Calendar Pieces - 2025
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
6:30pm Planning Board Meeting (Remote via Zoom)
General Business
1. Update from the Community Development Department
Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
BZA-1144543 (scheduled to be heard by BZA on 1/9/2025)
1 Brattle Square - Special Permit for Dish Networks to install a telecommunications facility including the placement of outdoor equipment and antennas on rooftop. Art. 4.000, Sec. 4.32.G.1 & Sec. 4.40 (Footnote 49) (Telecommunication Facility). Art. 10.000, Sec. 10.40 (Special Permit). 6409 (Middle Class Tax Relief Act). (Materials)
General Business
2. Election of the Planning Board Chair
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. The City of Cambridge will provide reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities upon request. Please make requests for alternative formats at least two weeks in advance by contacting the Planning Board staff listed below. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Swaathi Joseph, Planning Board staff, at 617-349-4668, Applications and Petitions are online at Full zoning petition texts available online at:
8:00-9:30am Recycling Advisory Committee (RAC) Meeting (DPW, 147 Hampshire St., or via Zoom)
Minutes of Past Meetings
1:00pm The City Council’s Neighborhood & Long Term Planning, Public Facilities, Arts and Celebrations Committee will hold a public hearing on best practices for urban planning from 1:00pm-3:00pm. The meeting will feature MIT’s Chris Zegras (Head of the Department of Urban Studies and Planning and Professor of Mobility and Urban Planning) and Jeff Levine (Associate Professor of the Practice of Economic Development & Planning). There will be limited opportunity for public comment following the presentations and Committee member discussion. There will be no public comment. (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
5:00pm The City Council’s Ordinance Committee will hold a public hearing on Multi-Family Zoning Petition – Part 1 and Multi-Family Zoning Petition – Part 2. There will be public comment at this meeting. (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
5:30pm Joint Roundtable of the City Council and School Committee to discuss the City’s universal pre-kindergarten program (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
3:00pm The City Council’s Ordinance Committee will hold a public hearing on Multi-Family Zoning Petition – Part 1 and Multi-Family Zoning Petition – Part 2. There will be no public comment at this meeting. (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission (Zoom)
I. PUBLIC COMMENT II. MINUTES III. REPORTS 1. Executive Director’s Report 2. Assistant Director’s Report 3. Commissioners’ Reports |
IV. ACTION AGENDA Old Business - State/Presidential Election, November 5th Review New Business - 2024 Statement of Financial Interests |
11:00am Special Committee of the Whole will hold a public hearing to resume the review and discussion of recommendations from the Charter Review Committee and any additional suggestions from the full City Council pertaining to the Cambridge City Charter. This public hearing is a continuation of the meeting that was recessed on Dec 9, 2024. (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
4:00pm Special City Council meeting to discuss strategy in preparation for negotiations with the City Manager relative to his contract. There will be public comment. At the conclusion of public comment, the City Council will move into Executive Session. (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
3:00pm The City Council’s Transportation and Public Utilities Committee will hold a public hearing to discuss inter-jurisdictional projects that are in play that may impact mobility in Cambridge. This discussion will build on CDD’s report of Nov 14, 2024 to the City Council (Awaiting Report 24-36). (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
4:00pm Special City Council meeting to discuss strategy in preparation for negotiations with the City Manager relative to his contract. There will be public comment. At the conclusion of public comment, the City Council will move into Executive Session. (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
6:30pm Planning Board Meeting (Remote via Zoom)
General Business
1. Update from the Community Development Department
2. Adoption of Planning Board meeting transcripts (11/26/2024)
3. Town Gown Reports (Reports)
• CDD Introduction
• Massachusetts Institute of Technology
• Lesley University
• Hult International School of Business
• Harvard University
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. The City of Cambridge will provide reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities upon request. Please make requests for alternative formats at least two weeks in advance by contacting the Planning Board staff listed below. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Swaathi Joseph, Planning Board staff, at 617-349-4668, Applications and Petitions are online at Full zoning petition texts available online at:
3:00pm Special Meeting of the City Council to go in to Executive Session to conduct a strategy session in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel, specifically the City Manager. There will be public comment. (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
12:30pm The City Council’s Health and Environment Committee will hold a public hearing to review and discuss the update to the Cambridge Net Zero Action Plan (NZAP) Annual Report. (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
6:30pm Planning Board Meeting (Remote via Zoom)
General Business
1. Update from the Community Development Department
Puiblic Hearing
6:30pm PB-406
675 Massachusetts Avenue - Special Permit application by Resurgence Investment, LLC d/b/a Jersey Mike’s to establish a Formula Business occupying approximately 1,780 square feet in the first floor of the existing building pursuant to Section 20.304.5.4 Formula Business. (Materials)
General Business
2. PB-141
675 West Kendall Street Lulu Green - Use Determination (Materials)
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. The City of Cambridge will provide reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities upon request. Please make requests for alternative formats at least two weeks in advance by contacting the Planning Board staff listed below. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Swaathi Joseph, Planning Board staff, at 617-349-4668, Applications and Petitions are online at Full zoning petition texts available online at:
8:00-9:30am Recycling Advisory Committee (RAC) Meeting (DPW, 147 Hampshire St., or via Zoom)
Minutes of Past Meetings
3:00pm The Special Committee of the Whole will hold a public meeting to resume the review and discussion of recommendations from the Charter Review Committee and any additional suggestions from the full City Council pertaining to the Cambridge City Charter. This is a continuation of the public hearing that began on Dec 9, 2024, that reconvened and recessed again on Jan 27, 2025. (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
3:00pm Special Meeting of the City Council to go in to Executive Session to conduct a strategy session in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel, specifically the City Manager. There will be public comment. (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
3:00pm The City Council’s Public Safety Committee will hold a public hearing to review and discuss the City Manager’s Surveillance Technology Impact Report (STIR) related to allowing Remotely Piloted Aerial Vehicle (RPA) technology in Cambridge. (CM25#11). (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom) - postponed to March 3
2:00-4:00pm Grace: The History of Black Churches in Cambridge (Kendall Public Lobby)
10:00am The City Council’s Health and Environment Committee will hold a public hearing to review and discuss the launch of the Cambridge Net Zero Transportation Plan (NZTP). (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
1:30pm The Special Committee of the Whole will hold a public meeting to resume the review and discussion of recommendations from the Charter Review Committee and any additional suggestions from the full City Council pertaining to the Cambridge City Charter. This is a continuation of the public hearing that began on Dec 9, 2024, that reconvened and recessed again on Jan 27, 2025, and reconvened and recessed again on Feb 13, 2024. (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom) [Agenda (contains red-lined DRAFT of proposed Charter)
5:30pm Roundtable/Working Meeting with the Cambridge City Council and School Committee to discuss FY26 Cambridge Public Schools budget priorities. No Public Comment. (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
3:00pm The City Council’s Neighborhood and Long Term Planning, Public Facilities, Arts and Celebrations Committee will hold a public meeting to discuss tenant-paid broker fees and other housing fees and the options that the city and state government have to regulate them. (Zoom only - Why?)
6:30pm Planning Board Meeting (Remote via Zoom)
General Business
1. Update from the Community Development Department
2. Adoption of Planning Board meeting transcripts (12/10/2024, 12/17/2024, 1/7/2025)
Puiblic Hearing
6:30pm PB-22
8 James Way - Withdrawal Request
General Business
3. Open Space and Recreation Plan Update
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. The City of Cambridge will provide reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities upon request. Please make requests for alternative formats at least two weeks in advance by contacting the Planning Board staff listed below. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Swaathi Joseph, Planning Board staff, at 617-349-4668, Applications and Petitions are online at Full zoning petition texts available online at:
3:00pm The City Council’s Finance Committee will hold a public hearing to review and discuss City Council priorities and goals and discuss how these will shape and be incorporated within the City budget. (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
10:00am Special City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
The purpose of the meeting is to go into Executive Session for reviewing and deliberating on the City Manager’s contract, followed by deliberations and a vote on the City Manager’s contract in Open Session.
2:00pm The City Council’s Public Safety Committee will hold a public hearing to review and discuss the City Manager’s Surveillance Technology Impact Report (STIR) related to allowing Remotely Piloted Aerial Vehicle (RPA) technology in Cambridge. (CM25#11). (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
11:30am The City Council’s Housing Committee and Neighborhood and Long Term Planning, Public Facilities, Arts and Celebrations Committee will hold a joint public hearing to discuss zoning priorities focusing on major squares and corridors. (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
11:00am The City Council’s Neighborhood and Long Term Planning, Public Facilities, Arts and Celebrations Committee will hold a public hearing to receive an update on the state of the arts in Cambridge and discuss how the City is currently supporting artists and art organizations through grant programs and funding, with a focus on the Central Square Cultural district. (Sullivan Chamber and Zoom)
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission (Zoom)
5:30pm – Statement of Financial Interests Filing Delinquency Hearing
I. PUBLIC COMMENT II. MINUTES III. REPORTS 1. Executive Director’s Report 2. Assistant Director’s Report 3. Commissioners’ Reports |
IV. ACTION AGENDA Old Business - State/Presidential Election, November 5th Review - Timeline and City Charter Revision Update New Business