Committee Report #2     Feb 10, 2020

Called to Order at 5:30 PM

The Ordinance Committee will reconvene its hearing on the Alexandria Grand Junction Pathway Overlay District

Present: Carlone, Mallon, McGovern, Nolan, Siddiqui, Simmons, Sobrinho-Wheeler, Toomey, Zondervan

Councillor Dennis Carlone 04:12
Welcome everyone, it's 5:30 and we'll begin having a quorum present consisting of Mayor Siddiqui, on my left, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Simmons, Councillor McGovern, excuse me, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Sabrinho-Wheeler, and myself Councillor Carlone. I am co-chair of the Ordinance Committee with my co-chair Councillor McGovern. The meeting is now called to order. The call of the meeting is as follows: an Ordinance Committee will reconvene its hearing on Alexandria Grand Junction Pathway overlay district, a refiling zoning petition has been received, from Joseph T McGuire from Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc. transmitting a proposed revised amendment to the zoning ordinance, ordinance by creating the Grand Junction pathway overlay district. In your package are also communications received from Pamela van Dort and Jose Louie Rojas representing the Linden Park residents as far as their attitude on the, on the, moving the petition forward. As well as a communication from Michelle Lower regarding an updated version of the commitment letter. And I'm sure we'll talk about all of that in the course of this meeting. This hearing is being audio and video recorded and audio copied by the presses as well. There is an attendee and speaker sign-up sheet right where Jason is now signing up behind the rail. If a member of the public does not wish to speak, please indicate "no" on the speaker signup sheet. If members of the public have written comments, even if you speak, please submit them. Even if you don't speak, please submit them in the basket right at the center. by the railing guard.

Councillor Dennis Carlone 06:44
I've been corrected. There is no public comment because the meeting is continued from the last meeting. Although, as I've said, we've received written comment. I apologize for that. But we can accept written comments. Yeah.

Councillor Dennis Carlone 07:09
So, the format of the hearing will be as follows: the petitioner will be heard first, followed by City staff, public comment. And then the Ordinance Committee will go into some detail discussing the merits of the petition and as to its movement forward or staying in committee. There will be a period of time for the council to ask some clarifying questions. But we won't be doing it in the order that we've done before. Since I began the introduction, we've also joined by Councillor Toomey on my right and we welcome him at the conclusion of the hearing. We will make a decision as we vote on it, so whether to refer this to the full Council, or keeping it in committee, as I said earlier. So, I want to thank everyone for being here. We're going to begin with the petitioner with their update. Please come to the table. Mr. McGuire and please introduce your whole team although by now we probably know their middle names, not only their full names. Welcome.

Joseph McGuire, Senior Vice President, Alexandria Real Estate Equities 08:45
Good evening or afternoon Chairman Carlone and Mark McGovern, Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui, and fellow councillors. We're here tonight with Michelle Lower, who’s going to do a presentation after I give an introduction, Tom Andrews, as well, the regional leader, and Robert Fitzpatrick, our attorney. This is the third time that Alexandria has filed this zoning petition. Our first petition for 325 Binney Street was filed in December of 2018. Since that time, we've had more than 35 public meetings, we've spent numerous meetings with, with both Linden Park residents and the East Cambridge Planning Team to craft a better petition. I would like to thank Pamela Van Dort, Jose Luis Rojas and Lena Procera for taking the time and effort to meet with us to forge a better project by shaping the proposed architecture. We've also had at least five meetings with the Planning Board on this proposed zoning petition. I am pleased to state that on the November 19th meeting, that the majority of the board members with one abstaining member agreed that the proposal at improved from the original iteration due to the reductions in the proposed height and scale the development that would be enabled. The board appreciated the petitions concerted discuss, discussions with, with a neighboring residents as well as the petition, petitioner is ongoing effort to resolve issues related to abutting property. Some of the concerns previously expressed by the board members were, were addressed by a detailed commitment letter describing community, community benefits and resources but developing the planned to Grand Junction pathway. I would like to remind all that that due to the holiday in February and the March Council schedule, that to enable this zoning petition. We're asking the Ordinance committee to forward the petition to its February 10th meeting for a reading. At the Council's pleasure, the zoning petition, you would need to have a Second Reading. And that could occur either on February 24 or March 2 based on the Council's schedule. I thank you and I want to now yield to Michelle Lower who will present our proposal for the zoning petition.

Michelle Lower, Vice President, Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. 11:22
Thanks, Joe, and Good evening, everybody. Thank you to all the Councillors, Mayor Siddiqui, Co-Chair Carlone. Thank you everybody for having us here again tonight. My name is Michelle Lower. I'm a vice president of real estate development and community relations at Alexandria. Absolutely privileged to be working on this project for 12 to 15 months with the number of, as Joe mentioned, a number of the neighbors. A lot of people have put a lot of time into that and we really can't thank everyone enough for it. Since we have been here for so long, there are very few changes. I will point out the substantive changes in the presentation. There are a few changes here. So, I do recognize there are two new councillors, welcome. And so please feel free to interject at any time. Otherwise I am going to run through pretty quickly unless there are other questions or anything else from any of the councillors, so please feel free. Excuse me.

Michelle Lower, Vice President, Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. 12:22
So, how have we gotten to where we are, as Joe mentioned, this is our third refiling here. We originally started with two buildings of 120 feet in height. We are now down to 90 feet along the Binney Street side and 60 feet along the back. We have also limited our rooftop mechanical penthouse to 25 feet in height as well. Commitment letter benefits. This is where we do have a new change in here. We discussed it at the December 10 Ordinance Committee meeting. And you can see on the third bullet, so not only are we committing for the $12.92 million for that purchase of the Eversource site. We are also saying if that does not happen, that money will go to the city for funds there for community benefits as well. So that is something that we have submitted language for in the, in the commitment letter. So, you can see the other changes. Excuse me the other benefits that we have here, we've moved the timing of the conveyance of the Grand Junction Grand Junction pathway land to 90 days after a special permit. And we also have committed for the One Kendall Square garage site to not exceed any new development there, the existing height and massing. Quickly reviewing what, why we call it the Grand
Junction Greenway multi use path. This is something that the city has been talking about for more than 10 years. It's a very exciting opportunity that we have here, as our benefit would be 1,800 linear feet making a connection of an off street multi-use pathway between Binney Street and Cambridge street connecting Cambridge Street to Kendall Square off street.

Michelle Lower, Vice President, Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. 14:05
You can see this is a view looking southward from Cambridge Street, where the yellow box is looking down towards Binney street just showing the actual area where it would be the yellow, excuse me, the yellow area is 14 feet wide, and that is the strip that we would be conveying to the city. This is a beautiful building that we are the proud owners of and can't wait to give it to the City or knock it down and then give it to the city. You can see just for orientation, Loyal Nine, the cafe is on the left. This is 686 Cambridge Street, which we can't wait until it looks like this, a real pocket park opportunity here. A gateway into the Grand Junction pathway, think Linear Park up in North Cambridge. A nice area really to invite people into, excuse me, the multi-use path from Cambridge Street down moving southwards toward Kendall Square. Here you can see this is just an overview of what our actual parcel is. Excuse me, there, it is currently zoned to the left IA-1, industrial A one, the right is residential C-1. These are the attachments that went with our actual zoning petition. The hatched area in brown is, shows the site which it's hard to see because you can't really zoom in. But we have both what we like to call the Oklahoma shaped piece as well as the strip that goes all the way to, from Binney Street to Cambridge Street. I will also note the land area in the along the 1,800 linear feet is not included in our FAR calculations. Just a highlight here of the community benefits that we are proposing, highlighted by the land conveyance of the Grand Junction pathway, the design and construction funds of $11.25 million for the pathway. $13 million for a commitment to purchase the Eversource land or for funds to go to the City as well as more than 1000 permanent jobs, incentive zoning incentive, excuse me, incentive zoning funds, as well as substantial real estate taxes.

Michelle Lower, Vice President, Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. 16:17
This we just like to we have updated this one. We have had 35 meetings; we've had two central last time we were here. As recently as yesterday morning at the East Cambridge Business Association. It has been a wonderfully collaborative process that a lot of people have put a lot of time into and we really can't thank people enough for that. This is a real depiction of where we started in the pink highlighted area to where we are now which is in the light gray and the darker gray. Just also as a note, as a reminder, when we have done all of our studies, whether they be view studies or shadow studies, we have always made a point to do it with the mechanical penthouse height that we are proposing. So originally, you can see the box on top of the, the area that was originally at 120 feet. Included, what we assumed back then was a 40-foot penthouse. Whereas what we're showing now is a 25-foot penthouse on top of the 95-foot built in, excuse me, 90-foot building that we're showing on the southern portion of the site, that on, in that 60-foot building on the northern portion of the site. How did we get there? Both through a lot of meetings with a lot of community members, a lot of invested parties, but we also really did a did a thorough job of looking at the context of the site. Where it is both as well as the top of the occupied floor, which is by definition, the height of a building in zoning, as well as the top of all the penthouses in the immediate area. And we really feel we've developed a better building over these 12 to 15 months, but also a building that fits and really works for the site. You can see here the blue line running up and down in the, in the image shows that, denotes on the left-hand side is the industrial on A-1 zoned area to the right is the C-1 residential area. As you can see there will be no commercial development within the residential district. The entire building is in the industrial area. And we got there through zoning language. We have, excuse me, a transition zone, we have the Binney street zone, which is the taller area, the 90-foot height, the transition zone in the middle and then we've remained, we've kept the base stoning to the right in the C-1 district. And we just have these in here as well. These are sun studies. Others call them shadow studies of the building that we are proposing. You can see the shadow or shade of our building is in blue. It does not cast new shadows on any buildings in, at any time of year, this is the winter solstice. So, I don't know if I beat my 14-minute presentation from December 10. But, um, if there are any questions, that's what we had. Thanks.

Councillor Dennis Carlone 19:16
Council. Any questions on the presentation? Yes, Councillor Nolan, please.

Councillor Patricia Nolan 19:27
Thank you. I may ask questions that are, those naive, and I should know the answer to? But I don't. So, I'll ask them. This... I'm really glad to hear about the work with the neighbors. We have heard that too. So, I'm thrilled that you worked with them very closely. And we have gotten a number of letters of support. So, I want to thank you for that, especially as a new councillor, it's really good to be able to step into this feeling that there's been that kind of collaborative work. I think my question is, it looks great on the C-1, the current residential portion if after this is done, whether it be deed restricted that it will never be anything other than green space, because currently even in a C-1, you would be allowed a certain amount of .75 FAR and probably a, you know, 35 feet. So, I'm just curious as to how this works in the future, does this whole proposal end up meaning that that does not have the potential, if 10 years from now you decide to build it out. You will not be able to do that without coming back? If that makes sense. And maybe it's not even a question for you. Maybe it's a question for...

Councillor Dennis Carlone 20:31
Perfectly fine, please respond.

Michelle Lower, Vice President, Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. 20:35
Thank you. And so, it is the way that our current zoning proposal is written is the industrial A-1, 130,697 square feet will be at a zoning of 2.5 and we will be taking the 60,839 square feet from the C-1 district and using that at the 1.25. So, we will be transferring that FAR for a total of just over 402,000 square feet. So, there will be no development rights left on the C-1 district.

Councillor Patricia Nolan 21:11
That... I hope that would be the case. But that means it just because there's, these aren't joint parcels that cannot be separated in the future to... there's no development rights left on that, it has to be open and green.

Attorney Robert Fitzpatrick 21:26
That's correct. I was just flipping through the zoning to locate the passage that notes that with the transfer of the development rights, the area in the residential zone will be utilized for open space.

Councillor Patricia Nolan 21:44
Right? Because right now, obviously, the C-1 has, you're going up to 90 feet plus the 20. And it's currently at what otherwise your usual IA-1 is 45 feet. And this has now been increased partly because of the transfer from the residential.

Attorney Robert Fitzpatrick 21:58

Councillor Patricia Nolan 22:01
I think that was the only question I had for now.

Councillor Dennis Carlone 22:06
You will have an opportunity to ask during the discussion. Councillor Zondervan let me just see if Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler has any questions for... Okay. Thank you, Councillor Zondervan.

Councillor Quinton Zondervan 22:20
Thank you, Mr. Chair. And through you, I was very heartened to see the change in the commitment letter to guarantee the 13 million if you're unable to purchase the Eversource land. So, thank you for that. And following on to Councillor Nolan's question. If you were able to purchase that land, then it wouldn't fall under this restriction that you just mentioned, because you're not currently... You don't have any development rights on it, obviously. So, are you prepared to make any guarantees about that portion if you were able to purchase it?

Attorney Robert Fitzpatrick 23:00
It's... Councillor. It's our intent that this land be given to the city. After that, once we have acquired it, so the city would do with it what it would like. That's, that's our intent. We'd like to see it be open space, open space if possible. I know some of the neighbors have talked about that being able to have a soccer field.

Councillor Quinton Zondervan 23:27
Thanks. That sounds great. I guess, if you could put that in your commitment letter in whatever is the appropriate language so that we know that. Thank you.

Councillor Dennis Carlone 23:42
Excuse me. Any other questions from council? No. Councillor Nolan.

Councillor Patricia Nolan 23:47
I found my other question. And again, this may have already been gone over and I missed it. In the commitment letter. It states that there's a commitment, any new development on One Kendall Square garage site shall not exceed that again. Is that written into code? So, there was there's no possibility that any, in the future that could ever be changed.

Attorney Robert Fitzpatrick 24:08
That commitment is not included in the zoning petition. It's contained in the commitment letter between Alexandria in the city and as an enforceable committed commitment by Alexandria, the petitioner.

Councillor Patricia Nolan 24:22
Great, thank you.

Councillor Dennis Carlone 24:25
Vice Mayor, please.

Vice Mayor Alanna Mallon 24:27
Thank you, Mr. Chair through you. To the team. I just wanted to first of all say thanks for including my comment from the last Ordinance committee hearing around what happens to the $13 million should Alexander I fail to be able to purchase that piece of property from Eversource. I did notice that there is a, will contribute $12.292 million dollars to the city to insert purpose slash funding recipient here, will we need to determine what that is prior to us passing this finally or... I want to understand how...

Attorney Robert Fitzpatrick 25:08

Vice Mayor Alanna Mallon 25:08
Okay, yes. So, we need to determine that before we pass this zoning and commitment letter.

Attorney Robert Fitzpatrick 25:13
That's correct. We left it, left it open, because it was an item that Alexandria had not yet discussed with the city, with the intention that the discussions would occur, and we could fill in the blank.

Vice Mayor Alanna Mallon 25:26
Okay. Hopefully we will not have to use this. But we, I guess we'll have discussions about what that would be just to be able to finalize this commitment letter and pass this zoning. Thank you.

Councillor Dennis Carlone 25:38
Thank you. So, we will move on to city staff’s presentation or comments on the petition. If there is anything new, there isn't anything new. I'm seeing, I'm seeing Mr. Robert, stand up. Welcome, Jeff.

Jeffrey Roberts, Director of Zoning and Development 25:56
Thank you all just very quickly, I don't think there's any update from us since the last meeting, but just a reminder that the Planning Board heard this and communicated a positive recommendation to the council.

Councillor Dennis Carlone 26:08
Thank you. So, unless there are questions about the Planning Board's comments, I will now open up to public. No, we don't have public comment tonight because this is a continuation of a previous meeting. So, it's the Ordinance Committee is now opened to discuss the merits. Any further questions? Councillor Mallon.

Vice Mayor Alanna Mallon 26:39
Thank you, Mr. Chair. I think I have some burning questions regarding Eversource and the status of a potential move to another site. I understand and can see Mr. Reardon here. We received a letter from the City Manager today talking about some process stuff and some outlines. I'm just curious is this now the part of me We'll talk about that.

Councillor Dennis Carlone 27:01
Yes. And thank you for bringing that up.

Councillor Dennis Carlone 27:10
Please continue.

Vice Mayor Alanna Mallon 27:12
Thank you. Welcome, Mr. Reardon, I would just like to you to briefly run through where we are with the Eversource potential move and what the challenges and roadblocks are. I think there was some language that I had questions about, which was that this move would happen if certain other milestones are met. And I was wondering if you could speak to what those milestones might be when they might happen and when will that be required?

Robert Reardon 27:50
Through you, Mr. Chair. The manager sent out that communication today to say that basically, we, there has been a site identified by Eversource. They've done the work preliminarily on the site to say that it would be potentially a site they could use for a substation. So, they could move it from the Fulkerson Street site to this site. Part of that agreement is between two private parties. They're still working out final discussion points on how this would happen, what would be necessary to do and we're hoping that within a very relatively short period, hopefully, by the end of the month, there'll be a further explanation of what this agreement would require from both parties to move forward. This will allow, again, Eversource has been very helpful in doing this the community, the business community in East Cambridge, the neighbors in East Cambridge have been very helpful. We've gathered a lot of data to try to find a site that we think will work for the best interest of the neighborhood, and that the business community again, feels, you know, will serve their needs, and they will be contributing to it to get this project done.

Robert Reardon 29:13
Because it's a degree to improve private parties. It's difficult to say exactly what's going on, because it's, again, negotiation. But we feel at this point that enough has been determined that this is a very viable process they're going through and it should not take much too much longer for them to finalize what they think is acceptable to both parties to move forward.

Vice Mayor Alanna Mallon 29:39
Thank you for that in Alexandria's original comment, opening comments today, Joe McGuire mentioned that he was hoping to have this passed by the Council on the 24th. I might be having my dates incorrectly, but you are saying, we may know in a relatively short period of time by the end of this month. Are we going to know before we are passing the zoning? I'm assuming that somebody isn't just giving us a piece of land or giving Eversource a piece of land. That somebody's not magnanimously giving a piece of land, there might be something that we might need to do. And so, I feel like we need to have as much information as possible. And I understand that this is a deal between two private parties and everything's very tenuous. I just want to make sure we were going to have all the information we need to actually make a final vote on this.

Robert Reardon 30:33
The intent is to have outlined a the all the parameters that would be required to move this. So, you would have fully understood what would take place. One part is again the Alexandria buying the piece from Eversource of that land because again, as a public utility, they can't lose money on selling it. So, to make sure that, that would be made whole, that would be done... That money that would be contributed to the site, the new site going forward. So, everything that would be required as part of this arrangement to move it would be outlined at that point. So, you'd have a full understanding of what the benefits are. Now you are correct it, no one could afford to give that type of piece of land for nothing. And again, moving this has been very difficult. But again, the end of the day, you should have a full understanding of what's being passed, what would be required in order for this to move forward.

Councillor Dennis Carlone 31:32
Just a quick update on that. A second reading would have to be approved by the dates that were mentioned. The petition concludes on March 9. Granted, it's only an extra week or two beyond the dates who said but there is ample time. There's a little more time to get what Mr. Reardon is suggesting we'll have by then.

Vice Mayor Alanna Mallon 32:02
Okay, thank you. And I just wanted to say the petition expires, on what date?

Councillor Dennis Carlone 32:09
March 9th.

Vice Mayor Alanna Mallon 32:09
March 9th. Okay. Thank you. And thank you for all of your work in pulling together this tremendously difficult game of pulling people together and making sure that all the pieces fit together. I know, it has not been easy. I just want to express my fears that we won't know all of the information that we need to know, to pass this...

Robert Reardon 32:34
Through you, Mr. Chair. The whole intent of today was to announce that we thought we were very close because, again, not to surprise anyone at this point. It is our now intent is to work on a statement that would it be agreed on by legal counsel and both parties and so that it's clear what this transaction would be requiring to move forward. So again, you know, and they don't want to identify the site until they finally do all that. So, but we wouldn't have the city manager would not have made that announcement today, if we didn't feel we were very, very close to getting something to you in writing that you are going to review and, again, make sure it's in the best interest of all concerned that we move forward, if that's the ultimate desire the council.

Vice Mayor Alanna Mallon 33:18
Okay, thank you. I yield the floor.

Councillor Timothy Toomey 33:20
Mr. Chair?

Councillor Dennis Carlone 33:21
Thank you, Councillor Zondervan.

Councillor Quinton Zondervan 33:24
Thank you, Mr. Chair, and through you. My gratitude as well to Mr. Rearden for all your efforts on making this happen. It's very hopeful, and I'm very optimistic that we will find the solution. And that being said, I'm also skeptical and concerned because short of having a signed purchase and sale agreement between Eversource and Alexandria for that site. We won't have a guarantee that this is going to move. And all the parties can be well intentioned and moving forward in good faith. Nonetheless, it's possible that we approve this up-zoning and March. And then a few months down the road, the deal falls apart for legitimate reasons. And Eversource says, Oh, well, we have to build it over there. So, I am concerned about that sequence of events. And I know you may not have a lot to say to that tonight, but I just want to make sure that, that, that's out there so that people understand that, you know, we do need a pretty high level of guarantee to be comfortable, at least I do, to be comfortable moving this petition forward. Not tonight but when we are ultimately voting on it.

Robert Reardon 34:59
To Councillor Zondervan through the Ordinance Chair. That has been a very big concern of ours. We are working very closely to make sure that those questions are answered that anything that comes forward, there is as much guarantee as possible in any agreement that we could go forward. We were not taking this on. You know, we've asked their attorneys to sit down, negotiate and make sure that we've handled all those, and that's been part of the process. So fully understand your concern. And those are our concerns also, as we've gone through this process.

Councillor Quinton Zondervan 35:33
Great, thanks. I really appreciate that. And I also will add that I still want to see the land transferred sooner. And, you know, as I mentioned earlier, there should be some provision in the letter of commitment about transferring the Eversource land, if indeed that's the intent, and the purchase, succeed to the city. Because, you know, even as it's written now, we could still be waiting for several years before we could even begin planning, let alone construction of the Grand Junction pathway.

Robert Reardon 36:13
Through the Ordinance chair to Councillor Zondervan. That has also been discussed about setting dates and making sure that we're moving as quickly as possible. And so, they're not waiting again to the future for some, you know, an occupancy permit or something like that to move it as quickly as possible. So, once this clarity in that it's been agreed upon. So those have the issues have been discussed, I can assure you and they're trying to work out logistically how that would happen and what's the easiest way for it to work.

Councillor Quinton Zondervan 36:43
Great, thank you.

Councillor Dennis Carlone 36:44
Thank you, Councillor Toomey.

Councillor Timothy Toomey 36:46
Thank you, Mr. Chair. First, I just want to point of information to remind everyone that Monday March 9th meeting has been cancelled, so the councillors can attend the National League of Cities convention. So, we should keep that in mind that we're not going to be March 10. We can always hold a special meeting the week before. But I just want to remind people of the time sensitivity of this issue. But I will say that I do have a very high level of confidence that this finally seems to be at a point where the City, the neighbors have really worked long and hard on this issue, and I do have a high level of confidence in Alexandria development. And, we have seen what they have done over the years in terms of the commitment and they're delivering on what they said they were going to do. And you know, when the process of seeing that now especially with the new park on Binney Street and the Foundry building. And so, I do think that they have really been negotiated quite a bit with the neighbors and Wellington-Harrington. One part is East Cambridge Planning team. And especially I want to mention, you know, both Councillor Carlone and Councillor Kelley, former co-chair of the Ordinance Committee, have really been, put a lot of time and effort into this process and wait to see what everybody feels. But I do think there's... and I think everybody knows that this Eversource has to be signed, sealed and delivered before hopefully before the end of the month, as you said even hopefully sooner. So that everyone's fears are allayed and that we can move this forward with, especially you know, the big benefit that certain [sic] present for many years the completion of Grand Junction multi use pathway which is such an environmental benefit in many regards But so, my level is risen, of confidence that this Eversource will not be built on Fulkerson Street and that land will be talked about quite a bit and what the future use. I know housing and open space is main topics that people have been talking about over the years. So. So, I hope we do move this out of committee to keep the process moving. I just want to remind people March 9th we're not here. So just we have to keep that in mind. Thank you.

Councillor Dennis Carlone 39:24
Thank you, Councillor Toomey. Very important subject. Thank you. Any other comments or questions? None at all.

Councillor Dennis Carlone 39:40
Well, as Councillor Toomey said, this process has been very, neighborhood, developer, city oriented and discussions and I've been part of much of that and I've been impressed with all the sides including Mr. Reardon, who have helped get us to this point. And it's been a very unique process, but one, I think at critical sites that can be duplicated in the future. So, if I if there's no other discussion, I will move to forward this to the City Council with a positive recommendation. All those... Any discussion? All those in favor say "aye"? Those against? So that is unanimously moved forward. Thank you all at the table and behind the table, and the neighbors, very much for your efforts. We realize a lot of work still needs to be done. But this has been tremendous progress and patience by all in this room, and so we all thank you. The meeting is, yes. Yes, I was going to say let's adjourn, but there is a motion. Is there a motion to adjourn? Thank you, Councillors. Thank you, Councillors. All in favor.

Thank you. We are adjourned.

1. A refiled Zoning Petition has been received from Joseph T. Maguire of Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. transmitting a proposed revised amendment to the zoning ordinance by creating the Grand Junction Pathway Overlay District.

2. A communication was received from Pamela Van Dort and Jose Luis Rojas, Linden Park Residents Association, regarding support moving Alexandria’s latest re-filed upzoning petition (APP 2019 #82) out of the Ordinance Committee at tomorrow’s meeting.

3. A communication was received from Michelle Lower, regarding an updated version of the Commitment Letter that includes a change discussed at the last Ordinance Committee meeting on December 10, 2019.

4. A communication was received from Michelle Lower, Vice President Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc., regarding Alexandria Grand Junction Pathway