Cambridge City Council meeting - November 19, 2007 - AGENDA
[Councillor Decker was absent from this meeting.]

1. Transmitting communication from Robert W. Healy, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 07-123, regarding a report on the status of Cambridge’s participation in the Massport Community Advisory Committee.

2. Transmitting communication from Robert W. Healy, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 07-70, regarding a report on how to make Tyler Court clearly defined as it crosses the Massachusetts Avenue sidewalk.  Charter Right - Kelley

3. Transmitting communication from Robert W. Healy, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 07-128, regarding a report on fires at 58 Seventh Street and 75-77 Seventh Street.

4. Transmitting communication from Robert W. Healy, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 07-07, regarding posting boards and commissions membership information on the City’s website

Nov 19, 2007

To the Honorable, the City Council:

In response to Awaiting Report Item Number 07-07, regarding posting boards and commissions membership information on the City’s website, please be advised of the following:

An online boards and commissions directory has been development and will be available publicly on the City’s website. The Public Information Officer is in the final stages of inputting membership information into this new online directory which is anticipated to go live by the beginning of 2008.

Very truly yours, Robert W. Healy, City Manager

5. Transmitting communication from Robert W. Healy, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 07-125, regarding the status of putting information on street reconstruction projects and street tree plantings on the website.

6. Transmitting communication from Robert W. Healy, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 07-113, regarding a report on the number of noise and nuisance complaints received in the past two years against licensed establishments.  Charter Right - Davis

7. Transmitting communication from Robert W. Healy, City Manager, relative to the transfer within the Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety-Community Policing Program Grant in the amount of $5,200.00 from the Grant Fund Human Services Programs Salary and Wages account to the Grant Fund Human Services Programs Other Ordinary Maintenance account and will be utilized to provide additional support for programming for the North Cambridge Crime Task Force.

8. Transmitting communication from Robert W. Healy, City Manager, relative to the supplemental appropriation of a $1,000 donation from the Harvard University to the Grant Fund Human Service Programs Other Ordinary Maintenance account in support of the annual Cambridge Youth Games.

9. Transmitting communication from Robert W. Healy, City Manager, relative to the appropriation and authorization to borrow an additional $33,218,025 to the Public Investment Fund School Extraordinary Expenditures account to finance the CRLS Renovation Project.  Passed to 2nd Reading

Nov 19, 2007

To the Honorable, the City Council:

I am hereby requesting the appropriation and authorization to borrow an additional $33,218,025 to the Public Investment Fund School Extraordinary Expenditures account to finance the CRLS Renovation Project. These funds will supplement the previous appropriation of $33,620,000 to increase the total amount authorized for this project to $66,838,025. Other funding sources for this project include a grant from Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) for $28,026,975, which brings the total cost for the project to $94,865,000.

These additional funds are required to cover additional construction costs and expanded scope components which were discussed at a City Council and School Committee Round Table held on Oct 1, 2007. These additional components include the following:

* Exterior Walls

* Common Area Upgrades

* Flooring Upgrades

* Lockers

* Toilet Rooms

* Fire Doors/Interior Doors/Frames/ Hardware

* Elevators

* Kitchen and Reorganization of Cafeteria

* Accessibility

* Technology Systems

* Green Building Components

* Learning Community Centers

* Science Room Upgrades

* Auditorium Upgrades

* Exterior Building Aesthetics

* Security

* Painting of Rindge, Media and Arts Building

* Related Plumbing and Electrical Upgrades

* Equipment and Furniture

This additional tax-supported debt service has been included in future revenue and expenditure projections. Also, a portion of the additional debt cost is offset by the use of the City’s Debt Stabilization Fund.

Project Background

The CRLS Project was placed on the waiting list after submittal to the School Building Authority (Department of Education) in 2003, with design development 100% complete. We were fortunate to have this project placed on the wait list at that time even though funding for the project was not anticipated until FY17. Under the new Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA), funding became available sooner and the project re-started in 2006, in conjunction with the War Memorial Project, with the goal of starting construction for the CRLS Project in late June 2009. The project is expected to be completed by September 2011.

The original proposal approved by the School Building Authority (Department of Education) addressed major building systems including: roofs, heating and ventilation systems, fire suppression systems, window replacement, new lighting and ceilings and related electrical and plumbing work. The original estimate for this work was $33.6 million and an appropriation and loan authorization was approved by the City Council in June 2003. The estimated total project cost for the work originally approved was revised to $49.5 million in mid-2006, based on construction inflation factors.

Current Situation

The School Department requested that a feasibility study be conducted to explore building systems and components that were not included in the original approved CRLS Project. This study was done in part to address additional building system needs and to provide CRLS with upgraded academic and common spaces, at the same time that students will be displaced for the original construction work scope. See above for a listing of additional components.

The feasibility study contained a revised estimate for the original scope of work plus the additional items listed above. The estimated total project cost for the work originally approved was revised to $55.5 million with the cost for the additional components estimated at $41.2 million for a total project cost of $96.7 million.

As noted above, the overall cost and revised scope of the CRLS Project was discussed at a City Council and School Committee Round Table held on Oct 1, 2007.

Subsequent to that meeting, I requested that the School Administration and School Committee review the additional components contained in the feasibility study with the goal of reducing the total cost of the project. The School Administration and School Committee have made adjustments to the project budget which have reduced the total project cost from $96.7 million to $94,865,000.

We will be working with the School Department and the Architects for the project over the next several months to complete the design and construction documents to meet the estimated total project cost of $95 million. It is anticipated that the CRLS project will be bid in the beginning of 2009 with construction anticipated to begin in June 2009.

Additionally, in response to Council Order No. 23, dated 10/15/07, which requested that a public meeting be held to discuss the CRLS Project, please be advised that I have scheduled a meeting for Mon, Nov 26, 2007 at the CRLS Media Cafeteria at 6:00 p.m. This meeting will be televised.

I am recommending that the City Council approve this additional appropriation so we can move on this project quickly and avoid any further delays and additional costs.

Very truly yours, Robert W. Healy, City Manager

Agenda Item No. 9    Nov 19, 2007

ORDERED: That $33,218,025 is appropriated, in addition to the $33,620,000 previous appropriated, for remodeling, reconstructing and making extraordinary repairs to the Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, including HVAC system improvements; roof, exterior windows and skylights replacement; new ceilings and lighting in rooms; and other building improvements; and that to meet this appropriation the Treasurer with the approval of the City Manager is authorized to borrow $33,218,025 under Chapter 44 of the General Laws, Chapter 70B of the General Laws or any other enabling authority.


10. Transmitting communication from Robert W. Healy, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of a grant award from the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) in the amount of $28,026,975 to the Public Investment Fund School Extraordinary Expenditures account which represents their reimbursement for the CRLS Renovation Project.

Nov 19, 2007

To the Honorable, the City Council:

I am hereby requesting the appropriation of a grant award from the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) in the amount of $28,026,975 to the Public Investment Fund School Extraordinary Expenditures account which represents their reimbursement for the CRLS Renovation Project. An additional appropriation and loan authorization for $33,353,025 has been also submitted.

This figure represents the maximum reimbursement amount for the project which has been provided to us by the MSBA. However, we will be meeting with the MSBA to review the project budget and finalize this reimbursement amount. If the amount changes significantly, we would be required to submit an additional appropriation and loan authorization for this project.

Very truly yours, Robert W. Healy, City Manager

11. Transmitting communication from Robert W. Healy, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of a grant award from the Massachusetts Technology Council in the amount of $100,000 to the Public Investment Fund School Extraordinary Expenditures account to support analyzing the incorporation of renewable energy components into the design of CRLS Renovation Project.

12. Transmitting communication from Robert W. Healy, City Manager, relative to the transfer of $50,000 from the General Fund Employee Benefits (Insurance) Salary and Wages account to the General Fund Public Works Travel and Training (Judgment and Damages) account to cover current and anticipated medical services and/or prescription reimbursement costs for personnel injured in performance of their duties.

13. Transmitting communication from Robert W. Healy, City Manager, relative to the transfer of $2,000,000 in bond proceeds from the Feb 1, 2006 General Obligation Bond issue from the Cherry Street / South Massachusetts Avenue Sewer Project to the Public Safety Facility Acquisition / Renovation Project.

Nov 19, 2007

To the Honorable, the City Council:

I am hereby requesting the transfer of $2,000,000 in bond proceeds from the Feb 1, 2006 General Obligation Bond issue from the Cherry Street / South Massachusetts Avenue Sewer Project to the Public Safety Facility Acquisition / Renovation Project. It is necessary to transfer these proceeds in order to comply with Federal arbitrage requirements relating to the expenditure of proceeds from General Obligation Bond issues within two years of the settlement date for the issue which, in this case, is Feb 21, 2006.

The completion of the stormwater management system at the intersection of Columbia Street and Bishop Allen Drive has been delayed and is not expected to be completed within the period necessary to meet the arbitrage requirements as stated in the above paragraph. Renovations to the Public Safety Facility are progressing on schedule and the bond proceeds that are being transferred to this project will be spent in accordance with federal arbitrage requirements.

Very truly yours, Robert W. Healy, City Manager

Agenda Item No. 13     Nov 19, 2007

ORDERED: That the order of the City Council passed Jan 8, 2007, which appropriated an additional $12,570,000 for the purpose of acquiring the land and buildings thereon at 125 Sixth Street for use as a police station and for remodeling, reconstructing and making extraordinary repairs to the buildings thereon for such use, including original equipment and landscaping, paving and other site improvements incidental or directly related thereto and authorized a borrowing of $12,570,000 therefor, is hereby amended to provide that such $12,570,000 appropriation shall be met by transferring $2,000,000 from the unexpended balance of the proceeds of the bonds of the City dated Feb 1, 2006 issued pursuant to the order of the City Council passed May 24, 2004 for the Cherry Street/South Massachusetts Avenue Flood Control Facilities Project (the "Flood Control Facilities Project") and by borrowing $10,570,000; and that the appropriation for the Flood Control Facilities Project provided for in the order of the City Council passed May 24, 2004 is hereby reduced by $2,000,000.

14. Transmitting communication from Robert W. Healy, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 07-131, regarding FEMA’s Flood Rate Insurance Map and expanded Base Flood Zone

15. Transmitting communication from Robert W. Healy, City Manager, relative to the City Council’s request for revisions to the proposed Leaf Blower Amendment to the Noise Ordinance that had been forwarded by the Leaf Blower Advisory Committee (LBAC).

16. Transmitting communication from Robert W. Healy, City Manager, relative to City Council Order No. 23, dated Oct 29, 2007, regarding a draft Substitute Amendment to the Noise Ordinance regarding Leaf Blowers

1. Transmitting communication from Robert W. Healy, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 07-120, regarding a report on the condition of 56 Churchill Avenue. [Charter Right exercised by Councillor Kelley on City Manager Agenda Number Two of Nov 5, 2007.]  Tabled - Kelley

2. Transmitting communication from Robert W. Healy, City Manager relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 06-06 of Feb 27, 2006, regarding a report on the legality of the banners in front of the Dunkin’ Donuts at 2480 Massachusetts Avenue and at other location in the City. [Placed on Table on the motion of Councillor Kelley on Feb 27, 2006.]

3. Transmitting communication from Robert W. Healy, City Manager, relative to a recommendation from the License Commission to deny the Jitney License application of Star Shuttle, Inc. [Placed on Table City Manager Agenda Number Six of Nov 6, 2006 on the motion of Councillor Davis on Nov 6, 2006.]

4. Opposition to the Urban Ring Phase II bus system unless the whole route is grade separated to ensure that the buses would not have to compete with general traffic. [Placed on Table Order Number Nineteen of Apr 9, 2007 on the motion of Councillor Davis on Apr 9, 2007. Councillor Kelley’s motion to take from Table Failed 3-6-0 on Apr 23, 2007.]

5. An application was received from Singh Raghbin, requesting a curb cut at the premises numbered 66 Dudley Street; said petition has received approval from Inspectional Services, Traffic, Parking and Transportation, Historical and Public Works. Response has been received from neighborhood association. [Placed on Table Applications and Petitions Number Four of Apr 23, 2007 on the motion of Councillor Davis on Apr 23, 2007.]

6. That the City Manager is requested to direct the relevant Department heads to have the West Cambridge painted "rotary" removed. [Charter Right exercised by Vice Mayor Toomey on Order Number Sixteen of Apr 30, 2007. Placed on Table Order Number Sixteen of Apr 30, 2007 on the motion of Councillor Davis on May 7, 2007. Motion to take from the Table failed 4-4-0-1 on Sept 17, 2007. Motion to take from the Table failed 3-5-1 on Sept 24, 2007.]

7. A communication was received from Thomas Fowler-Finn, Superintendent of Schools, transmitting a copy of the annual Affirmative Action Report. [Placed on Table Communications and Reports from City Officers Number One of Sept 10, 2007 on the motion of Councillor Decker.]

8. An application was received from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, requesting a curb cut at the premises numbered 84 Wadsworth Street; said petition has received approval from Inspectional Services, Traffic, Parking and Transportation, Historical and Public Works. No neighborhood association for that area. [Charter Right exercised by Councillor Decker on Applications and Petitions Number Six of Sept 10, 2007. Sept 17, 2007 - Motion by Councillor Simmons to place on table carried on a voice vote of eight. Mayor Reeves recorded in negative on motion to place on table.]

9. An application was received from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, requesting a curb cut at the premises numbered 360 Memorial Drive between 296 and 120 Vassar Street; said petition has received approval from Inspectional Services, Traffic, Parking and Transportation, Historical and Public Works. No neighborhood association for that area. [Charter Right exercised by Councillor Decker on Applications and Petitions Number Seven of Sept 10, 2007. Sept 17, 2007 - Motion by Councillor Simmons to place on table carried on a voice vote of eight. Mayor Reeves recorded in negative on motion to place on table.]

10. That the Neighborhood and Long Term Planning Committee schedule a meeting to discuss with the new owners the impact on the 55 Magazine Street tenants of the recent sale of the building and their concern about their security as tenants and the new owners’ plans for the building, especially any plans to convert the building to condominiums. [Charter Right exercised by Mayor Reeves on Order Number Forty-Seven of Sept 10, 2007. Placed on table on motion of Councillor Simmons on Sept 17, 2007.]

11. That the City Manager is requested to confer with Tom McNichol, President of the Charles River Clean Up Boat, and MIT to resolve the issue of the financial status of this organization. [Charter Right exercised by Vice Mayor Toomey on Order Number One of Sept 17, 2007. Placed on Table on the motion of Vice Mayor Toomey on Sept 24, 2007.]

12. A communication was received from D. Margaret Drury, City Clerk, transmitting a report from Councillor Timothy J. Toomey, Jr., Co-Chair of the Ordinance Committee, for a meeting held on Nov 18, 2004 for the purpose of considering proposed amendments to Chapter 2.74 of the Cambridge Municipal Code, the Police Review and Advisory Board Ordinance. The question comes on passing to be ordained on or after Feb 14, 2005. [Four sections of the proposed amendment were passed to be ordained as amended. Ordinance #1284. The remaining proposed amendments to chapter 2.74 remain on unfinished business.]

13. A communication was received from D. Margaret Drury, City Clerk, transmitting a report from Councillors Michael A. Sullivan and Brian Murphy, Co-Chairs of the Ordinance Committee, for a hearing held on July 12, 2007 for the purpose of continuing to consider a proposed amendment to the Noise Ordinance to regulate leaf blowers. See Order #23 of Oct 29, 2007. The question comes on passing to be ordained on or after Aug 13, 2007.  Discussed at GREAT length - No Action

14. A communication was received from D. Margaret Drury, City Clerk, transmitting a report from Councillor Brian Murphy, Chair of the Ordinance Committee, for a hearing held on Sept 5, 2007 for the purpose of considering a petition filed by the Planning Board to re-zone portions of the Residence C-1 zoning district to a Residence B district in the Strawberry Hill Neighborhood along Cushing Street between St. Sauveur Court and Thingvalla Avenue, in the area of Oxford and Fairview Avenue, and the corner of Huron Avenue and Cushing Street. The question comes on passing to be ordained on or after Oct 8, 2007. Petition expires Dec 4, 2007.

15. A communication was received from D. Margaret Drury, City Clerk, transmitting a report from Councillor Brian Murphy, Chair of the Ordinance Committee, for a hearing held on Sept 19, 2007 for the purpose of considering a proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to incorporate requirements for LEED standards for certain projects of 25,000 square feet or more. The question comes on passing to be ordained on or after Oct 29, 2007. Petition expires Dec 18, 2007.]

16. A communication was received from D. Margaret Drury, City Clerk, transmitting a report from Councillor Brian Murphy, Chair of the Ordinance Committee, for a hearing held on Sept 19, 2007 for the purpose of considering a proposed amendment to the Zoning Map for the area bordered by the centerlines of Broadway and Harvard, Hancock and Lee Streets from the existing Residence C-1 district designation to Residence B, a/k/a Re-filed Cott Petition. On motion of Councillor Murphy the petition was amended to provide for rezoning the area of the petition from C-1 to C on a voice vote of nine on Nov 5, 2007. The question comes on passing to be ordained as amended on or after Nov 5, 2007. Petition expires Dec 18, 2007.

1. An application was received from Frank Scibilia, requesting to widen existing curb cut at the premises numbered 62 Upland Road; said petition has received approval from Inspectional Services, Traffic, Parking and Transportation, Historical and Public Works. No neighborhood association for that area.

2. An application was received from Donald Harding, requesting to move the existing curb cut at the premises numbered 13 Mooney Street; said petition has received approval from Inspectional Services, Traffic, Parking and Transportation, Historical and Public Works. Approval has been received from neighborhood association.

3. An application was received from Donald Harding, requesting to reduce existing curb cut at the premises numbered 15 Mooney Street; said petition has received approval from Inspectional Services, Traffic, Parking and Transportation, Historical and Public Works. Approval has been received from neighborhood association.

4. An application was received from The Village Kitchen, requesting permission for a sandwich board sign in front of 359 Huron Avenue.

1. A communication was received from Representative William N. Brownsberger, transmitting thanks for forwarding the two resolutions on funding the extension of the Green Line through Somerville to Medford and the issue of casinos in Massachusetts.

2. A communication was received from Sue Butler, President, Green Decade/Cambridge, transmitting support of the Solar Energy System Protection Rezoning Petition.

3. A communication was received from Carl F. Barron, President, Central Square Business Association transmitting concern on the proposed leaf blower amendment.

4. A communication was received from Kathy Podgers, regarding the increase of violent crime in Cambridge.

5. A communication was received from Roy Bercaw, regarding Cambridge and Harvard depravity.

6. A communication was received from James L. and Rubie S.Watson, withdrawing their written protest to the Re-filed Cott petition.

1. Resolution on the death of Lena (Cirinna) Simeone.   Councillor Galluccio

2. Congratulations to the Mass Energy Consumers Alliance on its 25th Anniversary.   Councillor Davis

3. Resolution on the death of Joseph "Joe Scissors" Cecere.   Vice Mayor Toomey

4. Resolution on the death of William J. Corkery Sr.   Councillor Maher, Councillor Galluccio

5. Resolution on the death of Nora S. Garrett-Stout.   Vice Mayor Toomey

6. Congratulations to the Filarmonica Santo Antonio Cultural Center on its 35th Anniversary.   Vice Mayor Toomey

7. Condolences to the family of Dolores F. Goguen.   Councillor Simmons

8. Congratulations to Ms. Valerie Walsh, owner of Ortanique: A Taste of Jamaica at 370 Huron Avenue, on the occasion of the 2nd Anniversary.   Councillor Simmons

9. Resolution on the death of Timothy J. Toomey, Jr.   Councillor Maher, Vice Mayor Toomey

10. Resolution on the death of Reverend Edward F. Boyle.   Councillor Galluccio

11. Resolution on the death of Leon H. Sherlock.   Councillor Maher

12. Congratulations to the students of the Morse School on reading 930 books for its annual Read-A-Thon.   Mayor Reeves

1. That the City Manager is requested to confer with the Director of the Veterans’ Services Department to ensure that we are reaching out to our returning veterans to let them know about the "Welcome Home" bonus.   Councillor Decker

2. Dedication of the corner of Plympton Street and Bow Street to be named in honor of Louisa Solano.   Councillor Murphy and Vice Mayor Toomey

3. That the City Manager is requested to confer with appropriate departments and Boy Scout Troop 45 to arrange for collection boxes to be located at the Police Station and Fire Stations throughout the city, as well as City Hall and City Hall Annex and all Libraries in order for the care packages to be sent to our troops on behalf of Boys Scouts Troop 45.   Vice Mayor Toomey, Mayor Reeves, Councillor Maher, Councillor Simmons, Councillor Murphy, Councillor Decker, Councillor Galluccio and Councillor Davis

4. That the City Manager is requested to instruct the City Solicitor to prepare a draft final text of the leaf blower ordinance that incorporates all the amendments made on November 19, 2007 and transmit said text to the City Council for ordination in December.   Councillor Davis

5. That the City Manager is requested to confer with the Assistant City Manager for Community Development to apply to become an American Solar City.   Councillor Davis

6. That the City Council go on record urging that any new legislation to bring generic biotech drugs to the market faster include provisions to ensure that the public health is protected by adequate testing of follow-on biologics and that the ability of biotech companies to recoup sufficient returns to keep them investing in this important enterprise is also protected.   Councillor Maher
Charter Right - Davis, Maher

1. A communication was received from Mayor Kenneth E. Reeves, transmitting a copy of the Final Report of the Cambridge Neighborhood Safety Task Force.
The report was moved to Unfinished Business (by Reeves) and the public hearing postponed until the Dec 10 meeting.

Mon, Nov 19
5:30pm   City Council Meeting [Special Presentation by the Neighborhood Safety Task Force directly following public comment]  (Sullivan Chamber)

Wed, Nov 28
4:00pm   The Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing on the re-filed Cott zoning petition, as amended, to change the Zoning Map by rezoning from the existing Residence C-1 designation to a Residence C district designation an area bounded by the centerlines of Broadway, Harvard, Hancock and Lee Streets.  (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm   The Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing on a proposed amendment to Chapter 2.112 of the Municipal Code by adding Sect.112.060, CORI Screening by Vendors of the City of Cambridge, to ensure that the persons and businesses supplying goods and/or services to the City of Cambridge deploy fair policies relating to the screening and identification of persons with criminal backgrounds through the CORI system.  (Sullivan Chamber)

Mon, Dec 3
5:30pm   City Council Meeting  (Sullivan Chamber)

Tues, Dec 4
3:00pm   The Claims Committee will conduct a public meeting to consider claims filed against the city.  (Ackermann Room)
3:30pm   The Cable TV, Telecommunications and Public Utilities Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss cable coverage of the election.  (Ackermann Room)

Wed, Dec 5
5:30pm   The Cable TV, Telecommunications and Public Utilities Committee and the Neighborhood and Long Term Planning Committee will conduct a joint public meeting to discuss "green jobs."  (344 Broadway, 2nd Fl Conference)
6:00pm   The Health and Environment Committee will conduct a public meeting to received an update on OB/GYN services and the new advisory council at the Windsor Street Clinic.  (Pisani Center, 131 Wash. St.)

Mon, Dec 10
5:30pm   City Council Meeting  (Sullivan Chamber)

Wed, Dec 12
4:30pm   The Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing on revisions to Chapter 13.16 of the Cambridge Municipal Code "Sewer System Regulations."  (344 Broadway, 2nd Fl Conference)
5:00pm   The Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing on proposed changes to Chapter 2.76 of the Cambridge Municipal Code "Human Rights Commission."  (344 Broadway, 2nd Fl Conference)
5:45pm   The Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing to amend the Zoning Ordinance by creating a new Section 5.54-Solar Energy Systems that would protect solar energy systems from shadows cast by buildings and vegetation on an adjacent lot, in residential districts having a maximum height limit of 45 feet or less. This new section would create definitions for a Solar Fence, Protected Solar Time, and a Solar Energy System and would create protections for solar energy systems’ access to sunlight as detailed in the new section’s language.  (344 Broadway, 2nd Fl Conference)

Mon, Dec 17
5:30pm   City Council Meeting  (Sullivan Chamber)

Mon, Jan 7, 2008
10:00am   INAUGURAL MEETING  (Sullivan Chamber)

Mon, Jan 14, 2008
5:30pm   City Council Meeting  (Sullivan Chamber)

Mon, Jan 28, 2008
5:30pm   City Council Meeting  (Sullivan Chamber)

Mon, Feb 4, 2008
5:30pm   City Council Meeting  (Sullivan Chamber)

Mon, Feb 11, 2008
5:30pm   City Council Meeting  (Sullivan Chamber)

Mon, Feb 25, 2008
5:30pm   City Council Meeting  (Sullivan Chamber)

O-1     Nov 19, 2007
WHEREAS: The "Welcome Home" bonus provides a one-time payment to military service members in Massachusetts who were called to active duty after the terrorist attacks; and
WHEREAS: Those who served in Afghanistan or Iraq are eligible for $1,000, while those who served domestically or in other foreign countries for six months or more are eligible for $500; and
WHEREAS: Only about half of the 27,000 eligible Massachusetts veterans have applied; now therefore be it
ORDERED: That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to confer with the Director of the Veterans’ Services Department to ensure that we are reaching out to our returning veterans to let them know about the "Welcome Home" bonus.

O-2     Nov 19, 2007
ORDERED: That the City Council dedicate the corner of Plympton Street and Bow Street in honor of Louisa Solano; and be it further
ORDERED: That the Assistant to the City Council be directed to confer with the family regarding a suitable dedication ceremony and communicate with the Department of Public Works to arrange for the sign.

O-3     Nov 19, 2007
WHEREAS: On election day the Boy Scouts were not able to collect donations as they had planned in order to send care packages to our troops overseas; and
WHEREAS: Regardless of personal politics we, as citizens of Cambridge, recognize the major sacrifice that our men and women in the armed forces are making on a daily basis; and
WHEREAS: We recognize the sacrifices that many American families have made; and
WHEREAS: We truly respect our troops and want them to know that people back home are thinking of them over the holiday season; now therefore be it
ORDERED: That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to confer with appropriate departments and Boy Scout Troop 45 to arrange for collection boxes to be located at the Police Station and Fire Stations throughout the city, as well as City Hall and City Hall Annex and all Libraries in order for the care packages to be sent to our troops on behalf of Boys Scouts Troop 45; and be it further
ORDERED: That the information about the collection boxes be posted on the City's website and on Cable TV and any other appropriate venue for public notification, including the list of the type of donations that the service personnel need.

O-4     Nov 19, 2007
ORDERED: That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to instruct the City Solicitor to prepare a draft final text of the leaf blower ordinance that incorporates all the amendments made on November 19, 2007 and transmit said text to the City Council for ordination in December.

O-5     Nov 19, 2007
ORDERED: That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to confer with the Assistant City Manager for Community Development to apply to become an American Solar City.

O-6     Nov 19, 2007   Charter Right - Davis, Maher
WHEREAS: Cambridge is at the epicenter of the explosion of life science discovery and innovation that has fueled a dynamic economic engine for Massachusetts; and
WHEREAS: Cambridge biotech companies have played a key role in the emergence of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as a global leader in the discovery of cures for diseases that were previously thought incurable; and
WHEREAS: The discovery and development of biologics is expensive and time-consuming; and
WHEREAS: The Cambridge City Council is concerned that its biotech companies remain economically viable; and
WHEREAS: The Cambridge City Council is also concerned with ensuring adequate testing of new drugs before release to the market; and
WHEREAS: The Cambridge City Council is committed to the principle that these innovative new medicines be as safe and affordable as possible, and that the biotech companies receive the protection of the investment of time and resources necessary for the complex development of innovative healthcare breakthroughs; now therefore be it
ORDERED: That the City Council go on record urging that any new legislation to bring generic biotech drugs to the market faster include provisions to ensure that the public health is protected by adequate testing of follow-on biologics and that the ability of biotech companies to recoup sufficient returns to keep them investing in this important enterprise is also protected; and be it further
ORDERED: That the City Clerk be and hereby is requested to forward a suitably engrossed copy of this resolution to Senator Kennedy and Senator Kerry on behalf of the entire City Council.