Cambridge City Council meeting - December 18, 2023 - AGENDA
[Councillor Simmons remote; Councillor Azeem left early due to a medical emergency, but return later.]

1. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 23-40, regarding a citywide celebration to mark the 20th anniversary of the legalization of same-sex marriage in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. (CM23#299) [text of report]
pulled by Simmons; remarks by DS,PN, Yi-An Huang; Placed on File 8-0-1 (BA-Absent)

2. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 21-29, regarding updating the City of Cambridge’s Parental Leave Policy for City of Cambridge employees. (CM23#300)
pulled by Siddiqui; remarks by SS,MM, Yi-An Huang, Rae Catchings (Chief People Officer); Placed on File 8-0-1 (BA-Absent)

Dec 18, 2023
To the Honorable, the City Council:

Please see below in response to Awaiting Report #21-29 which requested that the City Manager confer with the Director of Personnel and the Law Department on updating the City of Cambridge’s Parental Leave Policy for City of Cambridge employees.

After a review of industry best practices and in furtherance of the city’s equity and inclusion goals, the City Manager and Chief People Officer will make the following amendments to the city’s existing Parental Leave Policy:

➢ Loss of pregnancy at less than 20 weeks, is considered a pregnancy-related illness therefore not covered by the Parental Leave Policy. Time off associated with pregnancy-related illnesses are covered under the Family Medical Leave Act and the City’s family sick leave policy. Additionally, employees would be eligible for up to 10 paid days of time.

➢ The policy will expand paid time off from 8 weeks to 16 weeks.

➢ The policy will remove the distinction between birthing and non-birthing parents with regards to ability to use accrued paid time off for up to 24 weeks paid time off total.

The amended policy, in full detail, will be issued no later than Jan 31, 2024; to be effective Feb 1, 2024.

Very truly yours,
Yi-An Huang
City Manager

3. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 23-32, regarding the feasibility of purchasing property from Lesley University. (CM23#301)
pulled by Siddiqui; remarks by MM, Iram Farooq (good site for AHO, 35-38 units on site), DC, SS; Placed on File 8-0-1 (BA-Absent)

Dec 18, 2023
To the Honorable, the City Council:

In response to Awaiting Report #23-32 regarding the feasibility of purchasing property from Lesley University, please find the attached memorandum from Assistant City Manager for Community Development Iram Farooq.

Very truly yours,
Yi-An Huang
City Manager

To: Yi-An Huang, City Manager
From: Iram Farooq, Assistant City Manager for Community Development
Date: Dec 18, 2023
Re: Awaiting Report #23-32 dated May 8, 2023 regarding feasibility of purchasing property from Lesley University

In response to the above-referenced Policy Order, we report the following:

Homeowner’s Rehab, Inc. (HRI) completed the acquisition of 30 Wendell Street from Lesley University earlier this month. This property is one of several properties Lesley offered for sale earlier this year. HRI acquired the property with $5.7 million from the Cambridge Affordable Housing Trust. HRI will now begin planning for the creation of affordable housing at this property.

There are other Lesley properties still on the market. CDD staff are continuing work with affordable housing providers to assess whether other properties might also be purchased to create additional new affordable housing.

4. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $251,000 from the Mitigation Revenue Stabilization Fund to the Public Investment Fund Community Development Extraordinary Expenditures account. These mitigation funds will be used for the purchase and expenses of Bluebikes bikeshare equipment. (CM23#302)
pulled by Zondervan; remarks by QZ (wants electric bikes), Iram Farooq (“good news coming soon on e-bikes”), PN; Order Adopted 8-0-1 (BA-Absent)

5. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the Final Landmark Designation Report for Miss Markham’s School at 10 Buckingham Street on the Buckingham, Browne & Nichols (BB&N) Lower School campus. (CM23#303) [text of report]
pulled by McGovern; remarks by MM (dismissive of landmarking of building “I don’t know what we’re preserving.”), Charles Sullivan (who explains the historical and architectural significance), McGovern would prefer a plaque rather than landmarking; PN will not support landmarking - OK with a plaque; DC supports landmarking, would prefer to see original portion of building preserved, possibly moved, and new building built in addition, Sullivan concurs; DS supports landmarking, wants efforts to be expended to preserve, Sullivan notes that other than landmarking no other options; QZ sees no value in preserving this building; Siddiqui also does not support landmarking; Order Fails of Adoption 2-6-1 (DC,DS-Yes; AM,MM,PN,PT,QZ,SS-No; BA-Absent); Placed on File 8-0-1 (BA-Absent)

Dec 18, 2023
To the Honorable, the City Council:

Please find attached a communication and report on the Final Landmark Designation Report for Miss Markham’s School at 10 Buckingham Street on the Buckingham, Browne & Nichols (BB&N) Lower School campus from Executive Director of the Cambridge Historical Commission, Charles Sullivan.

Very truly yours,
Yi-An Huang
City Manager

6. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of the Edward J. Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant through the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance in the amount of $39,956.00 to the Grant Fund Police Department Other Ordinary Maintenance account. This grant will support the purchase of computer equipment in new police cruisers. (CM23#304)
Order Adopted 8-0-1 (BA-Absent)

7. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of grant from the Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security’s (EOPSS) Municipal Road Safety (MRS) Program in the amount of $59,982.00 to the Grant Fund Police Department Salary and Wages account. The funds will be allocated for personnel/overtime and will fund high-visibility traffic enforcement of motor vehicle laws related to but not limited to impaired and occupant protection as well as initiatives that address pedestrian and bicycle safety issues, coupling educational projects with enforcement of laws to reduce pedestrian and bicycle related injuries and crashes. (CM23#305)
Order Adopted 8-0-1 (BA-Absent)

8. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to a Surveillance Technology Impact Report which describes Body Worn Camera technology, requested by the Police Department. (CM23#306)
pulled by McGovern; remarks by MM; Fred Cabral (CPD) says this allows procurement to proceed (two vendors), will proceed cautiously with pilot; Christine Elow (CPD) notes protocols re: when cameras may be turned off; QZ not supporting of body cameras, notes that report says drawing weapon would activate camera, data would be downloaded at end of shift (seems to be suggesting that an officer would delete incriminating data), Cabral notes that this is addressed in policy; DS notes all work done by CPD on this; PN supports this and notes that cameras have prevented misbehavior, balancing privacy vs. accountability; Megan Bayer (Law) notes that videos would be public records but with appropriate exemptions, redactions; DC supports this; Import Report Accepted & Approved 7-1-1 (QZ-No, BA-Absent); Placed on File 8-0-1 (BA-Absent)

9. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 23-82, regarding an update on Municipal Broadband and Digital Equity. (CM23#307) [text of report]
pulled by Nolan; remarks by PN, wants timeline; Yi-An Huang notes pairing of Digital Equity and Municipal Broadband and fact that some improvements in digital equity can be done at modest cost (not $200 million), City-owned fiber network would have some policy advantages, substantial amount of City subsidy would be required and must be balanced against other priorities, whether or not it should be part of 5-year plan, need to find the money first; Nolan harps on “this is a utility” and apparently believes Harvard, MIT, and “Kendall Square” would provide financial support (really?); QZ tells story of broadband access in Suriname, would raise taxes to pay for this; Placed on File 8-0-1 (BA-Absent)

10. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $68,000, from Free Cash to the General Fund City Council Other Ordinary Maintenance account to support the work of the Charter Review Committee. Funds will be used to support the work of the Charter Review Committee which has been meeting since August 2022 and is tasked to review the City’s current charter and to recommend changes. These efforts included contracting with an outside consultant to assist with research and facilitation of committee meetings, as well as public outreach events and materials. The Committee is anticipated to release a final report by Jan 31, 2024. (CM23#308)
Order Adopted 8-0-1 (BA-Absent)

Dec 18, 2023
To the Honorable, the City Council:

I am hereby requesting an appropriation, in the amount of $68,000, from Free Cash to the General Fund City Council Other Ordinary Maintenance account to support the work of the Charter Review Committee.

Funds will be used to support the work of the Charter Review Committee which has been meeting since August 2022 and is tasked to review the City’s current charter and to recommend changes. These efforts included contracting with an outside consultant to assist with research and facilitation of committee meetings, as well as public outreach events and materials. The Committee is anticipated to release a final report by Jan 31, 2024.

Very truly yours,
Yi-An Huang
City Manager

11. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $377,400, received from various sources for Bluebikes contributions, to the Public Investment Fund Community Development Department Extraordinary Expenditures account. Funds will be used for costs associated with the Bluebikes bikeshare system. (CM23#309)
pulled by Zondervan; Order Adopted 8-0-1 (BA-Absent)

Dec 18, 2023
To the Honorable, the City Council:

I am hereby requesting an appropriation, in the amount of $377,400, received from various sources for Bluebikes contributions, to the Public Investment Fund Community Development Department Extraordinary Expenditures account. Funds have been received from the sources below and will be used for costs associated with the Bluebikes bikeshare system. These funds are part of the State of Good Repair agreement for the stations mentioned below (note that some of the amounts cover more than one year of contributions). The funds will be used for the purchase and expenses of Bluebikes bikeshare equipment.

Source Amount
399 Binney $91,750
EF $42,000.00
Mass & Main $64,050
One Memorial Drive $18,350.00
Broadway & Galileo @ Fulkerson $48,600.00
Broadway & Main/Boston Properties $64,050
SOMA (MIT) $48,600.00
TOTAL: $377,400.00

The Bluebikes system launched successfully in Cambridge in July 2012 (as Hubway) and currently has more than 7,300 Cambridge residents, employees and students as members, with over 31,000 total. Over 22 million trips have been taken since the system launched. In 2023 six Cambridge Bluebikes stations were added to the system with two additional pending for a total of 87 stations in Cambridge, and 472 in the participating communities combined.

These funds will contribute to the purchase, installation and maintenance of station equipment for eight (8) stations and 65 bicycles; this includes replacing some of the oldest stations that have been in place for almost 12 years, and bicycles that are no longer functioning well.

Very truly yours,
Yi-An Huang
City Manager

1. That the City Manager is requested to work with the Cambridge Police Department to fundamentally change how it responds to situations that could lead to violence and death. [Charter Right – Zondervan, Dec 11, 2023] (PO23#215)
pulled by Zondervan; QZ asks about killing of Faisal; Christine Elow notes work with PERF, working with police union on body cameras and policies, released dashboard, after-inquest review by PERF, work on less-lethal options and other launchers, training of entire department; QZ asks about what policies are being negotiated with union; QZ asks about arms that police carry, possibility of response without firearms; Elow notes that Comm. Bard agreed with reduction of weaponry, 20% of inventory was destroyed, camouflage eliminated; QZ asks about long guns on roofs at protest last week; Elow explains that at large events best practices requires rooftop observations, knew of Elbit protest in advance and possibility of counterprotest, Special Response Team on roof, concerns about harm and vandalism; preparation for worst-case scenarios; QZ continues to harp on presence of rifles on roof; Siddiqui asks about policy vs. practice re: presence of rifles with Special Response Team; Elow notes what has happened elsewhere in country and need to be prepared; PN notes that Public Safety meeting was not held due to lack of quorum, but originally scheduled for Dec 6, then changed to Dec 13 when members could not attend; PN gives prepared speech on inquest and process; Nolan proposes amendments to Zondervan order; MM notes that officers on roof were not “snipers” (Elow concurs) and that preparedness for worst-case scenarios is necessary; DS notes diversity of opinion and that “you’re entitled to your own opinions but not your own facts”, notes that seniors want public safety and that they don’t want Police Department neutered, not like police departments elsewhere; DS cautions against neutering of CPD possibly leading to tragic outcomes, cannot support original order or amended order; Elow notes that Special Response Team formed under Comm. Robert Haas as an alternative to State Police or other law enforcement agencies, only used for special circumstances; Yi-An Huang notes that this conversation has been ongoing all year, notes that PERF generally only brought in when terrible things have happened elsewhere, notes that Faisal incident was a complicated situation that unfolded fast, notes that our police officers need to be supported; Toner will vote no because we are already making good progress; Carlone notes that we have done this already and that if we must pass an Order it should be the amended version; QZ says we have not dealt with this issue in the current term; Elow notes that CPD looks at every incident differently; Nolan notes that we have done some of this before, does not support disarming the Police, notes that Elbit protests here and elsewhere had escalated; Siddiqui will support substitute order, need for further conversation; Amendment by Substitution Passes 8-1 (QZ-No); Order as Amended Passes 5-4 (BA,DC,PN,QZ,SS-Yes; AM,MM,DS,PT-No); Amended Order forwarded to next City Council (Awaiting Report)

O-1     Dec 11, 2023
WHEREAS: In response to a 911 call about a man self-harming with a knife, and after a subsequent foot chase by multiple officers, Sayed Arif Faisal was killed by Cambridge Police Department (CPD) Officer Liam McMahon on January 4, 2023
WHEREAS: As expected, the officer and CPD have been cleared of any criminal wrongdoing, with the judicial inquest into the matter concluding that “Officer McMahon’s decision to fire his weapon was objectively reasonable”; and
WHEREAS: CPD has yet to present any substantial modifications to its practices or procedures that would reduce the chances of similar outcomes in the future; now therefore be it
ORDERED: That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to work with CPD to fundamentally change how it responds to situations that could lead to violence and death, including but not limited to:
  • Eliminating the Department’s military weapons arsenal, including the Lenco Bearcat armored vehicle
  • Limiting or eliminating situations in which responding officers are lethally armed
  • Reducing the number of officers who carry a firearm
  • Avoiding foot pursuits as recommended by the Stanford Center for Racial Justice

Proposed Substitute Order (Nolan)
O-1     Dec 11, 2023
WHEREAS: In response to a 911 call about a man self-harming with a knife, and after a subsequent foot chase by multiple officers, Sayed Arif Faisal was killed by Cambridge Police Department (CPD) Officer Liam McMahon on January 4, 2023; and
WHEREAS: After an inquest report released by the Middlesex District Attorney’s Office, the officer and CPD have been cleared of any criminal wrongdoing, with the judicial inquest into the matter concluding that “Officer McMahon’s decision to fire his weapon was objectively reasonable”; and
WHEREAS: The City, City Council, and Police Department have taken steps to review and modify the practices and procedures of the Cambridge Police Department to reduce the chance of similar outcomes in the future, including moving to implement body cameras and a comprehensive review of policies and procedures by the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF); now therefore be it

ORDERED: That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to work with CPD to review and consider how it responds to situations that could lead to violence and death, including but not limited to:
  • Eliminating the Department’s military weapons arsenal, including the Lenco Bearcat armored vehicle
  • Limiting or eliminating situations in which responding officers are lethally armed
  • Reducing the number of officers who carry a firearm
  • Avoiding foot pursuits as recommended by the Stanford Center for Racial Justice

2. An application was received from Nina Quinlan, requesting permission for a curb cut at the premises numbered 63 Sixth Street said petition has received approval from Inspectional Services, Traffic, Parking and Transportation, Historical Commission and Public Works. Response has been received from the neighborhood association. [Charter Right – Nolan, Oct 30, 2023; Tabled Nov 6, 2023] (AP23#55)
Forwarded to next City Council 9-0

3. ORD23-8B : Ordinance 2023 #8B Amend Chapter 14.04 – Fair Housing [Passed to 2nd Reading Oct 2, 2023; Amended Nov 6, 2023; To remain on Unfinished Business pending action by State Legislature] (ORD-2023#8B)

4. An Ordinance 2023 #12 has been received from City Clerk, relative to BEUDO the Municipal Code of the City of Cambridge be amended in Chapter 8.67.100 entitled “Emission Reduction Requirements”. [Passed to 2nd Reading Dec 4, 2023; Eligible to be ordained on or after Dec 18, 2023] (ORD23#12)
pulled by Zondervan; Iram Farooq notes that CDD does not support this further amendment, notes that current ordinance reduces by 90% but exorbitant costs for minimal additional reduction and other problematic aspects of amendment, notes that CDD came up with most stringent ordinance possible and this was already adopted and that further amendment now would be a breach of trust; Zondervan notes that his latest proposed amendments addresses these concerns; Farooq says no fuel now available to meet proposed specifications and that only natural gas would currently suffice and with higher carbon cost - nothing gained with added regulatory structure; McGovern notes Council actions over past few months in this area, not supportive of amendments; Nolan says even if not a good idea to amend so soon this was our expectation under new stretch code, says it’s possible to meet needs on extreme cold days, says we won’t meet state mandated goals on emission reduction; Carlone says this is doable, “I’ll be voting for children”; Ordination Fails 4-5 (DC,PN,QZ,SS-Yes; BA,AM,MM,PT,DS-No)

1. An application was received from Nick Zappia representing Kismet Coffee LLC requesting permission for three (3) awnings at the premises numbered 358 Huron Avenue. Approval has been received from Inspectional Services, Department of Public Works, Community Development Department and abutters approval with proof of mailing has been provided. (AP23#62)
Adopted 9-0

1. A communication was received from Alice Carré, regarding Urging You to Pass the Proposed BEUDO Amendment for New Buildings.

2. A communication was received from Amandine Lariepe, regarding Urging You to Pass the Proposed BEUDO Amendment for New Buildings (2).

3. A communication was received from Amy Oliver, regarding BEUDO amendment.

4. A communication was received from Ann Haycox, regarding Urging You to Pass the Proposed BEUDO Amendment for New Buildings (1).

5. A communication was received from Cheetiri Smith, regarding Nov 20th Ceasefire Vote.

6. A communication was received from Ethan Frank, regarding Jerry’s Pond Committee Meeting Comment 12_13_23.

7. A communication was received from Diana Yousef regarding Lack of data informing Cambridge St Bike Lane extensions.

8. A communication was received from Gleb Bahmutov regarding Last email about BEUDO amendments.
[Note: Mr. Bahmutov has also expressed the belief that only people with driveways should be able to own cars in Cambridge.]

9. A communication was received from Norma Finkelstein regarding BEUDO Amendment.

10. A communication was received from Liz Werby regarding the Cambridge Public Library.

11. A communication was received from Marta Bianciardi regarding Urging You to Pass the Proposed BEUDO Amendment for New Buildings.

12. A communication was received from Rosalie Anders regarding BEUDO amendment vote.

13. A communication was received from Claudia Rizzini regarding Urging You to Pass the Proposed BEUDO Amendment for New Buildings.

1. Resolution on the death of Paul Parravano.   Councillor Simmons, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Toner, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Carlone, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Zondervan, Mayor Siddiqui
pulled early by Councillor Simmons; remarks by DS,MM,PT,AM,DC,PN,QZ,SS; Adopted 8-0-1 (BA-Absent)

R-1     Dec 18, 2023  Amended

WHEREAS: The City Council was deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Paul Parravano on Dec 9, 2023; and
WHEREAS: A graduate of Harvard University and Northeastern University School of Law, Paul Parravano had been an esteemed member of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) community since 1991, and his dedicated service in the Office of Government and Community Relations significantly enhanced the communication and collaboration between MIT and various levels of government, major constituency groups, and the surrounding community for decades; and
WHEREAS: Paul Parravano’s role as a liaison and resource was pivotal in fostering relationships both within MIT and with external parties, thereby strengthening the Institute’s mission and outreach; and
WHEREAS: In his capacity as MIT’s campus federal relations officer, Mr. Parravano was instrumental in accompanying the MIT President on visits to Washington and hosting dignitaries on campus, thereby amplifying MIT’s presence and influence in critical circles; and
WHEREAS: Paul Parravano’s efforts in Cambridge notably contributed to enhancing science education for K-12 teachers and students, particularly through partnerships with the Cambridge Public Schools, reflecting his commitment to community involvement and educational advancement; and
WHEREAS: Paul’s extensive work in representing MIT in a personal and impactful manner greatly advanced the Institute’s mission of scientific education and research; and
WHEREAS: Prior to joining MIT, Paul Parravano’s career as a staff attorney in a civil rights consulting firm in the Boston area showcased his deep commitment to civil rights and justice; and
WHEREAS: Outside of Paul Parravano’s professional life, his passion for baseball, barbecue, and water sports, along with his profound love for his wife Martha, and his daughters Emily and Eleanora, were sources of inspiration and joy, and his warmth, knowledge, and affability shall be deeply missed throughout the Cambridge community; now therefore be it
RESOLVED: That the City Council go on record extending its deepest condolences to the family, friends, and colleagues of Paul Parravano for their loss; and be it further
RESOLVED: That the City Clerk be and hereby is requested to forward a suitably engrossed copy of this resolution to the family of Paul Parravano on behalf of the entire City Council.

2. Resolution on the death of Roderick L. Jackson.   Councillor Simmons, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor McGovern
Adopted as Amended 8-0-1 (QZ-Absent)

R-2     Dec 18, 2023
WHEREAS: The City Council was deeply saddened to learn of the untimely passing of Roderick L. Jackson on Dec 6, 2023; and
WHEREAS: Roderick L. Jackson, affectionately known as “Kito,” was born on Oct 8, 1987, and raised in Cambridge; and
WHEREAS: During his formative years, Roderick Jackson showcased exceptional athletic talent, notably as a football player for Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, and later on as a basketball player at Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology and at Framingham State College; and
WHEREAS: Roderick Jackson’s academic journey at Framingham State University culminated in a degree in Business Administration; and
WHEREAS: His professional path eventually led him to join National Grid in 2021, where he served with diligence and commitment as a utility worker, contributing significantly to the community’s wellbeing; and
WHEREAS: When not indulging his love of sports and spending time with family and friends, Roderick would be spoiling his beloved dog, Channel, and his love of dogs was one of his many wonderful qualities; and
WHEREAS: Roderick L. Jackson leaves behind his mother, Norma Asprilla, his brother Manuel Asprilla, his sister Yanthia Jesus, his grandmother Arua Edwards, and a host of friends who shall forever cherish his memory; now therefore be it
RESOLVED: That the City Council go on record expressing its profound sorrow and extend its heartfelt condolences to the family, friends, and colleagues of Roderick L. Jackson for their tremendous loss; and be it further
RESOLVED: That the City Clerk be and hereby is requested to forward a suitably engrossed copy of this resolution to the family of Roderick L. Jackson on behalf of the entire City Council.

3. Congratulations to Moungi Bawendi on receiving the 2023 Nobel Prize in Chemistry “for the discovery and synthesis of quantum dots” along with Louis Brus and Alexei Ekimov.   Councillor Nolan

4. Congratulations to Clifford Cook on his retirement from the City of Cambridge.   Councillor Toner

R-4     Dec 18, 2023
WHEREAS: The City Council has learned that Clifford Cook is retiring from the Community Development Department after nearly 28 years of service and commitment to the City of Cambridge; and
WHEREAS: Cliff began his career with the City’s Community Development Department in 1995 as an Associate Planner in the Community Planning Division, advancing in 2003 to Project Planner, and in 2016 to Senior Planning Information Manager; and
WHEREAS: During his career Cliff guided and supported the transformative shift towards data-driven planning and decision-making at CDD, established CDD’s Geographic Information Systems (GIS) program, expanded the department’s computer network and support, and was the architect of CDD’s statistical foundation, harnessing demographic insights from the US Census, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and diverse data sources; his work has propelled the expansion of CDD’s data analysis capacity, elevating the department’s proficiency in handling complex planning information to support significant policy analysis and planning endeavors such as the Cambridge Needs Assessment, Incentive Zoning Study, and Inclusionary Housing Study, among others; and
WHEREAS: Cliff has managed the City’s engagement with universities related to the annual Town-Gown reporting, has led the production of key reports including the Statistical Profile of Cambridge, Neighborhood Statistical Profile of Cambridge, Housing Market Profile, Moving Forward, and has significantly contributed to key projects including the Citywide Growth Management process, Eastern Cambridge Planning Study, K2C2, Alewife District Plans, Envision Cambridge, and the annual rating agency presentation; he also spearheaded work related to the City’s national recognition as the highest-scoring 5-Star community from the STAR Community Rating System for urban sustainability; and
WHEREAS: Cliff stands as a leader and highly regarded subject matter expert in the field of data and information management and has served at the national level on the US Green Building Council’s LEED for Cities Working Group and the Board of Directors of the Association of Public Data Users (APDU), taking on multiple leadership roles including Board President and APDU Conference Chair. Locally, he is Chair of the Watertown Housing Trust, and has collaborated on an ongoing basis with Cambridge Public Schools, IT Department, and the Department of Human Service Programs on a range of initiatives and has been a key contributor to Cambridge’s Open Data Review Board and the Cambridge Community Foundation’s Shared Prosperity Project, where his knowledge and counsel have had a lasting impact; and
WHEREAS: Cliff’s commitment to Cambridge and its residents is deep and his passion for data and the value it provides is unmatched, his prowess as a presenter has made him the sought-after speaker across various City departments and initiatives, neighborhood groups, and non-profits, having an extraordinary ability to distill complex data into comprehensible insights and to infuse humor with data has made the otherwise intricate world of planning information not only accessible but genuinely engaging for countless individuals, fostering a fact-based understanding of our urban landscape; now therefore be it
RESOLVED: That the City Council go on record with gratitude, to acknowledge and celebrate Cliff Cooks’s dedication and service to the City of Cambridge; and be it further
RESOLVED: That the City Clerk be and hereby is requested to forward a suitably engrossed copy of  this resolution to Clifford Cook on behalf of the entire City Council.

5. Resolution on the death of Sister Claire Rita McDonald, CSJ.   Councillor Toner

6. Thanks to Alanna Mallon for her service to the citizens of Cambridge.   Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Simmons, Councillor McGovern

R-6     Dec 18, 2023
WHEREAS: Alanna Mallon was elected to the Cambridge City Council in 2017, and has served for three terms, including two as Vice Mayor; and
WHEREAS: Alanna was born and raised in Brockton, Massachusetts and moved to Cambridge with her husband in 2004 where they have raised their two kids; and
WHEREAS: Alanna was deeply involved in the community prior to becoming a City Councillor, and in 2013 she founded the Cambridge Weekend Backpack Program to address food insecurity in the City, a cause near and dear to her heart, that also connected families to other vital resources; and
WHEREAS: Alanna has long been dedicated to combating food insecurity, through her work at Food for Free assisting vulnerable populations throughout Greater Boston, and as the Education Liaison to former Mayor David P. Maher; and
WHEREAS: Alanna has championed a range of issues on the City Council including, but not limited to, increasing affordable housing, implementing universal Pre-K, economic development, public safety reform, improving cyclist and pedestrian safety, increasing funding and space for the arts, and served as the chair of the Mayor’s Arts Task Force in 2018; and
WHEREAS: Alanna’s preparation for every meeting is beyond compare and she is known for a willingness and ability to go above and beyond in researching agenda items, preparing for meetings, gathering information from stakeholders, generating ideas and developing solutions for both complex and straightforward civic issues; and
WHEREAS: Alanna’s liveliness and energy infuses the room and her spirit of collaboration, openness and friendliness was evident in countless city events where she supported city efforts at creating community and was already willing to lend a hand or jump up and help with whatever task needed doing; and
WHEREAS: Alanna has cemented herself in the Cambridge community as a friendly face residents can turn to, a listening ear, and a compassionate public servant who leads with empathy while encouraging those around her to feel empowered; and
WHEREAS: Alanna’s efforts are greatly appreciated and there is no doubt that she will continue to make life better for the Cambridge residents in the years to come; now therefore be it
RESOLVED: That the City Council go on record extending its thanks to Alanna Mallon for her public service, wishing her well as she continues aiding Cambridge residents as a private citizen, and wishing her great success in all her future endeavors; and be it further
RESOLVED: That the City Clerk be and hereby is requested to forward a suitably engrossed copy of this resolution to Alanna Mallon on behalf of the entire City Council.

7. Thanks to Quinton Zondervan for his service to the citizens of Cambridge.   Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Carlone, Councillor Nolan, Councillor McGovern

R-7     Dec 18, 2023
WHEREAS: Quinton Zondervan was elected to the Cambridge City Council in 2017, and has served for three terms; and
WHEREAS: Quinton moved to Cambridge in 1992 to be a student at MIT, fell in love with the city, and raised a family here along with his wife; and
WHEREAS: Prior to serving on the City Council, Quinton was active in the community, including many years of service on the Climate Protection Action Committee and as president and board chair of Green Cambridge, where he remains on the board to continue his lifelong commitment to fighting climate change; and
WHEREAS: Quinton brought his expertise on climate and environmental justice to the council, where he shepherded groundbreaking initiatives such as strong building emission reduction requirements, green jobs training programs, a tripling of the tree planting budget, and participation in the state’s upcoming Fossil Fuel Free Building Demonstration Program; and
WHEREAS: Quinton was also a champion for racial and economic justice, advancing the vision of a non-emergency alternate response to the police and other impactful policies such as equitable regulation of the emerging adult use cannabis industry, raising linkage fees on commercial development to fund affordable housing and many other initiatives; and
WHEREAS: Quinton’s deep commitment to addressing the needs of the unhoused and vulnerable populations led to his work on a number of housing initiatives that will add units to benefit low income people in the coming years and increase the services and options for people in need in the city; and
WHEREAS: Quinton’s constituent services operation helped hundreds of residents navigate housing instability and homelessness, and he was known for going the extra mile to ensure that those surviving poverty were supported and had their needs met as much as possible; and
WHEREAS: His efforts to make our city more just and equitable for vulnerable residents have made an impact on Cambridge and will continue to make a difference in years to come; now therefore be it
RESOLVED: That the City Council go on record extending its thanks to Quinton Zondervan for his public service, wishing him well as he continues aiding Cambridge residents as a private citizen, and wishing him great success in all his future endeavors; and be it further
RESOLVED: That the City Clerk be and hereby is requested to forward a suitably engrossed copy of this resolution to Quinton Zondervan on behalf of the entire City Council.

8. Thanks to Dennis Carlone for his service to the citizens of Cambridge.   Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Simmons, Councillor Toner

R-8     Dec 18, 2023
WHEREAS: Dennis Carlone was elected to the Cambridge City Council in 2013, and has served for five terms; and
WHEREAS: Dennis has lived in Cambridge for many decades, moving here to pursue a Masters from Harvard Graduate School of Design, and staying to raise his kids in the city he loves; and
WHEREAS: Dennis was a resource for Cambridge prior to his time serving on the City Council with his firm Carlone & Associates, advising the City and other municipalities in the region for thirty years; and
WHEREAS: Dennis has won numerous awards for his work in urban design, architecture, landscape architecture, planning and implementation strategies at the local, regional, and national levels, including as the recipient of the American Institute of Architects Award for Excellence in Urban Design for the design and implementation of the East Cambridge Riverfront Plan; and
WHEREAS: His work in design immeasurably improved our world, encompassing projects in urban environments, as well as award winning designs in nature, including landscape design for the renowned and beloved Appalachian Mountain Club Highland Center in the White Mountains; and
WHEREAS: Dennis used his experience to champion numerous issues during his time on the City Council, leading on climate change, green space, transportation and much more while always noting and urging the council to remember the importance of early childhood education in providing services to residents based on his thesis work; and
WHEREAS: In addition to stellar professional accomplishments, Dennis’ wit enlivened and brightened every meeting as his gentle humor found a mark and provided a human touch to countless encounters over the years, and his wife Katie’s legendary cookies will be missed almost as much as Dennis’ spirit and contributions; and
WHEREAS: His efforts have made Cambridge a more livable and just city, and his work over the last decade will benefit residents for many years to come; now therefore be it
RESOLVED: That the City Council go on record extending its thanks to Dennis Carlone for his public service, wishing him well as he continues aiding Cambridge residents as a private citizen, and wishing him great success in all his future endeavors; and be it further
RESOLVED: That the City Clerk be and hereby is requested to forward a suitably engrossed copy of this resolution to Dennis Carlone on behalf of the entire City Council.

9. Congratulating Police Superintendent Pauline Wells on her graduation from the FBI National Academy Program.   Councillor Simmons

R-9     Dec 18, 2023
WHEREAS: On December 8, 2023, Cambridge Police Commissioner Christine Elow announced the notable achievement of Police Superintendent Pauline Wells, who graduated from the esteemed FBI National Academy Program in Quantico, Virginia; and
WHEREAS: Superintendent Wells successfully completed the rigorous ten-week program as a member of the 288th session, focusing on advanced leadership, communication tactics, and physical fitness for law enforcement executives; and
WHEREAS: Selection for the FBI National Academy is highly competitive, requiring invitees like Superintendent Wells to have an exemplary professional record and an average of 21 years of policing experience; and
WHEREAS: The FBI National Academy's program is internationally recognized for its exceptional training, enabling fellows to return to their home agencies with enhanced skills for executive leadership roles; and
WHEREAS: Superintendent Wells' graduation from this prestigious program on December 7th, 2023, symbolizes a significant professional milestone and showcases her dedication to law enforcement excellence; now therefore be it
RESOLVED: That the City Council formally go on record in congratulating Police Superintendent Pauline Wells on her graduation from the FBI National Academy Program; and be it further
RESOLVED: That the City Clerk be and hereby is requested to forward a suitably engrossed copy of this resolution to Superintendent Pauline Wells on behalf of the entire City Council.

1. That the City Manager is requested to coordinate with MIT to establish a suitable memorial in Cambridge in honor of Paul Parravano.   Councillor Simmons (PO23#218)
pulled by Simmons; Order Adopted 9-0

1. Minutes of the Cambridge City Council Preliminary Screening Committee held on Aug 25, 2016. (2023-CCH-1) [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0

2. Minutes of the Cambridge City Council Preliminary Screening Committee held on Sept 12, 2016. (2023-CCH-2) [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0

3. Minutes of the Cambridge City Council Preliminary Screening Committee held on Sept 13, 2016. (2023-CCH-3) [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0

4. The Ordinance Committee held a public hearing on Wed, Nov 29, 2023 to discuss a Zoning Petition by Allene R. Pierson et al. [text of report]
Present: Carlone, McGovern, Nolan, Zondervan
Remote Present: Azeem, Siddiqui
Absent: Mallon, Simmons, Toner
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0

5. The Health and Environment Committee held a public hearing on Tues, Dec 5, 2023 to review and discuss the City’s updated Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan (NHMP) in order to prepare for natural hazards including climate change. [text of report]
Present: Nolan, McGovern
Remote Present: Carlone, Zondervan
Absent: Azeem
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0

6. The Ordinance Committee held a public hearing on Wed, Dec 6, 2023 to discuss potential changes to the Cambridge Municipal Code, Chapter 12.22 Cycling Safety Ordinance. [text of report]
Present: Carlone, Mallon, McGovern, Nolan, Toner, Siddiqui
Remote Present: Azeem, Simmons, Zondervan
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0

7. The Health and Environment Committee and the Transportation and Public Utilities Committee held a joint meeting on Dec 6, 2023 to discuss PO23#147 (options for amending parking fees and regulations throughout the City in order to further support the City’s goals of low carbon travel). [text of report]
Present: Carlone, Zondervan, Nolan
Remote Present: Azeem, Toner
Absent: McGovern
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0

8. The Finance Committee held a public hearing on Dec 12, 2023 to receive an update and have discussion on Public Investment Planning. [text of report]
Present: Carlone, Nolan, McGovern, Siddiqui, Zondervan
Remote Present: Azeem, Simmons
Absent: Mallon, Toner
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0

1. A communication was received from Councillor Azeem, transmitting an update regarding matters in the Transportation and Public Utilities Committee [Implementing ways to enforce the anti-idling law. (PO22#55 of Apr 25, 2022)]. (COF23#236)
pulled by Azeem; Discharged from Transportation & Public Utilities Committee 9-0; Forward one item re: enforcement of anti-idling law (PO22#55 of Apr 25, 2022) to next Transportation and Public Utilities Committee 9-0; Placed on File 9-0

COF23#236     Dec 18, 2023
Dear Honorable Mayor Siddiqui and Councillors,
It is my intent to make a motion to discharge the following matter from the Transportation and Public Utilities Committee on Dec 18, 2023, and if that motion prevails, to make another motion that the matter be referred to the next City Council’s Transportation and Public Utilities Committee.
• Implementing a similar program and any other ways to enforce the anti-idling law. (PO22#55 of Apr 25, 2022)

Burhan Azeem
Cambridge City Councillor

2. A communication was received from Diane LeBlanc, City Clerk, transmitting an update regarding legislative activity. (COF23#237)
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0

3. A communication was received from Councillor Simmons re: Motion to Discharge Committee Items Councillor Simmons. (COF23#238) [text of report]
pulled by Simmons; Matters Discharged from Civic Unity and Housing Committees 9-0;
Forward Policy Order re: Establishing a Task Force on Cambridge’s African American/Black Residents (PO22#138 of Aug 1, 2022); Black Men and Boys Commission (PO22#139 of Aug 1, 2022) to next Civic Unity Committee 9-0; Forward Planning Bd. update on allowing multifamily housing citywide (CM22#84 of Apr 25, 2022), Affordable Housing Overlay Annual Report (CM22#165 of Aug 1, 2022), update on HomeBridge and Homeownership Programs (CM22#166 of Aug 1, 2022), CHA Appointment - Victoria Bergland (CM23#238 of Sept 11, 2023) to next Housing Committee 9-0; Placed on File 9-0

4. A communication was received from Councillor Marc McGovern, relative to discharging the Cycling Safety Ordinance matter from Committee and moving it forward. to the next Council Ordinance Committee. (COF23#239)
pulled by Simmons; Cycling Safety Ordinance matter discharged from Ordinance Committees 8-1 (QZ-No); Forward to next Ordinance Committee 8-1 (QZ-No); Placed on File 9-0

COF23#239     Dec 18, 2023
Dear Honorable Mayor Siddiqui and Councillors,
It is my intent to make a motion to discharge the following matter from the Ordinance Committee on Dec 18, 2023, and if that motion prevails, to make another motion that the matter be referred to the next City Council’s Ordinance Committee.
• Cycling Safety Ordinance (CSO) Business Support Update. PO23#147 of Sept 11, 2023. AR Response RE: PO23#147 CSO Outdoor Dining. CM23#256 of Oct 16, 2023.

Councillor McGovern

5. A communication was received from Diane LeBlanc, City Clerk, transmitting, in accordance with PO23#216, adopted Dec 11, 2023, recommendation that City Council take an affirmative vote to carry over pending Awaiting Reports to the next City Council. (COF23#240) [text of report]
Forward subset of Awaiting Report List to next City Council, including Policy Order of Charter Right #1; Adopted 9-0; Placed on File 9-0

6. A communication was received from Councillor Zondervan, transmitting a report on 105 Windsor Street. (COF23#241) [text of report]
pulled by Zondervan; Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0

7. A communication was received from Mayor Siddiqui, transmitting information from the School Committee. (COF23#242)
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0

Mon, Dec 18
2:00pm   The City Council will hold a Special Meeting at 2:00pm to discuss the final City Manager evaluation.
5:30pm   City Council Meeting

Tues, Dec 19
5:30pm   The Charter Review Committee (Zoom only)

O-1     Dec 18, 2023
ORDERED: That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to coordinate with MIT to establish a suitable memorial in Cambridge in honor of Paul Parravano, and to report back to the City Council on this matter in a timely manner.

19-66. Report on whether it is possible to reduce or eliminate Building Permit Fees for 100% affordable housing development projects, through an exemption or other means and investigate what types of real estate tax abatements are possible for 100% affordable housing moving forward.
Vice Mayor Devereux, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Carlone, Councillor McGovern (O-3) from 6/3/2019

19-147. Report on installing hearing loop technology inside the Sullivan Chamber as part of the upcoming renovations to City Hall, and in other critical City meeting venues wherever possible and other accessibility improvements.
Councillor Zondervan (O-4) from 10/28/2019
Placed on File due to end of legislative term

20-6. Report on the acquisition and implementation of interpretation services for City Council meetings and other public City meetings.
Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor McGovern (O-8) from 1/27/2020
Placed on File due to end of legislative term

20-27. Report on the advantages and disadvantages of continuing with Civil Service, and the process by which Cambridge could exit Civil Service.
Councillor Nolan (O-5) from 6/22/2020

20-60. Report on analyzing eviction data from 2018 through 2021 and come back with a plan on how to use this data to inform our next action steps.
Mayor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Simmons, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler (O-8) from 11/2/2020

20-72. Report on the condition of 105 Windsor Street and cost estimates of any repairs needed and provide recommendations on how to develop any other underused properties based on an inclusive public process centered in the Port neighborhood.
Councillor Zondervan, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Carlone, Councillor Simmons (Calendar Item #1) from 12/14/2020

21-10. Report on whether or not the City can require written notice be sent to all abutters, both property owners as well as tenants, regarding the scheduling of a hearing regarding the extension of a building permit request to the Planning Board.
Councillor McGovern (O-5) from 2/22/2021

21-14. Report on presenting options to the Council to ensure that the staff at Albany Street are properly compensated for their work, and that guests are treated with the respect and dignity they deserve.
Councillor Zondervan, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler (Calendar Item #3) from 3/8/2021
Placed on File due to end of legislative term

21-29. Report on updating the Parental Leave Policy for employees.  See Mgr #2
Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Carlone, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Simmons (O-7) from 4/26/2021

21-30. Report on increasing the affordable homeownership stock over the next 10 years by financing the construction of affordable homeownership units through a bond issue of no less than $500 million.
Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Simmons (Calendar Item #1) from 5/3/2021
Placed on File due to end of legislative term

21-36. Report on developing a holistic plan for managing the traffic and congestion in the Alewife area.
Councillor Nolan, Vice Mayor Mallon (O-2) from 5/17/2021
Placed on File due to end of legislative term

21-43. Report on referring the Cambridge HEART proposal for funding consideration and to engage in a public community process to discuss this proposal and its implementation.
Councillor Nolan, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Carlone, Councillor Zondervan (Calendar Item #1) from 6/7/2021
Placed on File due to end of legislative term

21-46. Report on the feasibility of purchasing properties for sale in the Alewife area to address City goals.
Vice Mayor Mallon, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Carlone (O-1) from 6/14/2021

21-50. Report on providing an update on the cost of each license and permit required by businesses, which business license and permit fees are set under state law, which are set by ordinances, and which are determined administratively, as well as which licenses and permits the City has the discretion to waive entirely.
Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Zondervan (O-9) from 6/14/2021

21-67. Report on working with the staff at the Cambridge Historical Commission, the DCR Commissioner, and members of Cambridge’s state delegation to approve, fund and execute the design and installation of a suitable historic marker by April 2022 to recognize the vision of Frederick Law Olmsted and others in transforming the Cambridge riverfront landscape.
Councillor Carlone, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Zondervan (O-6) from 9/27/2021
Placed on File due to end of legislative term

21-74. Report on supporting the Uplift the Solar Energy Industry in Massachusetts coalition.
Councillor Nolan, Councillor Zondervan (O-12) from 10/18/2021
Placed on File due to end of legislative term

22-7. Report on providing a legal analysis of what uses are currently permitted on the golf course land, information on the history, residency and other demographic information on membership data of golf course users, and any environmental constraints.
Councillor Nolan, Councillor Carlone, Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Azeem (Calendar Item #1) from 1/31/2022
Placed on File due to end of legislative term

22-8. Report on determining the feasibility of establishing additional compensation for the City’s essential employees in accordance with the considered State legislation framework.
Councillor Simmons, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Toner (O-1) from 2/7/2022
Placed on File due to end of legislative term

22-13. Report on determining how to better integrate more parent response into their decision-making process as they make changes that can have undue impacts upon the families they serve.
Councillor Simmons, Councillor McGovern (O-3) from 3/7/2022
Placed on File due to end of legislative term

22-14. Report on the findings of the “Future of Telework” Committee, and to explain the city’s current policy regarding a remote work policy.
Vice Mayor Mallon (O-5) from 3/7/2022
Placed on File due to end of legislative term

22-23. Report on providing an analysis of the impact of current curb cut policies, including (but not limited to) an explanation of the administration’s current procedures for notifying and conducting outreach to abutters and neighbors, the criteria for evaluating curb cut applications, and an approximation of the number of residential parking spaces that have been lost to new curb cuts each year over at least the last decade.
Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Toner (O-8) from 4/11/2022

22-24. Report on determining what repairs to 205 Western Avenue would be needed to inhabit the space to allow the Cambridge Community Center to house their program.
Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor McGovern, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Carlone, Councillor Simmons, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Toner, Councillor Zondervan (O-1) from 4/25/2022

22-29. Report on introducing a pilot program to open two of our youth centers during the evening and weekend hours during the summer.
Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Azeem, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Simmons, Councillor Carlone, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Toner, Councillor Zondervan, Mayor Siddiqui (O-1) from 5/9/2022

22-33. Report on consulting with the Executive Director of the Council on Aging, Somerville and Cambridge Elder Services, and the Executive Director of Cadbury Common to determine the feasibility of re-establishing some form of the Kate’s Café Monthly LGBTQ+ Community Dinners either at Cadbury Common or at another suitable location.
Councillor Simmons, Vice Mayor Mallon, Mayor Siddiqui (O-2) from 5/16/2022

22-35. Report on ensuring that every possible material used in construction projects are as safe and healthy and free of potential toxins as possible, and ensure that all construction and manufacturing vendors commit to disclosing all ingredients and using non-toxic materials.
Councillor Nolan, Mayor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor Mallon (O-6) from 5/16/2022
Placed on File due to end of legislative term

22-36. Work on Implementing Recommendations from Working IDEAL Report.
Councillor Simmons (O-2) from 5/23/2022

22-38. Report on establishing a method of ensuring that anti-bias training is incorporated into the City’s hiring process at all levels.
Councillor Simmons (O-4) from 5/23/2022

22-42. Report on directing the appropriate City staff to establish a “community healing initiative” plan to address the issues in our city.
Councillor Simmons (O-3) from 6/13/2022
Placed on File due to end of legislative term

22-43. Report on establishing a notification system to all neighborhood residents, regardless of whether they own or rent their homes, within a set area where neighborhood disruptions such as infrastructure work or demolitions are scheduled to occur.
Councillor Simmons (O-4) from 6/13/2022
Placed on File due to end of legislative term

22-46. Report on a plan for piloting more street closures for pedestrianization in Harvard Square.
Councillor Nolan, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Carlone, Vice Mayor Mallon (O-5) from 6/27/2022

22-49. Report on Establishing a Task Force on Cambridge’s African American/Black Residents.
Councillor Simmons (O-7) from 8/1/2022

22-50. Report on establishing Black Men and Boys Commission.
Councillor Zondervan, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Azeem, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Simmons (O-8) from 8/1/2022
Placed on File due to end of legislative term

22-55. Report on the status of the long-term water projections and on what measures could be taken to conserve water.
Councillor Nolan, Councillor Azeem, Mayor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor Mallon (O-14) from 8/1/2022

22-57. Report on Policy Order to investigate shared EV or Hybrid free bus service.
Councillor Toner, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Carlone, Councillor Azeem, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Simmons, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Zondervan (O-16) from 8/1/2022

22-61. Report on communicating to the Cambridge Health Alliance the City Council’s support for the reopening of the Cambridge Birth Center for deliveries as soon as possible and City Council support for the protection of existing birth centers and the creation of new birth centers in Cambridge.
Councillor Nolan, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Simmons, Vice Mayor Mallon (O-9) from 9/12/2022

22-64. Report on t detailing how other comparable municipalities handle their street corner dedication processes and on ways to honor those individuals who may not ultimately have a street corner named after them but who nonetheless deserve to have their names and accomplishments recognized.
Councillor Simmons (O-2) from 9/19/2022

22-66. Report on a plan to install “Walls of Honor” at each home baseball and softball field honoring past and current coaches and volunteers.
Councillor Toner, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Simmons (O-4) from 9/19/2022
Placed on File due to end of legislative term

22-67. Report on necessary preparations for the next Housing Committee meeting in the discussion on potentially allowing multifamily housing to be built citywide.
Councillor Azeem, Councillor Simmons (O-6) from 9/19/2022

22-69. Report on a community process on the future use of 105 Windsor Street.
Councillor Zondervan, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Carlone (O-11) from 9/19/2022

22-70. Report on the legislation passed by the Somerville City Council banning limited services pregnancy centers.
Vice Mayor Mallon (Calendar Item #3) from 10/3/2022 Committee Report
Placed on File due to end of legislative term

22-71. Report on convening an advisory group to determine ways in which the City can work to lift up the voices and experiences of the descendants of the Indigenous People who currently reside in our community.
Councillor Simmons, Councillor Azeem, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Toner (O-1) from 10/3/2022

22-73. Report on working with the Law Dept., to automatically provide an initial legal opinion to the City Council and the City Clerk at least three business days in advance of the first Public Hearing on any amendment to the Code of Ordinances formally introduced in the City Council.
Councillor Zondervan, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor McGovern (O-7) from 10/3/2022

22-80. Report on providing a comprehensive list of current Cambridge policies that impact the cost of local commercial and residential development and those that are known to be in the pipeline, to note whether similar policies exist in the neighboring cities of Boston and Somerville.
Councillor Simmons, Councillor Toner, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Azeem (Calendar Item #2) from 11/14/2022
Placed on File due to end of legislative term

22-83. Report on determining how the City could adopt G.L. c. 40, sec. 60B, created under the Municipal Modernization Act, which allows cities and towns, through their respective legislative bodies, to provide for Workforce Housing Special Tax Assessments Zones (WH–STA) as an incentive to create middle-income housing.
Mayor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Simmons, Councillor McGovern (O-16) from 11/21/2022

23-6. Report on determining the best ways to promote bike safety with a particular focus on expanding the distribution of bike lights throughout the City.
Councillor McGovern, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Zondervan (O-3) from 2/6/2023
Placed on File due to end of legislative term

23-10. Report on engaging with community groups and the City’s existing multi-member bodies to design the next iteration of the Cambridge Community Electricity Aggregation program.
Councillor Nolan, Councillor Zondervan, Mayor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor Mallon (O-11) from 2/6/2023
Placed on File due to end of legislative term

23-12. Report on options of how to increase overnight resident street parking in the vicinity of Rogers Street.
Councillor Zondervan (O-13) from 2/6/2023

23-15. Report on continuation of Riverbend Park closures on Saturdays and Sundays.
Councillor Azeem, Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Nolan, Vice Mayor Mallon (Calendar Item #1) from 2/27/2023
Placed on File due to end of legislative term

23-16. Report on Police Details and the need for having armed vs. unarmed officers and the possibility of having civilian flaggers.
Councillor Toner, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Simmons, Councillor Carlone (Calendar Item #2) from 2/27/2023

23-17. Report on the feasibility of automated traffic enforcement as well as using unarmed CPD traffic details for future discussion Automated/Unarmed Traffic Enforcement.
Councillor Azeem, Councillor Zondervan, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Carlone, Councillor Nolan (Calendar Item #3) from 2/27/2023

23-18. Report on creating a policy that will ensure the City is notified whenever a high-rise building over six floors experiences elevator failures.
Councillor Simmons (O-1) from 3/6/2023

23-20. Report on the feasibility of providing municipally-funded housing vouchers similar to programs in Somerville and Boston.
Mayor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Simmons, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Carlone, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Toner, Councillor Zondervan (O-6) from 3/6/2023

23-21. Report on funding the HEART initiative and negotiate a contract for services with HEART, to include but not limited to HEART responding to certain 911 calls.
Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Azeem, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Nolan (Calendar Item #1) from 3/20/2023

23-25. Report on developing a three-year plan to expand and improve After School Care.
Councillor McGovern, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Azeem, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Carlone, Councillor Simmons, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Toner, Councillor Zondervan (O-4) from 4/3/2023

23-26. Report on reviewing the Citizens Zoning Petition received from Michael Monestime et al. regarding Outdoor Use Zoning for the Central Square Cultural District (AP23#12) for form and content.
Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Zondervan (O-5) from 4/3/2023
Placed on File due to end of legislative term

23-28. Report on bringing together a working group to conduct outreach through neighborhood groups including the Fresh Pond Residents Alliance, and any other nearby neighborhood groups and city departments, in order to discuss and review options for use of the BB&N Field.
Councillor Nolan, Vice Mayor Mallon, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Carlone (O-4) from 4/24/2023

23-30. Report on working with DPW and relevant City departments and the Committee on Public Planting to consider ideas proposed during the Health and Environment Committee meeting on Apr 25, 2023, and to prepare a brief report outlining action items within the City’s UFMP which can be implemented as soon as this year and develop recommendations to update regulations regarding native species planting practices in light of climate change affecting the species that should be planted in the City.
Councillor Nolan, Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Carlone, Councillor Azeem (O-5) from 5/1/2023

23-32. Report on the feasibility of purchasing available property from Lesley University to address City goals.
Mayor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Carlone, Councillor Simmons, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Toner (O-2) from 5/8/2023  See Mgr #3

23-34. Report on funding and implementing the grant proposal submitted to DOE GTO to design and implement a community-scale geothermal heating and cooling system in Cambridge.
Councillor Nolan, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Carlone, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Simmons, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Toner (O-2) from 5/15/2023

23-36. Report on the goal of lowering the speed limit as much as possible on all state highways that fall within Cambridge’s geographic boundaries.
Councillor Zondervan, Mayor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Carlone (O-4) from 5/15/2023

23-38. Report on the legal opinion whether Cambridge could permanently switch to the MWRA water supply.
Councillor Zondervan (O-3) from 5/22/2023
Placed on File due to end of legislative term

23-40. Report on working group tasked with establishing plans for a citywide celebration to mark the 20th anniversary of the legalization of same-sex marriage in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.  See Mgr #1
Councillor Simmons (O-7) from 6/5/2023

23-41. Report on a new phone number and email address for Inclusionary Tenants to utilize for complaints and emergency issues as they arise.
Councillor Simmons (O-1) from 6/5/2023

23-43. Report on whether the Fire Department, the Police Department, Emergency Communications Department, Traffic, Parking and Transportation Department, the Department of Public Works and the Harvard Square Business Association determine that permanent automatic bollards are feasible in the area of Winthrop Street.
Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Nolan (O-10) from 6/5/2023

23-44. Report on the legal opinion on whether the city could, without violating state law, use traffic cameras, regulated under the Surveillance Ordinance, to inform motorists of potential traffic violations or dangerous actions, without issuing any citations or formal warnings.
Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Carlone (O-12) from 6/5/2023

23-45. Report on the issuing of an RFP calling for an agency that will lead the City through a community process with all stakeholders that will include community education, feedback, location possibilities, and potential legal issues as it relates to Overdose Prevention Centers.
Councillor McGovern, Councillor Zondervan, Vice Mayor Mallon (O-2) from 6/26/2023

23-46. Report on the coordination between relevant departments, local business associations, and local businesses to communicate to all retail businesses operating in Cambridge to encourage them to keep doors closed when operating cooling systems and inform them of other energy saving tools.
Councillor Nolan, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Zondervan (O-4) from 6/26/2023

23-48. Report back on the Department of Veterans Services and the Traffic, Parking, and Transportation Department’s determination of how and where it would be most appropriate to establish signs along the City’s borders proclaiming Cambridge to be a Purple Heart City.
Councillor Simmons (O-2) from 8/7/2023

23-50. Report on the review of the opportunity to work with MIT leadership and their staff to meet the requirement of planting at least the required 1,000 caliper inches-worth of trees in the very much underplanted Area 2 (main campus) as soon as possible.
Councillor Carlone, Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Nolan, Mayor Siddiqui (O-4) from 8/7/2023

23-51. Report on the review of existing policies and guidelines on project designs and reviews to determine whether there are opportunities to minimize new or additional pavement and encourage using permeable surfaces in public and private construction throughout the city.
Councillor Nolan, Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Carlone, Councillor Azeem (O-6) from 8/7/2023

23-52. Report on the Across Sidewalk Electric Vehicle Charging (EV) Permit Pilot Program and the removal of the $200 permit fee associated with the pilot program.
Councillor Nolan, Councillor McGovern (O-14) from 8/7/2023

23-53. Report on the consultation with relevant departments on the enhanced communication strategy to inform residents about the implementation of the Cycling Safety Ordinance.
Councillor Carlone, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Nolan (O-13) from 8/7/2023

23-54. Report on coordination between the Law Department and CPD to report to the City Council all outstanding and recent (last 5 fiscal years: FY’23,’22,’21,’20,’19) lawsuits involving the CPD or individual members of CPD that the City is expending or has expended resources on, including an estimate of how much has been spent on these lawsuits to date in FY24.
Councillor Zondervan (Calendar Item #1) from 9/11/2023

23-55. Report on work done with relevant departments and agencies to design and implement a pilot program providing subsidized, on-demand transit to low-income residents, people with disabilities and seniors, with the goal of expanding the program to service the region in ways that supplement the MBTA system via fare-free, on-demand transit for everyone.
Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Azeem, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Carlone, Councillor Simmons, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Toner, Mayor Siddiqui (Calendar Item #2) from 9/11/2023

23-56. Report on the establishment and implementation of a regular maintenance schedule for tree wells, bump outs, crosswalks, and other pedestrian areas to prevent overgrowth and ensure consistent upkeep.
Councillor Simmons (Calendar Item #3) from 9/11/2023

23-58. Report on a report on the use of short-term rentals in Cambridge including numbers of registered units and how that compares to public listings, data on usage, whether the City can have access to data from rental services and state agencies, and whether the city needs additional ordinance language to improve enforcement.
Councillor Azeem, Councillor Nolan, Mayor Siddiqui (O-7) from 9/11/2023

23-59. Report on the Standards for Chicken Keeping.
Councillor Nolan, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Zondervan, Mayor Siddiqui (O-5) from 8/7/2023
Placed on File due to end of legislative term

23-60. Report on meetings with Governor Healey, DCR Commissioner Arrigo and Secretary Rebecca Tepper that discussed resuming Saturday closures to traffic this summer and mitigating the traffic impacts, including by making potential traffic signal adjustments.
Councillor Zondervan (O-16) from 8/7/2023

23-64. Provide monthly progress reports to the City Council, detailing the strategies being designed and implemented to address the issues in Central Square, including the metrics being used to measure success.
Councillor Simmons, Councillor Toner (Calendar Item #1) from 9/18/2023
Placed on File due to end of legislative term

23-66. Report on review the proposed amendment to BEUDO regarding new buildings, and to propose adjustments, especially with regards to the building permit vs certificate of occupancy question.
Councillor McGovern, Councillor Zondervan (O-1) from 10/2/2023
Placed on File due to end of legislative term

23-67. Report on the meeting with the Universities, large labs, large property developers and anyone with technical expertise regarding the proposed BEUDO amendment and their input.
Councillor McGovern, Councillor Zondervan (O-2) from 10/2/2023
Placed on File due to end of legislative term

23-68. Report on the feasibility of erecting a covered bus shelter in the immediate vicinity of 15 Lambert Street.
Councillor Simmons, Councillor McGovern (O-5) from 10/2/2023

23-69. Report on the identified ways these institutions can do more to provide affordable housing development within/near the city, whether by providing additional funds to the Affordable Housing Trust or by developing affordable/mixed-income housing, commensurate with the means of each institution, and specifically to work with the academic institutions on plans to provide on-campus housing to significantly more graduate students and to lower-income staff.
Councillor Carlone, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Nolan, Mayor Siddiqui (O-8) from 10/2/2023

23-70. Report on the comprehensive assessment of the overall state of the Moses Youth Center building.
Councillor Simmons (O-3) from 10/16/2023
Placed on File due to end of legislative term

23-71. Report on the thorough assessment regarding the feasibility, costs, and benefits of replacing the existing community notice boards on the front lawn of City Hall with one or two digital signs.
Councillor Simmons, Councillor Toner (O-4) from 10/16/2023

23-73. Report on the creation of a dedicated page on the City of Cambridge’s website listing all community-based organizations providing services in The Port neighborhood.
Councillor Simmons, Councillor Toner (O-6) from 10/16/2023

23-78. Report on the feasibility of adding outdoor fitness areas near Rindge Field, St. Peter’s Field and other parks throughout the City.
Councillor Azeem, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Toner (O-1) from 10/30/2023

23-79. Report on possible solutions and mitigations regarding the immediate parking concerns for the residents in and around Clifton Place during the construction of Jefferson Park Apartments.
Councillor Simmons, Councillor Toner (O-2) from 10/30/2023

23-80. Report on the assessment, repavement, and repair the stretch of sidewalk between Rivermark Apartments and the River Street Walgreen’s.
Councillor Simmons (O-4) from 10/30/2023

23-81. Report on ssible base zoning changes for a new residential use that has a first-floor mixed-use option or other zoning alternative, to review the city’s permit policy for extending construction hours/days & propose changes that more significantly protect residents’ quality of life, and to work with the Department of Public Health to look at ways the City’s board of health, under the Nuisance Law, might further restrict undue noise.
Councillor Carlone, Councillor Nolan, Mayor Siddiqui (O-5) from 10/30/2023

23-82. Report on an update on Municipal Broadband and Digital Equity by December 2023.  See Mgr #9
Councillor Nolan, Councillor Zondervan, Mayor Siddiqui (O-6) from 10/30/2023

23-83. Report on a list of recommendations to reduce the use of miniature liquor bottles.
Councillor Nolan (O-7) from 10/30/2023

23-84. Report on the process of banning various single-use plastics in line with the discussion during the Health and Environment Committee meeting and actions by the state and by various municipalities.
Councillor Nolan, Councillor Zondervan (O-8) from 10/30/2023

23-85. Report on a meeting with residents of the neighborhood and action plan to improve safety on Clinton Street and reduce speeding vehicles.
Councillor Nolan (O-9) from 10/30/2023

23-86. Report on the efficacy of establishing a dual reporting system for the Director of Public Health, the process by which the City could establish by ordinance a Commissioner of Public Health who would report directly to the City Manager, and the reestablishment of a Health Policy Board.
Councillor Nolan, Vice Mayor Mallon (Calendar Item #2) from 11/7/2023

23-87. Report on the Commonwealth’s recommendations from the Separated Bike Lane document, especially for all squares and along small business districts, schools, and key park entries, and with a focus also on the integration of pedestrian and biking infrastructure.
Councillor Carlone (O-1) from 11/6/2023

23-90. Report on the review the citizens zoning petition and provide any recommendations in writing to the Ordinance Committee.
Councillor McGovern, Councillor Zondervan (O-2) from 11/6/2023
Placed on File due to end of legislative term

23-91. Report back by March 2024 on the review and results of Somerville’s pilot program and make a recommendation on whether the City should develop a similar pilot program in Cambridge.
Councillor Nolan, Councillor Azeem, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Carlone (O-2) from 11/20/2023

23-92. Report back by Dec 18, 2023 on the work with city departments and state and federal regulators to establish an orderly testing and deployment strategy for Full Self Driving on Cambridge roads.
Councillor Zondervan (O-1) from 12/4/2023