Cambridge City Council meeting - January 27, 2025 - AGENDA
[Simmons - remote]

The purpose of this meeting is to go into Executive Session to conduct a strategy session in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel, specifically the City Manager. There will be public comment. At the conclusion of public comment, the City Council will move into executive session.

1. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the reappointment of Ronald DiGiorgio as a Constable for a term of three years. (CM25#12)

2. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appointments and reappointments of members to the Transit Advisory Committee. (CM25#13)
pulled by Nolan who states that women underrepresented in these appointments; Simmons concurs; Yi-An Huang notes limitations of the applicant pool; Appointments Approved, Placed on File 9-0

CM25#13     Jan 27, 2025

I am writing to inform you that I am appointing the following people below as members of the Transit Advisory Committee for a term of two years, effective Jan 1, 2025:

• Annalisa Bhatia

• Andrew Zhou

• Clyve Lawrence

• Craig Tateronis

• David Rangaviz

• Ian Hatch

• Jarred Young

• Keisha Greaves

• Matthew Kramer

• Matt Martin

• Matthew McCominskey

• Miles Robinson

• Nick Lessin

• Omriqui Thomas

• Patrick Delaney

• Sandya Ramakrishnan

City staff also recommend that the eight members who have asked to be reappointed for an additional term join these sixteen new members.

Transit Advisory Committee
The Transit Advisory Committee provides advice to City staff on city and state projects that affect public transit in Cambridge and greater Boston. The advisory committee advances an agenda for robust public transit for all, including residents, workers, students, and visitors. The advisory committee has members that represent Cambridge residents, organizations, and institutions. The MBTA also has staff attending regular meetings though they are not members of the committee.

Outreach Efforts
The City Manager’s office posted a request for applications to the Transit Advisory Committee on the City website and via a news release on September 16, 2024, with a closing date of October 15, 2024. During that time the staff conducted outreach through their networks. The call for applicants was also posted in several of the City’s daily email updates and postings on the City’s website.

Twenty-four community members submitted an application and City staff interviewed 17 community members. The interview panel of city staff recommended the appointment of 16 community members.

The next anticipated vacancy for members for this advisory committee will be in late 2026.

I am pleased to welcome the following sixteen new members whose expertise and experience will enable them to contribute to this committee’s important work.

1. Annalisa Bhatia (Institutional Representative, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Annalisa is MIT’s representative for the committee as the university’s Associate Director of the Office of Government and Community Relations. She brings her expertise along with an interest in the coordination between the city and local institutions and organizations.

2. Andrew Zhou (Resident, Wellington-Harrington)
Andrew is a software developer based in the Wellington-Harrington neighborhood. With a focus on making Cambridge more walkable for all community members, Andrew looks forward to improving the only way he gets around Cambridge: public transit.

3. Clyve Lawrence (Resident, Riverside)
Clyve is a Harvard student and well versed in mobility justice living in Riverside. A passionate advocate for the Riverside community, Clyve has been heavily involved in electoral work and local committees.

4. Craig Tateronis (Resident, East Cambridge)
Craig is an IT Manager from East Cambridge. As a consistent public transportation user, he would like to get involved in the city planning process around buses. He was formerly involved with Harvard University and Lechmere-area planning.

5. David Rangaviz (Resident, Mid-Cambridge)
David is an attorney and a Mid-Cambridge resident. As a parent, he is passionate about equitable transit for all. He is an Inman Square community member and excited to get involved in TAC.

6. Ian Hatch (Resident, North Cambridge)
Ian is a real estate consultant and developer based in North Cambridge. With affiliations in housing, Ian is excited to serve his community and learn more about the collaborative effort that makes the transit system run smoothly.

7. Jared Young (Resident, North Cambridge)
Jared is a North Cambridge industrial engineering specializing in transportation. Along with his professional expertise, he brings an enthusiasm for supporting community members with families reliant on public transit. As a new parent, he is well connected with his surrounding community’s activities.

8. Keisha Greaves (Resident, East Cambridge)
Keisha is an East Cambridge resident and passionate disability advocate. She has been an active member of various city committees and is driven in sharing her voice and her community’s concerns effectively.

9. Matthew Kramer (Resident, Neighborhood Nine)
Matthew is a software engineer residing in Neighborhood Nine. As a well-informed citizen, he is excited to get involved in the city’s planning and feedback processes. He enjoys group bike rides and staying connected to the MIT community.

10. Matt Martin (Resident, Cambridgeport)
Matt is a health policy researcher living in Cambridgeport. With an urban planning approach, he hopes to support the committee’s efforts to hear from the Cambridge community.

11. Matthew McCominskey (Resident, West Cambridge)
Matthew is a project manager specializing in home restoration and is based in West Cambridge. As someone who does not own a car, his firsthand experience relying upon public transit will inform his actions on the committee.

12. Miles Robinson (Resident, West Cambridge)
Miles is a professional musician and teacher based in West Cambridge. With a background in the creative community, he hopes to reach new voices that rely on public transit.

13. Nick Lessin (Resident, Mid-Cambridge)
Nick is a Mid-Cambridge resident and attorney. He is interested in directly improving each commuter’s trip, be it by public transit or walking. Nick looks forward to creating community within and outside of the committee.

14. Omriqui Thomas (Resident, West Cambridge)
Omriqui is a Cambridge Public Schools high school student and an avid advocate for accessible transit. Living in West Cambridge, Omriqui has been a part of many outreach initiatives and transportation organizations and committees. She is also a member of the Net Zero Transportation Advisory committee.

15. Patrick Delaney (Resident, East Cambridge)
Patrick is a software engineer based in East Cambridge. A huge fan of creating community, be it for sports or transit, he looks forward to getting involved at the ground level of being on a city committee.

16. Sandhya Ramakrishnan (Resident, Baldwin)
Sandhya is a lifelong user of public transit, and an actuary based in Baldwin. Passionate about access to a more efficient and reliant transportation system, Sandhya looks forward to reaching out to the community for feedback and advice for the committee.

The following eight members have made continual, valuable contributions to the advisory committee and will be able to continue important work of this advisory committee.

1. Arthur Strang (Resident, West Cambridge)
Arthur is a resident of the western edge of Cambridge and member of many organizations. Arthur is currently interested in bus priority and equitable access to housing, markets, parks, and schools. Arthur has been an active contributor to the Advisory Committee since being appointed in 2015.

2. Bill McAvinney (Resident, The Port)
Bill has been riding the T his entire life and is a resident of Central Square. Since becoming car free in 2006 he has become more and more interested in policy decisions around public transit and in the role those decisions play in averting climate change. He is interested in how public transit decisions make our community more or less equitable. Bill has been an active contributor to the Advisory Committee since being appointed in 2019.

3. Devin Chausse (Institutional representative, Cambridge Housing Authority)
Devin is a Project Manager in the Planning & Development Department at the Cambridge Housing Authority. Outside of his work at the CHA, Devin has a strong interest in advocating for equitable public transit services, statewide, that effectively meet the needs of riders. Devin has been an active contributor to the Advisory Committee and subcommittees since being appointed in 2015.

4. Jackson Moore-Otto (Advocacy representative, TransitMatters)
Jackson is a representative of TransitMatters, a regional public transit advocacy organization. In previous work as an employee of TransitMatters, he has worked on regional rail, bus electrification, and intercity rail initiatives. He is interested in how better public policy around transit can increase economic growth, cut emissions, and shape a more equitable and democratic society. Jackson has been an active contributor to the Advisory Committee, including presenting at the committee, since being appointed in 2021.

5. Jim Gascoigne (Institutional representative, Charles River TMA)
Jim is the executive director at the Charles River Transportation Management Association. He serves as treasurer on the executive committee at MassCommute. He holds an M.A. in urban and environmental design from Tufts University. Jim has been an active contributor, including presenting to the committee, to the Advisory Committee since being appointed in 2013.

6. Katherine Rafferty (Institutional representative, Mount Auburn Hospital)
Katherine is Director of Community Affairs at Mount Auburn Hospital and a lifelong resident of Cambridge. She has served on the TAC since it was established. She is concerned about access to the main campus and offsite locations for employees, patients and visitors of MAH. Katherine has been an active contributor to the Advisory Committee since being appointed in 2013.

7. Melissa Zampitella (Institutional representative, Alewife TMA)
Melissa is the Executive Director of the Alewife Transportation Management Association (Alewife TMA), a non-profit organization that provides shuttles and other transportation program geared at reducing single occupant driving. Melissa has been an active contributor to the Advisory Committee, including presenting to the committee, since being appointed in 2017.

8. Pete Septoff (Resident, Mid-Cambridge)
Pete is a mechanical engineer specializing in environmental wastewater issues and part-time film-maker living in Central Square. After living part time in the Netherlands, he quickly became aware that better integration of various modes of transportation lead to a huge improvement in quality of life and ease of travel compared to the car-centric planning of most American cities. He is a volunteer at Cambridge Public Schools, and a contributor to CCTV Cambridge. Bill has been an active contributor to the Advisory Committee since being appointed in 2021.

I appreciate the willingness of these community members to serve and look forward to their contributions as members of the Transit Advisory Committee.

3. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to PO24#154, regarding the City’s Sanctuary/Trust Act City status, the protections provided by the 2020 Welcoming Community Ordinance, and the importance of ensuring non-citizens are treated with dignity and respect. (CM25#14) [text of report]
pulled by Siddiqui; comments by Siddiqui, Carolina Almonte (Comm. on Immigrant Rights & Citizenship), Simmons, McGovern, Toner (asks what may be coming), Yi-An Huang, Megan Bayer (Law Department), Sobrinho-Wheeler, Nolan (notes possibility of loss of federal funding), Simmons, McGovern (on what City cannot do), Wilson; Placed on File 9-0

CM25#14     Jan 27, 2025
To the Honorable, the City Council:

Please find the attached response to PO24#154 regarding the City’s Sanctuary/Trust Act City status, the protections provided by the 2020 Welcoming Community Ordinance, and the importance of ensuring non-citizens are treated with dignity and respect, from Carolina Almonte, Executive Director Commission on Immigrant Rights, and Citizenship, and Megan Bayer, City Solicitor.

Very truly yours,
Yi-An Huang
City Manager

4. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to an update on negotiations with Harvard University regarding PILOT payments. (CM25#15)
pulled by Toner; updates by Yi-An Huang (50 year agreement in 2004, City option to terminate at end of 20 years, 1 year extension in Sept 2023, expired at end of 2024), Harvard now negotiating in good faith, many changes over 20 years, expectation of increased commitment from Harvard, proposals have been exchanged but still being negotiated, issue of how to value in-kind contributions, seek agreement by July 2025, existing agreement was $4.7 million PILOT in 2024); comments/questions by Toner (asks if we need to terminate the existing agreement); Huang notes one extension already, acknowledges risk of losing current PILOT funding, notes that it is interest of both Harvard and the City to come to an agreement; Sobrinho-Wheeler wants increased PILOT w/o counting in in-kind contributions, prefers shorter (20-year) term; Wilson asks who is involved in the negotiations, what happens if no agreement by July, status of MIT PILOT agreement (50-year agreement with no opt-out provision); Siddiqui emphasizes priorities for PILOT $ (does she want to earmark?); Azeem suggests City has leverage via zoning, I-90 project (is he suggesting quid-pro-quo?), wants more graduate student housing; Nolan says in-kind should not be valued in PILOT but also calls it critically important, also suggests that PILOT $ have earmarks for Council priorities; Zusy emphasizes graduate student housing; McGovern concerns about withholding in-kind contributions, esp. w.r.t schools, notes that you cannot force graduate students to live on campus and rent levels in graduate student housing needs to be attractive, old Vellucci story of taking Harvard Yard by eminent domain and turning it into parking; Owen O’Riordan notes that a major sewer line goes under Widener Library; Placed on File 9-0

5. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to an updated drought regulation ordinance. (CM25#16) [text of report]
pulled by Toner; Nolan comments; Mark Gallagher (Managing Director, Water Dept.) comments; Zusy comments, notes email from Nicolai Cauchy re: water levels; Simmons concerned about gender-neutral language; comments by Megan Bayer re: proposed fine schedule; Referred to Ordinance Committee 9-0

CM25#16     Jan 27, 2025
To the Honorable, the City Council:

On January 20, 2023, the Department of Environmental Protection (“DEP”) amended regulations under the Water Management Act, which requires the City of Cambridge to restrict nonessential outdoor water uses during a drought declaration by the Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs. To be in compliance with DEP regulations, the City must establish enforceable drought restrictions no later than April 5, 2025, under the 310 CMR §36.07.

To ensure compliance with the amended regulations, the Law Department and Water Department have reviewed relevant sections of the Cambridge Municipal Code. The Law Department and Water Department propose amending Chapter 13.08, Water System Regulations and Chapter 13.12, Water Reservoirs. We will present other proposed amendments to the Code of Ordinances in the future, as some of the sections that relate to the City’s water system and Water Department are outdated.

The proposed amendments to the Code will provide a comprehensive and effective response to drought conditions and ensure the City complies with the DEP amended regulations under the Water Management Act. The attached ordinance amendment text will:

• Clarify when the City will enact nonessential water restrictions

• Clarify what water uses will be restricted

• Clarify how the City will notify residents of the restrictions as well as the termination of such restrictions

• Clarify how the City will enforce penalties.

I recommend that the City Council refer the attached text to the Ordinance Committee, after which it can be considered for adoption by the City Council.

Yi-An Huang
City Manager

6. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to changes in the Animal Commission ordinance regarding a fee increase. (CM25#17) [text of report]
pulled by Siddiqui; comments by McGovern re: reduced fees for seniors; Owen O’Riordan and Christina Correia (Animal Commission) comments; Nolan comments; Siddiqui motion to amend Municipal Code Adopted 9-0; Pass Proposed Fee Schedule to 2nd Reading (w/motion to Reconsider - Fails 0-9)

7. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 24-54, regarding a review of Curb Cut Policies. (CM25#18) [text of report]
pulled by Toner w/hope that Council can be removed from process entirely and completely a staff decision; Megan Bayer notes that there is no legal requirement for abutter feedback; Kathy Watson (DPW) notes proposed process and proposal role of City Council only an case of an appeal; Azeem agrees that there should be no City Council role, no appeal mechanism; Nolan, Sobrinho-Wheeler concur; Megan Bayer explains that the delegation of power should be done via ordinance, suggest referral to Gov’t Operations because language not yet drafted; Toner Referral to Gov’t Operations Adopted 9-0

8. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 24-31 regarding an update to the Municipal Facilities Improvement Plan (MFIP) including revised cost estimates to help inform the FY26 and ongoing capital budget priorities. (CM25#19) [text of report]
pulled by Zusy w/questions about $23.5 million for Windsor Street and status of Kennedy-Longfellow building; Owen O’Riordan that there will be no students at K-Lo next year, expect $50 million on schools over next 5 years including $10-12 million toward K-Lo building, to be part of this year’s budget hearings; First Street project (parking garage) expected; Placed on File 9-0

9. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 24-60 regarding federal grant funding. (CM25#20) [text of report]
pulled by Siddiqui for comments; Zusy comments re: difficulties of contractors doing Cambridge projects (lay-down areas, parking challenges); comments by Chris Cotter re: off-site construction, role of MAPC; Placed on File 9-0

10. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to potential amendments to required setbacks for additions and alterations to existing buildings in the Multifamily Housing Zoning Petitions. (CM25#21) [text of report]
pulled by Siddiqui; Committee Report #3 also taken up (9-0); Committee Report #3 Accepted, Placed on File 9-0; McGovern lays out proposed amendments and votes; on Petition #1 setback amendments for existing buildings, comments by Siddiqui, Azeem, Toner, Jeff Roberts (CDD), Amendment Adopted 9-0; on amendment re: procedures and abutter feedback for projects not requiring a special permit, comments by Sobrinho-Wheeler (wants to limit legal recourse for abutters), Megan Bayer, JSW wants to table this and replace “abutters” to “abutting homeowners and renters”, Megan Bayer explains, McGovern suggests JSW exercise his Charter Right; Nolan notes that any building permit can be challenged, notes that this only requires people to listen to feedback; Toner concurs re: right to challenge and Bayer agrees but notes new restrictions in state law to baseless challenges; Toner notes that there is no majority vote here to allow legal challenge, cautions against extending right to challenge to anyone who feels aggrieved; Charter Right by JSW on this amendment; on amendment decreasing heights from 4 to 3 stories and 6 for inclusionary projects; Wilson aligns with JSW re: DSA “3+3” proposal without any minimum land area, notes her history growing up in public housing, advocates more public housing, calls support for “3+3” “overwhelming” (which is ridiculous); JSW concurs re: “3+3” proposal, claims it would yield more market rate and subsidized housing, notes his opposition to lot size limitations, objects to suggestion to delay this, claims that of all new housing other that AHO projects only 1% is “affordable”, says these changes would provide affordable units in 60% of projects; Nolan supports “3+3” amendment even without the proposed lot size limitations, will vote to ordain this proposal; Azeem will not support “3+3” proposal “in spirit of compromise”; Toner will not support “3+3” proposal, notes that developers suggest this would only yield 3-deckers being torn down and replaced by single-family homes, notes public objection to 6-stories on all residential lots; Zusy feels MFH proposal is problematic and will not make housing more affordable, will create havoc in neighborhoods, make homeowners feel vulnerable, notes failure of similar changes in other cities, willing to support “3+3” proposal rather than “4+2” suggesting less backlash; Siddiqui comments on CDD projections, says whatever we pass is better than the status quo, housing developers OK w/“4+2”; Simmons says “4+2” language represents compromise, says CDD estimates 3500 new homes over next 15 years including 660 income-restricted homes; McGovern on “affordable housing piece”, notes rationale of doing AHO first (which sounds like a restatement of the stated ABC strategy), extols virtue of increasing inclusionary percentage to 20%, suggests that proposal primarily about middle-income housing, dismisses suggestion that 6-story buildings would appear on a tiny lot but then suggests it would happen w/o the restriction on lot size, says the “3+3” proposal would add in 15 years produce 550 more housing units and 260 more inclusionary units, says we can make up those numbers by going very tall in Squares and Corridors and even taller with AHO projects, will oppose “3+3” amendment; Zusy says some developers believe 5000 sq ft minimum requirement might not be necessary, suggests this might be rescinded when a 6-story building appears on a street with 2½ stories; Melissa Peters suggests that either option will be impactful in terms of number of units produced “in a positive direction”; Wilson comments suggesting that “the community” supports 3+3; AW,JSW “3+3” amendment Fails 4-5 (PN,JSW,AW,CZ-Yes; BA,MM,SS,PT,DS-No); Nolan comments on Squares and Corridors, etc., bemoans lack of Planning Board advice on petitions; Petition #1 Passed to 2nd Reading 8-1 (Zusy-No); Petition #2 Passed to 2nd Reading 8-1 (Zusy-No); Reconsideration of #1 and #2 Fails 0-9; Placed on File 9-0.

1. That the City Council go on record urging Eversource to prioritize considerations and implement them wherever possible as part of the Greater Cambridge Energy Program.   Mayor Simmons, Councillor Toner, Vice Mayor McGovern (PO25#3)
pulled by Toner; Toner urges Eversource to work with unions, reads statement by Eversource that no contracts have yet been awarded and that any contract will follow best practices; Order Adopted 9-0

2. That the City Manager is requested to report back to the City Council with a update on the status and timeline for the completion of the Grand Junction Multi-use Path and how implementation between Gore Street and Little Binney could coincide with Phase 2 of the CSO implementation on Cambridge Street.   Councillor Toner, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Siddiqui, Councillor Wilson, Councillor Zusy, Mayor Simmons (PO25#4)
pulled by Toner; add all councillors as sponsors; Order Adopted as Amended 9-0

3. City Council opposition to Congressional Voter-Suppression SAVE Bill.   Councillor Nolan, Mayor Simmons, Councillor Wilson, Councillor Siddiqui (PO25#5)
Order Adopted 9-0

4. That the City Manager is requested to direct the Traffic, Parking and Transportation Department to install “Bicycles Must Yield” signs along the Linear Park Parkway, Russell Field, Cambridge Commons, and any other shared use pathway determined appropriate by the City Manager and staff.   Councillor Toner, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Zusy, Councillor Wilson (PO25#6)
pulled by Sobrinho-Wheeler; Toner, Nolan, Zusy, Sobrinho-Wheeler comments; Charter Right - Sobrinho-Wheeler

5. That the City Manager is requested to work with relevant City departments to develop zoning recommendations, pursuant to M.G.L. c.40A §9B, for regulations to encourage the use of solar energy systems and protect solar access for Registered Solar Energy Systems that have been in existence for one year, per Ordinance Ch. 22.60, specifically on structures over 4 stories.   Councillor Nolan, Councillor Siddiqui, Councillor Toner, Councillor Wilson, Councillor Zusy (PO25#7)
pulled by Azeem; Nolan explains how this Order came about, add Wilson, Zusy as sponsors 9-0; Azeem asks for examples, Melissa Peters (CDD) responds; Order Adopted as Amended 9-0

6. The City Council Amend Petition One, Section 5.40, Footnote (2) to add paragraph (c) to read: (c) If the building does not require a Planning Board Advisory Consultation per Section 19.40 of this Zoning Ordinance and does not require any special permit from the Planning Board, then before applying for a building permit, the applicant shall schedule an in-person or virtual meeting to answer questions and gather feedback from abutters and shall prepare a notification including, at a minimum, a general description of the project, the date, time, location, and other information necessary for people to attend the meeting, and contact information (telephone and e-mail, at minimum) for the developer and shall provide that notification by mail to abutters, owners of land directly opposite on any public or private street or way, and abutters to the abutters within three hundred feet of the property line of the lot, and to others whom the applicant may choose to contact, and shall include with the building permit application a copy of the notification and mailing list, a summary of the meeting, who attended, and what questions and feedback were received.   Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Toner, Councillor Siddiqui, Councillor Wilson
Charter Right - Sobrinho-Wheeler

1. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $2,500,000, from Free Cash, to the Finance Department Other Ordinary Maintenance account ($1,500,000), and to the Finance Department Extraordinary Expenditures account ($1,000,000), to support the continued operation and needed capital and equipment improvements to Neville Center, a 5-star skilled nursing facility with 112 beds, which is part of Neville Communities Inc. [Charter Right – Nolan, Jan 6, 2025] (CM25#2)
McGovern says “charter-written”, Nolan says “charter-wrote” (Sheesh, do they understand the English language?); Nolan goes on about financial details, concerns about high interest rate and profit by Rockland Trust, etc., wants to bifurcate vote into $1.5 million and $1 million votes; Toner asks what would happen if Council did not support this, Chair of Neville Board notes that this would make things difficult; Zusy wonders why Neville didn’t get any ARPA funds, etc.; Solicitor says it’s OK to bifurcate vote; $1.5 million appropriation from Free Cash (for debt service) Adopted 8-1 (Nolan-No); $1 million appropriation from General Fund (for capital improvements) Adopted 9-0; Reconsideration Fails 0-9.

CM25#2     Jan 6, 2025
To the Honorable, the City Council:

I am hereby requesting an appropriation in the amount of $2,500,000, from Free Cash, to the General Fund Finance Department Other Ordinary Maintenance account ($1,500,000), and to the General Fund Finance Department Extraordinary Expenditures account ($1,000,000), to support the continued operation and needed capital and equipment improvements to Neville Center, a 5-star skilled nursing facility with 112 beds, which is part of Neville Communities Inc.

Neville has been an important community asset in Cambridge for nearly 100 years. In 1928, the City of Cambridge built the Neville Manor Nursing Home and operated it as a municipal nursing home until 1996, when it was transferred to the newly formed Cambridge Public Health Commission (Cambridge Health Alliance). In 1999, in response to operating challenges, the City, the Housing Authority and the Health Alliance joined forces to propose legislation that would create an affordable continuum of housing and care for the Cambridge community. Enacted in 1999 by the state Legislature, Chapter 42 of the Acts of 1999 (the “Neville Act”), authorized the redevelopment of the Neville Manor building as an affordable assisted living facility and the construction of a new nursing home. The legislation requires that both the assisted living facility (Neville Place) and the nursing home (Neville Center) be subject to affordability covenants. In addition, the act requires that Neville be controlled by a public entity or entities. The Board of Directors of Neville is made up of appointees from the City, the Affordable Housing Trust, the Health Alliance, and the Housing Authority.

The assisted living and skilled nursing facilities opened in 2001. Neville Place, a 77 unit assisted living facility, provides various levels of care, including life enrichment programs and a holistic approach to memory care. Fifty-seven apartments are reserved for low- and moderate-income individuals. Neville Center is a 5-star rated skilled nursing facility with 112 beds. The facility provides short- and long-term care and dementia/memory care services. For nearly 20 years (2001 -2020), Neville was able to manage positive bottom lines to support its ongoing operations and capital needs. However, the COVID-19 pandemic exposed Neville’s fragile finances, especially on the skilled nursing side. Reimbursement rates have not covered the cost of care, especially as wages and other expenses skyrocketed during and after the pandemic.

During the past year, City staff and representatives of the Neville Board have met periodically to discuss the financial issues facing Neville. As we presented at the May 23, 2024, City Council Health and Environment Committee meeting, the most pressing issue has been the refinancing of an existing $13.8 million loan with Rockland Trust that initially matured in 2023. The Neville Board requested support from the City Manager in working with Rockland Trust to negotiate a sustainable restructuring of the loan. During the past year, representatives of the Neville Board, as well as the City Manager and members of his staff met with Rockland Trust to discuss and negotiate loan terms. These discussions resulted in Rockland agreeing to continue to finance the loan and to offer loan terms that are more sustainable for Neville, including a 30-year amortization schedule, a 10-year loan period, and a lower interest rate than Rockland originally proposed.

While the new loan terms resulted in lower monthly debt service payments, the level of debt remains high, and these payments are still a significant monthly expense for Neville. In addition, the skilled nursing facility faces capital expenses related to deferred maintenance needs and equipment replacement that it does not have the capacity to fund at this time. Given these issues, the Neville Board has requested $2.5 million from the City. Neville proposes to use $1.5 million of the funds to reduce the outstanding loan principal and $1.0 million to support capital expenses, maintenance and equipment needs of Neville Center. The reduction of outstanding debt would benefit Neville in reduced principal payments and the overall cost of interest both monthly and over the loan term. As part of the loan negotiations, Rockland agreed to lower the interest rate by 1% as compared to what was originally proposed if the principal is reduced by $1.5 million. This will result in an overall savings of approximately $2.3 million in interest expenses over the 10-year loan term.

I am recommending that the City Council appropriate $2.5 million to support the request from the Neville Board. The Neville continues to be an important community asset for Cambridge, providing both affordable assisted living and high-quality skilled nursing care.

As of January 6, 2025, the City’s Free Cash balance is $233,151,653.

Very truly yours,
Yi-An Huang
City Manager

1. Request has been received from Mike Kimball representing Bank of America, regarding Revocation of Bond #14BSBDG6280 for Bank of America, 600 Technology Square. Response from the Inspectional Services Department has been received confirming said sign has been removed. (AP25#2)
Order Adopted 9-0

2. An application was received from Mahmood Firouzbakht, requesting permission for a curb cut at the premises numbered 38 Hubbard Avenue; said petition has received approval from Inspectional Services, Traffic, Parking and Transportation, Historical Commission and Public Works. No response has been received from the neighborhood association. (AP25#3)
Order Adopted 9-0

3. An application was received from Stuart Pitchel representing Petunia, requesting permission for a projecting sign at the premises numbered 73 Mount Auburn Street approval has been received from Inspectional Services, Department of Public Works, Community Development Department and abutter. (AP25#4)
Order Adopted 9-0

4. An application was received from Xin Shangguan representing TOO HOT, requesting permission for a projecting sign at the premises numbered 16 Eliot Street approval has been received from Inspectional Services, Department of Public Works, Community Development Department and abutter. (AP25#5)
Order Adopted 9-0

1. Carolyn Shipley, regarding WHY Does the City Council want to Prevent the use of SOLAR PANELS.

2. Andrey Fradkin, regarding Please end exclusionary zoning.

3. Annie Brewster, regarding Coolidge Hill_ Don’t Let Developers Write the Zoning Laws (5).

4. Arthur Moore, regarding opposes building measure.

5. Arti Pandey, regarding Please vote NO on citywide upzoning petition (4).


7. Barbara Appignani, regarding Housing proposals.

8. Ben Tyler, regarding Thank you for working towards citywide multi-family zoning.

9. Betsy, regarding housing, zoning.

10. Camilla Elvis, regarding Support Current Housing Compromise.

11. Chris Hopkins, regarding Support for Zoning Reform.

12. Conleigh Byers, regarding Support for inclusionary zoning.

13. Constance Gavin, regarding PO#1, GARDEN STREET.

14. Crystal Leslie, regarding Vote NO on citywide upzoning petition.

15. Dan Phillips, regarding Nearly 400 people signed a petition in support of allowing apartments city-wide.

16. Dan Totten, regarding supporting Unfinished Business #1.

17. Donald Grossman, regarding Anti-Plan - Anti-Vax.

18. Ethan Frank, regarding Trees (support for 30% open space)


20. Heather Hoffman, regarding your sole policy order tonight remains absolute gobbledygook.

21. Helen Abraham, regarding Vote NO on citywide upzoning petition (1).

22. Ira Nichols-Barrer, regarding support for multifamily rezoning.

23. Jane Williams, regarding Oning.

24. Jason Alves, regarding CM#1 and CSO Amendments.

25. Joshua Hartshorne, regarding No further delays to bike lanes!

26. Kimberly M. Rhoten, regarding Unfinished Business #1_ Fair Housing Family Structure and Relationship Status.

27. Laura (Hale) Brannon, regarding End exclusionary zoning.

28. Lee Rosenthal, regarding Cambridge resident in support of upzoning proposal.

29. Lisa Glover, regarding Please vote NO on citywide upzoning petition (2).

30. Margaret D Carroll, regarding Coolidge Hill_ Don’t Let Developers Write the Zoning Laws.

31. Mark Kon, regarding strong concerns about the direction of Cambridge.

32. Michael Millner, regarding Zoning Changes.

33. Nicolaï Cauchy, regarding Opposition to up-zoning + WATER!!!

34. Paul E. Fallon, regarding In Support of Zoning Proposal!

35. Peter Crawley, regarding Oppose the proposed City-wide Multi-family Up-zoning Ordinance.

36. Quinton Zondervan, regarding Please ordain anti-discrimination Ordinance tonight!

37. Sara Mae Berman, regarding Please vote NO on citywide upzoning petition (3).

38. Susan McDonald, regarding More about Broadway.

39. Young Kim, regarding City Manager Agenda Item#8 & PO#1 re: Multifamily Housing Petitions.

40. Young Kim, regarding Urgent Request re City Can’t take these kinds of questionable actions in a rush to pass MFH Petitions.

41. Shana Ashar, regarding Support for the Multifamily Housing Ordinance.

42. Young Kim, regarding Could you please explain 1/16 Ordinance Committee Meeting Agenda Packet.

43. chickpea.fritter23, regarding Support end of exclusionary zoning.

44. Amanda Beatty, regarding Questions about CPP in advance of the roundtable.

45. Asha Daniere, regarding Thoughts on 2000 sf limit.

46. Jadyn Damon, regarding Feedback, Thoughts on Universal Preschool - Special Education.

47. Susan McDonald, regarding more on Broadway.

48. Caroline Desbordes, regarding Housing policy.

49. Elizabeth D. Hodder, regarding new housing ordinance.

50. David Hattis, regarding In support of 4+2.

51. Sally Edmonds, regarding multi-story rezoning.

52. Lida Griffin, regarding Feedback on the University Kindergarten Program.

53. Hirschy Zarchi, regarding For the City Council.

54. Esther Grunblatt, regarding Multifamily Housing Proposal.

55. Brian Conway, regarding Multifamily Up-Zone Housing Proposal.

56. Kimberly Simonsen, regarding multiple story re-zoning.

57. Leigh Needleman, regarding NO on multi-story re-zoning.

58. A.M. Kubilius, regarding NO on the current citywide rezoning petition.

59. Jan Devereux, regarding oppose Multi-Family Zoning Petition.

60. Harold J. Bursztajn, regarding Please vote NO on citywide upzoning petition.

61. Tom Rawson, regarding Please vote NO on citywide upzoning petition.

62. Susan Strang, regarding Please vote NO on citywide upzoning petition.

63. Julie Vargas, regarding Please vote NO on citywide upzoning petition.

64. Martha C Kingsbury, regarding Please vote NO on citywide upzoning petition.

65. Mimi Truslow, regarding Please vote NO on citywide upzoning petition.

66. Anne Lowell, regarding Please vote NO on citywide upzoning petition.

67. Beverly Reifman, regarding Please vote NO on citywide upzoning petition.

68. Nance Goldstein, regarding Please vote NO on citywide upzoning petition.

69. Marjorie Hilton, regarding Please vote NO on citywide upzoning petition.

70. Elena Lori, regarding Please vote NO on citywide upzoning petition.

71. Debbie Monosson, regarding Please vote NO on citywide upzoning petition.

72. Barbara Antony, regarding Please vote NO on citywide upzoning petition.

73. Nan Laird, regarding Please vote NO on citywide upzoning petition.

74. Fritz Mueller, regarding Please vote NO on citywide upzoning petition.

75. Susan Pharr, regarding Please vote NO on citywide upzoning petition.

76. Peter Wilson, regarding Please vote NO on citywide upzoning petition.

77. Susan Lapides, regarding Please vote NO on citywide upzoning petition.

78. Michelle Seligson, regarding Please vote NO on citywide upzoning petition.

79. Robin Greeley, regarding Please vote NO on citywide upzoning petition.

80. Renie Herman, regarding Please vote NO on citywide upzoning petition.

81. Joel Altstein, regarding Please vote NO on citywide upzoning petition.

82. Wilder Fleming, regarding Please vote YES on citywide upzoning petition.

83. Kolleen Burbank, regarding Support for Multifamily Housing Ordinance.

84. Kavi Gupta, regarding Please vote yes on the rezoning ordinance.

85. Deneen Crosby, regarding Council zoning petitions.

86. Andrew Ray, regarding Current Multifamily Zoning Proposal.

87. William Bloomstein, regarding Vote NO on citywide upzoning petition.

88. Laura Blacklow, regarding Vote NO on upzoning petition.

89. McKelden Smith, regarding STRONG NO on upzoning.

90. Ellie Muter, regarding Please vote NO on citywide upzoning petition (2).

91. Nancy Carpenter, regarding Please vote NO on citywide upzoning petition.

92. Ewa Lajer-Burcharth, regarding Please vote NO on citywide upzoning petition.

93. Jane Huang, regarding 4 story housing measure.

94. Carmel O’Reilly, regarding Please vote NO on citywide upzoning petition.

95. Gordon Moore, regarding the previously protected borderline between Avenues and Squares and their abutting lower-zoned neighborhoods is breached in the proposed multifamily residential zoning.

96. Michael Rogove, regarding Ordinance Committee - thank you ahead of votes.

97. Pamela A. Thomure, regarding Garden Street.

98. Terry Crystal, regarding BROADWAY BIKE LANES ARE BAD IDEA.

99. Gordon Moore, regarding Multifamily residential zoning petition.

100. Alexander Weiss, regarding Support for Multifamily Housing Citywide.

101. Crystal Leslie, regarding Please vote NO on citywide upzoning petition (1).

102. Fred-Rick Schermer, regarding LR News, New York Times article.

103. Liz Byron Loya, regarding MFH Proposal- Need for solar protections.

104. Amos Denny, regarding Please vote NO on citywide upzoning petition.

105. Arti Pandey, regarding Please vote NO on citywide upzoning petition.

106. Robert Camacho, regarding upzoning proposal.

107. William Graham, regarding zoning proposal.

108. Marilee Meyer, regarding AUSTIN TX video- worth a look again.

109. Suzanne Blier, regarding Critical upzoning changes before a vote.

110. Suzanne Blier, regarding Charter Review & voting option.

111. Julie Heck, regarding Plea.

112. Stuart Gedal, regarding Please vote NO on citywide upzoning petition.

113. Elizabeth Van Ranst, regarding Upzoning.

114. Young Kim, regarding Ordinance Committee Recommendation and CM report on Multifamily Housing Zoning Petitions.

1. Congratulations to Helen Gibbons on her retirement from the Cambridge Health Alliance.   Councillor Toner, Mayor Simmons

2. Congratulations to Judith Rolph on her retirement from the Cambridge Health Alliance.   Councillor Toner, Mayor Simmons

3. Congratulations to Jan Snyder on her retirement from the Cambridge Health Alliance.   Councillor Toner, Mayor Simmons

4. Thanks to Iram Farooq for her 25 years of commitment, service, and leadership at the City of Cambridge Community Development Department and best wishes as she joins Harvard University.   Councillor Siddiqui, Mayor Simmons, Councillor Wilson
pulled early by Siddiqui; comments by Siddiqui, Azeem, Nolan, Sobrinho-Wheeler, Toner, Zusy, Wilson, McGovern, Simmons, Yi-An Huang, Iram Farooq; all councillors added as sponsors; Adopted as Amended 9-0

R-4     Jan 27, 2025

WHEREAS: After 25 years of service at the City of Cambridge, Iram Farooq has stepped down from her role at the City as Assistant City Manager for Community Development, with her last day being January 24, 2025; and

WHEREAS: Iram has been a key leader and voice in the incredible growth, development, and transformation of Cambridge since joining the City in 1999 as a Senior Project Manager for Land Use & Zoning, later advancing to Chief of Policy & Planning in 2013, and ultimately to Assistant City Manager for Community Development in 2015; and

WHEREAS: She played a pivotal role in overseeing the development of our neighborhoods including Kendall Square, Cambridge Crossing, and Alewife, fostering vibrant mixeduse communities and contributing to the creation of thousands of new homes; and

WHEREAS: Iram has been a leader in Cambridge’s climate work, spearheading initiatives such as green building standards, green zoning, the development of the Net Zero Action Plan, the passage of BEUDO (Building Energy Use Disclosure Ordinance) 1.0 in 2015 and 2.0 in 2023, and the creation of the Resilient Cambridge roadmap, ensuring a sustainable and forward-thinking approach to urban development; and

WHEREAS: Iram’s leadership extended to housing policy, including the development and implementation of the Affordable Housing Overlay 1.0 and 2.0, which have been instrumental in creating and preserving affordable housing opportunities in Cambridge, as well as her ongoing work on the policy development for Multi-Family Housing citywide; and

WHEREAS: She has also overseen significant investments in small businesses and neighborhood commercial districts, advanced the City’s Supplier Diversity efforts, planned for Cambridge’s transportation future through the New Mobility Blueprint, and led initiatives to reimagine and improve open spaces, making Cambridge a more inclusive and dynamic community; and

WHEREAS: Her energetic work and creative spirit have touched all corners of the City of Cambridge, manifesting collaboration, efficiency, inclusion, engagement, and justice, among many values that have made this city shine nationally and beyond; and

WHEREAS: Iram’s work overseeing the City’s urban planning has left an indelible mark on Cambridge, influencing policies, programs, and infrastructure that will benefit residents for generations to come; and

WHEREAS: Iram’s next role takes her to back to Harvard University, where she received her Master’s Degree in Landscape Architecture with special emphasis on Land Planning, and where she will continue to serve the community as Managing Director of Campus Planning; now therefore be it

RESOLVED: That the City Council go on record thanking Iram Farooq for her commitment and service and wishing her the best of luck and continued success in her next role; and be it further

RESOLVED: That the City Clerk be and hereby is requested to forward a suitably engrossed copy of this resolution to Iram Farooq on behalf of the entire City Council.

5. Condolences on the death of Robert V. Travers.   Councillor Toner, Councillor Azeem, Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Siddiqui, Councillor Wilson, Councillor Zusy, Mayor Simmons
pulled by Toner; add all councillors as sponsors; Resolution Adopted 9-0 as Amended

R-5     Jan 27, 2025

WHEREAS: The City Council was deeply saddened at learning of the death of Robert V. Travers, Sr. on January 15, 2025, at the age of 89; and

WHEREAS: Robert was the devoted husband of the late Mary Travers and the father of Robert V. Travers, Jr.; and

WHEREAS: Bob was the loving brother-in-law of Johnny and his wife Mary, brother of the late Joseph and his wife Helen and Barbara and her husband William; and

WHEREAS: Bob’s passing leaves a void in the lives of his surviving family members, including caring nieces and nephews, and

WHEREAS: Bob was a proud resident of East Cambridge and an active member of numerous community and civic organizations, including The Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a catholic lay organization that helps those less fortunate; and also a recipient of the 2009 Cheverus Award from the Archdioceses of Boston, given to laypeople who have served their parish well over an extended period of time and have done so in a quiet, unassuming and perhaps unrecognized fashion; and

WHEREAS: Bob worked for Harvard University for 36 years as a custodian, security and parking officer and was one of the founding members and president of the Harvard University Security Guard Union, Local 254; and

WHEREAS: Bob will be sorely missed by all he touched and loved; now therefore be it

RESOLVED: That the City Council go on record extending its deepest sympathy for the family of Robert V. Travers, Sr. at this time of such personal loss; and be it further

RESOLVED: That the City Clerk be and hereby is requested to forward a suitably engrossed copy of this resolution to the Travers family on behalf of the entire City Council.

6. Condolences on the death of Henry Edward (Ted) Tierney.   Councillor Toner, Vice Mayor McGovern

R-6     Jan 27, 2025

WHEREAS: The City Council was deeply saddened to learn of the death of Henry Edward (Ted) Tierney on January 15, 2025, at the age of 84; and

WHEREAS: Ted was the beloved son of the late Dr. Henry E. Tierney and Pauline Tierney and the dear brother of the late Timothy; and

WHEREAS: Ted was the cherished husband of Mary (Winbourne) for 56 years; loving father to Brian, Matt and Sean and their spouses/partners; and adored grandfather to Rory and Saoirse; and

WHEREAS: Ted’s passing will leave a void in the lives of all his surviving family, including his brothers Peter and Paul and their spouses, and many nieces, nephews, family and friends; and

WHEREAS: Born and raised in West Cambridge, Ted lived his entire life on Appleton St. where he was fondly known as one of the “neighborhood guys,” always with a smile on his face and story to tell; and

WHEREAS: In his youth, Ted spent summers and holidays at the Sterling Inn in Sterling, Massachusetts which was originally owned and operated by his late grandfather David, and later by his late uncle Ralph; and

WHEREAS: Ted graduated from Cambridge Latin High School, and proudly served as team manager for the 1958 MIAA State Ice Hockey Championship Team, which was inducted to the Cambridge Athletics Hall of Fame in 2012; and

WHEREAS: Ted dedicated over 30 years of his career as a salesman for United Liquors and Martignetti Companies, earning the nickname “Mr. Wine Man” and sometimes “Howard” from his work friends and customers; and

WHEREAS: In his later years, Ted was happiest when visiting Maine’s mid-coast, where he was surrounded by his brothers and their families, sharing lobsters at Round Pond or visiting the Pemaquid Point Lighthouse in Bristol, ME; and

WHEREAS: Ted will be sorely missed by all he touched and loved; now therefore be it

RESOLVED: That the City Council go on record extending its deepest sympathy for the family of Henry Edward “Ted” Tierney at this time of such personal loss; and be it further

RESOLVED: That the City Clerk be and hereby is requested to forward a suitably engrossed copy of this resolution to the Tierney family on behalf of the entire City Council.

7. Condolences to the family of Janet Rose.   Mayor Simmons
pulled by Simmons; Charter Right - Simmons (to add more details)

R-7     Jan 27, 2025  Charter Right - Simmons

WHEREAS: The City Council has learned with deep sadness of the passing of Janet Rose, a longtime resident of Cambridge, at the age of 92; and

WHEREAS: Janet Rose was a cherished member of the Cambridge community, whose presence enriched the lives of those around her; and

WHEREAS: Janet’s passing is a great loss to her family, friends, and all who had the privilege of knowing her; and

WHEREAS: The City Council wishes to extend its deepest sympathies to the family and loved ones of Janet Rose during this difficult time; now therefore be it

RESOLVED: That the City Council go on record expressing its sincere condolences to the family of Janet Rose for their tremendous loss; and be it further

RESOLVED: That the City Clerk be and hereby is requested to forward a suitably engrossed copy of this resolution to the family of Janet Rose on behalf of the entire City Council.

8. Resolution on the death of Sterling Zen Singletary.   Vice Mayor McGovern

9. Condolences on the death of Alfred Marazzo.   Councillor Toner

10. Condolences on the death of Robert Lenkauskas.   Councillor Toner

11. Condolences on the death of David Bertrand.   Councillor Toner

12. Resolution on the death of Ms. Joella Bieber.   Councillor Wilson, Mayor Simmons

1. The Neighborhood & Long Term Planning Committee held a public hearing on best practices for urban planning Wed, Jan 8, 2025. The meeting will feature MIT’s Chris Zegras Department Head of the Department of Urban Studies and Planning and Professor of Mobility and Urban Planning and Jeff Levine, Associate Professor of the Practice of Economic Development & Planning and Harvard’s Maurice Cox, the Emma Bloomberg Professor in Residence of Urban Planning and Design at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. [text of report]
Report Accepted; Placed on File 9-0
Present: Nolan, Zusy
Remote Present: Azeem, Siddiqui, Sobrinho-Wheeler
Also Present: Simmons, Toner, Wilson

2. The Ordinance Committee held a public hearing on Jan 8, 2025 to continue the discussion on two Multifamily Zoning petitions. [text of report] [communications]
Report Accepted; Placed on File 9-0
Present: McGovern, Nolan, Siddiqui, Toner, Wilson, Zusy
Remote Present: Azeem, Sobrinho-Wheeler, Simmons (late)

3. The Ordinance Committee met on Thurs, Jan 16, 2025, at 3:00pm to continue the discussion on Multifamily Zoning Petition Part One and Multifamily Zoning Petition Part Two. [text of report] [communications]
Petition #1 Passed to 2nd Reading as Amended 8-1 (Zusy-No); Petition #2 Passed to 2nd Reading 8-1 (Zusy-No); Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0; See Mgr #10.
Present: Azeem, McGovern, Nolan, Sobrinho-Wheeler, Toner, Wilson, Zusy, Simmons
Remote Present: Siddiqui

The Committee voted favorable to send Multifamily Zoning Petition Part One, as Amended, to the City Council with a RECOMMENDATION THAT IT BE PASSED TO A SECOND READING.
Petition #1 Passed to 2nd Reading as Amended 8-1 (Zusy-No)

a. Part 1 Ordinance 2025#1

c. Multifamily Housing Zoning Petition Part One
Passed to a Second Reading As Amended

d. Multifamily Housing Zoning Petition - Part One - Ordinance 2025-1 - First Publication (summary for newspaper)

f. Multifamily Petition - Part One - Ordinance 2025-1 - First Publication (full text)

The Committee voted favorable to send Multifamily Zoning Petition Part Two, as Amended, to the City Council with a RECOMMENDATION THAT IT BE PASSED TO A SECOND READING.
Petition #2 Passed to 2nd Reading 8-1 (Zusy-No)

a. Part 2 Ordinance 2025#2

c. Multifamily Housing Zoning Petition Part Two
Passed to a Second Reading

d. Multifamily Housing Zoning Petition - Part Two - Ordinance 2025-2 - First Publication (summary for newspaper)

f. Multifamily Petition - Part Two - Ordinance 2025-2 - First Publication (full text)

The Committee voted favorably to send CM24#207 to the City Council with a RECOMMENDATION THAT IT BE PLACED ON FILE.
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0

CM24#207 : A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 24-52, regarding draft zoning language based on the proposal discussed at the Housing Committee to eliminate exclusionary zoning and allow up to six stories of multifamily housing in all residential districts. [text of report]
Placed on File 9-0

a. COVER_Multifamily_Petition

b. CLEAN_Multifamily_Petition_One

c. CLEAN_Multifamily_Petition_Two

d. MARKUP_Multifamily_Petition_One

e. MARKUP_Multifamily_Petition_Two

f. MAP_Multifamily_CurrentZoning11x17

g. MAP_Multifamily_ProposedZoning11x17

The Committee voted favorably to send CDD’s response dated Jan 14, 2025, to the City Council with a RECOMMENDATION THAT IT BE PLACED ON FILE.
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0

COF25#8: A communication was received from Jeff Roberts, Director of Zoning and Development, transmitting a response to PO24#163 and PO25#1, regarding amendments to the Multifamily Housing Zoning Petitions. [text of report]
Placed on File 9-0

1. A communication from Diane LeBlanc, City Clerk, transmitting an update regarding legislative activity. (COF25#12)
Placed on File 9-0

2. A communication from City Solicitor Megan B. Bayer, transmitting a letter to the Council with a response to the Ortiz Open Meeting Law Complaint. (COF25#13)
City Solicitor authorized to take all necessary action, Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0

Mon, Jan 27
11:00am   A Special Committee of the Whole will hold a public hearing to resume the review and discussion of recommendations from the Charter Review Committee and any additional suggestions from the full City Council pertaining to the Cambridge City Charter. This public hearing is a continuation of the meeting that was recessed on Dec 9, 2024.
4:00pm   Special Meeting of the City Council to discuss strategy in preparation for negotiations with the City Manager relative to his contract. There will be public comment. At the conclusion of public comment, the City Council will move into Executive Session.
5:30pm   City Council Meeting

Tues, Jan 28
3:00pm   The Transportation and Public Utilities Committee will hold a public hearing to discuss inter-jurisdictional projects that are in play that may impact mobility in Cambridge. This discussion will build on CDD’s report of Nov 14, 2024 to the City Council (Awaiting Report 24-36).

Mon, Feb 3
5:30pm   City Council Meeting

Mon, Feb 10
5:30pm   City Council Meeting

Mon, Feb 24
5:30pm   City Council Meeting

Tues, Feb 25
11:30am   The Economic Development and University Relations Committee will hold a public hearing with the City Solicitor and the Community Development Department, Economic Opportunity Division, to discuss concerns with vacant store front in Cambridge, and prior efforts and possible options such as new policies, taxes, and/or fines to reduce the number of vacant store fronts in Cambridge.
3:00pm   The Neighborhood and Long-Term Planning, Public Facilities, Arts and Celebrations Committee will hold a public meeting to discuss tenant-paid broker fees and other housing fees and the options that the city and state government have to regulate them.

Thurs, Mar 20
3:00pm   The Economic Development and University Relations Committee will hold a public meeting from 3:00pm-5:00pm. This meeting will be a Cannabis Roundtable with cannabis businesses to discuss issues facing the retail cannabis industry in Cambridge and discuss potential changes, including adjustments to the current 1,800 foot buffer zones and introduction of social consumption.


O-1     Jan 27, 2025
WHEREAS: The Greater Cambridge Energy Program, overseen by Eversource and set to begin in early 2025, involves constructing a new substation in Kendall Square and installing duct banks to distribute energy across Cambridge, with an estimated cost of $1 billion over four years; and
WHEREAS: Middlesex Construction, one of the top bidders, has raised concerns regarding wage practices, including non-compliance with prevailing wage standards that reduce wages from $70 to $20 per hour, along with a lack of employer-provided health insurance, retirement plans, and the absence of Cambridge residents in their workforce of approximately 400 employees; and
WHEREAS: Cambridge’s local union halls represent nearly 1,000 tradesmen and tradeswomen, maintain registered apprenticeship programs with the Massachusetts Department of Labor, and have a proven ability to meet the City’s diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) goals, offering career pathways for young residents and ensuring a skilled, diverse workforce; and
WHEREAS: Union contractors provide family-supporting benefits, including mandatory employer-paid health insurance and defined benefit retirement plans, which offer affordable coverage and real retirement security, in contrast to unaffordable or optional plans that shift financial burdens onto workers; and
WHEREAS: The City of Cambridge is committed to upholding fair wages, workforce diversity, safe working conditions, and the use of union labor to ensure labor harmony, equitable labor standards, and workplace protections that empower workers to raise safety concerns without fear of retaliation, and it is very much hoped that this practice shall be utilized in the Greater Cambridge Energy Project; now therefore be it
ORDERED: That the City Council go on record urging Eversource to prioritize the following considerations and implement them wherever possible as part of the Greater Cambridge Energy Program:

Providing family-supporting wages and comprehensive benefits, including employer-paid health insurance and defined benefit retirement plans;

Prioritizing the hiring of Cambridge residents, particularly graduates of local vocational schools and registered apprenticeship programs, while utilizing the pool of nearly 1,000 tradesmen and tradeswomen available through local union halls, including Local 151;

Promoting workforce diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) goals to reflect the demographics of the Cambridge community;

Encouraging the use of union labor to ensure labor harmony, uphold high employment standards, and guarantee rigorous safety protocols with worker protections; and

Supporting apprenticeship programs that provide career pathways for young Cambridge residents and ensure a skilled and sustainable local workforce; and be it further

ORDERED: That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to ensure that the appropriate City staff work to enforce contractor compliance with the following requirements:

Adherence to the existing prevailing wage ordinance for all project-related labor;

Maintenance of consistent wage rates, prohibiting significant reductions when transitioning between projects;

Provision of comprehensive employer-paid benefits, including health insurance and defined retirement programs for all employees; and

Development of a clear local employment strategy, in collaboration with vocational schools, apprenticeship programs, and local union halls, to prioritize Cambridge residents for project employment;

and be it further
ORDERED: The City Manager be and hereby is requested to report back to the City Council on this matter in a timely manner; and be it further
ORDERED: The City Clerk be and hereby is requested to forward suitably engrossed copies of this order to Joseph Nolan, CEO of Eversource, and to Tony Pini of the Massachusetts Labor Union, on behalf of the entire City Council.

O-2     Jan 27, 2025 - amended

WHEREAS: The Grand Junction Multi-use Path has been discussed as far back as the 2000 Green Ribbon Open Space Study, and The Grand Junction Path has the potential to create new open space, connect neighborhoods to existing open space, schools, and the riverfront, and create safe biking options by connecting to a larger network of off-road bike paths; and
WHEREAS: The City Council has negotiated a significant amount of East Cambridge development mitigation around its creation; and
WHEREAS: Development and up zonings that have resulted in easements and land swaps include: Ames Street and Kendal Rooftop Garden (Boston Properties and CRA), Main Street upzoning (MIT), One Kendall Square and 399 Binney (DivcoWest), 325 Binney (Alexandria), as well as the Cambridge Housing Authority Millers River renovation; and
WHEREAS: The City has also received millions of mitigation funds to put towards study and design of the corridor (MIT) and an additional $10 million for design construction (Alexandria); now therefore be it
ORDERED: That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to report back to the City Council with a update on the status and timeline for the completion of the Grand Junction Multi-use Path and how implementation between Gore Street and Little Binney could coincide with Phase 2 of the CSO implementation on Cambridge Street.

O-3     Jan 27, 2025
WHEREAS: The Cambridge City Council strongly support the right to vote of all eligible citizens; and
WHEREAS: H.R. 22, the “SAVE Act” legislation recently made a top priority by Republicans in the new Congress, threatens to disenfranchise millions of American citizens by requiring citizenship documents to register to vote that many citizens – especially people of color and young people – do not have readily available; and
WHEREAS: This bill also threatens existing voters by requiring purges of alleged non-citizens without notice or due process, which other states’ experience shows will inevitably remove many eligible citizens from voter rolls; and
WHEREAS: This bill will also needlessly complicate election administration and impose intolerable burdens on election officials throughout the nation, without providing additional funding for a mandate that is sure to be expensive for states and localities, including the costs of extensive litigation; and
WHEREAS: This bill is a solution in search of a problem, since federal and state laws already punish non-citizens who vote in federal elections, and voting by non-citizens is negligible; now therefore be it
RESOLVED: That the Cambridge City Council strongly opposes the SAVE Act, calls on our U.S. Senators and Representatives to lead opposition efforts, and urges other cities to join us in opposition; and be it further
ORDERED: That the Clerk be and hereby is requested to forward a suitably engrossed copy of this resolution to Senators Warren and Markey, and Representatives Clark and Pressley on behalf of the entire City Council.

O-4     Jan 27, 2025 - Charter Right - Sobrinho-Wheeler
WHEREAS: There have been numerous reports by pedestrians of concerns about cyclists and scooters traveling at significant speed and being in close proximity to pedestrians on said pathways; and
WHEREAS: Signage posted on Fresh Pond Reservation include important information on yielding as well as non-permitted use of E-Bikes and E-Scooters; now therefore be it
ORDERED: That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to direct the Traffic, Parking, and Transportation Department, in coordination with any other relevant department, work to install “Bicycles Must Yield” signs, which include information about permitted use, along the Linear Park Pathway, Russel Field, Cambridge Commons, and any other shared use pathway determined appropriate by the City Manager and staff.

O-5     Jan 27, 2025 - amended

WHEREAS: During the January 16, 2025 Ordinance Committee hearing on the Multifamily Housing Zoning Petitions, the Law Department and Community Development Department delivered a response to PO24#163 and PO25#1 regarding amendments to the Multifamily Housing Zoning Petitions; and
WHEREAS: Among the additional information requested by the Council was on legal protections for existing solar energy systems and the memo notes that M.G.L. c.40A, §9B allows for the adoption of local regulations to protect solar access; and
WHEREAS: Current Cambridge zoning, under chapter 22.60, provides a mechanism for the public registration of solar energy systems “so that nearby developers can be aware of their existence, and to provide limited zoning protections for such systems in some instances where developers of neighboring properties are seeking a special permit or variance”; and
WHEREAS: The Council would like to pursue similar protections for as-of-right development through building permit issuance rather than just for special permit or variance projects, the threshold of which will rise significantly if the current zoning petition is ordained; and
WHEREAS: Per the memo dated January 14, 2025, the Council would need to consider this regulation as a separate zoning petition; now therefore be it
ORDERED: That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to work with relevant City departments to develop zoning recommendations, pursuant to M.G.L. c.40A §9B, for regulations to encourage the use of solar energy systems and protect solar access for Registered Solar Energy Systems that have been in existence for one year, per Ordinance Ch. 22.60, specifically on structures over 4 stories; and be it further
ORDERED: That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to report back to the City Council in a timely manner.

O-6     Jan 27, 2025 - Charter Right - Sobrinho-Wheeler
ORDERED: That the City Council Amend Petition One, Section 5.40, Footnote (2) to add paragraph (c) to read: (c) If the building does not require a Planning Board Advisory Consultation per Section 19.40 of this Zoning Ordinance and does not require any special permit from the Planning Board, then before applying for a building permit, the applicant shall schedule an in-person or virtual meeting to answer questions and gather feedback from abutters and shall prepare a notification in-cluding, at a minimum, a general description of the project, the date, time, location, and other information necessary for people to attend the meeting, and contact information (telephone and e-mail, at minimum) for the developer and shall provide that notification by mail to abutters, owners of land directly opposite on any public or private street or way, and abutters to the abutters within three hundred feet of the property line of the lot, and to others whom the applicant may choose to contact, and shall include with the building permit application a copy of the notification and mailing list, a summary of the meeting, who attended, and what questions and feedback were received.

24-31. Provide an update to the Municipal Facilities Improvement Plan (MFIP) including revised cost estimates to help inform the FY26 and ongoing capital budget priorities in a timely manner.  See Mgr #8
Councillor Pickett, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Toner (O-1) from 6/10/2024

24-53. That the City of Cambridge assist companies, institutions, and other organizations in adopting truck safety requirements for their fleets and finding trucking vendors who are able to comply by providing an informational resource and publicizing those that comply.
Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Azeem (O-1) from 9/16/2024

24-54. That the City Manager is hereby requested to work with relevant departments to review Cambridge’s curb cut policies and report back on if they can be improved to help meet the City’s transportation and sustainability goals with some proposed updates and draft ordinance language designating City staff as the final approval authority for curb cuts.  See Mgr #7
Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Siddiqui, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Wilson (O-2) from 9/16/2024

24-58. That the City Manager is requested to confer with the Finance Department, Law Department, and other relevant departments to explore the feasibility of a successor program to Rise Up Cambridge.
Councillor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Wilson, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler (O-6) from 9/23/2024

24-60. That the City Manager be and is hereby requested to report back to the City Council on the Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing (PRO Housing) NOFO as soon as possible.  See Mgr #9
Councillor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Wilson, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler (O-5) from 9/30/2024

24-62. The City Manager is requested to work with the Community Development Department to provide an update on the status of the Resident Experiences of Inclusion and Bias in Inclusionary Housing in Cambridge report’s recommendations, including progress on implementation and planned next steps.
Councillor Siddiqui, Mayor Simmons, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Wilson (O-3) from 10/21/2024

24-63. The City Manager is requested to direct the appropriate City staff to prominently incorporate recognition of the Massachusett Tribe during key official events, documents, websites, and communications, establish a living memorial in Cambridge that honors the Massachusett Tribe, with special recognition of Sqa Sachem for her leadership and enduring legacy and place a plaque with this language in a prominent location within City Hall, ensuring that this acknowledgment remains visible and lasting and report back.
Mayor Simmons, Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Toner, Councillor Wilson (O-2) from 11/4/2024

24-64. The City Manager is requested to work with relevant City departments to prepare a home rule petition to enact legislation which would allow the City of Cambridge to prohibit associations from unreasonably restricting the use of a solar energy system.
(Calendar Item #1) from 11/18/2024

24-66. The City Manager is requested to work with relevant City departments to prepare a draft home rule petition to authorize the City of Cambridge to implement automated parking enforcement technology; and to continue to work with the City of Boston to collaborate on the home rule process.
(O-1) from 11/18/2024

24-67. The City Manager is requested to work with relevant City departments to review with a robust and inclusive community process the Cambridge Bicycle Plan, most recently updated in 2020, and identify potential improvements and consider next steps for a network of Separated Bicycle Facilities, and Separated Bicycle Facilities on streets across the city in order to facilitate safer travel and ways to coordinate routes with neighboring communities including Arlington, Somerville, Watertown, Belmont, Boston, and others.
(O-1) from 12/2/2024

24-68. The City Manager is requested to work with the Traffic, Parking and Transportation Department and Harvard University to restore Garden Street to two-way automobile traffic while preserving two-way protected bike lanes, preserving as much parking on and/or near Garden Street as possible and identifying potential areas for resident parking on neighboring streets and communicating the changes to the affected neighborhood.
(O-1) from 12/9/2024

24-69. The City Manager is requested to work with relevant City departments and encourage the state Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection and the MBTA to adhere to Cambridge local ordinances, including the Cambridge Asbestos Protection Ordinance, during Alewife Construction.
(Calendar Item #1) from 12/9/2024

25-1. That the City Manager report back on additional multi-family zoning considerations, along with the other amendments put forward by the City Council on Dec 23, 2024.
Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Siddiqui (O-1) from 1/6/2025