Cambridge City Council meeting - June 17, 2024 - AGENDA
[Councillor Toner was remote]

1. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $15,000 to the Grant Fund Public Celebrations (Arts Council) Other Ordinary Maintenance account. This funding will support District-based initiatives that drive economic growth and strengthen the distinctive character of the Central Square Cultural District. (CM24#125)
Order Adopted 9-0

CMA 2024 #125     June 17, 2024

To the Honorable, the City Council:
I am hereby requesting the appropriation of the FY24 Massachusetts Cultural District Grant made by the Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC) in the amount of $15,000 to the Grant Fund Public Celebrations (Arts Council) Other Ordinary Maintenance account.

The MCC Cultural District Grant provides financial support to state-designated Cultural Districts throughout the Commonwealth. This funding will support District-based initiatives that drive economic growth and strengthen the distinctive character of the Central Square Cultural District.

Very truly yours,
Yi-An Huang
City Manager

2. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $5,000 to the Grant Fund Public Celebrations (Arts Council) Other Ordinary Maintenance account. (CM24#126)
Order Adopted 9-0

3. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $228,471 to the Grant Fund Human Services Salary and Wages account ($38,237) and to the Grant Fund Human Services Other Ordinary Maintenance account ($190,234). The funds will be used for shelter operating costs, providing essential services to homeless persons outside of the shelter setting, rapid re-housing, and homelessness prevention case management services. (CM24#127)
Order Adopted 9-0

4. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $11,358 funded by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities to the Grant Fund Human Service Programs Salary and Wages account (4,358), and to the Grant Fund Human Service Programs Other Ordinary Maintenance account ($7,000). Funds will be used to supplement our current LIHEAP grant award, supporting part-time staff and other administrative demands. (CM24#128)
Order Adopted 9-0

5. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $6,404,386 from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to the Grant Fund Human Services Salary and Wages account ($357,424), to the Grant Fund Human Services Other Ordinary Maintenance account ($6,031,962), and to the Grant Fund Human Services Travel and Training account ($15,000). Funds will also be used to cover grant administrative costs. (CM24#129)
Order Adopted 9-0

6. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report 24-25, regarding parking enforcement at Belmont and Norman Streets. (CM24#130) [text of report]
Placed on File 9-0

7. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 24-21, regarding Traffic Concerns on Appleton Street. (CM24#131) [text of report]
pulled by Pickett; comments by Pickett, Toner, Siddiqui, Wilson, Nolan, McGovern, Simmons, Brooke McKenna (TPT), Jeff Parenti (TPT); No Left Turn sign at Appleton anticipated in July, traffic volume increases mainly attributable to apps like WAZE; Placed on File 9-0

8. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to update on the City’s efforts to support the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) Track Improvement Program in 2024. (CM24#132) [text of report]
pulled by Sobrinho-Wheeler; comments by Sobrinho-Wheeler, Nolan, Iram Farooq (CDD); Placed on File 9-0

9. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to an update on Summer Programs. (CM24#133) [text of report]
Placed on File 9-0

1. That the City Manager is requested to explore with the MBTA how to best ensure that the public art, Gift of the Wind, is preserved.   Councillor Pickett, Mayor Simmons, Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Siddiqui, Councillor Toner, Councillor Wilson (PO24#81)
pulled by Pickett to add additional sponsors; Order Adopted as Amended 9-0

2. That the City Manager is requested to develop a policy and systems to ensure that an infrastructure safety audit is made to intersections where a crash results in a serious injury and implement needed safety improvements.   Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Siddiqui, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Pickett, Councillor Toner, Councillor Wilson, Mayor Simmons (PO24#82)
pulled by Sobrinho-Wheeler; comments by Sobrinho-Wheeler, Pickett, Azeem, Nolan, Wilson, Toner, add all as sponsors; Order Adopted as Amended 9-0

3. That Chair of the Government Operations, Rules, and Claims Committee is hereby appointed to manage the City Manager performance evaluation process via his role as Chair of this committee.   Mayor Simmons, Vice Mayor McGovern (PO24#83)
Order Adopted 9-0

4. That the City Manager is requested to work with the Community Development Department and all relevant City departments to report on how have community events and ways to inform residents of all efforts to improve driving, cycling, and pedestrian safety and educate residents on how best to safely follow the rules when using roadways.   Councillor Nolan, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Toner (PO24#84)
Order Adopted 9-0

5. City Council support of the mission of the June delegation to strengthen the contact between Cambridge and El Salvador and to foster ties between the communities as well as the community-building in our home communities.   Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Siddiqui, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Wilson (PO24#85)
Order Adopted 9-0

6. That the City Council formally go on record in expressing its strong hope that the City engage in a thoughtful, deliberative, and collaborative community process to determine the future of the Central Square Library and the Green Street Garage.   Mayor Simmons, Councillor Toner
Order Adopted 9-0

1. That the City Manager is requested to support local news production as a public good by conducting a $100,000 per year City-backed news fund pilot for up to three years to be administered through an independent intermediary that will decide on funding criteria and selection of local newspapers that provide material coverage of Cambridge news. [Charter Right – Azeem, June 10, 2024] (PO24#78)
comments by Azeem, Wilson, Siddiqui; Tabled 9-0

O-3     June 10, 2024  Charter Right - Azeem
WHEREAS: Local newspapers across the country are disappearing at an alarming rate: Almost 2,900 newspapers have ceased operations since 2005 – a reduction of about 30%, and more than half of U.S. counties can now be defined as “local news deserts,” where residents have little to no access to a reliable local news source; and
WHEREAS: Marketing dollars moving away from traditional print advertising and into digital is partly to blame, with Pew Research Center’s most recent data estimating a drop of advertising revenues for papers nationwide from almost $50 billion in 2005 to less than $10 billion in 2022; and
WHEREAS: A study from Pen America outlines the effect of news deserts on our democracy, citing that citizens are less likely to run for office, significantly less likely to vote, more susceptible to misinformation, and at a higher risk of polarization; and
WHEREAS: Reporting from Democracy Fund describes higher taxes and higher municipal borrowing costs in communities without local news, as well as less efficient government, and less accountability among local leaders; and
WHEREAS: Despite its reputation for higher education and innovation, Cambridge is one of the many local news markets at risk following the retiring of all full-time local reporters at the generations-old, now Gannett-owned Cambridge Chronicle in 2021; and
WHEREAS: Local print news principally comes from the Cambridge Day, run by Marc Levy, as well as some metro coverage provided by The Harvard Crimson during the school year, with a few smaller publications publishing more niche or politically motivated content; and
WHEREAS: The council passed a policy order last term that asked for legal notices to be published in online newspapers, which is now a large revenue source for the Cambridge Day; and
WHEREAS: Local news is a public good and therefore is something reasonable to support with public funds while maintaining editorial freedom through a separation of government influence; and
WHEREAS: John Palfrey, president of the MacArthur Foundation and a leading figure for the Press Forward funding coalition, says: “For local news to be sustainable over the long term, communities will need to stand up and support their local news providers. We all need to invest in local news, the same way that we invest in arts and culture, hospitals, or our alma maters.”; now therefore be it
ORDERED: That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to support local news production as a public good by conducting a $100,000 per year city-backed news fund pilot for up to three years to be administered through an independent intermediary that will decide on funding criteria and selection of local newspapers that provide material coverage of Cambridge news and report back to the City Council in a timely manner.

2. That the City Manager is requested to explore the feasibility of delaying the Mass Avenue reconstruction project to minimize its impact upon the busy season for restaurants and other affected businesses, and, should this not be found feasible, a method of providing financial assistance to the impacted businesses to cover the costs of removing their outdoor dining structures, designed to mitigate some of the financial impacts upon them, should be established. [Charter Right – Simmons, June 3, 2024; Tabled as Amended June 10, 2024] (PO24#70)
comments by Simmons, no action taken

3. An Ordinance 2023 #8B has been received from City Clerk, relative to Amend Chapter 14.04 – Fair Housing. [Passed to 2nd Reading Oct 2, 2023; Amended Nov 6, 2023; to remain on Unfinished Business pending legislative approval of Special Act needed prior to ordination] (ORD23-8B)

4. An Ordinance has been received from the Ordinance Committee, relative to proposed: Zoning Petition to amend Articles 2.000, 4.000, 5.000, 6.000, 11.000, 13.000, 14.000, 17.000, 20.000, and 22.000 of the Cambridge Zoning Ordinance. [Passed to 2nd Reading June 10, 2014; To Be Ordained on or after June 24, 2024; Expires Aug 20, 2024] (ORD24#2)

1. An application from Raghu Chivukula, requesting permission for a curb cut at the premises numbered 12 Linnaean Street; said petition has received approval from Inspectional Services, Traffic, Parking and Transportation, Historical Commission and Public Works. No response has been received from the neighborhood association. (AP24#21)
Charter Right - Nolan

2. An application from Eric Franco representing Northpond Ventures, requesting permission for one (1) projecting sign at the premises numbered 8 Brattle Street. approval has been received from Inspectional Services, Department of Public Works, Community Development Department and proof of abutter’s mailing has been provided. (AP24#22)
Order Adopted 9-0

3. An application from Chip City, requesting permission for one (1) projecting blade sign and two (2) awnings at the premises numbered 1 Brattle Square approval has been received from Inspectional Services, Department of Public Works, Community Development Department and proof of abutters mailing has been provided. (AP24#23)
Order Adopted 9-0

1. A communication from Brian Conway, re: CNM.

2. A communication from Candice Delmas, re: Extreme rise in Youth Center Pricing.

3. A communication from Catherine Zusy, re: Please support PO24#78 re: the City investing in our local news.

4. A communication from Clyve Lawrence, re: Harvard organizations joint statement on cyclist death.

5. A communication from Dan Hogan, re: Seed money for nonprofit local Cambridge news.

6. A communication from Dave Forney, re: Support for PO24#78 re: the City investing in our local news.

7. A communication from Ethan Frank, re: PO24#70 Charter Right & Outdoor Eating & Parking Spots.

8. A communication from Hannah Larsen, re: DHSP youth center price increases.

9. A communication from Jan Devereux, re: Support PO24#78 Funding for Local News.

10. A communication from Jill Slosburg-Ackerman, re: local news in Cambridge PO24#78.

11. A communication from John Gates, re: CNM (1).

12. A communication from Lois Markham, re: Sign onto letter to Stop Maple Fracked Gas Expansion (“Project Maple”).

13. A communication from Mark Schneider, re: 6/10 City Council Meeting Agenda PO#2.

14. A communication from Mary McGrath, re: Testimony I plan on providing on Monday.

15. A communication from Mathew Coogan, re: in support of $100,000 news grant PO.

16. A communication from Patricia Straus, re: News Policy Order.

17. A communication from Patrick Barton, re: Camera evaluation for future traffic projects and monitoring outcomes.

18. A communication from Andrew Ray, re: Please ask the state to ensure the MBTA is funded.

19. A communication from Raffi Freeman, re: Support for PO24#78 Funding for local news.

20. A communication from Richard Harriman, re: PO24#78.

21. A communication from Susan Labandibar, re: PO24#78.

22. A communication from Susan Mead, re: Please support Local News Matters.

23. A communication from Winifred Lenihan, re: Supporting Local News.

24. A communication from Young Kim, re: Awaiting Report Status Update in the Agenda Packet.

25. A communication from Young Kim, re: City Manager Agenda #6 and Calendar Item #1.

26. A communication from Cambridge Residents of Neighborhood bounded by Franklin, Green, Pearl and Magazine Streets re: Central Square Library/Green Street Garage.

27. A communication from Adam Lewandowicz, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (46).

28. A communication from Adam Mitchell, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (7).

29. A communication from Allegra Pericles, re: I was hurt too-- Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

30. A communication from Amy Jarvis, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (17).

31. A communication from Ana Inoa, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (11).

32. A communication from Andrey Fedorov, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (29).

33. A communication from Anna Fritschen, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (47).

34. A communication from Archana Dayalu, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (34).

35. A communication from Axel Kilian, re: Do not delay Bike lanes expansions please - Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

36. A communication from Ben Di Maggio, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (13).

37. A communication from Bence Olveczky, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (52).

38. A communication from Sarah Block, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (9).

39. A communication from Calixto Dominguez, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (8).

40. A communication from Candace Esslinger, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (42).

41. A communication from Carolina Warneryd, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (45).

42. A communication from Carolyn Marsh, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (36).

43. A communication from Carrie Blazina, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (3).

44. A communication from Chris Covert-Bowlds, re: Prevent traffic deaths and install separated bike lanes without delay.

45. A communication from Christopher Scanlon, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (22).

46. A communication from Cristina Lois, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

47. A communication from Ella Sheffield, re: Please make life safer for bicyclists.

48. A communication from Emma Price, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (26).

49. A communication from Erik Hollender, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (35).

50. A communication from Feanil Patel, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (3).

51. A communication from Carolyn Fuller, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (25).

52. A communication from Gabbie McFrane, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (5).

53. A communication from Gloria Korsman, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (1).

54. A communication from Gorgi Popstefanov, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (43).

55. A communication from Hannah Applebaum, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (59).

56. A communication from Hannah diCicco, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (40).

57. A communication from Harmony Boyd, re: Support infrastructural safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

58. A communication from Hilary Chey, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (28).

59. A communication from Hossein Alidaee, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (15).

60. A communication from Ian R Hutchinson, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (27).

61. A communication from Ines Dupupet, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (2).

62. A communication from Isabella Brout, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (51).

63. A communication from Islam Genina, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (30).

64. A communication from Jeremiah Schuur, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (39).

65. A communication from John Kyper, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (19).

66. A communication from Joseph Reagle, re: We’ve already had a death and injuries since your vote to delay separated bike lanes.

67. A communication from Julia Hansen, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (1).

68. A communication from Katelyn Li, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (58).

69. A communication from Kathryn Coble, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (31).

70. A communication from Kristin Guyot, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (2).

71. A communication from Lala Thaddeus, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (1).

72. A communication from Lavinia Hsu, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

73. A communication from Leonard von Morze, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (18).

74. A communication from Luke Bornheimer, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

75. A communication from Matthias, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

76. A communication from Meagan Wasfy, re: Our kids need safer streets.

77. A communication from Meaghan Morrissey, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (2).

78. A communication from Yulia Borukhina, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (23).

79. A communication from William Dean, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (24).

80. A communication from William Cordis, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

81. A communication from Vanessa Mulvey re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (6).

82. A communication from Tiffany Tzeng, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

83. A communication from Theresa Cloutier, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (54).

84. A communication from Melinda Szabo, re: From a local resident - Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

85. A communication from Taylor DeWoody, re: Critical safety improvements for intersections and separated bike lanes must happen NOW!!!

86. A communication from Meredith Stoddard, re: Personal plea for continuation of safety improvements for intersections and separated bike lanes.

87. A communication from Szendrey Andrew, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (53).

88. A communication from Michael Knapp, re: Recent Cyclist Injuries on Broadway and Cambridge St.

89. A communication from Michael O’Shea, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (16).

90. A communication from Susanne Schindler, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (33).

91. A communication from Steve Garafalo, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (14).

92. A communication from Adriane Musgrave re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

93. A communication from Stephen Grimes, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (12).

94. A communication from Amy Chu re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

95. A communication from Andrew Gross re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

96. A communication from Ann Cason-Snow re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

97. A communication from Mina Makarious, re: Support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes now.

98. A communication from Annie Shapiro re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

99. A communication from Sonia Boor re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (37).

100. A communication from Molly Gagnon, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (32).

101. A communication from Audrey Dawson re: Urgently needed safety improvements for intersections, and install separated bike lanes without delay.

102. A communication from Murcko Matthew, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (21).

103. A communication from Becky Sarah re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

104. A communication from Pamela Blau, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (20).

105. A communication from Bianca Shagrin re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

106. A communication from Pamela Stark, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (2).

107. A communication from Caitlin Doolittle re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

108. A communication from Robert Gillan, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (4).

109. A communication from Sofia Medina, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (48).

110. A communication from Thomas Hentschel, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (35).

111. A communication from Carolyn Vincent re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

112. A communication from Sofia Gearty re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (38).

113. A communication from Stephanie Goodell, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (18).

114. A communication from Sezen Onol, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (55).

115. A communication from Sophie Schmitt, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (13).

116. A communication from Cassidy Dreyfus re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

117. A communication from Sean McDonnell re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (1).

118. A communication from Katherine Foo, re: Separated bike lanes keep cyclists alive.

119. A communication from Claire Goodman re: A matter of life and death.

120. A communication from Sarah Costello , re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (56).

121. A communication from Samantha Klasfeld re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (10).

122. A communication from Conleigh Byers re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

123. A communication from Elizabeth Lowe re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

124. A communication from Eve Jones re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

125. A communication from Gabrielle Hauray re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

126. A communication from Hana Cole re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

127. A communication from Heather Esme Caramello re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

128. A communication from jackltuke re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

129. A communication from Sam Bozeman, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (30).

130. A communication from Jacob Evangelista re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

131. A communication from Jennifer Britton-Colonnese re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

132. A communication from Rebecca Lavine, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (9).

133. A communication from Jesse B Dalton re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

134. A communication from Jessica Feitor re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

135. A communication from Raquel Reis, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (21).

136. A communication from Pedro Vaz Teixeira, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (14).

137. A communication from Patricio Flores, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (12).

138. A communication from Jhanvi Shah re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

139. A communication from Nina Jensen, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (6).

140. A communication from Julia Fuller re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

141. A communication from Neuenfeldt Andrea, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (32).

142. A communication from Kevin Condon re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

143. A communication from Marika McCoola, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (4).

144. A communication from Liam Zimmer re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

145. A communication from Marie-France Hivert re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (11).

146. A communication from Lily Ting re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

147. A communication from Lynn Gervens re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

148. A communication from Miryam Segal, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

149. A communication from Katherine Moon, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay.

150. A communication from Young Kim, re: Amend Tabled Calendar #1, PO24#70, from 6/10 City Council Meeting.

151. A communication from Amanda S-K, re: Please support safety improvements for intersections and install separated bike lanes without delay (50).

1. Congratulations to Laura Nichols on her retirement from the City of Cambridge.   Mayor Simmons, Councillor Toner

R-1     June 17, 2024

WHEREAS: The City Council has learned that Laura Nichols shall be retiring from the Cambridge Consumers’ Council on June 29, 2024, after more than 41 years of dedication and commitment to the City of Cambridge and its residents; and

WHEREAS: Laura Nichols was appointed to the Cambridge Consumers’ Council on October 12, 1982, beginning her career as a Clerk Typist; and

WHEREAS: Laura Nichols was promoted to Information and Referral Assistant in 1984, Administrative Assistant in 2006, and Executive Director in 2009; and

WHEREAS: Through her work with the City of Cambridge and devotion to the community, Laura Nichols has been an advocate and member of numerous committees and groups, including the Cambridge Postal Advisory Group, Riverside Neighborhood Association (Treasurer), City of Cambridge Employees’ Diversity Committee, Cambridge Branch N.A.A.C.P., Cambridge Community Oriented Policing, City of Cambridge Recycling Committee, Massachusetts Consumers’ Coalition (Treasurer), City of Cambridge Elder Abuse Prevention Coalition, and the Cambridge Neighborhood Housing Program Home Improvement Loan Advisory Committee; and

WHEREAS: Laura is a two-time recipient of the Willis Moore Youth Center Community Service Award (in 1994 and 1996), and she has also received the Harriet Wigfall Community Service Award (1988); and

WHEREAS: Laura Nichols has assisted countless members of the public throughout her entire career, and together with members of the Consumers’ Council, she has successfully resolved thousands of disputes between customers and businesses, resulting in millions of savings to consumers; now therefore be it

RESOLVED: That the City Council go on record thanking Laura Nichols for faithfully serving the citizens of Cambridge, and in wishing her much happiness and good health in her retirement; and be it further

RESOLVED: That the City Clerk be and hereby is requested to forward a suitably engrossed copy of this resolution to Laura Nichols on behalf of the entire City Council.

2. Congratulations to Sergio Pace on his retirement from the Cambridge Public Schools.   Councillor Toner

3. Congratulations to Fire Captain David J. House on his retirement.   Councillor Toner

4. Congratulations to Aida Doo on her retirement from the City of Cambridge.   Councillor Toner

5. Congratulations to Maria Vigneau on her retirement from the City of Cambridge.   Councillor Toner

6. Congratulations to Marie Barry on her retirement from the City of Cambridge.   Councillor Toner

7. Congratulations to Averil Kane on her retirement from the City of Cambridge.   Councillor Toner

8. Congratulations to Rosemary Barry on her retirement from the City of Cambridge.   Councillor Toner

1. The Neighborhood and Long-Term Planning, Public Facilities, Arts and Celebrations Committee held a public hearing on May 21, 2024 to discuss the upcoming Central Square zoning process and next steps following the Central Square Lots Study, City Manager Agenda Item 2024 #33, with a focus on 105 Windsor Street, 205 Western Ave, and 84 & 96 Bishop Allen Drive (Lots 4 and 5). [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Present: Nolan, Pickett, Sobrinho-Wheeler, Siddiqui (late)
Remote Present: Azeem
Also Present: Simmons, McGovern, Wilson

2. The Public Safety Committee held a public hearing on May 29, 2024 to discuss close circuit cameras and other surveillance technologies in addition to the 2024 Annual Surveillance Report. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Present: Pickett, Toner, Wilson, McGovern (late)
Remote Present: Siddiqui
Also Present: Simmons, Sobrinho-Wheeler (remote)

3. The Government Operations, Rules, and Claims Committee held a public hearing on June 5, 2024 meeting to discuss Charter Review recommendations and develop draft recommendations to the Full City Council for reviewing, deliberating, adopting, and processing possible changes to the Cambridge City Charter for a future vote by Cambridge voters. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Present: Pickett, Sobrinho-Wheeler, Toner
Remote Present: Azeem, McGovern
Also Present: Simmons, Siddiqui, Wilson

1. A communication from Diane LeBlanc, City Clerk, transmitting an update regarding legislative activity. (COF24#87)
Placed on File 9-0

Mon, June 17
5:30pm   City Council Meeting

Tues, June 18
3:00pm   The Health and Environment Committee will hold a public hearing to review and discuss the first annual Green Jobs report, as required by the Green Jobs Ordinance, Article III Ch. 2.66.100.

Thurs, June 20
1:00pm   The Ordinance Committee will hold a public hearing to discuss Amendments to the Tenant’s Rights Ordinance recommended by the Law Department.

Mon, June 24
5:30pm   City Council Meeting

Tues, June 25
11:00am   The Government Operations, Rules and Claims Committee will hold a public hearing to continue the June 5, 2024 discussion on Charter Review recommendations and develop draft recommendations to the full City Council for reviewing, deliberating, adopting, and processing possible changes to the Cambridge City Charter for future vote by Cambridge voters.
3:00pm   The Transportation and Public Utilities Committee will hold a public hearing to discuss the micromobility memo prepared by Acting City Solicitor Bayer, for updates from the Community Development Department and Traffic, Parking, and Transportation on related topics and to discuss the next steps.

Wed, June 26
1:00pm   The Economic Development and University Relations Committee will hold a public hearing with Harvard, MIT, and Lesley Universities to receive their “Town Gown” reports and to discuss current and potential programs and partnerships with the City.

Thurs, June 27
2:00pm   The Housing Committee will hold a public hearing to further discuss multi-family housing and hear updates from the Community Development Department.

Mon, Aug 5
5:30pm   Special (Midsummer) City Council Meeting

O-1     June 17, 2024  Amended

WHEREAS: “Gift of the Wind” by artist Susumu Shingu, is a notable piece of public art and an easily recognizable symbol of Porter Square since its installation in 1983; and
WHEREAS: Gift of the Wind was installed on MBTA property as part of Arts on the Line, a nationally-recognized public art program, conceived of by the Cambridge Arts Council (CAC) and administered by CAC and the MBTA during the Red Line Northwest Corridor Extension Project between Harvard Square and Alewife Station; and
WHEREAS: Gift of the Wind has been removed for restoration and repainting several times over its life with each restoration paid for by the MBTA as the official owner of the artwork and on whose property it resides; and
WHEREAS: Gift of the Wind is in desperate need of restoration and examination of its moving parts to ensure its structural integrity and public safety, and the MBTA has indicated it does not have the funds for this upkeep and needed work; and
WHEREAS: The City Council has an interest in preserving this iconic piece of public art which is an important part of Cambridge history; and
WHEREAS: There are other public artworks in Cambridge similarly owned by the MBTA which could benefit from conversations between the MBTA and the City about their upkeep; now therefore be it
ORDERED: That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to explore with the MBTA how to best ensure Gift of the Wind is preserved and restored including identifying any barriers for the City to potentially serve as a partner with the MBTA on this artwork and report back to the City Council in a timely manner.

O-2     June 17, 2024  Amended

WHEREAS: In 2016, the Cambridge City Council unanimously adopted Vision Zero to eliminate traffic fatalities and severe injuries in the city, and two years later the City released the Vision Zero Action Plan; and
WHEREAS: The City has not yet achieved its Vision Zero goals; in 2023, there were at least 208 EMS transports to the hospital due to motor vehicle traffic crashes, of which at least 95 involved pedestrians and people on bikes, considered vulnerable road users and more likely to be severely injured; and
WHEREAS: On June 7, 2024, a cyclist was killed while biking in a crash with a truck at the intersection of Mt. Auburn Street and DeWolfe Street, and in 2019 Sharon Hamer was killed on foot in a crash with a truck while crossing the street in Harvard Square; and
WHEREAS: The separated bicycle lanes required by the Cycling Safety Ordinance have been shown by the Federal Highway Administration to reduce bike crashes by 50% and are therefore a critical and necessary part of the City’s Vision Zero efforts; and
WHEREAS: There are many additional infrastructure improvements that can make intersections safer for both pedestrians and people on bikes, including set back (recessed) crossings, corner islands, bike boxes, improvements to traffic signal head size, type, and locations, signal timing, turn calming, daylighting, pedestrian refuges, additional means to implement protected intersections, and overall consistency of treatments along a corridor; now therefore be it
ORDERED: That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to develop a policy and systems to ensure that an infrastructure safety audit is made to intersections where a crash results in a serious injury and implement needed safety improvements; and be it further
ORDERED: That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to develop a plan to implement needed safety improvements on an ongoing basis across other intersections; and be it further
ORDERED: That information about intersections that meet these review criteria be listed annually on the Vision Zero portal with a summary describing progress on each intersection; and be it further
ORDERED: That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to report back to the City Council in a timely manner.

O-3     June 17, 2024
ORDERED: That Chair of the Government Operations, Rules, and Claims Committee is hereby appointed to manage the City Manager performance evaluation process via his role as Chair of this committee, and is requested to schedule a hearing or hearings to review the job performance of the City Manager.

O-4     June 17, 2024
WHEREAS: The recent, tragic death of a cyclist in Cambridge on Friday, June 7 has affected the entire community; and
WHEREAS: The City has worked on Vision Zero and taken many steps to improve safety of residents with a Cycling Safety Ordinance and many other efforts to improve city infrastructure and make streets safer for all road-users; and
WHEREAS: Even before this most recent tragic event, there have been questions and concerns from residents about what steps the City has taken and can take to improve safety and ensure that all residents understand how to best stay safe and keep others safe while using the roads; and
WHEREAS: The state legislature passed legislation, which took effect April 2023, to increase safety by defining vulnerable users, establishing safe passing distances, and implementing other changes governing behavior to provide protection for all road users; and
WHEREAS: The city as a whole would benefit from opportunities to learn about steps they can take to achieve Vision Zero and continue to make our streets a safe place for all users, including education about the Cambridge Street Code, republished in 2023, as well education about the “safety by design” approach and safe systems thinking around our streets; and
WHEREAS: The City Council has long supported community education and engagement with keeping residents safe and worked with the City to inform all residents of how to ensure the safety of all; now therefore be it
ORDERED: That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to work with the Community Development Department and all relevant City departments to report on how have community events and ways to inform residents of all efforts to improve driving, cycling, and pedestrian safety and educate residents on how best to safely follow the rules when using roadways; and be it further
ORDERED: That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to report back to the City Council by the summer meeting.

O-5     June 17, 2024
WHEREAS: The Cambridge-El Salvador Sister City relationship with San José Las Flores was formalized in March of 1987 to offer protection, material aid and solidarity amidst a US-funded violent war; and
WHEREAS: The people of Cambridge have continued the sistering relationship during and after the war through on-going support and communication with the people and elected leaders of Las Flores; and
WHEREAS: Cambridge has sustained its sistering solidarity in these 37 years by organizing delegations, welcoming Salvadoran community leaders, and joining Salvadoran activists over the years in campaigns against foreign mining companies and repression of the social movements; and
WHEREAS: San José las Flores has achieved many successes including developing a system of collective ownership of farmland and housing; the creation of cattle, weaving, sewing, dairy, baking, tourism, and agriculture cooperatives that employ the residents; a health clinic providing prevention and interventive care to every community member; an educational K-12 system with fully accredited teachers; an environmental plan for the full reforestation and protection of natural resources; and a thriving church community with a convent and lay leadership and the continued commitment to a consciousness of communal well-being for all peoples and the absence of the gang violence present throughout El Salvador; and
WHEREAS: Now is a critical time for a Sister City visit as this thriving community is experiencing several crises including a serious water shortage following many years of drought and government policies that have eliminated municipality governance, removed key financial resources from the rural communities, and threatened the social stability of the community; and
WHEREAS: The popular movements and Salvadoran social organizations supporting the rural communities and human rights and democracy are facing threats to their safety including imprisonment by the government; and
WHEREAS: In June 2024, an intergenerational Sister City delegation will travel to El Salvador that includes CRLS students and graduates Catalina Lozada and Isabella Lozada; high school students Marcus Burkes-Nossiter and Laila Guzman-Griffin; Sister City members Cathy Hoffman and Sarah Davila; and Salvadoreño/as Gabriela Cartagena, Kim Landaverde, José Landaverde, José Alemán with the support of Nancy Ryan and Cambridge City Councillor Jivan Sobrinho-Wheeler; and
WHEREAS: The delegates have been working with a broad variety of community groups, educators, immigrant rights projects, and neighborhood and municipal organizers in both Cambridge and Somerville to raise funds and awareness of the situation in El Salvador and our local areas; now therefore be it
RESOLVED: That the City Council go on record sending a strong message of solidarity to the Community Council of San José Las Flores in recognition of the successes and persistence of the community as well as to the Sister City staff and CRIPDES organizing support; and be it further
RESOLVED: That the City Council go on record particularly recognizing the efforts of San José Las Flores in creative programming caring for elders, the environmental innovations, and work to memorialize their history, as well as promoting health, education, and housing for all members of the community; and be it further
RESOLVED That the City Council go on record supporting the mission of the June 2024 delegation to strengthen the contact between Cambridge and El Salvador and to foster ties between the communities as well as the community-building in our home communities; and be it further
RESOLVED: That the City Council welcomes a report back from the delegates upon their return.

O-6     June 17, 2024
That the City Council formally go on record in expressing its strong hope that the City engage in a thoughtful, deliberative, and collaborative community process to determine the future of the Central Square Library and the Green Street Garage.

24-8. Report on the recommendations for the refinement and improvement of the housing permitting process to the City Council, with a focus on reducing delays, minimizing costs, and enhancing clarity and accessibility for all stakeholders.
Councillor Azeem, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Nolan (O-1) from 2/26/2024

24-17. Report on whether the City Council could add maximum lot area per dwelling unit, maximum setback requirements, and minimum floor area ratios in some districts or as part of an overlay in the Zoning Ordinance and whether the City Council could require a special permit for a down conversion in developments that would result in a net loss of housing units.
Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Wilson, Councillor Nolan (Calendar Item #1) from 3/25/2024

24-18. Report on zoning language that effectively promotes multi-family housing, including income-restricted affordable housing with the goal of having viable housing for everyone especially lower-income residents.
Councillor Azeem, Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Siddiqui (Calendar Item #2) from 3/25/2024

24-19. Report on whether the City could provide incentives for residents who do not have cars.
Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Nolan (O-4) from 3/25/2024

24-21. Report on a community meeting held with residents of Appleton and surrounding streets in the Huron and Brattle Street neighborhoods to review their findings and discuss options for addressing the neighbors’ concerns, including the possibility of restricting traffic entering from the Brattle onto Appleton Street from the hours of 3-7pm.  See Mgr #7
Councillor Toner, Councillor Pickett, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Siddiqui (O-3) from 4/8/2024

24-22. Report on the summary of city efforts related to PFAS concerns, an update on educational information that can be shared with the community that outline actions individuals can take to reduce their exposure to PFAS, and provide an overview of the federal and state regulatory environment for PFAS in the wastewater stream.
Councillor Nolan, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Siddiqui, Councillor Wilson (O-3) from 5/6/2024

24-23. Report back to the Human Services and Veterans Committee on an issued RFP calling for an agency that will lead the City through a community process that will include, but not be limited to, community education, community feedback, location possibilities, potential legal issues and will include feedback from all neighborhoods, including but not limited to; seniors, businesses and places of worship, the Cambridge Police Department, the Cambridge Fire Department, Pro Ambulance, the Cambridge Health Alliance, shelters, nonprofits working with those experiences substance use disorder, and individuals experiencing substance use disorder themselves.
Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Wilson, Councillor Azeem (O-2) from 5/13/2024

24-24. Report on work done with relevant City departments and the Cambridge Arts Council to consider whether Cambridge could facilitate a Porchfest event.
Councillor Nolan, Mayor Simmons, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Azeem (O-2) from 5/20/2024

24-25. Report on implementing more robust ticketing and parking enforcement measures near the intersection of Norman Street and Belmont Street.  See Mgr #6
Mayor Simmons, Councillor Toner (O-2) from 6/3/2024

24-26. Requested to clarify why the Wage Theft Enforcement Committee has not yet been appointed and to swiftly appoint the committee as called for in the Wage Theft Ordinance.
Mayor Simmons, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Toner (O-3) from 6/3/2024

24-27. Provide a list of current zoning initiatives along with CDD’s recommendations for a timeline for completing each of the zoning initiatives in order for the Council to confirm zoning priorities.
Councillor Pickett, Councillor Toner, Vice Mayor McGovern (O-5) from 6/3/2024

24-28. Provide a written outreach plan for engaging the community related to the processes underway in Central Square.
Councillor Pickett, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Mayor Simmons (O-6) from 6/3/2024

24-29. Requested to provide the draft Request for Information for the 84 & 96 Bishop Allen Drive to the City Council for review and comment.
Councillor Pickett, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Mayor Simmons (O-7) from 6/3/2024

24-31. Provide an update to the Municipal Facilities Improvement Plan (MFIP) including revised cost estimates to help inform the FY26 and ongoing capital budget priorities in a timely manner.
Councillor Pickett, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Toner (O-1) from 6/10/2024