted 9-0
Order #1. That the City Council go on record supporting Enabling Legislation for a Real Estate Transfer Fee. Councillor Carlone, Mayor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Nolan
pulled by Carlone; remarks by Carlone (would generate $23 million more per year for affordable housing); Order Adopted 9-0
Order #3. Policy Order for Garden Street Accommodations. Councillor Toner, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Simmons, Councillor Carlone
pulled by Zondervan; remarks by Toner; notable that there were many nearly identical comments during Public Comment from the “bike lobby” opposing this Order; Charter Right - Zondervan
This is a start - and hopefully not just ass-covering for some city councillors concerned about how West Cambridge residents might vote in November. Ensuring bicycle safety need not be a monolithic enterprise with little room for revision.
Committee Report #1. The Finance Committee met on May 7, 2019. [text of report]
pulled by McGovern; Reported Accepted as Amended, Placed on File 9-0
Committee Report #2. The Finance Committee met on Feb 16, 2022 to consider the City Council goals in relation to the budget and to gather input and discuss priorities on the FY23 budget. [text of report]
Reported Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Committee Report #3. The Finance Committee met on Feb 23, 2022 to reconvene its Feb 16, 2020 meeting to receive public comment regarding the City Council goals in relation to the budget and to gather input and discuss priorities on the FY23 budget. [text of report]
Reported Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Committee Report #4. The Finance Committee met on Apr 20, 2022 to discuss the city’s ARPA application/funding update status. [text of report]
Reported Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Committee Report #5. The Finance Committee met on May 10, 2022 to conduct hearing on FY 2023 budget. [text of report]
Reported Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Committee Report #6. The Finance Committee met on May 11, 2022 to conduct hearing on FY 2023 school budget. [text of report]
Reported Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Committee Report #7. The Finance Committee met on May 17, 2022 to conduct hearing on FY 2023 budget. [text of report]
Reported Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Committee Report #8. The Finance Committee held a public hearing on June 14, 2022 to receive an update on ARPA funding. [text of report]
Reported Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Committee Report #9. The Human Services and Veterans Committee held a public meeting on Feb 28, 2023, to discuss the status of after school programming in Cambridge. [text of report]
Reported Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Perhaps Neil Sedaka should provide the soundtrack with “Catching Up Is Hard To Do”. My favorite case is the (March 6) adoption of the ordinance establishing the procedure for appointment of the Charter Review Commission as required by the Charter amendments adopted in 2021. The committee was appointed July 1, 2022 - more than 8 months prior to the adoption of the ordinance. - Robert Winters
March 13, 2023 - There’s a City Council Roundtable tonight that includes a presentation on “Municipal Broadband Feasibility and Business Model Options”. Advocacy for municipal broadband has gained a lot of traction among city councillors over the last few years - perhaps even unanimous support - but the issue has always been about financial cost and exposure, i.e. the notion that a huge amount of money might be invested in a technology that might become obsolete with the next wave of innovation.
If surveyed, residents would likely be nearly unanimous in the view that having affordable alternatives for fast Internet access is very desirable - hence a winning position for city councillors to support. What is often not said is that municipal broadband would likely not include Cable TV access (unless you subscribe to one of the new streaming options), and if consumers who now bundle their phone, Internet, and TV access wanted municipal broadband there might not even be a financial benefit in doing so. More significantly, the full capital cost of such an investment is estimated to be $194 million with a City contribution estimated to be $150 million.
• The full capital cost is estimated at ~$194 million, incorporating a 30% contingency and inflation over a 5-year construction period, assuming a 40% take-rate.
• A City contribution of ~$150 million is required to establish a sustainable FTTP business from scratch, applying reasonable assumptions under a “base case”. This contribution is the investment the City would need to make for which there would likely be no return. The remaining capex can be supported from net revenues after operating costs.
• Entering into a partnership with one or more entities to lease fiber and run the business would reduce the City’s risks and potentially reduce costs. A partner could potentially leverage existing operations and assets, achieving economies of scale.
Municipal Election Year dynamics are gradually emerging in the form of policy orders, social media chatter, and topics being emphasized or scrupulously avoided. There’s even a chance to chime in on where you stand on the endless state of war that is Rent Control (always an opportunity to turn friends into enemies and enemies into friends). Here are a few agenda items that may prove interesting (possibly in Zoom if the egocentrists of PSL continue to stamp their feet and display their ignorance):
Manager’s Agenda #3. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Policy Order 2022 #181, regarding convening a North Mass Avenue Corridor District Zoning Proposal Working Group.
pulled by Toner; remarks by Toner, Iram Farooq, Carlone on urban design, Nolan, Simmons on outreach and who will Chair committee - Farooq says City staff; Placed on File 8-0-1 (McGovern Absent)
Manager’s Agenda #4. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $150,000 from Free Cash to the Public Investment Fund Community Development Department Extraordinary Expenditures account to be used for professional services for a planning study for Massachusetts Avenue from Cambridge Common to Alewife Brook Parkway. Funds will be combined with existing balances from prior related projects.
pulled by Carlone; Farooq says $400,000 estimated total cost; Order Adopted 7-0-2 (Azeem, McGovern - Absent)
Manager’s Agenda #6. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 22-78, regarding safety concerns at the LBJ Apartment building.
pulled by Simmons; Commissioner Elow responds; Zondervan objects to deploying Police rather than a security service at public housing; Huang notes that private security don't play as engaged a role as Police and commends Cambridge Police; McGovern notes that tenants often let people in building who should not be there; Simmons notes that residents (correctly) equate Police with safety and security; Placed on File 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #7. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to a transfer of $40,000 from the General Fund Reserves Other Ordinary Maintenance account to the General Fund City Council Other Ordinary Maintenance account to cover current and anticipated costs related to the work of the Charter Review Committee.
Order Adopted 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #8. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the City of Cambridge retaining its AAA rating from the nation’s three major credit rating agencies. [S&P] [Moodys] [Fitch]
pulled by Carlone; David Kale (Finance) explain about savings of $1.4 to $2 million interest; McGovern asks about ability to issues bonds, Kale says you can bond anything but the market decides the rates (recently 3.06%); Nolan notes ESG ratings in each of the reports; Toner notes value of stability in staff with change in City Manager, asks about effect of commercial vacancies and possible effects, Kale notes range of revenues and healthy reserves and notes what may happen with office space as leases expire and uses possibly change, $1 billion in new growth last year in lab space, uncertainty in office space (Gayle Willett - Assessing); Azeem about limitations on spending that might occur w/o AAA ratings, Kale explains value of strong and consistent management, long-term capital plan, ongoing leadership and bench strength in financial team, strength of local economy; Huang relates City budget to personal budgets, what might happen if City simply spent a lot more money - financial stewardship and optimization; Azeem notes about trade-off of pay-as-you-go vs. borrowing; Simmons remarks on potential downturn, Kale notes that revenues support expenditures, stable tax rates, managing debt, scheduled to pay off pension liabilities by 2026, more to do with long-term pension liabilities, history of bond ratings from Prop 2½ (early 1980s) until today; Zondervan dismissive of AAA ratings and focuses on the negatives of ESG (environmental, social, and governance) and equity; Kale thanks Manager and Finance team, CDD, and other department heads and staff - echoed by City Manager Huang; Placed on File 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #9. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the Annual Surveillance Report concerning City Departments’ use of Surveillance Technology or Surveillance Data.
pulled by Zondervan (who has issues with Shot Spotter); Reports Approved and Placed on File 9-0
My question is simply this: “How much staff time is occupied assembling these reports?”
Charter Right #2. That the joint Economic Development and University Relations and Neighborhood and Long-Term Planning, Public Facilities, Arts & Celebrations Committees forward the amended proposed Policy Order regarding Labs and Neighborhood Planning to the full City Council. [Charter Right – Zondervan, Feb 27, 2023]
Siddiqui again says this was “charterwritten”; Zondervan amendments Approved 9-0; Order Adopted as Amended 9-0
Charter Right #3. That the City Manager is requested to direct the appropriate City Departments to work with Eversource to include in their annual reporting, updates on their work to move forward with providing the infrastructure required to move Cambridge toward electrifying the city. [Charter Right – Nolan, Feb 27, 2023]
Siddiqui again says this was “charterwritten”; Nolan added as sponsor and McGovern amendments Adopted 9-0; Carlone comments on monopolies like Eversource; Adopted as Amended 9-0
Unfinished Business #4. An Ordinance has been received from Diane P. LeBlanc City Clerk, relative to Emissions Accounting Zoning Petition (Ordinance #2022-20) [Passed to 2nd Reading Dec 19, 2022; To Be Ordained on or after Jan 9, 2023; Expires Mar 6, 2023; Ordinance Amended Feb 27, 2023]
Comments by (Abundant Housing Treasurer) Azeem on embedded emissions accounting such as materials used in construction, proposes amendments exempting some housing; Zondervan prefers version w/o amendments saying it has been fully vetted and that Planning Board wants this accounting for all projects w/o special exemptions for housing; Toner supports Azeem amendments; (Sky is Falling) Carlone says software already out there for embodied emissions accounting and that this is all just common sense and wants version w/o amendments; Nolan now trying to appear as a “moderate” and will support amendments; Siddiqui aligns with Zondervan, Carlone; Azeem amendments Adopted 5-4 (BA,MM,PN,DS,PT - Yes; DC,AM,QZ,SS - No); Ordained as Amended 9-0
Resolution #1. Congratulations to Robert Steck on his retirement from the City of Cambridge. Councillor Toner, Councillor Carlone
pulled by Carlone who lauds Rob Steck as a playground designer and more
Resolution #3. Congratulations to Sam Corda on his retirement from the Cambridge Water Department. Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Toner, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Simmons
Resolution #4. Resolution on the death of David Leslie. Mayor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor Mallon
Order #3. That the City Manager be and is hereby requested to direct CDD to provide language that would amend the Patrick Barrett et al. North Mass Ave BZ-5 Zoning District Petition to include the amendments proposed by the petitioner and report back to the City Council by Mar 13, 2023. Councillor Zondervan, Vice Mayor Mallon
Order Adopted 9-0
Committee Report #4. The Ordinance Committee, chaired by Councillor Zondervan, met on Feb 28, 2023 to continue the discussion of Citizens Zoning Petition from Patrick Barrett et al. North Mass Ave BZ-5 Zoning District Petition – AP22#52. [text of report]
pulled by Zondervan; Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0; Passed to 2nd Reading 6-3 (BA,AM,MM,PN,DS,PT - Yes; DC,QZ,SS - No)
Order #4. That the City Council go on record in support of the Tenant Protection Act HD.3922/SD.2368. Councillor Zondervan, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Carlone, Vice Mayor Mallon
pulled by Toner; Zondervan notes that this is about rent stabilization and “just cause” evictions; Siddiqui says this is similar to one Council previously supported; Toner will vote NO because he does not want to bring back divisiveness of rent control and observes that this will cause preemptive rent increases and thwart housing production; Nolan wants local control and says that (20 years ago) Cambridge voted overwhelmingly against rent control; McGovern will also support this with double-talk about how this is not actually rent control (which it obviously is); Mallon also double-talks and stresses “local control” rather than what this is really about, lauds Rep. Connolly; Siddiqui adds to the double-talk about “options; Order Adopted 8-1 (Toner NO)
Order #6. That the City Manager is requested to confer with the City Manager’s Housing Liaison, Community Development Department, and the Cambridge Housing Authority [and the City Solicitor] on the feasibility of municipally-funded housing vouchers. Mayor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Simmons, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Carlone, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Zondervan (PO23#47)
pulled by Simmons; remarks by Siddiqui, Simmons, Mallon about how Somerville is doing this (with ARPA funds) but without any estimate of how costly this would be; Toner asks about legal issues and wants opinion of City Solicitor; Carlone (aggressively) suggests this should be made unanimous; McGovern says this would eliminate homelessness of veterans; Adopted as Amended 9-0
Order #7. That the City Manager is requested to fund the HEART initiative and negotiate a contract for services with HEART, to include but not limited to HEART responding to certain 911 calls. Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Azeem, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Nolan
pulled by Nolan; remarks by Zondervan, Nolan; Charter Right - Nolan
Order #8. That the City Manager is requested to confer with the appropriate City departments to ensure multi-family properties on the market are reviewed as quickly as possible as potential affordable housing acquisitions. Councillor Nolan, Mayor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor Mallon
pulled by Nolan; Amendments proposed to add MM,DC; Charter Right - Simmons
Committee Report #1. The Finance Committee conducted a public meeting to discuss the FY24 Capital Budget, and future investment priorities in Cambridge’s physical infrastructure ahead of the FY24 budget cycle. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Committee Report #3. The Housing Committee met on Wed, Feb 8, 2023 from 12:30-2:30pm to discuss potential amendments to the Affordable Housing Overlay district as outlined in the Nov 21, 2022 policy order adopted by the City Council. [text of report]
pulled by Simmons; remarks by Simmons (meeting recessed, not adjourned, so no public comment), Carlone (NLTP meeting on Mar 22), Azeem says time needed for robust discussion; Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Wed, Mar 8
3:00pm The Housing Committee will hold a public meeting to continue the recessed meeting from Feb 8, 2023 to continue discussing potential amendments to the Affordable Housing Overlay district as outlined in the Nov 21, 2022 policy order adopted by the City Council. No Public Comment.
Tues, Mar 22
5:30pm The Neighborhood & Long-Term Planning, Public Facilities, Arts & Celebrations Committee will hold a public meeting to discuss potential amendments to the Affordable Housing Overlay.
The shortest month will end with possibly the longest snowfall so far this season as the home nine take the field in Sullivan Stadium. Here are the agenda items that drew my interest:
Note: The PSL virus again hit the Cambridge City Council. They are now all in Quarantine, a.k.a. Zoom.
[For those unschooled in Marxism, PSL is the Party for Socialism and Liberation.]
Manager’s Agenda #1. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to a public health update.
pulled by Siddiqui; remarks by Derrick Neal, Anna Kaplan; PN,DC(has Covid),QZ,Huang; Placed on File 9-0
Note: This is the 14th day running that the City has failed to provide Covid data. Six messages to those responsible have gone unanswered. I continue to update the figures and charts as best as I can from cumulative totals and I will adjust things if and when the City gets its act together. There have been two new deaths recorded recently but no details are available. This is not the only instance where City staff are falling down lately.
Manager’s Agenda #3. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 22-60, regarding streamlining the City’s block party and Play Streets permit requirements.
pulled by Mallon; remarks by Brooke McKenna (TPTD), Iram Farooq (CDD),PN,QZ,DS, Placed on File 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #5. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation in the amount of $1,800,000, from Free Cash to the Public Works Public Investment Fund Extraordinary Expenditures account to fund accessibility improvements to City Hall including the reconstruction of Dorothy “Dottie” Doyle Way.
pulled by Carlone; James Wilcox (DPW) addresses mud and erosion along street, plans for EV charging; Simmons notes history of City Hall, need for landscaping; Nolan (02138) thinks Trowbridge Street borders City Hall; Owen O’Riordan says rear entrance will be modified; Order Adopted 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #11. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appointment of the following persons as members of the Black, Indigenous, People of Color-Owned Business Advisory Committee for a term of two years, effective March 1, 2023: Margaret Pimental, Sukia Akiba, and Keisha Graves.
Order Adopted 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #12. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to a report from CDD and the Law Department containing clarifying edits to the Climate Resilience Zoning Petition. [text of report]
pulled by Zondervan; Rules suspended to bring forward Unfinished Business #7; Farooq explains recommended edits and implementation dates; Zondervan asks about dates; Solicitor Nancy Glowa; Jeff Roberts public review period for all those impacted by new standards and regulations; Zondervan moves to add Jan 1, 2024 alternate deadline; Nolan wants a date to be Sept 1, 2023; Amendments Adopted 9-0; Ordained as Amended 9-0; Communication Placed on File 9-0
Unfinished Business #7. An Ordinance 2022 #9 has been received from Diane LeBlanc City Clerk, relative to create a new Section 22.80 Flood Resilience Standards. [Passed to 2nd Reading Feb 6, 2023; To Be Ordained on or after Feb 27, 2023; Expires Apr 26, 2023]
pulled by Zondervan, Rules Suspended; Ordained as Amended 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #13. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to PO22#314, PO22#315, and PO22#316 from the meeting of 12/19/2022, regarding the Emissions Accounting Petition. [text of report]
pulled by Zondervan; Rules suspended to bring forward Unfinished Business #5; Zondervan motion to adopt recommended amendments, Amendments Adopted 8-0-1 (DS Absent); Azeem raises issues of cost impacts; Suzanne Rasmussen (CDD) says she has no estimate for costs; Azeem requests more clarity on financial impacts; Farooq suggests costs would be modest; Rasmussen suggests more regulations to come; Azeem frustrated by these responses - and skeptical, wants more comprehensive view of total cost or layered regulations; McGovern concurs, notes disparate impact on smaller developers; Regulatin’ Rasmussen remains stone-faced, cares only about reporting format and not about cost; Toner echoes concerns about cumulative cost impacts, prefers to wait until costs better known; Zondervan dismissive of cost concerns, suggesting possible cost savings; Carlone says not to worry - not a dramatic thing, says problems and costs likely reduced, reiterates his dislike for glass, says “time is running out folks”; Nolan says pass it now and worry about the details later, suggests builders could tap into federal funding; Siddiqui suggests waiting a week; Simmons calls out Nolan on assertions that she has “talked to developers”; Azeem asks how many votes needed (answer = 6), suggests waiting until next week; Zondervan agreeable to waiting; Referred to Petition 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #14. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 23-1, regarding a legal Opinion on whether the Barrett, et al. petition would need to be refiled should there be a Letter of Commitment attached to the rezoning, and whether the Barrett, et al. petition constitutes “spot zoning.” [text of report]
pulled by Zondervan; Solicitor explains vulnerability to challenge due to lack of a recent planning study, if adopted; Referred to Petition 9-0; Zondervan moves Reconsideration on all votes so far (hoping the same will not prevail), Reconsideration Fails 0-9
Manager’s Agenda #15. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the 2023 Goals and Metrics for the Annual City Manager Performance Review. [text of report]
pulled by Mallon; Mallon proposes amendments from AM+PN who want annual performance review for all City employees; McGovern wants to claify that this should not include School Department employees; City Manager wants to cover only non-union City employees; Simmons concurs that this should not include School Department employees; one proposed amendment dropped; 2nd amendment adopted 8-0-1 (PT Absent); Amended Goals Adopted 8-0-1 (PT Absent)
Manager’s Agenda #16. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to relative to a request to move to Executive Session to discuss the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property as discussion in an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the public body.
pulled by Siddiqui; Executive Session held; Communication Placed on File 9-0
Charter Right #1. That the City Manager is requested to confer with the appropriate departments and agencies to ensure the continuation of Riverbend Park closures on Saturdays and Sundays. [Charter Right – Simmons, Feb 13, 2023]
Azeem amendments; Simmons appreciates but will vote against Order; Nolan claims “overwhelming” support (based on what?) and claims that “the community has spoken loud and clear” and suggests that only a tiny minority objects - she fails to understand the bias of “voluntary response” when a petition is circulated by one faction; Toner regrets that a full compromise not reached; Amendments adopted 9-0; Order Adopted 7-2 (Simmons, Toner - NO)
Charter Right #2. Policy Order Regarding Police Details. [Charter Right – Zondervan, Feb 13, 2023]
Order Adopted as Amended 9-0
On The Table #3. That the City Manager is requested to look into the feasibility of automated traffic enforcement in Cambridge as well as using unarmed CPD traffic details for future discussion Automated/Unarmed Traffic Enforcement. [Charter Right – Toner, Feb 6, 2023; Tabled – Azeem, Feb 13, 2023]
Remove from Table (Toner) 9-0; Amendments (Toner) to remove all references to police details to make Substitute Order; Azeem prefers original Order; Zondervan says three issues - road construction details, traffic stops, and automated enforcement - wants to retain references to traffic stops; Nolan objects to amendments - says “data is very clear” about unconscious bias and racial profiling; Carlone feels two issues need to be separated - traffic cameras and traffic stops, will vote for amendments; McGovern agrees - all for traffic cameras, skeptical about taking traffic enforcement away from police, wonders how it would work otherwise, will support Toner's amendments; On Toner’s Substitute Order – Fails 4-5 (DC,MM,DS,PT-Yes; BA,AM,PN,QZ,SS-No); Add Nolan as sponsor 6-0-0-3 (MM,DS,PT-Present); On Original Order – Adopted 5-1-0-3 (BA,AM,PN,QZ,SS-Yes; PT-No; DC,MM,DS-Present)
Unfinished Business #6. An Ordinance has been received from Diane P. LeBlanc City Clerk, relative to Ordinance 2022-2 Chapter 2.02 entitled “City Council”. [Passed to 2nd Reading Feb 6, 2023; To Be Ordained on or after Feb 27, 2023]
Ordained 9-0
Unfinished Business #4. That the Ordinance Committee refer Categories M (Shared Vehicle) and N (Publicly-accessible, Privately-owned Electric Vehicle Charging System) of the Cambridge Transportation Decarbonization and Congestion Mitigation Bill, along with definitions, to the full City Council with a favorable recommendation. Ordinance #2022-13 as Amended. [Expired Sept 27, 2022]
pulled by Zondervan, Placed on File 9-0
Applications & Petitions #1. A Zoning Petition Has been received from Craig Kelley regarding Cambridge Transportation Emissions and Car Sharing Act.
Referred to Planning Board & Ordinance Committee 9-0
Lotsa (103) Communications - including 14 protests from Harvard Square property owners opposed to the Blier, et al. Zoning Petition. Other significant topics are Memorial Drive weekend closures and BEUDO.
Resolution #3. Resolution on the death of Marion A. (Colarusso) Sullivan. Councillor Toner, Councillor Simmons, Councillor McGovern
pulled by Toner, Simmons; remarks by Councillor Simmons
Order #1. In support of HD. 3252 and SD. 2006, An Act to Promote Yes In My Backyard. Councillor McGovern, Councillor Simmons, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Azeem
pulled by Nolan; remarks by Nolan with concerns that it may affect Cambridge’s Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance; Order Adopted 8-0-1 (DC Absent)
Order #2. That the Petition from Suzanne P. Blier, et.al Harvard Square Zoning Petition as amended be sent to the full City Council with no recommendation. Councillor Zondervan
pulled by Zondervan; McGovern notes his opposition to petition; expires March 14, but McGovern wants to kill it now; QZ suggests moving it to 2nd Reading hoping it will be voted down; Toner notes that it has a positive recommendation from Planning Board, hopes a compromise can be reachjed with HSBA, will vote it down; Nolan wants to look at this issue citywide; Order Adopted 7-1-1 (DS-No; DC-Absent); Mallon moves Petition to 2nd Reading (hoping it will fail) - Fails 2-6-1 (PN,QZ-Yes, BA,AM,MM,DS,PT,SS-No, DC-Absent); Reconsideration Fails 0-8-1 (DC-Absent)
Committee Report #4. The Ordinance Committee met on Feb 14, 2023, and voted favorably to send the Suzanne P. Blier, et.al Harvard Square Zoning Petition as amended to the Full City Council with no recommendation. [text or report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 8-0-1 (Carlone Absent)
Order #3. That the joint Economic Development and University Relations and Neighborhood and Long-Term Planning, Public Facilities, Arts & Celebrations Committees forward the Callender Petition and PO22#161 to the full City Council with a negative recommendation. Vice Mayor Mallon
pulled by Toner; Zondervan hopes that petition will not be voted down as it may prevent any action on any laboratory ban for two years, prefers to let it expire, says a negative recommendation will be a “rebuke” to low-income tenants; McGovern notes that link between a lab ban and affordable housing production is a fallacy; Azeem sympathetic to petitioners, but will vote for negative recommendation; Zondervan says there is a direct connection between allowing labs and precluding housing in Squares; Order Adopted 7-1-1 (QZ-No; DC-Absent); Toner moves to pass to 2nd reading – Fails 1-7-1 (QZ-Yes; BA,AM,MM,PN,DS,PT,SS-No; DC-Absent)
Order #4. That the joint Economic Development and University Relations and Neighborhood and Long-Term Planning, Public Facilities, Arts & Celebrations Committees forward the amended proposed Policy Order regarding Labs and Neighborhood Planning to the full City Council. Councillor Toner
pulled by Toner; Charter Right - Zondervan
Committee Report #3. The Economic Development and University Relations & Neighborhood & Long-Term Planning, Public Facilities, Arts & Celebration Committee conducted a public meeting on Feb 7, 2023 at 3:00pm to continue its Dec 7, 2022 discussion of the attached zoning amendments and the Callender citizen petition proposing a technical definition of lab use and a restriction on new instances of the lab use in fragile districts including Central Square, Harvard Square, and Cambridge Street and possible alternative recommendations to address neighborhood concerns. [text or report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 8-0-1 (Carlone Absent)
Order #5. That the City Manager is requested to direct the appropriate City Departments to work with Eversource to include in their annual reporting, updates on their work to move forward with providing the infrastructure required to move Cambridge toward electrifying the city. Councillor McGovern, Councillor Toner, Vice Mayor Mallon
pulled by McGovern; remarks by Nolan, Zondervan, McGovern; Proposed amendment by McGovern; Charter Right - Nolan
Order #6. That a Roundtable be held on Mon, Mar 13, 2023, from 5:30pm to 7:30pm in the Sullivan Chamber in place of the Regular City Council Meeting, for the purpose of receiving an update on the Municipal Broadband Feasibility Study. Mayor Siddiqui
Order Adopted 8-0-1 (DC Absent)
Committee Report #2. The Economic Development and University Relations Committee conducted a public meeting on Jan 24, 2023, at 3:00pm to continue its Nov 22, 2022 discussion of the environmental and economic impact of BEUDO on residential, business, and academic properties/communities. This will be a roundtable discussion with the Community Development Department, representatives from Eversource, the business community, universities, and large commercial/residential property owners. [text or report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 8-0-1 (Carlone Absent)
Committee Report #5. The Ordinance Committee met on Feb 15, 2023, and voted favorably to send the proposed Ordinance #2022-6, Green Jobs, as amended to the Full City Council with a favorable recommendation to Pass to a 2nd Reading. (Ordinance #2022-6, Green Jobs) [text or report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File, Passed to 2nd Reading 8-0-1 (Carlone Absent)
We’ll have to see if the Cambridge City Council and its Chair (a.k.a. Mayor) will continue to allow a small group of wannabe socialists to hijack their meetings. As the saying goes, “That’s so Cambridge.” Needless to say, our political processes are hijacked by small groups of acronymed activists routinely. Anyways, whether live or Zoom, here are a few items of interest on this week’s agenda.
Update: The Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) has announced yet another rally at City Hall this Monday. They and some Harvard students will meet at 5:45pm and march to City Hall where they will likely once again shut down the regular meeting and cause the Council to recess and reconvene in Zoom. [Note: They had their rally on the steps of City Hall and then continued their march down to the Police Station.]
Manager’s Agenda #1. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the Final Landmark Designation Report for the Maria Baldwin-Alvaro Blodgett Houses.
pulled by Simmons; Order Adopted 8-0-1 (PN-Absent)
Manager’s Agenda #2. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the Final Landmark Designation Report for the Cambridge Gas-Light Company Building.
Order Adopted 8-0-1 (PN-Absent)
We are blessed with the Cambridge Historical Commission who never disappoints when producing interesting and thorough reports for properties being consider for Landmark Designation.
Manager’s Agenda #5. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Policy Order 2023 #7, regarding Information on Blier, et al., Zoning Petition.
Referred to Petition 8-0-1 (PN-Absent); Reconsideration Fails 0-8-1
Manager’s Agenda #11. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of the Accelerating Climate Resilience Grant in the amount of $100,000 received from the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) to the Grant Fund Public Celebrations (Arts and Culture) Other Ordinary Maintenance account, which will be used to commission artists to design temporary shade pavilions for city parks or other public facilities.
Order Adopted 8-0-1 (PN-Absent)
Manager’s Agenda #12. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appointment of the following persons as a members of the Foundry Advisory Committee for a term of three years: Connie Chin; Barbara Thomas; and Rubén Mancha.
Placed on File 8-0-1 (PN-Absent)
This communication also includes an update on the Foundry from Thomas Evans, Executive Director of the Cambridge Redevelopment Authority.
Manager’s Agenda #13. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number #22-84, regarding report on working with the residents at 931 Massachusetts Avenue to identify and provide a short-term parking spot in front of 931 Massachusetts Avenue.
pulled by Toner; comments by Toner, Carlone, Zondervan (who advocates closing main travel lane for moving activities across bike lane!), Simmons, McGovern; Placed on File 9-0
And the judge wasn’t going to look at the twenty seven eight-by-ten color glossy pictures with the circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one. And people who need to stop for pickups and deliveries along this stretch of Mass. Ave. will simply continue to exercise the only reasonable option available to them - violating the overly restrictive and inflexible regulations.
Charter Right #1. That the City Manager is requested to instruct the Community Development Department to draft amendments to the proposed BEUDO language to change the net zero deadline from 2050 to 2035 and to propose language to meet that deadline throughout the document (From the Apr 20, 2022 Ordinance Committee).
pulled by Toner; comments by Zondervan, Nolan; Mallon notes that CDD has been operating all along as though deadline is 2035; intentions now within Ordinance Committee is to keep 2050 deadline for nonresidential buildings; McGovern comments that there were only 5 members at the meeting that proposed moving deadline to 2035, that Eversource information made clear that ambitious goal was not feasible, wants condos excluded from earlier deadline, wants this referred to Ordinance Committee; Carlone notes that there were 5 votes to move deadline to 2035, calls this an aspirational goal but wants to keep it for all buildings (including condos), notes that incurable diseases will come to us unless 2035 goal is mandated, says “we’re listening to the wrong developers”; Zondervan claims that Eversource is not required to fully electrify city by 2035 (but does not acknowledge the fact that any alternatives would be a tax which the City cannot legally impose); comments by Zondervan, Mallon, Nolan, Simmons, McGovern, Carlone, City Clerk, and City Solicitor on procedures; Mallon motion to call the question prevails 9-0; Glowa notes that referring back to Ordinance Committee is proper; Zondervan amendment adopted 5-4 (BA,DC,PN,QZ,SS-Yes; AM,MM,DS,PT-No); Order Adopted as Amended 5-4 (BA,DC,PN,QZ,SS-Yes; AM,MM,DS,PT-No)
Unfinished Business #5. An Ordinance has been received from Diane P. LeBlanc City Clerk, relative to Emissions Accounting Zoning Petition (Ordinance #2022-20). [Passed to 2nd Reading Dec 19, 2022; To Be Ordained on or after Jan 9, 2023; Expires Mar 6, 2023]
Unfinished Business #7. The Ordinance Committee met on Apr 20, 2022, to continue the public hearing on proposed amendments to the Building Energy Use Disclosure Ordinance (Ordinance #2021-26). …
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
There comes a time when discretion is the better part of valor and to conclude that the best course of action is to listen to the concerns of residents and Eversource representatives and ask the zealots on the City Council and within CDD to take a step back and reconsider the feasibility and cost implications of their demands.
Charter Right #2. That the City Manager is requested to look into the feasibility of automated traffic enforcement in Cambridge as well as using unarmed CPD traffic details for future discussion Automated/Unarmed Traffic Enforcement. [Charter Right – Toner, Feb 6, 2023]
pulled by Toner who offers substitute Order (that was not available to public); comments by Azeem, Nolan, Zondervan, McGovern, Carlone, Toner; Azeem proposes tabling Order; Tabled 9-0
Order #2. That the entire City Council go on record in support of HD.3530 and SD.1263. Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Azeem, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Carlone
Order Adopted as Amended 9-0
Late Order #6. Policy Order Regarding Police Details. Toner
Charter Right - Zondervan
HD.3530/SD.1263 is titled “An Act Relative To Automated Enforcement”. Its principal features are: (1) “A city or town that accepts this chapter may install an automated road safety camera system as a means of promoting traffic safety;” (2) no more than one automated road safety camera system per 2500 residents - so up to about 50 such camera systems for Cambridge; (3) a maximum fine for a camera enforceable violation of $25 per violation; and (4) camera enforceable violations would not be made part of the operating record of the violator and conviction of a moving violation would not yield a surcharge on a motor vehicle insurance premiums
Charter Right #3. That City Council rescind the vote to refer the Brown Petition to the Ordinance Committee and Planning Board for hearing because the petition is defective as a matter of law. [Charter Right – Zondervan, Feb 6, 2023]
pulled by Mallon; Zondervan wants to table this; Mallon opposes tabling so that petition can be re-filed; McGovern notes that Solicitor acknowledged error and time to move on; Zondervan wants “the public” to have time to opine while matter is On The Table - there is a late communication (today) from Solicitor on this matter; Nolan “is torn on this”, favors tabling, and is dissatisfied with Solicitor’s responses; Glowa notes that she gave her opinion orally last week and the late communication is merely supplemental; Toner moves to rescind previous vote; Carlone wants to move forward, says this petition has merit; Siddiqui wants to rescind; Zondervan calls his vote a principled vote; Rescind Vote 7-2 (PN,QZ-No)
Manager’s Late Agenda #20. A Late Communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number PO 2023 #28, regarding a legal opinion on the Doug Brown petition.
Placed on File 9-0
I’m not really sure why this was delayed from the previous meeting, and I expect that a non-defective re-filing of this petition will appear soon.
Lotsa Communications (143) - mainly from the previous meeting and primarily on the topics of BEUDO and the AHO Behemoth Proposal (AHOBP).
Order #1. That the City Manager is requested to work with the Community Development Department, the Traffic, Parking and Transportation Department and all other relevant departments to engage the U.S. Department of Transportation Volpe Center to partner on the next steps of the City of Cambridge Clean Fleet goals. Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Nolan
Order Adopted 9-0
Order #3. That the entire City Council go on record in support of HD.766 and SD.1013. Vice Mayor Mallon, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor McGovern
Order Adopted 9-0
HD.766/SD.1013 is titled “An Act Relative to Universal School Meals”. The Act would require all schools providing lunch under the National School Lunch Act or breakfast under the National Child Nutrition Act to make breakfast and lunch available at no charge to each attending student.
Order #4. Free School Meals For All Students. Vice Mayor Mallon, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor McGovern
Order Adopted 9-0
This is essentially “Plan B” that calls on the City of Cambridge to foot the bill for free meals should the State Legislature not pass the above Act or not fully fund the mandate.
Order #5. That the City Manager is requested to confer with the appropriate departments and agencies to ensure the continuation of Riverbend Park closures on Saturdays and Sundays. Councillor Azeem, Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Nolan, Vice Mayor Mallon
Charter Right - Simmons
Note: There was also a proposed substitute order from Councillor Simmons that was not voted.
This Order actually has 5 sponsors, including Mayor Siddiqui, even though this was reduced to the maximum of 4 in the summary. If anything, this highlights the absurdity of some formal provisions of the Open Meeting Law – it’s often the case that more than 4 councillors (and their aides) are involved in drafting Orders, and reducing the number of “sponsors” to 4 is done to keep up appearances. The substance of the Order calls for ensuring that Riverbend Park along Memorial Drive from Gerry’s Landing to Western Avenue on Saturdays and Sundays remain open during the spring, summer, and fall months. In the “We don’t need no stinkin’ physics” department, the sponsors then go on to seek changes in traffic signals and lane markings along Western Avenue at Putnam Ave, Memorial Drive, and Soldier’s Field Road to cause as much of the diverted traffic as possible to simply disappear. - Robert Winters
Late Order #7. HOME-ARP Public Process [$2.3 million in additional ARPA funds]. Councillor Zondervan, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor McGovern
Order Adopted 9-0
I hope this meeting proceeds as scheduled without the stamping of young socialist feet. If so, here are a few things under consideration this week:
[Note: The idiots from the Party for Socialism and Liberation once again disrupted the Cambridge City Council meeting - forcing them to run and hide and conduct the rest of the meeting in Zoom.]
Whose Choice?
Manager’s Agenda #2. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number #22-81, related to improving marketing and communication efforts and outreach for the Cambridge Community Electricity (CCE) program.
pulled by Nolan, Order Adopted 7-2 (Azeem, Carlone ABSENT)
Order #11. That the City Manager is requested to work with the Community Development Department and all other relevant departments to engage with community groups and the City’s existing multi-member bodies to design the next iteration of the Cambridge Community Electricity Aggregation program. Councillor Nolan, Councillor Zondervan, Mayor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor Mallon
pulled by Nolan; Adopted as Amended 7-0-2 (BA,DC - Absent)
Picking Weed Winners
Manager’s Agenda #3. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Calendar Item No. 10 of 3/21/22 requesting that the City Manager amend all existing Host Community Agreements (“HCA”) previously issued by the City by reducing the Impact Fee to 0.05% of Gross Revenue and to refrain from placing this burden upon any future HCAs that may yet be issued, unless supporting evidence is provided by the City showing a finding that it incurred additional expenses and impacts upon its road system, law enforcement, inspectional services, permitting services, administrative services, educational services and public health services greater than the .05% of Gross Revenue collected from all the Economic Empowerment applicant and Social Equity applicant dispensaries annually.
pulled by Toner, Placed on File 7-2 (Azeem, Carlone ABSENT)
Charter Right #2. That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to have the appropriate City staff establish the framework that will allow for the immediate elimination of the bicycle parking fees imposed upon Economic Empowerment and Social Equity applicants and cannabis dispensary operators in the City of Cambridge. [Charter Right – Zondervan, Jan 23, 2023]
Zondervan amendment to reimburse any such fees that have already been paid - Adopted 7-0-2; Order Adopted as Amended 7-2-0 (BA,DC Absent); Reconsideration moved by Simmons - Reconsideration Fails 0-7-2
In the Zone (including The Twilight Zone)
Manager’s Agenda #4. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Council Order No. O-8 of 1/23/2023, regarding (1) whether there is a two year bar on considering repetitive zoning petitions that have been unfavorably acted upon by the Council, (2) if so, whether that bar on repetitive petitions would prohibit the Council from moving forward with a Council initiated lab use zoning petition if there is unfavorable action on the pending Callender, et al. Petition, and (3) if so, what types of changes to zoning petition would be necessary for it to no longer be considered a repetitive petition.
pulled by Toner, Referred to the Petition to be discussed at Feb 7 committee meeting; Toner moves Reconsideration “hoping the same will not prevail”; Reconsideration Fails 0-7-2
Unfinished Business #5. An Ordinance has been received from Diane P. LeBlanc City Clerk, relative to Ordinance #2022-23 Removing the Limit on BZA Compensation. [Passed to 2nd Reading Jan 9, 2023; To Be Ordained on or after Jan 30, 2023; Expires Mar 14, 2023]
Ordained 7-0-2
Committee Reports #7. The Ordinance Committee met on Jan 26, 2023, to continue the discussion on proposed Ordinance #2022-9, Climate Resilience Zoning. The Committee Voted favorably to send the Petition to the Full Council with a favorable recommendation to pass to a second reading. [text of report]
pulled by Zondervan; remarks by Nolan; Passed to 2nd Reading; Report Acceepted, Placed on File 7-0-2 (BA,DC - Absent)
Communications & Reports #3. A communication was received from Diane LeBlanc, City Clerk, regarding the Douglas Brown Petition. (COF23#27)
pulled by Nolan (early) - asks why defective; City Solicitor Glowa says petition affects entire city and not just the property of the petitioner; Nolan and Mallon seem peeved at City Solicitor for apparently contradicting what she said at the previous meeting; Mallon moves to Rescind Previous Vote, but Zondervan exercises Charter Right first; Charter Right - Zondervan
Zondervan makes additional (new) motion asking for legal clarification; Motion Adopted 7-0-2; Communication Placed on File 7-0-2
Envision Danehy
Manager’s Agenda #5. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to relative to a request for approval to seek authorization from the Massachusetts Office of the Inspector General (the “IG”) for the City to use the Construction Manager at Risk (“CMaR”) procurement and construction method (the “CMaR Method”) in connection with the Danehy Park Gateway Pavilion project. (CM23#25) [Attachment A] [Attachment B]
Order Adopted 7-2 (Azeem, Carlone ABSENT)
Well Appointed - and other tales
Manager’s Agenda #6. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appointment and reappointment of members of the Recycling Advisory Committee.
Appointments Confirmed 7-2 (Azeem, Carlone ABSENT)
Committee Reports #6. The Government, Operations, Rules, and Claims Committee held a public meeting on Jan 11, 2023 for the purpose of reviewing recent report of Boards and Commissions from the City Manager which are subject to City Council approval, and to discuss the City Clerks request for a dedicated email address for City Council communications. [text of report] [EXTRA - Full Info Sheets from Oct 24, 2022 City Manager Communication]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 7-0-2 (BA,DC - Absent)
Note: The report suggests that several city councillors would like to further change the City Charter in order to transfer even more executive authority into their entirely inappropriate legislative hands - specifically to get control of any remaining boards for which they do not currently have confirmation authority. A few lessons in history illustrate that while proportional representation may be a good model for legislative representation, it has a terrible record in terms of actual governance. This is why it’s important that PR be coupled with a strong city manager and why city councillors need to be prohibited from directing City staff or having appointing authority.
Police and Police-Related (with the hope that none of these be referred to the Public Safety Committee unless the Mayor replaces its Chair)
Manager’s Agenda #7. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the Police Review and Advisory Board quarterly reports.
pulled by Zondervan, QZ noved suspension to take with #8 and #9; Zondervan moves to refer to Public Safety Committee; Referred to Public Safety Committee 7-0-2 (Azeem, Carlone ABSENT)
Manager’s Agenda #8. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to a report on an itemized statement of all materials, tools, and property owned by the Cambridge Police Department. (CM23#28) [Cover Letter] [Materials, Tools, and Property as of 6/30/21] [Photographs of Inventory as of 6/30/21]
pulled by Zondervan, Referred to Public Safety Committee 7-0-2 (Azeem, Carlone ABSENT)
Manager’s Agenda #9. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to a report on an itemized statement of all materials, tools, and property owned by the Cambridge Police Department. (CM23#29) [Cover Letter] [Materials, Tools, and Property as of 6/30/22] [Photographs of Inventory as of 6/30/22]
pulled by Zondervan, Referred to Public Safety Committee 7-0-2 (Azeem, Carlone ABSENT)
Order #2. That the City Manager is requested to take immediate steps to begin the process of obtaining police body worn cameras for the Cambridge Police Department, and to work with all appropriate Departments to produce policy recommendations that would allow body worn camera usage while also not violating civil liberties in compliance with the City’s Surveillance Ordinance. Councillor McGovern, Mayor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Toner, Councillor Simmons
pulled by McGovern; additional remarks by Nolan, Mallon, Toner, Simmons, Siddiqui; Zondervan opposed to body cameras and anything that adds to Police budget; Order Adopted as Amended 6-1-2 (QZ - No; BA,DC - Absent)
Order #4. That the City Manager is requested to direct Police Commissioner Elow to work on providing publicly-accessible traffic stop, arrest and citation police data on a new Procedural Justice Dashboard as soon as possible. Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Azeem, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor McGovern
pulled by Mallon; additional remarks by McGovern; Order Adopted 7-0-2 (BA,DC - Absent)
Order #5. That the Finance Committee convene a meeting on Police Budget including body camera discussion. Councillor Nolan, Councillor Carlone
Order Adopted 7-0-2 (BA,DC - Absent)
Order #6. That the City Manager is requested to look into the feasibility of automated traffic enforcement in Cambridge as well as using unarmed CPD traffic details for future discussion Automated/Unarmed Traffic Enforcement. Councillor Azeem, Councillor Zondervan, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Carlone
pulled by McGovern; Charter Right - Toner (McGovern was going to do it as well)
Order #7. That the City Manager is requested to direct the Police Commissioner to explore additional less-than-lethal alternatives that pose the smallest risk of injury when deployed for standard issue in the Cambridge Police Department. Councillor Azeem, Councillor Toner, Councillor Simmons
Order Adopted 7-0-2 (BA,DC - Absent)
Order #10. That the City Manager is requested to engage a third party, independent firm/consultant or university partner to review and examine the Cambridge Police Department’s policies and practices regarding de-escalation methods, mental health calls for service, training, and more. Mayor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Azeem
pulled by Siddiqui; additional remarks by Mallon, McGovern, Toner, Nolan, Simmons, Zondervan; Order Adopted 7-0-2 (BA,DC - Absent)
Order #12. That the City Manager is requested to work with staff in the Cambridge Public Health Department to review the current state of mental health resources, particularly for underserved communities, within the Cambridge Health Alliance. Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Azeem, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Simmons, Councillor Toner, Councillor Zondervan
pulled by Siddiqui; additional remarks by McGovern (Human Services Committee meeting to follow), Zondervan (add all as sponsors); Adopted 7-0-2 as Amended (BA,DC - Absent)
The Ongoing BEUDO Saga
Order #1. That the City Manager is requested to instruct the Community Development Department to draft amendments to the proposed BEUDO language to change the net zero deadline from 2050 to 2035 and to propose language to meet that deadline throughout the document (From the Apr 20, 2022 Ordinance Committee). Councillor Zondervan
Rules Suspended 7-0-2 to take up early; Toner asks Iram Farooq if this Order is helpful at this time; Farooq says they have initiated some conversations with affected property owners, “trying to build trust” as she emphasizes the “climate crisis” as justification for just about anything; Charter Right - Toner
Committee Reports #5. The Ordinance Committee met on Apr 20, 2022, to continue the public hearing on proposed amendments to the Building Energy Use Disclosure Ordinance (Ordinance #2021-26). The Committee voted favorably to ask the City Manager to instruct the Community Development Department to draft amendments to the proposed BEUDO language to change the net zero deadline from 2050 to 2035 and to propose language to meet that deadline throughout the document. [text of report]
pulled by Zondervan; Report Accepted, Placed on File; Minutes Amended to correct attendance 7-0-2 (BA,DC - Absent); Mallon attempts to exercise Charter Right; Clerk suggests this is proper - but THIS IS NOT NEW BUSINESS; Mallon says “the Order that we charterwrote” - which is not an actual word, nor is the make-believe word "charterwritten". Siddiqui also rules that committee reports are subject to the Charter Right; Zondervan suggests referring report to the Order contained therein. Clerk suggests taking no action on the report which will move it to Unfinished Business.
Trains, Planes, and Automobiles (actually just Cars & Bikes)
Charter Right #1. That the City Manager continue our current policy of towing cars on street cleaning days and come back to the Council with a plan to create an annual fund to reimburse economically disadvantaged residents who are unable to pay the towing fee before the beginning of towing season. [Charter Right – Zondervan, Jan 23, 2023]
Zondervan notes many communications on this topic, claims that he speaks for low-income residents; Toner calls this a “solution without a problem” - wants to create a fund to reimburse fees and expresses concern for tow companies; McGovern bristles at Zondervan’s characterizations, says City should do more outreach about towing days (as if the announcements somehow aren’t heard); Nolan likes pilots - even though they are often actually not just pilots; Siddiqui aligns with Nolan; Order Fails of Adoption 3-4-2 (MM,DS,PT - Yes; AM,PN,QZ,SS - No; BA,DC - Absent)
Order #3. That the City Manager is requested to determine the best ways to promote bike safety with a particular focus on expanding the distribution of bike lights throughout the City. Councillor McGovern, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Zondervan
pulled by McGovern; additional remarks by Toner (about penalties for not having a light), Nolan (on safe distance); Order Adopted 7-0-2 (BA,DC - Absent)
Remembering Alice
Resolution #13. Resolution on the death of Alice Wolf. Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Simmons, Councillor Nolan
pulled by McGovern; remarks by McGovern, Simmons, Nolan, Siddiqui, Zondervan, Toner, Mallon; Resolution Adopted 7-0-2
Late Resolution #15. Resolution on the death of Jane Richards who died on Jan 31, 2023 at the age of 86. Councillor McGovern, Councillor Toner, Councillor Simmons
Resolution Adopted 7-0-2
Next Steps toward Universal Pre-K
Order #9. That the City Council and the School Committee will hold a joint roundtable on Tues, Feb 14, 2023, at 5:00pm to receive an update from the City Manager, Superintendent, and the Cambridge Office of Early Childhood on the next steps towards the implementation of universal Pre-K in Cambridge. Mayor Siddiqui
Order Adopted 7-0-2 (BA,DC - Absent)
Looking Back In Time
Committee Reports #1. The Ordinance Committee held a public hearing on Sept 26, 2019 to discuss the petition by Stephen R. Karp, Trustee of Cambridgeside Galleria Associates Trust, to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cambridge by adding a Section 13.100 that creates a new PUD-8 District and to amend the Zoning Map of the City of Cambridge by adding the new PUD-8 District, which District would include the property located at 100 Cambridgeside Place (currently zoned in the Business A and PUD-4 Districts). [text of report] [Note: This meeting was already reported Nov 25, 2019]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 7-0-2 (BA,DC - Absent)
Committee Reports #2. The Ordinance Committee met on Nov 14, 2019 to continue discussions on the petition by Stephen R. Karp, Trustee of CambridgeSide Galleria Associates Trust, to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cambridge by adding a Section 13.100 that creates a new PUD-8 District. [text of report not yet available] [Note: This meeting was already reported Nov 25, 2019]
Referred to Unfinished Business due to lack of report
Committee Reports #3. The Ordinance Committee met on Mar 30, 2022 to conduct a public hearing on, Ordinance #2022-3, the Wage Theft Ordinance. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 7-0-2 (BA,DC - Absent)
Committee Reports #4. The Ordinance Committee met on Apr 13, 2022, to hold a public hearing on proposed ordinance number 2022-2, Charter Change Municipal Code Amendments. The Committee voted favorable to send the following language to the Full Council with a recommendation to pass to a second reading. [text of report]
pulled by Zondervan; Report Accepted, Placed on File; Ordinance Amendments Passed to 2nd Reading 7-0-2 (BA,DC - Absent)
Note (Mon, 7:15pm): I just left City Hall where the petulant children of the Party for Socialism and Liberation disrupted the City Council meeting forcing the meeting to be relocated to a Zoom-only meeting. Their endless chants were variations on “Justice for Faisal” and “Release the Name” (of the officer involved in the Jan 4 officer-involved shooting), but it was abundantly clear that few of the protesters were from Cambridge, few (if any) of them knew the young man who was killed, and all of them were there to promote their twin agendas of socialism and the abolition of police. It was particularly noteworthy that Cambridge City Councillor Quinton Zondervan and his taxpayer-funded political activist aide Dan Totten chose to stand with the protesters as they broke up the meeting. Honestly, it shows complete dereliction of duty that the City Council and their City Manager continue to allow taxpayer money to be used to pay for Zondervan and Totten’s activism in pursuit of their socialist and anti-police agenda. It’s one thing to hold a contrary political philosophy and to exercise your free speech, but it’s an entirely different matter when taxpayer dollars are being used to shut down a City Council meeting and to advocate for vigilantism in regard to a Cambridge police officer.
I don’t generally make statements here about who Cambridge residents should or should not vote for in the municipal elections, but I will make an exception. Nobody, and I mean nobody, who cares about Cambridge should vote for Quinton Zondervan. Furthermore, if the City Manager continues to employ Dan Totten as a paid City Council aide, then the tenure of the City Manager should also be questioned.
I’ll have a few words to say soon about the January 18 Special Meeting “to discuss protocols, processes, and training of the Cambridge Police Department”, but in the meantime here are some interesting items for the regular Monday meeting:
Manager’s Agenda #2. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Policy Order 2022 #283, regarding the feasibility of banning turns on red signal indications.
pulled by Mallon; Placed on File 8-0-1 (Siddiqui ABSENT)
Manager’s Agenda #4. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Policy Order #312, regarding the feasibility of conducting street cleaning without towing. [text of response]
pulled by Carlone; Placed on File 5-3-0-1 (BA,AM,PN,QZ,SS-YES; DC,MM,PT-NO; DS-PRESENT); Toner Late Order - Charter Right (QZ)
Manager’s Agenda #5. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $390,000 from the Mitigation Revenue Stabilization Fund to the Public Investment Fund Public Works Extraordinary Expenditures account. These mitigation funds have been received from the sources below and will be used for the design of a transportation connection between Terminal Road and Wheeler Street.
pulled by Carlone; Order Adopted 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #6. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to a Planning Board report recommending that the City Council adopt the Climate Resilience Zoning Petition.
Referred to Petition 9-0
Charter Right #2. That the City Council adopt the Specialized Stretch Code, as outlined in 225 CMR 22.00 and 225 CMR 23.00, with an effective date of July 1, 2023. [Charter Right – Toner, Jan 9, 2023]
Toner motion to Table Failed 2-7 (DS,PT-YES); Order Adopted 7-1-0-1 (DS-PRESENT, PT-NO)
There’s also this thoughtful request from Patrick Barrett:
Mayor Siddiqui and Cambridge City Council,
Last year a policy order was unanimously passed in November requesting CDD to “report in a timely manner” on the effect of linkage increases, parking minimum reductions, BEUDO, and other legislation that may be passed considering its impact on development, the effect on cost, competitiveness with other cities, and the overall consequence of putting all of these regulations in place all at once. To date no report has been provided and yet we passed a reduction in parking minimums and have tried to pass the specialized stretch code without so much as a presentation to anyone about how that might impact housing construction or anything else. I am asking that no further regulations be passed until the Director of CDD and City Manager provide this requested report. Further I’d like the Director of CDD to give her professional opinion on the stretch code, BEUDO, lab ban, gas hookup ban, linkage increases, and climate resiliency zoning and how she feels we compare to other cities and towns and what effect these proposals will have on development in our city. It seems a very low bar that we at least understand the impact of something prior to passage especially when we have market conditions that do not comport to those anticipated through older studies and competing interests such as the need for housing and viable small and large businesses, and support for our cultural district in Central Sq which, when under so many competing pressures, will undoubtedly feel the impact of these proposals disproportionately to any other district.
Patrick W. Barrett III
Unfinished Business #5. An Ordinance has been received from Diane P. LeBlanc City Clerk, relative to Ordinance #2022-23 Removing the Limit on BZA Compensation. [Passed to 2nd Reading Dec 9, 2022; To Be Ordained on or after Jan 9, 2023; Expires Mar 14, 2023]
Lotsa Communications on the Brown Zoning Petition and the police-involved fatal shooting in Cambridgeport and related matters.
Order #1. That the City Manager ask the City Solicitor to provide a legal opinion concerning (1) whether there is a two-year ban on considering repetitive zoning petitions that have been unfavorably acted upon by the Council, (2) if so, whether that ban on repetitive petitions would prohibit the Council from moving forward with a Council initiated lab use zoning petition if there is unfavorable action on the pending Callender, et al. Petition, and (3) if so, what types of changes to zoning petition would be necessary for it to no longer be considered a repetitive petition. Councillor McGovern
pulled by McGovern; Rules suspended to take with Committee Report #6; Order Adopted 9-0; Referred to Economic Development & University Relations Committee and to NLTP Committee 9-0
Committee Report #6. The Ordinance Committee held a public hearing on Jan 4, 2023 regarding the Citizens Zoning Petition from Duane Callender, et al. Cambridge Lab Regulation Zoning Amendment – AP22#53. The Committee voted favorably to forward this petition to the full City Council with a recommendation to forward to the Economic Development and University Relations Committee and to the Neighborhood and Long-Term Planning, Public Facilities, Arts and Celebration Committee. The Committee voted favorably to request a legal opinion concerning (1) whether there is a two-year ban on considering repetitive zoning petitions that have been unfavorably acted upon by the Council, (2) if so, whether that ban on repetitive petitions would prohibit the Council from moving forward with a Council initiated lab use zoning petition if there is unfavorable action on the pending Callender, et al. Petition, and (3) if so, what types of changes to zoning petition would be necessary for it to no longer be considered a repetitive petition. [Note: This request appears on this agenda as a policy order.] [report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File; Referred to Economic Development & University Relations Committee and to NLTP Committee 9-0
Order #3. That the City Manager is requested to direct the appropriate City personnel to explore the special permitting fees and bicycle parking requirements that are required of local recreational cannabis dispensaries, to provide a report on how these requirements may impact these businesses, and to determine whether these requirements may need to be modified or eliminated. Councillor Simmons, Councillor Toner
pulled by Simmons; Order Adopted 9-0 as Amended
Order #4. That the City Manager is requested to direct the appropriate City staff to determine the feasibility of purchasing the property located at 37 Brookline Street, former home of Peter Valentine, with the intent of utilizing this as a community arts space. Councillor Simmons, Councillor Zondervan, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Azeem
pulled by Simmons; Order Adopted 8-1 (Toner-NO)
Just a Little Late…
Committee Report #1. The Ordinance Committee conducted a hearing on Sept 10, 2019 at 12:00pm regarding AP19#75: Refiled Zoning Petition - Grand Junction Pathway Overlay District. [report] [Note: This meeting was already reported Sept 23, 2019.]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Committee Report #2. The Ordinance Committee conducted a hearing on Sept 26, 2019 at 2:00pm regarding PO19#206: Zoning Petition on Special Permit Criteria. [report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Committee Report #3. The Ordinance Committee conducted a hearing on Nov 12, 2019 at 12:00pm, regarding a proposed amendment to Article 22 of the Zoning Ordinance – Green Building Requirements. [report] [Note 1: This meeting was already reported Nov 18, 2019.] [Note 2: The report actually shows testimony from “Councillor Patricia M. Nolan” - even though she did not assume office until January 2020.]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
The first meeting of the new year promises to be a difficult one. Here are some featured agenda items:
Manager’s Agenda #1. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to an update on the fatal officer-involved shooting in Cambridgeport.
Excellent, balanced statements by City Manager and Police Commissioner Elow; community meeting and Special City Council meeting scheduled; comments by SS, AM, BA, MM (body cameras, procedures, independent investigation), QZ moves to bring forward Committee Report #4 on “HEART”: 8-0-1 (DS Absent); Zondervan calls for funding of HEART program suggesting that they would have prevented this incident, calls for demilitarizing police, investment in more mental health services, objects to defense of our “supposedly progressive police force”, calls for Cambridge Police Department “to disarm or disband”, will schedule a Public Safety Committee meeting; remarks by PN, PT, DC, DS (resist the urge to think we have all the facts); Placed on File 9-0
Tragedy, controversy, and crisis can bring out the best and the worst in people, and can provide opportunity for leadership or opportunism. It’s best that everyone withhold judgment until all the details and circumstances of this incident are better understood.
An organized protest is scheduled to take place starting at 3:00pm in front of City Hall prior to the City Council meeting. The City will conduct a Community Meeting on Thurs, Jan 12 at the MLK School (102 Putnam Ave.) from 6:00pm to 8:00pm with District Attorney Marian Ryan, Police Commissioner Christine Elow, and City Manager Yi-An Huang to answer questions; and a Special City Council Meeting is scheduled for Wed, Jan 18 at 3:00pm to discuss protocols, processes, and training in the Cambridge Police Department.
Manager’s Agenda #2. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to a public health update.
Derrick Neal notes that hospitalizations are now at a high level - stressed but managing; indoor masks recommended; wastewater peaked but declining; Placed on File 7-0-2 (DS,QZ - Absent)
Zoning Matters
Manager’s Agenda #10. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to a Planning Board report recommending that the City Council not adopt the Patrick Barrett, et al., Zoning Petition.
Referred to Petition 9-0
Order #2. That the City Manager direct the Law Department to research whether the Barrett et al. petition would need to be refiled should there be a Letter of Commitment attached to the rezoning. Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Zondervan, Councillor McGovern
pulled by Zondervan; Order Adopted 8-0-1 (Carlone ABSENT)
Manager’s Agenda #11. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to a Planning Board report recommending that the City Council not adopt the Duane Callender, et al., Zoning Petition.
Referred to Petition 9-0
Committee Report #2. Joint meeting of the Economic Development and University Relations Committee and the Neighborhood & Long-Term Planning, Public Facilities, Arts & Celebrations Committee on Dec 7, 2022, at 1:00pm to review and discuss the attached zoning petition regarding lab use. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 8-0-1 (Carlone ABSENT)
Unfinished Business #3. An Ordinance has been received from Diane P. LeBlanc City Clerk, relative to Emissions Accounting Zoning Petition. [Passed to 2nd Reading Dec 19, 2022; To Be Ordained on or after Jan 9, 2023; Expires Mar 6, 2023]
Applications & Petitions #3. A Zoning Petition Has been received from Douglas Brown regarding Amending Article 4, 5 and 8 incrementally modernizing residential zoning.
pulled by Mallon; question about why only one signature on petition, Clerk reads ruling of City Solicitor explaining why this is permissible; Zondervan acknowledges the legality; Toner had same questions about single signature; McGovern also surprised but then barks ABC party line about housing crisis and his desire to not do anything incremental but instead only at a grand scale; Azeem, Simmons also comment; Referred to Ordinance Committee and Planning Board 8-0-1 (Carlone ABSENT)
Order #7. That the City Manager is hereby requested to direct the CDD and the Law Department to examine the Citizen’s Petition submitted by Suzanne P. Blier, et. al on the Harvard Square Zoning Petition Modification regarding Frontage of Financial Institutions and make recommendations for any amendments that are needed. Councillor Zondervan
pulled by Zondervan; Order Adopted 9-0
Committee Report #5. The Ordinance Committee held a public hearing on Dec 14, 2022, at 1:30pm regarding the Citizen’s Petition submitted by Suzanne P. Blier, et. al regarding the Harvard Square Zoning Petition Modification regarding Frontage of Financial Institutions. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0 (Carlone ABSENT)
Committee Report #4. The Ordinance Committee held a public hearing on Dec 14, 2022 at 12:30pm on Zoning Petition Recommendation – Removing Limit on BZA Compensation (Attachment F of CM22#207 in Council on Oct 24, 2022). The Ordinance Committee voted to send proposed Ordinance #2022-23 regarding removing the limit on BZA compensation to the full Council with a favorable recommendation to Pass to a Second Reading. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File, Passed to 2nd Reading 9-0
Energy, Climate, and all that
Manager’s Agenda #12. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the Cambridge Net Zero Action Plan 5-Year Review and Update. [text of report]
pulled by Toner; comments by Nolan and Zondervan; Placed on File 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #13. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the Stretch Energy Code and Specialized Energy Code. [text of report]
pulled by Toner w/Order #4; Placed on File 9-0
Order #4. That the City Council adopt the Specialized Stretch Code, as outlined in 225 CMR 22.00 and 225 CMR 23.00, with an effective date of July 1, 2023. Councillor Nolan, Councillor Zondervan, Mayor Siddiqui
pulled by Toner w/Mgr’s Agenda #13; series of forums and other outreach proposed for Feb-March (Farooq); comments by Zondervan (wants to adopt w/o outreach), Nolan (says City has been waiting for this - including the ban of natural gas supply to new buildings and more); Carlone tells of sustainable buildings he's designed and says Stretch Code doesn’t go far enough - calls it “old guard”; Siddiqui notes that it only applies to new buildings and substantial renovation; Simmons asks about what outreach has been done - Farooq acknowledges that no special outreach has taken place; Charter Right - Toner
In short, this Order calls for the immediate adoption of the new “Specialized Stretch Code” without any further discussion or committee meetings even though the new standards may involve considerable new requirements and expense for Cambridge residents. While it may be true that meetings have been held in the past, I will wager that very, very few residents were aware of such meetings or what adoption of the new code might mean in terms of renovation projects in their homes. This is reminiscent of the adoption of amendments in 2020 to the Bicycle Safety Ordinance where residents only found out much later what was in store for Cambridge roadways.
25 Years Waiting
Manager’s Agenda #14. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appointment of Vivek Sikri, Kimberly Kaufman, and Kathryn Carlson to the Cambridge Traffic Board pursuant to Chapter 455 of the Acts of 1961 (the “Special Act”).
Placed on File 9-0
I first made the case at City Council about 20 years ago that the City was in violation of the law in its discontinuation of the Traffic Board. Without it, regulatory decisions of the Traffic Director are absolute with no mechanism for redress. We’ll have to see whether or not the City Manager has “stacked the deck” with advocates for specific policies or if the Traffic Board will prove to be objective in matters brought before them by residents or in their role advising the Department of Traffic, Transportation and Parking.
… and the rest
Order #6. That the Assistant City Manager for Community Development be and hereby is requested to inform the Ordinance Committee on whether or not it is the case that the rate of rents being charged in the buildings located in the City squares is primarily driven by those who can pay the highest rent amounts. Councillor Simmons
pulled by Zondervan; rules suspended to also take up Order #7 and Committee Report #5; Order Adopted 9-0
[Note: Zondervan and Nolan question why these Orders from Committee Reports are listed here, but this is the way it had always been done until relatively recently.]
Other than during the rent control years, was this ever not the case for either residential or commercial buildings?
Committee Report #6. The Public Safety Committee held a public meeting on Dec 14, 2022 at 3:00pm to discuss the implementation of the new Community Safety Department and integration with HEART. [text of report]
Taken up with Mgr #1, Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
The report notes that “Robert Winters… shared concerns on discussions that were presented at the meeting.” That’s quite the understatement. The points I actually made were that: (a) most people, including Cambridge Police, support the idea of having appropriate alternatives in crisis response; (b) the proponents of the HEART proposal have a clear history of hostility toward police; (c) if the City chooses to contract with the HEART proponents in providing alternatives to police, it is inevitable that conflicts and possible litigation will result; (d) all of the rhetoric from the HEART proponents to date has been dismissive of the City’s newly created Community Safety Department which would be the department contracting with HEART; (e) there is no actual evidence of training or expertise among the people associated with HEART; and (f) good management calls for a proper RFP and bidding for the proposed services. - Robert Winters