P.O. BOX 400297

Cambridge City Council
City Hall
795 Mass Avenue
Cambridge MA 02139

February 29, 2008

Heartfelt Gratitude

Honorable Councilors:

Celebrating Diversity

On Wednesday February 13, 2008, NBC's Today show broadcast a video tape captured in a Hillsborough County Florida jail. It showed a woman of color corrections officer dumping paraplegic Brian Sterner out of his wheel chair. He was arrested for a traffic warrant.

Three other women of color corrections officers watched as she did that. None of them objected. Two men arrived and looked at Sterner. No report was made of the incident. A journalist asked to see video tape. If he did not believe Sterner the incident would never have been revealed.

People with disabilities are beaten and tormented every day by police, Harvard instructors, public officials and civilians. The few taxpayer-funded agencies usually protect government employees from complaints of abuse rather than the persons with disabilities. Only after journalists publish stories about the abuse the government acts. Officials make it appear as if they are addressing these institutionalized abuses on their own.

In Cambridge police informants run the Human Rights Commission and the Handicapped Commission. It is fitting that the Police Review and Advisory Board is run by the same police informant as the Human Rights Commission. They work for the benefit of the city not vulnerable people. This is the fixed policy of the City Manager who decides what city employees do. He runs the city with no oversight. He is not answerable to the voters or the spineless city councilors, who are only interested in their own vanity and their bank accounts. Getting re-elected is their primary motivation.

Compassionate Academic Progressives

My heartfelt (literally) thanks go out to Harvard's new first-woman President, Drew Gilpin Faust, and Harvard's current General Counsel, Robert Iuliano, for providing a new vigorous effort of Harvard employees conducting a brutal harassment campaign. They use high-tech electrical weapons from Harvard-owned apartment # 22 at 85 Prescott Street, which is almost a clubhouse for organized crime families who operate in Cambridge and at Harvard.

An obvious motive, part of a multi year effort, is to remove me from Harvard-owned properties. Harvard wants to remove any and all non-Harvard affiliates from their properties. It was part of a 1995 agreement with the city of Cambridge.

It can also be an attempt to repeat the police frame-up of 1995 when the Somerville police were harassing me in Cambridge. The Cambridge police arrested me after I sent letters to the Cambridge and Somerville police complaining about police harassment.

Considering that police informants, associates of organized crime and FBI informants have been threatening me for the past 35 years, the latest being on Sunday February 10, 2008, when a man said to me, "They're going to f*** you up." the brutal weekend of February 8-10, 2008 may be an attempt to cause me to have a heart attack and/or a stroke. I am a white heterosexual male over 60 years old with a legal disability. Sociopaths continue a 40-year program of police abuses.

I want to thank the City Council and the City Manager, the chief law enforcement officer of the city, for permitting this to continue. I'm especially grateful for the concern and compassion of one councilor who asked me, "Why don't they just kill you?" Brilliant!

The refusal of the city to address institutionalized unlawful discrimination by city officials is one of the legal barriers to stopping these abuses. The latest severe and intense harassment is over and above the ordinary harassment disturbing my sleep and keeping me awake through each night till 9:00 AM or later, and slandering me as I travel about the area.

On Friday February 8, 2008 at the main branch of the library, a woman I know for more than 30 years threatened to call the police. She works for the Kennedy cult and is alleged to be a lesbian, only the latest lesbian in a long series over 40 years to make outrageous accusations, which denied me many years of a social life. It was part of the multi-year behavior conditioning that the Kennedy cult and their associates conducted trying to make me a homosexual.

The FBI was founded and run by a closeted homosexual for 50 years. Is it still run by homosexuals? Well duh! What explains the prominence of homosexuals in American government? After over-turning 5,000 years of moral behavior to legalize homosexual sex, how long will it take for the homosexual lobby to ban heterosexuals from the United States? They are already being harassed out of Cambridge and San Francisco.

After returning from her latest trip, the delightful elegant wife of a Harvard historian joined the harassment again at apartment #22. On Friday and Saturday February 8-9, 2008 there were four associates of organized crime families in apartment #22 taking turns disturbing my sleep and preventing me from sleeping. At about 9:30 PM I noticed a Harvard Real Estate vehicle, red pick-up truck with the words "Harvard Facilities Maintenance." It had Mass license plates L44 360, and a number "76" painted on its fender. I am not certain if this Harvard employee was on an emergency call or was on a lark participating in the harassment. On previous occasions Harvard Real Estate superintendents joined the harassment.

They kept me awake until 10:30 AM on Saturday February 9, 2008. As previous sociopaths did, on Saturday this one also stole the newspaper I have delivered to my building. The newspaper publisher told me he thinks the papers are stolen. That was in December 2007 when 16 of 31 papers that month did not appear.

On Sunday AM beginning at about 10:30 AM after being kept awake through the night again, this FBI informant joined by the delightful wife conducted a brutal relentless attack on my chest causing me severe irreparable harm.

At about 10:30 PM on a night that was 14 degrees Fahrenheit with a 30 miles per hour wind a woman appeared when I shopped at a market wearing only short shorts with flip flops. Was she payment for the brutality over three days by homosexual police sociopaths at my apartment? It is how the FBI and the police pay for their wrongdoing. They use women or sexual favors.

Is The Almighty Triple A Bond Rating Flawed?

The City Manager and the admiring city councilors celebrate the Triple A bond Rating from three rating agencies. They are proud of their award for several years. Now comes the Attorney General of New York who is investigating the same three rating agencies for alleged fraud.

Andrew Cuomo, son of former NY Governor Mario Cuomo, "said, 'supposed reforms' by Standard & Poor's and Moody's Investors Services which gave high ratings to subprime debt that later plummeted, won't stop his investigation of the companies." (Bloomberg, "Rating agencies not off the hook: AG," New York Post, February 8, 2008, page 35) Also reported is "The companies and Fitch Ratings have been scrutinized by regulators and lawmakers for giving high ratings to subprime-mortgage securities that subsequently sank in value and for reacting too slowly as defaults rose."

Here's my favorite part of this article. "Moody's, the second-largest credit-rating company, said this week it was considering a new rating system, based on numbers." Huh? Are they using the I Ching now?

This raises the issue of the City getting an award from the National Organization on Disabilities when the city openly denies to persons with disabilities access to city programs. And the award received by CCTV for being the "best" cable access station in the country. Can awards be purchased? CCTV management took credit for the work of others as the City Manager does. It is typical of how this city operates. The Cambridge City Manager accepts credit for obtaining the Triple A bond rating when it is mainly the ability of taxpayers to pay their taxes that gives rise to the bond rating.

Is the FBI Racist?

In February 2008, the FBI arrested about 100 alleged members of organized crime in New York and New Jersey. This is one more outrage of racial profiling. Why is it that only persons of color can be victims of racial profiling? Here there are almost only Italian Americans who were arrested? You would think that only Italian Americans have organized crime families. That is the pattern that led to James Bulger running the Boston FBI office. He used the FBI to drive out the Italian Americans from the crime operations in Boston and Eastern Mass. Journalists are unable to see this racial abuse of the FBI.

Why are only uneducated men arrested? They are accused of extortion and bribery. Who did they bribe? Public officials? Police? Why were no police or elected officials arrested? Why only hard-working men? Have the degreed members of organized crime taken over the elected offices and the FBI?

Recreational drugs are pouring into the United States from South America and from Asia. The police, the lawyers and the correctional officers have created a lucrative business arresting low-level uneducated drug merchants.

The wholesale corporations and the money launderers remain free to continue their business. Like the corporate executives who drive major corporations into the ground, and are rewarded with multi-million dollar separation pay, these public officials working with the major drug importers protect the importation of the drugs in order to keep the businesses going. The upper level of police departments, and intelligence agencies make deals to protect the leadership and to prosecute the low-level dealers for propaganda purposes to make it look as if they are addressing the scourge of drugs.

Politicians protect the police leadership, which in turn protects the politicians. Two generations of youth have been destroyed by the lack of leaders with rectitude. How many more generations will be destroyed before enough citizens become aware of the abuses?

One Citizen's Response to Government Abuse

"Cookie" Thornton an aggrieved citizen of Kirkwood, MO lost his sense of perspective and killed four public officials before the police shot him dead. He was unhappy with the way that his city officials responded to his complaints. He did not have a sense of humor. He also believed that his city government was on the up and up. I know better as well as the few citizens who are courageous enough to speak out about city official abuses.

In Cambridge the city police use members of organized crime to retaliate for my audacity speaking out about government lies and misconduct. For 15 years the FBI used me to fight organized crime in New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts. Now they direct organized crime families and their police associates to provoke and to deprive me of sleep and to slander me. It is what the FBI does best. Contrary to their statutory mission they are the source of much violence in this country, due to their negligence and their intentional provocations. The FBI is out of control and the corrupt politicians fear them.

The few books written remain unread by the next generation who are easily fooled due to their vanity – "I'm so smart. I know everything because I read The New York Times and the Boston Globe."

Courageous Deputy Sheriff

After 35 years of abuses by police and FBI informants in several states it is now time for the local Deputies Sheriff to take over the abuses. One reported Middlesex Deputy tested me so see if I spoke with women. This is a major offense. I am only permitted to speak with homosexual police or FBI informants.

Two cops sent me emails asking to "be my friend." When I asked him to tell me more. He said he was "a boy" and that his brother was "pretty cool." Oh? Was I supposed to make a date?

This came after about 25 man-hating paranoid lesbians attacked me, and threatened to call the police for imaginary offenses. Lesbians, homosexuals and persons of color are only victims, never perpetrators. Cambridge police act on their complaints because feminists run the Cambridge police department. These paranoid hate-mongers are showing the oppressor white heterosexual males.

Thanks to the City Manager and to the City Council for allowing a Cambridge police frame-up in 1990 to continue to be used by corrupt public officials to punish me 17 years after the fact. It is getting to be almost as long as Joe Salvati and Peter Limone were in prison for their non crime.

The Department of Justice announced that they will appeal the $101 million judgment against the taxpayer for the malfeasance of the FBI and their informants. That will allegedly cost the taxpayer another $14 million. Incompetent government bureaucrats refuse to admit their wrongdoing.

The current Mayor of Cambridge introduced a policy order encouraging citizen participation and engagement with each other coming together for the benefit of the community. Yet this Mayor and the previous Mayor regularly promoted city programs for the benefit of women, homosexuals and persons of color only. Identity politics rule in Cambridge. Equal protection be damned.

The Mayor and Council passed an order in February 2008, supporting Free Speech Rights and other Constitutional Rights for persons in North Carolina not for citizens in Cambridge.

Beginning on or about Valentine's day February 14, 2008 as an act of love, a delightful dissolved Middlesex County Deputy Sheriff joined in the harassment at my apartment and as I traveled about the area. On Saturday February 16, 2008 one of these charming public official psychopaths allegedly using a copy of the journals stolen from me by the FBI in 1973 conducted more character assassination. At a Cambridge bank branch he hid behind the door of bank offices while I sought help from an officer. The woman officer was behind the glass partition. As I left the bank the Deputy exited the offices and followed me out of the bank.

Is this an appropriate use of police powers by a county that was dissolved by the state because the corruption was so pervasive? The Cambridge City Council decries labor abuses in North Carolina not violations of basic Constitutional Rights in Cambridge. Are the cuttlefish Councilors part of the problem, or the problem itself?

Censorship is not the Solution

The Cambridge Chronicle shut its comments windows on its online edition due to unpleasant statements by readers. Like the City Council and the limousine progressives who run Cambridge the editors are unable to discuss or allow discussion of the most strongly held fears and attitudes of people. Some opinions are hateful. They are censored. It does nothing to rationalize irrational beliefs. Instead censorship is the source of more hatred, making matters worse. The editors share the beliefs of the City and Harvard, which prohibits discussion of unpleasant matters at Town Gown meetings and meetings of the university relations committee. You cannot solve problems if you can't talk about them.

Here is a business that has Constitutional protections. Yet it fears publishing comments by people who have no publication. Where did the spines of all of these people go?

Lawless City Policies

The City Council ignores complaints about violations of law in Cambridge. They ignore violations of Constitutional Rights of persons with disabilities. City
employees whose mission is to protect the rights of persons with disabilities protect the city rather than the civilians. This is the unlawful policy of the City Manager who controls all city departments with his iron hand hidden by a velvet public image.

The City Council passed policy orders supporting six teens of color, who beat one white student. They oppose the arrest of those young men in Louisiana. In Cambridge the Mayor wants to have a police officer on every block to prevent violence in this city.

On Monday February 4, 2008 Councilor Simmons said, "We are proactive in standing up for people's rights." This time she was not speaking about six thugs who beat up one student in Louisiana. This time she was speaking about the rights of a political non profit corporation, not for individual rights. The Bill of Rights was created in the 18th century to protect humans, not corporations. But this Council joins the US government in protecting corporate rights and ignoring egregious abuses of humans in the city.

The Councilors wonder or pretend to wonder why so few people vote. Hardly any citizens pay attention to the City Council proceedings. Few know how the Plan E form of government operates.

Lovell Dyett asked on the City's cable access station, "Can City Councilors be role models?" They are role models. They show people that they are deceptive and that they do not care about the rights of poor vulnerable people in Cambridge. They discourage citizens from participation, rather than encouraging them. They show others that their priorities are to support the rights of the wealthy and powerful. They protect the rights of Harvard. They protect the rights of upper class homosexuals, upper class women and upper class persons of color. Instead of providing equal protection of the laws, this government provides special privileges to their campaign contributors and to their political supporters.

Stirring Up Animosity

One of the creative abuses I lived through over the 40 years of government abuses was to serve as the target for paranoid persons. In the 1970s the Kennedy cult told the white racists in the country that I was a black homosexual from New York. These people hated New Yorkers. They hated black people and they hated homosexuals. They took out their hatred on me to divert attention from the Kennedy government officials who abuse their power and authority.

It was the pattern first employed by J. Edgar Hoover who was often referred to as the Arsonist and the Fire Chief. On other occasions they told Palestinian people I was Jewish so that Palestinians working in this Country would attack me taking out their hatred of Jews.

On other occasions they would tell paranoid persons of color that I was a racist. These people believe that every negative event in their life results from racism. If I was a racist then I caused their problems. An internationally prominent Harvard psychiatrist joined in harassing me due to these allegations.

The FBI and the Kennedy cult told homosexuals and lesbians that I was a homophobe. They conducted severe attacks and slander for many years, most recently on Friday February 8, 2008.

The Kennedy cult told the most pervasive lies to members of organized crime and to Communists (today called Progressives). They told crime family members I was a Communist. They told Communists that I was in organized crime. It was many years of fun times being harassed by gays and straights, by Communists and crime families and by Palestinians and Jews.

Persons of color continue today in 2008 to target me for their racial animosity. On Tuesday February 12, 2008 on my way to the Planning Board meeting a group of about 20 students from CRLS appeared on Broadway walking in the opposite direction from me. As I passed the group one young man of color wearing a Cleveland Indians baseball cap, peeled off from the group walked toward me waving his arms and screamed into my face. Here is a microcosm for the way that racism is treated in America. Young black males "know" that all white males are racists. The older ones are vulnerable and weak suitable for attack by young black males. Is this what Cadillac Deval means when he says "Yes, we can?" Yes we can beat the older white males?

When I would seek help from the FBI the agents who knew what was going on laughed at me over and over again and again.

Now they just watch as the organized crime families and their hired Harvard thugs beat me each day me using electrical weapons unknown to most Americans. Working with mercenary psychiatrists and psychologists (currently Peter Becker Harvard Literature instructor and his Asian psychologist partner) the FBI advises how best to torment and to torture me.

After being drugged by Harvard psychiatrists for 80 consecutive days in 1973, the FBI scared me and used me to fight organized crime. How can you not love the adorable and cuddly FBI when they abuse persons with disabilities as a matter of course.

Harvard Academics Resume Their Abuses

On or about Wednesday February 13, 2008 the tenant of record Peter Becker and his Asian partner returned to apartment # 22 at 85 Prescott Street. They were likely well paid by the crime families to use that apartment for the previous two months.

They continue relentless assaults to my head and to my chest using high tech experimental electronic weapons. Some of the sociopaths believe they are providing experimental treatment but without consent. That is an assault.

Others are trying to provoke violence from me so that the police will arrest me. Others are trying to cause me to have a heart attack or a stroke, which would be attempted murder. This is a daily occurrence for 20 years. But the City Council and the City Manager refuse to stop the abuse. Are they all complicit in this ongoing criminal enterprise?

One of the less rational assailants said to me in February 2008, "They [the City Councilors] can kill you." Oh really? Does that mean that they often kill critics who are courageous enough to exercise a Constitutional right, which the Mayor said they support? Is this why so few people have any respect for politicians?

These two mercenary Harvard academics try to do what the previous crime families tried to do, i.e. rewrite history denying the 40 years of abuses by Communists and organized crime families. The FBI watched the crime families and cleared a path for them to do this. Now they pretend they never heard of me. One Cambridge FBI informant said to me 'Who are you?" On a previous occasion he said to me, "You're a hitman." As US Senator John Kerry said, "Would that it were. Would that it were."

Roy Bercaw