Cambridge City Council meeting - December 16, 2024 - AGENDA
[Wilson remote, late]

1. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the reappointment of Judith Laguerre, Yasmin Padamsee Forbes, and Stephen Curran as members of the Cambridge Human Rights Commission for a term of three-years. (CM24#265)
Appointments Approved 8-0-1 (Wilson-Absent)

CM24#265     Dec 16, 2024

I am writing to recommend the following reappointments of three members to the Cambridge Human Rights Commission (“CHRC”) for a term of three years, effective Dec 16, 2024:

• Judith Laguerre (reappointment)

• Yasmin Padamsee Forbes (reappointment)

• Stephen Curran (reappointment)

CHRC, which was established in 1984, is dedicated to upholding and safeguarding the fundamental human rights of residents and visitors to the city. CHRC works to eradicate discrimination through an investigative process, proactive community outreach, and collaborations with City and community partners. CHRC aims to create an environment where people of diverse backgrounds can live without fear of discrimination based on the following protected classes: race; color; sex; age; religious creed; disability; national origin or ancestry; sexual orientation; gender identity or gender expression; marital status; family status; military status; and source of income.

Commissioners must live or work in Cambridge, and support staff by working to fulfill the goals and objectives of the Cambridge Human Rights Commission Ordinance, Chapter 2.76 of the Cambridge Municipal Code, which covers discrimination in employment, in places of public accommodation, and in education, and the Cambridge Fair Housing Ordinance, Chapter 14.04 of the Cambridge Municipal Code, which covers discrimination in housing.


Judith Laguerre: Ms. Laguerre is a registered nurse and patient advocate with the Cambridge Health Alliance who takes great pride in working on behalf of her most vulnerable patients. Ms. Laguerre will contribute a critical first-hand perspective on health care disparities and ways to promote equity. In addition to her direct patient care, Ms. Laguerre has worked for institutional change and serves as co-chair of the Massachusetts Nurses Association’s Diversity Committee and the CHA Diversity Council. Ms. Laguerre is also a committed community volunteer who serves as part of a medical humanitarian group and nonprofit, the Haiti Community Foundation, to aid her native country of Haiti. Her experience and compassion has benefited the Commission greatly.

Yasmin Padamsee Forbes: Ms. Forbes is a dedicated Commission member who regularly attends meetings, suggests topics for Commission learning, participates in community outreach, and has served as a Commission co-chair. Ms. Forbes has extensive professional and personal service in the human rights field, including work at the Carr Center for Human Rights at Harvard University and work with the United Nations in Myanmar. She is also currently the Executive Director of the state’s Asian American and Pacific Islanders Commission. Ms. Forbes is a valued leader on the Commission.

Stephen Curran: Mr. Curran is a lifelong civil servant and civil rights attorney, recently retired from the U.S. Department of Justice. During his time with the DOJ, Mr. Curran served as trial attorney on cases involving human rights and war crimes, immigration and naturalization, and constitutional rights; including the high-profile cases U.S. v. Roof (regarding the race-motivated Emmanuel African Methodist Church murders) and U.S. v. Fields (regarding the Charlottesville white nationalist rally, mass attack and killing). He has a deep knowledge of, and commitment to, the type of adjudicatory work over which the Commission has jurisdiction. His expertise will be an invaluable asset to the Commission’s work.

I am pleased to recommend these individuals whose expertise and experience will enable them to continue being valuable members of the Human Rights Commission.

I appreciate the willingness of these community members to serve on the Human Rights Commission and, with your approval, look forward to their reappointments.

2. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to PO24#141, regarding the BZA Dormers Petition. (CM24#266) [text of report]
pulled by McGovern; Unfinished Business Brought Forward 8-0-1 (Wilson-Absent), McGovern Motion to Amend by Substitution Adopted 8-0-1 (Wilson-Absent); Nolan comments suggesting language still too restrictive (suggests deleting sub-paragraph 3); Jim Monteverde (BZA Chair) responds; Toner agrees w/Nolan amendment; Zusy defers to wisdom of Historical Commission and BZA; Monteverde explains that language would not prohibit a longer dormer - they would have to seek variance, as is required now; Azeem agrees w/Toner-Nolan; Nolan motion to delete 8.22.1.i.3 and renumber Adopted 7-1-1 (Zusy-No, Wilson Absent); Adopted as Amended 9-0; Placed on File 9-0

To the Honorable, the City Council:
Please find attached response to Policy Order 2024 #141 from Iram Farooq, Assistant City Manager for Community Development and Megan B. Bayer, City Solicitor, regarding the BZA Dormers Petition, including substituted zoning text.

Very truly yours,
Yi-An Huang
City Manager

3. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the Planning Board Report regarding the flexible parking zoning petition. (CM24#267)
Referred to Petition 9-0

Date: Dec 10, 2024
Subject: Flexible Parking Zoning Petition
Recommendation: The Planning Board recommends ADOPTION.

To the Honorable, the City Council,

On Nov 26, 2024, the Planning Board (the “Board”) held a public hearing to discuss a Zoning Petition by the City Council to amend Articles 2.000, 4.000 and 6.000 of the Cambridge Zoning Ordinance. The Petition is intended to allow existing off street parking facilities and vacant lots, as well as municipally-owned parking facilities, to have less restrictive zoning limitations in order to serve parking needs in areas with limited on-street parking.

The Board heard a presentation from staff in the City’s Community Development Department (CDD) and Traffic, Parking, and Transportation Department (TP+T). Following the presentation, public comment, and discussion among Board members, the Planning Board voted to forward this report to the City Council with a positive recommendation. Board members agreed that the proposal is a rational, simple and straightforward approach to allowing better use of the existing parking inventory. It will be particularly helpful in giving relief to the business community.

The Planning Board voted 6-0 in favor of transmitting the above report. One member was absent.

Respectfully submitted for the Planning Board,
Mary Flynn, Chair.

1. That the City Council meeting scheduled for Jan 13, 2025 be designated as a Joint Roundtable of the City Council and School Committee to discuss the City’s universal pre-kindergarten program.   Mayor Simmons, Vice Mayor McGovern (PO24#157)
Order Adopted 9-0

2. That the City Council approve and issue the City Manager’s Performance Evaluation.   Councillor Toner, Councillor Nolan (PO24#158)
pulled early by Toner along w/Dec 10 Minutes; Minutes Accepted 8-0-1 (Wilson-Absent); Order Adopted 8-0-1 (Wilson-Absent)

3. That the City Council intends to renew the City Manager’s employment beyond Sept 5, 2025, and initiate negotiations for a successor employment contract, which contract, if agreed to, shall become effective Sept 6, 2025.   Councillor Toner, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Zusy (PO24#159)
pulled early by Toner along w/Dec 10 Minutes; Order Adopted 8-0-1 (Wilson-Absent)

4. That the City Council immediately suspend new requests for memorial dedications and that the Government Operations and the Civic Unity Committee, working with the City Manager, hold hearings to discuss new ideas to honor and remember individuals (i.e. memorial garden, fountain, wall or path), criteria for eligibility, a more robust committee structure, and a means for recording and maintaining our current and future memorials.   Councillor Toner, Mayor Simmons, Councillor Zusy (PO24#160)
pulled by Toner for explanation; Nolan comments; Order Adopted 9-0

1. An Ordinance 2023 #8B has been received from City Clerk, relative to Amend Chapter 14.04 – Fair Housing. [Passed to 2nd Reading Oct 2, 2023; Amended Nov 6, 2023; to remain on Unfinished Business pending legislative approval of Special Act needed prior to ordination] (ORD23-8B)

2. An Ordinance has been received from City Clerk, relative to Flexible Parking Corridor Zoning Petition. [Adopted as a City Council Zoning Petition and Passed to 2nd Reading Dec 2, 2024; Eligible to be Ordained Dec 23, 2024; Expires Feb 19, 2025] (ORD24#5)

3. An Ordinance has been received from City Clerk, relative to the Parking and Transportation Demand Management (PTDM) Municipal Ordinance. [Referred to Ordinance Committee Oct 21, 2024; Passed to 2nd Reading Dec 2, 2024; Eligible to be Ordained Dec 23, 2024] (ORD24#6)

4. An Ordinance has been received from City Clerk, relative to the Commercial Parking Space Permits Municipal Ordinance. [Passed to 2nd Reading Dec 2, 2024; Eligible to be Ordained Dec 23, 2024] (ORD24#7)

5. An Ordinance has been received from City Clerk, relative to ARTICLE 2.000 DEFINITIONS Dormer. A roofed projection built out from a sloping roof, containing a window or windows. ARTICLE 8.000 NONCONFORMITY 8.22.1h. Construction of a dormer or dormers to a nonconforming one- or two-family dwelling. [Passed to 2nd Reading Nov 4, 2024; Eligible To Be Ordained on or after Nov 25, 2024] (ORD24#9)
Taken up w/Managers Agenda #2; Nolan motion to delete 8.22.1.i.3 and renumber Adopted 7-1-1 (Zusy-No, Wilson Absent); Ordained as Amended 9-0; Placed on File 9-0

1. A communication from Aaron Pikcilingis, re: Garden Street.

2. A communication from Alice Sullo, re: Garden Street.

3. A communication from Alison Anna Bensted and Lino Pertile, re: We support PO#1 restoring Garden Street to a two-way street.

4. A communication from Amy Waltz, re: In favor of restoring 2-way traffic Including Bike Lanes on Garden St. Bike lanes are Fabulous!

5. A communication from Andrea Karls, re: Please defeat PO#1 restoring two-way Garden Street Traffic.

6. A communication from Andrew Chess, re: Garden Street switching back to 2-way.

7. A communication from Andy Zucker, re: Keep Garden Street one-way, as it is.

8. A communication from Ann Densmore, re: Garden Street.

9. A communication from Ann Elliott-Holmes and Peter Holmes, re: Garden Street.

10. A communication from Anne Marie Reardon, re: please return Garden St to two-way traffic!

11. A communication from Anne Tallon, re: Garden Street.

12. A communication from Annette LaMond and Joe Moore Please Support PO#1.

13. A communication from Ariana Olson, re: Oppose Garden St PO#1.

14. A communication from Arthur L Robinson, re: Please defeat PO#1 restoring two-way Garden Street traffic.

15. A communication from Attorney Pamela A. Thomure, re: Garden Street Letter.

16. A communication from Barbara Beal, re: Please support PO#1.

17. A communication from Barbara Bliss, re: Garden Street.

18. A communication from Barbara Glick, re: Garden Street.

19. A communication from Barbara Lloyd, re: Garden Street.

20. A communication from Benjamin Crowe, re: Garden Street.

21. A communication from Benjamin Flaim, re: Garden Street order.

22. A communication from BertilJean-Chronberg, re: Garden Street.

23. A communication from Beth Adams, re: Support PO#1: Restore 2-Way Traffic on Garden Street.

24. A communication from Bette Colombo, re: Make Garden Street Two-Way Again!

25. A communication from Brian Hemond, re: Please defeat Public Order #1 restoring two-way Garden Street traffic.

26. A communication from Cambridge Tax Payer, re: Garden St keep one way with separated bike lanes.

27. A communication from Carolyn Fisher, re: Garden Street.

28. A communication from Carolyn Thornton, re: Garden St vote.

29. A communication from Catalina Arboleda, re: Please return Garden Street to a two-way street.

30. A communication from Charles Knight, re: 12/9/24 Policy Order re: Garden Street.

31. A communication from Charlotte Bingaman, re: Garden Street: Please bring back two-way traffic.

32. A communication from Charlotte Labys, re: asking councillors to vote in support of policy order to return Garden St to ‘2 way’ traffic.

33. A communication from Christine Tullius, re: Garden Street vote.

34. A communication from Christopher D. Shing, re: Make Cambridge Great Again.

35. A communication from Craig A. Lambert, re: please support PO#1.

36. A communication from Dana Niu, re: Please end exclusionary zoning.

37. A communication from Daniel Vlock, re: Garden Street order.

38. A communication from Daritos, re: Writing in opposition of the two-way Garden Street design proposal.

39. A communication from David S. Katz, re: Garden Street: two-way again!!

40. A communication from Debora Spar, re: Please defeat PO#1.

41. A communication from Deborah A. Colburn, re: Please support PO#1 to restore garden Street back to two-way traffic.

42. A communication from Deborah Chmielewski, re: Support PO#1 - Restore 2-way Traffic on Garden Street.

43. A communication from Diane Covello, re: Comments in opposition to PO#1 restoring two-way Garden Street traffic.

44. A communication from Dianzhuo Wang, re: Please Defeat PO#1 to Restore Two-Way Traffic on Garden Street.

45. A communication from Dinan Wu, re: Concerns About PO#1 – Garden Street.

46. A communication from Doug Elmendorf, re: support of a proposed policy order from Paul Toner.

47. A communication from Edythe Haber, re: Garden Street.

48. A communication from Elena Fagotto, re: Comment on Policy Order PO24#153.

49. A communication from Christopher Chippendale and Elisabeth Mitchell, re: In support of returning Garden Street to a two-way street.

50. A communication from Adriana Cohen, re: Support PO24#151 MBTA to adhere to Asbestos Protection.

51. A communication from Amy Roths, re: child Support PO24#151 MBTA to adhere to Asbestos Protection.

52. A communication from Aryt Alasti, re: Support PO24#151 MBTA to adhere to Asbestos Protection.

53. A communication from Buck McNamara, re: Support PO24#151 MBTA to adhere to Asbestos Protection.

54. A communication from Caitlin Roberts, re: Support PO24#151 MBTA to adhere to Asbestos Protection.

55. A communication from Catherine Coleman, re: Support PO24#151 MBTA to adhere to Asbestos Protection.

56. A communication from Charles Teague, re: Support PO24#151 MBTA to adhere to Asbestos Protection.

57. A communication from Don Ogden, re: Support PO24#151 MBTA to adhere to Asbestos Protection.

58. A communication from Gabriel Robinson, re: Support PO24#151 MBTA to adhere to Asbestos Protection.

59. A communication from Gabriela Romanow, re: Support PO24#151 MBTA to adhere to Asbestos Protection.

60. A communication from Jaime Lindell, re: Support PO24#151 MBTA to adhere to Asbestos Protection.

61. A communication from Elise Moore, re: In support of returning Garden St. to two-way traffic.

62. A communication from Elizabeth Bartle and David Boghossian, re: Garden Street.

63. A communication from Elizabeth Munnell, re: Bicyclists and scooters riding on the sidewalks-Mass Ave.

64. A communication from Ellen Blumenthal, re: Make Garden Street two ways please.

65. A communication from Ellen Leopold, re: Make Garden Street a two-way street again.

66. A communication from Ellen Sarkisian, re: Please restore 2-way traffic to Garden Street.

67. A communication from Emily Holtzman, re: Support for returning Garden St. to a two-way street.

68. A communication from Erica Reisman, re: Opposition to Proposal to Eliminate Parking on Garden Street.

69. A communication from Erik, Ellie and Lauren Sebesta, re: Garden Street 2-way proposal feedback.

70. A communication from Forbes Little, re: Comment on City Council PO#1 being addressed on 12/9/24.

71. A communication from Frank and Sam Reece, re: Support PO#1.

72. A communication from Fred Good, re: Keep Garden St. ONE-WAY Tonight.

73. A communication from Eugene Doyle, re: Garden Street.

74. A communication from Georgia Wyman, re: objection to returning garden street to two-way car traffic.

75. A communication from Grace Bay, re: Garden Street.

76. A communication from Hannah Goodwin, re: Up-zoning proposals.

77. A communication from Harry Leichtman, re: Garden Street proposal.

78. A communication from Heather and Eben Moulton, re: Garden Street.

79. A communication from Holly Doyle, re: Garden St. one-way only has produced significant traffic problems in our neighborhood [area around Garden/Huron crossing].

80. A communication from Isabella Ehrlich, re: Garden Street - 2 way plus bike lane.

81. A communication from Kristen Palma, re: Support PO24#151 MBTA to adhere to Asbestos Protection.

82. A communication from Lara Fulbrook, re: Support PO24#151 MBTA to adhere to Asbestos Protection.

83. A communication from Martin Bakal, re: Support PO24#151 MBTA to adhere to Asbestos Protection.

84. A communication from Jack Zalewski, re: Garden Street Redesign.

85. A communication from Jane S. Knowles, re: change to zoning requirements in Cambridge.

86. A communication from Jane Shih, re: Please restore Garden Street!

87. A communication from Janet Wyman Coleman, re: Garden Street.

88. A communication from Jean Spera, re: Garden Street.

89. A communication from Jeff Singer, re: Garden St traffic proposal.

90. A communication from Maxwell Solet, re: Support PO24#151 MBTA to adhere to Asbestos Protection.

91. A communication from Michelle Lougee, re: Support PO24#151 MBTA to adhere to Asbestos Protection.

92. A communication from A. Denny Ellerman, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street (21).

93. A communication from Alex Keyssar, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

94. A communication from Jennifer Elliott, re: Support for proposal to return Garden Street to 2-way traffic.

95. A communication from Anne and Anand Sundaram, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

96. A communication from Barry Mazur, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

97. A communication from Betty Lou McClanahan, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

98. A communication from Jennifer Payette, re: Cambridge Zoning.

99. A communication from Bill T, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

100. A communication from Jennifer Woodfin, re: Supporting PO#1 for Dec 9, 2024.

101. A communication from Jeremiah Schuur, re: Opposing the Proposed Garden Street Design Changes.

102. A communication from Bob Melvin, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

103. A communication from Jeremy Burns, re: Keep Garden Street One Way.

104. A communication from Jeremy Pool, re: Support PO#1.

105. A communication from Jerry Bernhard, re: Garden Street.

106. A communication from Jessie Scanlon, re: Making Garden Street Two-way Again.

107. A communication from Joanna Breyer, re: Garden St return to 2-way.

108. A communication from Carol Anastasi, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

109. A communication from Carol Birnbaum, re: Vote Yes on PO#1 - Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

110. A communication from Jocelyn Viterna, re: Please keep Garden Street one-way.

111. A communication from Jodie Cohen-Tanugi, re: Garden Street.

112. A communication from Carrie Pasquarello, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

113. A communication from Joe Poirier, re: 12/9/24 PO#2 Garden Street.

114. A communication from John Bright, re: Support for Policy Order returning Garden St to two-way traffic.

115. A communication from John Womack, re: Garden Street, 2-ways!

116. A communication from Charles Teague, re: Vote Yes on PO#1 - Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

117. A communication from Christina Pasquarello, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

118. A communication from Christine M.Cannava, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

119. A communication from Jonathan Cutler, re: As a property owner at 14 Concord Ave number 807-809, I strongly that you support PO#1 restoring Garden Street to a two-way street.

120. A communication from Crystal Komm & Chris Potter, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

121. A communication from Cynthia Harney, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

122. A communication from David Brewster, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

123. A communication from Jonathan Elsner, re: City Council Vote 12/9 – Garden St. two-way traffic.

124. A communication from David Demme, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

125. A communication from David Myers, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

126. A communication from Jonathan Hodgson, re: Garden St.

127. A communication from Jonathan Macomber, re: Garden Street two-way traffic please.

128. A communication from Diane Margolis, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

129. A communication from Dorothy Koesler, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

130. A communication from Joseph Nakhosteen, re: Garden Street.

131. A communication from Edie Rathbone, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

132. A communication from Joyce Klein and Mal Slavin, re: Garden Street.

133. A communication from Edward Ted Julian, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

134. A communication from Elena Castedo, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

135. A communication from Judith and Dorian Bowman, re: Changes to traffic patterns in West Cambridge.

136. A communication from ELizabeth Munnell, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

137. A communication from Judith Cranna, re: Garden Street proposal.

138. A communication from Elizabeth Ross, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

139. A communication from Eric Blumenson, re: Vote Yes on PO#1 - Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

140. A communication from Judy Bright, re: Support of reverting Garden Street to 2-way.

141. A communication from Julia Fuller, re: Garden St Design.

142. A communication from Julian Chang, re: Dec 9 City Council Agenda Item: PO24#153 Garden Street.

143. A communication from Karen and Peter Falb, re: Garden Street.

144. A communication from Kate Canfield, re: Zoning Proposal.

145. A communication from Federico Muchnik, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

146. A communication from Gayle and Steve, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

147. A communication from Gene Hull, re: VOTE YES ON PO#1 - RESTORE 2-WAY TRAFFIC ON GARDEN STREET.

148. A communication from Katherine Ianni, re: Please defeat PO#1 restoring two-way Garden Street traffic.

149. A communication from Grace Dane Mazur, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

150. A communication from Hans Peter Koesler, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

151. A communication from Kathleen Gallery, re: Garden Street.

152. A communication from Ilisa Hurowitz, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

153. A communication from Jaime Lindell, re: Vote Yes on PO#1 - Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

154. A communication from Kathy Caple, re: Please defeat PO#1 restoring two-way Garden Street traffic.

155. A communication from Jane Wolfson, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

156. A communication from Kay K. Shelemay and Jack S. Shelemay, re: support for restoring Garden Street to two-way.

157. A communication from Janet Kinasewich, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

158. A communication from Janet Randall, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

159. A communication from Jean Krulic, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

160. A communication from Jean Leventhal, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

161. A communication from Jim Sperling, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

162. A communication from Kellie DeJon, re: Garden Street.

163. A communication from John Hanratty, re: VOTE YES ON PO#1 - RESTORE 2-WAY TRAFFIC ON GARDEN STREET.

164. A communication from John Henn, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

165. A communication from John Moore, re: Vote Yes on PO#1 - Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

166. A communication from John Nelson, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

167. A communication from Kelly Conlin, re: Garden Street.

168. A communication from Kim Henry, re: Support PO#1 - Restore 2-way Traffic on Garden Street.

169. A communication from John O’Reilly, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

170. A communication from Julie Rochlin, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

171. A communication from Kathryn Dahl, re: Vote Yes on PO#1 - Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

172. A communication from Kristin Bennett, re: Please make Garden Street two-way.

173. A communication from Lahra Tillman, re: Garden St and general Cambridge.

174. A communication from Larry Cetrulo and Kate Bjornlund, re: Make Garden Street two ways please.

175. A communication from Laurence Lesser, re: Current thoughts about Garden Street.

176. A communication from Lawrence Hartmann, re: Garden Street.

177. A communication from Lawrence Kron, re: Garden St., Problems.

178. A communication from Court Noyes, re: Let’s build more housing in Cambridge please!

179. A communication from Kathy Krasco, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

180. A communication from Keith and Catherine Hughes, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

181. A communication from Kevin Whalen, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

182. A communication from Louis Menand, re: Please support restoring Garden Street to a two-way street.

183. A communication from Lucy Climer-Kennedy, re: Garden Street proposed two-way traffic.

184. A communication from Lynn and Larry Cetrulo, re: Garden Street.

185. A communication from Marilyn Wise, re: Planning.

186. A communication from Marjorie Westerman, re: Garden Street traffic.

187. A communication from Mark Dibble, re: in support of returning Garden St. to two-way traffic.

188. A communication from Mark Hammer, re: Garden Street.

189. A communication from Mary Jane Kornacki, re: Garden Street PO#1.

190. A communication from Matthew Sutton, re: Vote to Support 2 Way Advocacy - Garden Street, Cambridge - Please note.

191. A communication from Maureen Newman, re: Please do not pass PO#1 - We need parking on Garden Street.

192. A communication from Melissa Ludtke, re: I urge a vote in support of PO24#151 to have the MBTA adhere to Asbestos Protection.

193. A communication from Ethan Frank, re: Memorial Drive and Garden Street.

194. A communication from Meredith Lyngbaek, re: Keep Garden One Way.

195. A communication from Michael Alpert, re: Garden Street road changes.

196. A communication from Michael Bogenstaetter, re: Garden Street.

197. A communication from Mina Makarious, re: Garden St. Bike Lane Design.

198. A communication from Neil Stottler, re: Garden Street Design.

199. A communication from Nick Levitt, re: Bike lanes and safety on Garden Street.

200. A communication from Nicole Neville, re: Garden St. redesign.

201. A communication from Nike Tirman, re: Please Approve PO#1 – Garden Street.

202. A communication from Nina Herrera, re: Garden Street.

203. A communication from Olivia Weisser, re: two-way Garden St.

204. A communication from Orestes Marinos-Iatrides and family, re: In support of returning Garden Street to two-way traffic.

205. A communication from Patrícia Feliciano, re: Garden St Parking Elimination.

206. A communication from Pattie Heyman, re: Please Change Linnaean back to 2-Way Street.

207. A communication from Pattie Maes, re: Zoning proposals.

208. A communication from Paul D Murray, re: Garden Street.

209. A communication from Pauline Demetri, re: Garden St.

210. A communication from PE Kutcher, re: Please Support Garden Street 2-Way!!!

211. A communication from Pete Robinson, re: Garden St 2-way.

212. A communication from Peter Glick, re: Garden Street PO - in support.

213. A communication from Peter Lowber, re: Garden Street.

214. A communication from Phil Wellons, re: Make Garden Street two ways again I support PO#1.

215. A communication from Phylis Ewen, re: One-way Garden Street.

216. A communication from Rafael Jaramillo, re: In support of planning & safety on Garden St.

217. A communication from Rebeccah and Bryan Sparkes, re: Upcoming City Council vote to restore 2-way traffic on Garden.

218. A communication from Richard Macnair, re: Garden Street.

219. A communication from Rob Everts, re: Please approve PO#1 to restore Garden Street to a two-way street.

220. A communication from Robert MacArthur, re: 2-way all the way traffic on Garden St.

221. A communication from Robert Wolf, re: Garden Street.

222. A communication from Roberta Crumrine, re: Vote No on PO24#153 - Restore 2-WAY traffic on Garden Street.

223. A communication from Roy Greenwald, re: Changes to Garden Street.

224. A communication from Scott Doughty, re: change the traffic on Garden Street back to 2-way.

225. A communication from Larry Heier, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

226. A communication from Laura Palumbo-Hanson, re: Vote Yes on PO#1 - Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

227. A communication from Leslie Garvey, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

228. A communication from Lisa Berkman and Steve Seeche, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

229. A communication from Margaret Gadon, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

230. A communication from Marianne, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

231. A communication from Mark DeJon, re: Vote Yes on PO#1 - Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

232. A communication from Martin Bakal, re: Vote Yes on PO#1 - Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

233. A communication from Mary Rowe, re: Vote Yes on PO#1 - Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

234. A communication from Merry White, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 - Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

235. A communication from Michael Massagli, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 - Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

236. A communication from Shawnee Sloop, re: Please consider a return to 2-way traffic on Garden.

237. A communication from Shelagh Hadley, re: Garden Street.

238. A communication from Sibyl Harwood, re: Garden Street proposal.

239. A communication from Steve Dickman, re: Please make Garden St. two-way again.

240. A communication from Steve Jezzard, re: Support PO#1 - Restore 2-way Traffic on Garden Street.

241. A communication from Steven Slater, re: Garden Street Return to two-way street.

242. A communication from Stu Rosner, re: In Support of PO#1.

243. A communication from Susan Kahn, re: Please support PO#1 restoring Garden Street to a two-way street.

244. A communication from Susan lapides, re: Excessive zoning change.

245. A communication from Susan Reed, re: Please defeat PO#1 restoring Garden Street to a two-way street.

246. A communication from Sylvia Fine, re: Garden St.

247. A communication from Thomas and Anne Anninger, re: Garden Street.

248. A communication from Tim Covello, re: PO#1-Restoring two-way Garden Street Traffic.

249. A communication from Tom Hirschi, re: Garden St. Policy Order.

250. A communication from Ulrika Brand, re: Please restore Garden Street to 2-way Traffic!

251. A communication from Victoria Sutton, re: Garden Street Reversion.

252. A communication from Virginia Maurer, re: Please defeat PO#1 restoring two-way Garden Street traffic.

253. A communication from Wayne Brunell, re: Support PO#1 – Restore 2-way Traffic on Garden Street.

254. A communication from William R. O’Reilly, Jr., re: Please Restore 2-Way Traffic on Garden St.

255. A communication from Nancy Lange, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

256. A communication from Abby Erdmann, re: In favor of Cambridge as a Sanctuary City.

257. A communication from Aimee Scott, re: Garden Street.

258. A communication from Alexandra Daniell, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

259. A communication from Allan Nineberg and Spencer Nineberg, re: Proposed Zoning Changes in Cambridge.

260. A communication from Audra Dainora, re: Support policy order on Garden Street as two-way street.

261. A communication from Barbara Anthony, re: Thank you - Garden St PO.

262. A communication from Natasha Lance Rogoff & Kenneth Rogoff, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

263. A communication from Bonny Lamb, re: make Garden Street 2-way again.

264. A communication from Neil Goodwin, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

265. A communication from Charles McCannon, re: PO#1.

266. A communication from Nell Breyer, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

267. A communication from Clyve Lawrence, re: Garden Street PO.

268. A communication from Nina Rubinstein Alonso, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

269. A communication from Conleigh Byers, re: Support for upzoning in Cambridge.

270. A communication from Dana Tighe, re: Vote Yes on PO#1 - Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

271. A communication from Daniel Vlock, re: Written Comments from today’s comments.

272. A communication from Daniel Vlock for the West Cambridge Neighborhood Coalition, re: Garden Street Decision.

273. A communication from David Whelan, re: Side Street Parking along Mass Ave.

274. A communication from Deneen Crosby, re: Council zoning petitions.

275. A communication from Frederic Atwood, re: PO#1.

276. A communication from Heather Maguire Hoffman, re: CDD, DPW & TPT knew about tunnel through asbestos more than a year ago.

277. A communication from James Zall, re: PO#1 - Garden Street - at 12/9 Council meeting.

278. A communication from Janie Katz-Christy, re: Please share data on problems and ask for options to address them.

279. A communication from Jennifer Ademi, re: Support Restoring Garden St to 2-way Street.

280. A communication from Jonathan Bolton, re: Restore two-way traffic on Garden Street.

281. A communication from Joseph Rumery, re: Garden Street Traffic Proposal.

282. A communication from Judy Singer, re: Comments to enter into the public record re PO#1.

283. A communication from Julia Schlozman, re: Full Testimony.

284. A communication from Patrice M. Miller, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 - Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

285. A communication from K Johnson, re: Defeat PO#1 Restoring Two-Way Garden Street.

286. A communication from Lauree Mansour, re: Vote Yes on PO#1 - Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

287. A communication from Laurence Tuot, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 - Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

288. A communication from Lisa Birk, re: PO#2, PO24#151: Why ASG Supports T “Tent & Vent”.

289. A communication from Lynn Li, re: Restore 2-way Garden Street.

290. A communication from Maggie Baratz, re: Transcript of spoken testimony, 12/9/24 City Council Meeting.

291. A communication from Mary Philippides, re: Garden Street.

292. A communication from Mike Shafto, re: Policy Change to Garden Street.

293. A communication from Patricia Grimsted, re: Strong Plea: PLEASE restore Garden Street to two-way traffic.

294. A communication from Patricia Lorsch, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

295. A communication from Paul Horowitz, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

296. A communication from Paula Cortes, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

297. A communication from Peter Yeager, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

298. A communication from Perry Lubin, re: Garden Street safety improvements.

299. A communication from Phil Olenick, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

300. A communication from Randolph Cohen, re: Please support PO#1 - Garden Street.

301. A communication from Philippe Sauvage, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

302. A communication from Ryan Cherry, re: PO#1: Support of Garden St. current configuration.

303. A communication from Sam Daitzman, re: Support for keeping Garden St one-way.

304. A communication from Phyllis Kerr, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

305. A communication from Susan Reed, re: Please defeat PO#1 restoring Garden Street to a two-way street.

306. A communication from Robert Fein, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

307. A communication from Susanne Schindler, re: Feedback on Garden Street.

308. A communication from Tal Seiberg, re: I support keeping Garden St as one-way.

309. A communication from Timothy Van Slyke, re: In Opposition to Knee-Jerk Changes to Garden Street.

310. A communication from Vanessa Azzone, re: Support PO24#151 MBTA to adhere to Asbestos Protection.

311. A communication from Neil Rohr, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

312. A communication from Sally Edmonds, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

313. A communication from Sara Reese-Monestime, re: Vote Yes on PO#1 - Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

314. A communication from Sheila Butler, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

315. A communication from Shellburne Thurber, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

316. A communication from Silvia Rimolo, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

317. A communication from Stephen Jezzard, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

318. A communication from Susan McGlennon, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

319. A communication from Susan Moses, re: Vote Yes on PO#1 to restore 2-WAY traffic on Garden Street.

320. A communication from Susan Ringler, re: Vote Yes on PO#1 - Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

321. A communication from Tara Greco, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

322. A communication from Theresa Gallagher, re: Vote Yes on PO#1 - Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

323. A communication from Thomas Pasquarello, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

324. A communication from Vanessa Ruget, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

325. A communication from Vickey Bestor, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

326. A communication from Abby Erdmann, re: In favor of Cambridge as a Sanctuary City.

327. A communication from Adam Baratz, re: PO24#153.

328. A communication from Alexandra Daniell, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 - Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

329. A communication from Anna Gardiner Kelsey, re: Please support restoring Garden Street to a two-way street.

330. A communication from Audra Dainora, re: Support policy order on Garden Street as two-way street.

331. A communication from Bonny Lamb, re: make Garden Street 2-way again.

332. A communication from Byron Good, re: Return Garden Street back to two-way traffic.

333. A communication from Carole Hirsch, re: Vote Yes on PO#1 - Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

334. A communication from Charles McCannon, re: City Council Public PO#1.

335. A communication from Clyve Lawrence, re: Garden St. PO.

336. A communication from Dalia Dainora, re: Please restore Garden Street as two-way street.

337. A communication from Denise Jillson, re: Support for PO#1 (PO24#153).

338. A communication from Derek van Bever, re: Support for Paul Toner’s bill to reverse Garden Street changes.

339. A communication from Diana Yousef, re: Vote Yes on PO#1 - Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

340. A communication from dreposa, re: Vote Yes on PO#1 - Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

341. A communication from Emma K Batson, re: Garden St PO.

342. A communication from Eve Belfer-Ahern, re: Please defeat PO#1 restoring two-way Garden Street traffic.

343. A communication from Frederic Atwood, re: PO#1.

344. A communication from Glover Taylor, re: PO#1 - Garden Street.

345. A communication from Helen Abraham, re: Reverting Garden Street back to 2-way.

346. A communication from Janie Katz-Christy, re: Please share data on problems and ask for options to address them.

347. A communication from Jennifer Dever Wood, re: In support of PO#1 - Restoring Garden Street to 2-way.

348. A communication from John Pitkin, re: Public Comment re: PO#1 to Restore Garden Street to Two-Way Traffic.

349. A communication from Jonathan Bolton, re: Restore two-way traffic on Garden Street.

350. A communication from K Johnson, re: Defeat PO#1 Restoring Two Way Garden Street.

351. A communication from Laurence Tuot, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

352. A communication from Lynn Li, re: Restore 2-way Garden Street.

353. A communication from Mark Boswell, re: Garden Street Two-Way Policy Order.

354. A communication from Mary, re: Vote Yes on PO24#153 Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

355. A communication from Matt Tierney, re: Please support PO#1 restoring Garden Street to a two-way street.

356. A communication from Mike Shafto, re: Please defeat PO#1 restoring two-way Garden Street traffic.

357. A communication from Nancy Donohue, re: City Manager’s Evaluation.

358. A communication from Nicole Barna, re: Garden Street discussion.

359. A communication from Pamela Enders and Bob Weber, re: Vote Yes on PO#1 - Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

360. A communication from Patrick Barton, re: PO#1 Support, Garden Street as a two-way street.

361. A communication from Patrick Ward, re: Support PO24#151 MBTA to adhere to Asbestos Protection.

362. A communication from Paul Trunnell, re: Please keep Garden Street one-way.

363. A communication from Ron Axelrod, re: PO#1 – Not Safe & Too Fast.

364. A communication from Ruby Pierce Donohue, re: Vote Yes on PO#1 - Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

365. A communication from Sarah Block, re: NO on PO#1.

366. A communication from Scott Kilcoyne, re: Vote No on Garden St PO.

367. A communication from Stephanie Guirand, re: Support for PO24#154 - Cambridge as a Sanctuary City.

368. A communication from Steve Wineman, re: Support for Policy Order PO24#154.

369. A communication from Tammy McLeod, re: PO#1- Restoring Garden St to a two-way street.

370. A communication from Terry Allen, re: Vote Yes on PO#1 - Restore 2-way traffic on Garden Street.

371. A communication from Yolande Bennett, re: Please defeat PO#1 restoring two-way Garden Street traffic.

372. A communication from Sima Kainejad, re: our city….

1. Resolution wishing Tim Toomey a swift recovery.   Mayor Simmons

2. Congratulations to Zeyneb Magavi on being named a “Bostonian of the Year” by the Boston Globe for her work as a climate innovator.   Councillor Nolan, Mayor Simmons, Councillor Siddiqui, Councillor Wilson
pulled by Nolan for comments

3. Resolution honoring John Tagiuri.   Councillor Zusy

R-3     Dec 16, 2024

WHEREAS: John Tagiuri was a beloved member of the Cambridge community who made significant contributions to the city’s cultural landscape; and

WHEREAS: John was a deeply dedicated artist who worked tirelessly to create inspiring and thought-provoking works of art; and

WHEREAS: John’s public art piece, “Chairs & Endless Lamps,” located at the Moses Youth Center, is a testament to his commitment to engaging with young people and fostering creativity; and

WHEREAS: this artwork has brought joy and inspiration to countless individuals, particularly the youth who participated in its creation; and

WHEREAS: John’s legacy will continue to inspire future generations of artists and community members;

RESOLVED: that the City Council of the City of Cambridge hereby expresses its deepest condolences to the family and friends of John Tagiuri; and

RESOLVED: that the City Council recognizes and honors John Tagiuri for his significant contributions to the arts and culture of Cambridge; and

RESOLVED: that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Tagiuri family.

4. Resolution Re: Whitney’s Bar.   Mayor Simmons, Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Wilson
comments by McGovern re: Gerald Chan’s properties in Harvard Square and elsewhere (including Harvard Square Cinema, Dickson’s Bros. Hardware locations); McGovern, Wilson added as sponsors 9-0; Nolan comments (will vote Present based on letter from Chan’s lawyers re: court order and rent forgiveness); Toner reluctant but will support, notes insane and threatening comments by supporters; Wilson supports noting proprietor Dan Maguire is a friend; Simmons notes important history of this business; McGovern notes that some people who express support for business rarely patronize them; Simmons expresses hope that Gerald Chan will reconsider; Siddiqui decries personal threats that have been expressed; Azeem comments; Resolution Adopted 8-0-0-1 (Nolan-Present)

R-4     Dec 16, 2024

WHEREAS: Whitney’s Bar, a beloved and iconic dive bar in Harvard Square, has been a fixture in the community since 1953, serving as a welcoming space for a diverse array of patrons, from graduate students to local workers to everyone in between; and

WHEREAS: Whitney’s embodies the character and inclusivity of Harvard Square, offering an atmosphere that is distinct from the increasingly homogenized landscape of chain establishments and upscale businesses that increasingly populate urban districts across the country; and

WHEREAS: The proposed December 31 eviction of Whitney’s and its owner, Dan Maguire, will represent a significant loss to the cultural and social fabric of Harvard Square, and the neighborhood will truly be a lesser place without it; now therefore be it

RESOLVED: That the City Council formally go on recording in acknowledging and honoring Whitney’s Bar for its 71 years of service to the community, and in celebrating its importance as a cornerstone of Harvard Square’s unique identity for generations; and be it further

RESOLVED: That the City Council formally go on record in urging property owner Gerald Chan to grant a reprieve to Whitney’s beyond the December 31 eviction date to allow for meaningful dialogue and negotiation that could yet preserve this historic establishment; and be it further

RESOLVED: That the City Clerk be and hereby is requested to forward suitably engrossed copies of this resolution to Dan Maguire and to Gerald Chan on behalf of the entire City Council.

1. The Public Safety Committee met on Sept 24, 2019 in the Sullivan Chamber to discuss Youth Legal Rights & Teaching Tools. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Present: Kelley, Devereux, Siddiqui
Also Present: Mallon
Absent: Carlone, Toomey

2. The Public Safety Committee conducted a public hearing on Oct 30, 2019 on Inman Square safety and construction management. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Present: Kelley, Devereux, Toomey (late)
Also Present: Zondervan
Absent: Carlone, Siddiqui

3. The Public Safety Committee conducted a public hearing on Dec 17, 2019 to discuss restrictions and opportunities the City has when working with bargaining units to implement new policies. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Present: Kelley, Siddiqui, Devereux, Toomey
Also Present: Zondervan
Absent: Carlone

4. The Public Safety Committee met on Jan 3, 2020 to review the City’s Short-Term Rental registration efforts and maintenance/removal of abandoned bike share vehicles from the public way. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Present: Kelley, Devereux, Carlone
Absent: Siddiqui, Toomey

5. The Housing Committee met on Mar 3, 2020 for a hearing to receive an update from the Cambridge Housing Authority, Community Development, Affordable Trust Fund, Just-A-Start and Homeowners Rehab, Inc. on the state of Affordable Housing in Cambridge and challenges and opportunities facing the City over the next two years. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Present: Simmons, Sobrinho-Wheeler, Zondervan, Mallon, McGovern
Also Present: Carlone, Nolan

6. The Neighborhood & Long-Term Planning; Public Facilities, Arts and Celebrations Committee conducted a public hearing on Oct 14, 2020 to discuss the process for conducting the feasibility study for municipal broadband and the Request for Proposal. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Remote Present: Nolan, McGovern, Carlone, Mallon, Zondervan
Also Present: Siddiqui (remote), Simmons (remote)

7. The Housing Committee conducted a public hearing on Oct 28, 2020 to discuss legal protections and other strategies to prevent the eviction and displacement of Cambridge tenants during the COVID-19 pandemic. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Present: Sobrinho-Wheeler, Mallon, McGovern, Simmons
Remote Present: Zondervan
Also Remote Present: Nolan (remote), Siddiqui (remote)

8. The Neighborhood and Long-Term Planning, Public Facilities, Arts and Celebrations Committee conducted a public hearing on Mar 4, 2021 to discuss with neighborhood groups their successes and challenges and how the city can better support them, as well as ideas related to the Envision plan. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Remote Present: Nolan, Carlone, Zondervan, Mallon, McGovern
Also Remote Present: Siddiqui, Toomey

9. The Public Safety Committee met on June 22, 2021 to discuss various items related to the Surveillance Technology Ordinance, including CM21#41 regarding data on Shotspotter, BRIC and COPLINK. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Remote Present: Zondervan, Carlone, Mallon, McGovern, Sobrinho-Wheeler

10. The Public Safety Committee met on July 28, 2021 to discuss the Holistic Emergency Alternative Response Team (HEART) proposal for a community-based, un-armed alternative public safety response. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Remote Present: Carlone, Mallon, Zondervan, Sobrinho-Wheeler
Absent: McGovern

11. The Human Services and Veterans Committee held a public hearing on Nov 6, 2024 to receive an up-date on Afterschool programming in Cambridge. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Present: Nolan, Siddiqui, Sobrinho-Wheeler, Wilson
Absent: McGovern

12. The Ordinance Committee held a public hearing on Dec 3, 2024 to discuss amendments to the Cycling Safety Ordinance (CSO), as amended in full City Council on Oct 21, 2024. The Council voted favorably to forward the CSO as amended to the full City Council with a favorable recommendation to Pass to a 2nd Reading. [text of report]
pulled by McGovern; Passed to 2nd Reading 9-0; Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Present: McGovern, Nolan, Wilson, Zusy, Simmons
Remote Present: Azeem, Siddiqui, Sobrinho-Wheeler, Toner

1. A communication from Diane LeBlanc, City Clerk, transmitting an update re: legislative activity. (COF24#159)
Placed on File 9-0

Mon, Dec 16
5:30pm   City Council Meeting

Tues, Dec 17
12:00pm   The Economic Development and University Relations Committee will hold a public hearing to discuss cannabis policy issues, including the potential allowance for repackaging of products at local dispensaries, the 1800-footminimum distance requirement between cannabis businesses, and the lack of zoning provisions for social consumption establishments that are now permitted under state law.

Thurs, Dec 19
5:30pm   The Ordinance Committee will hold a public hearing on two Multifamily Zoning Petitions from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. There will be public comment at this meeting. This is a continuation of the public hearing that was recessed on Nov 19, 2024, that reconvened and recessed again on Dec 4, 2024. Further, two additional meetings are being planned.

Mon, Dec 23
5:30pm   City Council Meeting

O-1     Dec 16, 2024
ORDERED: That the City Council meeting scheduled for Jan 13, 2025 be designated as a Joint Roundtable of the City Council and School Committee to discuss the City’s universal pre-kindergarten program.

O-2     Dec 16, 2024
WHEREAS: A Special City Council Meeting was held on Dec 10, 2024 to discuss the City Manager’s Annual Performance Evaluation and Councillors voted favorably to accept the final evaluation and forward it to the City Council; now therefore be it
ORDERED: That the City Council approve and issue the City Manager’s Performance Evaluation.

O-3     Dec 16, 2024
WHEREAS: The City Council has completed and approved the City Manager’s Annual Performance Evaluation with favorable ratings and feedback; and
WHEREAS: The City Council must inform the City Manager whether it intends to renew the City Manager’s employment no later than Jan 15th, 2025; now therefore be it
ORDERED: That the City Council intends to renew the City Manager’s employment beyond Sept 5, 2025, and initiate negotiations for a successor employment contract, which contract, if agreed to, shall become effective Sept 6, 2025; and be it further
ORDERED: That on or before Jan 15, 2025, the City Council transmit written notification to the City Manager of the Council’s intent to continue his employment, pursuant to the terms of the City Manager’s Employment Agreement; and be it further
ORDERED: That the City Solicitor is requested to engage the services of Valerio, Dominello and Hillman LLC, or if that firm is unavailable another suitable available law firm, in consultation with the Chief People Officer and as approved by the City Solicitor, to negotiate an employment contract with Yi-An Huang on behalf of the City Council on terms to be discussed by the full City Council at a future Executive Session meeting, with an employment contract to be approved at a future open meeting of the City Council.

O-4     Dec 16, 2024
WHEREAS: In 2011 the City Council established a policy for street corner and bench dedications which includes an application and approval process for Cambridge residents who have met specific criteria; and
WHEREAS: There is currently a cue of approximately thirty previous requests for consideration before the Dedication Committee; and
WHEREAS: There are fewer and fewer areas available to provide such commemorations and many practical challenges, including identifying, recording, and maintaining all the commemorations around the City of Cambridge; and
WHEREAS: There is a desire to place a moratorium on the current practice of naming streets and benches while we consider new opportunities, criteria, and expanded options to honor and commemorate residents in our public spaces; now therefore be it
ORDERED: That the City Council immediately suspend new requests for memorial dedications and that the Dedication Committee work to process the outstanding requests; and be it further
ORDERED: That the Government Operations and the Civic Unity Committee - working with the City Manager - hold hearings to discuss new ideas to honor and remember individuals (i.e. memorial garden, fountain, wall or path), criteria for eligibility, a more robust committee structure, and a means for recording and maintaining our current and future memorials.

24-31. Provide an update to the Municipal Facilities Improvement Plan (MFIP) including revised cost estimates to help inform the FY26 and ongoing capital budget priorities in a timely manner.
Councillor Pickett, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Toner (O-1) from 6/10/2024

24-53. at the City of Cambridge assist companies, institutions, and other organizations in adopting truck safety requirements for their fleets and finding trucking vendors who are able to comply by providing an informational resource and publicizing those that comply.
Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Azeem (O-1) from 9/16/2024

24-54. t the City Manager is hereby requested to work with relevant departments to review Cambridge’s curb cut policies and report back on if they can be improved to help meet the City’s transportation and sustainability goals with some proposed updates and draft ordinance language designating City staff as the final approval authority for curb cuts.
Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Siddiqui, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Wilson (O-2) from 9/16/2024

24-58. That the City Manager is requested to confer with the Finance Department, Law Department, and other relevant departments to explore the feasibility of a successor program to Rise Up Cambridge.
Councillor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Wilson, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler (O-6) from 9/23/2024

24-60. That the City Manager be and is hereby requested to report back to the City Council on the Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing (PRO Housing) NOFO as soon as possible.
Councillor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Wilson, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler (O-5) from 9/30/2024

24-62. The City Manager is requested to work with the Community Development Department to provide an update on the status of the Resident Experiences of Inclusion and Bias in Inclusionary Housing in Cambridge report’s recommendations, including progress on implementation and planned next steps.
Councillor Siddiqui, Mayor Simmons, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Wilson (O-3) from 10/21/2024

24-63. The City Manager is requested to direct the appropriate City staff to prominently incorporate recognition of the Massachusett Tribe during key official events, documents, websites, and communications, establish a living memorial in Cambridge that honors the Massachusett Tribe, with special recognition of Sqa Sachem for her leadership and enduring legacy and place a plaque with this language in a prominent location within City Hall, ensuring that this acknowledgment remains visible and lasting and report back.
Mayor Simmons, Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Toner, Councillor Wilson (O-2) from 11/4/2024

24-64. The City Manager is requested to work with relevant City departments to prepare a Home Rule Petition to enact legislation which would allow the City of Cambridge to prohibit associations from unreasonably restricting the use of a solar energy system.
(Calendar Item #1) from 11/18/2024

24-65. The City Manager is requested to work with the Law Department to draft a home rule petition for the creation of a Cambridge Jobs Training Trust, and report back to the City Council in a timely manner.
(Calendar Item #2) from 11/18/2024

24-66. The City Manager is requested to work with relevant City departments to prepare a draft home rule petition to authorize the City of Cambridge to implement automated parking enforcement technology; and to continue to work with the City of Boston to collaborate on the home rule process.
(O-1) from 11/18/2024

24-67. The City Manager is requested to work with relevant City departments to review with a robust and inclusive community process the Cambridge Bicycle Plan, most recently updated in 2020, and identify potential improvements and consider next steps for a network of Separated Bicycle Facilities, and Separated Bicycle Facilities on streets across the city in order to facilitate safer travel and ways to coordinate routes with neighboring communities including Arlington, Somerville, Watertown, Belmont, Boston, and others.
(O-1) from 12/2/2024

24-68. The City Manager is requested to work with the Traffic, Parking and Transportation Department and Harvard University to restore Garden Street to two-way automobile traffic while preserving two-way protected bike lanes, preserving as much parking on and/or near Garden Street as possible and identifying potential areas for resident parking on neighboring streets and communicating the changes to the affected neighborhood.
(O-1) from 12/9/2024

24-69. The City Manager is requested to work with relevant City departments and encourage the state Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection and the MBTA to adhere to Cambridge local ordinances, including the Cambridge Asbestos Protection Ordinance, during Alewife Construction.
(Calendar Item #1) from 12/9/2024