Cambridge City Council meeting - September 16, 2024 - AGENDA
[Councillor Joan Pickett died Aug 31, 2024; Nolan, Toner remote]

1. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to a Surveillance Technology Impact Report (STIR). (CM24#198)
Placed on File 7-0-1 (DS-Absent)

2. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 24-41, regarding a request to work with the City of Somerville to address the parking signage on Seven Pines Avenue. (CM24#199)
Placed on File 7-0-1 (DS-Absent)

3. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 24-42, regarding amending the Do Not Enter sign at the entrance of Whittemore Avenue from Alewife Brook Parkway to include an exception for abutters. (CM24#200)
pulled by Toner; comments by Toner, Brooke McKenna (TPT), Placed on File 7-0-1 (DS-Absent)

4. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 24-48, regarding a request which directed City staff to enact policy that will extend the priority period for Social Equity and Equity Empowerment cannabis business applicants. (CM24#201) [text of report]
pulled by Siddiqui; comments by City Solicitor Megan Bayer on 6-month extension, emergency ordination; Simmons motion to pass through all stages of ordination as an “emergency involving the health and safety of the people of Cambridge or their property” passes 6-2 (BA,PN-No); Nolan expresses concerns about this being the 2nd instance of passing this as an “emergency”; Ordained 6-2 (BA,PN-No); Communication Placed on File 8-0

Agenda Item No. 4     Sept 16, 2024
ORDERED: That the City Council finds that the adoption of the amendment to Cambridge Municipal Code Chapter 5.50 entitled Cannabis Business Permitting to extend and amend the provisions relating to the permitting preference period in Section 5.50.040 is an emergency involving the health and safety of the people of Cambridge or their property, pursuant to G.L. c.43, §20.

5. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Council Order PO24#121, which requested that the City Manager work with relevant staff to provide an update on the status of the Vail Court property and associate litigation in Said S. Abuzahra, Trustee of Equity Realty Trust, et al. v. City of Cambridge, in Executive Session if necessary, at a future meeting. (CM24#202)
pulled by Sobrinho-Wheeler; McGovern motion (at 6:59pm) to Table (until 8:00pm when legal counsel will be available) passes 8-0 at which time the City Council will meet in Executive Session; McGovern motion (7:44pm) to remove from Table 7-0-1 (BA-Absent); Move to Executive Session 7-0-1 (BA-Absent); Reconvene at 8:49pm; Placed on File 7-1 (PN-Absent)

1. That the City of Cambridge assist companies, institutions, and other organizations in adopting truck safety requirements for their fleets and finding trucking vendors who are able to comply by providing an informational resource and publicizing those that comply.   Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Azeem (PO24#124)
Order Adopted 8-0

2. That the City Manager is hereby requested to work with relevant departments to review Cambridge’s curb cut policies and report back on if they can be improved to help meet the City’s transportation and sustainability goals with some proposed updates and draft ordinance language designating City staff as the final approval authority for curb cuts.   Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Siddiqui, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Wilson (PO24#125)
pulled by Sobrinho-Wheeler; comments by JSW, Toner (notes need for a more accurate list of neighborhood associations); Order Adopted 8-0

1. That the City Manager direct the Community Development Department (CDD) and the Law Department to draft zoning language based on the proposal discussed at the Housing Committee to eliminate exclusionary zoning and allow up to six stories of multifamily housing in all residential districts. [Charter Right – Toner, Sept 9, 2024] (PO24#117)
Toner proposes amendment by substitution calling for up to 15 to 25 stories in the Squares, 9-10 stories on major transportation corridors, and changes to Inclusionary Zoning; Wilson proposes amendment; Clerk process question re: Wilson motion to Toner’s amendment by substitution; McGovern notes that Toner amendment is actually not an amendment by substitution, Toner disagrees; minor Toner amendment; JSW opposes Toner substitution; McGovern wants to jack up AHO even more, agrees with going taller in the Squares, opposes having only 4-story heights in Res A and Res B zones - want those zones to also have much greater heights and densities; Nolan calls this a fraught conversation, notes that almost everyone OK with multi-family citywide, suggests that there are other ways to reach goals with fewer unintended consequences, concerns about possible loss of “naturally occurring affordable housing”, maintaining transportation and climate goals, possibility that this could increase housing costs, questions about actual number of inclusionary units that might be produced; Siddiqui acknowledges need to revisit inclusionary zoning requirements, but does not want to do that now; Azeem questions Iram Farouq about timeline for getting zoning language; Farouq says language likely available as soon as next week; Azeem asks about status of squares and corridors; Farouq says heights of Toner amendment not currently consistent with what is being discussed for Central Square, suggests analysis re: Toner amendment might be available by time Ordinance Committee takes up proposed zoning; Azeem wants additional Housing Committee hearings in interim; Wilson OK with Toner substitution but will also have additional amendment; Toner substitute amendment approved 7-1 (JSW-No); Wilson amendment passes 8-0; Order Adopted as Amended 8-0

O-6     Sept 9, 2024  Charter Right - Toner
WHEREAS: The Housing Committee met on Aug 21, 2024 and voted favorably to recommend that the Full City Council requests that the City Manager direct the Community Development Department (CDD) and the Law Department to draft zoning language based on the proposal discussed at the Housing Committee to eliminate exclusionary zoning and allow up to six stories of multifamily housing in all residential districts, and bring back any analysis (if available) on displacement concerns, and report back to the City Council by Sept 15, 2024.
ORDERED: That the City Manager direct the Community Development Department (CDD) and the Law Department to draft zoning language based on the proposal discussed at the Housing Committee to eliminate exclusionary zoning and allow up to six stories of multifamily housing in all residential districts and bring back any analysis (if available) on displacement concerns, and report back to the City Council by Sept 15, 2024.

Toner proposed amendment by substitution (adopted):
O-6     Sept 9, 2024

WHEREAS: The City Council is seeking the most effective path to creating more housing options at all income levels, and,

WHEREAS:  The Housing Committee met on August 21, 2024 and voted favorably to recommend that the Full City Council requests that the City Manager direct the Community Development Department (CDD) and the Law Department to draft zoning language based on the proposal discussed at the Housing Committee to eliminate exclusionary zoning and allow up to six stories of multifamily housing in all residential districts, and bring back any analysis (if available) on displacement concerns, and report back to the City Council by September 15, 2024 as soon as possible.

ORDERED: That the City Manager direct the Community Development Department (CDD) and the Law Department to draft zoning language based on the proposal discussed at the Housing Committee to eliminate exclusionary zoning and allow up to six stories of multifamily housing in all residential districts and,

ORDERED: That CDD provide an analysis of how much housing could be created if we allow 9-10 stories on main corridors, 15 to 25 stories in the squares, 6 stories citywide except in residential A and B districts, 4 stories in residential A and B districts with anything taller requiring a special permit process and Planning Board review, and an analysis of how much housing could be created if we adjusted our Inclusionary Zoning requirements down from 20% for 10 units or more to 10% for projects of 10 to 80 units and 15% for anything above 80 units, and,

bring back any analysis (if available) on displacement concerns, and report back to the City Council by September 15, 2024 as soon as possible.

Wilson proposed amendment (adopted):
ORDERED: That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to work with the appropriate departments to explore and evaluate both the technical and legal feasibility of offering the proposed zoning relief only to projects that either contain more than 9 units or that are larger than 10,000 square feet through a conditional upzoning, as well as an analysis of projected 2030 and 2040 market and inclusionary units under this revised zoning proposal.

2. That the City Manager directs CDD to hold public meetings to inform the Cambridge community about the proposed changes before any public hearings of the Ordinance Committee and the Planning Board on this topic. [Charter Right – Azeem, Sept 9, 2024] (PO24#118)
Order Adopted 8-0

O-7     Sept 9, 2024  Charter Right - Azeem
WHEREAS: The Housing Committee met on Aug 21, 2024, and voted favorably to recommend that the Full City Council requests that the City Manager directs CDD to hold public meetings to inform the Cambridge community about the proposed changes before any public hearings of the Ordinance Committee and the Planning Board on this topic.
ORDERED: That the City Manager directs CDD to hold public meetings to inform the Cambridge community about the proposed changes before any public hearings of the Ordinance Committee and the Planning Board on this topic.

3. That the City Manager is requested to explore the feasibility of delaying the Mass Avenue reconstruction project to minimize its impact upon the busy season for restaurants and other affected businesses, and, should this not be found feasible, a method of providing financial assistance to the impacted businesses to cover the costs of removing their outdoor dining structures, designed to mitigate some of the financial impacts upon them, should be established. [Charter Right – Simmons, June 3, 2024; Tabled as Amended June 10, 2024] (PO24#70)

4. Requiring a 2/3rds vote for approving changes to be forwarded to the legislature and the voters on a future ballot. [Tabled Sept 9, 2024] (PO24#102)

5. An Ordinance 2023 #8B has been received from City Clerk, relative to Amend Chapter 14.04 – Fair Housing. [Passed to 2nd Reading Oct 2, 2023; Amended Nov 6, 2023; to remain on Unfinished Business pending legislative approval of Special Act needed prior to ordination] (ORD23-8B)

1. An application from Jason Parillo representing Bred, requesting permission for a projecting blade sign at the premises numbered 730 Main Street, approval has been received from Inspectional Services, Department of Public Works, Community Development Department and abutter response has been provided. (AP24#34)
Order Adopted 7-0-1 (PN-Absent)

1. A communication from Andy Zucker, re: Winn Development’s “F” rating on BBB.

2. A communication from Aram Harrow, re: please legalize more housing.

3. A communication from Adele Pressman, re: Question of “upzoning”.

4. A communication from AJRL, re: Stop with the upzoning!

5. A communication from Al DIsidoro, re: zoning.

6. A communication from Alessandro Doria, re: Zoning Proposal PO24#117.

7. A communication from Alice Hoffman, re: opposing the rezoning for six story buildings in Cambridge.

8. A communication from Alison Williams, re: In Support of Bold Action on Housing.

9. A communication from Amanda Lee, re: Opposing Community Development Up-Zoning Ordinance to allow 6-story housing city-wide.

10. A communication from Amy Prussack, re: New zoning proposal.

11. A communication from Amy Waltz, re: “Please Refuse 75’ Buildings by Zoning Right throughout Cambridge!” Large buildings need special siting & environmental considerations!

12. A communication from Andrea and Ted Killory, re: Plea to vote AGAINST the rezoning proposal.

13. A communication from Andrew Jankowich, re: Upzoning Proposal Comment.

14. A communication from Andrew Meyer, re: Yes! to upzoning.

15. A communication from Andrew S. Karsch, re: City Council’s Upzoning Plans.

16. A communication from Andy Zucker, re: New 6-story zoning proposal.

17. A communication from Ann Haycox, re: Zoning proposal.

18. A communication from Ann Stewart, re: PO24#117 (O-6) comment.

19. A communication from Anna Gosline, re: Zoning proposal tonight: zoning changes yes, citywide 6-story buildings needs more discussion.

20. A communication from Anna Kelsey, re: Zoning proposal.

21. A communication from Annalisa Martinek, re: Please do not support city-wide height increases for housing.

22. A communication from Anne Hawley, re: citywide upzoning proposal.

23. A communication from Anne Jeka, re: Please oppose the new housing zoning proposal.

24. A communication from Anne Leslie, re: Zoning Proposals.

25. A communication from Anne Lowell, re: Proposed zoning change.

26. A communication from Anne Marie Reardon, re: Housing zoning votes.

27. A communication from Anne Sundaram, re: No to seven sorry buildings in Cambridge, MA.

28. A communication from Anne Warner, re: No - to zoning allowing 6 story buildings on every street!

29. A communication from Annette LaMond and Joe Moore, re: OPPOSED to Citywide Upzoning.

30. A communication from Annie Michaelis, re: writing in support of ending exclusionary zoning.

31. A communication from Anthony P. Sager, re: Better upzoning than this please.

32. A communication from Aran Nathanson, re: Proposed amendments to city zoning to be discussed Sept 9th.

33. A communication from Audrey Cunningham, re: [board] Zoning Proposal.

34. A communication from Barbara Elfman, re: City Neighborhood upzoning proposal.

35. A communication from Barbara Rubel, re: Proposed city-wide zoning for new housing.

36. A communication from Beth Gamse, re: Say no to up-zoning proposal.

37. A communication from Beth Kon, re: Upzoning.

38. A communication from Betty Lee Saccoccio, re: Proposed Language for Largest Zoning Change in the City of Cambridge.

39. A communication from Bill Dines, re: Housing Committee/Exclusionary Zoning.

40. A communication from Bjorn Poonen, re: multifamily housing.

41. A communication from Bonnie Mioduchoski, re: Community Development Department’s draft multifamily zoning (9/9/24 meeting).

42. A communication from Brian Conway, re: Opposition to PO24#117.

43. A communication from Bruce Pritchard, re: Citywide upzoning proposals - Oppose.

44. A communication from Caleb Cochrane, re: support for up-zoning efforts.

45. A communication from Camille Preston, re: For tonight’s meeting on housing, zoning, density.

46. A communication from Candace Young, re: Citywide up-zoning.

47. A communication from Carol Lynn Alpert, re: Please slow down and moderate upzoning proposal.

48. A communication from Carol Weinhaus, re: Strongly oppose upzoning items.

49. A communication from Carolyn Shipley, re: Cambridge City Council Proposes killing trees and reducing the tree canopy.

50. A communication from Carolyn Shipley, re: Cambridge proposes to hinder children’s mental and physical development, and to destroy its tree canopy.

51. A communication from Carolyn, re: Central Square Rezoning – Community Meeting 3.

52. A communication from Carolyn, re: Reminder- Oppose Massive City Upzoning Mon, Sept 9.

53. A communication from Carrie Jones, re: Housing debates.

54. A communication from Casey Szilagyi, re: Policy order 6 and 7.

55. A communication from Cassandra Cole, re: Let Cambridge build more housing.

56. A communication from Catalina Arboleda, re: Citywide Upzoning Proposal.

57. A communication from Cathy and Leighton Collis, re: Citizen Comment: Materials for the public record/tonight’s city council meeting.

58. A communication from Catherine Havasi, re: Support for Zoning Proposal.

59. A communication from Catherine Hoffman, re: multi-family proposal.

60. A communication from Central Square Tenants, re: Support the Six Story Buildings Throughout Cambridge - to Save the Children!

61. A communication from Central Square Tenants, re: Passionate Support to eliminate exclusionary zoning and allow up to six stories of multifamily housing in all residential districts.

62. A communication from Charles T. Hinds, re: PO24#117 - Opposition.

63. A communication from Charles Teague, re: OPPOSE PO24#117 for city-wide upzoning for “up to six stories”.

64. A communication from Zack Goldberg, re: Citywide upzoning_ NO.

65. A communication from Chiara Gerhardinger, re: Zoning Proposal PO24#117.

66. A communication from William Bloomstein, re: Upzoning for 6-7 story buildings.

67. A communication from Will Erickson, re: In Support of Bold Action on Housing.

68. A communication from Whitney Van Praagh, re: opposed to the unzoning proposal.

69. A communication from Chris Brokaw, re: Opposition to Citywide Upzoning Proposal PO24#117.

70. A communication from Wen Chyi Shyu and James Hook, re: Up-zoning changes proposals.

71. A communication from Chris Deng, re: In Support of Bold Action on Housing.

72. A communication from Weldon Pries, re: Please support the following in any upzoning considerations.

73. A communication from Chris Herlich, re: Resident Comments on Proposed Citywide Zoning Changes.

74. A communication from Wayne Welke, re: In Support of More Multifamily Housing in Cambridge.

75. A communication from Chris McElroy and Howard Bauchner, re: Against the Upzoning.

76. A communication from Vaughn Sills, re: New proposal for housing.

77. A communication from Vanessa Azzone Dhanji, re: Please reconsider Massive City Upzoning.

78. A communication from Christine Falzone and Stefan Tullius, re: Info for tonight’s meeting.

79. A communication from Urs Gauchat, re: Upzoning proposal.

80. A communication from Tricia Carney, re: Against Current City Upzoning Proposal on Mon, Sept 9.

81. A communication from Tom Sanfilippo, re: Upzoning.

82. A communication from Christine Korsgaard, re: Upzoning.

83. A communication from Crystal Komm, re: Opposition to City Wide Upzoning.

84. A communication from Tim Russell, re: In Support of Bold Action on Housing.

85. A communication from Tim Albright, re: No Upzoning.

86. A communication from D. R. Biba, re: Please vote against citywide upzoning measure as currently proposed.

87. A communication from Dan Gauger, re: Central Square rezoning.

88. A communication from Dan Lenke, Limin and Lisan and Crystyl Mo, re: We four Cambridge voters advocate AGAINST upzoning.

89. A communication from Dan Tenney, re: Citywide Up-Zoning Proposal 9sept24.

90. A communication from Daniel B. Fisher, re: housing vote tonight.

91. A communication from Danielle Jankowich, re: Opposition to Upzoning Proposal.

92. A communication from David Halperin, re: Support 6 stories citywide.

93. A communication from David Hattis, re: In Support of Multifamily Housing.

94. A communication from David Levitt, re: Remove exclusionary zoning from ALL of Cambridge.

95. A communication from David Levy, re: Against the current citywide upzoning proposal.

96. A communication from Day Lenke, re: Opposition to upzoning.

97. A communication from Deborah Jane, re: I oppose Cambridge Up-Zoning plan.

98. A communication from Deborah Olken, re: Proposed citywide upzoning proposal.

99. A communication from Deborah Valenze, re: upcoming zoning determination.

100. A communication from Deborah Zucker, re: Proposed changes to building zoning/ordinances for the city.

101. A communication from Debra Fox, re: Please support affordable housing.

102. A communication from Deepak Singh, re: I Strongly oppose TWO items related to the upzoning.

103. A communication from Deepti Nijhawan, re: I Strongly oppose TWO items related to the upzoning.

104. A communication from Dena Feldstein, re: Opposition to City upzoning.

105. A communication from Diana Yousef, re: Please do not support city-wide height increases for housing.

106. A communication from Tigran Yesayan, re: 55 Harvey st Presentation on Curb Cut.

107. A communication from Thomas Saccardi, re: proposed upzoning proposal.

108. A communication from Thomas Miller, re: In support of PO24#117.

109. A communication from Theodore Live, re: Multifamily housing proposal.

110. A communication from Tania Kluzak, re: Opposing Massive City Upzoning.

111. A communication from Suzanne Watzman, re: New citywide ZONING proposal-NO no no_ Please no.

112. A communication from Diane C Norris, re: Multifamily Housing Citywide, PO24#117, PO24#118 for 9/9/24 Meeting.

113. A communication from Doina Contescu, re: We oppose the proposed city plan for upzoning in our area.

114. A communication from Suzanne Blier, re: It is counting time – PO#8, PO#9, PO#6, PO#7.

115. A communication from Susie Devins, re: Luxury housing proposal.

116. A communication from Elinor (Nellie) Goodwin, re: high rise buildings and the destruction of lower income housing.

117. A communication from Susan W Pitman Lowenthal, re: Opposition to proposed zoning height increase.

118. A communication from Susan Ringler, re: Oppose moving forward with citywide up-zoning.

119. A communication from Susan Leslie-Pritchard, re: City-Wide Upzoning (& Downzoning).

120. A communication from Susan Cory, re: Radical citywide upzoning proposal 9-9-24.

121. A communication from Sue and Rand Wentworth, re: Monday’s Proposal for Citywide Upzoning.

122. A communication from Steven Calhoun, re: Get your tall ass buildings out of Somerville.

123. A communication from Steve Manos, re: The proposal for six story residential zoning.

124. A communication from Stephen York, re: End Exclusionary Zoning.

125. A communication from Stephen Tapscott, re: Upzoning_ no.

126. A communication from Shellburne Thurber, re: upzoning proposal.

127. A communication from Elisabeth Meurer, re: Upzoning proposal for 6-story buildings, citywide.

128. A communication from Shelagh Hadley, re: Proposed citywide up-zoning.

129. A communication from Sheila Butler, re: City Council’s Upzoning Plans.

130. A communication from Elizabeth and John Gilmore, re: Opposed to citywide upcoming.

131. A communication from Sharon Stichter, re: Please vote against massive citywide upzoning.

132. A communication from Elizabeth Hodder, re: upzoning discussion.

133. A communication from Sharon Bober, re: A need for balance_ this is not it.

134. A communication from Shannon Finley, re:_ Change in zoning in reference to creating of affordable housing.

135. A communication from Sarah Stone, re: In Support of Bold Action on Housing.

136. A communication from Ellen F. Wilson, re: City Neighborhood Upzoning Proposal.

137. A communication from Sarah Spademan, re: New building proposals.

138. A communication from Ellen Friedman, re: Citywide upzoning.

139. A communication from Sarah Smith, re: Upzoning Proposal.

140. A communication from Emily Fletcher, re: Eliminate Exclusionary zoning.

141. A communication from Sarah Merin, re: Zoning Changes.

142. A communication from Emily Goodling, re: Strong support of Cambridge Zoning Reforms.

143. A communication from Sarah Baker, re: No to Upzoning.

144. A communication from Esther Dominguez, re: Upzoning.

145. A communication from Ethan Frank, re: MIT fossil fuel disinvestment, automated parking enforcement, housing permitting.

146. A communication from Sandra Tropp, re: Meeting Today About Housing in our Wonderful City.

147. A communication from Sandra Allik, re: Citywide zoning change - 75 feet.

148. A communication from Fabrizio Gentili, re: Zoning Proposal.

149. A communication from Ruth Plaut Weinreb, re: Commenting on plans set forth in City Council’s Neighborhood Upzoning Proposal at City Council 9/9/24.

150. A communication from Felicia Brady-Lopez, re: Opposing.

151. A communication from Ruth Perry, re: upzoning proposal.

152. A communication from Francesca Gordini, re: Opposition to Zoning Proposal.

153. A communication from Ruth Loetterle, re: Vote NO on the proposed up-zoning proposal.

154. A communication from Ron Jackson, re: Oppose the Envision (Upzoning) of Cambridge.

155. A communication from Gabriela Romanow, re: Vote no on the upzoning.

156. A communication from Made Fasciano, re: New city neighborhood upcoming proposal.

157. A communication from Genevieve Coyle, re: Upgrading of the City of Cambridge.

158. A communication from Gerry Swislow, re: PO#6 - Sep 9, 2024.

159. A communication from Roger Lowenstein, re: opposing upzoning proposal.

160. A communication from Glenna Lang and Alexander von Hoffman, re: We Strongly Oppose Massive City Upzoning!

161. A communication from Madeline Jacquet, re: Up-zoning proposal.

162. A communication from Robin Greeley, re: Oppose city neighborhood upzoning proposal.

163. A communication from Marc Holzer, re: Upzoning Proposal Presents Deliberate Ignorance and Ethical Flags.

164. A communication from Guillemette and William Simmers, re: Upzoning.

165. A communication from Hans-Peter Biemann, re: No relaxing of zoning without further study, and recognition of funders advocating for upzoning.

166. A communication from Margaret Booz, re: Up-zoning petition.

167. A communication from Margaret Hume, re: Please vote against upzoning proposal!

168. A communication from Robert Camacho, re: 9/8/24 Response to new upzoning plan.

169. A communication from Margaret McLallen, re: Strongly oppose zoning code change.

170. A communication from Rob Laurens, re: Please NO up-zoning!

171. A communication from Heather Hetherington, re: Proposed zoning changes.

172. A communication from Rob Everts, re: PLEASE oppose citywide upzoning measure as it currently stands.

173. A communication from Marie Elena Saccoccio, re: Proposed Language for Largest Zoning Change in the History of Cambridge.

174. A communication from Rebecca Pries, re: Please support the following in any upzoning considerations.

175. A communication from Mark Breneman, re: New upcoming proposal.

176. A communication from Rahel O’More, re: No on zoning proposal.

177. A communication from Mark DeJon, re: Oppose Massive City Upzoning Mon, Sept 9.

178. A communication from Raffi Freeman, re: Support for Multifamily Housing.

179. A communication from Mark Goodman, re: Citywide upzoning.

180. A communication from Quinton Zondervan, re: Inquiry regarding the American Freedmen Commission.

181. A communication from Mark Kon, re: upzoning of Cambridge residents.

182. A communication from Aileen O. Erickson and Joseph Barbieri, re: Votes AGAINST Upzoning to Allow 6 Story Market Rate Housing.

183. A communication from Mark Newhall, re: This evening’s meeting on housing, zoning, density in Cambridge.

184. A communication from Phyllis Simpkins, re: Monday night upzoning proposal.

185. A communication from Heddi Siebel, re: No on City Upzoning Proposal.

186. A communication from Phillip Rothman, re: CDD zoning opposition!

187. A communication from Mary Anne C, re: Vote no on the upzoning proposal.

188. A communication from Phil Wellons, re: Oppose PO24#117.

189. A communication from Mary Jane Kornacki, re: PO24#117 - vote NO.

190. A communication from Helen Snively, re: please, no luxury housing rezoning.

191. A communication from Mary Jean Farrington, re: Zoning.

192. A communication from Peter Lubetsky, re: Oppose New Zoning Proposal.

193. A communication from Marzyeh Ghassemi, re: Opposing City Upzoning.

194. A communication from Peter Levitt, re: Citywide upzoning.

195. A communication from Maureen Mueller, in opposition of new zoning.

196. A communication from Peter Klinefelter, re: Citywide Multifamily Housing Zoning Proposal.

197. A communication from Peter Dunn, re: Please take a methodical approach to affordable housing measures.

198. A communication from Maxwell Moore re: PO24#117.

199. A communication from Maxwell Solet, re: Proposed Upzoning.

200. A communication from Pei Pei, re: Opposition to Massive City Upzoning Ordinance Changes.

201. A communication from Helen Walker, re: City Council Confirmation.

202. A communication from McKelden Smith, re: Input on Cambridge upzoning.

203. A communication from Paul Rajcok, re: Letter in Opposition to Central Square Overlay Rezoning Project as it presently stands.

204. A communication from Patricia Illingworth, re: Letter of objection.

205. A communication from Helena Taylor, re: Disagree with Upzoning Plan.

206. A communication from Melisa Burns, re: Upzoning Proposal.

207. A communication from Patricia Bull, re: Up-zoning Proposal.

208. A communication from Michael Koran, re: Please do not approve the upscale zoning proposal.

209. A communication from Holly Stoehr, re: Opposing Citywide Upzoning Proposal.

210. A communication from Pamela Lipson, re: Zoning changes.

211. A communication from Pam Winters, re: Please do not change the look of the city by removing setback limitations and allowing for extra height in buildings.

212. A communication from Omar Eton, re: AGAINST Cambridge City Neighborhood Up-Zoning Proposal by Cambridge City Council.

213. A communication from O. Robert Simha, re: Zoning Proposal.

214. A communication from Lynne Reiss, re: zoning proposal.

215. A communication from Hugh L Warren, re: Upzoning.

216. A communication from Lucille (‘Lucy’) Wilhelm, re: upzoning on today’s Council agenda.

217. A communication from Lowry Pei, re: Opposing proposed upzoning plan.

218. A communication from Hunter, re: In Support of Bold Action on Housing.

219. A communication from Lora Farkas, re: City council agenda items on residential building height and zoning changes.

220. A communication from Isaac Rockafellow, re: In Support of Bold Action on Housing.

221. A communication from Iuliu Balibanu, re: Please end exclusionary zoning in Cambridge.

222. A communication from Liz Cabot, re: zoning petition up for discussion at 3:00pm today.

223. A communication from Jack Silversin, re: PO24#117.

224. A communication from Lisan Mo, re: Housing proposal - Please consider this note before voting tonight.

225. A communication from Jacqueline Brown, re: vote against the proposal to allow 6-story housing.

226. A communication from Lisa McManus, re: I strongly oppose the proposal to allow up to 6 story residential housing city wide.

227. A communication from James Sperling, re: CDD residential zoning revision.

228. A communication from Lisa Glover, re: Please vote NO to current 6-story citywide upzoning proposal.

229. A communication from Jamie Sabino, re: zoning change.

230. A communication from Lisa Gamble, re: City upzoning.

231. A communication from Jane Martin, re: Zoning.

232. A communication from Jane Morse, re: Please vote no on the two agenda items related to upzoning.

233. A communication from Lisa Camacho, re: Upzoning.

234. A communication from Jean Berko Gleason, re: the new up-zoning plan.

235. A communication from Lindsay L. Greimann, re: tonight’s vote on up-zoning.

236. A communication from Linda Selaya, re: Up-zoning Proposals.

237. A communication from Jeff Petrucelly, re: Upzoning Proposal.

238. A communication from Linda Mousseau, re: ACTION ALERT – City Neighborhood Upzoning Proposal at City Council Mon, Sept 9.

239. A communication from Jennifer Jones, re: Stop Rezoning Madness.

240. A communication from Lilly Havstad, re: In Support of Bold Action on Housing.

241. A communication from Jess Sheehan, re: thank you for continuing progress on eliminating exclusionary zoning.

242. A communication from Leslie Jeng, re: Opposing allowing up to 6 story buildings.

243. A communication from Jessie Wenning, re: Zoning Proposal.

244. A communication from Jill Slosburg-Ackerman, re: I do not support up-zoning in Cambridge.

245. A communication from Jim Kaufman, re: I oppose the ‘upzoning proposal’.

246. A communication from Jimena Bermejo, re: Opposition to Citywide Upzoning Proposal PO24#117.

247. A communication from JJ Gonson, re: building height.

248. A communication from Joe Rose, re: Opposition to City wide upzoning.

249. A communication from Lenore Martin, re: citywide upzoning.

250. A communication from Lauren Curry, re: Proposed zoning changes opening the whole City to multi-family housing.

251. A communication from John Buten, re: Zoning.

252. A communication from Kristin Mugford, re: Deep concern with proposed zoning changes.

253. A communication from John Grady, re: Elimination of exclusionary zoning.

254. A communication from Kitty Gormley, re: Opposition to citywide upzoning.

255. A communication from Kit Lilly, re: Upzoning.

256. A communication from John Hovhannes Mesropyan, re: City Council meeting time and participation - 55 Harvey Street.

257. A communication from Kellie DeJon, re: Oppose Massive City Upzoning Mon, Sept 9.

258. A communication from John Kernochan, re: zoning petition.

259. A communication from Kathy Richman, re: Letter to City Council about zoning proposal up for discussion today.

260. A communication from John Pena, re: Please vote AGAINST the proposed upzoning modifications.

261. A communication from John R. Frank, re: NO upzoning.

262. A communication from Katherine L. Olivier, re: Changes to City Zoning Regulations.

263. A communication from Jonathan Cohen, re: Support to Increase Housing Options and Availability.

264. A communication from Kate Zamparelli, re: Please vote NO on upzoning.

265. A communication from Jonathan Harris, re: Oppose Citywide Upzoning.

266. A communication from Kate Gakenheimer, re: upzoning.

267. A communication from Karen Falb, re: Avoid citywide too fast, too understudied upzoning - aim for good holistic urban planning.

268. A communication from Karen Eton, re: Cambridge City Neighborhood Up-Zoning Proposal by Cambridge City Council.

269. A communication from Karen Cushing, re: I am against the upcoming proposal.

270. A communication from Jonathan Slate, re: 55 Harvey Street Curb Cut on Westley Avenue.

271. A communication from Michael Millner, re: Against many of the proposed house changes.

272. A communication from Michael Volles, re: Oppose upzoning.

273. A communication from Jordan Browne, re: Help End Exclusionary Zoning.

274. A communication from Monique Kahn, re: Cambridge Homeowner against Monday night’s upcoming proposal.

275. A communication from Morris Wasserstein, re: upzoning proposal.

276. A communication from Joshua Hartshorne, re: In favor of PO24#117.

277. A communication from Muireann Glenmullen, re: Rezoning proposals.

278. A communication from Joyce Klein, re: Zoning Proposal.

279. A communication from Nancy Curtis, re: in favor of increasing affordable housing.

280. A communication from Nancy Johnson, re: Upzoning.

281. A communication from Julio Guerrero, re: Please, convey my opinions about this issue PO24#117.

282. A communication from Nancy Murray, re: The Community Encampment for Palestine, Aug 24-25.

283. A communication from Justin Saif, re: Strong Support for Ending Exclusionary Zoning.

284. A communication from Massachusetts & Northern New England Laborer’ District Council, Legislative/Political Director, Tony Pini, re: Item 21 Wage Theft.

285. A communication from Leslie Cohen, re: Please end exclusionary housing!

1. Congratulations to Janet Amphlett, recipient of the Herb Epstein Volunteer Excellence Award.   Councillor Siddiqui

2. Congratulations to Katie Labrie on her new position as Executive Director of Cambridge Local First.   Vice Mayor McGovern

3. Condolences on the death of John “Buddy” Harold Earle, III.   Councillor Toner

4. Condolences on the death of Sally A. Drewicz.   Councillor Toner

5. Resolution on the death of Rita Grassi.   Mayor Simmons, Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Toner

R-5     Sept 16, 2024

WHEREAS: The City Council was deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Rita Grassi on Sept 10, 2024; and

WHEREAS: Rita Grassi was born to the late Manfredi Grassi and Mary A. (Pasquariello) Grassi, and was sister to Mary, Anthony, and former School Committee Member Joseph Grassi; and

WHEREAS: Rita Grassi was a graduate of St. Joseph’s High School in Somerville and the Wilfred Hairdressing Academy, and she would go on to have a distinguished career, starting as a Senior Fraud Investigator at the Bank of New England, then as a receptionist at Kaufman Inc., and most recently she served for many, many years as Committee Receptionist for the Massachusetts House of Representatives, where she assisted in preparing legislation and responding to constituent inquiries until her retirement in September 2023; and

WHEREAS: Despite her health issues, Rita Grassi was known for her loving, caring, and generous nature, she maintained a positive spirit and welcomed all who came into her life, leaving a lasting impact on her family, friends, and community; and

WHEREAS: In addition to her siblings, Rita Grassi leaves behind her niece Kristen and her husband William Rollins, her nephew Matthew and his wife Rebeca, her nephew Michael and his wife Bridget, Anthony David Grassi, Montserrat Quintero, and Stephanie Mary Grassi, her great-niece and nephews Madison, Mason, Carter, and Teddy, her godchildren Matthew and Anthony Grassi and Elizabeth Ciampa, and her memory shall be forever cherished by them all; now therefore be it

RESOLVED: That the City Council go on record extending its deepest condolences to the Grassi Family for their tremendous loss; and be it further

RESOLVED: That the City Clerk be and hereby is requested to forward a suitably engrossed copy of this resolution to Joe Grassi and the entire Grassi Family on behalf of the entire City Council.

6. Condolences on the death of Maria C. Branco.   Councillor Toner

7. Condolences on the death of Francis P. “Red” McGrail.   Councillor Toner, Mayor Simmons

R-7     Sept 16, 2024

WHEREAS: The City Council was deeply saddened at learning of the death of Francis P. “Red” McGrail on Sept 11, 2024; and

WHEREAS: Frank was the beloved son of the late Margaret Burke McGrail, an Irish immigrant whose teachings of faith, family, and the importance of giving back, profoundly shaped his life; and

WHEREAS: Frank was the devoted husband of the love of his life, the late Shirley Feeney McGrail, cherished father of James and his wife Christine, Margaret-Mary and her husband James, Judith and her husband Richard, and Catherine and her husband Derek, loving grandfather (Da) of Matthew and his wife Shannon, Mikayla, Madison, Carolyn, Natalie, Christopher, Jennifer, Brianna, Casey and Adrianna; and

WHEREAS: Raised in North Cambridge Frank spent most of his childhood playing baseball at Rindge Field where he met his baseball coach, J. Henry Quinn who became a father figure to him; and

WHEREAS: It was at Rindge Field that Frank forged lifelong friendships with a group affectionally referred to as “The Gang” and met Thomas P. “Tip” O’Neil, Jr. who sponsored one of his baseball teams and would go on to become an influential person in his life and who spurred Frank’s passion for community activism and a shared belief that “All Politics is Local”; and

WHEREAS: Frank honorably served as a Private First Class in the United States Army; and

WHEREAS: Frank dedicated thirty-six years to Western Electric in Watertown, while taking side jobs as a baseball umpire, basketball referee, and bartender at Stephen James Restaurant, as well as the Mass Water Resource Authority (MWRA) for ten years upon early retirement from Western Electric; and

WHEREAS: A respected basketball coach, Frank spent more than five decades coaching, starting at St. Thomas Aquinas High School in Jamaica Plain in the late 1950s, later coaching at North Cambridge Catholic, taking a brief hiatus to focus on family, and returning for more than two decades, including his final years alongside his son Jim; and

WHEREAS: Frank found joy supporting his grandchildren at their games, dining at Frank’s Steak House on Saturday nights, attending church followed by Andy’s Diner on Sundays, playing the horses, watching the Boston Bruins, baseball and participating in Paddy’s Fantasy Football League; and

WHEREAS: Frank’s passing will leave a significant void in the lives of all his surviving family and friends and will be sorely missed by all he touched and loved; now therefore be it

RESOLVED: That the City Council go on record extending its deepest sympathy for the family of Francis McGrail at this time of such personal loss; and be it further

RESOLVED: That the City Clerk be and hereby is requested to forward a suitably engrossed copy of this resolution to the McGrail family on behalf of the entire City Council.

8. Resolution on the death of Phebe M. Ward.   Mayor Simmons

9. Resolution on the death of Barbara Jeanette Ellcock.   Councillor Wilson

1. A communication from Diane LeBlanc, City Clerk, transmitting an update regarding legislative activity. (COF24#122)
Placed on File 7-0-1 (PN-Absent)

2. A communication from Mayor Simmons re: Joan Pickett Memorial Service.
Placed on File 7-0-1 (PN-Absent)Joan Pickett Memorial

E. Denise Simmons, Mayor

September 16, 2024

City Clerk Diane LeBlanc
City of Cambridge
Cambridge City Hall

Re: Communication re: Joan Pickett Memorial Service

Dear Madam Clerk:
Please include this correspondence on the agenda as a late Communication and Report from Other City Officers for the City Council meeting scheduled for September 16, 2024. I am relaying information about the upcoming memorial for our friend and colleague, City Councillor Joan Pickett, who sadly passed away on August 30. The memorial service shall be held at Cambridge City Hall on Saturday, September 28, 2024 from 3pm-6pm. This memorial service shall be open to friends, family, and members of the publ ic. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Mayor E. Denise Simmons

3. A communication from Mayor Simmons re: Filling City Council Vacancy.
Placed on File 7-0-1 (PN-Absent)

E. Denise Simmons, Mayor

September 16, 2024

City Clerk Diane LeBlanc
City of Cambridge
Cambridge City Hall

Re: Communication re: Filling City Council Vacancy

Dear Council Colleagues,
I want to update you on the process and timeline for seating the new City Councillor who will fill the vacancy left by the passing of our esteemed colleague, Joan Pickett.

The recount to determine the new City Councillor will take place on Thursday, September 19, 2024, at 5pm. Following the recount, we will officially announce the elected candidate who will be filling the vacancy. Once the candidate is elected, they will coordinate with the City Clerk’s office to schedule their official swearing-in ceremony.

I will keep you informed of any further developments and the swearing-in schedule once it is confirmed. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Mayor E. Denise Simmons

Mon, Sept 16
5:30pm   City Council Meeting

Mon, Sept 23
5:30pm   City Council Meeting

Mon, Sept 30
5:30pm   City Council Meeting

Mon, Oct 7
5:30pm   City Council Meeting
6:30pm   PROPERTY TAX RATE CLASSIFICATION - The Cambridge City Council will conduct a public hearing related to setting the property tax rate classification. The purpose of said public hearing is to gather testimony, information and public input concerning the property tax rate classification. All persons wishing to be heard shall be afforded the opportunity. Under the laws of the Commonwealth, the City has the option of taxing residential and commercial/industrial property at different tax rates. At this public meeting, the City Council will review tax rates/classifications proposed by the City Manager and the Board of Assessors. The votes taken will result in property tax rates that reflect the city’s property tax levy for Fiscal Year 2025, including the granting of the residential exemption.

Tues, Oct 8
11:00am   The Health and Environment Committee will hold a public hearing to receive an update from city staff on BEUDO implementation and to review and discuss regulations, elements of BEUDO, and possible future updates.

Mon, Oct 21
5:30pm   City Council Meeting

Tues, Oct 22
11:00am   The Health and Environment Committee will hold a public hearing to review and discuss the updates on the Zero Waste Master Plan (ZWMP).

Mon, Oct 28
5:30pm   City Council Meeting

Mon, Nov 4
5:30pm   City Council Meeting

Mon, Nov 18
5:30pm   City Council Meeting

Mon, Nov 25
5:30pm   City Council Meeting

Mon, Dec 2
5:30pm   City Council Meeting

Mon, Dec 9
5:30pm   City Council Meeting

Mon, Dec 16
5:30pm   City Council Meeting

Mon, Dec 23
5:30pm   City Council Meeting

Mon, Dec 30
5:30pm   City Council Meeting

O-1     Sept 16, 2024
WHEREAS: While large trucks make up only 4% of large vehicles on the road in the United States, their crashes result in a disproportionately high share of fatalities, especially in urban areas like Cambridge; and
WHEREAS: In just the past 10 years, Cambridge has had nine truck crashes that resulted in the fatalities of pedestrians and cyclists, including two in June of this year, and others that have resulted in serious injuries; and
WHEREAS: In 2020, the City Council passed the Truck Safety Ordinance requiring side guards and other safety features on City-owned or contracted trucks; and
WHEREAS: The City of Cambridge does not have the legal authority to require that other trucks driving in Cambridge have side guards and other safety features, which would have to come from state or federal legislation; and
WHEREAS: Having implemented truck safety requirements for its own fleet and found vendors who comply with Cambridge’s Truck Safety Ordinance, the city has relevant expertise that can be shared about the procurement, costs, and implementation of truck safety requirements; and
WHEREAS: There are additional resources for implementing truck safety requirements through the Commonwealth, other municipalities, and the US DOT’s Volpe Center; and
WHEREAS: Some organizations in Cambridge have already implemented similar truck safety requirements, including Food for Free, Harvard, and MIT; and
WHEREAS: Given the large number of fatalities and injuries caused by truck crashes in Cambridge and the response by community members after the two recent deaths in June, there is significant interest in the Cambridge community for improving truck safety; now therefore be it
ORDERED: That the City of Cambridge create an informational resource to assist companies, institutions, and other organizations in adopting truck safety requirements for their fleets and finding trucking vendors who are able to comply; and be it further
ORDERED: That the City of Cambridge publicize the companies, institutions, and other organizations in Cambridge that have adopted truck safety requirements, work with those organizations to further spread adoption of truck safety equipment, and set a goal for voluntary compliance; and be it further
ORDERED: That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to report back to the City Council in a timely manner.

O-2     Sept 16, 2024
WHEREAS: While curb cuts are necessary for transportation of people and goods in Cambridge, they also reduce curb space that could be available for other uses on streets – including street parking, bus stops, flex posts, and other uses—and as such curb cuts require an application and review process; and
WHEREAS: Current requirements for curb cuts include there be no more than one curb cut for properties with less than 100 feet of street frontage and they be no more than 20 feet wide for residential properties; and
WHEREAS: Other cities have additional requirements for approving curb cuts that would reduce public curb space – such as that for a curb cut to be approved, the parking area or driveway must be permeable in order to deter flooding and that private curb cuts that would be used by a small number of people should be approved only if it replaces an existing curb cut or if there is a need for a reasonable accommodation like a disability; and
WHEREAS: Currently, the Cambridge City Council must approve every curb cut application submitted by a resident or business in Cambridge, unlike in other cities such as Somerville and Boston; and
WHEREAS: This City Council has previously passed policy orders (including PO22#18 and PO22#61) related to examining the policy requirements for receiving a curb cut and updating the authorization process for their approval, which were cleared from the awaiting reports list before a response was received; now therefore be it
ORDERED: That the City Manager be and is hereby requested to work with relevant departments to review Cambridge’s curb cut policies and report back to the City Council on if they can be improved to help meet the City’s transportation and sustainability goals with updates such as those referenced above in a timely manner; and be it further
ORDERED: That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to work with the Solicitor and other relevant city departments to draft ordinance language designating City staff as the final approval authority for curb cuts and report back to the City Council in a timely manner.

24-18. Report on zoning language that effectively promotes multi-family housing, including income-restricted affordable housing with the goal of having viable housing for everyone especially lower-income residents.
Councillor Azeem, Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Siddiqui (Calendar Item #2) from 3/25/2024

24-23. Report back to the Human Services and Veterans Committee on an issued RFP calling for an agency that will lead the City through a community process that will include, but not be limited to, community education, community feedback, location possibilities, potential legal issues and will include feedback from all neighborhoods, including but not limited to; seniors, businesses and places of worship, the Cambridge Police Department, the Cambridge Fire Department, Pro Ambulance, the Cambridge Health Alliance, shelters, nonprofits working with those experiences substance use disorder, and individuals experiencing substance use disorder themselves.
Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Wilson, Councillor Azeem (O-2) from 5/13/2024

24-24. Report on work done with relevant City departments and the Cambridge Arts Council to consider whether Cambridge could facilitate a Porchfest event.
Councillor Nolan, Mayor Simmons, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Azeem (O-2) from 5/20/2024

24-31. Provide an update to the Municipal Facilities Improvement Plan (MFIP) including revised cost estimates to help inform the FY26 and ongoing capital budget priorities in a timely manner.
Councillor Pickett, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Toner (O-1) from 6/10/2024

24-32. Report back on exploring with the MBTA how to best ensure that the public art, Gift of the Wind, is preserved.
Councillor Pickett, Mayor Simmons, Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Siddiqui, Councillor Toner, Councillor Wilson (O-1) from 6/17/2024

24-35. Report back to the City Council with an update on the Children Savings Accounts Program with the East Cambridge Savings Bank.
Councillor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Wilson, Councillor Nolan (O-6) from 6/17/2024

24-36. Provide a plan for keeping residents, businesses and public safety officials informed about the status of current and future inter-jurisdictional transportation projects.
Councillor Pickett, Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Siddiqui, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler (O-2) from 6/24/2024

24-37. That the City Manager is requested to work with relevant City departments to consider a number of city application processes and find ways to reduce paper and printing waste.
Councillor Nolan, Councillor Siddiqui, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler (O-7) from 6/24/2024

24-39. The City Manager is requested to reach out to the Executive Director of the Cambridge Housing Authority to explore the feasibility of utilizing the large screen televisions in the community rooms of CHA buildings to enable seniors living in these buildings to participate in (via public comment) and view City Council meetings as they are held.
Mayor Simmons, Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Toner, Councillor Azeem (O-1) from 8/5/2024

24-41. The City Manager is requested to direct the appropriate City staff to work with the City of Somerville to address the parking signage on Seven Pines Avenue.  See Mgr #2
Mayor Simmons, Councillor Toner (O-4) from 8/5/2024

24-42. The City Manager is requested to work with all relevant city and state departments to amend the Do Not Enter sign at the entrance of Whittemore Avenue from Alewife Brook Parkway to include an exception for abutters.  See Mgr #3
Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Siddiqui, Councillor Toner (O-5) from 8/5/2024

24-43. The City Manager is requested to work with relevant staff and departments to conduct outreach to Cambridge colleges and universities about the pilot University Pass Program and coordinate with the MBTA and report back to the City Council on these outreach efforts.
Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Mayor Simmons, Councillor Siddiqui (O-11) from 8/5/2024

24-44. The City Manager is requested to work with the Law Department to provide a legal opinion on whether Cambridge can enact a local ordinance or regulation similar to H.3685, which would prohibit associations from unreasonably restricting the use of a solar energy system, or whether the City should submit a Home Rule Petition to ensure access to solar energy for residents.
Councillor Nolan, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Siddiqui (O-13) from 8/5/2024

24-45. The City Manager is requested to work with relevant departments to review climate leading heating and cooling regulations and direct the appropriate departments to develop and implement a policy that aligns with Cambridge’s climate leadership to ensure that City operated buildings have default temperatures that align with health and sustainability best practices , including differing guidelines for workplace occupancy hours and outside of business hours.
Councillor Nolan, Councillor Siddiqui, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Azeem (O-14) from 8/5/2024

24-46. City Manager is requested to direct the appropriate City staff to prioritize the repair of the water bubbler at Anderson Tennis Courts on Pemberton Street.
Mayor Simmons, Councillor Toner (O-1) from 9/9/2024

24-47. The City Manager is requested to direct the appropriate City staff to provide a comprehensive report outlining the City’s knowledge of the garbage chute issues at 1 Leighton Street.
Mayor Simmons, Councillor Toner (O-4) from 9/9/2024

24-48. The City Manager is requested to direct the appropriate City staff to enact policy that will extend the priority period for Social Equity and Equity Empowerment cannabis business applicants for a period of six months to one year, or until guidance has been received from the Cannabis Control Commission.  See Mgr #24
Mayor Simmons, Councillor Toner, Councillor Siddiqui, Councillor Wilson (O5) from 9/9/2024

24-49. The City Manager is requested to work with relevant departments to provide a status update on the implementation of the PACE program and provide resources and information for property owners; and provide any recommendations for expanding PACE adoption.
Councillor Nolan, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Siddiqui, Councillor Toner (O-8) from 9/9/2024

24-50. The City Manager is requested to provide an update on progress towards providing a recommendation for changes to the existing ordinance and a report on the impact of the Short-Term Rentals in Cambridge, including how enforcement happens and how many units are registered and available.
Councillor Nolan, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Wilson, Councillor Siddiqui (O-9) from 9/9/2024

24-51. The City Manager is requested to provide a status Update on Automated Parking Enforcement.
Councillor Nolan, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Azeem, Vice Mayor McGovern (O-12) from 9/9/2024