2022 City Council Agenda Notes - January to June
(transferred from main Council Notes page)
This will be the last regular City Council meeting until the Aug 1 Midsummer Meeting and then in the fall on Sept 12. This will also be Louis DePasquale’s last regular meeting as City Manager. Here is my first pass at the interesting stuff:
Manager’s Agenda #1. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to a COVID-19 update.
Placed on File 9-0
The case numbers and other statistics are already easily accessible. I would really like to hear more from the experts about what we might expect for the rest of the summer and into the fall - especially in regard to some of the newer Omicron variants.
Manager’s Agenda #2. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to new appointments and reappointments of the following persons as members of the Cambridge Health Alliance Board of Trustees. New Appointments: Danielle Allen (Cambridge, 1-year term), Joseph Curtatone (Somerville, 3-year term) Reappointments: Lori Lander (Cambridge, 3-year term), Claire Laporte (Cambridge, 3-year term), Bryan Simmons (Somerville, 3-year term)
pulled by Zondervan; Placed on File 9-0
A former gubernatorial candidate and a former Somerville mayor - not your typical Board appointments.
Manager’s Agenda #3. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to a request from the Board of Election Commissioners recommending the relocation of polling sites, in accordance with Chapter 255 of the Acts of 2020, as amended by Chapter 5 of the Acts of 2021 and Chapter 29 of the Acts of 2021.
Order Adopted 9-0
These are relatively simple changes in polling sites. I have heard that there are some people associated with the Cambridge School Department who object to the use of school buildings as polling sites, and that’s just ridiculous. School buildings are used for this purpose just about everywhere.
Manager’s Agenda #6. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 22-32 relative to an update on progress made in regard to LGBTQ+-Friendly Housing efforts.
pulled by Simmons; Placed on File 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #7. Transmitting Communication from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $500,000, from Free Cash to the Public Works Public Investment Fund Extraordinary Expenditures account to fund the purchase of a Mack LR Electric rubbish packer.
pulled by Nolan; Order Adopted 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #8. Transmitting Communication from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of appropriation and authorization to borrow $4,500,000 to provide funds for the design and construction of building renovations to the vacant City owned property at 105 Windsor Street.
pulled by Simmons; Charter Right - Zondervan
[Note: Councillor Simmons has been seeking a site for a Cambridge history museum for a number of years. Whether this site is appropriate for this use (among other uses) is an open question. An ideal site would be one that would draw a critical mass of visitors, and it’s not clear that this would meet that criterion.]
“Possible uses include community meeting spaces, spaces for public art, education and exhibitions, as well as a Cambridge history museum and City offices.”
Manager’s Agenda #11. Transmitting Communication from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the authorization of a spending limit of $1,650,000 for Fiscal Year 2023, for the Renewable Energy and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction revolving fund (Revolving Fund), pursuant to Chapter 3.24 of the Municipal Ordinance titled “Departmental Revolving Funds.”
pulled by Zondervan; Order Adopted 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #12. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to a request from Boston Properties Limited Partnership (“Boston Properties”) asking to modify two existing open space restrictive covenants on two parks, Broadway Park (also known as South Park) and Binney Park (also known as North Park). Boston Properties has indicated that this request is being made to facilitate the relocation of Eversource’s proposed electrical substation from its property at 135 Fulkerson Street to the so-called “Blue Garage” site within the Mixed-Use Development (MXD) District in Kendall Square owned by affiliates of Boston Properties Limited Partnership (“BPLP”), as contemplated by the zoning amendment ordained by the City Council on February 3, 2021 as Ordinance No. 2020-17 (the “2021 MXD Amendment”) and the further build-out of this site as described below and will include replacement of the open space that will be lost due to this project. [12A Late Order] [12B Late Order] [12C Late Order]
pulled by Zondervan; 3 (Late) Orders Adopted 9-0; Reconsideration Fails 0-9
I look forward to hearing what neighbor Heather Hoffman might have to say about this. The Manager’s letter notes: “The current Broadway and Binney Park covenants total 21,785 square feet of public open space in the area. This plan will increase the overall amount of publicly dedicated open space to 28,455 total square feet, resulting in a new open space that is larger in area and more functional for the public than the existing Broadway and Binney Parks.” I have to also note the following: “Broadway Park (also known as South Park)”. I have a few interesting ideas now that I know Cambridge has within it a place called “South Park.”
Unfinished Business #4. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to order requesting the appropriation and authorization to borrow $49,000,000 to provide additional funds for the construction of the Tobin Montessori and Vassal Lane Upper Schools project located at 197 Vassal Lane. [Passed to 2nd Reading June 13, 2022; To Be Adopted on or after June 27, 2022]
pulled by Carlone; Order Adopted 8-1 (Zondervan NO); Reconsideration Fails 0-9
This will simply finalize the appropriation vote from two weeks ago.
Multiple Communications re: bikes lanes, the Cycling Safety Ordinance, and lawsuit filed by Cambridge Streets for All.
Resolution #8. Congratulations to Louis A. DePasquale on his retirement from his position as City Manager for the City of Cambridge. Councillor Toner, Councillor Simmons
pulled by Toner; Resolution Adopted 9-0
Resolution #11. Congratulations to James P. Maloney on the occasion of his retirement from the position of Chief Operating Officer of the Cambridge Public Schools. Councillor Toner, Councillor Simmons, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Carlone, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Zondervan, Mayor Siddiqui
pulled by Toner; Resolution Adopted as Amended 9-0
Resolution #14. Congratulations to Arthur Goldberg on his retirement from the position of Deputy City Solicitor for the City of Cambridge. Councillor Toner, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Carlone, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Simmons, Councillor Zondervan, Mayor Siddiqui
pulled by Mallon; Resolution Adopted as Amended 9-0
Resolution #15. Congratulations to James Monagle on his retirement from the position of City Auditor for the City of Cambridge. Councillor Toner, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Carlone, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Simmons, Councillor Zondervan, Mayor Siddiqui
pulled by Mallon; Resolution Adopted as Amended 9-0
I have known all of these men for a long time and they all deserve praise for all that they have contributed over the years.
Order #2. That the City Manager is requested to more fully review the dramatically growing need for expanded Traffic Calming, Traffic Signals and Vision Zero infrastructure through the city. Councillor Carlone, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Nolan, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Zondervan
pulled by Carlone; Amended 9-0; Charter Right - Simmons
What the Order really should say is: “ORDERED: That the City Manager, along with his staff, be and hereby is requested to more fully review the dramatically growing need for expanded Traffic Calming, Traffic Signals and Vision Zero infrastructure through the city; etc.” Not everything the City has done in recent years has been without criticism and much of it could have been done better. The Order as stated simply wants to spend another $5,000,000 on more of the same, and I hope City staff is willing to evaluate what has been done before prior to simply spending more money.
Order #5. That the City Manager is requested to confer with the Traffic, Parking and Transportation Department, the Harvard Square Business Association, the Office of Tourism, and the Harvard Square Advisory Committee, and other area stakeholders on a plan for piloting more street closures for pedestrianization. Councillor Nolan, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Carlone, Vice Mayor Mallon
Order Adopted as Amended 9-0
I’m interested in seeing where this might lead. Selective street closures can make for better venues for events and street entertainment, but it could simply relocate traffic to other streets or create more obstruction than opportunity. This is also something we talk about in Central Square (you know, that other Zip Code).
Committee Report #1. The Transportation and Public Utilities Committee met on Apr 5, 2022 to conduct a public hearing on Ordinance #2022-8, an ordinance amending Parking minimums and maximums. [Transcript of meeting]
Accept Report, Placed on File 9-0; One Order Adopted 9-0; 2nd Late Order (zoning petition) referred to Planning Board and Ordinance Committee 9-0
Nothing like a 25-page computer-generated meeting transcript to really cut to the chase. Let me know how the novel turns out. Relevant quotes from staff: (1) “The parking study will take about a year.”; (2) “…one change could be to make it easier for people to use that parking. So that even if the number of spaces is reduced, it doesn’t make people’s daily lives any harder.” [Now there’s a shockingly sensible thing to hear.]. All of the Public Comment was from the density boys of ABC. Personally, I think there are parts of the city where it makes sense to eliminate parking minimums and other parts of the city where it makes sense to keep them. Such a nuanced point of view - very out of fashion. - Robert Winters
Late Order #6. That the Cambridge City Council go on record stating its enduring commitment to the protection of abortion rights, reproductive health care rights, and individuals’ rights to make reproductive decisions about their own bodies; and that the Cambridge City Council declare its support for the Executive Order signed by Governor Charlie Baker on June 24th, 2022. Mayor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Simmons, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Carlone, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Toner, Councillor Zondervan
Order Adopted as Amended 9-0
Late Order #7. That Chapter 5 of the Municipal Code be amended to ban “limited services pregnancy centers” that present themselves as providing pregnancy related services but instead seek to persuade people against having an abortion. Councillor Zondervan, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Nolan, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor McGovern
Order Adopted as Amended 9-0
The FY2023 Budget may have been adopted last week, but the Big Money continues this week with an order requesting the appropriation and authorization to borrow $49,000,000 to provide additional funds for the construction of the Tobin Montessori and Vassal Lane Upper Schools project AND an Order to take by a so-called “friendly” eminent domain proceeding a 3-story office building located at 689 Massachusetts Avenue. The latter Order comes as a consequence of City Council Order #2 of Sept 27, 2021. The net cost of the purchase is expected to be $13,763,557 plus an additional $2.75 million in funds for building fit-out as the City develops its plans to occupy the office space. One of the planned uses of this property will be to house the newly created Community Safety Department.
Here are the agenda items that piqued my interest this week:
Manager’s Agenda #5. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to a Planning Board report with no positive or negative recommendation on the Craig Kelley, et. al. Zoning Petition. [CDD staff report]
pulled by Zondervan; Referred to Petition 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #6. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to a Planning Board recommendation to adopt, with additional comments, the Emissions Accounting Zoning Petition.
pulled by Zondervan; Referred to Petition (Zondervan) 8-0-1 (Simmons - ABSENT) - expected to be allowed to expire, amended, and resubmitted
Manager’s Agenda #7. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the second Progress Report due under the Cycling Safety Ordinance (Chapter 12.22 of the Cambridge Municipal Code), which is required to detail “…progress towards meeting the requirements set forth in Subsections C, D, E, F, G, and H.
pulled by Toner; Placed on File 9-0
In a related matter, the group “Cambridge Streets for All” filed a lawsuit on June 10 against the City of Cambridge challenging various aspects of the Bicycle Safety Ordinance - especially the process of how it was amended in 2020 and its implementation. I have no idea if this lawsuit has any chance of prevailing. I do, however, have some questions about whether the Ordinance takes management decisions out of the hands of the City Administration in violation of the City Charter. [Think about a scenario in which the City Council passed an ordinance mandating that all roads and sidewalks must be painted gold with rigid timelines for implementation regardless of cost or sense.] I also have a question about the fact that the City is supposed to have an appointed Traffic Board (established in 1961 by Special Act [Chapter 455] of the State Legislature) that provides an appeal process for all regulations promulgated by the Traffic Director. There is no record of there ever having been the necessary two-thirds vote of the City Council to revoke the provisions of this Special Act.
Manager’s Agenda #8. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to order requesting the appropriation and authorization to borrow $49,000,000 to provide additional funds for the construction of the Tobin Montessori and Vassal Lane Upper Schools project located at 197 Vassal Lane.
pulled by Nolan; Appropriation/Loan Order Passed to 2nd Reading 8-1 (Zondervan - NO) [Note that this would bring the total cost to $299 million]; Reconsideration Fails 0-9
Manager’s Agenda #9. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 22-15, which requested a review of recent crashes at the intersection of Broadway and Highland Avenue.
Placed on File 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #10. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to a recommendation that the City Council approve an Order to take by a so-called “friendly” eminent domain proceeding a 3-story office building comprising approximately 25,385 square feet (30,227 square feet with usable basement space) on a 0.23 acre lot located at 689 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139.
pulled by Mallon;
(1) Appropriation of $11,551,208 from Free Cash to pay the pro tanto, as set forth above and below (Order Adopted 9-0)
(2) Approve the Order of Taking (Order Adopted 9-0)
(3) Appropriation of $2,212,349 from Free Cash to settle the eminent domain damages claim and to pay the remainder of the purchase price of $14,500,000 after subtracting the pre-paid five year initial lease payment of $736,443 which will enable the City to acquire the Property and thereby resolve UUSC’s damages claim (Order Adopted 9-0)
(4) Appropriate $2,750,000 from Free Cash to develop plans, acquire the fit-out and furnishings and to undertake minor renovations for City departments to use and occupy the building. (Order Adopted 9-0)
(5) Reconsideration Fails 0-9
Manager’s Agenda #11. Transmitting Communication from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of the Drinking Water Supply Protection (DWSP) Grant from the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) for $102,968.50 to the Public Investment Fund Water Department Extraordinary Expenditures account which will be used for the for the Twin Pond Land Acquisition Project.
Order Adopted 9-0
Charter Right #2. A communication was received from Mayor Siddiqui, transmitting a communication about the Charter Review Committee. [Charter Right – Azeem, June 6, 2022]
Placed on File 9-0
Charter Right #3. Creation of an Ad-Hoc Committee for the purpose of reviewing and selecting self-nominated residents and stakeholders to be on the Charter Review Committee. [Charter Right – Azeem, June 6, 2022]
further Amended (9-0) and Adopted 9-0 on June 13, 2022, Reconsideration Fails 0-9
Please note that applications to serve on the Charter Review Committee are due no later than Tues, June 28, 2022 at 11:00pm, and the names of those appointed to the Charter Review Committee will be announced no later than July 1, 2022.
Order #3. That the City Manager is requested to direct the appropriate City staff to establish a “community healing initiative” plan to address the issues in our city. Councillor Simmons
pulled by Simmons; notes recent anti-vax disruptions at Starlight Square event; Order Adopted 9-0
Order #4. That the City Manager is requested to direct the appropriate City staff to establish a notification system to all neighborhood residents, regardless of whether they own or rent their homes, within a set area where neighborhood disruptions such as infrastructure work or demolitions are scheduled to occur. Councillor Simmons
Order Adopted 9-0
Order #5. Recognize June 19, 2022 as Juneteenth in the City of Cambridge, and in urging all Cambridge residents to reflect upon the meaning of this important day. Councillor Simmons, Mayor Siddiqui
Order Adopted 9-0
Order #6. That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to work with DCR and all relevant City departments to expand Memorial Drive closures in the summer and fall of 2022. Councillor Zondervan
pulled by Simmons; Adopted as Amended 9-0
Order #8. Proclaim June 25, 2022, to be “Pit Rat Day” to honor the history of The Pit and all of those who called it home. Councillor McGovern
Order Adopted 9-0
It would be difficult to identify a City Council meeting in recent history as potentially consequential as this one. The opening act will be the City of Cambridge Scholarship Awards Ceremony starting at 4:00pm. The Regular Meeting starting at 5:30pm includes the vote on the FY2023 Budget ($754,373,160 General Fund; $13,537,970 Water Fund; and $41,163,235 Public Investment Fund) as well as a total of $159.9 million in loan authorizations. Then there’s the matter of the 6:00pm Special Meeting to choose among four finalists who will be the next City Manager (Iram Farooq, Cheryl Fisher, Yi-An Huang, or Norman Khumalo) with a possible Executive Session thrown in if there are any contract matters to negotiate. It should be noted that there is no guarantee that five votes will coalesce on one candidate. There could be multiple ballots or the can might be kicked down the road a bit if they can’t get to five.
There are other agenda items as well – including the initial steps toward a Charter Review Commission. Here are the items that seem interesting and/or highly consequential:
City Manager Selection
6:00pm The City Council will hold a Special Meeting to appoint one of the following finalists as the next City Manager: Iram Farooq, Cheryl Watson Fisher, Yi-An Huang and Norman Khumalo.
The City Council Meeting to discuss the City Manager hiring process will convene in open session. The City Council may then go into an Executive Session to conduct contract negotiations with a candidate for City Manager. The City Council will return to open session.
Communications & Reports #2. A communication was received from Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui, transmitting information regarding the Executive Session for the City Manager hiring process.
Order Adopted 9-0; Executive Session held
Here’s a little note from the International City/County Management Association (ICMA):
Under the council-manager form, the elected officials (e.g. the council or board) are the legislative body and the community’s policy makers. Power is centralized in this body, which approves the budget and adopts local laws and regulations, for example. The elected officials also focus on the community’s big-picture goals, such as community growth and sustainability.
The elected officials hire a professional city, town, or county manager based on that person’s education, experience, skills, and abilities and NOT on their political allegiances. The elected officials supervise the manager’s performance, and if that person is not responsive and effective in their role, the elected officials have the authority to remove her or him at any time.
I am mentioning this primarily in response to some of the lobbying effort I have seen over the last several days - including a video promoting one particular candidate and featuring a City Council aide as well as others with known political affiliations. There have also been mass emailings sent by political organizations lobbying for other candidates. There is nothing illegal about any of this, but my hope is that each of the nine city councillors will make their decisions on behalf of the residents of the city and the City’s workforce – independent of any and all of this political lobbying.
I do have a favorite candidate and I have communicated that preference to the candidate as well as to several city councillors, but I want to be very clear that my inclinations have absolutely nothing to do with any organized group in the city nor any narrow agenda, and I fervently hope that whoever is chosen will not be beholden to any political interest or individual. - RW
By the way, I don’t know that there’s necessarily a required procedure for how the selection will take place. This is not like the vote for Mayor where each councillor in turn names his/her selection for Mayor followed by possible vote changes prior to the gavel being struck three times signifying the end of the vote. The selection may happen via a motion by one of the councillors to hire one of the finalists and if that candidate receives five votes (with or without changes in the vote) then the matter is settled. I’m not sure if a Motion to Reconsider or the exercise of the Charter Right is permissible in this matter.
June 6, 2022 – The Cambridge City Council tonight voted 8-1 to select Yi-An Huang as the next City Manager to succeed Louis DePasquale when his contract ends on July 5, 2022. The initial City Council vote was 6-3 with Burhan Azeem, Dennis Carlone, Alanna Mallon, Patricia Nolan, Quinton Zondervan, and Sumbul Siddiqui voting for Yi-An Huang and Marc McGovern, Denise Simmons, and Paul Toner voting for Cheryl Watson Fisher. Subsequently, Paul Toner and then Marc McGovern changed their votes to Yi-An Huang to make it a final 8-1 vote.
After the vote, the City Council went into Executive Session to discuss strategy for contract negotiations as well as any possible procedure for choosing an Acting City Manager until Mr. Huang assumes his new role.
PS - The City Council also voted to appoint DPW Commissioner Owen O’Riordan to serve as Acting City Manager after Louis DePasquale leaves and before Yi-An Huang takes over. Excellent choice. - RW
FY2023 Budget Adoption and Loan Order Authorizations
Manager’s Agenda #1. Transmitting Communication from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to an order authorizing the City Manager to transfer necessary funds needed to maintain appropriation control as part of the fiscal end-of-year closeout process.
Order Adopted 9-0
Unfinished Business #2. Transmitting Communication from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appropriation and authorization to borrow $14,600,000 to provide funds for the Municipal Facilities Improvement Plan. [Passed to a 2nd Reading May 2, 2022; To Be Adopted on or after May 23, 2022]
Order Adopted 9-0
Unfinished Business #3. Transmitting Communication from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appropriation and authorization to borrow $15,000,000 to provide funds for the design and construction of a multi-use paths Danehy/New Street Path, Linear Park and Grand Junction Path, which runs from Henry Street to Gore Street on both City, MIT and MassDOT property. [Passed to a 2nd Reading May 2, 2022; To Be Adopted on or after May 23, 2022]
Order Adopted 9-0
Unfinished Business #4. Transmitting Communication from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appropriation and authorization to borrow $1,800,000 to provide funds for the replacement of existing gas boilers at the Morse and Cambridgeport schools. [Passed to a 2nd Reading May 2, 2022; To Be Adopted on or after May 23, 2022]
Order Adopted 9-0
Unfinished Business #5. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appropriation and authorization to borrow $78,500,000 to provide funds for the construction of sewer separation, storm water management and combined sewer overflow reduction elimination improvements within the Port, Alewife and Central Square areas as well as the Sewer Capital Repairs Program and climate change preparedness efforts. [Passed to a 2nd Reading May 2, 2022; To Be Adopted on or after May 23, 2022]
Order Adopted 9-0
Unfinished Business #6. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appropriation and authorization to borrow $13,000,000 to provide funds for the reconstruction of various City streets, sidewalks and bike facilities. [Passed to a 2nd Reading May 2, 2022; To Be Adopted on or after May 23, 2022]
Order Adopted 9-0
Unfinished Business #7. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appropriation and authorization to borrow $37,000,000 to provide additional funds for the construction of improvements at the Fire Station Headquarters Building located at 491 Broadway. [Passed to a 2nd Reading May 2, 2022; To Be Adopted on or after May 23, 2022]
Order Adopted 9-0
Committee Report #1. A communication was received from Anthony I. Wilson, City Clerk, transmitting a report from Councillor Patricia M. Nolan, Chair and Councillor Dennis J. Carlone Chair of the Finance Committee, for a public hearing held on May 10, 2022, May 11, 2022 and May 17, 2022 to discuss Fiscal Year 2023 Budget.
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Zondervan motion to amend budget to reduce Police Dept. to $68,731,130 Fails 1-8 (QZ - YES)
General Fund Budget of $754,373,160 Adopted 8-1 (QZ-NO)
Water Fund Budget of $13,537,970 Adopted 8-1 (QZ-NO)
Public Investment Fund Budget of $41,163,235 Adopted 9-0
Though I don’t think there will be any controversy over these votes other than the usual token NO vote, it goes without saying that this is perhaps the single most consequential vote of the City Council in any given year. The only vote more consequential is the vote to select a City Manager.
Manager’s Agenda #6. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to proposed amendments to the Truck Safety Ordinance, Chapter 8.112.080 of the Cambridge Municipal Code (“Ordinance”). [Manager’s Letter] [Revised Truck Ordinance (red-lined)][Revised Truck Ordinance (as ordained)] [Proposed Order 6A] [Proposed Order 6B]
Order 6A Adopted 9-0; Order 6B Adopted as Amended (Zondervan) 9-0
Memorial Drive Closure Kerfuffle
Charter Right #1. That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to direct the Director of the Traffic, Parking, and Transportation Department to limit the blocking off of Memorial Drive to vehicular traffic to Sundays.
Tabled 8-1 (QZ-NO)
Communication #13. A communication was received from Lynn Cetrulo, regarding Traffic planning and road layouts.
Communication #17. A communication was received from Larry Cetrulo, regarding Traffic planning and road layouts.
I will note that the combination of the long Memorial Day weekend plus Boston Calling plus various commencement activities plus students moving out plus the Memorial Drive closure recently made Mt. Auburn Street and Putnam Avenue into a traffic nightmare. I’ll let others decide whether the overall effect of Memorial Drive closures from Saturday morning through Sunday night is a net benefit or if a smaller window of time would be preferable. I hope this is really more about community benefit than just a generic #WarOnCars.
Notable Orders
Order #1. Urge Harvard University to work as quickly and deliberately as possible to ensure that the human remains of the nearly 7,000 indigenous peoples and 19 enslaved individuals currently in their possession are released to the appropriate parties. Councillor Simmons
pulled by Simmons; Order Adopted 9-0 (voice vote)
Order #4. That the City Manager is requested to confer with the appropriate City personnel and other appropriate parties to develop a standardized, transparent, and cohesive community engagement plan for the entire, department-wide municipal government. Councillor Simmons
pulled by Simmons; Order Adopted 9-0 (voice vote)
Charter Review Commission
Order #8. Creation of an Ad-Hoc Committee for ad-hoc committee for the purpose of reviewing and selecting self-nominated residents and stakeholders to be on the Charter Review Commission. Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Nolan
pulled by Nolan; Amended 7-2 (BA,QZ-NO); Charter Right - Azeem
Communications & Reports #4. A communication was received from Mayor Siddiqui, transmitting a communication about the Charter Review Committee.
pulled by Nolan; Charter Right - Azeem
Sign me up. - RW
A Committee Report (for a change)
Committee Report #2. The Ordinance Committee met on Apr 6, 2022 to conduct a public hearing on a petition to amend the zoning ordinance entitled “Article 22 Sustainable Design and Development” (Ordinance #2022-7).
pulled by Zondervan; suggests this be allowed to expire and be re-filed as amended; Accept Report, Placed on File 9-0 (voice vote)
There is an actual meeting agenda this week, but much of the attention now is on the fact that the four finalists for the City Manager position have been revealed and a vote is expected in early June. In the meantime, it’s likely that the appointments for both the City Auditor and the City Clerk will be made at a Special City Council Meeting earlier in the day on Monday, May 23, starting at 10:30am. Unless something unexpected happens, we’ll likely have both Joseph McCann appointed as City Auditor and Diane LeBlanc appointed as City Clerk with both expected to assume their new positions in June.
Note: At a Special Meeting earlier in the day the City Council unanimously appointed Joseph McMann as City Auditor and Diane LeBlanc as City Clerk - both for three-year terms.
Communications & Reports from City Officers #3. A communication was received from Mayor Siddiqui, transmitting information about the City Manager finalists. [Iram Farooq] [Cheryl Fisher] [Yi-An Huang] [Norman Khumalo]
Order #1. That the City Council delegate the drafting and finalization of the questions for the interview of the City Council Manager finalists, scheduled for June 1st, 2022, to Randi Frank, LLC with assistance from the City’s Personnel Director Sheila Keady Rawson and with input from individual councillors by confidential submission of requested questions to Randi Frank for her consideration. Vice Mayor Mallon
pulled by Mallon; Adopted as Amended 9-0
The public’s chance to “Meet the Finalists” will take place at the Fitzgerald Auditorium (CRLS) on Tues, May 31 from 6:00pm to 9:00pm, and the City Council interviews will take place during a Special City Council Meeting on Wed, June 1 starting at 6:00pm. The City Council is expected to vote to appoint the next City Manager during a Special City Council Meeting on Monday, June 6th. The meeting will be broadcast on 22-Cityview or Channel 99, and can also be live-streamed online on Zoom. Unless one candidate manages to earn 5 votes right away, it’s not at all clear how the selection will proceed from there.
Manager’s Agenda #1. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to a COVID-19 update.
Placed on File 8-0-1 (McGovern ABSENT)
Manager’s Agenda #2. Transmitting Communication from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $11,000,000 from Free Cash to the Public Investment Fund Human Services Extraordinary Expenditures Account to support major capital improvements at the Danehy Park Complex.
pulled by Zondervan; Order Adopted 9-0
Charter Right #1. That the City Manager is requested to allocate the remaining ARPA funding, in compliance with the Final Rule, across community-serving applicants. [Charter Right – Zondervan, May 16, 2022]
Zondervan motion to introduce Late Communication and Substitute Order reducing amount requested to $10.5 million from ARPA funds but allows $500,000 for political patronage to HEART and other details; Zondervan substitution passes 6-3 (PN,DS,PT - NO); Mallon motion to refer substitute order to Finance Committee Adopted 9-0
On the Table #2. Section 11.202(b) of Article 11.000 Special Regulations linkage fee, be amended by substitution (Ordinance #2022-14). [Tabled May 9, 2022]
Azeem motion to remove from Table 9-0; Petition Referred to Ordinance Committee and Planning Board 9-0
Unfinished Business #3. That Article 20.90 - Alewife Overlay Districts 1-6 of the Cambridge Zoning Ordinance be amended to insert a new section entitled Section 20.94.3 - Temporarily prohibited uses (ORDINANCE #2022-1). [Tabled May 2, 2022; To Be Ordained on of after May 23, 2022]
pulled by Toner; Motion to Amend to substitute Alewife Overlay Districts 1-6 with Alewife Overlay Districts 1-5 (Toner) Approved 5-4 (BA,AM,MM,DS,PT - YES; DC,PN,QZ,SS - NO)
[Note: This takes Alewife Triangle out of the moratorium area. Carlone supported this one week earlier and flip-flopped.]
Ordained as Amended 9-0
Resolution #1. Thank You to Anthony Wilson for his service. Councillor Simmons, Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Carlone, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Toner, Mayor Siddiqui
pulled by Simmons; Adopted as Amended 9-0
Resolution #2. Congratulations on the birth of Francis James Gutoski. Councillor Toner
Adopted 9-0
Resolution #3. Congratulations on the Retirement of Ellen Watson from the License Commission. Councillor Toner
Adopted 9-0
Resolution #4. Resolution for 2022 Cambridge Jazz Festival. Councillor Simmons, Councillor Zondervan
pulled by Simmons; Adopted as Amended 9-0
Resolution #5. Congratulations to Alisa Amador. Councillor Nolan, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Carlone, Vice Mayor Mallon
Adopted 9-0
Order #5. That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to direct the Director of the Traffic, Parking, and Transportation Department to limit the blocking off of Memorial Drive to vehicular traffic to Sundays. Councillor Simmons
pulled by Simmons; Charter Right - Toner
Order #8. That the City Manager is requested to confer with all relevant City departments to draft a report for a future Transportation and Public Utilities Committee hearing on the impacts of the MBTA Bus Network Redesign. Councillor Azeem, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Carlone
pulled by Azeem; Order Adopted as Amended 9-0
Committee Report #1. The Government Operations, Rules and Claims Committee met on Apr 12, 2022 to discuss new guidelines for Boards and Commissions appointments.
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Committee Report #2. The Health and Environment Committee met on Apr 26, 2022 to conduct a public hearing on a proposal to amend Section 2.66 of the Municipal Code to add a new section titled “Article III Green Jobs”.
pulled by Zondervan; Report Accepted, Placed on File, Amendment referred to Ordinance Committee 9-0
Late Order #9. That Deputy City Clerk Paula Crane be appointed interim City Clerk as of June 1, 2022 and until the permanent City Clerk shall assume office. Mayor Siddiqui
Order Adopted 9-0
City Auditor James Monagle and City Clerk Anthony Wilson will be making their exit at the end of this month with City Manager Louis DePasquale following in early July. Three simultaneous processes have been underway seeking their successors, but one of them seems headed to a conclusion this week with a communication that Joseph McCann from the City’s Auditing Department is being recommended to the full City Council to be elected as our new City Auditor. [Note: There is now a Special Session scheduled for Mon, May 23 at 10:30pm to conduct interviews and potentially appoint the next City Auditor and City Clerk.]
Meanwhile, the Screening Committee for the City Manager position has been meeting “to interview 8-10 selected priority candidates, from which they shall select 3-4 finalists for presentation to the City Council.” Public interviews of the finalists are expected the first week of June. The rumors have been flying like saucers. It will be interesting to see if the intergalactic search yields a candidate from Rigel VII or a more familiar face from closer to home with or without managerial experience. As Tim Toomey would often say, “It just takes 5 votes” regardless of any promise, public process, or other window dressing.
Meanwhile, back here in the dark Mines of Moria, here are a few items on this week’s menu:
Manager’s Agenda #6. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, in response to a question raised at the May 9, 2022 Council Meeting concerning the Alewife Overlay Development Zoning Petition. [Solicitor’s Response]
pulled by McGovern; Referred to Petition (Unf. Bus. #2) 9-0
Unfinished Business #2. That Article 20.90 - Alewife Overlay Districts 1-6 of the Cambridge Zoning Ordinance be amended to insert a new section entitled Section 20.94.3 - Temporarily prohibited uses (ORDINANCE #2022-1). [Tabled May 2, 2022; To Be Ordained on or after May 23, 2022]
Councillor Carlone noted that he felt that the Alewife Triangle should not be included in the proposed moratorium
Order #4. That the City Manager is requested to confer with all relevant City departments, consultants, and the Alewife Quad Working Group on any and all progress on the Terminal Road connection and any related projects. Councillor Nolan, Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Toner, Councillor Carlone
pulled by Carlone; Order Adopted as Amended 9-0
Terminal Rd connection: 1979 (Fishbook) plan or Envision Plan?
I still haven’t seen much evidence of any consistent vision from this City Council (or previous City Councils) regarding what they want for this area of the city. There’s the predictable knee-jerks for housing, but it generally seems as though all that Envision stuff (light industrial, etc.) was just an excuse for getting together to aspire. I personally will not be satisfied until I see multiple access routes in and out of this area and at least one bridge over the RR tracks as well as a simple pedestrian bridge over the Little River in the area of the Alewife Constructed Wetland.
On the Table #1. Section 11.202(b) of Article 11.000 Special Regulations linkage fee, be amended by substitution (Ordinance #2022-14). [Tabled May 9, 2022]
Order #7. That the City Manager is requested to allocate the remaining ARPA funding, in compliance with the Final Rule, across community-serving applicants. Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Carlone
pulled by Nolan;
Azeem notes that he cannot support the original policy order because he wants subsidized housing proposals to be fully funded;
Zondervan wants the applicants to be funded rather than the projects proposed;
McGovern would prefer to not allocate this all at once, concerned about proposal from Nonprofit Coalition to be given $20 million to spread around;
Toner will not support order as proposed;
Mallon notes that there are already $190 million worth of proposals - well in excess of available funding, also concerned about proposals made at the Finance Committee;
Amended 6-1-0-2 (QZ - NO; AM,DS - Present);
Charter Right - Zondervan
There are a couple of councillors who continue to be unable to resist the urge for political patronage.
Communications & Reports #2. A communication was received from Vice Mayor Alanna Mallon, transmitting information regarding the City Auditor Search. Vice Mayor Mallon
Placed on File 9-0
See above. A vote is expected next week on the appointment of Joseph McCann from the City’s Auditing Department as our new City Auditor. [Note: There is now a Special Session scheduled for Mon, May 23 at 10:30pm for this purpose.] One down, two to go. There’s also the question of whether the City Council wishes to update the job description.
Communications & Reports #3. A communication was received from Mayor Siddiqui, transmitting information from the School Committee.
Placed on File 9-0
“Due to an increase in the number of COVID cases and COVID-related hospitalizations within our community, we are encouraging our entire school community to mask, particularly when we are indoors. Please note that CPS is NOT reinstating a requirement but advising mask use based on current data.”
“Dr. Turk will be leading the process for the Math Coordinator position and is currently compiling an interview committee. Interviews will begin on May 20th. CPS is also screening applicant resumes to begin the process for the Chief of Academics & School position to prepare for upcoming interviews over the next couple of weeks.”
Math… good to hear they’re still doing that - with or without masks. – Robert Winters
Order #8. That the City Council delegate the drafting and finalization of the questions for the interviews of the City Clerk finalists scheduled for May 23, 2022 to the co-chairs of the City Clerk Preliminary Screening Committee. Councillor Toner, Councillor Simmons
Order Adopted 9-0
Order #9. That the City Council delegate the drafting and finalization of the questions for the interview of the City Auditor finalists, scheduled for May 23, 2022, to the chair of the City Auditor Preliminary Screening Committee. Vice Mayor Mallon
Order Adopted 9-0
If all goes well, this meeting should go quickly. The Budget Hearings start the next morning at 9:00am. Here are a few things that might stir some interest:
Manager’s Agenda #2. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 21-99, regarding GLX project funding.
pulled by Mallon; Placed on File 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #3. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 22-26, regarding a report on trash bin sizes.
pulled by Nolan; Placed on File 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #4. Transmitting Communication from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $200,000 from Free Cash to the Public Investment Fund Public Works Extraordinary Expenditures account to support the rollout of standardized trash bins and the collection and recycling of old trash bins.
Order Adopted 9-0
I will do a little virtue-signaling here and say that although two 65-gallon toters are recommended for my triple-decker, I will instead be requesting two 35-gallon toters, and I expect that one of them will remain unused in my backyard except for extraordinary circumstances. Some of us take that whole Reduce, Reuse, Recycle mantra seriously. I’m also glad that there will be a collection of the old barrels. I’ll hold onto the intact ones for other uses (like Yard Waste) but this will be a good time to lose the cracked ones.
Manager’s Agenda #8. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 22-16, regarding Alewife Overlay District Zoning Proposal Working Group and POR 2022 #84 contained in Committee Report Item Number 1 of May 2, 2022 regarding CDD’s current workload. [text of response]
pulled by Carlone; Placed on File 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #9. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to updated information that was requested by the Ordinance Committee at its hearing on Apr 7, 2022, relative to the Alewife Overlay Districts Zoning Petition as well as a legal opinion from City Solicitor Nancy E. Glowa, regarding legal questions raised by the Ordinance Committee at the same Apr 7, 2022 hearing. [CDD Memo] [Zoning Opinion (May 9)] [Alewife Opinion (Apr 7)]
pulled by Zondervan; Rules suspended to bring forward Unfinished Business #9; Amendment Adopted 9-0; Communication Referred to Petition 9-0
Unfinished Business #9. That Article 20.90 - Alewife Overlay Districts 1-6 of the Cambridge Zoning Ordinance be amended to insert a new section entitled Section 20.94.3 - Temporarily prohibited uses (ORDINANCE #2022-1). [Passed to 2nd Reading May 2, 2022; To Be Ordained on or after May 23, 2022]
Amendment Adopted 9-0
Not much to do with this until ordination on May 23, but I am a bit confused as to why ordination cannot happen at the May 16 meeting - two weeks after the matter was Passed to a 2nd Reading. [The reason is that the Cambridge Chronicle has a Friday afternoon deadline for submission of Legal Notices for the following week and they no longer allow any leeway on this.] In any case, I still see no great vision (or Envision) from the City Council about what they want to see in the Quadrangle, and I have no idea why the proposed moratorium also includes the Alewife Triangle.
Charter Right #1. Transmitting Communication from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $23,100,176 received from the U.S. Department of Treasury through the new Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (CLFRF) established by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), to the Grant Fund Finance Department Other Ordinary Maintenance account which will be used for a number of projects related to City Council priority areas particularly: homelessness and housing support, COVID testing, mental health services, job training, food insecurity, small business support, and infrastructure including items related to water, and broadband. [Charter Right – Zondervan, May 2, 2022]
Zondervan wants to Table; Nolan disagrees; Carlone ready to approve and notes that councillors not consulted on $22 million on RISE; Azeem asks Manager how he sees this and what would happen if Tabled; Azeem will vote to approve; Zondervan has expectation that HEART would be funded under contract through new Community Safety Department (based on what?); Siddiqui suggests that Council wants HEART funded even though it would duplicate proposed services; Motion to Table Fails 1-8 (Zondervan - YES); Appropriation Adopted 9-0
There seems to be an organized effort to divert some of this ARPA money toward the ill-founded “HEART proposal” - simply because the ARPA money doesn’t have the same Ant-Aid Amendment protections against political patronage that ordinary tax revenue has. There are messages on various listservs encouraging people to engage in Public Comment on this topic. I am forbidden to comment on at least two of these democracy-challenged listservs, but I did manage a response on one of them. Here it is:
I don’t wish to get into a back-and-forth on this topic, but I do want to emphasize that the FY2023 City Budget has already allocated $2,874,570 in creating a new Community Safety Department that includes 6 full-time budgeted employees.
As the budget narrative says: “The Community Safety Department (CSD) is a newly established department that coordinates community driven solutions to enhance safety and wellness in the community by providing key services and programs targeted at the most vulnerable populations. Based on identified needs in the community for an alternate non-police response to non-violent and behavioral crisis calls and reducing or preventing violence in the community, the Department’s mission is to support the community through a trauma-informed framework and evidence-informed solutions… The Department will be responsible for overseeing the Cambridge Alternative Response Program, as well as other efforts to make the community a safer place to live, work, and experience for all.”
In addition, there are 2+ new budgeted positions in the Emergency Communications Department that appear to be related:
To provide funding for a new Assistant Director of Public Safety IT position.
To provide funding for a new PSIT Project Manager position.
To provide funding for a new Licensed Social Worker position (1/2 year).Any additional ARPA funding for the so-called “HEART Program” would be nothing more than redundant political patronage.
Robert Winters
The Budget Hearings begin tomorrow and will, in particular, cover the Police Department and the new Community Safety Department.
Tues, May 10
9:00am The City Council’s Finance Committee will meet to conduct hearing on FY2023 City Budget. (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
Budget Overview
Mayor’s Office
Executive - Leadership
Executive - Diversity
Executive - DGVPI
Executive - Equity and Inclusion
Public Information Office
Housing LiaisonCity Council
City Clerk
Finance Admin.
Information Technology
General Services
Employee Benefits
Election Commission
Public Celebrations
Animal CommissionCommunity Safety (new)
Fire Department
Police Department
Traffic, Parking & Transportation
Inspectional Services
License Commission
Emergency Communications
Committee Report #1. The Housing Committee met to conduct a public hearing on Jan 25, 2022 to receive updates from the Community Development Department, the Cambridge Housing Authority, Homeowner’s Rehab, Inc. and Just A Start on the work they are currently engaged in, and the continuing challenges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic upon their operations. [Committee Report #1]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Committee Report #2. The Housing Committee met Mar 16, 2022 to conduct a public hearing to continue discussions around potentially raising the linkage fee rates. [Committee Report #2]
Report Accepted, Placed on File; Orders A and B Adopted, Order C strategically Tabled 9-0
This City Council has never seen a fee increase it hasn’t liked and maintains a desire to increase fees to the maximum regardless of any other factors (unless, of course, it might cost them votes). - Robert Winters
Note: Mayor Siddiqui announced at the end of the meeting that the MBTA has responded to the City Council’s request and that the catenary wires in the Porter Square area would be removed in July 2022.
As expected, the FY2023 City of Cambridge Budget has arrived just in time for the Budget Hearings to get underway. As the potholes grow larger and cash falls like manna from heaven, I’m buckling my seat belt for several weeks of emphasis on diversity, equity, inclusion, climate change, municipal broadband, alternatives to policing, de-funding the police and, of course, bikes lanes. Public Comment will likely bring cries that the City Budget has no HEART (but plenty of CARP), plus outrage from the Left (and especially Councillor Zondervan) about the ~$5 million increase in the Police Dept. budget.
Though not on this agenda, I can’t help but speculate how things will play out politically ~18 months from now when the funds for the promised $22 million in ARPA funds to be paid in monthly $500 installments directly to eligible residents runs out (just in time for the next municipal election). I’m very curious about who will be making the eligibility decisions. I also fully expect there will be a lot of pressure to extend or even expand the program permanently out of local taxes - though that would require state legislative action.
Here are the items that boiled up from the firmament this week:
Manager’s Agenda #1. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the FY2023 submitted budget and appropriation orders.
pulled by Nolan; Referred to Finance Committee 8-0-1 (Siddiqui - ABSENT)
Here’s a spreadsheet showing how things have changed from last year, from 2 years ago, and from 18 years ago.
Here’s an alternate version that shows proposed vs. actual and projected budgets.
And the annual raft of Loan Orders:
Manager’s Agenda #2. Transmitting Communication from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appropriation and authorization to borrow $1,800,000 to provide funds for the replacement of existing gas boilers at the Morse and Cambridgeport schools.
pulled by Nolan; Passed to 2nd Reading 8-0-1 (Siddiqui - ABSENT)
Manager’s Agenda #3. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appropriation and authorization to borrow $13,000,000 to provide funds for the reconstruction of various City streets, sidewalks and bike facilities.
pulled by Carlone; Passed to 2nd Reading 8-0-1 (Siddiqui - ABSENT)
Manager’s Agenda #4. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appropriation and authorization to borrow $78,500,000 to provide funds for the construction of sewer separation, storm water management and combined sewer overflow reduction elimination improvements within the Port, Alewife and Central Square areas as well as the Sewer Capital Repairs Program and climate change preparedness efforts.
pulled by Carlone; Passed to 2nd Reading 8-0-1 (Siddiqui - ABSENT)
Manager’s Agenda #5. Transmitting Communication from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appropriation and authorization to borrow $15,000,000 to provide funds for the design and construction of a multi-use paths Danehy/New Street Path, Linear Park and Grand Junction Path, which runs from Henry Street to Gore Street on both City, MIT and MassDOT property.
pulled by Nolan; Passed to 2nd Reading 8-0-1 (Siddiqui - ABSENT)
Manager’s Agenda #6. Transmitting Communication from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appropriation and authorization to borrow $14,600,000 to provide funds for the Municipal Facilities Improvement Plan.
pulled by Nolan; Passed to 2nd Reading 8-0-1 (Siddiqui - ABSENT)
Manager’s Agenda #7. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appropriation and authorization to borrow $37,000,000 to provide additional funds for the construction of improvements at the Fire Station Headquarters Building located at 491 Broadway.
Passed to 2nd Reading 8-0-1 (Siddiqui - ABSENT)
That’s $159.9 million in loan authorizations on top of $41.2 million in the Public Investment category.
Manager’s Agenda #11. Transmitting Communication from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $1,500,000 from the Mitigation Revenue Stabilization Fund to the Public Investment Fund Community Development Extraordinary Expenditures account from MIT Development for Volpe Project ($500,000) and Alexandria RE Equities/Design & Construction ($1,000,000) and will be used to support the design and construction of the Grand Junction Multi-use Path.
Order Adopted 8-0-1 (Siddiqui - ABSENT)
Together with Manager’s Agenda #5 (above), it looks like we’ll be seeing some movement on the Grand Junction Path real soon - perhaps in time for it to link up with the Somerville Community Path. Ultimately, it would be great if the path can also cross the Charles River on the other half of the RR bridge that runs under the BU Bridge and ultimately will connect with future (pretty damn exciting) amenities in Allston that will come with the realignment of the Mass. Pike.
Manager’s Agenda #13. Transmitting Communication from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $23,100,176 received from the U.S. Department of Treasury through the new Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (CLFRF) established by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), to the Grant Fund Finance Department Other Ordinary Maintenance account which will be used for a number of projects related to City Council priority areas particularly: homelessness and housing support, COVID testing, mental health services, job training, food insecurity, small business support, and infrastructure including items related to water, and broadband.
pulled by Zondervan; Charter Right - Zondervan
I’m looking forward to a more complete accounting of all of the ARPA appropriations, including the initiative announced at the recent “State of the City” event. I hear echoes of former City Manager Bob Healy saying “one-time non-recurring expenditure” and wonder how much tax-supported permanence may end up being baked into these ARPA allocations.
Charter Right #1. That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to report back on the feasibility of providing all Cambridge high school students with free Charlie Cards throughout the school year. [Charter Right – Simmons, Apr 11, 2022]
Simmons motion to refer to Transportation Committee Fails 3-4-1-1 (DS,PT,QZ - YES; DC,MM,PN,AM - NO; SS - ABSENT; BA - PRESENT)
Tabled 7-1-1 (Nolan - NO; Siddiqui - ABSENT)
On the Table #2. Transmitting Communication from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of the Emergency Management Performance Grant from the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency in the amount of $39,600 to the Grant Fund Fire Extraordinary Expenditures account which will be used to support the purchase of a new vehicle for the Emergency Preparedness and Coordination office. [Charter Right - Nolan, Mar 7, 2022; Tabled - Mar 21, 2022]
Order Adopted as Amended 8-0-1 (Siddiqui - ABSENT); Note: Revised to be a plug-in electric hybrid vehicle
Councillor Nolan continues her audition for Purchasing Agent.
Resolution #4. Congratulations to the Outstanding Employee Award Winners. Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Simmons, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Carlone, Councillor Azeem, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Toner, Councillor Zondervan
pulled by Mallon; Resolution Adopted as Amended 8-0-1 (Siddiqui - ABSENT)
I have often attended this award ceremony (May 13, 10am, Sullivan Chamber) which will presumably also include the presentation of the (not yet announced) Brian Murphy Award. Past recipients include Owen O’Riordan (2015), Ellen Semonoff (2016), Jeana Franconi (2017), Richard Rossi (2018), Lisa Peterson (2019), Branville Bard (2020), and Claude Jacob (2021).
Order #1. That the City Manager is requested to direct the Traffic, Parking and Transportation Department to look into the feasibility of mailing “Watch for Bikes” stickers to residents who have applied for a residential parking permit for the next application cycle in 2023. Vice Mayor Mallon, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Azeem, Councillor McGovern
Order Adopted 7-0-2 (Siddiqui, Zondervan - ABSENT)
Needless to say, if you’re already checking your side rear-view mirror you are likely already watching for bikes. The issue is whether you are so callous that you don’t care. Perhaps we need a sticker that says something like “Be Thoughtful”.
Order #2. That the City Manager is requested to work with the Community Development Department, the Traffic, Parking & Transportation Department and the Department of Public Works to look into the feasibility of placing a covered bike rack at City Hall using FY23 Capital Budget Funding. Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Azeem
Order Adopted 7-0-2 (Siddiqui, Zondervan - ABSENT)
I will simply note that half of the parking spaces along Dorothy “Dottie” Doyle Way behind City Hall are now reserved for city councillors regardless whether or not they are in the building or if they drive a car. Perhaps those spaces should again be made available to all City Hall employees in conjunction with the installation of a covered bike rack.
Order #3. City Council support of H.938 and H.998/S.569, Extended Producer Responsibility for Paint and Mattresses. Councillor Azeem
Order Adopted 7-0-2 (Siddiqui, Zondervan - ABSENT)
Order #4. City Council support of H.R.2644, the Green New Deals for Cities Act of 2021. Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Nolan, Mayor Siddiqui
Order Adopted 7-0-2 (Siddiqui, Zondervan - ABSENT)
Although there are some worthy priorities floated in this bill, it is for the most part a boondoggle authored by the extreme Left - including the whole “Squad”. A trillion here, a trillion there and at some point you’re talking real money. This being Cambridge, of course, the only question is whether or not this resolution passes unanimously.
Order #5. That the City Manager is requested to direct the appropriate staff to light up City Hall and painting crosswalks for Pride Month 2022. Mayor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Simmons, Councillor Nolan
Order Adopted 7-0-2 (Siddiqui, Zondervan - ABSENT)
I have a related question: For how long does a flag or other decoration marking a particular holiday (or sentiment) remain on City Hall after the holiday has passed? Mr. Frederick Hastings Rindge (1857-1905) would like to have a word with you.
Committee Report #1. The Ordinance Committee met on Mar 9, 2022 to conduct a public hearing on a petition to amend Article 20.90 - Alewife Overlay Districts 1-6 of the Cambridge Zoning Ordinance by inserting a new section entitled Section 20.94.3 - Temporarily prohibited uses (ORDINANCE #2022-1). [Text of Committee Report #1]
Report Accepted, Placed on File; 5 Orders Adopted 8-0-1 (Siddiqui - ABSENT)
Committee Report #2. The Ordinance Committee met on Apr 7, 2022 to continue a public hearing on a petition to amend Article 20.90 - Alewife Overlay Districts 1-6 of the Cambridge Zoning Ordinance by inserting a new section entitled Section 20.94.3 - Temporarily prohibited uses (ORDINANCE #2022-1). [Text of Committee Report #2]
Report Accepted, Placed on File; Order Adopted 8-0-1 (Siddiqui - ABSENT), Petition Passed to 2nd Reading as Amended 8-0-1 (Siddiqui - ABSENT)
Though this should have been addressed several years ago when concepts for the Alewife Quadrangle were discussed in some detail, it sure looks like the City Council is on the verge of passing their proposed development moratorium. Needless to say, a moratorium is not an actual plan. – Robert Winters
Here are the items of significance that jumped out at me this week:
Manager’s Agenda #1. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to an update on COVID-19.
Placed on File 9-0
Every day is another day of wishin’ and hopin’ that this pandemic will wind the hell down. The case numbers are up substantially, but at least yesterday’s wastewater figures suggested a possible leveling - and that’s usually a good leading indicator of what’s to come. In the meantime, avoid all people between the ages of 20 and 40 (except via Zoom).
Manager’s Agenda #4. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the reappointment of Victoria Harris as an Election Commissioner for a term of four years, effective April 1, 2022.
Placed on File 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #7. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the reappointment of Kathleen Born as a member of the Cambridge Redevelopment Authority for a term of five years, effective June 26, 2022.
Referred to NLTP Committee 9-0
Excellent reappointments. As the communications makes clear, appointments to the Election Commission are not subject to Council review, and appointments to the Redevelopment Authority have always been subject to Council review.
Manager’s Agenda #5. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 21-8, regarding eliminating hostile architecture.
pulled by Zondervan; Placed on File 9-0
The report on “defensive design” or “hostile architecture” from CDD and DPW is refreshingly thoughtful and balanced on a subject that all too often descends into mindless ideology. Thank you.
Manager’s Agenda #6. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to an update from the Planning Board on discussions of allowing Multifamily Housing citywide.
pulled by Azeem; Referred to Housing Committee 9-0
This report shows wisdom and flexibility, but my concern is that the request for further policy guidance from the City Council will result more in ideology than in the kind of wisdom that anticipates both intended and unintended consequences. Most of us will agree that allowing more flexibility across all residential districts is generally a good thing, but doubling or tripling allowable densities based purely on ideological grounds would be a mistake.
Charter Right #2. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to an update on MassAve4 and request for approval for the approach and timeline for implementing separated bike lanes on these critical segments of Massachusetts Avenue. [Charter Right - Carlone; Apr 11, 2022]
Order Adopted 8-1 (Simmons - NO)
Order #3. That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to direct the Traffic and Parking Department to work diligently with the MBTA to remove the catenary wires as soon as possible, and/or investigate the possibility of the City removing the catenary wires itself and commit to moving forward with the design and installation of the proposed “partial construction” bike lanes only when the wires have been removed. Councillor Toner, Councillor Carlone, Councillor Simmons
pulled early by Toner; Fails 3-6 (Carlone, Simmons, Toner - YES)
Order #6. That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to direct the Traffic and Parking Department to forego its original plan for “quick build” implementation and ensure that the implementation of bike lane infrastructure in Porter Square is accomplished as part of the whole of the Massachusetts Avenue 4 section, when the catenary wires and median strip are removed so that Porter Square may be included in the plans for “partial construction” infrastructure as part of one, cohesive plan stretching from Dudley Street to Waterhouse Street to be completed no later than Apr 30, 2026. Councillor Toner, Councillor Carlone, Councillor Simmons
pulled early by Toner; Fails 2-7 (Simmons, Toner - YES)
Lotsa communications about bike lanes.
Communications & Reports #3. A communication was received from Mayor Siddiqui, transmitting a letter sent to the MBTA.
Placed on File 9-0
The Cambridge Bike Safety group has now declared war against Councillor Carlone for daring to break The Pledge by being a cosponsor of these Orders. It’s nice to see that three councillors have spines and are willing to let Reason prevail over Religion. That said, I’m sure both Orders will be amended into irrelevance or simply defeated by Those Who Dare Not Bite The Political Hand That Feeds Them. None of this is about safety – it’s all about turf. There are many ways to deliver safety for road users that deviate from the script of the Bicycle Safety Ordinance.
I used to naively believe that the primary purpose of elected office was to be a custodian of the public interest. I now see it as being primarily about power - gaining it and using it - and this disappoints me to say the least.
Charter Right #3. That the City Manager is requested to confer with City departments, including the Community Development Department and the Department of Traffic, Parking, and Transportation to consider the feasibility of implementing a similar program and any other ways to enforce the anti-idling law. [Charter Right - Azeem; Apr 11, 2022] [Order #2 of Apr 11, 2022]
Order Adopted as Amended 9-0; Referred to Traffic & Transportation Committee
Just because you don’t like idling vehicles doesn’t mean you want to empower bounty hunters.
On The Table #5-11. Appointments and Reappointments to City Boards & Commissions on hold while City Council pipes in Muzak to appointees.
Approved 8-0-1 (Carlone - ABSENT)
Order #2. City Manager Report on Boards and Commissions. Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Simmons, Councillor Carlone
Order Adopted 8-0-1 (Carlone - ABSENT)
It’s hard to say whether the pending appointments/reappointments will now be allowed to go forward or if the councillors will continue to fiddle and diddle. I just wish they would be more honest about the real purpose of all this, i.e. filtering candidates for any Board that might possibly stand in the way of building anything less than the maximum housing density imaginable. Even worse, I expect many of those decisions will be made in the homes of political activists.
On The Table #12. Transmitting Communication from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of the Emergency Management Performance Grant from the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency in the amount of $39,600.00 to the Grant Fund Fire Extraordinary Expenditures account which will be used to support the purchase of a new vehicle for the Emergency Preparedness and Coordination office. [Charter Right – Nolan, Mar 7, 2022; Tabled – Mar 21, 2022]
Councillor Nolan continues her audition for Purchasing Agent.
On the Table #13. The Ordinance Committee met on Feb 9, 2022 to conduct a public hearing on proposed amendments to the Building Energy Use Disclosure Ordinance (2021-26). [Charter Right – Zondervan, Mar 28, 2022; Tabled Apr 4, 2022 - Zondervan] [Committee Report]
Adopted Amendments (as circulated to councillors but not to public) 9-0; Placed on File 9-0
When we actually get a Committee Report (now rarer than hen’s teeth), it ends being Tabled. Some of us actually like to know what City Council committees are doing without having to run through long and boring videos that often do not provide any accompanying documentation.
Applications & Petitions #1. A Zoning Petition has been received from Craig A. Kelley regarding The Cambridge Transportation De-Carbonization and Congestion-Mitigation Bill. (Ordinance #2022-13)
Referred to Ordinance Committee and Planning Board 9-0 (re-filed due to lack of cover letter)
I’m not quite sure why this is being re-introduced at this time. There’s already an Ordinance Committee meeting scheduled for May 4 on this petition. Has the petition been amended?
Resolutions #2-9. Congratulations on the promotions within the Cambridge Police Department.
Adopted 8-1 (Zondervan - NO)
It is noteworthy that the only city councillor voting against these congratulatory resolutions was Councillor Zondervan who (unbelievably) was appointed as Chair of the Public Safety Committee by Mayor Siddiqui.
Resolution #11. Resolution on the death of Mary M. (Sullivan) Carven. Councillor Toner, Councillor Simmons, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Azeem
Adopted as Amended 9-0
Resolution #13. Wishing Artis Spears a Happy 90th Birthday. Councillor Simmons
Adopted 9-0
If there was ever a family that should be considered the Cambridge Royal Family it would be the Sullivan family. I will also join in with Happy Birthday wishes for Artis Spears, one of the great First Ladies of Cambridge.
Order #1. That the City Manager confer with the Cambridge Heath Alliance, the Department of Public Works, the Inspectional Services Department and other relevant departments regarding the building condition and what repairs are needed at 205 Western Avenue to allow the Cambridge Community Center to house their program. Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor McGovern, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Carlone, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Simmons, Councillor Toner, Councillor Zondervan
pulled by Mallon; Adopted as Amended 8-0-1 (Toner - ABSENT)
This seems like an excellent proposed use for this building, and any costs necessary to bring this building into compliance seem to align well with the criteria for the current ARPA funding - much moreso than many of the other ARPA funding requests that are now under consideration. This is not the only City or City-related building that has been allowed to deteriorate which could and should be put to better use.
Speaking of ARPA funding, apparently the Cambridge Housing Authority is the overwhelmingly loudest bird chirping for funds. They are requesting $82.3 million out of an available $55 million that has not yet been allocated. Other Big Requests were $15 million from the “Project Right to Housing” group, a $13 million request for Starlight Square, and $5.5 million for that political patronage program that markets itself as the “HEART proposal.” Many who are requesting ARPA funds like to point to the fact that the money is not subject to the “Anti-Aid Amendment”, but this only makes me wish that they were so that the budgeting process would not be twisted by politically connected interests.
By the way, whatever happened to that idea of building a bridge over the tracks connecting the Alewife Triangle and Quadrangle or the modest pedestrian bridge over the Little River in that area?
Order #4. That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to confer with the Department of Public Works to devise ways to encourage residents to request the smallest size they need and to keep waste output low with the rollout of the new bins in June. Councillor Nolan, Mayor Siddiqui
pulled by Azeem; Order Adopted 8-0-1 (Toner - ABSENT)
This is a welcome Order. According to the citywide mailing that arrived this week, my triple-decker would get two gigantic 65 gallon toters that not only are too big to manage but far in excess of the rubbish generated by my building even when operating at full capacity. We’ll probably be OK with just a single 45 gallon toter (or less). We ran through the same song and dance when single-stream recycling was introduced. Are Cambridge residents really as wasteful as the proposed allocation suggests. Good grief!
Communications & Reports #2. A communication was received from Mayor Siddiqui, transmitting information about the Universal PreK ad-hoc for Universal Pre-K.
Placed on File 8-0-1 (Toner - ABSENT)
Another year, another advisory committee. - Robert Winters
Here are the first things that popped up from the ground this week:
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Manager’s Agenda #1. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 22-6, which requested a report on expediting the demolition and rebuilding permit process in the event of a natural disaster.
Referred to Petition 9-0
Though the description suggests hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and earthquakes, this is really more about expediting things after a house fire.
Manager’s Agenda #2. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to an update on MassAve4 and request for approval for the approach and timeline for implementing separated bike lanes on these critical segments of Massachusetts Avenue. [Cover Letter] [Report] [Order]
pulled by Carlone; Kathy Watkins says median removal to be considered more generally as part of “partial build” (as opposed to “quick build”), removal of catenary wires; Joseph Barr suggests that some parking could be retained; Zondervan says that if this modified timeline is not approved then Quick Build is the only option under the ordinance; Mallon reads prepared statement, proposes amendment; Toner notes that Ordinance could be changed and that self-imposed deadline is detrimental, cannot support any of the proposals; Simmons notes past promises that bike projects would later be evaluated but never were, notes great impacts on local businesses; McGovern asks about timelines; Nolan expresses shock re: $55 million cost for 2.5 miles of bike project, Kathy Watkins explains; Nolan emphasizes need to reduce number of cars; Toner suggests shifting some sidewalk space; Siddiqui supports Order as a “pre-step”; Mallon amendments approved 9-0; Charter Right - Carlone
Manager’s Agenda #3. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 22-10, regarding a report on conducting a study to collect relevant economic data relating to business impacts from bike lane installations.
pulled by Toner; concerned expressed about hearing from business owners; Placed on File 9-0
Pardon my cynicism, but all of this just strikes me as political talk with little real desire or plans to deviate from the current ideological path. Please prove me wrong. I would so much rather see trees and flowers rising from the ground than white plastic posts.
Manager’s Agenda #4. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 21-70, regarding the feasibility of purchasing property from Lesley University to address City goals.
pulled by Nolan; Placed on File 9-0
This is more in the nature of an announcement that Lesley University has agreed to sell its property at 1627 Massachusetts Avenue to Homeowners Rehab, Inc., financed by the City’s Affordable Housing Trust. As stated in the report, “The site consists of a historic building on a 14,400 s.f. lot and presents an opportunity for residential development (market or affordable) given the zoning potential of the site.” The only real question is how much more density is added to the site. The current building has 6,499 sq ft of living area and historic value but most of the site now serves as a parking lot. My guess is that the built density will at least double before all is said and done and the future number of parking spaces will likely to be zero (it is on a major transportation corridor).
Manager’s Agenda #5. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to a recommendation from the Planning Board to adopt with additional considerations, the Alewife Overlay Development Zoning Petition.
Referred to Petition 9-0
The City Council, of course, should have passed interim zoning for this area several years ago and before significant land purchases were made. This temporary development moratorium is really more like a confession of failure to have done so. Other than the predictable political rhetoric it’s not clear that the City Council really knows what it wants in this area. One question posed by the Planning Board seems especially relevant for the case when elected officials fiddle and diddle while investors spend tons of money, i.e. “If this Petition impacts property values, potentially benefiting some property owners over others, does this raise specific concerns over the legal defensibility of the Petition?”
Manager’s Agenda #6. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to MBTA Communities Draft Guidelines presentation. [CDD Memo] [MBTA Communities Draft Guidelines] [MBTA Presentation]
pulled by Carlone; Cambridge likely in compliance when guidelines are finalized; Placed on File 9-0
I’m really not sure what conclusions to draw from the materials provided. It appears that Cambridge now has 53,907 units of residential housing, and according to the state’s Housing Choice Initiative we would be required to have at least 13,477 units in multifamily housing in order to meet the “minimum multifamily district unit capacity requirement”. Cambridge zoning districts covering most of the city appear to meet most or all of the requirements, but the materials provided pose as many questions as answers. Regardless, it seems that the Housing Choice Initiative as well as previous “anti-snob zoning” provisions in state law, e.g. Chapter 40B, are intended to target places other than Cambridge which already has a wealth of multi-family housing. That, of course, has never stopped developers and their enablers from using provisions of these well-intentioned laws to further concentrate density in the core cities while neighboring cities watch from the sidelines.
On the Table #1-7. Appointments and Reappointments to City Boards & Commissions on hold while City Council pipes in Muzak to appointees.
There is a meeting of the Government Operations, Rules and Claims Committee scheduled for tomorrow, April 11 at 10:00am, “to discuss new guidelines for Boards and Commissions appointments.” Whither that goes no one knows, but the prospect of councillors evaluating the “reputation and character of applicants” remains chilling, especially when we all know that this is really about seating only those who support increased housing density regardless of other factors.
On the Table #9. The Ordinance Committee met on Feb 9, 2022 to conduct a public hearing on proposed amendments to the Building Energy Use Disclosure Ordinance (2021-26). [Charter Right – Zondervan, Mar 28, 2022; Tabled Apr 4, 2022 - Zondervan] [Committee Report]
Order #1. That the City Manager is requested to consult with the Department of Public Works and the Animal Commission to look into placing free pet waste bags at other sites around the City. Vice Mayor Mallon, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Toner
pilled by Mallon; Order Adopted as Amended 8-0-1 (Simmons ABSENT)
Order #2. That the City Manager is requested to confer with City departments, including the Community Development Department and the Department of Traffic, Parking, and Transportation to consider the feasibility of implementing a similar program and any other ways to enforce the anti-idling law. Councillor Nolan, Vice Mayor Mallon, Mayor Siddiqui
pulled by Toner; concerns expressed about “bounty hunter” aspect of proposal; Charter Right - Azeem
Order #3. That the City Manager is requested to work with Boston Calling, Harvard, and any other relevant parties to ensure that noise does not exceed the permitted level at the concert. Councillor Nolan, Councillor Toner, Councillor Simmons
pulled by Toner; Order Adopted as Amended 9-0
Order #4. That the City Council hold a virtual Roundtable meeting on Tues, May 24, 2022 at 6:00pm to receive a training on Robert’s Rules from parliamentarian Ann G. MacFarlone. Mayor Siddiqui
Order Adopted 8-0-1 (Simmons ABSENT)
Order #5. That the City Manager is requested to consult with relevant staff to consider a guaranteed income program that expands on Cambridge RISE and targets families in poverty in Cambridge. Mayor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Simmons, Councillor Carlone, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Toner
pulled by Siddiqui; Order Adopted as Amended 9-0
Order #7. That the City Manager is requested to report back on the feasibility of providing all CRLS students free Charlie Cards throughout the school year. Mayor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Azeem
pulled by Siddiqui; Order Adopted as Amended 9-0
Late Order #11. That the City Manager is requested to report back on the feasibility of providing all Cambridge high school students with free Charlie Cards throughout the school year. Councillor Nolan
Charter Right - Simmons
Order #8. That the City Manager is requested to work with the appropriate City departments to provide the City Council with an analysis of the impact of current curb cut policies. Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Toner
Order Adopted 8-0-1 (Simmons ABSENT)
This is actually kinda funny. On February 7 the City Council passed an Order calling for delegating curb cut authority, on March 28 they denied a curb cut, and now on April 11 they’ll likely pass an Order to examine curb cut policies. The current Order asks for “an approximation of the number of residential parking spaces that have been lost to new curb cuts each year over at least the last decade” which seems to contradict their other stated concern regarding “curb cut policies and their impact on encouraging car use and reducing green space.” It should be pretty clear that curb cuts can add parking on premises or take away on-street (shared) parking, and often it’s a wash. I would actually be more interested to know how many on-premises residential parking spaces are being rented out in violation of the ordinance that explicitly prohibits this practice.
Order #10. City Council support of the proposed Fair Share Amendment and in urging the voters of Cambridge to support it at the ballot box in 2022. Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Nolan, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Carlone, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Simmons, Councillor Toner, Mayor Siddiqui
pulled by Zondervan; Order Adopted as Amended 9-0
For those unfamiliar with this, the proposed Fair Share Amendment would create an additional 4% tax on annual income above one million dollars and dedicate the funds raised by this tax to public education, affordable public colleges and universities, and for the repair and maintenance of roads, bridges, and public transportation. Sounds like a good idea, but I can already hear the scurrying feet of tax lawyers figuring a way to navigate around this. I suppose this also would apply to the sale of a home and maybe added on top of the estate tax, but I’ll leave those questions to the lawyers.
Meanwhile, it’s time to head out to Fresh Pond to give my full attention to the birds and the turtles and the muskrats and the flowers. – Robert Winters
Short agendas are as welcome as the flowers in springtime. There are Net Zero policy orders this week, though I’m sure they’ll be a few agenda-come-latelies before the night is through. Here are the things I found interesting:
Manager’s Agenda #1. Transmitting Communication from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $50,000 from Free Cash to the General Fund Inspectional Services Department Other Ordinary Maintenance Account to provide funds to implement a pilot of SMART Box and SMART Pipe rodent control technology in the City. This appropriation also is in response to Awaiting Report Item Number 22-12.
pulled by Mallon; Order Adopted 8-0-1 (Toner ABSENT)
Zap those rats!
Manager’s Agenda #2. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 21-69, regarding a report on creating a uniform process for aiding the resettlement of refugees in Cambridge. [Uniform Resettlement Process response] [New Resident Overview]
pulled by Siddiqui; Placed on File 8-0-1 (Toner ABSENT)
Manager’s Agenda #5. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 21-63, regarding food insecurity. [Food Insecurity response] [ARPA Funds Food Insecurity opinion]
pulled by Siddiqui; Placed on File 9-0
The referenced Order #9 from Sept 13, 2021 provides a lot of reference points such as the fact that “approximately 45% of Cambridge Public Schools students register for the free or reduced lunch programs each year”. It also elevates Boston initiatives such as the “Raised Beds Program” (since re-branded as “Food Justice” which includes “Food Forests” and “Urban Farming”). [It’s funny how many things are being re-branded as “Justice” these days.] These are all wonderful initiatives that provide great outdoor experiences for residents. My concern has more to do with proportionality, i.e. the fact that the cumulative effect of all of these initiatives in terms of actually providing food is so minimal. Indeed, if you use Google Maps to view all of the referenced garden sites in Boston, it seems that in total they cover less ground than The Fenway Victory Gardens that began as actual “victory gardens” during World War II. I also think about the deranged local political climate in Cambridge where the notion that a house lot being used as a garden might be seen as a lost opportunity for high-density residential development. Indeed, it was not so long ago that a relatively large community garden at the intersection of Broadway and Boardman Street was dramatically reduced in size in order to provide a token parklet and parking for the affordable housing re-use of the old Squirrel Brand factory.
The joint communication from CDD, DPW, and the Public Health Department also seems to include a recommendation that in the 14 community gardens in Cambridge, the City should be “more strongly enforcing a 5-year term limit for garden plots.” Ever since that policy was first proposed perhaps 20 years ago I have thought it to be both short-sighted and contrary to the idea of “community” in community gardens. A better policy would be to simply require that a percentage of garden plots turn over each year rather than enforce an eviction of all longer-term gardeners whose well-being may actually depend on their gardens. The City’s approach is both bureaucratic and insensitive. In truth, because people are always moving in and out of Cambridge, there’s already a natural turnover of a percentage of garden plots, so all that’s really necessary is to ensure that there is sufficient turnover. By the way, the City used to play essentially no role in the city’s community gardens. That changed when gardeners requested water supply, and that apparently meant that the City gained some jurisdiction.
Since the referenced Sept 13, 2021 policy order was primarily about using the ARPA windfall for addressing food insecurity, it is perhaps worth emphasizing that access to affordable food won’t significantly be impacted by raised planter beds so much but rather by access to discounted food provided through stores and other food markets that have the means to efficiently deliver those goods in quantity year-round. Expanding the number of garden beds is a welcome gesture, but it can only go so far.
Manager’s Agenda #8. Transmitting Communication from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $915,000 from Free Cash to the Public Investment Fund Public Works Extraordinary Expenditures account to fund the procurement of five pieces of equipment for use in snow and ice operations.
pulled by Nolan; questions why John Deere hybrid vehicles not chosen; DPW Dep’y Comm. John Nardone explains; Nolan questions purchase because fossil fuel vehicles will soon not be permitted, suggests leasing instead; Zondervan suggests using bio-diesel fuel; Nardone says they already do; Order Adopted 9-0
On the Table #9. Transmitting Communication from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of the Emergency Management Performance Grant from the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency in the amount of $39,600 to the Grant Fund Fire Extraordinary Expenditures account which will be used to support the purchase of a new vehicle for the Emergency Preparedness and Coordination office. [Charter Right – Nolan, Mar 7, 2022; Tabled – Mar 21, 2022]
Councillor Nolan continues her audition for Purchasing Agent. I’ll be shocked if there’s not yet another inquisition about why we’re not recommending the purchase of all-electric (or horse-drawn) snow plows, tractors, and salters.
Manager’s Agenda #9. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 21-45, regarding the feasibility of waiving dog license fees. [Dog License Fees] [Dog Fees Order] [Dog License Fees Municipal Code Amendment]
Apparently, the dog-lovin’ State Legislature passed enabling legislation 20 years ago (~140 dog years) to exempt anyone over the age of 70 from paying a dog license fee, so this is just a matter of voting to accept that provision. The City Council also wanted to have the fee waived for low-income residents even if that entails more complicated and time-consuming bureaucracy. There’s also this chilling reminder: “No part of the fee shall be refunded because of the subsequent death, loss, spaying, castration, removal from the Commonwealth or other disposal of the dog. Nor shall any part of the fee paid by mistake be refunded.” Woof, woof.
pulled by McGovern; Order Adopted 9-0 (to accept provisions of the state enabling legislation); Ordinance amendment passed to 2nd Reading 9-0; McGovern says they’ll bring up a low-income fee waiver later
On the Table #2-8. Appointments and Reappointments to City Boards & Commissions on hold while City Council pipes in Muzak to appointees.
The City Council has apparently scheduled a Government Operations meeting on Tues, Apr 12 at 10:00am to discuss new guidelines for Boards and Commissions appointments. That should prove interesting, especially the wealth of intention floating between the lines of all that is said and not said. Perhaps they’ll settle on something similar to the rather chilling call of the meeting for this week’s two scheduled meetings of the City Council’s Ad-Hoc Committee to appoint the Preliminary Screening Committee for the hiring of the City Manager to discuss the reputation and character of applicants for the City Manager Preliminary Screening Committee. [I considered applying, but now I’m glad I didn’t.]
Resolution #6. Congratulations George R. Greenidge, Jr, American Sociological Association’s Community & Urban Publicly Engaged Scholar Award Recipient 2022. Councillor McGovern
I first met Chip Greenidge as a student in a summer program over 30 years ago. He’s a good guy (my highest compliment, by the way). Perhaps I’ll try to dig out the tattered T-shirt we got that summer with our names on it.
Charter Right #1. The Ordinance Committee met on Feb 9, 2022 to conduct a public hearing on proposed amendments to the Building Energy Use Disclosure Ordinance (2021-26). [Charter Right – Zondervan, Mar 28, 2022] [Committee Report]
Tabled - Zondervan (voice vote)
Communications & Reports #3. A communication was received from Mayor Siddiqui and Councillor Nolan, transmitting a report from the Climate Crisis Working Group.
Pulled by Nolan; Referred to Health & Environment Committee (voice vote)
For starters, the word “reccomendations” is actually spelled “recommendations”. Sorry about the petty correction, but when it appears at the top of the title page it’s rather off-putting. Regarding the content, there are a lot of interesting suggestions, but the overriding words are “ban” and “mandatory” rather than “encourage” or “incentivize”. Apparently, at least for those who drafted this report, the age of “choice” must give way to the new age of “require” in every which way. - Robert Winters
Spring is springing and the turf wars continue. This week features a citizens petition to modify the Bicycle Safety Ordinance and with it a golden opportunity for city councillors to double-talk their way to stardom. Here are some of the agenda items that I found interesting this week:
Manager’s Agenda #1. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to an update on COVID-19.
Placed on File
Manager’s Agenda #3. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 22-11, regarding Riverbend Park opening and potential expansion.
pulled by Nolan; likely will leave Mem. Drive closed continuously through weekend starting either Friday evening or Saturday morning; Placed on File
Charter Right #2. An application was received from Mathew Marshall, requesting permission for a curb cut at the premises numbered 221 Columbia Street; said petition has received approval from Inspectional Services, Traffic, Parking and Transportation, Historical Commission and Public Works. No response has been received from the neighborhood association. “ [Charter Right – Simmons, Mar 21, 2022]
Interesting that the loss of one or two parking spaces at this location due to a curb cut gets so much pushback when elsewhere hundreds of parking spaces are being permanently removed for “quick build” bike lanes that impact businesses, health care providers, day care facilities, churches, and more.
Petition Denied (voice vote, but unanimous)
On the Table #3-9. Appointments and Reappointments to City Boards & Commissions on hold while City Council pipes in Muzak to appointees.
On the Table #10. Transmitting Communication from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of the Emergency Management Performance Grant from the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency in the amount of $39,600 to the Grant Fund Fire Extraordinary Expenditures account which will be used to support the purchase of a new vehicle for the Emergency Preparedness and Coordination office. [Charter Right – Nolan, Mar 7, 2022; Tabled – Mar 21, 2022]
Councillor Nolan continues her audition for Purchasing Agent.
Communications #3. A communication was received from Annette Osgood and Jeanne Oster, regarding a petition signed by over 1,050 names requesting changes to the Cycling Safety Ordinance.
pulled by Nolan; Placed on File (voice vote); Azeem notes that he would consider taking it up in Transportation Committee but makes clear now that nothing will come of it.
The actual number of petioners appears to be approximately 878 when duplicates are purged. There’s also the unhinged cyclist who wrote: “Fuck you disgusting pieces of shit Up yours cagers. I hope you and your cars burn.”
Order #1. That the City Manager is requested to direct the City Solicitor to draft language to enable the Cambridge Police Department and Department of Public Works to donate abandoned bicycles to charitable organizations as outlined under MGL 30B Section 15(g). Vice Mayor Mallon, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Carlone, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Simmons, Councillor Toner, Councillor Zondervan, Mayor Siddiqui
Adopted as Amended
Order #2. City Council support of the MIT Graduate Student Union. Councillor Azeem, Councillor Zondervan, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor McGovern
Order Adopted
Order #3. That City Council remind the residents of Cambridge that regular street cleaning begins again on April 1, 2022 and that all residents can sign up for automatic alerts and reminders from the City of Cambridge for the remainder of the year. Councillor Toner
Order Adopted
Order #4. City Council support urging the Massachusetts Legislature and the residents of Cambridge to oppose House Bill 1234 and the proposed 2022 state ballot initiative and ensuring that the rights of workers remain solid and strong for generations to come. Councillor McGovern, Councillor Simmons, Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Carlone, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Toner, Councillor Zondervan, Mayor Siddiqui
Order Adopted as Amended
My favorite phrase in this Order: “The Commonwealth of Massachusetts enjoys a long and distinguished history in the fight for workers’ rights and protections from exploitation from capitalists and corporate interests…”. Alas, life in The Peoples Republik.
Also, there are these Budget Hearings now scheduled in the Merry Month of May:
Tues, May 10
9:00am The City Council’s Finance Committee will meet to conduct hearing on FY 2023 City Budget. (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
Budget Overview
Mayor’s Office
Executive - Leadership
Executive - Housing Liaison
Executive - Diversity
Executive - DGVPI
Executive - Equity and Inclusion
Public Information Office
TourismHousing Liasson
City Council
City Clerk
Finance Admin.
Information Technology
General Services
Employee Benefits
Election Commission
Public Celebrations
Animal CommissionCommunity Safety (new)
Fire Department
Police Department
Traffic, Parking & Transportation
Inspectional Services
License Commission
Emergency CommunicationsWed, May 11
6:00pm The City Council’s Finance Committee will meet to conduct hearing on FY 2023 School Budget. (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
Tues, May 17
10:00am The City Council’s Finance Committee will meet to conduct hearing on FY 2023 City Budget. (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
Cambridge Health Alliance
Public Works
Community Development
Historical CommissionPeace Commission / PRAB
Cable TV
Debt Service
Human ServicesWomen’s Commission
Human Rights Commission
Veterans’ Services
Cherry SheetCity Overview Section
Financial Summaries Section
Revenue Section
Public Investment SectionThurs, May 19
9:00am The City Council’s Finance Committee will meet to conduct hearing on FY 2023 City Budget (if needed). (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
It looks like a pretty light agenda this week. Here are a few notable items:
Manager’s Agenda #7. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to recommendations for the block rates for water consumption and sewer use for the period beginning Apr 1, 2022 and ending Mar 31, 2023. [Order]
pulled by Nolan; Zondervan wants to quit our own water supply and switch to MWRA; City Manager disagrees w/Zondervan claim we have PFAS “contaminated water”; City Engineer Kathy Watkins and DPW Commissioner Owen O’Riordan provide expert information re: sewer system improvements; Carlone asks about advantages of AAA bond ratings; Azeem asks about relationship between rates and consumption, long-term projections on capacity vs. population growth; Order Adopted 9-0
Charter Right #10. That the City Manager is requested to amend all existing Community Host Agreements previously issued by the City by reducing the Impact Fee to 0.05% of Gross Revenue and to refrain from placing this burden upon any future HCAs that may yet be issued. [Charter Right – Zondervan, Feb 28, 2022; Tabled Mar 7, 2022]
Removed from Table 8-0-1 (Carlone ABSENT); Simmons explains her amendments, Zondervan amendments; Amendments Adopted on voice vote; Order Adopted on voice vote; Reconsideration Fails 0-9
Resolution #2. Happy 100th Birthday to Marion A. Sullivan. Councillor Simmons
Resolution #14. Resolution on the death of Lawrence Hudson. Mayor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Simmons, Councillor Toner
Order #1. That the City Manager is requested to work with the Police Department to look into specific pedestrian safety interventions that can be placed at the intersection of Broadway and Highland Avenue. Vice Mayor Mallon
pulled by Mallon; notes recent motor vehicle accident and claims many near-accidents (but this is really just hazardous for pedestrians); Adopted as Amended (voice vote)
Order #2. That the City Manager is requested to direct the Community Development Department to immediately convene an Alewife Overlay District Zoning Proposal Working Group. Councillor Toner, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Simmons, Vice Mayor Mallon
pulled by Toner; Carlone explains that an urban design plan should precede any approval of zoning changes, bemoans fact that City Council continues to leave this out; Zondervan wants at least 50% housing in this area; Adopted as Amended (voice vote)
Communications & Reports #2. A communication was received from Vice Mayor Mallon, transmitting a memorandum regarding updates on the City Manager search. [memo] [timeline] [outreach] [leadership profile] [application for Initial Screening Committee]
Placed on File as amended (voice vote)
Late Order #5. That the City Council supports H.3457/S.2307 in Mass. General Court re: regulation of e-bikes. Councillor Azeem, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Zondervan, Councillor McGovern
Order Adopted (voice vote)
Note: This was the first meeting in two years where all 9 councillors were physically present.
The Charter-Changers will this week charter a course through the sea of Charter Right agenda items pulled last week for reasons unknown. The rhetoric should be priceless in justifying why residents volunteering their time and talents should be challenged by privileged councillors acting as tools for political organizations. Save for the holdover items, the agenda is relatively brief this week. Here are a few notable items:
Manager’s Agenda #8. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 21-42, regarding a report on reviewing Cambridge’s corporate contracts and purchases to identify any vendors or manufacturers whose products are used to perpetuate violations of International Human Rights Laws and Cambridge’s policy on discrimination.
pulled by Carlone (trying to narrow focus to computer companies, i.e. Hewlett-Packard); McGovern notes that products are often comprised of parts from many companies; Zondervan characterizes Solicitor response as a “refusal to respond to the policy order”; Placed on File 9-0
One of the great misunderstanding of occasional Council-watchers is that a short agenda translates into a short meeting. The problem with that is that it fails to account for the “political theater” associated with some items that might otherwise be easily dismissed and placed on file. Such is the case with this quite rational and sensible response from the City Solicitor in response to last year’s marathon-inducing order that was anti-Israel and pro-BDS (Boycott-Divest-Sanction). [Reference: Charter Right #2 of May 24-25, 2001, from Order #6 of May 17, 2021] That kerfuffle was poorly resolved by a) removing the specific reference to Hewlett-Packard and affirming Israel’s right to exist (an amendment that was opposed by Councillors Sobrinho-Wheeler, and Zondervan and Mayor Siddiqui); and b) broadening the scope of the order to include “any vendors or manufacturers whose products are used to perpetuate violations of International Human Rights Laws and Cambridge’s policy on discrimination.”
More recently, there was a letter published online on Jan 27, 2022 written by John Roberts, Nancy Murray, Denise Bergman, Kathy Roberts, Jude Glaubman, and Chris Affleck that sought to reignite the kerfuffle. The Solicitor’s response pretty clearly illustrates why boycotting and otherwise targeting every entity who may have done business that a few councillors seem unsavory is a bottomless pit. If this City Council must engage in foreign entanglements, there are more universally acceptable targets available other than Israel. That, of course, will not sway Councillor Zondervan who is likely now massing virtual troops at the border of City Hall. The best course of action for the City Council can be summarized in three words – “Placed on File”.
Note: Nobody actually spoke on this item during Public Comment. Once again, it was all tiresome talking points about bike lanes.
Manager’s Agenda #11. Transmitting Communication from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $730,000 from Free Cash to the General Fund Traffic and Parking Department Other Ordinary Maintenance account ($700,000), and to the General Fund Traffic and Parking Department Extraordinary Expenditures account ($30,000) for additional costs associated with the implementation of the Cycling Safety Ordinance.
pulled by Toner; Order Adopted 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #12. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to an update on the status of our planned implementation of cycling safety improvements in Porter Square along Massachusetts Avenue between Beech Street and Roseland Street.
pulled by Toner; Order Adopted 8-1 (Zondervan - NO)
Pardon me for not wading into the polluted waters surrounding the Cycling Safety Ordinance (CSO - an acronym which has been more widely used for Combined Sewer Overflow). Perhaps the most significant thing worth noting is the announcement that there will be a minor delay in implementation of the CSO in one section - an unspeakable horror for the adherents of the Cambridge Bicycle Safety group who seek to enforce pledges from compliant incumbents and challengers to cover their ears, eyes, and mouths whenever the notion of amending that ordinance or deviating even slightly from its mandates is mentioned.
Manager’s Agenda #14. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to a request to approve the disposition of property located at 35 Cherry Street (the “Property”) to the Affordable Housing Trust to facilitate the development of affordable housing.
pulled by Zondervan; Order Adopted 9-0
There were a number of ideas proposed for use of this lot but, well, you know where all those considerations are ultimately filed.
Late Order #5. That the City Manager is requested to report back to the City Council on the findings of the “Future of Telework” Committee, and to explain the City’s current policy regarding a remote work policy in the Weekly Digest this Friday, March 11th; and to submit a full report with recommendations to the full City Council at the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting on Monday, March 21st.
Order Adopted 5-2-1-1 (Mallon, McGovern, Nolan, Zondervan, Siddiqui - YES; Azeem, Toner - NO; Simmons - ABSENT, Carlone - PRESENT)
The discussion illustrated some basic misunderstanding by Vice Mayor Mallon and Mayor Siddiqui regarding the distinction between their role as city councillors and the role of the City Manager in regardless to City employees. In contrast, Councillor Azeem showed a clear understanding of the role of city councillors under the Plan E Charter (Bravo, Councillor Azeem!). Councillors Toner and Carlone also showed wisdom in their vote.
Manager’s Agenda #16. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to a request to move to Executive Session to discuss the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property as discussion in an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the public body.
Executive Session Held
I have no idea if this is in regard to something new or the potential resolution of something old still in litigation, e.g. Vail Court. Whatever happened to that? I really wish the City had the vision to do something creative with the taken-by-eminent-domain Vail Court property in concert with the adjacent huge parking lot at Prospect St. and Bishop Allen Drive. Mediocrity should not be the rule.
Charter Right #1. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the reappointment of Michael P. Gardner as a member of the Cambridge Retirement Board for a term of three years, effective Mar 1, 2022. [Charter Right - Mallon, Feb 28, 2022]
Placed on File 9-0 (not subject to City Council review)
Charter Right #2. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appointment of Maxwell Solet as a new member of the Board of Trustee of the Cambridge Health Alliance for a term to expire June 30, 2024. [Charter Right - Mallon, Feb 28, 2022]
Placed on File 9-0 (not subject to City Council review)
Charter Right #3. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to approval requested for new appointments and reappointment to Open Data Review Board for a term of two year. [Charter Right - Mallon, Feb 28, 2022]
Tabled 9-0 (Mallon)
Charter Right #4. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to approval requested for reappointment and new appointment to the Water Board. [Charter Right - Mallon, Feb 28, 2022]
Tabled 9-0 (Mallon)
Charter Right #5. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to approval requested for reappointments to the Fresh Pond Master Plan Advisory Board. [Charter Right - Mallon, Feb 28, 2022]
Tabled 9-0 (Mallon)
Charter Right #6. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to approval requested for new appointments and reappointments to the Mid Cambridge Neighborhood Conservation District Commission. [Charter Right - Mallon, Feb 28, 2022]
Tabled 9-0 (Mallon)
Charter Right #7. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to approval requested for a new appointment and reappointments to the Avon Hill Neighborhood Conservation District Commission. [Charter Right - Mallon, Feb 28, 2022]
Tabled 9-0 (Mallon)
Charter Right #8. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to approval requested for reappointments to the Half Crown-Marsh Neighborhood Conservation District Commission. [Charter Right - Mallon, Feb 28, 2022]
Tabled 9-0 (Mallon)
Charter Right #9. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to approval requested for a new appointment and reappointments to the Historical Commission. [Charter Right - Mallon, Feb 28, 2022]
Tabled 9-0 (Mallon)
The tap dance continues. On the one hand, it is right and proper that the City Council should establish some ground rules for their newfound veto-power over appointments to City boards & commissions. On the other hand, politicizing board appointments was and is a terrible idea. Will the appointments be farmed out to City Council committees to be turned into politically-charged tribunals? Will a new “Review Committee” be established to process them all? Or will the Council just vote on each set of appointments after councillors beholden to political organizations have had an opportunity to delete the names of those appointees unacceptable to their handlers? Inquiring minds want to know.
NOTE: Anyone who thinks it is OK to refer to an item made subject to the Charter Right as having been “charterwritten” needs to enroll in some basic English grammar classes.
Charter Right #14. A Zoning Petition has been received from Craig A. Kelley regarding The Cambridge Transportation De-Carbonization and Congestion-Mitigation Bill.. (Ordinance #2022-10) [Charter Right - Carlone, Feb 28, 2022]
Referred to Ordinance Committee and Planning Board 9-0 (Carlone)
Though my guess is that Craig Kelley’s petition won’t survive in its initial form, he deserves credit for reopening the conversation of such things as car-sharing and how electric vehicle charging can be made more widely available. Abutter concerns will not and should not be easily dismissed, but this is still a conversation that needs to take place. I won’t be buying an electric car (or an eclectic car) any time soon, but if I ever do the matter of charging for those of us without driveways can’t be dismissed, and even if battery improvements make things somewhat faster it likely won’t be as fast as filling up the tank. Let’s also not forget that the electrical infrastructure maintained by Eversource will likely need a tremendous amount of reinvestment as vehicles and buildings become more dependent on the electric grid.
Charter Right #15. That the City Manager is requested to work with DCR to pilot an expansion of Memorial Drive closures along any segments east of Western Avenue that could be used as parkland. [Charter Right - Simmons, Feb 28, 2022]
Order Adopted as Amended 8-0-0-1 (Simmons - PRESENT)
This is likely still a non-starter for a variety of reasons. Besides, actual parkland is better than pretend parkland that’s covered in asphalt and only available one or two days per week during a portion of the year.
Charter Right #16. That the City Manager is requested to amend all existing Community Host Agreements previously issued by the City by reducing the Impact Fee to 0.05% of Gross Revenue and to refrain from placing this burden upon any future HCAs that may yet be issued. [Charter Right - Zondervan, Feb 28, 2022]
Amended to add Zondervan as sponsor (and withdraw his proposed amendments); Tabled 9-0 on motion of Simmons
I am endlessly entertained by the City Council’s attempts to override economics in the pursuit of accomodation of the politically connected. In Washington, DC former elected officials become lobbyists, and in Cambridge and Boston they go into cannibis sales. Are there any other taxes and fees being waived for other businesses - especially now that Covid seems to be in retreat - or is this just a weed thing?
Order #2. That the City Manager is requested to consult with the Department of Public Works to introduce the SMART Box rodent control system in Cambridge. Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Zondervan, Mayor Siddiqui
Order Adopted 9-0
Proposed City Council Order #5: That the City Manager be and herby is requested to appoint a Rodent Rights Commission in order to ensure that all members of the order Rodentia and the genus Rattus be granted the full rights and privileges as all other Cambridge residents - especially in regard to exposure to electric currents and other matters of environmental justice.
Committee Report #1. The Housing Committee met on Dec 1, 2021 to conduct a public hearing to resume its discussion of the Sept 20, 2021 Policy Order that seeks to amend the Zoning Ordinance via potentially raising the linkage fee. [Report]
Report Accepted; Placed on File 9-0
Tax, tax tax – spend, spend, spend. Let others worry about the details and potential consequences.
Communications & Reports #2. A communication was received from Councillors Toner and Simmons, transmitting a memorandum regarding the search for the next City Clerk. [Outreach List] [Search timeline] [Job posting]
Placed on File 9-0
Where are John Wayne and Jeffrey Hunter now that we need them? - Robert Winters
The densifiers are massing at the borders of Cambridge neighborhoods. The next few weeks and months should prove interesting as appointees to neighborhood conservation districts, the Historical Commission, and other boards may find themselves in the crosshairs of densifiers and control freaks. There's even a City Council order this week that seeks to redefine, and perhaps eviscerate, neighborhood conservation districts. We'll see how the review of board appointments plays out, but at this point I fully expect to soon be saying: “I told you so.”
Here are some items of interest on this week's agenda:
Manager's Agenda #1. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to a COVID-19 update.
pulled by Siddiqui; Placed on File 9-0
Manager's Agenda #3. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the reappointment of Michael P. Gardner as a member of the Cambridge Retirement Board for a term of three years, effective Mar 1, 2022.
Charter Right - Mallon
Manager's Agenda #4. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appointment of Maxwell Solet as a new member of the Board of Trustee of the Cambridge Health Alliance for a term to expire June 30, 2024.
Charter Right - Mallon
Manager's Agenda #5. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to approval requested for new appointments and reappointment to Open Data Review Board for a term of two year.
Charter Right - Mallon
Manager's Agenda #7. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to approval requested for reappointment and new appointment to the Water Board.
Charter Right - Mallon
Manager's Agenda #8. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to approval requested for reappointments to the Fresh Pond Master Plan Advisory Board.
Charter Right - Mallon
Manager's Agenda #10. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to approval requested for new appointments and reappointments to the Mid Cambridge Neighborhood Conservation District Commission.
Charter Right - Mallon
Manager's Agenda #11. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to approval requested for a new appointment and reappointments to the Avon Hill Neighborhood Conservation District Commission.
Charter Right - Mallon
Manager's Agenda #12. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to approval requested for reappointments to the Half Crown-Marsh Neighborhood Conservation District Commission.
Charter Right - Mallon
Manager's Agenda #13. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to approval requested for a new appointment and reappointments to the Historical Commission.
Charter Right - Mallon
Order #11. Amendment to Chapter 2.78 of the Cambridge Code of Ordinance, entitled “Historical Buildings and Landmarks.” Councillor McGovern, Councillor Simmons, Vice Mayor Mallon
pulled by Toner; Solicitor explains that this is a City Ordinance under Home Rule, not subject to M.G.L. Ch. 40C, and may be amended by City Council; Referred to NLTP Committee 5-4 (motion of Zondervan) [Carlone, Nolan, Toner, Zondervan, Siddiqui - YES; Azeem, Mallon, McGovern, Simmons - NO]
Manager's Agenda #14. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the City of Cambridge retaining its AAA rating from the nation's three major credit rating agencies.[Moody’s] [S&P] [Fitch]
pulled by Toner; Placed on File 9-0
Manager's Agenda #15. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the Climate Resilience Zoning Task Force Report.
pulled by Nolan; referred to Health & Environment Committee 9-0 (motion of Nolan)
Manager's Agenda #16. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to a request for approval of the special act that has been enacted by the Legislature and signed by the Governor, entitled “Chapter 19 of the Acts of 2022, An Act Authorizing the City of Cambridge to Use Certain Land for General Municipal Purposes and the Installation of Subsurface Geothermal Wells” at the Father Callanan Playground and Fields in conjunction with the Tobin Montessori and Vassal Lane Upper Schools Project.[Tobin Article 97 Plan] [Tobin Art 97 Special Act Parchment] [Tobin Special Act Order]
Order Adopted 9-0
Manager's Agenda #17. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to a communication from City Solicitor Nancy E. Glowa, relative to a further response to Awaiting Report Item Number 21-93 regarding a report on proposed amendments to the Municipal Code relative to recent charter changes.
pulled by Nolan; Placed on File, Referred to Ordinance Committee 9-0 (motion of Zondervan)
On The Table #4. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 21-93, regarding proposed amendments to the Municipal Code relative to recent charter changes. (Ordinance #2022-2). [Charter Right - Nolan, Jan 31, 2022; Tabled Feb 7, 2022]
Refer to Ordinance Committee 9-0 (motion of Zondervan)
Charter Right #1. That Article 10.000 of the Zoning Ordinances of the City of Cambridge be amended to insert a new section 10.600, titled “On-Site Fossil Fuel Infrastructure”. [Charter Right - Zondervan, Feb 7, 2022]
Placed on File 9-0 (based on negative opinion from Atty. Gen. Maura Healey on comparable proposed ordinance in Brookline)
Charter Right #2. That section 6.36 entitled, Schedule of Parking and Loading Requirements, of Article 6.000, entitled “Off Street Parking And Loading Requirements And Nighttime Curfew On Large Commercial Through Trucks”, of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cambridge be amended. [Charter Right - Simmons, Feb 7, 2022]
Referred to Transportation & Public Utilities Committee 9-0
Charter Right #3. That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to direct staff from the Community Development and Law Departments to examine the Zoning Ordinance and provide amendment language for consideration by the City Council to remove all other references to parking minimums, including in Articles 13.000, 14.000, 15.000, 16.000, 17.000, and 20.000. [Charter Right - Simmons, Feb 7, 2022]
Referred to Transportation & Public Utilities Committee 9-0
Applications & Petitions #5. A Zoning Petition has been received from Craig A. Kelley regarding The Cambridge Transportation De-Carbonization and Congestion-Mitigation Bill.
Charter Right - Carlone
113 Communications covering various topics but overwhelmingly about bike lanes.
Placed on File 9-0
Order #5. That the City Manager is requested to confer with the Economic Development division and other appropriate departments with the intention of conducting a study to collect relevant economic data relating to business impacts from bike lane installations now and for a full year once the bike network is completed, positive or negative, which will help inform future installations of bike lanes along commercial corridors. Councillor McGovern, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Simmons, Councillor Toner, Councillor Carlone
Order Adopted 9-0 as Amended
Resolution #2. Thanks to Anne Shuhler and the entire Classic Graphx team for more than 35 years of exemplary service to the people and businesses of Cambridge. Councillor Simmons
Resolution #8. That the City Council go on record thanking Izzy Maldonado and his family for over 41 years of serving up some of the finest comfort food in Cambridge at Izzy’s Restaurant & Sub Shop, and in wishing the family well as the beloved institution passes into memory. Councillor Simmons
Resolution #11. Happy 80th Birthday wishes to Peter Valentine. Councillor Zondervan
Order #3. That the City Manager is requested to amend all existing Host Community Agreements previously issued by the City by reducing the Impact Fee to 0.05% of Gross Revenue and to refrain from placing this burden upon any future HCAs that may yet be issued. Councillor Simmons, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Toner, Councillor Azeem
Charter Right - Zondervan
Order #4. That the Mayor is requested to schedule a Special Meeting of the City Council and invite the Mayor of Somerville, Somerville City Councillors, the Cambridge Police Department, the Somerville Police Department, and others to discuss how to work together to address the gun activity taking place between our youth in our communities. Councillor McGovern, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Simmons, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Toner, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Carlone, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Zondervan
Adopted 8-0-1 as Amended (Siddiqui ABSENT)
Order #7. That a City Manager Search ad-hoc committee of the Cambridge City Council be formed for the purpose of reviewing and selecting self-nominated residents and stakeholders to be on the candidate preliminary screening committee. Mayor Siddiqui
Order Adopted 9-0
Order #10. That the City Manager is requested to work with DCR to pilot an expansion of Memorial Drive closures along any segments east of Western Avenue that could be used as parkland. Councillor Zondervan, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Nolan
Charter Right - Simmons
Committee Report #1. The Neighborhood and Long-Term Planning, Public Facilities, Arts and Celebrations Committee met on Oct 13, 2021, to conduct a public hearing to discuss the long-term plan for school buildings, including a systemwide summary of status of plans, update on current projects, any plans for future relocations, and projections for enrollment changes over time. [Report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Committee Report #2. The Health & Environment Committee and the Human Services & Veterans Committee met on Dec 8, 2021, to discuss the redesign of Carl Barron Plaza with a special focus on the needs of the unhoused community and the ideas presented within Communication #10 from the Oct 18, 2021, regular meeting. [Report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Committee Report #3. The Ordinance Committee met on Dec 15, 2021, to conduct a public hearing on the Off Street Parking Zoning petition (Ord #2021-23) [Report not available]
Present: unknown - no report
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0 (even though there was no report)
Committee Report #4. The Human Services and Veterans Committee met on Dec 16, 2021, to hold a public hearing to receive a report from the Department of Human Services Programs regarding changes made to DHSP after school programs. [Report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Communications & Reports #2. A communication was received from Councillor Simmons, transmitting a memorandum regarding Final Report of the Cambridge Advisory Committee on City Art, Monuments, & Markers.
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Communications & Reports #3. A communication was received from Councillor Nolan and Councillor Carlone regarding FY24 budget priorities.
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Late Resolution #12. Support potential Green Line extension to Porter Square. Councillor Nolan, Mayor Siddiqui
Resolution Adopted 9-0
Late Order #12. That the City Manager be and is hereby requested to light City Hall blue and yellow this week in honor of Ukraine. Mayor Siddiqui
Order Adopted 9-0
Here are a few choice items from this week's agenda:
Manager's Agenda #1. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to a COVID-19 update.
Placed on File 9-0
The Covid numbers have been improving daily. Harvard dining halls have now opened at full capacity and required testing has been reduced. The questions now should be about when the City's various requirements will be reduced or eliminated as we transition from pandemic to endemic.
Charter Right #1. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 21-93, regarding proposed amendments to the Municipal Code relative to recent charter changes (Ordinance #2022-2). [Charter Right – Nolan, Jan 31, 2022]
Tabled 9-0 - Nolan
The big question for me will be how the next round of charter revision plays out. The pattern over the last few years has been one of city councillors seeking more privilege and authority (personal aides, designated parking spaces, private offices, veto power over appointments to City boards & commissions). They have even now asserted themselves as the primary source of all future charter revision by assuming power to appoint all members to any future charter review commission. Will the next call be for a popularly elected mayor and the elimination of the current city manager form of government (even as they are in the process of hiring a city manager)? Depending on how the first round goes, there may be the need for citizens to petition for their own elected charter review commission. In the 1930s, the combination of political patronage, poor fiscal management, and elevated taxes led to a citizens movement to adopt Plan E. History may well repeat itself, but perhaps only after considerable fiscal turmoil.
I will also point out that there are still no protocols in place for how the City Council will review appointments to City boards & commissions or if this authority applies to all boards, commissions, task forces, or ad-hoc committees.
Order #1. That the City Manager is requested to consult with the appropriate City staff to determine the feasibility of establishing additional compensation for the City’s essential employees in accordance with the considered State legislation framework. Councillor Simmons, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Toner
Order Adopted 9-0
This may be a good idea, but there is something odd about crediting additional years toward an employee's pension as if this was some new form of currency. One might think that providing “hazard pay” to employees who came to work through the worst part of the pandemic would be the more appropriate action.
Order #2. That Article 10.000 of the Zoning Ordinances of the City of Cambridge be amended to insert a new section 10.600, titled “On-Site Fossil Fuel Infrastructure”. Councillor Nolan, Councillor Carlone
Charter Right - Zondervan
Order #8. Amendment to Article 22 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cambridge entitled “Sustainable Design And Development” to insert a new section. Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Carlone, Councillor Nolan
Referred to Ordinance Committee and Planning Board 7-0-0-2 (Simmons, Toner - PRESENT)
Order #2 calls for a zoning amendment that would mandate no new gas hookups in new or substantially rehabilitated buildings - except subsidized housing development. Order #8 would mandate emissions reporting for all major new projects and substantially rehabilitated buildings – except any residential buildings that include affordable units.
Order #3. That the City Manager is requested to instruct the City Solicitor to provide a legal opinion on whether the City Council can delegate the authority of curb cut approvals to the Inspectional Services Department through the City Manager. Councillor Azeem, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Simmons, Vice Mayor Mallon
Order Adopted as Amended 8-1 (Carlone - NO)
When Marjorie Decker was on the City Council she would regularly question why the City Council should be involved in the approval of curb cuts. In contrast, other councillors over the years have jealously guarded their ability to either block projects or extract benefits using (or abusing) this authority. Delegate it.
Order #4. That section 6.36 entitled, Schedule of Parking and Loading Requirements, of Article 6.000, entitled “Off Street Parking And Loading Requirements And Nighttime Curfew On Large Commercial Through Trucks”, of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cambridge be amended. Councillor Azeem, Councillor Zondervan, Councillor McGovern
Amended 9-0; Charter Right - Simmons
Order #9. That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to direct staff from the Community Development and Law Departments to examine the Zoning Ordinance and provide amendment language for consideration by the City Council to remove all other references to parking minimums, including in Articles 13.000, 14.000, 15.000, 16.000, 17.000, and 20.000. Councillor Azeem, Councillor Zondervan, Councill McGovern
Amended 9-0; Charter Right - Simmons
I have mixed feelings about this. The creed over the last decade or two has been that new housing near public transit should have relaxed or no parking minimums. Now that density has become the new religion with the added belief that automobiles are the work of the devil, the new wave is for eliminating parking minimums everywhere. Insofar as many tenants and owners may still want a place to park their Electric BMW, it's likely that some developers will continue to build parking into their projects in order to maximize value. It's not so clear how less affluent people who have to drive to jobs elsewhere will make out - other than to fight over the diminishing supply of on-street spaces when they return home. Pretty soon every day may feel like street cleaning day.
Order #5. That the City Manager is requested to report to the City Council on options for spending ARPA money on direct support for households and individuals facing eviction, housing instability, and/or homelessness. Councillor Zondervan, Councillor McGovern, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Carlone
Order Adopted 9-0
I'm sure some of this makes good sense, but I would like to see some documentation of the “acute crisis of homelessness, housing instability, and eviction in Cambridge” that this proposal seeks to address as well as the means via which eligibility for this new form of public assistance would be determined. I recall there being claims a year ago about the coming “tsunami of evictions” but I'm not so sure that metaphorical storm ever struck. Nobody questions that housing costs are high in Cambridge, but it's hard to make a direct connection between that reality and the pandemic.
Order #6. That the City Council appoints City Councillors Denise Simmons and Paul Toner as members of the City Clerk preliminary screening committee to begin the application and interviewing process for the new City Clerk, and to report back to the full City Council, as required by law, for the public interviewing of recommended finalists for the City Clerk position. Mayor Siddiqui
Order Adopted 9-0
Committee Report #1. The Government Operations, Rules and Claims Committee met on Jan 26, 2022 for the purpose of reviewing next steps in the City Manager search process.
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Communications & Reports #6. A communication was received from Vice Mayor Mallon, transmitting a memorandum regarding updates on the City Manager search.
Placed on File 9-0
One of my favorite all-time films starring John Wayne, Jeffrey Hunter, Natalie Wood and others is John Ford's “The Searchers”. I hope the City Council's triple search process ends as well.
Order #7. Amend Section 2.66 of the Municipal Code to add a new section titled “Article III Green Jobs.” Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Carlone, Councillor Simmons, Mayor Siddiqui
Referred to Health & Environment Committee 9-0
Communications & Reports #3. A communication was received from Mayor Siddiqui, transmitting information regarding the Fare Free Bus Pilot Working Group.
Placed on File 9-0
Let me guess what the recommendation will be… You need look no further than the name of the working group. - Robert Winters
If you don't dig what's going down (or coming down), Zoom in to Monday Night Live. In addition to the meeting agenda, there will plenty of other agendas on display - some hidden, some not. Amid mixed precipitation and metaphors, here are some potentially stormy items:
Charter Right #2. That the City Manager is requested to work with relevant City departments and committees to present a report to the Neighborhood & Long-Term Planning, Public Facilities, Arts and Celebration Committee which includes information on the history, membership data of golf course users, environmental conditions, and a legal analysis of what uses are currently permitted or what would be involved in changing use for other city needs. [Charter Right - Toner, Jan 24, 2022]
Substitute Order Adopted 9-0
The public comment on the proposed “study” of the golf course will likely be just as plentiful this week as it was last week. I'm sure Councillor Zondervan supports this because it's just one more chapter in his revolution book. Councillor Azeem knows so little about the people of Cambridge that he thinks that desiring “abundant housing” to grow on the golf course will score him big points in his YIMBY circles. Councillor Nolan will be playing both sides of the issue - as usual. As for Councillor Carlone, that's anyone's guess. I suppose if your whole goal in life is to be seen as “progressive”, then nothing should ever be left as is. That, in my opinion, is a stupid point of view. There are many great things that are best left alone save for the maintenance.
Substitution for Policy Order submitted by Councillors Toner, McGovern and Simmons as amended
O-3 Jan 24, 2022 Jan 31, 2022 Adopted 9-0
WHEREAS: The Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr. Golf Course, also known as the Fresh Pond Golf Course, in West Cambridge is the largest open space in Cambridge and has been enjoyed as welcome green space for since 1933; and
WHEREAS: Golf is an important and safe outdoor activity, with many residents participating, and has operated in a manner to ensure the sport is accessible to an increasingly diverse community of residents, including keeping course fees low to ensure affordable to all users, and supporting the CRLS golf team when most urban high schools charge fees or do not have a golf team due to barriers; and
WHEREAS: The golf course is self-sufficient and operates on member fees and receives no additional funding from the city,
WHEREAS: The City seeks to encourage outdoor activity and physical activity among residents,
WHEREAS: Considering these trends, it makes sense review if other outdoor uses could be incorporated into golf operations without interfering with its current and primary purpose as the only low cost municipal golf course in Cambridge; now therefore be it
ORDERED: That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to confer with all appropriate departments, as well as the Cambridge Water Board and Fresh Pond Advisory Committee, and present a report to the Neighborhood & Long Term Planning, Public Facilities, Arts and Celebration Committee, which includes but is not limited to a legal analysts of what uses are currently permitted, information on the history of the golf course, residency and other demographic information about membership data of golf course users, and any environmental constraints; and be it further
ORDERED: That the City Council request that the Chair of the Neighborhood & Long-Term Planning, Public Facilities, Arts, and Celebration Committee schedule a public hearing to discuss what other complementary uses, if any, might be made of the space that do not interfere with the regular operations of the golf course, and encourage greater usage by all Cambridge residents; and be it further
ORDERED: That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to report back to the City Council by March 30, 2022 to enable a committee hearing this spring.
Note 1: Zondervan stated that he does want to change/limit golf operations.
Note 2: Carlone scolded his colleagues for having scolded the original authors of the policy order.
Manager's Agenda #1. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 21-93, regarding proposed amendments to the Municipal Code relative to recent charter changes.
Charter Right - Nolan
The City Solicitor has provided partial language on the matters of City Manager review and how a charter review committee might be formed. There is still no word on how the City Council will go about reviewing board appointments or even which City boards and commission would be subject to Council review. More and more I am coming to the conclusion that city residents may have to soon form their own charter review movement independent of this City Council.
Manager's Agenda #4. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 21-85, which requesting a report on potential modifications or adjustments to the recent improvements that were made on the segment of Massachusetts Avenue from Dudley Street to Alewife Brook Parkway.
Placed on File 9-0
Manager's Agenda #5. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 22-1, regarding the feasibility of creating a Cycling Safety Ordinance Advisory group.
Placed on File 9-0
The repercussions of The Pledge continue. How many City ordinances are there that come with a pledge that they must never be reviewed or changed? Very progressive. As for the proposed membership of the “Cycling Safety Ordinance Advisory group”, will they be subject to City Council review? More significantly, will this group have any ability to do anything other than to inform the public that little or nothing can or will be done to alter the course of the juggernaut. As the Manager's communication says, “we educate the community on what elements of the projects are flexible and open to change and which elements are constrained.” Is the only change possible the color of the flexi-posts?
Manager's Agenda #6. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to a Planning Board recommendation to not adopt the Cushing, et al., Zoning Petition.
Referred to Petition 9-0
Manager's Agenda #7. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to a Planning Board recommendation not to adopt the Yamin, et al., Zoning Petition.
Referred to Petition 9-0
Committee Report #1. The Ordinance Committee met on Dec 8, 2021 to conduct a public hearing on the Yard Setback Zoning Petition (Ord # 2021-22). [PDF of Committee Report #1 – unedited software-generated transcript with many errors]
Manager's Agenda #8. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to a Planning Board recommendation not to adopt the Francis Donovan, et al., Zoning Petition.
Referred to Petition 9-0
The bottom line these days is that unless zoning changes are blessed by an elite few, they don't stand a chance, and it doesn't really matter if they have merit. Pretty soon it won't even be possible to serve on the Planning Board unless you have been pre-approved by that same elite.
Order #2. Wage Theft Ordinance. Councillor Zondervan, Councillor McGovern, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Toner, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Carlone, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Simmons
Order Adopted as Amended 9-0
I still don't fully understand this proposal, though my suspicion, based on the proposed language, is that it may simply be a way to block the hiring of independent contractors or to ensure that only union members can be hired. The term “wage theft” is very provocative, but perhaps not necessarily accurate.
Order #3. That the City Council and School Committee hold a joint virtual roundtable on Tues, Feb 8, 2022 to discuss priorities for the FY23 Budget. Mayor Siddiqui
Order Adopted 9-0
I'm a little confused about whether this is meant to have the City Council advise the School Department about their priorities or vice-versa. Their respective budgets have no intersection except perhaps in the shared use of some facilities, e.g. for polling locations or community school programs. - Robert Winters
7. Late Resolution for David Albert. Councillor Toner
Late Resolution Adopted 8-1 with Councillor Zondervan (unbelievably) voting NO
Res #7 Jan 31, 2022
WHEREAS: Officer David Albert announced his retirement after 33 years of service to the Cambridge Police Department; and
WHEREAS: Officer Albert served as a Patrol Officer for 27 years and ended his last 6 years as a Detective in the Criminal Investigations Department; and
WHEREAS: Officer Albert dedicated his energy and focus to serving the citizens of Cambridge; and
WHEREAS: Officer Albert grew up in North Cambridge on Magoun Street and comes from a large family dedicated to public service to the City of Cambridge serving as police officers, firefighters and nurses, including his youngest daughter, Delaney Albert who recently joined the force; and
WHEREAS: Officer Albert has earned a long and happy retirement with his wife Kathleen;
RESOLVED: That the City Council and City of Cambridge go on record thanking Officer Albert for his long and honorable service to the City of Cambridge.
I'm just trying to figure out if Councillors Nolan, Carlone, Zondervan, and Azeem are trying to take over the Fresh Pond Golf Course. There's also these:
Manager's Agenda #1. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to an update on COVID-19.
Placed on File 9-0
Though still an order of magnitude greater than last summer, positive Covid tests continue to drop quickly as predicted by the wasterwater data. Drops in hospitalizations (and fatalities) generally follow. Cambridge residents continue to exercise greater caution than in most places, and there seems to be little or no cause to impose any additional restrictions. With luck we may even look forward to restrictions being eased within a few weeks.
Manager's Agenda #4. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the Cambridge Net Zero Action Plan 2021 Update and Executive Summary.
Referred to Health & Environment Committee 9-0
The documents are interesting, but what I would really like to know is how some of the ideas and proposals translate into requirements, costs, and incentives for various categories of property owners. If I need to do a roof repair or siding replacement on my triple-decker, will I soon be required to make other changes at a significantly increased cost? When my gas-fired boiler reaches the end of its useful life, will I be able to replace it or will I have to reconfigure my whole building and install a completely different heating system? Will mandates come with funding sources? Will new requirements have the unintended consequence of delaying renovations due to added costs? Should a homeowner rush a renovation now before costly new mandates are imposed? How will possible “point of sale” mandates affect decisions about potential improvements and who will bear the added costs? Will requirements for commercial properties lead to relocation? Perhaps we need an “Idiot's Guide to Net-Zero Requirements” for ordinary people.
Charter Right #1. That the City Council designates the Chair of Government Operations, Rules, and Claims Committee to serve as the City Council’s designee to coordinate with Randi Frank Consulting, LLC as well as appropriate City officials in carrying out the executive recruitment process for a new City Manager search process. That the City Manager is requested to ask the Purchasing Agent to coordinate with the Chair of Government Operations, Rules and Claims committee to engage the services of the identified Community Engagement Specialist(s) to work with Randi Frank Consulting, LLC in the executive recruitment for a new City Manager. [Charter Right – Simmons, Jan 10, 2022]
Order Adopted 9-0
Communications & Reports #2. A communication was received from Mayor Siddiqui, transmitting information regarding the Clerk search process.
Placed on File 9-0
Communications & Reports #4. A communication was received from City Auditor, James Monagle, transmitting a memorandum regarding his retirement at the end of his current term.
Placed on File 9-0
At this point my confidence in our elected officials to competently fill all three of the positions for which they have direct control under the Plan E Charter (City Manager, City Clerk, City Auditor) is close to Net Zero. At least one councillor with serious self-loathing issues has already expressed the point of view that only candidates from outside of Cambridge should be considered. My sense is that if they really screw this up there may be an exodus of other prominent City staff.
Resolution #4. Congratulations to Christine Elow on her appointment as Commissioner of the Cambridge Police Department. Councillor Simmons
Resolution Adopted 9-0
It was an inspired choice by City Manager Louis DePasquale to appoint Christine Elow as Acting Commissioner last August, and this seals the deal. One point worth emphasizing is how much has changed in the ~30 years since the transition was made from Police Chief to Police Commissioner. This was very controversial and political back then, and in the interim all of the Commissioners have come from outside of Cambridge - Perry Anderson, Ronnie Watson, Robert Haas, and Branville Bard. I remember Ronnie Watson once remarking that his intention was to have the command staff become so solid that there would be no need to look outside for his successor. Well, it took a few years but it's noteworthy that Christine Elow is Cambridge born and bred and rose up through the ranks, and nobody in the political sphere finds it at all controversial that she is now Police Commissioner - especially when you consider the fact that there are continuing conversations about possible restructuring of public safety and how to respond to emergency calls.
Order #2. That the City Manager is hereby requested to confer with the Traffic, Parking and Transportation Department to determine what safety improvements could be made to the area in front of CRLS and the crosswalk on Broadway. Mayor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor McGovern
Order Adopted 9-0
This Order brought back a memory from when I first arrived in Cambridge in 1978 and for a long while afterwards. It used to be commonplace for CRLS students heading home after school to purposely walk in the middle of the travel lanes on Broadway - not because it was necessary but just to be defiant. I haven't seen that so much in recent years. I suppose it all fits under the umbrella described in Bruce Springsteen's song “Growing Up”, e.g. “when they said ‘sit down’ I stood up.”
Order #3. That the City Manager is requested to work with relevant City departments and committees to present a report to the Neighborhood & Long-Term Planning, Public Facilities, Arts and Celebration Committee which includes information on the history, membership data of golf course users, environmental conditions, and a legal analysis of what uses are currently permitted or what would be involved in changing use for other city needs. Councillor Nolan, Councillor Carlone, Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Azeem
Charter Right - Toner
[Note: There was overwhelming opposition to this Order during Public Comment. The only people speaking in favor of the Order seeking to change the use of the Fresh Pond Golf Course were from “Our Revolution” and the “Cambridge Residents Alliance”.]
I suspect this is all about toppling the perceived aristocracy minus the guillotines. I have never played golf (except miniature golf), but I have never viewed it as a sport of the elite. The Revolutionary Guard within the Cambridge City Council takes on yet another battle to nowhere. Is the latest vacant thought to replace 18 holes with 18 stories? One of the things I like most about Cambridge is the diversity of buildings, densities, and uses - and that includes that fact we somehow can still have a golf course in addition to our current considerable density of housing.
Order #4. That the City Manager is requested to confer with the Inspectional Services Department, the Department of Public Works, the Cambridge Historical Commission and other relevant City departments to determine the feasibility of expediting the Demolition and Rebuilding permitting process in the event of a natural disaster. Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Zondervan, Councillor McGovern
Order Adopted as Amended 9-0
Do these three councillors know something about a “natural disaster” to come? Flood? Pestilence? Tornadoes? Actually, the essence of the Order concerns disasters like building fires, so I suppose this is more of a semantic thing rather than planning for the Apocalypse.
Order #5. That the City Council go on record in support of House Bill 965 and Senate Bill 623 that would prohibit the sale of fur, and urge the Massachusetts Senate to pass this bill. Councillor McGovern
Order Adopted 9-0
I learned something new from this Order - raccoon dogs. They're not racoons. Be like Pat Nixon and wear a respectable Republican cloth coat.
Committee Report #1. The Health & Environment Committee met on Dec 22, 2021 to discuss the BEUDO amendments. [Minutes] [Cover Letter] [Proposed Amendments – red-lined] [Proposed Amendments – clean] [City Solicitor Letter]
Proposed Amendments Referred to Ordinance Committee 9-0
This has been in the works for some time - amendments to the Building Energy Use Disclosure Ordinance that was ordained in 2014 that requires energy and water reporting from commercial properties over 25,000 square feet and residential properties over 50 units. It is an essential element of the Net Zero Action Plan (NZAP). It's not just about disclosure. There are requirements for emissions reduction explicitly in the ordinance: From a Baseline determined in 2018-2019, covered properties are required to reduce emissions to 80% of Baseline by 2025-2029; 60% by 2030-2034; 40% by 2035-2039; 20% by 2040-2044; 10% by 2045-2049; and 0% for 2050 onwards. It remains to be seen if similar requirements may be imposed on smaller residential properties at some point. - Robert Winters
You really can't expect too much at the first meeting of a new City Council term, especially with two rookies on the team. Of the 80 items awaiting report from the previous term, 44 have been carried over to the new term (including 5 new ones), and 36 were dispatched to oblivion (a good thing, in my humble opinion).
I often find myself searching for paradigms. Before diving in with comments and analysis I generally need a way to frame things rather than simply react to the proposals, rhetoric, actions and reactions. This is especially true with the coming of a new year or a new City Council term. I don't even bother trying to make sense of the Cambridge School Committee anymore.
One paradigm I have been considering lately in regard to the City Council as well as other elected bodies is the nature of representation. Who do our elected representatives really represent - especially in a system that is supposed to be proportional representation? Are the geographical areas of the city proportionally represented? What about viewpoints on various issues, especially in a political context where some advocates are working overtime to convince voters and elected officials that just one or two issues are all that matter? Perhaps more significantly, do our elected officials represent the people of the city or primarily the activists? [One of the initial actions of one newly minted councillors was to meet with activists rather than residents in general. The other newly minted councillor held an open community meeting in North Cambridge.] Suffice to say that the overwhelming majority of Cambridge residents would likely not identify as “activists”.
This is important when you consider some of the recent flash points such as the reconfiguration of North Mass. Ave. in a manner that delights many activists and infuriates many residents and business owners (and their customers who may be driving from elsewhere). We have seen and will likely soon be seeing more densification zoning proposals pushed by activists who see themselves as part of a national movement. There are proposals now before the Council and the City administration having to do with alternate models for police and emergency response. Are these really what residents want or what the activists want? Do our city councillors see their main job as responding to the demands of the activists or reflecting the desires of the residents of the city? I shudder to think about what criteria some councillors may be using to decide on the next City Manager.
I really wish we had a better way to gauge public opinion than the biased views of city councillors, various neighborhood and activist listservs, NextDoor, or Twitter. My perhaps shocking point of view is that Cambridge people are actually pretty normal – but you wouldn't necessarily know that from all the chatter.
As for the current meeting, here are the agenda items I thought worthy of comment as we get this next term underway:
Manager's Agenda #1. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to a COVID-19 update.
Placed on File 9-0
Order #1. That the City Manager is requested to work with the Chief Public Health Officer, the Cambridge Health Alliance, and other relevant City staff to create a “priority line” and/or establish “senior hours” at the City’s Covid-19 testing locations. Councillor Simmons, Councillor Toner
Order Adopted 9-0
I don't envy the job of a mayor, city manager, or school superintendent during a pandemic or other crisis. You're likely to be a hero or a villain in the eyes of many people when you are simply trying to do your job, and the determination of hero vs. villain may be a function of things over which you have little control. The impulse to demand that you “do something” such as imposing restrictions or mandates is strong, and as the person in charge you have to weigh those demands against all the practical aspects of actual vs. perceived safety, union contracts, and economic survival of local businesses.
I follow the Covid numbers pretty closely and make new graphs daily in my “Plague Report” - nothing like a little medieval reference to keep your spirits up. What I don't track (only because the local numbers are hard to access) are hospitalizations and similar measures of severity. Deaths and positive test results are no longer the most relevant measures of this pandemic now that Omicron has spread like a prairie fire with relatively few people dying or getting severely ill (largely thanks to widespread vaccination here). I am always eager to hear more specifics from our public health officials, and I'm grateful that time is set aside every couple of City Council meetings to delve more deeply into the specifics.
Intuitively, I expect that this Omicron prairie fire will burn itself out within a few weeks, but I really have no facts with which to back that up. Some people have been noting the patterns in South Africa, but we really are not all that comparable, especially in terms of vaccination rates. Meanwhile, even if the severity of illness has been tolerable, local businesses are still struggling and some are still closing for good. Suffice to say that the actions of city councillors have not played much of a role in this. This is not meant as a criticism. It's just that there's simply not much that they can do. Let's just hope for an early spring of Red Sox games and reflection of the pandemic past.
Manager's Agenda #3. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appointment of Assistant City Manager for Fiscal Affairs & Public Investments David J. Kale as a member of the Cambridge Health Alliance Board of Trustees, effective Jan 10, 2022.
Placed on File 9-0
Manager's Agenda #4. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to approval of new appointments and reappointments of members of the Peace Commission for a term of three years. New Appointments: Kaleb Abebe, Annie Brown, Sarah DeMott, Yasmine Hung, Bonnie Talbert; Reappointments: Kazimiera I.H. Fraley, Larry Kim, Elka Kuhlman, David Seeman
Order Adopted 9-0
I suspect that every City Manager appointment this year will be taken as an opportunity to test the waters of the recent ill-advised charter change that gives the City Council veto power over appointments to City boards & commissions. Does this apply to the Cambridge Health Alliance Board of Trustees that was established under a Special Act rather than under the traditional management roles under the Plan E Charter? I don't think we'll be seeing any vetoes of appointments to entities like the Peace Commission, but I wouldn't put it past some councillors to make an issue of it anyway. By the way, there is still no established protocol for how the City Council intends to consider appointments and/or exercise its unfortunate new authority.
Charter Right #1. That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to appoint a 20-25 person Cycling Safety Ordinance Implementation Advisory Committee to advise and improve upon the implementation of the citywide bicycle safety infrastructure and to establish recommendations on mitigating any concerns raised in regard to this infrastructure, with the appointments to be announced no later than Jan 31, 2022. [Charter Right – Zondervan, Dec 20, 2021]
Order Adopted as Amended 9-0
Charter Right #2. That the City Manager is requested to convene meetings between his office, the Director of the Traffic, Parking, and Transportation Department, and with the heads of the Neighborhood Business Associations, with the Neighborhood Associations, and within each of the Cambridge Housing Authority’s senior buildings, to ensure that these stakeholders are given the opportunity to collaborate on devising new plans that will inform the City’s approach going forward in establishing citywide bicycle-safety infrastructure that works for bicyclists, motorists, pedestrians, seniors, those with mobility impediments, the local business community, and all our residents. [Charter Right – Zondervan, Dec 20, 2021]
Order Adopted as Amended by Substitution 9-0
Communications: There are 13 letters regarding the North Mass. Ave. roadway changes; 2 supporting the HEART proposal; 1 solicitation re: cable TV franchise fees; 1 on Covid testing; and 34 “sundry communications” on the proposal now being floated by CDD to radically alter residential zoning citywide (33 opposed and 1 in favor).
Placed on File 9-0
It was not so long ago that the idea of having stakeholder meetings and advisory committees would be noncontroversial and desirable – even if that meant some delay due to “processing things to death.” In our new “progressive” environment such community feedback is now viewed as counterproductive and obstructionist. After all, it might slow down the juggernaut. In the last meeting of the previous Council term there were actually people who who spoke out emphatically against these proposals for community input and review. Like it or not but being a “progressive” these days seems to be primarily about increasing and endorsing government control without question.
Resolution #3. Thanks to Peter Daly for his tremendous work as Executive Director of Homeowners Rehab, Inc., over the past 33 years, and in wishing him the very best as he looks to pursue his next exciting chapter. Councillor Simmons, Mayor Siddiqui
Resolution #5. Resolution on the death of Janet Axelrod. Councillor Nolan, Mayor Siddiqui
I especially like what Library Director Maria McCauley had to say about Janet Axelrod: “It is with sorrow that I write today. One of our longstanding Library champions, Janet Axelrod, passed away on December 26. Janet was the chair of the Board of Library Trustees. She was also one of the founders of the Cambridge Public Library Foundation. Janet was the very best board chair. She cared deeply about accessible library services, the freedom to read, and the privacy rights of users. She understood the complexities of a public library. She was committed to social justice, civil rights, and equity and inclusion work, and she greatly appreciated the staff of the Library and its volunteers.”
There are many Cambridge residents who volunteer their time and energy on various City boards & commissions completely independent of the politics of the day. They perform an essential function, and Janet Axelrod was an essential part of this tradition.
Resolution #7. Resolution on the death of legal scholar, civil rights champion, and Cambridge resident Lani Guinier on January 7, 2022 at the age of 71.
Order #2. That Article 20.90 - Alewife Overlay Districts 1-6 of the Cambridge Zoning Ordinance be amended to insert a new section entitled Section 20.94.3- Temporarily prohibited uses. Councillor Nolan, Councillor McGovern, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Azeem
Referred to Ordinance Committee & Planning Board 9-0
This is simply a re-filing of this proposed moratorium due to the failure to schedule an Ordinance Committee meeting within the time limits required under state law. That said, I'll repeat what I said when this was initially introduced: “If the City were to now pass either temporary or permanent zoning changes that significantly decrease the development potential, it sure seems like a good case could be made by the new owners that they should be compensated for that loss. I hope that won't happen, but this says a lot about the consequences of City Council inaction or lack of a coherent vision.”
Suffice to say that the City Council should have established at least interim zoning for this area several years ago and before a significant amount of real estate changed hands. That, of course, presumes that our elected officials actually have some idea of what they want.
Order #3. That the Mayor is requested to schedule a training session within the month of January for the purpose of reviewing Robert’s Rules of Order with the entire City Council. Councillor Simmons
Order Adopted 9-0
Communications & Reports #3. A communication was received from Councillor Mayor Siddiqui, announcing the formal 2022-2023 appointments to the City Council Committees.
Placed on File 9-0
Perhaps at some level it doesn't really matter who is chosen to be Chair of any given committee, but the practical fact is that committee Chairs do use that role not only to facilitate deliberation but also as a vehicle for their personal political agendas. I simply cannot fathom some of Mayor Siddiqui's appointments for this term, especially Ordinance and Public Safety. On the other hand, Dennis Carlone is a good match for NLTP, as is Marc McGovern with Human Services. The role of the Gov't Operations Committee during a time when we'll be selecting a new City Manager as well as a new City Clerk looms large and consequential. I hope they don't screw it up. - Robert Winters