Cambridge City Council meeting - December 23, 2024 - AGENDA
[Azeem remote]
1. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to a request for authorization to allow the Purchasing Agent to award a five (5) year contract to a successful bidder on the School Bus Transportation Bid. (CM24#268)
pulled by Nolan (how many are electric?); comments by Nolan, Ivy Washington (CFO of CPS), Damon Smith (COO of CPS) - explains challenges of electric school buses; Nolan wants 100% electric regardless of practicality; Siddiqui mouths climate goals; Toner asks if there are any significant cost differences or reliability issues; Damon Smith explains limitations in charging facility locations even at 40% electric, delays in delivery of buses; Owen O’Riordan explains that these infrastructure issues are similar to challenges with other City-owned electric vehicles; Wilson mouths climate goals; Zusy notes longer charging time in winter; Nolan emphasizes diesel fuel particulates and “environmental justice”; Order Adopted 9-0
Note: An electric school bus has been parked at CRLS for many years without moving
1. That the City Manager is requested to direct the City Solicitor to provide the City Council with a legal opinion on the City Council’s ability to levy a tax or fine on store fronts and commercial properties that remain vacant for more than two years, including any applicable definitions of “vacancy” and relevant legal precedents, and provide such opinion no later than the February 17th City Council meeting. Councillor Toner, Mayor Simmons, Councillor Siddiqui, Councillor Wilson, Vice Mayor McGovern (PO24#161)
pulled by Toner; Toner notes community scuttlebutt, Law Department never asked for legal opinion; Wilson wants to be added as cosponsor; McGovern recounts history; Siddiqui says she previously worked on this and that there was a legal memo on this (2018-19), says data on vacancies readily available; Sobrinho-Wheeler wants to also penalize residential vacancies; Simmons recounts some history on this; AW and MM added as sponsors 9-0; Order Adopted as Amended 9-0
2. That the City Manager is requested to direct Community Development Department (CDD) staff to draft proposed amendments to the Cannabis Business Permitting Ordinance that would accomplish adding select HCA requirements into the ordinance so the city can waive the HCA requirement and that the City Manager is requested to ask the CDD staff to draft a zoning amendment to remove the repackaging prohibition. Councillor Toner, Councillor Siddiqui, Councillor Wilson, Mayor Simmons (PO24#162)
pulled by Toner; Toner notes that these amendments intended to align Cambridge ordinances with recent state law and to streamline process; Order Adopted 9-0
3. That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to direct Community Development to prepare updated Multi Family Housing Zoning language and report back to the Ordinance Committee, not later than January 16, 2025. Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Siddiqui, Councillor Toner
pulled by Toner; Toner notes misinformation over recent days, clarifies procedure of late order, notes that this ordinance is not yet done and additional committee meetings prior to Feb 10 final vote deadline, notes that he would prefer to focus first on (undefined) “corridors”; McGovern offers his own explanation, notes that this is purely procedural in that Council cannot order departments to do anything except through the City Manager via a City Council order and that there are more meetings pending, objects to suggestion that City Council is not listening, characterizes putting back minuscule setbacks as “putting them back in”, suggests that many people favor original proposed ordinance changes; Burhan “phone it in” Azeem says he’s trying to “lower the temperature”; Siddiqui says intent is not to do anything without transparency, objects to “misinformation”; Zusy says she will vote against these amendments, not that amendments are misguided, that people are OK with added heights in squares and (undefined) “corridors”, concerns about allowing massive development as-of-right w/o special permits, loss of open space and other environmental consequences, questionable stated need (76 projects in process now 5,301 units with 987 affordable - mostly in East Cambridge), all housing nonprofits now have multiple projects in process, lack of any urban design plan, unintended consequences; Nolan expresses excitement over proposed zoning changes with reservations about middle-income housing, insatiable demand for market-rate housing, concerns about effect on solar power arrays, notes that many people are unaware of proposed changes, just having meetings does not imply that people are being made aware of proposed changes, hope that Planning Board can have a meeting on this to offer their perspective; Wilson says she supports an amendment to require 3 floors of inclusionary housing for any new 6-story building under this ordinance (plus 3 stories for an AHO project), acknowledges lack of community engagement; Order Adopted, Referred to CDD 8-1 (Zusy-No)
1. An Ordinance 2023 #8B has been received from City Clerk, relative to Amend Chapter 14.04 – Fair Housing. [Passed to 2nd Reading Oct 2, 2023; Amended Nov 6, 2023; to remain on Unfinished Business pending legislative approval of Special Act needed prior to ordination] (ORD23-8B)
2. An Ordinance has been received from City Clerk, relative to Flexible Parking Corridor Zoning Petition. [Adopted as a City Council Zoning Petition and Passed to 2nd Reading Dec 2, 2024; Eligible to be Ordained Dec 23, 2024; Expires Feb 19, 2025] (ORD24#5)
Ordained 9-0
3. An Ordinance has been received from City Clerk, relative to the Parking and Transportation Demand Management (PTDM) Municipal Ordinance. [Referred to Ordinance Committee Oct 21, 2024; Passed to 2nd Reading Dec 2, 2024; Eligible to be Ordained Dec 23, 2024] (ORD24#6)
Ordained 9-0
4. An Ordinance has been received from City Clerk, relative to the Commercial Parking Space Permits Municipal Ordinance. [Passed to 2nd Reading Dec 2, 2024; Eligible to be Ordained Dec 23, 2024] (ORD24#7)
Ordained 9-0
5. An Ordinance has been received from City Clerk, relative to proposed amendments to the Cycling Safety Ordinance to extend the deadline associated with the completion of those sections of the ordinance that are required to be completed by May 1, 2026. [Passed to a 2nd Reading Dec 16, 2024; Eligible to be Ordained on or after Jan 6, 2025] (ORD24#8)
1. An application from Katinka Jeffs, requesting permission for a curb cut at the premises numbered 6-R Eaton Street; said petition has received approval from Inspectional Services, Traffic, Parking and Transportation, Historical Commission and Public Works. No response has been received from the neighborhood association. (AP24#39)
pulled by Nolan (prefers to never allow new curb cuts); Nolan notes that a tree will be removed and replaced; Order Adopted 9-0
2. An application from John Winslow, requesting permission for a curb cut at the premises numbered 8 Whittier Street; said petition has received approval from Inspectional Services, Traffic, Parking and Transportation, Historical Commission and Public Works. Response has been received from a neighborhood association not in the area of the application address. (AP24#40)
pulled by Nolan (prefers to never allow new curb cuts); Zusy expresses concerns about tree removal/replacement; Order Adopted 8-1 (Zusy-No)
1. Amanda Van Vleck, re: In Support of PO#1.
2. Annie Park, re: Please support PO#1.
3. Asha Daniere, re: Comment to Policy 2024 #141.
4. Beth Adams, re: Opposition to Multifamily Zoning Ordinances.
5. Caleb Kim, re: CPP.
6. CARE Housing, re: Considerations for MFH City Council Meeting.
7. Carrie Bates, re: PO#1.
8. Carter Williams, re: Vote NO on the Cambridge Multifamily Housing Zoning Petition.
9. Charlotte Dobbs, re: PO#1, universal pre-K program.
10. Daniel Norman, re: Vote NO on the Cambridge Multifamily Housing Zoning Petition.
11. Denise Jillson, re: Mayor Simmons Late Policy Order re: Whitney’s Bar.
12. Heather Snowdon, re: Support for PO#1 – PO24#157.
13. Ilisa Hurowitz, re: Objection to Multifamily Ordinance petitions.
14. Jeremy Cohen, re: Support for PO#1 - PO24#157.
15. Jimena Bermejo, re: Citywide Residential Upzoning.
16. Justin Smoltz, re: Conversion of Garden Street in Cambridge to Two-Way Traffic.
17. Kate Johnson, re: Defeat PO#1 Restoring Two Way Garden Street.
18. Kate Murphy, re: Support for PO#1.
19. Lital Lumbroso, re: Support PO#1.
20. Mariah Villarreal, re: Multifamily Zoning and Inclusionary Units.
21. Marilee Meyer, re: Please re-examine multifamily upzoning and data.
22. Martin Breu, re: Writing in Support of PO#1.
23. Megan and Daniel Cuzzolino, re: Support for a Joint Roundtable to Discuss CPP.
24. Parents’ Nursery School, re: CPP concerns.
25. Patrick McNeal, re: Support for Field Improvements and Permitting Process_ Cambridge Youth Soccer.
26. Ryan Cherry, re: PO#1 - Support of Garden St. current configuration.
27. Sam Harrington, re: CPP concern.
28. Sarah Happel, re: CPP vote.
29. Suzanne Blier, re: 4 Policy Orders and communications.
30. Suzanne Blier, re: Agenda Items 1-4 & Reports – Please read (I also thank you).
31. Young Kim, re: HELP! Urgent Request to postpone this week’s hearings on MFH Petitions.
1. Condolences on the death of Francine H. (Salvato) Giannasca. Councillor Toner, Councillor Nolan
2. Congratulations to Doug Johnson on his retirement from the Kennedy School and the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at Harvard University. Councillor Nolan
pulled by Nolan for comments
3. Congratulations to CRLS Alum Andrew Millar for NCAA Championship. Councillor Wilson, Councillor Toner
1. Economic Development & University Relations Committee (cannabis policy issues, including the potential allowance for repackaging of products at local dispensaries, the 1800-foot minimum distance requirement between cannabis businesses, and the lack of zoning provisions for social consumption establishments that are now permitted under state law) - Committee Meeting - Dec 17, 2024. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 8-0-1 (Toner-Absent)
Present: McGovern, Siddiqui, Sobrinho-Wheeler, Toner, Wilson
Also Present: Simmons, Zusy, Nolan
1. A communication from Diane LeBlanc, City Clerk, transmitting an update regarding legislative. (COF24#161)
Placed on File 8-0-1 (Toner-Absent)
Mon, Dec 23
5:30pm City Council Meeting
Mon, Jan 6
5:30pm City Council Meeting
Wed, Jan 8
5:00pm The Ordinance Committee will hold a public hearing on two Multifamily Zoning Petitions from 5:00pm to 7:00pm. There will be public comment at this meeting. This is a continuation of the public hearing that began on Nov 19, that reconvened and recessed again on Dec 4 and Dec 19. One additional meeting has been scheduled for Jan 16.
Mon, Jan 13
5:30pm City Council Meeting
Thurs, Jan 16
3:00pm The Ordinance Committee will hold a public hearing on two Multifamily Zoning Petitions from 3:00pm to 5:00pm. There will be no public comment at this meeting. This is a continuation of the public hearing that began on Nov 19, that reconvened and recessed again on Dec 4, Dec 19, and Jan 7.
Mon, Jan 27
11:00am A Special Committee of the Whole will hold a public hearing to resume the review and discussion of recommendations from the Charter Review Committee and any additional suggestions from the full City Council pertaining to the Cambridge City Charter. This public hearing is a continuation of the meeting that was recessed on Dec 9, 2024.
5:30pm City Council Meeting
Mon, Feb 3
5:30pm City Council Meeting
Mon, Feb 10
5:30pm City Council Meeting
Mon, Feb 24
5:30pm City Council Meeting
O-1 Dec 23, 2024 amended
WHEREAS: The City Council, residents, and business associations have repeatedly expressed concern regarding the number of vacant storefronts and commercial properties throughout the City of Cambridge; and
WHEREAS: Many commercial properties have remained empty for extended periods, suggesting that property owners may be “land banking” properties, a practice in which owners hold onto vacant properties as long-term investments, often waiting for market conditions to improve, instead of actively seeing tenants or developing space for immediate productive use; and
WHEREAS: This practice has negative consequences for surrounding neighborhoods and commercial districts including reduced economic activity, diminished neighborhood vibrancy, and a lack of available commercial spaces for small businesses; now therefore be it
ORDERED: That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to direct the City Solicitor to provide the City Council with a legal opinion on the City Council’s ability to levy a tax or fine on storefronts and commercial properties that remain vacant for more than two years, including any applicable definitions of “vacancy” and relevant legal precedents, and provide such opinion no later than the February17th City Council meeting.
O-2 Dec 23, 2024
WHEREAS: As discussed at the Dec 17, 2024, Economic Development and University Relations Committee the retail, adult use, cannabis industry has matured and changed in the past six years since Cambridge adopted local ordinances to permit its use; and
WHEREAS: The City has previously revisited, and revised as necessary, local retail cannabis regulations to help improve and expedite the process for existing and future retail cannabis operators, especially those operators participating in the MA CCC Equity Program; and
WHEREAS: The Cambridge Host Community Agreement (HCA), and its associated Statement of Interest Application for a cannabis business, has remained unchanged since 2018 and the Cannabis Control Commission now allows a waiver of the HCA requirement, there is an opportunity to improve the process and reduce the number of local approvals required for future and existing retail operators; and
WHEREAS: The current prohibition on repackaging in the Cambridge Zoning Ordinance is in conflict with Massachusetts regulations (935 CMR 500.140(8)); now therefore be it
ORDERED: That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to direct Community Development Department (CDD) staff to draft proposed amendments to the Cannabis Business Permitting Ordinance that would accomplish adding select HCA requirements into the ordinance so the city can waive the HCA.
O-3 Dec 23, 2024
WHEREAS: The Ordinance Committee met on December 19, 2024, and voted favorably on several amendments related to the Multifamily Housing Zoning Petition Part One and the Multifamily Housing Zoning Petition Part Two; now therefore be it
ORDERED: That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to direct the Community Development Department (CDD) to update the first Petition (Multifamily Housing Zoning Petition Part One) and amend Residence C-1 Zoning in the Cambridge Zoning Map and Ordinance in Articles 2.000, 3.000, 4.000, 5.000, 6.000, 7.000, 8.000, 10.000, 11.000, 13.000, 14.000, 16.000, 17.000, 20.000, and 21.000 with the intent of:
1. Reducing the base zoning height limit from six stories to four stories;
2. Establishing a two-story density bonus for inclusionary developments;
3. Adding back contextual 5-foot side and rear setbacks for all developments, with exceptions for townhouses;
4. Requiring a minimum lot size of 5,000 square feet for developments greater than four stories; and be it further
ORDERED: That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to direct the Community Development Department (CDD) to update the second petition (Multifamily Housing Zoning Petition Part Two) and amend Residence C-1 Zoning in the Cambridge Zoning Ordinance in Articles 5.000, 11.000, 15.000, 17.000, 19.000, and 20.000 with the intent of:
5. Ensuring the Affordable Housing Overlay (AHO) still scales with base zoning, allowing for heights of up to nine stories; and be it further
ORDERED: That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to direct the Community Development Department (CDD) to provide Zoning language to be added with the intent of:
6. Implementing a regular 5-year review of the Multifamily Zoning Ordinance with an annual update; and be it further
ORDERED: That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to direct CDD and the Law Department and Historical Commission to report back and bring forward any necessary separate zoning amendments or information about:
1. Rezoning the corridors and squares;
2. What legal protections can be provided in local and state law for solar systems on residential properties?
3. Requiring a minimum lot size of 5,000 square feet for developments greater than four stories unless the development includes 50% affordable units;
4. Ensure that buildings of five or six stories include 40% open space, with at least 50% being permeable; and a consideration of up to 75% permeability; and be it further
ORDERED: That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to report back to the Ordinance Committee, relative to the above requests not later than January 16, 2025.
24-31. Provide an update to the Municipal Facilities Improvement Plan (MFIP) including revised cost estimates to help inform the FY26 and ongoing capital budget priorities in a timely manner.
Councillor Pickett, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Toner (O-1) from 6/10/2024
24-53. at the City of Cambridge assist companies, institutions, and other organizations in adopting truck safety requirements for their fleets and finding trucking vendors who are able to comply by providing an informational resource and publicizing those that comply.
Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Azeem (O-1) from 9/16/2024
24-54. t the City Manager is hereby requested to work with relevant departments to review Cambridge’s curb cut policies and report back on if they can be improved to help meet the City’s transportation and sustainability goals with some proposed updates and draft ordinance language designating City staff as the final approval authority for curb cuts.
Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Siddiqui, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Wilson (O-2) from 9/16/2024
24-58. That the City Manager is requested to confer with the Finance Department, Law Department, and other relevant departments to explore the feasibility of a successor program to Rise Up Cambridge.
Councillor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Wilson, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler (O-6) from 9/23/2024
24-60. That the City Manager be and is hereby requested to report back to the City Council on the Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing (PRO Housing) NOFO as soon as possible.
Councillor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Wilson, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler (O-5) from 9/30/2024
24-62. The City Manager is requested to work with the Community Development Department to provide an update on the status of the Resident Experiences of Inclusion and Bias in Inclusionary Housing in Cambridge report’s recommendations, including progress on implementation and planned next steps.
Councillor Siddiqui, Mayor Simmons, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Wilson (O-3) from 10/21/2024
24-63. The City Manager is requested to direct the appropriate City staff to prominently incorporate recognition of the Massachusett Tribe during key official events, documents, websites, and communications, establish a living memorial in Cambridge that honors the Massachusett Tribe, with special recognition of Sqa Sachem for her leadership and enduring legacy and place a plaque with this language in a prominent location within City Hall, ensuring that this acknowledgment remains visible and lasting and report back.
Mayor Simmons, Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Toner, Councillor Wilson (O-2) from 11/4/2024
24-64. The City Manager is requested to work with relevant City departments to prepare a Home Rule Petition to enact legislation which would allow the City of Cambridge to prohibit associations from unreasonably restricting the use of a solar energy system.
(Calendar Item #1) from 11/18/2024
24-65. The City Manager is requested to work with the Law Department to draft a home rule petition for the creation of a Cambridge Jobs Training Trust, and report back to the City Council in a timely manner.
(Calendar Item #2) from 11/18/2024
24-66. The City Manager is requested to work with relevant City departments to prepare a draft home rule petition to authorize the City of Cambridge to implement automated parking enforcement technology; and to continue to work with the City of Boston to collaborate on the home rule process.
(O-1) from 11/18/2024
24-67. The City Manager is requested to work with relevant City departments to review with a robust and inclusive community process the Cambridge Bicycle Plan, most recently updated in 2020, and identify potential improvements and consider next steps for a network of Separated Bicycle Facilities, and Separated Bicycle Facilities on streets across the city in order to facilitate safer travel and ways to coordinate routes with neighboring communities including Arlington, Somerville, Watertown, Belmont, Boston, and others.
(O-1) from 12/2/2024
24-68. The City Manager is requested to work with the Traffic, Parking and Transportation Department and Harvard University to restore Garden Street to two-way automobile traffic while preserving two-way protected bike lanes, preserving as much parking on and/or near Garden Street as possible and identifying potential areas for resident parking on neighboring streets and communicating the changes to the affected neighborhood.
(O-1) from 12/9/2024
24-69. The City Manager is requested to work with relevant City departments and encourage the state Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection and the MBTA to adhere to Cambridge local ordinances, including the Cambridge Asbestos Protection Ordinance, during Alewife Construction.
(Calendar Item #1) from 12/9/2024