Calendar Pieces - 2013
Thurs, Jan 3
9:00am The City Council's Government Operations and Rules Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue discussion with Attorney Elizabeth Valerio, representing the City Council in negotiations with the next City Manager, Richard Rossi. The meeting will convene in open session and move to Executive Session for the purpose of discussing strategy for contract negotiations with the city. This meeting to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Mon, Jan 7
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Jan 8
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Meeting Room)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
Public Hearings
7:20pm Forest City Petition to extend the Cambridgeport Revitalization Development District (CRDD) from Green Street to Massachusetts Avenue in the area adjacent to Blanche Street, and to amend Article 15.000 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cambridge to increase the total allowed development in the CRDD Zoning District and to increase allowed building heights in specific areas of the district north of Green Street.
The petition also proposes other text changes to Article 15.000, including the following substantive changes: changes regarding required retail use on Massachusetts Avenue, changes regarding the applicability of Section 11.200; changes regarding the applicability of Large Project Review procedures and established Design Guidelines; changes regarding the applicability of Section 19.59 Open Space; and clarification of the applicability of Bicycle Parking requirements. Included with the petition is a Letter of Commitment describing the commitments and conditions Forest City will make, upon ratification of the zoning petition, with respect to (a) monetary contributions for public benefits that will mitigate the impact of the project on the community, (b) preservation of existing affordable housing, and (c) the creation of 20 new units of affordable housing.
General Business
1. Bike Parking Zoning Discussion
2. Election of Planning Board chair
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, Jan 9
10:00am The City Council's Community Health Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss limiting the size of soda and sugar-sweetened beverages sold. (Sullivan Chamber)
4:00pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing on a City Council Zoning Petition, to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cambridge by amending the Section 13.59.33 Building and Site Design Requirements for Active Uses and Open Spaces by deleting condition numbered (5). [In order to promote pedestrian activity on adjacent public streets from tenants and employees within commercial buildings, any cafeteria serving such commercial space may be located only on the ground floor level of a building and must be opened to the public at least 20 hours per week.] This hearing to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
1. Executive Director's Report
2. Assistant Director's Report
3. Commissioners' Reports
Unfinished Business
1. 2013 Annual City Census
New Business
-- |
Thurs, Jan 10
2:30pm The City Council's Public Facilities, Arts and Celebrations Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss future of public use of Cambridge Common for celebrations. (Sullivan Chamber)
Mon, Jan 14
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Jan 15
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Meeting Room)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases – 10379 – 238 Main Street, telecommunication antennas
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
Public Hearings
7:20pm Massachusetts Institute of Technology Zoning Petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance and Map by creating a new Section 13.80 – Planned Unit Development 5 (PUD-5) District, which would include parcels totaling approximately 26-acres in the area north of Memorial Drive, east of Ames Street and south of Main Street and Broadway, and would also include a parcel at One Broadway. The new Section 13.80 PUD-5 is intended to allow mixed use developments with increased development densities and heights.
8:30pm (continued) PB#273, 54R Cedar Street (also known as 54 ½ Cedar Street), Special Permit for a second structure on the lot further than 75 feet from the street line in the Residence B district. Section 5.53. LaCourt Family, LLC, applicant.
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, Jan 16
5:30pm The City Council's Public Safety Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss the home improvement program and safety concerns of alleged sub-standard work. (Sullivan Chamber)
Thurs, Jan 17
8:30am The City Council's Human Services Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss internships and apprentice programs and a long-range plan for the programs. (Sullivan Chamber)
4:30pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing on a zoning petition filed by Zevart M. Hollisian, Trustee of Garabed B. Hollisian Trust and L-Z Realty Trust and Seth D. Alexander, President, MIT Investment Management Company to amend the Zoning Ordinance and Map by extending the Cambridgeport Revitalization Development District from Green Street out to Massachusetts Avenue in the area adjacent to Blanche Street; said petition includes a map and a commitment letter. This hearing will be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Jan 22
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Meeting Room)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
Public Hearings
7:20pm City Council Petition to create a new Section 11.700 – Interim Regulations for Medical Marijuana Uses, which would define "Medical Marijuana Treatment Center"; explicitly disallow any uses involving the acquisition, cultivation, possession, processing, transference, transportation, sale, distribution, dispensing, or administration of marijuana, products containing or derived from marijuana, or related supplies or educational materials where such activity is not conducted within a properly licensed and registered Medical Marijuana Treatment Center and create an interim restriction on the establishment of Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers in any zoning district for a period of nine (9) months starting January 1, 2013, or until such time that the City Council enacts superseding regulations, so that the City may study their potential impacts on adjacent uses and on general public health, safety and welfare, and may develop zoning and other applicable regulations that appropriately address these considerations consistent with statewide regulations and permitting procedures.
7:45pm (continued) Forest City Petition to extend the Cambridgeport Revitalization Development District and amend Article 15.000 regarding retail on Mass Avenue, applicability of Section 11.200; Large Project Review; and design guidelines.
8:15pm (continued) PB#273, 54R Cedar Street (also known as 54½ Cedar Street), Special Permit for a second structure on the lot further than 75 feet from the street line in the Residence B district. Section 5.53. LaCourt Family, LLC, applicant.
General Business
4. Bike Parking Zoning Discussion
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, Jan 23
4:00pm The City Council's Government Operations and Rules Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue discussion with Attorney Elizabeth Valerio, representing the City Council in negotiations with the next City Manager, Richard Rossi. The meeting will convene in open session and move to Executive Session for the purpose of discussing strategy for contract negotiations with the city. This meeting to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm The City Council's Public Safety Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue discussions on security cameras in the city. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
1. Executive Director's Report
2. Assistant Director's Report
3. Commissioners' Reports
Unfinished Business
1. 2013 Annual City Census
New Business
-- |
Thurs, Jan 24
4:30pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing on a zoning petition by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, to amend the Zoning Ordinance and Map by creating a new Section 13.80 - Planned Unit Development 5 (PUD-5) District, which would include parcels totaling approximately 26-acres in the area north of Memorial Drive, east of Ames Street and south of Main Street and Broadway, and would also include a parcel at One Broadway. The new Section 13.80 PUD-5 is intended to allow mixed use developments with increased development densities and heights. This hearing to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Mon, Jan 28
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Jan 29
4:00pm The City Council's Environment Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss the creation of a Cambridge Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) which is an energy procurement model that allows local governments to pool, or aggregate, the electric load of their residents and small businesses in order to purchase electricity on their behalf. (Sullivan Chamber)
Wed, Jan 30
4:30pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue discussion on a zoning petition filed by Zevart M. Hollisian, Trustee of Garabed B. Hollisian Trust and L-Z Realty Trust and Seth D. Alexander, President, MIT Investment Management Company to amend the Zoning Ordinance and Map by extending the Cambridgeport Revitalization Development District from Green Street out to Massachusetts Avenue in the area adjacent to Blanche Street; said petition includes a map and a commitment letter. This meeting to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Mon, Feb 4
5:30pm City Council Roundtable/Working Meeting with the School Committee to discuss out of school time. No public comment. No votes will be taken. Meeting will not be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Feb 5
4:00pm The City Council's Neighborhood and Long Term Planning Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss the long term impact of grass versus artificial turf at Danehy Park. (Sullivan Chamber)
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (Central Square Senior Center, 806 Massachusetts Avenue)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
4. Town Gown Reports
Lesley University
Cambridge College
Harvard University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Town Gown Reports can be viewed online on the Community Development website:
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, Feb 6
4:30pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing on a zoning petition by the City Council to amend the Zoning Ordinance by creating a new Section 11.700-Interim Regulations for Medical Marijuana Uses. This hearing to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct an informal meeting to receive a briefing on the recommendations of the C2 Report. (Ackermann Room)
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
1. Executive Director's Report
2. Assistant Director's Report
3. Commissioners' Reports
Unfinished Business
1. 2013 Annual City Census
New Business
-- |
Mon, Feb 11
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Feb 12
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Meeting Room)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
4. Kendall Square & Central Square (K2C2) Discussion
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, Feb 13 (sorry, but this must have been posted right before the legal deadline)
4:30pm The City Council's Government Operations and Rules Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue discussions with Attorney Elizabeth Valeria, representing the City Council in negotiations with the next City Manager. The meeting will convene in open session and move to Executive Session for the purpose of discussing strategy for contract negotiations with the city. This meeting to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
7:00pm Mid-Cambridge forum on proposed new vision for Central Square (Spaulding Hospital, Cullinane Room, 1575 Cambridge St. (corner of Hovey), use main entrance)
The MCNA will hold a neighborhood forum on Wednesday, February 13, at the Spaulding Hospital Cambridge for all Mid-Cambridge residents to learn about the city's recent proposals for major new redevelopment of Central Square. The Central Square Advisory Committee 2011/12, made up of residents and representatives of businesses, landowners, and nonprofits, backed up by the city and a planning consultant, issued a report late last year recommending major new development of the Central Square "spine" along Massachusetts Avenue, from the Post Office to Lafayette Square (the fire station) as well as in the "Osborn Triangle" (on the other side of Lafayette Square between Mass. Ave. and Main Street).
Their key recommendation includes new zoning laws to allow increased height and density for residential buildings. This proposal has sparked a vigorous debate about the committee's vision as well as opposition from the Cambridge Residents' Alliance (CRA), a citizens' group. Among the main objections raised are concerns about traffic, high-rise buildings, and the adequacy of the infrastructure, including the Red Line, to handle the increased population.
Representatives from both sides of the issue will be on hand to explain their positions. Speakers include Esther Hanig, resident member of the Central Square Advisory Committee, Jonathan King, chair of the Cambridge Residents' Alliance, and Jesse Kanson-Benanav, chair of A Better Cambridge, a group of residents that supports the Advisory Committee's recommendations.
There will be Q & A with the speakers and opportunity for discussion by residents.
The Advisory Committee's recommendations and backup reports can be accessed online at
Thurs, Feb 14
3:00pm The City Council's Neighborhood and Long Term Planning Committee will conduct a follow up meeting on development in Kendall Square. (Cambridge Innovation Center Conference Room, 1 Broadway)
Tues, Feb 19
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Meeting Room)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
Antenna replacement at 300 Mt. Auburn Street, Mount Auburn Hospital
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
Public Hearings
7:20pm (continued) PB#273, 54RCedar Street, (also known as 54 ½ Cedar Street), Special Permit for a second structure on the lot further than 75 feet from the street line in the Residence B district. Section 5.53. LaCourt Family , LLC, applicant.
7:30pm (continued) Massachusetts Institute of Technology Zoning Petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance and Map by creating a new Section 13.80 – Planned Unit Development 5 (PUD-5) District, which would include parcels totaling approximately 26 acres in the area north of Memorial Drive, east of Ames Street and south of Main Street and Broadway, and would also include a parcel at One Broadway. The new Section 13.80 PUD-5 is intended to allow mixed use developments with increased development densities and heights.
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, Feb 20
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
1. Executive Director's Report
2. Assistant Director's Report
3. Commissioners' Reports
Unfinished Business
1. 2013 Annual City Census
2. 2013 Special Elections
New Business
-- |
Mon, Feb 25
5:00pm Special Presentation from the Sprouts of Hope. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:00pm Special Presentation - Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Roadmaps to Health Prize. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Feb 26
4:30pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue discussions on the petition by MIT to create a new Section 13.80 Planned Unit Development 5 (PUD-5) District; specifically to discuss the build form, including FAR, Height, Footplates, Open Space and Parking. This meeting to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Wed, Feb 27
5:30pm Cambridge Redevelopment Authority Board Meeting (Cambridge Police Department, First Floor Community Room, 125 6th Street)
Additional Information
Thurs, Feb 28
3:00pm The City Council's Housing Committee will conduct a public meeting to receive an update on the status of the potential sale of 2 Mount Auburn Street. (2 Mount Auburn Street)
Fri, Mar 1
11:00am The City Council's Community Health Committee and the Housing Committee will conduct a joint public meeting to discuss finding a place to provide free meals on Sundays. (Ackermann Room)
Mon, Mar 4
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Mar 5
12:30pm The City Council's University Relations Committee will conduct a public meeting for the purpose of touring Lesley University. The meeting will convene in the Sullivan Chamber and proceed to the tour. (Sullivan Chamber)
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Meeting Room)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
Public Hearings
7:20pm PB#276, 33 Cottage Park Avenue, Special Permit to develop 67 units of multifamily housing pursuant to Section 10.47.4 – Multifamily Special Permit and Section 19.20 Project Review Special Permit. The proposal is for approximately 83,528 square feet in Special District by Tyler Court Limited Partnership. Tyler Court Limited Partnership, applicant. [This Public Hearing will be continued to April 2, 2013 at 7:20pm. There will be no presentation of the application or public comment taken.]
8:30pm Discussion and approval of the Planning Board draft recommendation of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology – PUD-5 Zoning Petition.
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, Mar 6
8:00am Recycling Advisory Committee meeting (Sullivan Chamber, City Hall)
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
1. Executive Director's Report
2. Assistant Director's Report
3. Commissioners' Reports
Unfinished Business
1. 2013 Annual City Census
2. 2013 Special Elections
New Business
-- |
Thurs, Mar 7
4:30pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue discussions on the petition by MIT to create a new Section 13.80 Planned Unit Development 5 (PUD-5) District; specifically to discuss Uses, Incentive Zoning, Community Fund, Housing and Sustainability. Presentation by the Executive Director of Historical Commission will be made on historic building. This meeting to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
6:00pm Cambridge Historical Commission Monthly Meeting (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
6:00pm Cambridge Community Advisory Committee on the Living Wage meeting (City Hall, Ackermann Room)
Mon, Mar 11
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber) - canceled
7:00-9:00pm Cambridge Conservation Commission Hearing (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 4th Floor Conference Room)
Tues, Mar 12
6:00-8:30pm Cambridge Arts Council Advisory Board Meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Conference Room)
6:00pm School Committee Budget Subcommittee Meeting (Henrietta S. Attles Meeting Room, CRLS, 459 Broadway)
Superintendent's Presentation for the FY 2014 Proposed Budget
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Meeting Room)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
PB#253, 1801 Massachusetts Avenue, Lesley University/AIB, extension request of the special permit
Public Hearings
7:20pm PB#280, 19-21 Wendell Street, Special Permit to create 4 new rental dwelling units in unused and existing basement space and to waive the required off-street motor vehicle parking spaces pursuant to Section 20.600 Basement Housing Overlay District. Wendell Terrace, LLC, applicant.
General Business
4. K2C2 Discussion
5. Discussion and adoption of Planning Board rules and regulations
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, Mar 13
5:00pm Special Cambridge Redevelopment Authority Board Meeting to receive update from Independent Counsel in Executive Session (Marriott Hotel)
5:00-7:00pm Kids' Council Meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Conference Room)
5:30-7:00pm Committee on Public Planting meeting (DPW Conference Room, 147 Hampshire St.)
6:00-8:00pm Cambridge Bicycle Committee meeting (344 Broadway, 4th Floor Conference Room)
6:30pm Special Cambridge Redevelopment Authority Board Meeting to interview finalists for position of Redevelopment Officer (Marriott Hotel)
Thurs, Mar 14
6:00-8:00pm Climate Protection Action Committee Meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Conference Room)
Mon, Mar 18
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm Avon Hill NCD Commission Meeting (Lombardi Building, 831 Mass. Ave., basement conference room)
Tues, Mar 19
5:00pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
1. Executive Director's Report
2. Assistant Director's Report
3. Commissioners' Reports
Unfinished Business
1. 2013 Annual City Census
2. 2013 Special Elections
New Business
-- |
6:00pm School Committee Meeting (Henrietta S. Attles Meeting Room, CRLS, 459 Broadway)
Public Hearing on the Budget. Following the Regular Meeting there will be a Contolled Choice Subcommittee meeting (Committee of the Whole) for the purpose of discussing issues relative to controlled choice.
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Meeting Room)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
Public Hearings
7:20pm Planning Board to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cambridge to create a new Section 6.100 Bicycle Parking, modify the definitions of Parking, Gross Floor Area, and Private Open Space as they relate to bicycle parking and create a new definition for Bicycle Parking in Article 2.000, modify the Yard Standards in Article 5.000 as they relate to bicycle parking, and modify various section of Article 6.000 to remove references to bicycle parking where they are not consistent with the proposed Section 6.100 and add new references where they are necessary.
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, Mar 20
2:00pm The City Council's University Relations Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss the sale of 2 Mount Auburn Street by Harvard University, the discontinuance of the Longy School of Music Preparatory and Continuing Studies effective Aug 31, 2013 by Bard College and plans to tour MIT. (Sullivan Chamber)
[5:30pm Joint public meeting of the City Council's Neighborhood and Long Term Planning Committee and the Cambridge Redevelopment Authority to review the powers and potential of the Cambridge Redevelopment Authority as they pertain to future development plans throughout the City of Cambridge. (Sullivan Chamber) [This joint meeting will be postponed to another date in April.]]
Fri, Mar 22
9:30am City Council Roundtable meeting on issues relating to the zoning petition filed by MIT-PUD-5. No public comment. No votes will be taken. Meeting will not be televised. (Sullivan Chamber) [This was originally scheduled as an Ordinance Committee roundtable working meeting.]
Tues, Mar 26
9:00-10:30am Cambridge Arts Council Fund Board Meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Conference Room)
Wed, Mar 27
5:30pm Roundtable/Working City Council Meeting to discuss the report of the C2 Committee. No public comment. No votes will be taken. Meeting will not be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm Cambridge Redevelopment Authority Board Meeting (Cambridge Police Department, First Floor Community Room, 125 6th Street)
(rescheduled from Mar 20)
Thurs, Mar 28
2:30pm The City Council's Housing Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue discussions on the status of the potential sale of 2 Mount Auburn Street. (Community Room, 2 Mount Auburn Street)
4:00-6:00pm Affordable Housing Trust meeting (City Hall, Ackermann Room)
5:00pm The City Council's Neighborhood and Long Term Planning Committee will conduct a joint public meeting with the Boston City Council to explore how long-term collaborative efforts between the cities of Cambridge and Boston can heighten the region's ability to retain talented students and to consider the impact on neighborhoods and long-term development. (Museum of Science, Cahners Theater, 1 Science Park)
5:30-7:30pm GLBT Commission meeting (Windsor Street Community Health Center, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 119 Windsor Street)
6:00-8:00pm Pedestrian Committee meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 4th Floor Conference Room)
Mon, Apr 1
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Apr 2
2:00pm The City Council's Cable TV, Telecommunications and Public Utilities Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss the ability of the City's existing utility infrastructure to meet long-term increases in demand. (Sullivan Chamber)
4:00pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue discussion on the petition by MIT to create a new Section 13.80 Planned Unit Development 5 (PUD-5) District. This meeting to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
6:00pm School Committee Meeting (Henrietta S. Attles Meeting Room, CRLS, 459 Broadway)
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Meeting Room)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
4. K2C2 Planning Board meeting with the Cambridge Redevelopment Authority
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, Apr 3

Innovation districts are all the rage, with cities around the world attempting to create them. What makes them work – the presence of a world class university, the proximity of research labs to start-ups, or the easy access to venture capital? Along with these questions is a question of self-interest Can they be replicated? A panel of experts wilI discuss the phenomenon of innovation districts and examine whether they are a passing fad, or are here to stay.
Tim Rowe
Founder, Cambridge Innovation Center
Guillaume Pasquier
Deputy Director, Paris Saclay
Gavin Kleespies
Executive Director, Cambridge Historical Society
David Dixon
Principal, Goody Clancy
Marc Draisen
Executive Director, Metropolitan Area Planning Council
Sam Seidel
Moderator, Former Cambridge City Councillor
Wed, April 3, 6:30-8:00pm, 48 Quincy St, Piper Auditorium
Harvard Graduate School of Design
Presented by HUPO Free. open to the public |
4:30pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to create a new Section 6.100 Bicycle Parking, and create a new definition for Bicycle Parking in Article 2.000, modify the Yard Standards in Article 5.000 as they relate to bicycle parking and modifying various sections of Article 6.000 to remove references to bicycle parking. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
1. Executive Director's Report
2. Assistant Director's Report
3. Commissioners' Reports
Unfinished Business
1. 2013 Annual City Census
2. 2013 Special Elections
New Business
-- |
6:30-8:00pm INNOVATION DISTRICTS: FAD OR FUTURE? (Harvard Graduate School of Design, 48 Quincy St, Piper Auditorium)
Thurs, Apr 4
6:00pm Cambridge Historical Commission Monthly Meeting (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
Fri, Apr 5
10:00am The City Council's University Relations Committee will conduct a public meeting for the purpose of touring MIT. The meeting will convene in the Sullivan Chamber and proceed to the tour. (Sullivan Chamber)
Mon, Apr 8
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
A vote on the MIT/Kendall zoning petition is likely at this meeting.
7:00-9:00pm Cambridge Conservation Commission Hearing (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 4th Floor Conference Room)
Tues, Apr 9
5:30pm The City Council's Neighborhood and Long Term Planning Committee will conduct a public meeting to assess how other cities support neighborhood groups and examine how Cambridge could make use of these practices. (Sullivan Chamber)
6:00-8:30pm Cambridge Arts Council Advisory Board Meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Conference Room)
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Meeting Room)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
50 Memorial Drive, MIT and 8 Education Street, EF International sign variance
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
Public Hearings
7:20pm PB#276, 33 Cottage Park Avenue (continued from March 5, 2013), Special Permit application for 67 dwelling units pursuant to Sections 10.47.4 – Multifamily Special Permit and 19.20 Project Review Special Permit. This property is also known as the Fawcett Oil site and the proposal is also known as Tyler Green.
8:30pm Amendments to the existing Special Permits of 125 CambridgePark Drive (PB #26) and 150 CambridgePark Drive (PB #47) and an application for Special Permit (PB #279) located at 125, 150 and 180R CambridgePark Drive to permit the construction a new multifamily residential building of 220 units on a portion of the above property to be known as 130 CambridgePark Drive, and a parking garage for 456 parking spaces on 150 CambridgePark Drive. The amendments to the existing Special Permits (PB #26 and PB #47) and Special Permit PB #279 are required pursuant to Sections 20.70 – Flood Plain Overlay District, 20.95.1 – Maximum Floor Area Ratio, 20.95.11 – Maximum Floor Area Ratio, 20.95.34 – Waiver of Yard Requirements, 20.97.2 – Pooled Parking, 20.97.3 – (and 5.25.42) Waiver of Gross Floor Area Provisions for Parking Facilities, 6.35 – Relief from Parking Requirements, 6.43.6 – Common Driveways, 6.44.1 – Setbacks for On Grade Open Parking Facilities and Driveways and 19.20 – Project Review. The applicant is The McKinnon Company, as developer on behalf of BRE/CPD LLC, for the property.
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, Apr 10
8:00am Recycling Advisory Committee meeting (Sullivan Chamber, City Hall)
10:00am The City Council's Public Safety Committee will conduct a public meeting to review the Cambridge Alert system and any other public notice system used for public safety issues. (Sullivan Chamber) - canceled
5:30-7:00pm Committee on Public Planting meeting (DPW Conference Room, 147 Hampshire St.)
6:00-8:00pm Cambridge Bicycle Committee meeting (344 Broadway, 4th Floor Conference Room)
Thurs, Apr 11
5:00pm The City Council's Transportation, Traffic and Parking Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss using the following strategies: "Don't Block the Box;" increased enforcement; and modified street layout/light cycles to improve pedestrian safety at the junction of Rindge and Massachusetts Avenue. (Sullivan Chamber)
6:00-8:00pm Climate Protection Action Committee Meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Conference Room)
"A Better Future for A Better Cambridge"
How can we plan for urban growth in Cambridge to promote a more diverse, livable, and sustainable city for all residents?
An esteemed panel will address the coming demographic shifts that will put further pressure on the Cambridge's housing market and our transportation systems, and talk about solutions that can make Cambridge a leader in defining a new urban America in the age of climate change.
- Frederick P. Salvucci, Former Massachusetts Secretary of Transportation and current MIT Professor of Civil Engineering
- Barry Bluestone, Founding director of the Dukakis Center for Urban and Regional Policy at Northeastern University
- Andre Leroux, Executive Director of the Massachusetts Smart Growth Alliance
Moderated by Renee Loth, Editor at ArchitectureBoston and former Editorial Page Editor for the Boston Globe.
Thursday, April 11th
Cambridge College
1000 Massachusetts Ave.
All are welcome! Please register online to let us know you'll be participating in the discussion:
Sponsored by A Better Cambridge | Working to build a more diverse and dynamic Cambridge on the path toward sustainable growth.
Web: | Facebook: | Twitter: @ABetterCambMA
Tues, Apr 16
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
10423 – 400 Main St, telecommunication antennas
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
Public Hearings
7:20pm PB#277, 100 Putnam Avenue, Special Permit to construct a new building to include a municipal K-5 and 6-8 school with attached preschool. The Special Permit would allow an increase in allowed Floor Area Ratio and building height pursuant to Section 5.54 Special Regulations for Municipal Elementary and Middle (K-8) Schools and requests a waiver of the Special Permit application fee. The City of Cambridge is the applicant.
8:30pm PB#278, 240 Sidney Street, 40 Allston Street and 618 Grove Avenue to construct 107 units of housing pursuant to Sections 19.20 – Project Review and 6.35.1 – Reduction of Required Parking. Dinosaur Capital Partners on behalf of Sidney Grove, LLC is the applicant.
General Business
Town Gown Comments
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, Apr 17
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
1. Executive Director's Report
2. Assistant Director's Report
3. Commissioners' Reports
Unfinished Business
1. 2013 Annual City Census
2. 2013 Special Elections
New Business
1. Annual Organizational Meeting |
5:30pm Cambridge Redevelopment Authority Board Meeting (Cambridge Police Department, First Floor Community Room, 125 Sixth Street)
6:30pm The City Council's Neighborhood and Long Term Planning Committee will conduct a joint public meeting with the Cambridge Redevelopment Authority to review the powers and potential of the Cambridge Redevelopment Authority as it pertains to future development plans throughout the City of Cambridge. (Police Department, 1st floor, Community Room, 125 Sixth Street)
Mon, Apr 22
5:30pm City Council meeting - and Budget Overview (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm Avon Hill NCD Commission Meeting (Lombardi Building, 831 Mass. Ave., basement conference room)
Tues, Apr 23
4:00-8:00pm Kendall Square Construction Open House (Boston Marriott Cambridge, 50 Broadway, Cambridge)
The City of Cambridge will host a Kendall Square Construction Open House on Tuesday, April 23. We encourage you to attend the open house to learn more about the various projects in Kendall Square including, the Longfellow Bridge, Main Street, Binney Street, Land Boulevard, Broadway (Third to Ames Street) and the Reid Overpass. Project staff will be available to answer questions about the design, construction schedule, impacts and more. Please refer to this flyer for additional information.
Thurs, Apr 25
4:00-6:00pm Affordable Housing Trust meeting (City Hall, Ackermann Room)
5:30-7:30pm GLBT Commission meeting (Windsor Street Community Health Center, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 119 Windsor Street)
6:00-8:00pm Pedestrian Committee meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 4th Floor Conference Room)
Mon, Apr 29
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Apr 30
7:00am-8:00pm Special State Primary Election (to fill Kerry Senate vacancy)
9:00am The City Council's Finance Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss FY2014 City Budget. This hearing to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Mayor’s Office
City Council
City Clerk
Finance Admin.
Budget |
Information Technology
Employee Benefits |
General Services
Public Celebrations
License Commission
Animal Commission
Fire Department |
Police Department
Traffic, Parking & Transportation
Inspectional Services
Weights & Measures
Cable TV |
Date changes for individual departments may occur.
5:30pm The City Council's Public Safety Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss any and all issues related to gun safety, including the possibility of a gun buy-back program in Cambridge. (Sullivan Chamber)
8:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
8:45pm – Counting of Provisional Ballots
1. Executive Director's Report
2. Assistant Director's Report
3. Commissioners' Reports
Unfinished Business
1. 2013 Annual City Census
2. 2013 Special Elections
New Business
--- |
Thurs, May 2
6:00pm Cambridge Historical Commission Monthly Meeting (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
Sat, May 4
10:30am-12:00pm Central Square & Beyond: Layers of History and Cultures (Part II)
[More information from Jane Jacobs Walk] To continue where we left off last year, please join us for a free walking tour to explore, observe, and share stories about Central Square, Cambridge's traditional commercial center, and the historic neighborhood just to the north, once called "The Port" and now part of Area 4. The city's political center in the early 19th century, The Port evolved into a neighborhood of immigrants from many nations. Come see a street of Greek Revival houses listed on the National Register, the site of our first Town Hall, and a wide array of places of worship including Cambridge's first Roman Catholic parochial complex (with a predecessor of Boston College), African-American Baptist and West Indian Episcopalian churches, and Cambridge's only mosque. Freelance writer Michael Kenney and Cambridge Historical Commission's Charles Sullivan will offer historic background. Participants and chance encounters with residents will provide observations and information.
Mon, May 6
5:00pm Special Presentation thanking all first responders and all public safety officials. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, May 7
5:30pm The City Council's Public Safety Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss enforcement of loud car radios and motorcycle mufflers. (Ackermann Room)
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Meeting Room)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
Ironwood request for conversion of mechanical to gross floor area
Sanofi sign variance at 640 Memorial Drive
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
Public Hearings
7:20pm Amendments to the existing Special Permits of 125 CambridgePark Drive (PB#26) and 150 CambridgePark Drive (PB#47) and an application for Special Permit (PB#279) located at 125, 150, and 180R CambridgePark Drive to permit the construction of a new multifamily residential building of 220 dwelling units on a portion of the above property to be known as 130 CambridgePark Drive, and a parking garage for 456 parking spaces on 150 CambridgePark Drive. The amendments to the existing Special Permits (PB#26 and PB#47) and Special Permit PB#279 are required pursuant to Sections 20.70 – Flood Plain Overlay District, 20.95.1 – Maximum Floor Area Ratio. 20.95.11 – Maximum Floor Area Ratio, 20.95.34 – Waiver of Yard Requirements, 20.97.2 – Pooled Parking, 20.97.3 – (and 5.25.42) Waiver of Gross Floor Area Provisions for Parking Facilities, 6.35 – Relief from Parking Requirements, 6.43.6 – Common Driveways, 6.44.1 – Setbacks for on Grade Open Parking Facilities and Driveways and 19.20 – Project Review. The applicant is The McKinnon Company, as developer on behalf of BRE/CPD LLC, for the property.
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, May 8
8:00am Recycling Advisory Committee meeting (Sullivan Chamber, City Hall)
5:30-7:00pm Committee on Public Planting meeting (DPW Conference Room, 147 Hampshire St.)
5:30-7:30pm Transit Committee Meeting (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.) - This is the initial meeting.
5:30pm Welcome by Susanne Rasmussen, Director of Environmental and Transportation Planning, Community Development Department.
Ms. Rasmussen will welcome committee participants, establish the overall purpose and role of the advisory committee, and summarize key mobility issues for the City of Cambridge.
Handout: 11/29/2012 Letter by the City Manager commenting on MassDOT's "Your Vision, Our Future: Transportation Conversation" pp. 2-5
5:40pm Introductions of advisory committee members
About one third of the committee is composed of residents, selected in part based on geographic diversity in order to provide representation from all parts of the city; a third are representatives of institutions and stakeholder groups; and a third represent large and small businesses interests.
Handout: Current advisory committee membership p. 6
6:00pm Guest Speaker: Lizzi Weyant, Transportation for Massachusetts (T4MA), "The future of transportation funding in Massachusetts."
Ms. Weyant will provide a brief explanation of the current status of the transportation bill currently being drafted by the Massachusetts legislature and the potential implications for our existing transit system and for the expansion of transit service. T4MA is a coalition of 30 organizations with expertise in transportation, affordable housing, social justice, public health, the environment, planning and smart growth. T4MA has been influential on bringing the importance of our transportation system to the foreground of public policy discussions, and are recognized for the quality of transportation finance analysis they provide.
Handout: "Comparison of House and Senate Transportation Bills" pp. 7-8
6:45pm Workshop: Analysis of transit in Cambridge (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats), led by Jeff Rosenblum, Transportation Planner and Engineer.
This engaging workshop will lead the committee through a process of assessing our current transit system through the lens of each committee member and their constituency. The outcome of this exercise will help guide the development of a work-plan for the committee for the upcoming year.
7:30pm Adjourn
6:00-8:00pm Cambridge Bicycle Committee meeting (344 Broadway, 4th Floor Conference Room)
Thurs, May 9
9:00am The City Council's Finance Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss FY2014 City Budget. This hearing to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Election Commission
Cambridge Health Alliance
Emergency Communications
Public Works
Water |
Community Development
Historical Commission
Conservation Commission
Peace Commission
Police Review & Advisory Board
Debt Service |
Human Services
Women's Commission
Human Rights Commission
Veterans |
Cherry Sheet
Summaries Section
Revenue Section
Public Investment |
Date changes for individual departments may occur.
4:00pm The City Council's Finance Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss FY2014 School Department Budget. This hearing to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
6:00-8:00pm Climate Protection Action Committee Meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Conference Room)
Sun, May 12
2:00pm-5:00pm 12th Annual Historic Bike Tour "Industrial Somerville, Past and Present" (starts at Somerville City Hall)
The 12th Annual Historic Bike Tour "Industrial Somerville, Past and Present" is co-sponsored with the Somerville Bike Committee. This year's theme will take us from one end of the City to the other, learning about Somerville's industrial growth and evolution. The guided ride, escorted by the Somerville Police, is designed for all ages and riding levels, and includes a couple of rest stops and a tour of the soon to open Brooklyn Boulders site. Starts at City Hall at 2:00pm and ends at the Somerville Museum around 4:30pm, for light refreshments. $3.00 donation appreciated. Ride will be dedicated to Somerville resident and police officer, Sean Collier, who was fatally wounded as a result of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing.
Mon, May 13
4:00pm 2013 Scholarship Award Ceremony (Sullivan Chamber)
5:00-7:00pm Kids' Council Meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Conference Room)
5:30pm Special City Council meeting to receive a debriefing on the tragic events of the Boston Marathon and the events that followed on April 18th and 19th. This meeting to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, May 14
2:00pm The City Council's Cable TV, Telecommunications and Public Utilities Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss how technology can be used to connect arts and culture to broader community goals. (Sullivan Chamber)
6:00-8:30pm Cambridge Arts Council Advisory Board Meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Conference Room)
6:00pm School Committee Controlled Choice Subcommittee meeting (Attles Meeting Room, CRLS, 459 Broadway)
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Meeting Room)
General Business
Central Square Zoning Discussion
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, May 15
2:00pm The City Council's Public Safety Committee will conduct a public meeting to review the Cambridge Alert System and any other public notice system used for public safety issues. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
1. Executive Director's Report
2. Assistant Director's Report
3. Commissioners' Reports
Unfinished Business
1. 2013 Annual City Census
2. 2013 Special State Elections
• Special State Primary – April 30th, Election Review
• Special State Primary – May 28th
• Special State Election – June 25th
New Business |
6:00pm School Committee Community Relations Subcommittee meeting (Attles Meeting Room, CRLS, 459 Broadway)
7:00-9:00pm Mid-Cambridge Neighborhood Association Annual Meeting (Spaulding Hospital, 1575 Cambridge St.)
Museums Update and Election of Coordinating Committee
Thurs, May 16
9:00am The City Council's Finance Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss FY2014 City Budget (if necessary). This hearing to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber) - canceled
4:30pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss a zoning petition from Charles D. Teague, et al., requesting the City Council to amend the Zoning Ordinance to clarify existing law so that said law can be enforced by inserting text after Section 7.20 Illumination, with the existing text to be retained and labeled as Section 7.23 Lighting Restrictions for Residential Districts. This hearing to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Fri, May 17
10:00am The City Council's Public Safety Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss the proposed City of Cambridge Security Camera Policy. (Sullivan Chamber)
Sat, May 18
10:00am Annual Cambridge Bicycle Committee Spring Ride - Join us on a "Sweet Ride" touring the sites of historic candy manufacturers and present-day treats in Cambridge. Ride departs promptly at 10:15am (Orientation at 10:00am at the Main Library, 449 Broadway)
Noon-6:00pm Central Square World's Fair (University Park, Sydney Street)
The Central Square Business Association presents: Another World's Fair in Central Square
Central Square has a lot to celebrate. Of course, locals know that Central Square is a hotbed of artistic activity, what with all the nightclubs, art galleries, and completely unique facilities there, but it just became official when it was designated an official Cultural District of Massachusetts. To celebrate: Another World's Fair.
Another World's Fair is a giant block party with music of every kind, tons of food, art, dance performances, and stimulation everywhere. Not coincidentally, it's the same weekend as Central Square Open Studios, so there'll be plenty to see.
And since Together is working closely with Central Square Business Association in planning the thing, you can bet there will be plenty to dance to as well.
Mon, May 20
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Final vote on the FY2014 Budget was expected at this meeting, but the failure to forward the School Dept. Budget puts this in doubt.
5:30pm Avon Hill NCD Commission Meeting (Lombardi Building, 831 Mass. Ave., basement conference room)
Tues, May 21
6:00pm School Committee Meeting (Henrietta S. Attles Meeting Room, CRLS, 459 Broadway)
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Meeting Room)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
Public Hearings
7:20pm PB#276, 33 Cottage Park Avenue (continued from 3/5/13 and 4/9/13), Special Permit application for 67 dwelling units pursuant to Section 10.47.4 – Multifamily Special Permit and 19.20 Project Review Special Permit. This property is also known as Fawcett Oil site and the proposal is also known as Tyler Green.
8:00pm Amendments to the existing Special Permits of 125 CambridgePark Drive (PB#26) and 150 CambridgePark Drive (PB#47) and an application for Special (PB#279) located at 125, 150 and 180R CambridgePark Drive to permit the construction of a new multifamily residential building of 220 units on a portion of the above property to be known as 130 CambridgePark Drive, and a parking garage for 456 parking spaces on 150 CambridgePark Drive. The amendments to the existing Special Permits (PB#26 and PB#47) and Special Permit PB#279 are required pursuant to Section 20.70 – Flood Plain Overlay District, 20.95.1 – Maximum Floor Area Ratio, 20.95.11 – Maximum Floor Area Ratio, 20.95.34 – Waiver of Yard Requirements, 20l97.2 – Pooled Parking, 20.97.3 – (and 5.25.42) Waiver of Gross Floor Area Provisions for Parking Facilities, 6.35 – Relief from Parking Requirements, 6.43.6 – Common Driveways, 6.44.1 – Setbacks for On Grade Open Parking Facilities and Driveways and 19.20 – Project Review. The applicant is The McKinnon Company, as developer on behalf of BRE/CPD LLC, for the property.
8:30pm Charles Teague, et al, Petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cambridge in the following ways: create new definitions for Lamp, Luminaire, Direct Light, and Indirect Light; amend portions of Sections 6.41 and 6.46 in Design and Maintenance of Off-Street Parking Facilities to replace terms "glare," "reflection" and "lights" with other terms as defined in the petition; amend Paragraph 7.15(B) in General Limitations for All Signs Permitted in the City of Cambridge to remove the term "indirect" from the text; create a new Section 7.22 Lighting Restrictions for the City of Cambridge; and modify the title of Section 7.20 Illumination to read Section 7.23 Lighting Restrictions for Residential Districts and remove the term "indirect" from the text.
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, May 22
3:30pm The City Council's Government Operations and Rules Committee will conduct a public meeting to review the status of positions reporting directly to the City Council. (Ackermann Room)
4:30pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss a zoning petition from Michael Phillips, et al., requesting the City Council to amend the Zoning Ordinance to the Special District 2 (SD-2) zoning district in North Cambridge. This hearing to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Thurs, May 23
2:00pm The City Council's Cable TV, Telecommunications and Public Utilities Committee will conduct a public meeting for the purpose of assessing the findings and recommendations of the Gartner Report on the City of Cambridge's Information Technology Strategic Plan. (Sullivan Chamber)
4:00-6:00pm Affordable Housing Trust meeting (City Hall, Ackermann Room)
5:00pm The City Council's Public Safety Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue to discuss the proposed City of Cambridge Security Camera Policy. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30-7:30pm GLBT Commission meeting (Windsor Street Community Health Center, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 119 Windsor Street)
6:00-8:00pm Pedestrian Committee meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 4th Floor Conference Room)
Tues, May 28
7:00am-8:00pm Special State Primary (for the office of State Representative for Eight Suffolk District to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of State Representative Martha Marty Walz. These Cambridge precincts only: Ward 2, pcts 2 & 3; Ward 5, Pcts 1, 2 & 3)
6:00pm School Committee Controlled Choice Subcommittee meeting (Attles Meeting Room, CRLS, 459 Broadway)
8:45pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
1. Executive Director's Report
2. Assistant Director's Report
3. Commissioners' Reports
Unfinished Business
1. 2013 Annual City Census
2. 2013 Special State Elections
• Special State Primary – May 28th
• Special State Election – June 25th
New Business |
Wed, May 29
5:30pm Eastern Cambridge/Kendall Square Open Space Planning Committee meeting (Cambridge Police Department, 1st Floor Community Room, 125 Sixth St.)
6:00pm The City Council's Cable TV, Telecommunications and Public Utilities Committee will conduct a public meeting for the purpose of developing measures through which immigrants in Cambridge can have improved access to computers and the internet. (Sullivan Chamber)
Sat, June 1
Noon to 6:00pm Cambridge River Festival (Severe weather date of Sun, June 2)

Mon, June 3
9:00am The City Council's Government Operations and Rules Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss the dedication of the former Police Station. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, June 4
4:30pm The City Council's Neighborhood and Long Term Planning Committee will conduct a public meeting to explore the potential and long term impact of developing urban agriculture initiatives throughout the neighborhoods in the City of Cambridge. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
1. Executive Director's Report
2. Assistant Director's Report
3. Commissioners' Reports
Unfinished Business
1. 2013 Annual City Census
2. 2013 Street Listing Book
2. 2013 Special Elections
• Special State Election – June 25th
New Business |
6:00pm School Committee meeting (Attles Meeting Room, CRLS, 459 Broadway)
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Meeting Room)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
PB#141, 300 Athenaeum Street, Pavilion A, other retail use approval for Squeaky Beaker Café.
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
Public Hearings
7:20pm PB#281, 1201 Massachusetts Avenue, Special Permit to convert the existing Inn at Harvard hotel to dormitory use pursuant to Section 19.20 in the Residence C-2B and Harvard Square Overlay District; and a waiver from the advertised Bicycle Parking Zoning Petition, section 6.108 to adjust the ratio of long and short term bicycle parking standards. President and Fellows of Harvard College, applicant.
8:00pm PB#278, 240 Sidney Street, 40 Allston Street and 618 Grove Avenue to construct 107 units ofhousing pursuant to Section 19.20 – Project Review and 6.35.1 – Reduction of Required Parking. Dinosaur Capital Partners on behalf of Sidney Grove, LLC is the applicant. (Continued from April 16, 2013)
8:30pm Michael Phillips, et al to amend Section 17.20 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cambridge as follows to increase the setback requirement abutting Linear Park and to clarify language defining "form and density compatible with the adjacent residential neighborhood" by limiting the number of dwelling units in a single structure. The petition would create a new Section 17.26 - Access to streets, a new Section 17.27 - Transfer of Development Rights, a new Section 17.28 - Transfer of Development Rights to preserve Publicly Accessible Open Space, and amend Section 17.28.2 to include Special District 2 in the Areas of Special Planning Concern.
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, June 5
10:30am The City Council's Neighborhood and Long Term Planning Committee will conduct a public meeting to exchange long term planning best practices with the Swiss Canton of Basel-Stadt. (swissnexboston, 420 Broadway)
3:00pm The City Council's Civic Unity Committee will conduct a public meeting to examine the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombing through the lens of class and culture. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm The City Council's Public Safety Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue to discuss the proposed City of Cambridge Security Camera Policy. (Sullivan Chamber)
Sat, June 8
11:00am-3:00pm Fresh Pond Day (Kingsley Park, Fresh Pond Reservation) - canceled
Mon, June 10
5:30pm City Council Roundtable/Working Meeting between the City Council, School Committee, Superintendent of Schools and the School Department to discuss issues raised in the FY14 School Department Budget including enrollment, Special Education in and out of the district, Charter Schools and the long term building plan. No public comment. No votes will be taken. Meeting will not be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, June 11
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Meeting Room)
General Business
1. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
Public Hearings
7:00pm (continued) Amendments to the existing Special Permits of 125 CambridgePark Drive (PB#26) and 150 CambridgePark Drive (PB#47) and an application for Special (PB#279) located at 125, 150 and 180R CambridgePark Drive to permit the construction of a new multifamily residential building of 220 units on a portion of the above property to be known as 130 CambridgePark Drive, and a parking garage for 456 parking spaces on 150 CambridgePark Drive. The amendments to the existing Special Permits (PB#26 and PB#47) and Special Permit PB#279 are required pursuant to Section 20.70 – Flood Plain Overlay District, 20.95.1 – Maximum Floor Area Ratio, 20.95.11 – Maximum Floor Area Ratio, 20.95.34 – Waiver of Yard Requirements, 20l97.2 – Pooled Parking, 20.97.3 – (and 5.25.42) Waiver of Gross Floor Area Provisions for Parking Facilities, 6.35 – Relief from Parking Requirements, 6.43.6 – Common Driveways, 6.44.1 – Setbacks for On Grade Open Parking Facilities and Driveways and 19.20 – Project Review. The applicant is The McKinnon Company, as developer on behalf of BRE/CPD LLC, for the property.
General Business
2. Central Square Zoning Discussion
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, June 12
8:00am Recycling Advisory Committee meeting (Sullivan Chamber, City Hall)
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
1. Executive Director's Report
2. Assistant Director's Report
3. Commissioners' Reports
Unfinished Business
1. 2013 Annual City Census
2. 2013 Street Listing Book
2. 2013 Special Elections
• Special State Election – June 25th
New Business |
Thurs, June 13
2:00pm The City Council's Economic Development, Training and Employment Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss how Cambridge is marketing Innovation city-wide. (Sullivan Chamber)
Sat, June 15
Noon-5:00pm Fabulous Free Family Celebration of Magazine Beach (rain location: Riverside Boat Club)
Mon, June 17
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, June 18
8:30am The City Council's Civic Unity Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss the Monteiro case only as it pertains to any lessons learned. (Sullivan Chamber)
11:00am The City Council's Economic Development, Training and Employment Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss the economic benefits of the Arts in Cambridge. (Sullivan Chamber)
6:00pm School Committee meeting (Attles Meeting Room, CRLS, 459 Broadway)
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
General Business
1. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
2. PB#141 – Cambridge Research Park, design review and approval of BioMed Realty Signs for public access and design review and approval of a public restroom.
Public Hearings
7:00pm (continued) Charles Teague, et al Petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cambridge in the following ways: create new definitions for Lamp, Luminaire, Direct Light , and indirect light; amend portion of Sections 6.41 and6.46 in Design and Maintenance of Off-Street Parking Facilities to replace terms "glare," "reflection" and "lights" with other terms as defined in the petition; amend paragraph 7.15 (B) in General Limitations for All Signs Permitted in the City of Cambridge; modify the title of Section 7.20 Illumination to read Section 7.23 Lighting Restrictions for Residential Districts and remove the term "indirect" from the text.
7:20pm Jenny Popper-Keizer, et al Petition to amend the Zoning Map of the City of Cambridge by replacing the existing Special District 8A with Residence C-1 in the area bounded by Allston Street, Waverly Street, Putnam Avenue and Sidney Street. The effects of this change would include: prohibiting non-residential uses that are currently allowed on a limited basis; decreasing the allowed residential Floor Area Ratio to 0.75 from the existing 1.50 for residential and 1.75 for dormitory; increasing the minimum lot area per dwelling unit from 1,000 square feet to 1,500 square feet; and decreasing the allowed height to 35 feet from the current of 60 feet or 45 feet within 100 feet of the Residence C-1 district.
8:00pm Councillor Kelley Petition to amend to create a new Section 5.55 Special Provisions for Rainwater Separation in Residential Buildings. This new section would authorize a Board of Zoning Appeal Special Permit to allow changes to roofs that currently collect and combine rainwater with household waste-water through discharge to a single outflow pipe to the municipal sewer line. The Special Permit would require that all rainwater from the roof would be eliminated from the sewer line and be recycled or led to the ground to follow its natural path. The Special Permit would allow additional height not to exceed 10 feet above the existing roof line of the building, additional Floor Area Ratio not to exceed 20% of the existing Floor Area Ratio of the building and to restrict this addition from becoming an independent or separate dwelling from the floor below the roof.
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, June 19
4:30pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss a zoning petition from Jenny Popper-Keizer, et al., requesting the City Council amend the Zoning Ordinance and Map from SD-8A to Residence C-1 in the area bounded by Allston Street to the north, Putnam Avenue to the south, Sidney Street to the west and Waverly Street to the east. This hearing to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Mon, June 24
5:00pm Special Presentation to celebrate the launch of the Cambridge Community Compact for a Sustainable Future. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, June 25
7:00am-8:00pm Special State Election (to fill Kerry Senate vacancy)
8:45pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
1. Executive Director's Report
2. Assistant Director's Report
3. Commissioners' Reports |
Unfinished Business
1. 2013 Special State Elections – June 25th
New Business |
Wed, June 26
7:15am The City Council's Public Facilities, Arts and Celebrations Committee has scheduled a trip to New York on June 26-28 to study partnerships between public parks and private corporations. (New York)
4:30pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss proposed changes to the Cambridge Zoning Ordinance relating to rainwater separation in residential buildings. This hearing to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Thurs, June 27
5:00pm Central Square Advisory Committee Meeting (38 Sidney Street, Suite 180)
The Central Square Advisory Committee will meet to discuss a Planning Board Special Permit application by Forest City Commercial Group, Inc. d/b/a Mass Ave 300 Block West LLC, to construct an office, research and development building with ground floor retail at 300 Massachusetts Avenue, pursuant to Section 19.20 Project Review in the Cambridgeport Revitalization Development District. The Central Square Advisory Committee will review this proposal pursuant to the provisions outlined in Section 20.303 in the Cambridge Zoning Ordinance.
For further information or questions, please contact Liza Paden at 617/349-3637, TTY 617/349-4621 or
Copies of this application are on file at the Office of the City Clerk, City Hall, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and at the Community Development Department, 3rd floor, 344 Broadway, and online at under Special Permit applications. Please make requests for alternative formats in advance by contacting Liza Paden.
Fri, June 28
Evening Central Square Dance Party (Mass. Ave. in front of City Hall)
Fri, July 5
4:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
4:30pm Counting of provisional ballots
5:00pm Counting of overseas ballots
1. Executive Director's Report
2. Assistant Director's Report
3. Commissioners' Reports
Unfinished Business
1. 2013 Special State Election – Tuesday, June 25th
A. Provisional Ballots and Overseas Absentee Ballots will be Counted
B. Final Election Results will be Announced
New Business |
Tues, July 9
6:00-8:30pm Cambridge Arts Council Advisory Board Meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Conference Room)
6:00pm License Commission General Hearing (Lombardi Building, 831 Mass. Ave., Basement Level Conference Room)
Among other items, the agenda includes the following relating to the Central Square H Mart set to open this fall:
Application - H Mart Cambridge, LLC, Ilyeon Kwon, Manager, has applied for a common victualer license to be exercised at 581 Mass. Ave. Said license if granted would allow food and non-alcoholic beverages to be sold, served, and consumed on said premises. The hours of operation will be 9:00am to 11:00pm seven days per week with a seating capacity of 30.
Application - M.I.G. Partners, LLC d/b/a Sapporo Ramen Central at H Mart, Taiji Mineo, Manager, has applied for a common victualer license to be exercised at 581 Mass. Ave. Said license if granted would allow food and non-alcoholic beverages to be sold, served, and consumed on said premises. The hours of operation will be 9:00am to 11:00pm seven days per week with a seating capacity of 30.
Application - Go Go Curry USA, Inc. d/b/a Go Go Curry at H Mart, Kazuko Nagao, Manager, has applied for a common victualer license to be exercised at 581 Mass. Ave. Said license if granted would allow food and non-alcoholic beverages to be sold, served, and consumed on said premises. The hours of operation will be 9:00am to 11:00pm seven days per week with a seating capacity of 30.
Application - Paris Baguette America, Inc. d/b/a Paris Baguette at H Mart, Sungho Choi, Manager, has applied for a common victualer license to be exercised at 581 Mass. Ave. Said license if granted would allow food and non-alcoholic beverages to be sold, served, and consumed on said premises. The hours of operation will be 9:00am to 11:00pm seven days per week with a seating capacity of 30.
7:00pm The City Council's Cable TV, Telecommunications and Public Utilities Committee will conduct a public meeting to explore the development of an open data ordinance in the City of Cambridge. (Cambridge Coworking Center (C3), 101 Main Street)
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
General Business
1. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
2. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
Telecommunication antenna installation at 288 Norfolk Street
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s)
Public Hearings
7:00pm (continued) Michael Phillips, et al Petition to amend Section 17.20 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cambridge as follows to increase the setback requirement abutting Linear Park and to clarify language defining "form and density compatible with the adjacent residential neighborhood" by limiting the number of dwelling units in a single structure. The petition would create a new Section 17.26 - Access to streets, a new Section 17.27 - Transfer of Development Rights, a new Section 17.28 - Transfer of Development Rights to preserve Publicly Accessible Open Space, and amend Section 17.28.2 to include Special District 2 in the Areas of Special Planning Concern.
8:00pm PB#283, 300 Massachusetts Avenue, Special Permit application to construct an office, research and development building with ground floor retail at 300 Massachusetts Avenue, pursuant to Section 19.20 Project Review in the Cambridgeport Revitalization Development District by the Forest City Commercial Group, Inc. d/b/a Mass Ave 300 Block West LLC.
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, July 10
7:00-9:00pm Longfellow Bridge Public Meeting - Phase 1 Briefing (MIT, Building E25, Room 111 (E25-111),
45 Carleton Street)
Rehabilitation of the iconic Longfellow Bridge will begin soon. The purpose of the meeting is to present details on Phase 1 of the Longfellow Bridge Rehabilitation Project and the Traffic Stage 1 shift that the design/build (D/B) team, White-Skanska-Consigli (WSC), will implement in mid-July. Stage 1 will close the west side of the bridge for construction and shift Boston bound traffic to the east side. Cambridge bound traffic will be detoured using a signed route from Charles Circle to Land Boulevard using Leverett Circle and Monsignor O'Brien Highway. D/B staff from WSC will also describe traffic monitoring and management plans. Pedestrian and bicycle access and MBTA Red Line service will be maintained throughout construction.
Sat, July 13
4:00pm-6:30pm 3rd Annual Vision Central Square Concert and Picnic in the Park (University Park, Sidney Street)

Vision Central Square's
3rd Annual
Concert and Picnic in the Park
Featuring the Berlin Hall Orchestra
Bring a picnic, bring your friends, bring your kids and listen to music, relax, and play
Saturday July 13th, 4:00–6:30pm
University Park & Sidney Street
between Franklin & Pacific in Central Square
Mon, July 15
6:00-8:00pm Affordable Rental and Homeownership Programs Information Session (Trolley Square Community Room, 2401 Mass. Ave.)
The City of Cambridge will be holding a series of free Walk-In Informational Sessions on affordable rental and homeownership programs at different locations in the coming months. Housing personnel from the Community Development Department will be available to discuss the city's affordable rental and homeownership programs. For more information, please contact us at 617-349-4622.
Tues, July 16
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
General Business
1. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
2. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s)
Public Hearings
7:20pm PB#282, 533 Putnam Avenue Special Permit to convert an existing Non-Residential Space to Residential Use pursuant to Section 5.28.2 – Conversion of Non Residential Structures to Residential Use; Section 6.35.1 -Reduction of Required Parking; and Section 5.28.22 Dwelling Units to permit a greater number of dwelling units than is permissible as determined by the Minimum Lot Area per Unit. No new gross floor area will be constructed. Lianne Bensley, applicant.
8:00pm Charles Teague, et al, to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cambridge in the following ways: create new definitions for Lamp, Luminaire, Direct Light, and Indirect Light; amend portions of Sections 6.41 and 6.46 in Design and Maintenance of Off-Street Parking Facilities to replace terms "glare," "reflection" and "lights" with other terms as defined in the petition; amend Paragraph 7.15(B) in General Limitations for All Signs Permitted in the City of Cambridge to remove the term "indirect" from the text; create a new Section 7.22 Lighting Restrictions for the City of Cambridge; and modify the title of Section 7.20 Illumination to read Section 7.23 Lighting Restrictions for Residential Districts and remove the term "indirect" from the text.
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, July 17
6:00pm The City Council's Civic Unity Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue discussions of lessons learned as it pertains to the Monteiro case. (Sullivan Chamber)
Thurs, July 18
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
1. Executive Director's Report
2. Assistant Director's Report
3. Commissioners' Reports |
Unfinished Business
1. 2013 Special State Election – Tuesday, June 25th, Election Review
New Business |
Tues, July 23
4:00pm The City Council's Neighborhood and Long Term Planning Committee will conduct a public meeting to review recommendations for best practices in support neighborhood groups and to determine best strategies going forward. (Sullivan Chamber)
Mon, July 29
5:30pm Special (Midsummer) City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, July 30
5:00pm The City Council's Neighborhood and Long Term Planning Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss assessing the current status of Central Square following the Central Square Advisory Committee's non-zoning recommendations and exploring potential options to make the neighborhood a safer and more family-friendly area. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
1. Executive Director's Report
2. Assistant Director's Report
3. Commissioners' Reports |
Unfinished Business
1. 2013 Special State Primary – October 15, 2013
2. 2013 Municipal Election – November 5, 2013
3. 2013 Special State Election – December 10, 2013
New Business |
6:00pm School Committee meeting (CRLS, Attles Meeting Room)
Wed, July 31
4:30pm The City Council's Finance Committee (Decker) will conduct a public meeting to examine the finances of various proposals for the future of the Foundry Building. This meeting to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm Roundtable/Working Meeting between the City Council and the Affordable Housing Trust to discuss the Affordable Housing Trust. No votes will be taken. Meeting will not be televised. (Sullivan Chamber) - canceled
Mon, Aug 5
5:00pm The City Council's Neighborhood and Long Term Planning (Cheung), and Economic Development, Training, and Employment (Toomey), and Public Facilities, Arts and Celebrations (Reeves) Committees will conduct a joint public meeting to discuss the future of the Foundry Building. (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Aug 6
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
1. Executive Director's Report
2. Assistant Director's Report
3. Commissioners' Reports |
Unfinished Business
1. 2013 Special State Primary – October 15, 2013
2. 2013 Municipal Election – November 5, 2013
3. 2013 Special State Election – December 10, 2013
New Business |
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
General Business
1. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
2. PB#141, The Lab Cambridge, Other Use Determination and Approval
3. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
Telecommunication antenna installation at 288 Norfolk Street
Telecommunication antenna installation at 300 Mount Auburn Street
Telecommunication antenna installation at 678 Mass Avenue
4. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s)
Public Hearings
7:20pm PB#278, 240 Sidney Street, 40 Allston Street and 618 Grove Avenue, to construct 107 units of housing pursuant to Section 19.20 – Project Review and 6.35.1 – Reduction of Required Parking. Dinosaur Capital Partners on behalf of Sidney Grove, LLC, applicant. (Continued from April 16 and June 4, 2013)
8:20pm PB#283, 300 Massachusetts Avenue, Special Permit application to construct an office, research and development building with ground floor retail at 300 Massachusetts Avenue, pursuant to Section 19.20 Project Review in the Cambridgeport Revitalization Development District by the Forest City Commercial Group, Inc., d/b/a Mass Ave 300 Block West LLC. (Continued from July 9, 2013)
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, Aug 7
9:30am The City Council's Government Operations and Rules Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss a park being named in honor of Eitan Stern. (Ackermann Room)
10:00am The City Council's Government Operations and Rules Committee will conduct a public meeting to receive a brief update on community benefits from the non-profit summit. (Ackermann Room)
Sat, Aug 10
1:00-3:00pm David Brown Wildlife Walk at Alewife Reservation (Alewife Reservation North Trail (map))
Meet at the lot on Acorn Park Drive at 1:00pm to explore the North Trail with experienced wildlife specialist David Brown. No Cost, All Ages. Wear sturdy boots or shoes. Bring water bottle.
Mon, Aug 12
6:00pm Community Preservation Act Public Hearing (City Hall, 795 Mass. Ave., Sullivan Chamber)
The Community Preservation Act Committee will hold a public hearing. The purpose of the hearing will be to take public comment regarding allocation of Community Preservation Act Funds for FY14. These funds may be allocated to affordable housing, open space and historic preservation. The CPA Committee will make its funding recommendation in September. For more information, contact Angela Pierre, Principal Budget Analyst, at 617-349-4267 or
6:00-8:00pm Affordable Rental and Homeownership Programs Information Session (Jefferson Park Community Room, 1 Jackson Place)
The City of Cambridge will be holding a series of free Walk-In Informational Sessions on affordable rental and homeownership programs at different locations in the coming months. Housing personnel from the Community Development Department will be available to discuss the city's affordable rental and homeownership programs. For more information, please call 617-349-4622.
7:00-8:00pm Conservation Commission meeting (344 Broadway, 4th Floor Conference Room) - AGENDA
Thurs, Aug 15
3:00pm The City Council's Cable TV, Telecommunications and Public Utilities Committee will conduct a public meeting to explore the development of an open data ordinance in the City of Cambridge (Cambridge Innovation Center, 1 Broadway, Havana Room, 5th Floor)
Tues, Aug 20
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
General Business
1. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
2. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
Telecommunications antenna installation at 10 Canal Park
Telecommunications antenna installation at 286 Concord Avenue
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s)
4. PB#243, 75-125 Binney Street, design review amendment.
Public Hearings
7:00pm PB#278, 240 Sidney Street, 40 Allston Street and 618 Grove Avenue, to construct 107 units of housing pursuant to Section 19.20 – Project Review and 6.35.1 – Reduction of Required Parking. Dinosaur Capital Partners on behalf of Sidney Grove, LLC, applicant – request for an extension of time for decision and filing the decision.
7:20pm Connolly, et al Petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cambridge by creating new standards for review of greenhouse gas emissions to be included in Article 19.000 – Project Review; and create new requirements for greenhouse gas mitigation in Article 22.000 – Sustainable Design and Development. The proposed amendment also includes procedural requirements and other review criteria.
8:30pm (continued) Popper-Keizer, et al Petition to amend the Zoning Map of the City of Cambridge by replacing the existing Special District 8A with Residence C-1 in the area bounded by Allston, Waverly, and Sidney Streets and Putnam Avenue.
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, Aug 21
2:30pm The City Council's Government Operations and Rules Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss new meeting protocols as it relates to resolutions and policy orders and record keeping of City Council minutes. (Ackermann Room)
4:00pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss the proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance on the petition filed by Mike Connolly, et al. to ensure all new construction or changes in use requiring Project Review Special Permits are built to avoid emission of greenhouse gases in daily operation thereby mitigating the risk of extremely dangerous climate changes. This hearing to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:00pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
1. Executive Director's Report
2. Assistant Director's Report
3. Commissioners' Reports |
Unfinished Business
1. 2013 Special State Primary – October 15, 2013
2. 2013 Municipal Election – November 5, 2013
3. 2013 Special State Election – December 10, 2013
New Business |
7:00pm 20th Annual Oldtime Baseball Game (St. Peter's Field)
The Oldtime Baseball Game is a celebration of our national pastime, played each year at beautiful St. Peter's Field on Sherman Street in North Cambridge... What makes the Oldtime Baseball Game so special is our dazzling collection of flannel uniforms that represent virtually every era in baseball history...
Players from the game are chosen from colleges and universities from the Boston area, with an occasional high school player or retired big-leaguer added to the mix. Over the years, former Red Sox pitchers Oil Can Boyd and Jim Corsi have played in the game, as has former New York Yankee Mike Pagliarulo. More than 25 participants in the Oldtime Baseball Game have gone on to play professional baseball, including former Northeastern University star Carlos Pena of Haverhill, the first representative of our game to play Major League Baseball. Pena now plays for the Tampa Bay Devil Rays.
But the Oldtime Baseball Game is, and always will be, a charity event. Since we work so hard each year to gather more than 1,000 people to watch our game, it just makes sense to use the event to raise money for a worthy cause [Scleroderma Foundation this year].
Wed, Aug 28
6:00pm The City Council's Civic Unity Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue discussions on lessons learned as it pertains to the Monteiro case and to discuss how to ensure that the City effectively addresses employee grievances and concerns. (Sullivan Chamber) - canceled
Tues, Sept 3
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
General Business
1. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
2. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
Special Permit for Two Garden Street
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s)
Public Hearings
7:20pm PB#278, 240 Sidney Street, 40 Allston Street and 618 Grove Avenue, to construct 107 units of housing pursuant to Section 19.20 – Project Review and 6.35.1 – Reduction of Required Parking. Dinosaur Capital Partners on behalf of Sidney Grove, LLC, applicant – request for an extension of time for decision and filing the decision. (Continued from April 16, June 4, and August 6, 2013)
8:00pm PB#283, 300 Massachusetts Avenue, Special Permit application to construct an office, research and development building with ground floor retail at 300 Massachusetts Avenue, pursuant to Section 19.20 Project Review in the Cambridgeport Revitalization Development District by the Forest City Commercial Group, Inc., d/b/a Mass Ave 300 Block West LLC. (Continued from July 9 and August 6, 2013)
8:30pm Councilor Kelley Petition to create a new Section 5.55 Special Provisions for Rainwater separation in Residential Buildings. This new section would authorize a Board of Zoning Appeal Special Permit to allow change to roofs the currently collect and combine rainwater with household waste-water through discharge to a single outflow to the municipal sewer line. (Continued from June 18, 2013)
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, Sept 4
9:30am The City Council's Public Safety Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss the future of public safety efforts and investments in the City of Cambridge. (Sullivan Chamber)
Mon, Sept 9
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Sept 10
6:00pm Community Preservation Act Public Hearing (City Hall, 795 Mass. Ave., Sullivan Chamber)
The Community Preservation Act Committee (CPAC) will hold a committee meeting on Tuesday, September 10, 2013 at 5:30pm, in the Ackermann Room at Cambridge City Hall, 795 Massachusetts Avenue. The purpose of the meeting will be for the CPAC to vote on the percentage allocation to CPA expenditure categories and on particular projects to be funded with Community Preservation Act Funds for FY14. These funds may be allocated to affordable housing, open space and historic preservation. For more information, contact Angela Pierre, Principal Budget Analyst, at 617-349-4267 or
Wed, Sept 11
8:00am Recycling Advisory Committee meeting (Sullivan Chamber, City Hall)
5:30-7:30pm Transit Advisory Committee meeting (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
5:45pm – SFI HEARING (SFI = Statement of Financial Interest)
1. Executive Director's Report
2. Assistant Director's Report
3. Commissioners' Reports |
Unfinished Business
1. 2013 Special State Primary – October 15, 2013
2. 2013 Municipal Election – November 5, 2013
3. 2013 Special State Election – December 10, 2013
New Business |
6:00-8:00pm Bicycle Committee meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 4th Floor Conference Room)
Thurs, Sept 12
6:00-8:00pm Climate Protection Action Committee Meeting (City Hall, Sullivan Chamber)
The agenda for the meeting will be posted on the Community Development Department website. The featured topic in September will be a meeting with the City Manager and City department heads.
Mon, Sept 16
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Sept 17
7:00pm The City Council's Cable TV, Telecommunications and Public Utilities Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss developing an open data ordinance for the City of Cambridge. (Cambridge Innovation Center, 1 Broadway, 5th Floor) - canceled
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
General Business
1. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
2. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s)
Public Hearings
7:20pm PB#284, 15-33 Richdale Avenue, Special Permit to construct a 54 unit residential building pursuant to Section 19.20 Project Review, Section 5.31 footnote l reduction of the rear yard setback, Section 4.26 Multifamily Special Permit and 10.40 Special Permit. The applicant is Hathaway Partners, LLC
8:30pm Major Amendment to PB#231A, pertaining to parking ratios and other conditions to parking. The applicant requests 22 parking spaces on the office and laboratory site to be used for the office and laboratory building use rather than the required residential building at 159 First Street. The major amendment requires two public hearings pursuant to Article 12.000. The second public hearing will be held on Tuesday, October 1, 2013 at 7:20 p.m. at the Citywide Senior Center, 806 Massachusetts Avenue. The applicant is 150 Second Street, LLC.
General Business
4. PB#31, 245 First Street, Minor Amendment to review and approved the subdivision of the property. The applicant is MA-Riverview,/245 First Street, L.L.C.
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, Sept 18
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
1. Executive Director's Report
2. Assistant Director's Report
3. Commissioners' Reports |
Unfinished Business
1. 2013 Special State Primary – October 15, 2013
2. 2013 Municipal Election – November 5, 2013
3. 2013 Special State Election – December 10, 2013
New Business |
7:00pm 5th Congressional District Democratic Candidates Forum (University Hall Auditorium, Lesley University, 1815 Mass. Ave, Cambridge
Featuring candidates: Senator Will Brownsberger, Senator Katherine Clark, Sheriff Peter Koutoujian, Representative Carl Sciortino, and Senator Karen Spilka
Moderated by former State Senator Warren Tolman
This forum is sponsored by the Cambridge Democratic City Committee. To submit questions for the forum, go to the City Committee website:
This is the US House of Representatives seat just vacated by Ed Markey, who moved to the US Senate after a special election last June to replace US Senator John Kerry. This vacancy in the US House of Representatives will be filled via the Special State Primary (Democratic and Republican Parties) on Tues, Oct 15 followed by the Special State Election on Tues, Dec 10.
5th Congressional District includes: |
*Middlesex County |
Suffolk County |
Worcester County |
Wd. 3, Pct. 2A
Wd. 4, Pcts. 2, 3
Wds. 6, 7, 8, 9
Wd. 10, Pcts. 1, 2
Framingham |
Stoneham |
Pcts. IA, 2, 3, 4, 5
Winthrop |
Southborough |
Fri, Sept 20
9:00am-5:00pm PARKing Day (citywide)
This really is a lot of fun checking out all the creative ideas sprouting up in parking spaces scattered around the city.
Sat, Sept 21
11:00am to 4:00pm Danehy Park Family Day
The City of Cambridge will host the 18th Annual Danehy Park Family Day on Saturday, September 21, from 11:00am to 4:00pm. Enjoy a fun-filled day of children's amusement rides, arts and crafts, music and roving performers, plus free hot dogs, chips, sodas and T-shirts while supplies last! Check out performances throughout the day at the children's stage. Other special giveaways include colorful kites that appeal to kids of all ages! The rain date is Sunday, Sept. 22.
Danehy Park is a 55-acre facility located at 99 Sherman Street in North Cambridge (adjacent to Garden and New Streets). This free event, sponsored by the City of Cambridge, attracts over 4,000 people annually and offers something for everyone.
Shuttle buses will be running throughout Cambridge to provide transportation. Danehy Park can be reached by public transportation: #74 bus or #78 bus from Harvard Square; #83 bus from Central Square; or take a shuttle bus from the Alewife MBTA Station. Picnics and lawn chairs are encouraged.
For more information, call 617-349-4301 or visit
7:00pm Free, open air screening of BUGS BUNNY SUPERSTAR with director Larry Jackson introducing the film! (Palmer Street in Harvard Square)

Mon, Sept 23
5:30pm Roundtable/Working Meeting between the City Council and the School Committee to discuss Pre-Kindergarten and Early Childhood Education. No votes will be taken. Meeting will not be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Sept 24
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
1. Executive Director's Report
2. Assistant Director's Report
3. Commissioners' Reports |
Unfinished Business
1. 2013 Special State Primary – October 15, 2013
2. 2013 Municipal Election – November 5, 2013
3. 2013 Special State Election – December 10, 2013
New Business |
6:00pm The City Council's Civic Unity Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue discussions on lessons learned as it pertains to the Monteiro case and to discuss how to ensure that the City effectively addresses employee grievances and concerns. (Sullivan Chamber)
Thurs, Sept 26
6:00pm Community Meeting on Proposed Security Camera Policy in Cambridge (City Hall, Sullivan Chamber, 2nd Floor)
Hosted by: City Manager Richard C. Rossi and Mayor Henrietta Davis
A draft of the Security Camera Policy can be viewed here. [Link to Public Meeting Notice]
Fri, Sept 27
7:30pm City Council Candidates Forum sponsored by East Cambridge Planning Team - moderated by former Gov. Michael Dukakis (Dante Alighieri Society Center, 41 Hampshire St.)
Free Public Shredding Event 9/28
Saturday September 28 from 1pm-5pm at Cambridge City Hall, 795 Mass Ave, rain or shine.
Members of the public can bring personal and confidential paper documents, which will be destroyed on the spot in a highly advanced shredding truck and sent for recycling. Documents accepted include credit card statements, bank statements, medical documents, and insurance records. We only recommend bringing papers with your social security number or account numbers. Papers with just your name and address can and should be recycled in the curbside recycling program. 10 minute drop-off parking will be available on Mass Ave (between Inman & Bigelow Street), Inman Street (between Mass. Ave & Bishop Allen Drive) and Bigelow Street (between Mass. Ave and Dorothy Dottie Doyle Way). For more info contact the Cambridge Consumers’ Council at 617-349-6150 or
Sun, Sept 29
The 6th Annual Bow Tie Ride
Sunday September 29th, 2013

Ever notice that the city of Cambridge is shaped like a bow tie?
Come see for yourself, at the Cambridge Bow Tie Ride!
Our 13 mile tour through Cambridge starts at the Cambridge Main Library, 449 Broadway. We'll meet at 10:00AM for orientation and leave promptly at 10:30AM. The ride will finish back where we started, on the library grounds, about two hours later.
It wouldn't be a Bow Tie Ride without bow ties. We're excited to be partnering once again with our friends at OoO Tie. Enter our drawing at the end of the ride for a chance to win a free bow tie. We have three to give away so you have three chances to win!
Want to start the ride showing off your good taste by sporting a new bow tie? Shop at the OoO Tie website and get a 20% discount using the code BOWTIERIDE2013.
Bow ties are optional but you can't ride without a bicycle. If you need one for the day,Urban AdvenTours has a special discount offer. Call 617 670-0637 to make your reservation and mention our ride. Your rental fee will be only $25 for the day.
You can pick up your bike at Urban AdvenTours any time after 9AM on Sunday and must return it by 6PM. For an additional $10, Urban AdvenTours will deliver your rental bike to the Cambridge Main Library, where the ride starts and ends.
Like all our tours, this ride is free of charge. We'll keep you posted with more news of our plans at the website. |
Mon, Sept 30
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
6:30pm The City Council will conduct a public hearing to discuss the property tax rate classification. (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Oct 1
2:30pm The City Council's Finance Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue to examine the finances of various proposals for the future of the Foundry Building. This meeting to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm The City Council's Public Safety Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss safety associated with tour bus parking, traveling and touring through Cambridge. (Sullivan Chamber)
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
General Business
1. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
2. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s)
Public Hearings
7:20pm (continued) Major Amendment to PB#231A, 150 Second Street, pertaining to parking ratios and other conditions to parking. The applicant requests 22 parking spaces on the office and laboratory site to be used for the office and laboratory building use rather than the required residential building at 159 First Street. The major amendment requires two public hearings pursuant to Article 12.000. The applicant is 150 Second Street, LLC.
7:45pm (continued) Connolly, et al, Petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cambridge creating new standards for review of greenhouse gas emissions to be included in Article 19.000 – Project Review; and create new requirements for green house gas mitigation in Article 22.000 – Sustainable Design and Development. The proposed amendment also includes procedural requirements and other review criteria.
8:30pm PB#85, Major Amendment, 1 Education Street, application to permit the use of EF's existing building for education use in addition to the currently permitted office use. The second public hearing will be held on Tues, Oct 22, 2013 at 7:20pm in the second floor meeting room at 344 Broadway.
8:45pm John Walker, et al Petition, et al to amend Section 17.20 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cambridge as follows to increase the setback requirement abutting Linear Park and to clarify language defining "form and density comparable with the residential neighborhood" by limiting the number of units in a single structure. The petition would create a new Section 17.26 – Access to streets, a new Section 17.27 – Transfer of Development Rights, a new Section 17.28 – Transfer of Development Rights to preserve Publicly Accessible Open Space, and amend Section 17.28.2 to include Special District 2 in the Areas of Special Planning Concern.
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, Oct 2
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
1. Executive Director's Report
2. Assistant Director's Report
3. Commissioners' Reports |
Unfinished Business
1. 2013 Special State Primary – October 15, 2013
2. 2013 Municipal Election – November 5, 2013
3. 2013 Special State Election – December 10, 2013
New Business |
6:00pm Getting to Net Zero - A Panel Discussion (Cambridge Public Library, Main Branch - RSVP)
Join Mayor Henrietta Davis, city public officials, and a diverse group of speakers to discuss Net Zero: the challenges and opportunities for our city.
7:30pm City Council Candidates Forum sponsored by Mid-Cambridge Neighborhood Association (Cambridge College, 1000 Mass. Ave.)
Thurs, Oct 3
2:00pm The City Council's University Relations Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss previous university tours of Harvard, Lesley and MIT, to plan a tour of Cambridge College and to get and update on the Office of College Success. (Sullivan Chamber) - canceled
Mon, Oct 7
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Oct 8
5:00pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
1. Executive Director's Report
2. Assistant Director's Report
3. Commissioners' Reports |
Unfinished Business
1. 2013 Special State Primary – October 15, 2013
2. 2013 Municipal Election – November 5, 2013
3. 2013 Special State Election – December 10, 2013
New Business |
7:00pm City Council Candidates Forum sponsored by Porter Square Neighbors Association and Agassiz Baldwin Community - moderated by Rep. Alice Wolf (Lesley's University Hall, 1815 Mass. Ave.)
Thurs, Oct 10
3:00pm Roundtable/Working City Council meeting for the City Council to discuss the Connolly, et al. net zero zoning petition. No votes will be taken. Meeting will not be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
6:30-8:30pm School Committee Candidates Forum sponsored by Like Minded Parents (Fletcher Maynard Academy auditorium)
Tues, Oct 15
2:30pm The City Council's University Relations Committee will conduct a public meeting for the following (1) to review the activities of the committee to date in the 2012-2013 City Council term, including information gleaned from the committee sponsored tours of Harvard, MIT and Lesley; (2) to plan tours for Cambridge College and Longy School of Music, (3) to discuss Education First; and (4) to hear a panel presentation regarding the Cambridge based efforts to establish and Office of College Success. (Sullivan Chamber)
7:00am to 8:00pm Special State Primary for MA 5th Congressional District
Wed, Oct 16
9:30-11:00am City Council Candidates Forum sponsored by Cambridge Homes & Mt. Auburn Nbhd. Assn. (Cambridge Homes, 360 Mt. Auburn Street)
4:00pm The City Council's Neighborhood and Long Term Planning Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss ending homelessness in Cambridge with the Senior Policy Group on Homelessness. (Sullivan Chamber)
6:30-8:30pm School Committee Candidates Forum sponsored by Citywide School Advisory Group (CSAG) (Cambridge Main Library Lecture Hall)
CSAG info:
8:00pm Deadline to register to vote in municipal election
Thurs, Oct 17
9:30-11:00am City Council Candidates Forum sponsored by Cambridge Homes & Mt. Auburn Nbhd. Assn. (Cambridge Homes, 360 Mt. Auburn Street)
2:00pm The City Council's Public Facilities, Arts and Celebrations Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss ways in which the City of Cambridge can program public spaces for the enjoyment of the public, including information gleaned by a city delegation which visited New York City to explore summer programming and a discussion of how best to fund public programming in Cambridge. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:00pm The City Council's Transportation, Traffic and Parking Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss the Western Avenue Reconstruction project and its impact to Western Avenue between Green Street and Memorial Drive. (Sullivan Chamber)
Fri, Oct 18
9:30-11:00am School Committee Candidates Forum sponsored by Cambridge Homes & Mt. Auburn Nbhd. Assn. (Cambridge Homes, 360 Mt. Auburn Street)
Sat, Oct 19
8:00am-4:00pm Cambridge Watershed Bike Tour (meet at Walter J. Sullivan Purification Facility, 250 Fresh Pond Parkway)
Explore where your water comes from! Join Cambridge Water Department (CWD) staff on a guided bike tour of the watershed Saturday, Oct 19, from 8am-4pm. The 34-mile loop will take cyclists from the Walter J. Sullivan Purification Facility at 250 Fresh Pond Parkway in Cambridge, to the watershed lands and reservoirs in Lincoln, Lexington, Weston and Waltham. Rain date is Sunday, Oct 20. The tour will include stops at the CWD Field Office, Winter Street Dam and Gatehouse, Stony Brook Dam and Gatehouse, and Paul Revere Capture Site. Advanced registration is required; registration closes on Oct 15. Participants must be comfortable with the 34 mile distance and must provide their own bike (road or hybrid), helmet and lunch. Technical assistance will be provided by Urban AdvenTours. To register, please contact Katie at or call 617-349-7712. For more information, visit
Mon, Oct 21
5:00pm Special Presentation to the 2013 Cambridge Food Heroes. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Oct 22
6:00-8:00pm City Council Candidates Forum sponsored by Cambridge Economic Opportunity Committee (CEOC) and Alliance of Cambridge Tenants (ACT) (Senior Center, 806 Mass Ave.)
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
General Business
1. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
2. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s)
Public Hearings
7:00pm Medical Marijuana Zoning Petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cambridge in the following ways:
• Define Registered Marijuana Dispensary consistent with the definition set forth in the Massachusetts state regulations, 105 CMR 725.000.
• List Registered Marijuana Dispensary within Section 4.35 of the Table of Use Regulations, allowed only by Planning Board Special Permit within the Medical Marijuana Overlay Districts.
• Delete the existing Section 11.700, Interim Regulations for Medical Marijuana Uses.
• Create a new Section 20.700 – Medical Marijuana Overlay Districts, establishing two Medical Marijuana Overlay Districts and setting forth requirements and criteria for Planning Board approval.
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, Oct 23
6:30-8:30pm School Committee Candidates Forum on Special Education sponsored by Cambridge Parent Advisory Council (CRLS Media Cafe)
Mon, Oct 28
5:30pm Roundtable/Working Meeting between the City Council and the School Committee to discuss the coordination and administration of after school programs and activities. No votes will be taken. Meeting will not be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
8:00pm Deadline for School Committee candidates and Political Committees to file Municipal Campaign & Political Finance Reports
Tues, Oct 29
5:00pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
1. Executive Director's Report
2. Assistant Director's Report
3. Commissioners' Reports
Unfinished Business
1. 2013 Municipal Election – November 5, 2013
2. 2013 Special State Election – December 10, 2013
New Business |
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (2nd floor meeting room, City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway)
General Business
1. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
2. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases - 250 Monsignor O'Brien Highway Telecommunication antenna
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s)
Public Hearings
7:20pm Second hearing, PB#85, One Education Street, Major Amendment to the PUD to permit the use of EF's existing building at One Education Street for educational use, in addition to the currently permitted office use, consistent with the development of EF's new building at Eight Education Street. The applicant is EFEKTA Schools, Inc.
7:45pm PB#38, One Canal Park, Major Amendment to allow the reduction of the required parking by 30 spaces. No other changes to PUD #38 are anticipated except for those relating to the parking minimum, and no changes to the existing building or allowed uses are proposed. The major amendment requires two public hearings pursuant to Article 12.000. The second public hearing will be held on Tuesday, November 12, 2013 at 7:20pm in the second floor meeting room at 344 Broadway. The applicant is MA-One Canal Park, L.L.C.
8:00pm PB#284, 15-33 Richdale Avenue, this public hearing will be continued at a later date to be announced, notification will be sent.
General Business
4. PB#243 - 270 Third Street, Design Review
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, Oct 30
7:00-8:30pm School Committee Candidates Forum sponsored by the Friends of CRLS and the CRLS alumni association (CRLS main cafeteria)
7:00-9:30pm Green Cambridge's Environmental & Energy Issues City Council Candidates' Night (Senior Center, 806 Mass Ave.)
Mon, Nov 4
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Nov 5
Municipal Election. Polls are open 7:00am until 8:00pm. The Preliminary Election Count will follow at the Cambridge Senior Center in Central Square.
The Preliminary PR Count will take place at the Senior Center after the polls close.
9:00pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
1. Executive Director's Report
2. Assistant Director's Report
3. Commissioners' Reports |
Unfinished Business
1. 2013 Municipal Election – November 5, 2013
2. 2013 Special State Election – December 10, 2013
New Business |
Wed, Nov 6
The PR Election Count continues at the Cambridge Senior Center as auxiliary ballots are tabulated and Unofficial Results are determined.
9:00am Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
1. Executive Director's Report
2. Assistant Director's Report
3. Commissioners' Reports
Unfinished Business
1. 2013 Municipal Election – November 5, 2013
2. 2013 Special State Election – December 10, 2013
New Business |
Thurs, Nov 7
4:00pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing on the petition received from Boston Properties to amend the Zoning Ordinances and Zoning Map in the Ames Street area. This hearing to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Fri, Nov 8
9:30am The City Council's Government Operations and Rules Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss City Clerk's Office staffing. (Ackermann Room)
Veterans' Day Observance - Monday, November 11
The Cambridge Veterans' Organization (CVO), in conjunction with the City's Department of Veterans' Services will hold their annual Veterans' Day Observance Monday, November 11, at 11:00am, at the Veterans' World War I Monument, located adjacent to the main gate of Cambridge Cemetery, 76 Coolidge Ave.
Veterans, Police and Fire Departments' Color Guards will muster at the World War I monument in the Cambridge Cemetery. Mayor Henrietta Davis will give the City's remembrance and City Councillor and State Representative Timothy Toomey Jr. will read the City Council's Veterans' Day Resolution. CVO President, Philip Anderson, will serve as Master of Ceremonies.
A CRLS Drama student will read the Governor's Proclamation and a music student will sing the National Anthem and lead the audience in the singing of God Bless America. Lieutenant Commander Adam Lareau, U.S. Navy, will deliver the keynote address.
In honor of all Cambridge veterans who have served our nation, Steve Vesce, Director of Cambridge Veteran Services, will place a memorial wreath at the Veterans' WWI monument.
Bagpiper Edward O'Callaghan, will play Amazing Grace followed by the CVO Firing Detail's "Rifle Salute" and Bugler Robinson Pyle will blow TAPS.
Following the observance, a collation will be held at the American Legion Marsh Post #442 located at 1 Gerry’s Landing, Cambridge. The public is invited to attend.
For more information, please call Cambridge Veterans' Services 617-349-4761 or email at: |
Tues, Nov 12
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (2nd floor meeting room, City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway)
General Business
1. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
2. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s)
Public Hearings
7:20pm Second hearing, PB#38, One Canal Park, Major Amendment to allow the reduction of the required parking by 30 spaces. No other changes to PUD #38 are anticipated except for those relating to the parking minimum, and no changes to the existing building or allowed uses are proposed. The major amendment requires two public hearings pursuant to Article 12.000.
7:45pm Boston Properties Limited Partnership, to amend Article 14.000 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cambridge in the following ways: Define a portion of the MXD district as the Ames Street District (ASD), Modify the residential dimensional regulations in the ASD to eliminate the Floor Area Ratio limit for multifamily housing in the ASD but not increase the total allowed gross floor area in the MXD District, Modify the Lot Open Space Requirement to be satisfied within the ASD and not required lot by lot, Modify the minimum parking requirement for housing by reducing to 0.50-space per dwelling unit and allow greater flexibility for shared loading facilities, and Modify the Fast Order Food Establishment limit.
General Business
4. PB#198, Discovery Park, approval of hotel use, minor or major amendment determination.
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Fri, Nov 15
4:30pm The Cambridge Election Commission will meet to finalize the 2013 Cambridge Municipal Election results, including any provisional ballots and overseas absentee ballots (if any). (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
The Official 2013 Election Results will be tabulated, certified, and announced after these ballots are included.
1. Executive Director's Report
2. Assistant Director's Report
3. Commissioners' Reports
Unfinished Business
1. 2013 Municipal Election – November 5, 2013
2. 2013 Special State Election – December 10, 2013
New Business |
Mon, Nov 18
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Nov 19
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (2nd floor meeting room, City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway)
General Business
1. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
2. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
18 Blackstone St/840 Memorial Drive, AT&T, Antenna Installation
102 Sherman Street, AT&T Antenna Installation
1925 Mass Avenue, T Mobile, Antenna Installation
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s)
Public Hearings
7:20pm John Chun, et al Zoning Petition to amend the Zoning Map of the City of Cambridge in the entire district currently zoned Residence B located in the Cambridge Highlands neighborhood, situated north of Concord Avenue, south of and adjacent to the Blair Pond Reservation, and east of and adjacent to the municipal boundary with the Town of Belmont by deleting the designation Residence B and substituting Residence A-2. The lot area per dwelling unit would increase from 2,500 per unit for the first 5,000 square feet of lot area to 4,500 square feet in the Res. A-2 district, the setback requirements would increase and the minimum lot width would increase from 50 feet to 65 feet. The Residence A-2 district does not allow two family dwellings as allowed in the existing Residence B district.
General Business
4. PB#243 - 50 Binney Street, Design Review and Minor Amendment to relocate parking spaces.
5. PB#252A - 40 Norris Street, Design Approval
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, Nov 20
4:00pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing on a petition by the City Manager to amend the Zoning Ordinances to define and list Registered Marijuana Dispensary, delete Section 11.700 and create a new Section 20.700 entitled Medical Marijuana Overlay Districts. This hearing to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
1. Executive Director's Report
2. Assistant Director's Report
3. Commissioners' Reports
Unfinished Business
1. 2013 Municipal Election – November 5, 2013
2. 2013 Special State Election – December 10, 2013
New Business |
Thurs, Nov 21
3:30pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing on a zoning petition filed by Christopher H. Lutz, et al. requesting the City Council to amend the Zoning Map of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cambridge by rezoning an area on the northern border of Richdale Avenue from Upland Road to Walden Street from its C1-A designation to residential C-1. This hearing to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Fri, Nov 22
9:30am The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing on an amendment to the Municipal Code by adding a new Chapter 8.68 entitled Concussion Prevention and Management in Youth Activities at City Facilities. (Sullivan Chamber)
10:30am The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing on a zoning petition filed by John Chun, et al. requesting the City Council amend the Zoning Map of the City of Cambridge in the entire district currently zoned Residence B located in the Cambridge Highlands neighborhood, situated north of Concord Avenue, south of and adjacent to the Blair Pond Reservation, and east of and adjacent to the municipal boundary with the Town of Belmont by deleting the designation Residence B and substituting therefore a designation of Residence A-2. This hearing to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Mon, Nov 25
5:00pm Special Presentation - First Annual Cambridge Volunteer Appreciation Day (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Nov 26
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (City Hall, Sullivan Chamber, 795 Mass. Ave.)
1. Executive Director's Report
2. Assistant Director's Report
3. Commissioners' Reports |
Unfinished Business
1. 2013 Municipal Election Recount
New Business
Mon, Dec 2
8:30am City Council Election Recount (Moore Youth Center, 12 Gilmore Street)
5:30pm City Council meeting. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm Central Square Advisory Committee meeting (Lombardi Building, 831 Mass. Ave., Board of Zoning Appeal Meeting Room):
(1) 10 Essex Street - Special Permit Application for Ten Essex Street, applicant 3MJ Associates LLC. The applicant is proposing to construct a six story, forty-six unit, multi-family building with ground floor retail and below grade parking. The property is located in a Business B Zoning District and is also situated in the Central Square Overlay District. The site is presently used as a surface parking lot and is part of a nearly 35,000 square foot lot that contains frontage on Massachusetts Avenue and Bishop Allen Drive. The applicant is seeking Special Permits for building height, setbacks and parking ratio of 0.5 i.e. one space for every two units. The applicant is also applying for Special Permits to have the functional Green Roof Area exempted from the calculation of Gross Floor Area, and a reduction in Commercial Short Term Bicycle Parking.
(2) 585 Massachusetts Avenue - proposed use is Petco Retail.
For information contact Elaine Thorne at 617.349.4648 or
Tues, Dec 3
8:30am City Council Election Recount (Moore Youth Center, 12 Gilmore Street)
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (2nd floor meeting room, City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway)
General Business
1. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
2. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
BZA – 102 Sherman St, AT&T antenna
BZA – One Broadway, antenna
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s)
4. PB#284, 33 Richdale Avenue, extension request for the public hearing and filing the decision.
Public Hearings
7:20pm PB#285, 10 Essex Street, Special Permit to construct 46 residential units with ground floor retail at pursuant to the Central Square Overlay District (Article 20.300), Bulk Control Plane Waiver (Section 20.304.2.3), Reduction of Required Parking (Sections 20.304.6 and 6.35.1), Waiver of Building Height (Section 20.304.2.2(a)), Waiver of the Setback Requirement (Section 20.304.4), Green Roof Special Permit (Section 22.30) and Reduction of Short Term Bicycle Parking, Section 6.108). The applicant is 3MJ Associates, LLC.
8:00pm City of Cambridge proposal to sell a 20-foot wide strip of public land along the eastern edge of Ames Street between Main Street and Broadway in Kendall Square. The land would be sold to a private owner with the condition that it would be combined with adjacent land to enable the construction of a residential building with ground floor retail. The public hearing is being held pursuant to the requirements of Section 2.110.010 of the Cambridge Municipal Code, regarding Disposition of City Property.
8:15pm Cambridge City Council Petition to amend the Cambridge Zoning Ordinance to amend Section 17.20 to increase the setback requirement abutting Linear Park and to clarify form and density language with the residential neighborhood.
General Business
4. PB#243 - 50 Binney Street, Design Review and Minor Amendment to relocate parking spaces.
5. PB#252A - 40 Norris Street, Design Approval
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, Dec 4
8:30am City Council Election Recount (Moore Youth Center, 12 Gilmore Street)
4:00pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing on an amendment to the Municipal Code in Chapter 8.28 relating to smoking in public parks. (Sullivan Chamber)
Thurs, Dec 5
8:30am City Council Election Recount (Moore Youth Center, 12 Gilmore Street)
Fri, Dec 6
8:30am City Council Election Recount (Moore Youth Center, 12 Gilmore Street)
Sat, Dec 7
8:30am City Council Election Recount - if necessary (Moore Youth Center, 12 Gilmore Street)
Mon, Dec 9
8:30am City Council Election Recount (Moore Youth Center, 12 Gilmore Street)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
6:30pm The City Council will conduct a public hearing on a proposal by the City of Cambridge to sell a 20-foot wide strip of public land along the eastern edge of Ames Street between Main Street and Broadway in Kendall Square. The land would be sold to a private owner with the condition that it would be combined with adjacent land to enable the construction of a residential building with ground floor retail. The public hearing is being held pursuant to the requirements of Section 2.110.010 of the Cambridge Municipal Code, regarding Disposition of City Property. (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Dec 10
7:00am to 8:00pm Special State Election for MA 5th Congressional District
6:30-8:00pm Celebrate the Coast Initiative - Community Meeting (Cambridge Community Center, 5 Callendar St.)
Celebrate the Coast Initiative Community Meeting - Hosted by the Riverside Neighborhood Association. As part of the Western Avenue reconstruction project, the City has allocated funds to incorporate the rich history and stories of the Riverside Neighborhood, aka "The Coast," into a permanent commemorative installation to be located in the small park at the corner of Western/Pleasant/Franklin, and small bronze inlays along the Avenue, celebrating historic places and events. The artist will present preliminary concepts for community feedback at this meeting. If you have any questions please contact Elaine Thorne at or 617-349-4648. For more information about the project, please visit:
Wed, Dec 11
8:30am City Council Election Recount - if necessary (Moore Youth Center, 12 Gilmore Street)
10:45am The City Council's University Relations Committee will conduct a public hearing to tour Longy School. The meeting will convene in the Sullivan Chamber and proceed to the Longy School of Music, 27 Garden Street. (Sullivan Chamber) - canceled
Thurs, Dec 12
8:30am City Council Election Recount (Moore Youth Center, 12 Gilmore Street)
Mon, Dec 16
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
This will be the final meeting of the 2012-13 City Council. More significantly, it will be the last meeting for three long-time city councillors - Ken Reeves (24 years), Henrietta Davis (18 years), and Marjorie Decker (14 years). We all wish them the very best.
Tues, Dec 17
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (2nd floor meeting room, City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway) - canceled due to snow
General Business
1. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
2. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s)
Public Hearings
7:20pm PB#286, 75 New Street, Special Permit application to construct 93 residential units at 75 New Street, pursuant to the Project Review Special Permit (Section 19.23); Special Permit for Multifamily housing in the Industry A-1 District (Section 4.26.3), Reduction of the Side and Rear Yard Setbacks (Section 5.34.2(b)), Setback Reduction of On-Grade Parking and for On-Grade Parking within 10 feet of the building (Sections 6.44.1(a), (b) and (g) and 10.45) and Waiver of Parking Screening Requirements (Section 6.47.8). The applicant is Abodez Acorn 75 New Street LLC.
8:00pm Christopher H. Lutz, et al Zoning Petition to amend the Cambridge Zoning Map to rezone an area on the northern border of Richdale Avenue from Upland Road to Walden Street from the existing Residence C-1A to Residence C-1. The lot area per dwelling unit would increase from 1,000 per unit of lot area to 1,500 square feet in the Residence C-1 district, the setback requirements would increase, the height limit would be reduced from the existing 45 feet to 35 feet and the Open Space requirement would be increased from 15% to 30%.
8:15pm PB#287, 1868 Massachusetts Avenue, Special Permit to construct 27 residential units with ground floor retail pursuant to the Functional Green Roof (Section 22.34) and Reduction of Required Parking (Sections 20.304.6 and 6.35.1). The applicant is 1868 Realty Trust LLC, Peter Wasserman, Trustee.
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Thurs, Dec 19
9:30am The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing on an amendment to the Municipal Code in Chapter 8.68 relating to Plastic Bag Reduction. (Sullivan Chamber)
Fri, Dec 20
4:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
4:30pm - COUNTING OF PROVISIONAL BALLOTS (Special State Election)
5:00pm - COUNTING OF OVERSEAS BALLOTS (Special State Election)
1. Executive Director's Report
2. Assistant Director's Report
3. Commissioners' Reports
Unfinished Business
1. 2013 Municipal Election – November 5, 2013
2. 2013 Special State Election – December 10, 2013
New Business |
Mon, Dec 23
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber) - canceled
Mon, Dec 30
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber) - canceled