P.O. BOX 400297

Cambridge City Council
City Hall
795 Mass Avenue
Cambridge MA 02139

January 28, 2008

New Boss Same as the Old Boss

Honorable City Councilors,

Thank you for your consistency. Forty years of police abuses continue, 26 years in Cambridge. Since Dec. 15, 2007 about six of the nine organized crime families who adopted me have participated in the daily harassment and sleep deprivation.

Currently an Asian male about 5 feet four inches tall with black hair and blemished skin occupies apartment # 22 at 85 Prescott Street. He is part of the organization that orchestrated the 1990 police frame-up in Cambridge. Based in Somerville, MA with the cooperation of the Somerville and Cambridge police they provoked and arrested me after I wrote to the Chiefs of those cities' police departments complaining about police harassment.

These criminal sociopaths threaten me saying "You're going to get shot." Beginning on or about January 15, 2008 this Asian male and his partner keep me awake each night until about 9:00 AM sometimes till 11:00 AM then disturbs my sleep every one or two hours. This is intense harassment often called "non physical torture" by researchers for the United Nations. The Cambridge City government is unconcerned with criminal abuses of vulnerable citizens. They are focused on serving wealthy women, wealthy homosexuals and wealthy persons of color. It is how they understand the word "vulnerable."

Elected officials who earn more than $100,000 in salary and benefits plead that their ancestors suffered discrimination. The New Mayor runs an insurance business serving underprivileged insurance companies? White heterosexual males of no color who are not girlie men are designated useless eaters. The crime families operating in Cambridge can abuse them all they want. The government will not interfere.

In December 2007 three city water department employees were arrested for selling cocaine from a city vehicle. The City Council remains silent about this alleged criminal activity. They remain silent about 19 homicides by an FBI informant and his organized crime family who openly boasted of corrupting city, state and federal police agencies.

After fourteen months a City Wide Crime Task Force of 50 citizen including six top police supervisors submitted a report stating that drugs are a major cause of crime. But the report did not discuss this issue. Hmmm.

The FBI used me to fight organized crime for about 15 years in three states. They never paid me for this criminal abuse of a citizen with a disability. Now they watch these crime families take turns abusing me and preventing me from sleeping and continuing 35 years of character assassination.

In January 2008 The Boston Globe reported a man admitted being the hitman for the Boston organized crime family, which infiltrated the Boston office of the FBI. He admitted 20 murders and was sentenced to 12 years, about 7 months for each homicide. When he was released from prison the FBI gave him $20,000 to re-start his life. It raises the question, "Does organized crime run the FBI?"

Former US Attorney Donald Stern apologized for this government action saying that without Martorano the government would not have been able to clean up the FBI corruption. They never did. Why did they make that deal? Without being accused of any crime the 9 crime families that adopted me have been allowed to punish me for allegations made 35 years ago.

Why does the FBI allow these crime families to continue to harass me after 35 years of character assassination? Are my alleged crimes more than 20 homicides? They never say to me what it is. They allege multiple sins, for which the local solons punished me twenty times for each allegation.

On Wednesday January 23, 2008 a psychologist from Maine used women as bait as I walked from Central Square to my apartment. When I did not go for the bait, she tried young men.

On Thursday January 24, 2008, a black male about 25 years old, five feet 6 inches tall, about 170 pounds, short hair, walked close behind me for about ten blocks intimidating me as I walked from Porter Square to a library at about 6:00 PM. He allegedly works for the Somerville Police.

Historically the primary purpose of government was to protect its citizens. Today government abuses weak citizens and serves the wealthy and powerful.

Limousine liberals in Cambridge celebrate Robert Winters as the "Premier Observer of Cambridge government." He is also the poster boy for abuse of government and police powers. He works for one of the many police agencies active in Cambridge -- City police, HUPD or the FBI.

As a prominent member of society, (he has a PhD, is a math instructor at two or three local colleges) Winters uses his widely read and admired internet blog to ridicule and to humiliate weak, vulnerable citizens with disabilities. He is a cyber-bully. This is the pattern of how a one-party city and state government degenerates into an abusive system.

Roy Bercaw