City Council Goals and
Priorities - FY2008
(approved Dec 18, 2006)
Goal: Deliver high-quality Public Safety Services and maintain a high level of public confidence in these services.
Priorities for This Goal for FY08:
- Evaluate current police staff levels and alignment with a focus on enhancing programs to build community and positive interactions between officers and the public
- Take specific steps to improve relationships with city youth and improve recruitment of city residents into public safety positions
- Support public safety officials working with other city programs to provide training and employment skills for young adults; work for CORI reform and support programs for recidivists
Goal: Promote the advantages of “Doing Business in Cambridge” and work to strengthen our mutually beneficial partnerships with businesses and universities. Highlight the unique benefits of Cambridge as a community in which to live and work; focus on transmitting the values and identity of Cambridge.
Priorities for This Goal for FY08:
- Partner with universities and other institutions to promote and take advantage of opportunities in areas such as the energy sector, nanotechnology, life sciences and
other emerging fields.
- Promote opportunities for entertainment in Cambridge, emphasizing success for restaurants, dancing and music
- Utilize zoning initiatives and negotiation to sustain and expand ground floor retail
Goal: Foster community and support Neighborhood Vitality. Support opportunities for citizens to know each other within their neighborhoods and across the city.
Priorities for This Goal for FY08:
- Support community organizing to sustain/encourage groups that come together around one issue to maintain contact
- Foster development of neighborhood organizations, block grants and other community structures; continue police mini-grants for neighborhoods and support other neighborhood events, both large and small
- Encourage after-hour and evening use of public facilities (schools and youth centers) and parks, including movies and other family activities in the parks in the evening hours, and evaluate programs for success
Goal: Promote a Healthy Environment by adopting environmentally sound and energy efficient practices throughout the community
Priorities for This Goal for FY08:
- Continue commitment to green building initiative
- Continue to support the city’s Climate Protection Plan, emphasizing non-auto transportation, energy efficiency and renewable energy sources; promote these values to residents and businesses
- Support indoor and outdoor physical activity for all ages, including the addition of active playing fields and youth sports, especially in east Cambridge
Goal: Provide High-Quality Services, including excellent customer service, effectively and efficiently and continually strive to update the public on city issues and services.
Priorities for This Goal for FY08:
- Use collaborative problem solving to address violations of the laws that affect the community’s quality of life, and support increased enforcement of these laws
- Utilize all available new technology to improve service delivery (credit card payment, bill paying on line, reverse 911, etc.)
- Support more dialogue between city staff and residents and more meaningful involvement of city boards and commissions with city council - town meeting model (combined priority)
Goal: Preserve and create Affordable Housing for low, moderate and middle-income residents
Priorities for This Goal for FY08:
- Protect and renovate existing state housing stock
- Investigate the feasibility of an employee preference for part of affordable housing stock
- Develop city-wide data base and application
- Continue to support an emphasis on family-sized units for both market and affordable housing
Goal: Evaluate City expenditures with a view of maintaining a strong fiscal position and awareness of the
Impact on Taxpayers
Priorities for This Goal for FY08:
- Receive quarterly fiscal updates from the City Manager
- Receive yearly forecasting on city economies and economic climate, including diversification of economic base and competitiveness
- Work with the City fiscal staff to develop a mechanism to enable more ongoing understanding by the City Council of the effect of new projects on the property tax level; look closely at the feasibility of other sources of funds to reduce dependence on property taxes (combined priority)
Goal: Value and support the racial, socioeconomic, cultural and religious Diversity of our city. Cambridge will continue to be a city that welcomes, values and respects people of all abilities.
Priorities for This Goal for FY08:
- Ensure diversity in city employment, in leadership positions and at all levels including boards and commissions
- Ensure that city programs, especially human services programs, are representative of the population of the city.
- Continue and expand support of events that bring people together and improve outreach to a broad constituency
Goal: Strengthen and support Public Education and other learning in Cambridge for the benefit of residents of all ages
Priorities for This Goal for FY08:
- Encourage university and corporate partnerships to support School Department and City DHS programs (after school, early education, etc.) and consider utilizing staff or intern support
- Prepare Cambridge students and adults for high quality jobs through adult educational and skill development opportunities
- Enrich and enhance early childhood, after-school and summer programs, especially innovative programs such as those that include parents and are targeted at school readiness and increasing overall performance.
May 2024 Values Statement and Goals
FY2012-2013 Goals FY2011-2012 Goals
FY2010 Goals FY2008 Goals FY2006 Goals FY2002 Goals