Cambridge City Council meeting - April 29, 2024 - AGENDA
Meeting was recessed and reconvened Tues, Apr 30 at 10:00am

1. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the FY2025 submitted budget and appropriation orders. (CM24#73) [text of report]
[Tuesday] pulled by Nolan; Referred to Finance Committee 9-0

CM24#73     Apr 29, 2024

To the Honorable, the City Council:

I am hereby transmitting the FY2025 submitted budget and appropriation orders for the General Fund, Water Fund, and Public Investment Fund. The Submitted Budget and back up materials will be available to the City Council for the meeting scheduled for Mon, Apr 29, 2024.

Very truly yours,
Yi-An Huang
City Manager

2. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of the appropriation and authorization to borrow $11,500,000 to provide funds for the reconstruction of various City streets and sidewalks. (CM24#74)
[Tuesday] pulled by Nolan; City Manager Huang defers remarks to Finance Committee; additional remarks by Assistant City Manager for Fiscal Affairs Claire Spinner and Budget Director Taha Jennings; remarks by Councillor Nolan expressing some reservations about proposed Loan Authorizations and whether they should be modified based on City Council priorities; remarks by Councillor Pickett on capital investments; Owen O’Riordan notes that in FY24 Budget the anticipated Loan Order amounts was ~$100 million and this has been reduced in the FY25 Budget to ~$36 million; Councillor Toner asks if some of these capital projects are already underway (yes, this is for add’l contingency funds); Passed to 2nd Reading and Referred to Finance Committee 9-0

CM24#74     Apr 29, 2024

To the Honorable, the City Council:

Please find attached an order requesting the appropriation and authorization to borrow $11,500,000 to provide funds for the reconstruction of various City streets and sidewalks.

This order is being submitted prior to the Finance Committee hearing on the FY25 Public Investment Budget which is scheduled for May 14, 2024 to allow the City Council to vote on this order on June 3, 2024 which is the projected date for City Council adoption of the FY25 Budget. Approval of loan orders on budget adoption night has been the practice for several years.

If passed to a second reading on Apr 29, 2024, the City will comply with all legal requirements so that the order may be adopted on June 3, 2024. Please see the Public Investment Section in the FY25 Submitted Budget for additional information on this project.

Very truly yours,
Yi-An Huang
City Manager

Agenda Item Number 2     Apr 29, 2024

ORDERED: That $11,500,000 is appropriated for the purpose of financing the repair and/or reconstruction of various City streets and sidewalks and bike facilities; and to meet this appropriation the Treasurer with the approval of the City Manager is authorized to borrow $11,500,000 under Chapter 44 of the General Laws or any other enabling authority.

3. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of appropriation and authorization to borrow $4,350,000 to provide funds for the Municipal Facilities Improvement Plan. Funds will support significant building improvements and deferred maintenance projects. Proposed projects include but are not limited to upgrades of Public Works facilities, municipal offices, youth centers, branch libraries and fire stations, renovations to 105 Windsor Street and upgrades of HVAC and electrical systems. (CM24#75)
[Tuesday] pulled by Nolan; Passed to 2nd Reading and Referred to Finance Committee 9-0

CM24#75     Apr 29, 2024

To the Honorable, the City Council:

Please find attached an order requesting the appropriation and authorization to borrow $4,350,000 to provide funds for the Municipal Facilities Improvement Plan. Funds will support significant building improvements and deferred maintenance projects. Proposed projects include but are not limited to upgrades of Public Works facilities, municipal offices, youth centers, branch libraries and fire stations, renovations to 105 Windsor Street and upgrades of HVAC and electrical systems.

This order is being submitted prior to the Finance Committee hearing on the FY25 Public Investment Budget which is scheduled for May 14, 2024 to allow the City Council to vote on this order on June 3, 2024 which is the projected date for City Council adoption of the FY25 Budget. Approval of loan orders on budget adoption night has been the practice for several years.

If passed to a second reading on Apr 29, 2024, the City will comply with all legal requirements so that the order may be adopted on June 3, 2024. Please see the Public Investment Section in the FY25 Submitted Budget for additional information on this project.

Very truly yours,
Yi-An Huang
City Manager

Agenda Item Number 3     Apr 29, 2024

ORDERED: That $4,350,000 is appropriated, in addition to any amounts previously appropriated, for the purpose of planning and financing building renovations, including but not limited to the following projects in the municipal facilities improvement plan support significant building improvements and deferred maintenance projects. Proposed projects include but are not limited to upgrades of Public Works facilities, municipal offices, youth centers, branch libraries and fire stations, renovations to 105 Windsor Street and upgrades of HVAC and electrical systems, and to meet this appropriation, the Treasurer with the approval of the City Manager is authorized to borrow $4,350,000 under Chapter 44 of the General Laws or any other enabling authority.

4. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation and authorization to borrow $3,000,000 to provide funds for the design and construction of open spaces at the Peabody School Playground, Corcoran (Raymond Street) Park, Rafferty Park, Wilder-Lee Park, and 359 Broadway. (CM24#76)
[Tuesday] pulled by Nolan; Passed to 2nd Reading and Referred to Finance Committee 9-0

CM24#76     Apr 29, 2024

To the Honorable, the City Council:

Please find attached an order requesting the appropriation and authorization to borrow $3,000,000 to provide funds for the design and construction of open spaces at the Peabody School Playground, Corcoran (Raymond Street) Park, Rafferty Park, Wilder-Lee Park, and 359 Broadway.

This order is being submitted prior to the Finance Committee hearing on the FY25 Public Investment Budget which is scheduled for May 14, 2024 to allow the City Council to vote on this order on June 3, 2024 which is the projected date for City Council adoption of the FY25 Budget. Approval of loan orders on budget adoption night has been the practice for several years.

If passed to a second reading on Apr 29, 2024, the City will comply with all legal requirements so that the order may be adopted on June 3, 2024. Please see the Public Investment Section in the FY25 Submitted Budget for additional information on this project.

Very truly yours,
Yi-An Huang
City Manager

Agenda Item Number 4     Apr 29, 2024

ORDERED: That $3,000,000 is appropriated for the purpose of providing financing for design and construction at Peabody School Playground, Corcoran (Raymond Street) Park, Rafferty Park, Wilder-Lee Park, and 359 Broadway, and to meet this appropriation the Treasurer with the approval of the City Manager is authorized to borrow $3,000,000 under Chapter 44 of the General Laws or any other enabling authority.

5. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation and authorization to borrow $2,560,000 to provide funds for financing school building upgrades. (CM24#77)
[Tuesday] pulled by Nolan; Passed to 2nd Reading and Referred to Finance Committee 9-0

CM24#77     Apr 29, 2024

To the Honorable, the City Council:

Please find attached an order requesting the appropriation and authorization to borrow $2,560,000 to provide funds for financing school building upgrades.

This order is being submitted prior to the Finance Committee hearing on the FY25 Public Investment Budget which is scheduled for May 14, 2024 to allow the City Council to vote on this order on June 3, 2024 which is the projected date for City Council adoption of the FY25 Budget. Approval of loan orders on budget adoption night has been the practice for several years.

If passed to a second reading on Apr 29, 2024, the City will comply with all legal requirements so that the order may be adopted on June 3, 2024. Please see the Public Investment Section in the FY25 Submitted Budget for additional information on this project.

Very truly yours,
Yi-An Huang
City Manager

Agenda Item Number 5     Apr 29, 2024

ORDERED: That $2,560,000 is appropriated, for the purpose of financing school building upgrades, including but not limited to, the following projects: Baldwin School chiller replacement; the Baldwin School electrical vault beam replacement; The Media Arts and RSTA auto shop waterproofing; Fletcher Maynard Academy (FMA) rear wall facade repairs; and the Cambridgeport & FMA Schools elevator controls upgrade; and to meet this appropriation the Treasurer with the approval of the City Manager is authorized to borrow $2,560,000 under Chapter 44 of the General Laws or any other enabling authority.

6. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of and authorization to borrow $6,550,000 to provide funds for the Ozone Generator Replacement; Water Treatment Plant equipment and systems upgrades and water works construction projects in coordination with DPW street restoration projects, which include Massachusetts Ave 4, Chestnut, Dana, Sciarappa and Winter Streets. (CM24#78)
[Tuesday] pulled by Nolan; Passed to 2nd Reading and Referred to Finance Committee 9-0

CM24#78     Apr 29, 2024

To the Honorable, the City Council:

Please find attached an order requesting the appropriation and authorization to borrow $6,550,000 to provide funds for the Ozone Generator Replacement; Water Treatment Plant equipment and systems upgrades and water works construction projects in coordination with DPW street restoration projects, which include Massachusetts Ave 4, Chestnut, Dana, Sciarappa and Winter Streets.

This order is being submitted prior to the Finance Committee hearing on the FY25 Public Investment Budget which is scheduled for May 14, 2024 to allow the City Council to vote on this order on June 3, 2024 which is the projected date for City Council adoption of the FY25 Budget. Approval of loan orders on budget adoption night has been the practice for several years.

If passed to a second reading on Apr 29, 2024, the City will comply with all legal requirements so that the order may be adopted on June 3, 2024. Please see the Public Investment Section in the FY25 Submitted Budget for additional information on this project.

Very truly yours,
Yi-An Huang
City Manager

Agenda Item Number 6     Apr 29, 2024

ORDERED: That $6,550,000 is appropriated for the Ozone Generator Replacement: Water Treatment Plant equipment and system upgrades and water works construction projects in accordance with DPW street restoration projects, which include Massachusetts Ave 4, Chestnut, Dana, Sciarappa and Winter Streets; that to meet this appropriation the Treasurer with the approval of the City Manager is authorized to borrow $6,550,000 under Chapter 44 of the General Laws or any other enabling authority.

7. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation and authorization to borrow $8,500,000 to provide funds for the sewer Capital Repairs Program and projects related to climate change preparedness efforts. (CM24#79)
[Tuesday] pulled by Nolan; Passed to 2nd Reading and Referred to Finance Committee 9-0

CM24#79     Apr 29, 2024

To the Honorable, the City Council:

Please find attached an order requesting the appropriation and authorization to borrow $8,500,000 to provide funds for the sewer Capital Repairs Program and projects related to climate change preparedness efforts.

This order is being submitted prior to the Finance Committee hearing on the FY25 Public Investment Budget which is scheduled for May 14, 2024 to allow the City Council to vote on this order on June 3, 2024 which is the projected date for City Council adoption of the FY25 Budget. Approval of loan orders on budget adoption night has been the practice for several years.

If passed to a second reading on Apr 29, 2024, the City will comply with all legal requirements so that the order may be adopted on June 3, 2024. Please see the Public Investment Section in the FY25 Submitted Budget for additional information on this project.

Very truly yours,
Yi-An Huang
City Manager

Agenda Item Number 7     Apr 29, 2024

ORDERED: That $8,500,000 is appropriated, in addition to any amounts previously appropriated, for the purpose of financing the design and construction of various water pollution abatement projects, including but not limited to:

construction of sewer separation, storm water management and combined sewer overflow reduction elimination improvements in the Sewer Capital Repairs Program and climate change preparedness efforts;

including without limitation all costs thereof as defined in Section 1 of Chapter 29C of the General Laws; that to meet this appropriation the Treasurer with the approval of the City Manager is authorized to borrow $8,500,000 and issue bonds or notes therefore under G.L. c.44 and/or c. 29C or any other enabling authority; that such bonds or notes shall be general obligations of the City unless the Treasurer with the approval of the City Manager determines that they should be issued as limited obligations and may be secured by local system revenues as defined in Section 1 of G.L. c. 29C; that the Treasurer with the approval of the City Manager is authorized to borrow all or a portion of such amount from the Massachusetts Clean Water Trust established pursuant to G.L. c. 29C or from the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (“MWRA”) and in connection therewith to enter into a loan agreement and/or a security agreement and/or financial assistance agreement with the Trust or the MWRA and otherwise to contract with the MWRA and the and the Department of Environmental Protection (“DEP”) with respect to such loan and for any federal or state aid available for the projects or for the financing thereof; and that the City Manager or any other authorized City official is authorized to enter into a project regulatory agreement with the DEP, to expend all funds available for the projects and to take any other action necessary to carry out the projects.

8. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $192,000 in the General Fund between School Department statutory accounts as follows: $192,000 from the Salary and Wages account to the School Travel and Training account. The transfer will be used to fund current and anticipated workers’ compensation settlement costs related to School Department personnel injured in the performance of their duties. (CM24#80)
[Tuesday] Order Adopted 8-0-1 (BA-Absent)

9. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $25,000 from the General Fund Veterans Travel & Training (Benefits) account to the General Fund Veterans Other Ordinary Maintenance account to cover costs related to the Memorial Day and Decoration Day celebration. (CM24#81)
[Tuesday] Order Adopted 8-0-1 (BA-Absent)

10. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $35,000 from the General Fund Reserve Other Ordinary Maintenance account to the General Fund Human Rights Other Ordinary Maintenance account. The funds will be used to cover the costs for upcoming community events. (CM24#82)
[Tuesday] Order Adopted 8-0-1 (BA-Absent)

CM24#82     Apr 29, 2024

To the Honorable, the City Council:

I am hereby requesting the transfer of $35,000 from the General Fund Reserve Other Ordinary Maintenance account to the General Fund Human Rights Other Ordinary Maintenance account. The funds will be used to cover the costs for upcoming community events including:

• Marriage Equality: The LGBTQ+ Commission, in partnership with the Office of Equity and Inclusion, is planning the City’s 20th anniversary of the legalization of same-gender marriage celebration, which will take place on May 18, 2024. The celebration will consist of speeches and acknowledgements, a performance by the Boston Gay Men’s Chorus, catered appetizers and desserts, pins and stickers for attendees, student-led outdoor games, decorations, and more.

• Enhanced Community Welcome Event: The Commission on Immigrant Rights and Citizenship’s annual “Cambridge Welcomes” event, which will take place on May 31, 2024, is an event created to greet and celebrate newly arrived immigrants and long-standing immigrants in the Cambridge community. The Welcome Event will strengthen a sense of community among immigrants, increase awareness of local resources and services, enhance cultural exchange, understanding, and belonging, and celebrate cultural diversity.

• Pride Brunch/Longfellow Picnic: The annual LGBTQ+ Commission Pride Brunch is celebrated each year in June, in partnership with the Mayor’s office, to honor and uplift our LGBTQ+ community members. The event will consist of an award ceremony, brunch, face painting, poster making, and circus performers. The Longfellow picnic, which will take place in late June, consists of a family-friendly picnic in celebration of the LGBTQ+ community.

Very truly yours,
Yi-An Huang
City Manager

11. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $13,500 to the Grant Fund Historical Commission Salaries and Wages account. The funds will be used to support archives assistants. (CM24#83)
[Tuesday] Order Adopted 8-0-1 (BA-Absent)

12. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $21,500, received as additional funds through the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Adult and Community Learning Services grant, to the Grant Fund Human Service Programs Salary and Wages account ($10,976), to the Grant Fund Human Service Programs Other Ordinary Maintenance account ($751), and to the Grant Fund Human Service Programs Travel and Training account ($9,773). These additional funds support the state grant for core ESOL services. Funds will allow additional hours for student ambassadors, provide needed technology supplies and enable one staff member and four students to attend the Coalition on Adult Basic Education (COABE) Conference. (CM24#84)
[Tuesday] Order Adopted 8-0-1 (BA-Absent)

13. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to a recommendation received from City Engineer James Wilcox to name four new private ways: Jackson Place, Clifton Place, Clifton Circle and Graham Place. (CM24#85) [text of report]
[Tuesday] Order Adopted 8-0-1 (BA-Absent)

14. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $559,070, from the General Fund Fire Salaries and Wages account to the General Fund Fire Other Ordinary Maintenance account. Funds will be used to cover the cost to equip and screen 17 new firefighters. This includes new personal protective gear and equipment, station uniforms, and costs associated with required medical, background and psychological testing. In addition, funds will be used for bunker gear replacement. (CM24#86)
[Tuesday] Order Adopted 8-0-1 (BA-Absent)

15. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $249,900, received from the Massachusetts Gaming Commission to the Grant Fund Community Development Department Extraordinary Expenditures account. Funds will be used to coordinate the design of an off-road, multi-use path connection between the Grand Junction Path in Cambridge and the Community Path Extension in Somerville, including traffic analysis, topographical and geotechnical surveys, community engagement sessions and final design phasing. (CM24#87)
[Tuesday] Order Adopted 8-0-1 (BA-Absent)

16. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number #2024-13, regarding fare free Bus Program and Planning for Red Line Shutdown. (CM24#88)
[Tuesday] Placed on File 8-0-1 (BA-Absent)

Date: Wed, Apr 24, 2024
To: Yi-An Huang, City Manager
From: Iram Farooq, Assistant City Manager for Community Development
Re: Awaiting Report Item AR-24-13: Report on meeting with MBTA and City of Boston in advance of the July Red Line shutdown about the implementation of a fare-free #1 bus program

I am writing in response to Awaiting Report Item AR-24-13 to provide an update on meetings with the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) and City of Boston on implementing a fare-free MBTA bus Route 1. Fare-free bus routes are an exciting opportunity to improve service quality, make transportation affordable, and reduce conflicts for bus operators. The MBTA Route 1 is, specifically, an opportunity for municipal collaboration on a route that connects many people and important neighborhoods.

Staff from the Community Development Department (CDD) and the City Manager’s office have had conversations with the City of Boston and MBTA about this potential collaboration. The MBTA has been supportive of fare-free bus route programs but expects challenging financial conditions with its upcoming annual budgets. Thus, implementing fare-free bus routes will be feasible only if cities will cover the foregone fare revenue for the bus route and “THE RIDE” paratransit service along the route. At this point, the MBTA cannot fund fare-free routes relying on its own budget.

Both the cities of Cambridge and Boston are well into the development of the fiscal year 2024-25 budget. It would be challenging to identify funding for a fare-free program for the upcoming fiscal year. The joint municipal cost of a fare-free Route 1 is estimated to be at least $2.3-$3.2 million per year. We estimate the Cambridge part of the program would be at least $1.0 to $1.3 million annually.

The MBTA is advancing two important initiatives. They recently announced the summer 2024 launch of an income-qualified discounted fare and pass program to address barriers for low-income households. They also expect to reach the next step in their fare modernization in the next year. This will mean riders board and pay at all doors on buses, reducing time spent at stops. Together, these will have similar benefits for affordability and service quality as fare-free routes. It will be helpful to see the results of these initiatives before making a decision on fare-free bus routes. We recommend reconsidering this proposal during the development of fiscal year 2026 budget.

In the short term, we are continuing to advocate strongly for fare-free buses as mitigation for the upcoming Red Line shutdowns in Cambridge. The MBTA has stated that they will consider making bus routes fare-free where the route has significant geographical overlap with the closed sections of the Red Line.

17. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Policy Order Numbers 24-49 & 24-50, regarding additional information on amendments to the Parking and Transportation Demand Management (PTDM) Ordinance and the Zoning Ordinance to allow flexibility for property owners to share off-site parking with nearby uses, as well as information on potential changes to the timeline of the quick build elements of the Cycling Safety Ordinance. (CM24#89) [text of report]
Taken w/Charter Right #1; Placed on File 9-0

1. That the City Council go on record requesting that The Thomas P. ONeil/Fresh Pond Municipal Golf Course be formally named the “Paul Ryder Golf Club House” in dedication to Paul’s years of service and dedication to the City of Cambridge.   Councillor Toner, Vice Mayor McGovern, Mayor Simmons, Councillor Wilson (PO24#55)
[Tuesday] pulled by Toner for amendments; Order Adopted as Amended 9-0

2. That the Executive Assistant to the City Council confer with the Dedication Committee to consider a request for a dedication in a suitable location to honor Mafalda “Muffie” Gargano.   Councillor Toner, Councillor Pickett (PO24#56)
[Tuesday] Order Adopted 9-0

3. Request that the Foundation for Civic Leadership reconsider their plans for the Democracy Center meetinghouse and meet with the affected organizations and organizers to reach a suitable resolution.   Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Siddiqui, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Wilson (PO24#57)
[Tuesday] pulled by Toner; remarks by Sobrinho-Wheeler, Siddiqui, and Wilson; Toner, Nolan, Pickett remarks; Nolan amendment to add “to continue” Adopted 9-0; JSW motion to add “Whereas” clause adopted 9-0; Order Adopted as Amended 9-0

4. On the use of Cambridge officers to police political demonstrations at institutions of higher learning.   Councillor Wilson, Councillor Siddiqui, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler
[Tuesday] Comments by Wilson, Sobrinho-Wheeler, Siddiqui, Azeem, City Manager Huang; Charter Right - Toner

1. That the City Manager is requested to direct the Traffic, Parking and Transportation Department, the Department of Public Works, the Community Development Department, and the Law Department to draft proposed amendments to the Cycling Safety Ordinance to extend the deadline associated with the completion of those sections of the ordinance that are required to be completed by May 1, 2026. [Charter Right – Sobrinho-Wheeler, Apr 8, 2024] (PO24#50)
Taken w/Mgr’s Agenda #17; Substitute Order offered by McGovern, Siddiqui, Azeem, Sobrino-Wheeler; comments by McGovern, Azeem, Siddiqui who characterize their substitute as “compromise”; Toner opposed to substitute order since original provides all necessary flexibility, notes that language came from City staff; Pickett affirms that City staff provided the language, notes that Cambridge Street better suited to take advantage of zoning changes, fewer opportunities for residents of Broadway for off-street parking, notes that original CSO allowed for a one-year extension under specific circumstances; Wilson echoes these concerns and states that she will not support the substitution; Simmons appreciates the desire for compromise but will not support the substitute; SUBSTITUTION FAILS 4-5 (BA,MM,SS,JSW-Yes; PN,JP,PT,AW,DS-No); Toner speaks in support of original order noting the many messages received on both sides of the issue; Nolan makes long statement generally supportive of CSO and including acknowledgement that even small changes can causes some businesses to fail; Wilson notes need to listen to all stakeholders; vote to extend meeting to 12:30am passes 9-0; Pickett states that it’s better to anticipate and mitigate problems up front rather than to undertake damage control and fix the problems after the fact, notes that zoning changes relating to parking may help affected residents and businesses, also notes that construction of separated bike lanes is well ahead of schedule; Sobrinho-Wheeler notes that he damaged teeth in a bike crash, calls biking on Cambridge Street terrifying, claims injury and death will happen if this order passes; Azeem supports changes to PTDM ordinance, dismisses concerns about loss of parking; [RW Note – It is absolutely the case that crash hazards are overwhelmingly at intersections, and not one single councillor has addressed that reality. Making intersections more safe is what’s most important.] McGovern states that failure to be killed is purely a matter of luck; expresses distress that his substitute order did not pass; Simmons states that she supports bicycle safety, but notes the absence of senior citizens in public comment and generally in this matter - “who is not in the room.” Order Adopted 5-4 (PN,JP,PT,AW,DS-Yes; BA,MM,SS,JSW-No); Reconsideration Fails 1-8 (MM-Yes); Meeting recessed until Tuesday, April 30 at 10:00am

O-2     Apr 8, 2024  Charter Right - Sobrinho-Wheeler
WHEREAS: Residents and business owners along the Cambridge Street, Main Street and Broadway commercial corridors have expressed significant concerns regarding the potential negative impacts to their businesses due to the loss of significant parking as the result of the proposed installation of separated bicycle lanes and have advocated that the city provide parking mitigation alternatives prior to installation of the new bike lanes; and
WHEREAS: After several meetings with the Deputy City Manager, Assistant City Manager for Community Development, Commissioner of Traffic, Parking and Transportation, Commissioner of Public Works and other essential staff to discuss these concerns and seeking their assistance in drafting this policy order to provide more time to provide parking and other mitigation against any negative impacts of the installation of separated bike lanes in the impacted areas; now therefore be it
ORDERED: That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to direct the Traffic, Parking and Transportation Department, the Department of Public Works, the Community Development Department, and the Law Department to draft proposed amendments to the Cycling Safety Ordinance to extend the deadline associated with the completion of those sections of the ordinance that are required to be completed by May 1, 2026 to a new deadline of November 1, 2027 for the City Council’s consideration, with any such amendments requiring City Council approval and passage by December 31, 2024; and be it further
ORDERED: That if the City Council passes such amendments of the Cycling Safety Ordinance by December 31, 2024, that the City Manager be and hereby is requested to direct the Traffic Parking and Transportation Department not to begin installing Quick-Build Separated Bicycle Lanes on
  (a) Main Street between Sydney Street extension and Osborne Street
  (b) Cambridge Street between Oak Street and Second Street; and
  (c) Broadway between Hampshire Street and Quincy Street
Until after July 1, 2025, or until after passage of amendments to the Parking and Transportation Demand Management Ordinance and the Zoning Ordinance allowing for the sharing of off-site parking with nearby properties, if necessary, to mitigate the loss of parking resulting from the installation of separated bicycle facilities due to implementation of the Cycling Safety Ordinance, whichever is sooner. Community engagement, planning, and design of these corridors may proceed in advance of these dates.

Vice-Mayor McGovern, Councillor Siddiqui, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Sobrino-Wheeler
WHEREAS: Residents and business owners along the Cambridge Street, Main Street and Broadway commercial corridors have expressed significant concerns regarding the potential negative impacts to their businesses due to the loss of significant parking as the result of the proposed installation of separated bicycle lanes and have advocated that the city provide parking mitigation alternatives prior to installation of the new bike lanes; and
WHEREAS: After several meetings with the Deputy City Manager, Assistant City Manager for Community Development, Commissioner of Traffic, Parking and Transportation, Commissioner of Public Works and other essential staff to discuss these concerns and seeking their assistance in drafting this policy order to provide more time to provide parking and other mitigation against any negative impacts of the installation of separated bike lanes in the impacted areas; now therefore be it
ORDERED: In order to allow for phasing of larger quick-build projects on
    (a) Cambridge Street between Oak Street and Second Street; and
    (b) Broadway between Hampshire Street and Quincy Street,
over calendar years 2025 and 2026, the City Manager may complete these projects by November 1, 2026, the city is obligated to complete half of Cambridge St and half of Broadway St by November 1, 2025, and half of Cambridge St and half of Broadway St by November 1, 2026; and be it further
ORDERED That the total number of residential permit parking spaces on Main Street, between Portland Street and Sydney Street Extension, will remain the same or greater; and be it further
ORDERED: That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to direct the Traffic Parking and Transportation Department not to begin installing Quick-Build Separated Bicycle Lanes on
    (a) Cambridge Street between Oak Street and Second Street; and
    (b) Broadway between Hampshire Street and Quincy Street
Until after July 1, 2025, or until after passage of amendments to the Parking and Transportation Demand Management Ordinance and the Zoning Ordinance allowing for the sharing of off-site parking with nearby properties, if necessary, to mitigate the loss of parking resulting from the installation of separated bicycle facilities due to implementation of the Cycling Safety Ordinance, whichever is sooner. Community engagement, planning, and design of these corridors shall proceed in advance of these dates.

2. City Council support of H.2963, An Act relative to payments in lieu of taxation by organizations exempt from the property tax, to ensure municipalities are fairly compensated and their long-term budgetary needs are preserved. [Charter Right – Toner, Apr 8, 2024] (PO24#52)
[Tuesday] Comments by Sobrinho-Wheeler, McGovern, Toner (notes that some churches have assets well in excess of proposed threshold, including endowments invested in real estate; Just-A-Start as well); Acting City Solicitor Megan Bayer notes what is currently exempt - does not apply broadly to all assets; Yi-An Huang reports that Assessing Department that the bill appears to be based on version in Boston’s ordinance which involves voluntary payments and tax reductions, concerns about how property is valued based on classification at the municipal level, concerns about how this might affect existing PILOT agreements; Asst. City Assessor Andrew Johnson states that housing owned by Just-A-Start is taxable but at severely limited valuation due to deed restrictions; Toner asks if any particular non-profit(s) may be targeted; Bayer suggests this may be possible via ordinance, but this is not certain; Nolan had concerns about Just-A-Start, HRI, etc. but glad to hear they would be taxable but only at severely limited valuations, concerns about this might affect existing PILOT agreements; Johnson responds that this would be a tax and not just a negotiated agreement in-lieu-of-tax (suggesting this would eclipse PILOT agreements); Bayer unsure whether this would preempt existing PILOT agreements; Pickett expresses concerns for how this might affect struggling nonprofits; JSW notes that this is enabling legislation and that City Council would have to accept it. Order Adopted 7-2 (JP,PT-No)

O-4     Apr 8, 2024  Charter Right - Toner
WHEREAS: Currently under state law, all non-profit organizations in Massachusetts are exempt from paying property taxes to local municipalities—including institutions with significant land-holdings and multi-billion-dollar endowments; and
WHEREAS: Massachusetts State Bill H.2963, An Act relative to payments in lieu of taxation by organizations exempt from the property tax, was filed last year requiring tax-exempt organizations that own more than $15 million in assessed land value to pay municipalities 25% of what their assessed tax levy would be; and
WHEREAS: This would add significant funds to municipalities’ budgets to provide and expand necessary services, while continuing to exempt the vast majority of nonprofits in Cambridge and statewide, which do not have significant land holdings; now therefore be it
ORDERED: That the City Council go on record in support of H.2963, An Act relative to payments in lieu of taxation by organizations exempt from the property tax, to ensure municipalities are fairly compensated and their long-term budgetary needs are preserved; and be it further
ORDERED: That the City Clerk be and hereby is requested to forward a suitably engrossed copy of this Policy Order to State House leadership and to the Cambridge State House delegation on behalf of the entire City Council.

3. That the Amendments to the Tenants’ Rights Ordinance recommended by the Law Department, in CM24#68, be forwarded to the Ordinance Committee for hearing and report. [Charter Right – Toner, Apr 8, 2024] (PO24#54)
[Tuesday] Sobrinho-Wheeler clarifies that he wishes to refer this to Ordinance Committee; Megan Bayer says Ordinance Committee is an option and consistent with best practice; Toner concurs; Siddiqui suggests that additional amendments may be proposed (including mandatory mailings to tenants); Referred to Ordinance Committee 9-0

O-6     Apr 8, 2024  Charter Right - Toner
ORDERED: That the amendments to the Tenants’ Rights Ordinance recommended by the Law Department in CM24#68 be forwarded to the Ordinance Committee for hearing and report.

4. An Ordinance 2023 #8B has been received from City Clerk, relative to Amend Chapter 14.04 – Fair Housing. [Passed to 2nd Reading Oct 2, 2023; Amended Nov 6, 2023; to remain on Unfinished Business pending legislative approval of Special Act needed prior to ordination] (ORD23-8B)

1. An application from David Randa representing the Feast & Fettle, requesting permission for one wall sign and one double sided projecting sign at the premises numbered 1699 Massachusetts Avenue. approval has been received from Inspectional Services, Department of Public Works, Community Development Department and proof of abutter mailing has been provided. (AP24#15)
[Tuesday] Order Adopted 9-0

1. A communication from Abigail Starr regarding PO24#50.

2. A communication from Adriane Musgrave regarding Keep moving on bike lanes!

3. A communication from Alexander Grob regarding Separated bike lane on Cambridge Street - Let’s get these built!

4. A communication from Alexander Grob regarding Gas Work on Columbia Street last year - when will Eversource Feeney Brothers return to patch up the road properly.

5. A communication from Allie Girouard regarding No delay in installation of life-saving bike and pedestrian infrastructure.

6. A communication from Andrew Barry regarding We cannot afford another delay to bike lanes on Broadway and Cambridge.

7. A communication from Andrew Hart regarding Proposed bike lane ordinance.

8. A communication from Andrew Strassman regarding No more delays on bike lanes!

9. A communication from Andy Grace Rosevear regarding Feedback on PO24#50.

10. A communication from Ariana Olson regarding Do not delay the implementation of the CSO.

11. A communication from Augusto Gandia regarding Urgent Appeal Prioritize Safety for Cyclists and Pedestrians as well as Sustainable Transportation.

12. A communication from Austin Ledzian regarding No Change to Cycling Safety Ordinance -- Do Not Delay Installing Bike Infrastructure.

13. A communication from Becky Sarah regarding Please vote against the policy order to delay the bike lanes on Monday’s agenda.

14. A communication from Ben Adlam regarding Recent policy order.

15. A communication from Andrew Morvay regarding Opposing delays to Bicycle lanes.

16. A communication from Ben Rolsma regarding Opposing CSO delay.

17. A communication from Bence Béky regarding bicycles crashes can be prevented.

18. A communication from Benjamin Mazzotta regarding Opposed to PO24#50.

19. A communication from Carol Lee Rawn regarding Fwd Strong Opposition to PO24#50.

20. A communication from Carol Weinhaus regarding Support PO24#51.

21. A communication from Carolyn Fuller regarding PO24#50 - Don’t delay safer streets.

22. A communication from Charles Franklin regarding Comments for Monday.

23. A communication from Charles Posner regarding No delay in quick build bike lanes.

24. A communication from Claire Silvers and Mark Feeney regarding Proposal to delay Cambridge Bike Path work.

25. A communication from Clare Mathias regarding Bike Projects.

26. A communication from Conor regarding Feedback on PO24#50

27. A communication from Dan Kibler-Stearns regarding Opposition to Policy Order Regarding Suspension of Bike Lanes.

28. A communication from Darrah Bowden regarding Do not delay safety improvements – my life depends on it!

29. A communication from David Galambos regarding Please reject PO24#50.

30. A communication from David Gutierrez regarding Please do not delay critical safety infrastructure in Cambridge Street.

31. A communication from Demetri Harrington regarding Bike lane safety.

32. A communication from Drew Volpe regarding PO24#50 bike lanes on Broadway.

33. A communication from Ellen Sarkisian regarding support for PO24#51.

34. A communication from Emily Lee regarding Please do not delay bike lane installation.

35. A communication from Eric Samson regarding Bike Lanes on Cambridge Street.

36. A communication from Franton Lin regarding Do not delay critical bike infrastructure.

37. A communication from Fraser Reichner regarding PO24#50.

38. A communication from Frederick Hewett regarding Support for PO24#51.

39. A communication from Gleb Bahmutov regarding No delay in installing bike lanes (PO24#50).
[Note: Mr. Bahmutov has also expressed the belief that only people with driveways should be able to own cars in Cambridge.]

40. A communication from Gloria Korsman regarding PO24#50.

41. A communication from Grace Whitney regarding PO24#50 Please do not delay bike lanes!

42. A communication from Herb Wagner regarding Cycling Safety Ordinance - Bike Lane Installation.

43. A communication from Jack Zalewski regarding Don’t Delay Building Bike Lanes until 2025.

44. A communication from James Barker regarding Bike Lanes.

45. A communication from James Mendelson regarding Don’t delay bike lane progress.

46. A communication from Jared Kaczynski regarding biking infrastructure installation and potential delays.

47. A communication from Jeremy Silverman and Mary Sutherland regarding Support PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

48. A communication from Jessica Kuh regarding PO24#50.

49. A communication from Jim Bertram regarding Support PO24#49 and PO24#50 and PO24#51.

50. A communication from Joan Magretta and William Magretta regarding Support PO24#49 and PO24#50.

51. A communication from John Burkhardt regarding PO24#50.

52. A communication from John Callerame regarding Cycling Safety Ordinance -- Don’t delay it!

53. A communication from Jonathan Cohen regarding Please do not amend the CSO to delay safe infrastructure.

54. A communication from Jonathan Haber regarding PO24#50.

55. A communication from Joshua Terry regarding Do not continue to delay the Cambridge St Main St and Broadway bike lanes.

56. A communication from Juliana Cherston regarding No delays to bike ordinance - accelerate forward!

57. A communication from Kaitlin Robinson regarding Please Support Bike Lanes Now.

58. A communication from Kaleb regarding PO24#50.

59. A communication from Kathleen Moore regarding No delays on bike lanes.

60. A communication from Kathryn Nassberg regarding No more delays to the bike lane installations please!

61. A communication from Katie O’Connor regarding Please do not delay bike lane installation.

62. A communication from Kevin Wilson regarding Please don’t delay bike lanes.

63. A communication from Kim Grams regarding Please do not delay safe bike lanes in Cambridge!

64. A communication from Kristin Guyot regarding Fwd Strong Opposition to PO24#50.

65. A communication from Lydia Sylla regarding Opposition to PO24#50.

66. A communication from Magdalena Georgieva regarding Policy Order 2024 #50.

67. A communication from Melanie Wachtell Stinnett regarding Please move forward with the bike lanes planned for Cambridge Street ASAP.

68. A communication from Miah Ebels-Duggan regarding Comment for 4/7/24 PO24#50.

69. A communication from Michael Mahoney regarding Please Vote Down PO24#50.

70. A communication from Michael Whelan regarding Do not delay on safer streets.

71. A communication from Nicolas L. McMullan regarding Don’t delay Cambridge bike lanes!

72. A communication from Norman Daoust regarding opposition to PO24#50 on 4/8/2024 City Council agenda.

73. A communication from Oliver Wunsch regarding policy order about bike lanes.

74. A communication from Pete Kuhlmann regarding PO24#50.

75. A communication from Phyllis Simpkins regarding Policy order re TPT organize a community meeting; Appleton Huron and neighboring streets dramatic traffic increase.

76. A communication from Phyllis Simpkins regarding PO24#51.

77. A communication from Preston Mueller regarding Don’t delay bike lanes.

78. A communication from Rachel Rosenbloom regarding Please do not cut back on lifesaving bike lane construction!

79. A communication from Robert King regarding Protect Cambridge’s Bike Lane Network.

80. A communication from Sebastian B. Spitz regarding Don’t Delay Bike Lanes.

81. A communication from Shona Simkin regarding Fwd Bike lanes--please don’t delay!

82. A communication from Solon Gordon regarding Please don’t delay bike lane installation.

83. A communication from Sonali Duggal regarding bike lanes.

84. A communication from Thouis Jones regarding Please don’t delay on bike lanes.

85. A communication from Todd Chapin regarding support bike lanes on Cambridge Street and Broadway.

86. A communication from Vanessa Ruget regarding Support for PO24#51.

87. A communication from Aaron Shakow regarding The Council should pass PO24#52 in support of MA State Bill H_2963 for fair payments in lieu of taxation by nonprofit.

88. A communication from Adriane Bishko regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

89. A communication from Alex Holman regarding Against PO24#50, delay of bike lanes.

90. A communication from Anna E. Byrne regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

91. A communication from Audrey Cunningham regarding Vote Yes PO24#49 and #50.

92. A communication from Barbara Anthony regarding Support for PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

93. A communication from Bonnie Lee regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

94. A communication from Carol Doyle regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

95. A communication from Carolyn Shipley regarding Support PO24#49 and #50.

96. A communication from Carri Goldstein regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

97. A communication from Chantal Eide regarding Please don’t delay bike lanes.

98. A communication from Chris Connolly regarding support for the separated bike lane infrastructure.

99. A communication from Clare MacDonald regarding Support PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

100. A communication from Dana Tighe regarding Votes for PO24#49 and #50.

101. A communication from David von Schack regarding Bike infrastructure in Cambridge.

102. A communication from Debby Galef regarding Postponement of CSO deadlines and creation of safe bike lanes.

103. A communication from Diane Reposa regarding Votes for PO24#49 and #50.

104. A communication from Ellen Minnihan regarding Opposition to PO24#50.

105. A communication from Emily Holman regarding Against PO24#50.

106. A communication from Esther Dominguez regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

107. A communication from Eugene Doyle regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

108. A communication from Frank and Sam Reece regarding PO24#49 & PO24#50.

109. A communication from Frédérique Garnier-Johnston regarding Bike infrastructure is critical!

110. A communication from Fritz Donovan regarding Requesting City Council approval of PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51 without amendment.

111. A communication from Gilli Rosenzweig regarding Advocating for Safer Streets.

112. A communication from Hank Long regarding Support PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

113. A communication from Hannah Varner regarding PO24#50 is dangerous for all city residents.

114. A communication from Janet Randall regarding City Councillors: please support businesses & residents near Cambridge St.

115. A communication from Janie Katz-Christy regarding Headline: City council votes to allow cyclists and pedestrians to be killed or injured because of belief in myths.

116. A communication from Jean Ann Martin regarding Please support PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

117. A communication from Jim Gray regarding Support PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

118. A communication from Joel Sawady regarding Public comment: OPPOSED to PO24#50.

119. A communication from John Hanratty regarding Vote Yes on PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

120. A communication from Josefine Wendel regarding Please Vote no on PO24#49 and PO24#50.

121. A communication from Joseph Luongo regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

122. A communication from Karen and Al DIsidoro regarding Support PO24#49 and #50 Template.

123. A communication from Karen Falb regarding Support PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

124. A communication from Katherine Slive regarding Support PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

125. A communication from Kelly Sherman regarding Support Bike & Pedestrian Safety on Cambridge Street.

126. A communication from Lisbeth Applebaum regarding PO24#49 and #50.

127. A communication from Madeleine Aster regarding Please support PO24#50: Save money by going directly to permanent solutions.

128. A communication from Marcelo Marchetti regarding Please pass PO24#49 and PO24#50 without amendment.

129. A communication from Mark Rifkin regarding PO24#50 Comment.

130. A communication from Michael Bane regarding PO24#49 and PO24#50.

131. A communication from Michael Weymouth regarding Cycling Safety Ordinance postponement.

132. A communication from Naomi Dunson regarding Remember the Pedestrians! Vote yes in PO24#49 and #50.

133. A communication from Nonie Valentine regarding PO24#49 and #50.

134. A communication from Rey Li regarding Give Me Bike Lanes.

135. A communication from Ruthann Rudel regarding PO24#50 - Riding a bike on Cambridge St from CRLS to East Cambridge is dangerous!

136. A communication from Sandra Burbul regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

137. A communication from Scott Kilcoyne regarding Please Complete the CSO on Schedule.

138. A communication from Sharon Mombru regarding PLEASE Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

139. A communication from Shelagh Hadley regarding Support PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

140. A communication from Steven Rome regarding support for the street-safety projects.

141. A communication from Sue Mapel regarding Do NOT Support Policy Order Delaying CSO Implementation.

142. A communication from Sylvia Fine regarding SUPPORT PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51 without amendment

143. A communication from Vincent Mili regarding Support PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

144. A communication from Virginia Balordi regarding PO24#49 and PO24#50.

145. A communication from William Kimball regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

146. A communication from Yu Lee regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

147. A communication from Aaron Kaplowitz regarding Delaying the Cycling Safety Ordinance.

148. A communication from Adam Manacher regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

149. A communication from Aiste Lazauskaite regarding Stop the 15-month ban and delay of bike and pedestrian safety improvements.

150. A communication from AJ Hodgson regarding Support of PO24#50 and PO24#51.

151. A communication from Alan Bartels regarding Bike Lane Suspension.

152. A communication from Albert Duarte regarding PO24#49, 50, 51

153. A communication from Alex LeNail regarding PO24#50.

154. A communication from Alex Lewin regarding critical bicycle and pedestrian safety issue (re: PO24#50).

155. A communication from Alexander von Hoffman regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

156. A communication from Alice Carré regarding Support for PO24#51.

157. A communication from Allison Stieber regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

158. A communication from Amanda Sindel-Keswick regarding Please Do Not Further Delay CSO Implementation.

159. A communication from Amelia Todd regarding Vote YES on POR#49, #50, #51.

160. A communication from Amy Butcher regarding Please pass PO24#49 and PO24#50 without amendment.

161. A communication from André Mayer regarding PO24#49, #50, #51.

162. A communication from Andrew Ray regarding 4/8/2024 PO24#50.

163. A communication from Andrew Rueb regarding Support for PO24#51.

164. A communication from Andrew Szentgyorgyi regarding PO24#49 and #50 without amendment before the installation of bike lanes.

165. A communication from Ann Elliott-Holmes regarding PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

166. A communication from Ann Gantz regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

167. A communication from Ann Neczypor regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

168. A communication from Anne Marie Dattero and Ralph Dattero regarding support of PO24#49 and #50.

169. A communication from Anne regarding PO24#50 - Delaying Bike Lanes.

170. A communication from Annette LaMond & Joseph Moore regarding support for PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

171. A communication from Arks Smith regarding Please support PO24#49 and PO24#50.

172. A communication from Arthur L. Gilman regarding Support PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

173. A communication from Arti Pandey regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

174. A communication from August Blake regarding Pleading for safety.

175. A communication from Ausra Kubilius regarding Please: VOTE YES on PO24#49 and VOTE YES on PO24#50.

176. A communication from Axis regarding Please don’t delay the cycling safety ordinance.

177. A communication from Barbara Beckwith regarding I support PO24#51.

178. A communication from Barbara Glick regarding Vote YES on Policy Orders.

179. A communication from Belinda Rathbone regarding Support PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

180. A communication from Ben Batorsky regarding delays to building inclusive infrastructure.

181. A communication from Ben Compaine regarding Forthcoming Policy Orders Votes.

182. A communication from Benjamin Flaim regarding Support PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

183. A communication from Beth Gamse and Judy Singer regarding Support for PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

184. A communication from Betty Lee Saccoccio regarding Support PO24#49 and #50 TEMPLATE.

185. A communication from Bill Dines regarding Vote yes on PO24#49 & PO24#50.

186. A communication from Bill Kaplan regarding Protect Cambridge Businesses and their patrons.

187. A communication from Bill Luther regarding Vote YES on Policy Orders.

188. A communication from Bill Nigreen regarding Please Stop 15-month suspension of all major quick-build bike lanes.

189. A communication from Bjorn Mellgard regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

190. A communication from Bjorn Poonen regarding Massachusetts State Bill H.2963.

191. A communication from Bonnie Miller regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

192. A communication from Brian Sears regarding Please vote NO on PO24#50 Today!

193. A communication from Bzumina Becho and Fanueal Woldesenbet regarding Support PO24#49, PO24#50.

194. A communication from Carol Lee Rawn regarding Strong Opposition to PO24#50.

195. A communication from Carol Weinhaus regarding Please pass PO24#49 and PO24#50 without amendment.

196. A communication from Caroline Lowenthal regarding Please do not support PO24#50!

197. A communication from Carolyn O’Hara regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

198. A communication from Carrie Pasquarello regarding Support PO24#49 and PO24#50.

199. A communication from Carty Winthrop regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

200. A communication from Caterina Scaramelli regarding bike lane policy order discussion.

201. A communication from Catherine Coleman regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

202. A communication from Charles Teague regarding SUPPORT PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51 without amendment.

203. A communication from Charlie Christopher regarding Protect Cambridge Businesses and their patrons.

204. A communication from Chris Willard regarding Please Support PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

205. A communication from Christine M. Cannava regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

206. A communication from Claire Moore regarding Please Vote Yes on PO24#49 and PO24#50.

207. A communication from CNS regarding bike lanes.

208. A communication from Craig A. Lambert regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

209. A communication from Crystal Klaahsen regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

210. A communication from Dan Harrington regarding Feedback on proposed bike lane construction “pause”.

211. A communication from Dane regarding Support PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

212. A communication from David Ager regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

213. A communication from David Denison regarding Please support PO24#50.

214. A communication from David Mazumder regarding Please Do Not Delay Life-Saving Bike and Pedestrian Infrastructure.

215. A communication from Deb Colburn regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

216. A communication from Deb Olken regarding Please pass PO24#49 and PO24#50 without amendment.

217. A communication from Debra Biba regarding Support for PO24#49 and PO24#50.

218. A communication from Debra Shapiro regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

219. A communication from Deepak Singh regarding Vote for PO24#49 and PO24#50.

220. A communication from Denise and Robert Belloste regarding Support PO24#49 and #50.

221. A communication from Dorothy and Peter Koesler regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

222. A communication from Ed Bacher regarding Bike lane installation.

223. A communication from Eileen Pires regarding PO24#49 and #50.

224. A communication from Elizabeth Chang-Davidson regarding I oppose delaying bike lanes.

225. A communication from Elizabeth Gombosi regarding Support for PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

226. A communication from Elizabeth Greywolf regarding Please vote yes on PO24#49 and #50 without amendment.

227. A communication from Elizabeth Greywolf regarding redesigned streets pros and cons.

228. A communication from Emily Massey regarding Don’t delay bike lanes.

229. A communication from Emily Park regarding PO24#50.

230. A communication from Ethan Frank regarding Let’s not delay the bike lanes (PO24#50).

231. A communication from Eva Alpert regarding Vote YES on Policy Orders.

232. A communication from Federico Muchnik regarding Please pass PO24#49 and PO24#50 without amendment.

233. A communication from Fernando Yu regarding Request to not delay bike lane installation.

234. A communication from Francis Bane regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

235. A communication from Frank Kramer regarding Support PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

236. A communication from Frank LoGerfo regarding Support PO24#49 and PO24#50.

237. A communication from Franklin Reece regarding PO24#49 and PO24#50.

238. A communication from Franklin van Nes regarding Do not suspend all major quick-build bike lanes_ Do  not pass PO24#50.

239. A communication from Garrett McNeill regarding PO24#49 and PO24#50.

240. A communication from George Lanzillo Vote for PO24#49 and #50.

241. A communication from George Ni regarding Slow down implementation of the CSO.

242. A communication from Gerald Zuriff regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

243. A communication from Giulio Genovese regarding PO24#50.

244. A communication from Grace D. Mazur regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

245. A communication from Greg Marra regarding Continue Quick Build Bike Lanes.

246. A communication from Gregory Babunovic regarding Concerns with PO24#50.

247. A communication from Gus Rancatore regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

248. A communication from Haden Smiley regarding Don’t Delay Cycling Infrastructure.

249. A communication from Hans Peter Koesler regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

250. A communication from Helen Snively regarding Support PO24#49 and PO24#50.

251. A communication from Helen Walker regarding In Support of PO24#50 and PO24#49.

252. A communication from Jack Heavner regarding Do Not Delay Implementation of the Cycling Safety Ordinance.

253. A communication from Jacob Adamson regarding Cambridge Street Bike Lane.

254. A communication from Jacqueline Phillips regarding Please vote yes on PO24#49 and #50 without amendment.

255. A communication from Jae Storozum regarding No Delays on Bike Lanes.

256. A communication from James Mahoney regarding Support PO24#49 and PO24#50.

257. A communication from Jan DeKenis regarding Vote YES on Policy Orders.

258. A communication from Jan Devereux regarding Do not delay critical safety measures for non-drivers (NO on PO24#50).

259. A communication from Jana Odette regarding support PO24#49 and #50 without amendment.

260. A communication from Jane Wolfson regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

261. A communication from Janis Kaas regarding PO24#49 and PO24#50 - Protect Cambridge Businesses and their patrons.

262. A communication from Giulia Sorcini regarding Elbit Systems.

263. A communication from Jean Spera regarding PO24#49 and PO24#50.

264. A communication from Jean Spera regarding Vote yes on PO24#49 and #50.

265. A communication from Jeanne “johni” Petropoulos regarding Support PO24#49 and PO24#50.

266. A communication from Jeanne Oster regarding I am writing in support of PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

267. A communication from Jeffrey D Peterson regarding Protect Cambridge Businesses and their patrons.

268. A communication from Jeffrey Noel Baron regarding Support PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

269. A communication from Jennifer Civitella Hilario regarding Please Vote Against PO24#50.

270. A communication from Jennifer Payette regarding Protect Cambridge Businesses and their patrons.

271. A communication from Jenny Wang regarding Feedback on PO24#50.

272. A communication from Jeremy Raynor regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

273. A communication from Jessy K regarding Protect Cambridge Businesses and their patrons.

274. A communication from Jim Quagliaroli regarding Support for PO24#51.

275. A communication from Joan Krizack regarding Vote YES on PO24#49, #50, and #51.

276. A communication from Joanna Antebi regarding Support for PO24#51.

277. A communication from Joanna Breyer regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

278. A communication from John McDonough regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50.

279. A communication from John Pena regarding Support for PO24#49, #50, and #51.

280. A communication from Jonathan C. Chen regarding Resident Support for Continued Bike Lane Implementation on Cambridge Streets.

281. A communication from Joseph Antebi regarding Support for PO24#51.

282. A communication from Joseph Poirier regarding Oppose PO24#50.

283. A communication from Joyce Devlin regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

284. A communication from Joyce Klein regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

285. A communication from Joyce Levine regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

286. A communication from Judy Bright regarding Support Policy Orders: PO24#49, PO24#50, & PO24#51.

287. A communication from Judy Johnson regarding SUPPORT PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51 without amendment.

288. A communication from Judy Singer regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

289. A communication from Judy Somberg regarding I oppose PO24#50.

290. A communication from Julia Sharpe regarding Please continue implementing the Cycling Safety Ordinance as planned.

291. A communication from Karen Schiff regarding Please pass PO24#49 and PO24#50 without amendment.

292. A communication from Karl Schmeckpeper regarding Don’t Delay Safer Streets - Implement the CSO on Schedule.

293. A communication from Kate Andres regarding Bike Lane Installation Delays.

294. A communication from Kathy Dutra regarding PO24#50 and PO24#51.

295. A communication from Katiti Kironde regarding PO24#50 and PO24#51.

296. A communication from Kelley Mahoney regarding support PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

297. A communication from Kevin Leckey regarding Please Do Not Support PO24#50: We Need Safer Streets!

298. A communication from Kim Henry and Jim Quagliaroli regarding Support for PO24#51.

299. A communication from Kimberly L. Cieslak Support for PO24#51.

300. A communication from Kitty Ascrizzi regarding Please do not delay quick build bike lanes! (PO24#50).

301. A communication from Kris Bayne regarding Vote yes on PO24#49 and #50.

302. A communication from Larry Cetrulo regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

303. A communication from Larry Ward regarding Please support PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

304. A communication from Laura Vellucci regarding Support at PO24#49 and #50.

305. A communication from Laurence Baione regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

306. A communication from Les Canney Vote regarding YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

307. A communication from Lisa Berkman regarding Support for PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

308. A communication from Lizzie Feigenbaum regarding No delay for bike and pedestrian safety infrastructure!

309. A communication from Lizzie Poirier regarding Oppose PO24#50.

310. A communication from Lois Josimovich regarding Supporting policy orders.

311. A communication from Luis Domenech regarding Protect Cambridge Businesses.

312. A communication from Mai Nguyen regarding Against PO24#50.

313. A communication from Malcolm David Bliss regarding Please reject PO24#50.

314. A communication from Margaret Gadon regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

315. A communication from Margaret Rueter regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

316. A communication from Margie McDonough regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50.

317. A communication from Marie Elena Saccoccio regarding Vote yes on PO24#49 and #50.

318. A communication from Marilee Meyer regarding In Support of PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51 - CYCLING DATA.

319. A communication from Mark Goodman regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

320. A communication from Mary Grassi regarding Vote Yes on PO24#49 and #50 without amendment and Support PO24#51.

321. A communication from Mary Jane Kornacki regarding support for PO24#49 and PO24#50.

322. A communication from Mary Rowe regarding PLEASE Support PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

323. A communication from Matthew Kramer regarding Don’t add delays to the Cycling Safety Ordinance!

324. A communication from Matthew Sutton regarding Vote Request: YES on PO24#49 and #50.

325. A communication from Michael Buck regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

326. A communication from Michael F. Epstein regarding PO24#49 and PO24#50.

327. A communication from Michael Massagli regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

328. A communication from Michael Rosenberg regarding Pass PO24#49 and PO24#50 Without Amendment -- Apr. 8, 2024.

329. A communication from Michael Weymouth regarding Cycling Safety Ordinance postponement.

330. A communication from Miriam Reeder regarding Support for PO24#51.

331. A communication from MJ Pullins Hubba Hubba Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 and #51 - Help our businesses/neighborhoods.

332. A communication from Molly Nugiel regarding Please continue quick build bike lanes!

333. A communication from Nancy E. Donohue regarding PO24#49 and #50.

334. A communication from Nancy Preis regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

335. A communication from Nat Talbot regarding Please Don’t Delay Implementation of Cycling Safety Ordinance.

336. A communication from Nell Breyer regarding PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

337. A communication from Nike Tirman regarding PO24#49 and POR #50.

338. A communication from Nina Alonso Hathaway regarding PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

339. A communication from Nina Herrera regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

340. A communication from Nina Porzucki regarding NO to PO24#50.

341. A communication from Olivia Rowe regarding POR 2024#50.

342. A communication from Ovadia R Simha regarding PO24#49 and #50.

343. A communication from Patricia McGrath regarding Support PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

344. A communication from Pamela Enders and Bob Weber regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

345. A communication from Pat Sullivan regarding Please vote yes on PO24#49 and PO24#50.

346. A communication from Patricia Harris and David Lyon regarding Please pass PO24#49 and PO24#50 without amendment.

347. A communication from Patricia Moore regarding PO24#49 and #50.

348. A communication from Patricia Willard regarding PO24#49 and #50.

349. A communication from Patrick Knight regarding Opposing PO24#50.

350. A communication from Paula Cortes regarding PO24#49 and PO24#50.

351. A communication from Pauline Lim regarding Please don’t delay bike lanes.

352. A communication from Perri Sheinbaum regarding PO24#50.

353. A communication from Pete Warrington regarding Concern of PO24#50.

354. A communication from Peter regarding Bike Lane Delays.

355. A communication from Peter Littlefield regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

356. A communication from Peter Yeager regarding Vote YES on Policy Orders.

357. A communication from Phil Wellons regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 and #51 - Help our businesses/neighborhoods.

358. A communication from Pravin Barton regarding Oppose PO24#50 - support bike lanes.

359. A communication from Raffael Cavallaro regarding PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

360. A communication from Raymond van Bommel regarding PO24#50.

361. A communication from Richard Freierman and Lynn Gervens regarding Stay the Course on Cambridge Bike Lanes.

362. A communication from Richard Goode regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

363. A communication from Rob Everts regarding Please pass PO24#49 and PO24#50 on Monday night.

364. A communication from Rob Vandenabeele regarding Plans to delay Cambridge St, Broadway and other bike lane projects.

365. A communication from Robert DeBenedictis regarding Do Not Delay Bike Lanes on Cambridge and Broadway.

366. A communication from Robert Fein regarding support for these policy orders.

367. A communication from Robert J. McGowan regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

368. A communication from Rochelle Zapol regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

369. A communication from Rosemary Downer regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

370. A communication from Roy Russell regarding Comments on PO24#50.

371. A communication from Sally Edmonds regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

372. A communication from Sam Christy regarding Support for Policy Order #4.

373. A communication from Sam Christy regarding Cycling Infrastructure.

374. A communication from Sandra Burbul regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

375. A communication from Sarah Block regarding Please do not delay bike lanes vote No on PO24#50.

376. A communication from Scott Ehrmann regarding Opposition to PO24#50 Inbox.

377. A communication from Scott Kilcoyne regarding Please Complete the CSO on Schedule.

378. A communication from Scott Kobetis regarding No delay for bike lanes.

379. A communication from Seth Pate regarding Opposing PO24#50.

380. A communication from Seymour Kellerman regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

381. A communication from Sharon Herman regarding Support PO24#49 and #50 for city roads.

382. A communication from Sheran Oliver regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

383. A communication from Abigail Starr, regarding PO24#50.

384. A communication from Adriane Musgrave, regarding Keep moving on bike lanes!

385. A communication from Silvia Rimolo regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

386. A communication from Stephen and Patricia Capuccio regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

387. A communication from Alex Grob, regarding Gas Work on Columbia Street last year when will Eversource Feeney Brothers return to patch up the road properly.

388. A communication from Andrew Barry, regarding We cannot afford another delay to bike lanes on Broadway and Cambridge.

389. A communication from Andrew Hart, regarding Proposed bike lane ordinance.

390. A communication from Stephen Capuccio regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

391. A communication from Andrew Morvay, regarding Opposing delays to Bicycle lanes.

392. A communication from Stephen Helfer regarding Support PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

393. A communication from Andrew Strassman, regarding No more delays on bike lanes!

394. A communication from Andy Grace Rosevear, regarding Feedback on PO24#50.

395. A communication from Ariana Olson, regarding Do not delay the implementation of the CSO.

396. A communication from Augusto Gandia, regarding Urgent Appeal_ Prioritize Safety for Cyclists and Pedestrians_ as well as Sustainable Transportation.

397. A communication from Austin Ledzian, regarding No Change to Cycling Safety Ordinance -- Do Not Delay Installing Bike Infrastructure.

398. A communication from Steven Seeche regarding Support for PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

399. A communication from Stu Rosner regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

400. A communication from Susan Cory Please regarding vote yes on PO24#49 and #50 without amendment

401. A communication from Susan Johansen regarding Please vote YES.

402. A communication from Susana T. Arteta regarding Support PO24#49 and PO24#50.

403. A communication from Suzanne Blier regarding City Council Notes for the Day of the Eclipse.

404. A communication from Sylvia Fine regarding SUPPORT PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51 without amendment.

405. A communication from Tania Maxwell regarding Support PO24#49, #50 and #51.

406. A communication from Ted Saltz regarding PO24#50 Concerns.

407. A communication from Tim and Leslie Garvey regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

408. A communication from Tim Cabot regarding Bike Lanes.

409. A communication from Tim Mackey regarding Strongly oppose PO24#50.

410. A communication from Tim Russell regarding PO #50: A Parent’s Plea for Action and Not Delay.

411. A communication from Tom Miller regarding Please oppose PO24#50.

412. A communication from Tracy and Jim regarding PO24#50 & PO24#51.

413. A communication from Tracy Walton regarding Do NOT Support Policy Order Delaying CSO Implementation.

414. A communication from Trevor Kafka regarding Opposition to PO24#50.

415. A communication from Valerie Fontana Shulman regarding Please Continue to Build Bike Lanes without Delay!

416. A communication from Valerie Hammond regarding support policy orders.

417. A communication from Veronica Barron regarding No more delays for the Cycling Safety Ordinance.

418. A communication from Vickey Bestor regarding Vote Yes on PO24#49, #50, and #51.

419. A communication from Vincent Mili regarding Support PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

420. A communication from Will Borchard regarding Vote No on PO24#50, No More Delay of Bike Infrastructure.

421. A communication from William A. Graham regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

422. A communication from William Kimball regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

423. A communication from Yasemin Isler regarding Support PO24#49 and PO24#50.

424. A communication from Young Kim regarding Reject PO24#50 - propose amendments to the Cycling Safety Ordinance to extend the deadline.

425. A communication from Alison Ekizian regarding In SUPPORT of PO24#49 and PO24#50.

426. A communication from Alison Sanders-Fleming regarding DO NOT DELAY installation of life-saving bike and pedestrian infrastructure.

427. A communication from Amanda Greenlee regarding PO24#50.

428. A communication from Amanda Hope regarding No delay for bike lanes.

429. A communication from Anand Sundaram regarding Support PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

430. A communication from Anne Sundaram regarding Support PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

431. A communication from Annalisa Martinek regarding Please pass PO24#49 and PO24#50 without amendment.

432. A communication from Anoush O’Connor regarding In SUPPORT of PO24#49 and PO24#50.

433. A communication from Ara Ishanyan regarding In support of PO24#49 and PO24#50.

434. A communication from Arlene Chung regarding Support PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

435. A communication from Ashley G. Pittman regarding Please support PO24#51, also (belated) support PO24#49 and PO24#50.

436. A communication from Becky Sarah, regarding Please vote against the policy order to delay the bike lanes on Monday’s agenda.

437. A communication from Ben Adlam, regarding Recent policy order.

438. A communication from Ben Mazzotta, regarding Opposed to PO24#50.

439. A communication from Barbara Jakob regarding In Support of PO24#49 and PO24#50.

440. A communication from Barbara Rubel regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and PO24#50.

441. A communication from Bernice Buresh regarding PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

442. A communication from Blake Anderson regarding In Support of PO24#49 and PO24#50.

443. A communication from Carol Birnbaum regarding Vote Yes on PO24#49 and #50 without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

444. A communication from Carole Hirsch and Neville Traynor regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

445. A communication from Catalina Arboleda regarding PO24#49 and PO24#50.

446. A communication from Central Square Tenants regarding Prioritize Right to Counsel in Retaliatory Evictions.

447. A communication from Chris Molinero and Terry Allen regarding Support of city orders.

448. A communication from Christopher Wyllie regarding PO24#50.

449. A communication from Craig Kelley regarding Bike Lanes in Cambridge are dangerous.

450. A communication from Dan Jefferson regarding PO24#50: No, do not delay critical safety/liveability upgrades

451. A communication from Dan Totten regarding council goals should include afterschool.

452. A communication from Dan Totten regarding Oppose bike delay and zoning petition.

453. A communication from Daniel Santiago regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

454. A communication from Ben Rolsma, regarding Opposing CSO delay.

455. A communication from Daniel Sprague regarding PO24#50.

456. A communication from Bence Béky, regarding bicycles crashes can be prevented.

457. A communication from Deepak Singh regarding Vote for PO24#49 and PO24#50.

458. A communication from Carol Lee Rawn, regarding Strong Opposition to PO24#50.

459. A communication from Diana Yousef regarding Please pass PO24#49 and PO24#50 without amendment.

460. A communication from Emily Graham regarding Public comment for PO24#50 - CSO Delay.

461. A communication from Carol Weinhaus, regarding Support PO24#51.

462. A communication from Carolyn Fuller, regarding PO24#50 - Don’t delay safer streets.

463. A communication from Charles Franklin, regarding Comments for Monday.

464. A communication from Esme Martinek regarding Please pass PO24#49 and PO24#50 without amendment.

465. A communication from Charles Posner, regarding No delay in quick build bike lanes.

466. A communication from Gene Hull regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

467. A communication from Glenna Lang regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

468. A communication from Haig Inguilizian regarding In SUPPORT of PO24#49 and PO24#50.

469. A communication from Hayward Zwerling regarding Was in a bike/car crash in Cambridge on Mass Ave.

470. A communication from Jason Karlin regarding Against PO24#50.

471. A communication from Chenyue Lu, regarding safer streets for people on foot and bikes.

472. A communication from Jess Sheehan regarding Please do not delay life saving infrastructure.

473. A communication from Claire Silvers and Mark Feeney, regarding Proposal to delay Cambridge Bike Path work.

474. A communication from Jill S. regarding Please do not delay the implementation of safer streets.

475. A communication from Joel Weng regarding no delay on Cambridge bike safety!

476. A communication from Kathleen Clinton regarding PO24#49 and PO24#50.

477. A communication from Kesara Martinek regarding Please pass PO24#49 and PO24#50 without amendment.

478. A communication from Kevin Moses regarding No not delay the CSO implementation - Oppose PO24#50.

479. A communication from Clare Mathias, regarding Bike Projects.

480. A communication from Gregory Kolligian regarding Cambridge Bike Path.

481. A communication from Clyve Lawrence, regarding Clarifying and combating green gentrification.

482. A communication from Lee Farris regarding Residents Alliance support for PO #4 on PILOT.

483. A communication from Clyve Lawrence, regarding Harvard Crimson op-ed on bike lane delays.

484. A communication from Lee Jenkins regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

485. A communication from Conor Henrie, regarding Feedback on PO24#50.

486. A communication from Leontina o Pacheco regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and PO24#50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

487. A communication from Leontina o Pacheco and Albert Pacheco regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

488. A communication from Linda Moussouris regarding To the City Council: Please Pass PO24#49 and PO24#50 -- 4/8/24.

489. A communication from Lisa Sebell-Nevins regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

490. A communication from Luke Arnone regarding PO24#50.

491. A communication from Lynn Cetrulo regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

492. A communication from Mandy Katz regarding I love my kids: Don’t slow bike lane progress!

493. A communication from Dan Kibler-Stearns, regarding Opposition to Policy Order Regarding Suspension of Bike Lanes.

494. A communication from Margot Goodwin regarding PO24#49 and PO24#50.

495. A communication from Mark P. Rogers regarding PO24#50.

496. A communication from Martha Poehler regarding Support PO24#49 and PO24#50.

497. A communication from Mary Anne Carlson regarding Please vote yes on PO24#49 and #50 without amendment.

498. A communication from Mary Casey regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

499. A communication from Matthew Carter regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

500. A communication from Mike Volles regarding Support PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

501. A communication from Nancy Donohue regarding PO24#49 and #50.

502. A communication from Neil Goodwin regarding PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

503. A communication from Nike Tirman regarding 50 Garden Street Driveway CONTINUED HAZARD.

504. A communication from Nina Rubinstein Alonso regarding Please vote yes on PO24#49 and #50.

505. A communication from North Cambridge Business Community Association regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

506. A communication from Patrick Barton regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

507. A communication from Patrick Magee regarding Support PO24#49 and #50.

508. A communication from Paul DeRuzzo regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

509. A communication from Peter Lowber regarding City transportation.

510. A communication from Phillip Rinehart regarding Council - Please pass PO24#49 and #50 without amendment.

511. A communication from Pio Szamel regarding Don’t slow down or water down needed bike safety improvements.

512. A communication from Richard A. Diranian regarding In SUPPORT of PO24#49 and #50.

513. A communication from Robert Leigh regarding PO24#50 (Cycling Safety Ordinance).

514. A communication from Robert Sherman regarding Support PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

515. A communication from Ron Ayoub regarding Yes on PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

516. A communication from Sam Allon regarding Separated bike lanes needed on Cambridge St, Main St, Broadway.

517. A communication from Steve Dickman regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

518. A communication from Steve Garafalo regarding PO24#50.

519. A communication from Steve Moniak regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

520. A communication from Susan Callanan regarding I Support PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

521. A communication from Thomas Hayes regarding bike lanes.

522. A communication from Timothy Van Slyke regarding Please Do Not Delay Cambridge Street Safety Improvements.

523. A communication from University Wine Paul DeRuzzo regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

524. A communication from Victor Cromie regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and #50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

525. A communication from William John Melkonian regarding Bike Lane Policy Orders PO24#49 and #50.

526. A communication from Yasemin Isler regarding Support PO24#49 and PO24#50.

527. A communication from Zilda Castro regarding Vote YES on PO24#49 and PO24#50 Without Amendment and Support PO24#51.

528. A communication from Alex Wang regarding PO24#50.

529. A communication from Annalisa Martinek regarding Please vote YES on PO24#49, PO24#50 without amendment and POR2024 #50.

530. A communication from Bonnie Miller regarding PO24#50 extending the timeline to complete Cambridge Street Main Street and Broadway cycling lanes.

531. A communication from Carol Doyle regarding Fwd Delay of Separated Bike Lane Extension.

532. A communication from change:WATER Labs Inc regarding Please vote YES on PO24#49, PO24#50 without amendment.

533. A communication from Clare MacDonald regarding PO24#49.

534. A communication from Dan Totten regarding Please explain this inconsistency.

535. A communication from Daniel Santiago Cintron regarding PO24#50 extending the timeline to complete Cambridge Street Main Street and Broadway cycling lanes.

536. A communication from Deirdre Logan regarding PO24#50 extending the timeline to complete Cambridge Street Main Street and Broadway cycling lanes.

537. A communication from Diana Martinek regarding Please vote YES on PO24#49 and PO24#50 without amendment.

538. A communication from Douglas Bauer PO24#50 . Please vote YES on PO24#49 and PO24#50 without amendment.

539. A communication from Eric Cao regarding Please Vote to Not Delay CSO.

540. A communication from Esme Martinek regarding Please vote YES on PO24#49, PO24#50 without amendment.

541. A communication from Esther Dominguez regarding PO24#50 extending the timeline to complete Cambridge Street Main Street and Broadway cycling lanes.

542. A communication from Francis Bane regarding Policy orders for April 29th.

543. A communication from Gene Doyle regarding Fwd Delay of Separated Bike Lane Extension.

544. A communication from Grace Dane Mazur regarding PO24#50.

545. A communication from Helen Kobek regarding PO24#50 extending the timeline to complete Cambridge Street Main Street and Broadway cycling lanes.

546. A communication from Helen Snively regarding Please vote for PO24#50.

547. A communication from Irving Allen regarding PO24#50 extending the timeline to complete Cambridge Street Main Street and Broadway cycling lanes.

548. A communication from James Bertram regarding PO24#50.

549. A communication from James MacDonald, Jr. regarding PO24#49.

550. A communication from James Mahoney regarding Please Vote Yes on PO24#50.

551. A communication from Jeanne Petropoulos regarding PO24#50 extending the timeline to complete Cambridge Street Main Street and Broadway cycling lanes.

552. A communication from Jeff Peterson regarding PO24#50 extending the timeline to complete Cambridge Street Main Street and Broadway cycling lanes.

553. A communication from Jennifer Payette regarding PO24#50 extending the timeline to complete Cambridge Street Main Street and Broadway cycling lanes.

554. A communication from Jess Sheehan regarding a story about an Election Day crash; please don’t delay protected bike lanes.

555. A communication from Kesara Martinek regarding Please vote YES on PO24#49, PO24#50 without amendment.

556. A communication from Lisbeth Applebaum regarding PO24#49 and PO24#50.

557. A communication from Lynn Cetrulo regarding PO24#50.

558. A communication from M L. Philippides regarding PO24#50 extending the timeline to complete Cambridge Street Main Street and Broadway cycling lanes.

559. A communication from Marni Clippinger regarding PO24#50 extending the timeline to complete Cambridge Street Main Street and Broadway cycling lanes.

560. A communication from Mary Jane Kornacki regarding PO24#50 vote YES.

561. A communication from Mary Tittmann regarding Please vote NOT to delay new bike and pedestrian safety improvements in Cambridge.

562. A communication from Michael Buck regarding PO24#49 and PO24#50.

563. A communication from Monique Fischer regarding PO24#50 extending the timeline to complete Cambridge Street Main Street and Broadway cycling lane.

564. A communication from Naomi Garland regarding Please vote yes on PO24#49 and PO24#50.

565. A communication from Olivia Weisser regarding extending timeline to complete Cambridge St.

566. A communication from Quinton Zondervan regarding Fix our public parks right now - Cambridge Day.

567. A communication from Quinton Zondervan regarding City staff aren’t requesting delays on bike lanes - bad politics are - Cambridge Day.

568. A communication from Rich Goode regarding PO24#50.

569. A communication from Robert Harris regarding Please vote yes on PO24#49 and PO24#50 without amendment.

570. A communication from Robert J McGowan and Dianne Cabral regarding PO24#50.

571. A communication from Sheffield van Buren regarding PO24#50 extending the timeline to complete Cambridge Street Main Street and Broadway cycling lanes.

572. A communication from Shelley Barandes regarding PO24#50 extending the timeline to complete Cambridge Street Main Street and Broadway cycling lanes.

573. A communication from Susan Matthew regarding I support PO24#50 extending the timeline to complete Cambridge Street Main Street and Broadway cycling lanes.

574. A communication from Tania Maxwell and Chris Osborne regarding PO24#50.

575. A communication from William Graham PO24#50 extending the timeline to complete Cambridge Street Main Street and Broadway cycling lanes.

576. A communication from Young Kim regarding Traffic Congestion at Mass Ave Alewife Brook Pkwy Intersection.

577. A communication from Adam Berinsky regarding PO24#50 extending the timeline to complete Cambridge Street Main Street and Broadway cycling lanes.

578. A communication from Dan Sprague, regarding PO24#50.

579. A communication from Rashmi Dayalu regarding Bike safety in Cambridge.

580. A communication from Darrah Bowden, regarding Do not delay safety improvements - my life depends on it!

581. A communication from Chris Molinero and Terry Allen regarding PO24#50.

582. A communication from David Galambos, regarding Please reject PO24#50.

583. A communication from Rosemary Downer regarding Broadway cycling lanes.

584. A communication from David Gutierrez, regarding Please do not delay critical safety infrastructure in Cambridge Street.

585. A communication from David Hattis, regarding In Opposition to Policy Order 2 From April 8th’s City Council Meeting.

586. A communication from Demetri Harrington, regarding Bike lane safety.

587. A communication from Drew Volpe, regarding PO24#50 - bike lanes on Broadway.

588. A communication from Elizabeth Bartle, regarding DO NOT BAN OR DELAY BIKE LAND AND PEDESTRIAN SAFTEY!

589. A communication from Ellen Sarkisian, regarding support for PO24#51.

590. A communication from Emily Lee, regarding Please do not delay bike lane installation.

591. A communication from Eric Samson, regarding Bike Lanes on Cambridge Street.

592. A communication from Franton Lin, regarding Do not delay critical bike infrastructure.

593. A communication from Fraser Reichner, regarding PO24#50.

594. A communication from Gleb Bahmutov, regarding No delay in installing bike lanes (PO24#50).

595. A communication from Gloria Korsman, regarding PO24#50.

596. A communication from Grace Whitney, regarding PO24#50. Please do not delay bike lanes!

597. A communication from Barbara Rubel regarding PO24#50 Extending the timeline to complete Cambridge Street Main Street and Broadway cycling lanes.

598. A communication from Robin Weatherill regarding In support of no-delay bike lane construction.

599. A communication from O. Robert Simha regarding Private parking space rentals inlet of street or lot parking.

600. A communication from Catherine Wright regarding PO24#50 extending the timeline to complete Cambridge Street Main Street and Broadway cycling lanes.

601. A communication from Alison Ekizian regarding PO24#50 extending the timeline to complete Cambridge Street Main Street and Broadway cycling lanes.

602. A communication from Luis Mejias regarding Do not delay the Cambridge Safety Ordinance - PO24#50.

603. A communication from Bernice Buresh regarding PO24#49 and PO24#50.

604. A communication from Pamela Enders and Bob Weber regarding PO24#50 extending the timeline to complete Cambridge Street Main Street and Broadway cycling lanes.

605. A communication from Marcelo Marchetti regarding PO24#50 extending the timeline to complete Cambridge Street Main Street and Broadway cycling lanes

606. A communication from Catherine Coleman regarding PO24#50.

607. A communication from Jim Horan regarding Support PO24#50.

608. A communication from Eileen McCullough regarding Support PO24#50.

609. A communication from Annette Benedetto regarding Support PO24#50.

610. A communication from Shelagh Hadley regarding Support PO24#50.

611. A communication from Herb Wagner, regarding Cycling Safety Ordinance – Bike Lane Installation.

612. A communication from Jack Zalewski, regarding Don’t Delay Building Bike Lanes until 2025.

613. A communication from James Barker, regarding Bike Lanes.

614. A communication from James Mendelson, regarding Don’t delay bike lane progress.

615. A communication from Jared Kaczynski, regarding biking infrastructure installation and potential delays.

616. A communication from Jeremy Burns, regarding Please don’t delay safety infrastructure.

617. A communication from Jeremy Silverman & Mary Sutherland, regarding Support PO24#49, PO24#50, and PO24#51.

618. A communication from Jessica Kuh, regarding PO24#50.

619. A communication from Jim Bertram, regarding Support PO24#49 and PO24#50 and PO24#51.

620. A communication from Joan Magretta and William Margretta, regarding Support PO24#49 and PO24#50.

621. A communication from John Burkhardt, regarding PO24#50.

622. A communication from John Callerame, regarding Cycling Safety Ordinance -- Don’t delay it!

623. A communication from Jonathan Cohen, regarding Please do not amend the CSO to delay safe infrastructure.

624. A communication from Jonathan Haber, regarding PO24#50.

625. A communication from Juliana Cherston, regarding No delays to bike ordinance - accelerate forward!

626. A communication from Kaitlin Robinson, regarding Please Support Bike Lanes Now.

627. A communication from Kaleb Policy, regarding Order PO24#50.

628. A communication from Kathleen Moore, regarding No delays on bike lanes.

629. A communication from Kathryn Nassberg, regarding No more delays to the bike lane installations_ please!

630. A communication from Katie (Catherine) O’Connor, regarding Please do not delay bike lane installation.

631. A communication from Kevin Wilson, regarding Please don’t delay bike lanes.

632. A communication from Kim Huenink, regarding Please do not delay safe bike lanes in Cambridge!

633. A communication from Kristin Guyot, regarding Strong Opposition to PO24#50.

634. A communication from Larry Ward, regarding Bike lanes.

635. A communication from Lydia Sylla, regarding Opposition to PO24#50.

636. A communication from Magdalena Georgieva, regarding PO24#50.

637. A communication from Melanie Wachtell Stinnett, regarding Please move forward with the bike lanes planned for Cambridge Street ASAP.

638. A communication from Miah Ebels Duggan, regarding Comment PO24#50.

639. A communication from Miah Ebels Duggan, regarding Comment for 4/7/24 PO24#50.

640. A communication from Madeline Eiermann regarding Support PO24#50.

641. A communication from Sharon Black regarding Support PO24#50.

642. A communication from Susan Reed regarding I DO NOT Support PO24#50.

643. A communication from Lou Domenech regarding Support PO24#50.

644. A communication from Joan D Krizack regarding Support PO24#50.

645. A communication from Nike Tirman regarding SUPPORT PO24#50.

646. A communication from Amey Callahan regarding Support PO24#50.

647. A communication from Michael Mahoney, regarding Please Vote Down PO24#50.

648. A communication from Michael Whelan, regarding Do not delay on safer streets.

649. A communication from Nick Mcmullan, regarding Don’t delay Cambridge bike lanes!

650. A communication from Norman Daoust, regarding opposition to PO24#50 on 4/8/2024 City Council agenda.

651. A communication from Oliver Wunsch, regarding policy order about bike lanes.

652. A communication from Peter Kuhlmann, regarding PO24#50.

653. A communication from Phyllis Simpkins, regarding PO24#51.

654. A communication from Phyllis Simpkins, regarding Policy order re: TPT organize a community meeting - Appleton - Huron and neighboring streets dramatic traffic increase.

655. A communication from Preston Mueller, regarding Don’t delay bike lanes.

656. A communication from Quinton Zondervan, regarding Thank you for taking action at Cardinal Medeiros Ave.

657. A communication from Gregory Hassett regarding Support PO24#50.

658. A communication from Dorian Hardwick regarding Support PO24#50.

659. A communication from Robert King, regarding Protect Cambridge’s Bike Lane Network.

660. A communication from Cara Presseau regarding I support PO24#50.

661. A communication from Jeremy Silverman and Mary Sutherland regarding Support PO24#50.

662. A communication from Sebastian B. Spitz, regarding Don’t Delay Bike Lanes.

663. A communication from Shona Simkin, regarding Bike lanes--please don’t delay!

664. A communication from Franklin A. Reece regarding Support PO24#50.

665. A communication from Solon Gordon, regarding Please don’t delay bike lane installation.

666. A communication from Ann Dix regarding support for PO24#50.

667. A communication from Sonali Duggal, regarding Bike lanes.

668. A communication from Jean Kincleberger regarding PO#50 Please extend it!

669. A communication from Thouis (Ray) Jones, regarding Please don’t delay on bike lanes.

670. A communication from Anoush O’Connor regarding PO24#50 extending the timeline to complete Cambridge Street Main Street and Broadway cycling lanes.

671. A communication from Kate Labrador regarding Support PO24#50.

672. A communication from Adriane Bishko regarding Please Support PO24#50.

673. A communication from Susan Twarog regarding I Support PO24#50.

674. A communication from Harriet Ahouse regarding We need your support again.

675. A communication from David Ager regarding Support PO24#50.

676. A communication from Peter Littlefield regarding Support PO24#50.

677. A communication from Todd Chapin, regarding I support bike lanes on Cambridge Street and Broadway.

678. A communication from John Martin regarding Support PO24#50.

679. A communication from Mike Volles regarding Support PO24#50.

680. A communication from Gail Flynn regarding Support PO24#50.

681. A communication from Mark Hughes regarding Support PO24#50.

682. A communication from Susan Johansen regarding PO24#50.

683. A communication from Mark Steffen and Sharanya Iyer regarding Support PO24#50.

684. A communication from Stephen Helfer regarding PLZ APPROVE PO24#50.

685. A communication from Laura Buckley regarding VOTE AGAINST PO24#50.

686. A communication from Bill Kaplan regarding Please Support PO24#50.

687. A communication from Vanessa Ruget, regarding Support for PO24#51.

688. A communication from Percy Tzelnic regarding I support PO24#50.

689. A communication from Jero Nesson regarding PO24#50 Support.

690. A communication from Andrei Ignachkin regarding PO24#50 extending the timeline to complete Cambridge Street Main Street and Broadway cycling lanes.

691. A communication from Margaret Gerteis regarding Support PO24#50.

692. A communication from Rochelle H. Zapol regarding Support PO24#50.

693. A communication from Ara Ishanyan regarding PO24#50 extending the timeline to complete Cambridge Street Main Street and Broadway cycling lanes.

694. A communication from Beverly Flannery-Kucera regarding PO24#50.

695. A communication from José Estrela regarding Bike Lanes.

696. A communication from Kemp Dolliver regarding Support PO24#50.

697. A communication from Nancy Preis regarding PO24#50 extending the timeline to complete bicycling lanes.

698. A communication from David Ajemian regarding Support PO24#50.

699. A communication from Alida Castillo regarding Budget more $$$ for trees!.

700. A communication from Helen Walker regarding Support PO24#50.

701. A communication from Alison and Duncan Sanders-Fleming regarding funding tree protection in Cambridge and de-funding projects that kill or damage trees.

702. A communication from Scott Kilcoyne regarding Listen to Councilor Pickett and vote NO on PO #50.

703. A communication from Kelly S regarding Support PO24#50.

704. A communication from Sandy Huckleberry regarding Budget more $$$ for trees!.

705. A communication from Natali Freed regarding Support PO24#50.

706. A communication from Michael Massagli regarding Please note my support for PO24#50.

707. A communication from Alla Belubekian regarding PO24#50 extending the timeline to complete Cambridge Street Main Street and Broadway cycling lanes.

708. A communication from Reiley O’Connor regarding Support PO24#50.

709. A communication from Rebecca Ramsay regarding Trees help keep Cambridge cooler.

710. A communication from numerous individuals, regarding Petition signed by numerous individuals, total of 22 pages, in Support of PO24#50 relative to extending the deadline associated with the Cycling Safety Ordinance submitted by Councillor Toner, Councillor Pickett and Councillor Wilson.

711. A communication from Penelope Kleespies regarding Support PO24#50.

712. A communication from Emily Wieja regarding Support PO24#50.

713. A communication from John Hanratty regarding Policy Order 2024#50 Use real data to increase safety and not hurt people.

714. A communication from Beverly Mire regarding Yes on PO24#49 and #50 without amendment.

715. A communication from Jane Stoleroff regarding Please support the PO24#50.

716. A communication from Diana Yousef regarding Urging a YES vote on PO24#49 and PO24#50 without amendment.

717. A communication from Martha Poehler regarding Support for PO24#50.

718. A communication from Paul Lee regarding PO24#50 extending the timeline to complete Cambridge Street Main Street and Broadway cycling lanes.

719. A communication from Tracy and Jim regarding PO24#50.

720. A communication from Beth Gamse and Judy Singer regarding PO24#50 extending the timeline to complete Cambridge Street Main Street and Broadway cycling lanes.

721. A communication from Itamar Turner-Trauring regarding 549 emails in support of building separated bike lanes with no delay.

722. A communication from Edward Li regarding Cambridge Bike Safety Delays.

723. A communication from Jacob Stevens regarding Opposed to Bike Lane Delays.

724. A communication from Charles Hinds regarding Letter to Council from ECPT Regarding Lechmere Canal Park.

725. A communication from Tyler Etzel regarding Please prioritize Bike Lane improvements.

726. A communication from Phil Rinehart regarding Council - Please support Clr Toner’s PO24#50 re CSO timeline extension.

727. A communication from Bradfield Adam regarding Bike Lane Delay.

728. A communication from Gabe Malseptic regarding Support PO24#50.

729. A communication from Miriam Goldstein regarding Bike lanes on Cambridge Street are essential now!

730. A communication from Joe Connolly regarding Please DO NOT slow bike lane construction.

731. A communication from Downing Lu regarding Cycling Safety Now.

732. A communication from Kris Kellenberger regarding Bike Lanes Save Lives.

733. A communication from Matthew Eads regarding Bike lanes.

734. A communication from Michael Bane regarding PO24#50.

735. A communication from Dan Dietterich regarding Please keep me safe.

736. A communication from Vickey Bestor regarding Support PO24#50, Don’t believe the Misinformation.

737. A communication from Aušra Kubilius regarding SUPPORT PO24#50.

738. A communication from Nicholas Salamone regarding Bike lanes.

739. A communication from Calvin Kotrba regarding Cambridge Bike Lanes.

740. A communication from Anne Bane regarding PO24#50.

741. A communication from Mark Newhall regarding Bike Safety.

742. A communication from Ben Wakelin regarding Stop the Delay - Support Bicycle Infrastructure.

743. A communication from Anna Magracheva regarding Don’t Delay Putting in Bike Lanes.

744. A communication from Vanessa Azzone regarding Rescheduling Coffee Talk on Tues, Apr 23, 2024 at 10am.

1. Condolences on the death of Mary E. Walsh.   Councillor Toner

2. Congratulations to Judith Delaney on her retirement from the City of Cambridge.   Councillor Toner, Mayor Simmons

R-2     Apr 29, 2024

WHEREAS: The City Council has learned that Judith Delaney retired on Mar 16, 2024, after 47-plus years of dedicated service to the City of Cambridge; and

WHEREAS: Judy has been an Administrative Assistant with the Community Development Department for the past 38 years where she has been a valued member of the Fiscal Administration Team, ensuring the department employees were paid accurately and on time; and

WHEREAS: Judy has been a lifelong resident of our city, exemplifying the values and spirit of Cambridge through her unwavering commitment and service; and

WHEREAS: As an alumna of Cambridge Public Schools, Judy has maintained a strong connection to the community – becoming a friend to young and old, new and long-term residents, and embracing her neighborhood; and

WHEREAS: Judy will now have time to enjoy the things she loves such as gardening, going for long walks, and spending time with her family on the Cape; now therefore be it

RESOLVED: That the City Council go on record thanking Judith Delaney for her outstanding service and dedication and extends our deepest gratitude for her many years of work and wishes her all the best in her well-deserved retirement; and be it further

RESOLVED: That the City Clerk be and hereby is requested to forward a suitably engrossed copy of this resolution to Judith Delaney on behalf of the entire City Council.

3. Congratulations to Diane Zaferiou on her retirement from the City of Cambridge.   Councillor Toner, Mayor Simmons

4. Congratulations to the Cambridge Girls 8th Grade Pride Basketball Team on their 2023-2024 Championship.   Councillor Toner, Councillor Wilson

5. Condolences on the death of Walter McGinnity.   Councillor Toner

6. Congratulations to the Blue Bottle Independent Union.   Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor McGovern, Mayor Simmons

R-6     Apr 29, 2024

WHEREAS: It has come to the attention of the City Council that workers at five Blue Bottle Coffee locations in the region, including the two in the City of Cambridge, announced their union on Apr 3, 2024, calling it the Blue Bottle Independent Union, with the overwhelming majority of workers signaling support; and

WHEREAS: Because Blue Bottle Coffee did not voluntarily recognize their union, but still can, the baristas filed for an election on Apr 8, 2024 after walking out at noon; and

WHEREAS: The workers are fighting for a living wage, democratic control of the workplace, and harassment protections, which can only be achieved in a lasting and sustainable way through the formation of a union and the ratification of a union contract; now therefore be it

RESOLVED: That the City Council go on record congratulating the Blue Bottle baristas who make up the Blue Bottle Independent Union on going public earlier this month and wishing them luck on their election should Blue Bottle continue to not voluntarily recognize their union; and be it further

RESOLVED: That the City Clerk be and hereby is requested to forward a suitably engrossed copy of this resolution to the Blue Bottle Independent Union on behalf of the entire City Council.

7. Condolences on the death of Jason M. Down.   Councillor Toner

8. Condolences to the family of John Lawrence Pavia.   Mayor Simmons

9. Resolution in memory of Corporal Manuel John Pimentel.   Mayor Simmons

R-9     Apr 29, 2024

WHEREAS: During a recent excavation at the Lunga Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands, skeletal remains were determined to be those of Corporal Manuel John Pimentel, who was killed in action during World War II; and

WHEREAS: Manuel John Pimentel enlisted in the United States Marine Corps on Oct 11, 1939, and valiantly served with Company A, 1st Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, and he was killed in action on Sept 24, 1942, at Guadalcanal, demonstrating profound bravery and dedication to his country; and

WHEREAS: Following the end of hostilities, efforts to locate his remains in a Marine cemetery on the Island of Guadalcanal failed, and Corporal Manuel John Pimentel’s burial site remained undiscovered; and

WHEREAS: Corporal Pimentel was honorably memorialized on the Walls of the Missing at the Manila American Cemetery in the Philippines, ensuring that his memory and his sacrifice would not be forgotten; and

WHEREAS: Due to the recent excavations on Lunga Point at Guadalcanal, Corporal Pimentel’s were positively identified, thus enabling his long-awaited return to his family and a proper burial; and

WHEREAS: The nephew of Corporal Pimentel, named in his honor, played a critical role in confirming this identification, embodying the continued legacy and remembrance within the Pimentel family, and he shall at long last be laid to rest in Cambridge Cemetery at a special ceremony to be held on Apr 29, 2024; and

WHEREAS: Corporal Manuel John Pimentel was a cherished son of the late Joseph N. and Evangeline (Incarmecao) Pimentel, the dear brother of the late Harold and Joseph, and he is survived by many loving nieces and nephews; now therefore be it

RESOLVED: That the City Council go on record expressing its deepest condolences and profound respect for Corporal Manuel John Pimentel, who served his country with the utmost valor and sacrifice; and be it further

RESOLVED: That the City Clerk be and hereby is requested to forward a suitably engrossed copy of this resolution to the Pimentel family on behalf of the entire City Council.

10. Congratulations to Rev. John P. Tackney on his Golden Jubilee and celebrating 50 Years of Priesthood.   Councillor Toner

11. Condolences on the death of Edward Cornelius McGillicuddy.   Councillor Toner, Mayor Simmons

12. Congratulations to Firefighter Kevin F. Lawson on his retirement from the Cambridge Fire Department.   Councillor Toner, Mayor Simmons

13. In recognition of Nicole Horton-Stimpson for her service to DHSP and the City of Cambridge.   Vice Mayor McGovern

14. Resolution on the death of Alice Kidder.   Councillor Siddiqui, Councillor Wilson, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Nolan

15. Congratulations to Hector Perez on his retirement from the City of Cambridge.   Councillor Toner, Mayor Simmons

16. Condolences on the death of Joseph C. LoPresti.   Councillor Toner

17. Condolences on the death of Marie H. Rauscher.   Councillor Toner

18. Condolences on the death of Camillo DiPietrantonio.   Councillor Toner

19. Condolences on the death Norma A. (Crane) Dunn.   Councillor Toner

1. The Finance Committee held a public hearing on Mar 26, 2024 to receive a status update on ARPA funding in Cambridge, as well as to review and discuss the Police Department budget for FY25 before it is submitted to the City Manager, as required under Cambridge Municipal Code Chapter 2.74.040. [text of report]
[Tuesday] Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Present: Nolan, Pickett, Siddiqui, Simmons (late), McGovern (late)
Remote Present: Sobrinho-Wheeler, Wilson, Azeem (late), Toner (late)

2. The Health and Environment Committee held a public hearing on Mar 27, 2024 to discuss regional coastal flood resilience interventions required to address increased vulnerability due to climate change risk. [text of report]
[Tuesday] Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Present: Nolan, Sobrinho-Wheeler
Remote Present: Azeem, Siddiqui
Absent: Wilson

3. The Public Safety Committee held a public hearing on Apr 2, 2024 regarding the State of Policing in Cambridge, and safety in the community with an update from the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) report. [text of report]
[Tuesday] Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Present: McGovern, Pickett, Siddiqui, Toner, Wilson

4. The Transportation and Public Utilities Committee held a public hearing on Apr 10, 2024 to discuss how the City factors potential street congestion into street re-design, monitors and adjusts for street congestion (especially in newly reconfigured areas such as North Mass Ave., Garden Street, and Inman Square/Cambridge Street) and understand its impacts on residents, businesses, and public safety. In addition, the Committee will review and learn how the City is planning for potential impacts on Cambridge streets of DCR’s plan to reduce Memorial Drive from four lanes to two lanes between JFK Street and the Eliot Bridge. [text of report]
[Tuesday] Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Present: Pickett, Toner, Wilson, (Simmons)
Remote Present: Azeem, Sobrinho-Wheeler

5. The Government Operations, Rules, and Claims Committee held a public hearing on Apr 12, 2024 to discuss the 2024 City Manager’s Annual Goals and Review Process. [text of report]
[Tuesday] Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Present: McGovern, Pickett, Sobrinho-Wheeler, Toner, (Simmons, Siddiqui, Wilson)
Remote Present: Azeem

1. A communication from Diane LeBlanc, City Clerk, transmitting an update regarding legislative activity. (COF24#52)
[Tuesday] Placed on File 9-0

Mon, Apr 29
5:30pm   City Council Meeting

Tues, Apr 30
3:00pm   The Housing Committee will hold a public hearing on from 3:00pm-5:00pm to discuss the feasibility of municipally-funded housing vouchers as referenced in PO24#24.

Wed, May 1
3:00pm   The Human Service and Veterans Committee will hold a public hearing from 3:00pm-5:00pm to discuss the progress being made to bring universal afterschool to Cambridge. Public Comment will be allowed.

Thurs, May 2
1:30pm   The Economic Development and University Relations Committee will hold a public hearing with Harvard, MIT, and Lesley Universities to receive their “Town Gown” reports and to discuss current and potential programs and partnerships with the City.

Mon, May 6
5:30pm   City Council Meeting

Tues, May 7
9:00am   The Finance Committee will conduct a public hearing on the City and school budgets covering the fiscal period July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.

Wed, May 8
12:30pm   The Housing Committee will hold a public hearing on allowing multifamily housing in all neighborhoods of the City. (PO24#37)
6:00pm   The Finance Committee will conduct a public hearing on the City and school budgets covering the fiscal period July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.

Mon, May 13
5:30pm   City Council Meeting

Tues, May 14
9:00am   The Finance Committee will conduct a public hearing on the City and school budgets covering the fiscal period July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.

Thurs, May 16
9:00am   The Finance Committee will conduct a public hearing on the City and school budgets covering the fiscal period July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025 (if necessary).

Mon, May 20
5:30pm   City Council Meeting

Tues, May 21
3:00pm   The Ordinance Committee will hold a public hearing from 3:00pm-5:00pm to discuss Citizen’s Zoning Petition from Khalida Griffin-Sheperd, et al. to amend the Cambridge Zoning Ordinance in Section 11.206.1 and Subsections 11.206.1 and 11.206.2. (AP24#10)

Wed, May 22
11:00am   The Ordinance Committee will hold a public hearing from 11:00am-1:00pm to discuss a City Council Zoning Petition to amend the Cambridge Zoning Ordinance in Artiles 2.000, 4.000, 5.000, 6.000, 11.000, 13.000, 14.000, 17.000, 20.000, and 22.000. (AP24#12)

Tues, May 28
12:00pm   The Ordinance Committee will hold a public hearing from 12:00pm-2:00pm to discuss Citizen’s Zoning Petition from Joseph S. Ronayne et al. to amend the Cambridge Zoning Ordinance in Artiles 4, 5, and 8. (AP24#14)

Wed, May 29
11:30am   The Economic Development and University Relations Committee will hold a public hearing to follow up on its Sept 27, 2023 meeting on our recent Disparity Study focused on the procurement of goods and services. The purpose of the hearing is to receive an update from city staff on any progress made in developing strategies to reduce barriers and promote city efforts to contract with more minority and women owned businesses identified in the Disparity Study.
3:00pm   The Public Safety Committee will hold a public hearing from 3:00pm-5:00pm to receive a report and get updates from PRAB on general issues and the implementation of the Procedural Justice Data Board.

Mon, June 3
5:30pm   City Council Meeting

Tues, June 4
3:00pm   The Human Services and Veterans Committee will hold a public hearing from 3:00pm-5:00pm to receive an update from the City’s Opioid Task Force and local providers regarding the opioid crisis in Cambridge and current and future interventions.

Mon, June 10
5:30pm   City Council Meeting

Mon, June 17
5:30pm   City Council Meeting

Mon, June 24
5:30pm   City Council Meeting

O-1     Apr 29, 2024  Amended
WHEREAS: The City Council was deeply saddened at learning of the death of Paul Ryder on Feb 26, 2024; and
WHEREAS: Retiring in 2016 as the Recreation Director with the City of Cambridge after 34 years of dedicated commitment to the City of Cambridge and its residents, Paul made positive impacts on the lives of so many, be it his leadership for the preservation of Fresh Pond Reservation, Thomas P. O’Neill Golf Course, Cambridge City Run Road Race, Camp Smile, The Cambridge Program, Special Olympics, The Universal Design Playground Project, and Boston Marathon volunteer to name a few; now therefore be it
ORDERED: That the City Council go on record requesting that The Thomas P. ONeil/Fresh Pond Municipal Golf Course Club House be formally named the “Paul Ryder Golf Club House” in dedication to Paul’s years of service and dedication to the City of Cambridge.

O-2     Apr 29, 2024
ORDERED: That the Executive Assistant to the City Council confer with the Dedication Committee to consider a request for a dedication in a suitable location to honor Mafalda “Muffie” Gargano; now therefore be it
ORDERED: That the City Clerk be and hereby is requested to forward this order to the Dedication Committee for their review and approval.

O-3     Apr 29, 2024  Adopted as amended by Nolan and Sobrinho-Wheeler
WHEREAS: The Democracy Center meetinghouse in Cambridge is an important institution that has served as a hub for cultural and organizing groups from across greater Boston for many years; and
WHEREAS: It has recently come to the attention of this City Council that the owners of the Democracy Center meetinghouse – the Foundation for Civic Leadership – have announced plans for the indefinite closure of shared office and meeting spaces due to a change in the organization; and
WHEREAS: Many organizations depend on this space for their core operations or as an essential meeting space, including Better Future Project, New England Bangladeshi American Foundation, Neighbor Program Cambridge, The Black Response, Cambridge HEART, One Fair Wage, The Activist Supply Closet, SubDrift Boston, Boston Area Liberation Medics, DeeperThanWater, Grow to Consume, and Cambridge Community Fridge; and
WHEREAS: Because of the dearth of affordable options for community meeting spaces in Cambridge and greater Boston, the closure of the Democracy Center meetinghouse would be especially challenging; and
WHEREAS: In two community meetings, hundreds of community members, previous users of the meetinghouse, and staff from nonprofits that currently rent space expressed their concern about the suddenness of the announcement, lack of clarity on rationale, and if or when the spaces would reopen; and
WHEREAS: Staff from the Democracy Center have organized three meetings with community members and had individual meetings with tenants of the building. Staff are trying to identify alternative office space for community groups and are requesting assistance from other organizations in Cambridge that may have available space
; now therefore be it
RESOLVED: That the City Council go on record requesting that the Foundation for Civic Leadership reconsider their plans for the Democracy Center meetinghouse and continue to meet with the affected organizations and organizers to reach a suitable resolution; and be it further
RESOLVED: That the City Clerk be and hereby is requested to forward a suitably engrossed copy of this resolution to FCL on behalf of the entire City Council.

Proposed amendment (Sobrinho-Wheeler) at the bottom of the Whereases:
WHEREAS: Staff from the Democracy Center have organized three meetings with community members and had individual meetings with tenants of the building. Staff are trying to identify alternative office space for community groups and are requesting assistance from other organizations in Cambridge that may have available space; and

O-4     Apr 29, 2024  Charter Right - Toner
WHEREAS: Over the last week in the City of Cambridge, students of Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have joined a growing student movement at campuses across the country of peaceful assemblies gathering to protest the ongoing atrocities in Gaza, including at Tufts, Emerson, Columbia, NYU, Brown, USC, UC-Berkeley, UNC Chapel Hill, Yale, UT Austin, Emory University, the University of Minnesota, and the University of Michigan; and
WHEREAS: These peaceful assemblies reflect the diversity of their respective campuses, including large Muslim and Jewish contingents, and are united in their opposition to the Israeli assault on Gaza; and
WHEREAS: Universities elsewhere, including Columbia, NYU, Yale, USC, Emory, Northeastern, Emerson, and UT Austin, have staged violent crackdowns on these peaceful protests, calling police on their students and faculty, and arresting and suspending hundreds for exercising their constitutional rights; and
WHEREAS: The City of Cambridge is obliged by law and conscious to uphold the freedoms of speech and peaceful assembly safeguarded by the Constitutions of the United States and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; and
WHEREAS: The Public entrusts a proportion of their authority and wealth to the Cambridge Police Department in order to fairly, impartially, transparently, and consistently protect the Public, maintain the peace, and enforce the restrictions and rights of the law; and
WHEREAS: An institution of higher learning’s ability to enforce its code of conduct, resolve internal discord, and achieve a desired public image is not a prerogative of the Public, nor the law enforcement officers it has deputized; and
WHEREAS: The use of local law enforcement to resolve these and similar forms of internally defined dysfunction is inherently an imposition on the Public, which in the context of demonstrations or expression of a political nature, may cause the Public to suffer a breach of constitutional liberties thereby exposing the City of Cambridge to costly litigation, damages, and disrepute; now therefore be it
RESOLVED: That the City Council go on record urging the City Manager and the administrators of MIT and Harvard to respect the rights of students to advocate for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, and to protest the complicity of their academic institutions and government with the atrocities being endured by the people of Gaza.

24-8. Report on the recommendations for the refinement and improvement of the housing permitting process to the City Council, with a focus on reducing delays, minimizing costs, and enhancing clarity and accessibility for all stakeholders.
Councillor Azeem, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Nolan (O-1) from 2/26/2024

24-13. Report on meeting with the MBTA and City of Boston in advance of the July Red Line shutdown about the implementation of a fare-free 1 bus program.  See Mgr #16
Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Siddiqui, Councillor Azeem, Vice Mayor McGovern (O-4) from 3/18/2024

24-14. Report on the determination of what measures, if any, can be taken to mitigate the noise impacts of waste management disposal operations on residents in the North Point District while remaining compliant with existing legal requirements.
Mayor Simmons (O-6) from 3/18/2024

24-15. Report back to the City Council with recommendations for adjusting parking permit fees to better align with associated costs.
Councillor Nolan, Councillor Azeem (O-9) from 3/18/2024

24-16. Report back on developing ways to fund support of decarbonization and clean energy projects and technical assistance for property owners of all types especially those with limited resources, with an initial focus on work associated with BEUDO emissions reduction requirements.
Councillor Nolan, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Pickett, Councillor Siddiqui (O-10) from 3/18/2024

24-17. Report on whether the City Council could add maximum lot area per dwelling unit, maximum setback requirements, and minimum floor area ratios in some districts or as part of an overlay in the Zoning Ordinance and whether the City Council could require a special permit for a down conversion in developments that would result in a net loss of housing units.
Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Wilson, Councillor Nolan (Calendar Item #1) from 3/25/2024

24-18. Report on zoning language that effectively promotes multi-family housing, including income-restricted affordable housing with the goal of having viable housing for everyone especially lower-income residents.
Councillor Azeem, Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Siddiqui (Calendar Item #2) from 3/25/2024

24-19. Report on whether the City could provide incentives for residents who do not have cars.
Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Nolan (O-4) from 3/25/2024

24-20. Report on proposed near-term amendments to the Parking and Transportation Demand Management Ordinance and the Zoning Ordinance to allow flexibility for property owners to share off-site parking with nearby properties, if necessary, to mitigate the loss of parking resulting from the installation of separated bicycle facilities due to implementation of the Cycling Safety Ordinance.  See Mgr #17
Councillor Toner, Councillor Pickett, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Siddiqui (O-1) from 4/8/2024

24-21. Report on a community meeting held with residents of Appleton and surrounding streets in the Huron and Brattle Street neighborhoods to review their findings and discuss options for addressing the neighbors’ concerns, including the possibility of restricting traffic entering from the Brattle onto Appleton Street from the hours of 3-7pm.
Councillor Toner, Councillor Pickett, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Siddiqui (O-3) from 4/8/2024