Calendar Pieces - 2012
Mon, Jan 2
10:00am Inaugural City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
6:00pm School Committee Inaugural meeting (School Committee Meeting Room, CRLS, 459 Broadway)
Prior to the 6:00pm School Committee Inaugural, there will be a 5:00pm tour of the high school. There will be a collation (with food, I presume) immediately following the Inaugural in the main cafeteria.
Tues, Jan 3
6:00pm School Committee meeting (School Committee Meeting Room, CRLS, 459 Broadway)
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Conference Room)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeals Cases.
PB#175, Sign Variance Request for the Maple Leaf Residences.
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
Public Hearings
7:20pm PB#267, 22 Cottage Park Avenue and 27 Cottage Park Avenue, Marc S. Resnick Trustee of Cottage Park Realty Trust, requests a Special Permit (Section 5.28.2) in the Residence B district and Special District 2 for the conversion of an existing commercial building at 22 Cottage Park Ave into a 16 unit residential building. Twenty-five (25) accessory parking spaces are proposed, 22 would be located in a surface parking lot at 27 Cottage Park Ave. The applicant also requests a Special Permit for a rooftop elevator penthouse, HVAC equipment, and skylights pursuant to Section 5.23(2) of the Zoning Ordinance.
General Business
1. PB#252, 40 Norris Street, by Lacourt Family, LLC, request for a time extension.
2. Central Square Entrances Zoning Petition, discussion and possible recommendation.
3. Election of the Planning Board chair.
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, Jan 4
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
I. MINUTES II. REPORTS 1. Executive Director's Report 2. Assistant Director's Report 2. Commissioners' Reports III. PUBLIC COMMENT |
IV. ACTION AGENDA Unfinished Business 1. 2011 Special State Election (Second Suffolk & Middlesex) New Business 1. 2012 Annual City Census |
Mon, Jan 9
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Jan 10
7:00am-8:00pm Special Election to fill vacancy created by resignation of State Senator Warren Tolman
Polling Locations:
9-2 - NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY 450 Concord Avenue, Classroom
9-3 - HAGGERTY SCHOOL, 110 Cushing Street, Gym, Lawn Street Entrance
10-1 - RUSSELL APARTMENTS (Senior Citizen Apartments) 2050 Massachusetts Avenue
10-3 - CADBURY COMMONS 66 Sherman Street
11-2 - PEABODY SCHOOL GYM 70-R Rindge Avenue
11-3 - BURNS APARTMENTS 50 Churchill Avenue, Community Room
Note: There are no other candidates except the Democratic Party nominee, Will Brownsberger.
6:00pm-8:00pm School Committee Budget Retreat w/focus on Innovation Agenda (CRLS, Pearl Wise Library)
8:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
I. MINUTES II. REPORTS 1. Executive Director's Report 2. Assistant Director's Report 2. Commissioners' Reports III. PUBLIC COMMENT |
IV. ACTION AGENDA Unfinished Business 1. 2012 Special State Election (Second Suffolk & Middlesex) New Business ---- |
Wed, Jan 11
8:00-10:30am Recycling Advisory Committee Meeting (City Hall, Sullivan Chamber)
Wednesday, January 11, 2012 7:00-7:15pm -- Announcements (Board) 7:15-8:30pm -- The Edward J. Sullivan Courthouse 8:30-9:00pm -- Q & A The State is trying to sell the Edward Sullivan Courthouse. Please come to hear the Director of Legislative Affairs talk about how the process is going and to hear the thoughts of the community. While some of you are regular members of the East Cambridge Planning Team, we need your help in reaching out to neighbors who do not regularly attend our meetings. This is an important issue for our neighborhood and what happens affects us all. |
Tues, Jan 17
6:00pm School Committee meeting (School Committee Meeting Room, CRLS, 459 Broadway)
Presentation: Academic Challenge
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Conference Room)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeals Cases.
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
Public Hearings
7:20pm Bishop, et al Petition to amend the zoning Sec. 17.20 - Special District 2, to delete some uses currently allowed, decrease allowable development and create fence regulations along Linear Park.
8:00pm Teague, et al Petition to amend Section 7.20 Illumination by creating a new Section 7.21 – Definitions of Glare, Luminaire and Lamp and Section 7.22 - General Limitations for all Lighting in the City of Cambridge.
General Business
1. PB#263, 168-174 Hampshire Street, request for a time extension.
2. North Mass Avenue Overlay District zoning language discussion.
3. PB#266, 11 Brookford Street, deliberation and possible decision.
4. PB#252A, 40 Norris Street, deliberation and possible decision.
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Thurs, Jan 19
8:00-10:00am Kendall Square Advisory Committee meeting (Cambridge Innovation Center, Havana Conference Room, One Broadway, Kendall Square - bring ID and allot time for security)
Topic: Artist Designed Bike Racks and Point Park. All Committee meetings are open to the public. Information on the Kendall Square-Central Square Planning Study (K2C2) is available at If you have any questions, please contact Iram Farooq ( / 617-349-4606) or Kathy Watkins ( / 617-349-4751).
7:00-9:00pm Porter Square Neighbors Association (PSNA) meeting (North Cambridge Senior Center 2050 Mass. Ave.)
AGENDA: (1) Supporting local businesses - What can PSNA do to encourage local businesses? Should we revive the map project, and if so how?
(2) North Cambridge Rezoning - The "North Massachusetts Avenue Improvement Study" project, started two years ago, will be presented informally to the Planning Board on January 17. PSNA members are encouraged to attend and to bring back thoughts for discussion. More information is available at, and the Planning Board agenda is at (or see above Jan 17 Planning Board Calendar listing).
(3) Ears to the Ground - Bring your own announcements and questions about events in and around Porter Square.
Fri, Jan 20
4:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
5:00pm Counting of Overseas Absentee Ballots (if any)
I. MINUTES II. REPORTS 1. Executive Director's Report 2. Assistant Director's Report 2. Commissioners' Reports |
III. ACTION AGENDA Unfinished Business 1. 2012 Special State Election (Second Suffolk & Middlesex) A. Overseas Absentee Ballots will be Counted B. Final Election Results will be Announced |
Mon, Jan 23
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Will they elect a Mayor at this meeting? Will it be someone acceptable to the public?
Tues, Jan 24
6:00-8:00pm Public Comment at 6:00pm on the Academic Challenge Policy for the Innovation Agenda (School Committee Meeting Room, CRLS) followed by a Budget Retreat with a focus on the Innovation Agenda (Pearl K. Wise Library, CRLS)
Wed, Jan 25
6:00-8:30pm Meeting of the Central Square Advisory Committee 2011 (Sullivan Chamber, Cambridge City Hall, 795 Mass. Ave.)
Topics: Introduction to Goody-Clancy; what we've heard; and preliminary thoughts on issues and opportunities.
All committee meetings are open to the public. In addition to regular committee meetings, we will be planning public meetings/study area walking tours to solicit broader participation. Information on the Kendall Square-Central Square Planning Study (K2C2) is available at If you have any questions, please contact Iram Farooq at or 617-349-4606.
Thurs, Jan 26
8:00-10:00am Kendall Square Advisory Committee meeting (Cambridge Innovation Center, Havana Conference Room, One Broadway, Kendall Square - bring ID and allot time for security)
Topic: Transit Recommendations. All Committee meetings are open to the public. Information on the Kendall Square-Central Square Planning Study (K2C2) is available at If you have any questions, please contact Iram Farooq ( / 617-349-4606) or Kathy Watkins ( / 617-349-4751).
Mon, Jan 30
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Jan 31
6:00-8:00pm School Committee Budget Retreat (CRLS, Pearl Wise Library) - canceled
Wed, Feb 1
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
I. MINUTES II. REPORTS 1. Executive Director's Report 2. Assistant Director's Report 3. Commissioners' Reports III. PUBLIC COMMENT |
IV. ACTION AGENDA Unfinished Business 1. 2012 Annual City Census 2. 2012 Presidential Primary New Business -- |
Mon, Feb 6
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Feb 7
6:00pm School Committee meeting (School Committee Meeting Room, CRLS, 459 Broadway)
Agenda includes: Vote on Academic Challenge; IA Update: Math & Science
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (Central Square Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeals Cases.
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
Town Gown Reports
Harvard University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Lesley University
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, Feb 8
5:30pm The City Council will conduct a public hearing on the proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance on the petition filed by Julia Bishop, et al. and refiled by the City Council to amend Section 17.20 of the Zoning Ordinance - Regulations for Special District 2 located in North Cambridge along Linear Park. This hearing to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
6:00-8:30pm Meeting of the Central Square Advisory Committee 2011 (Cambridge Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
Topics: To be announced.
All committee meetings are open to the public. In addition to regular committee meetings, we will be planning public meetings/study area walking tours to solicit broader participation. Information on the Kendall Square-Central Square Planning Study (K2C2) is available at If you have any questions, please contact Iram Farooq at or 617-349-4606.
7:00pm Cambridge Democratic City Committee Meeting and Public Hearing for Election Commissioner (YMCA, 820 Mass. Ave.)
We would like to encourage members to attend the Public Hearing on February 8th 2012 at 7 pm at the Cambridge YMCA, 820 Massachusetts Avenue. Members of the City Committee will vote to send a list of three names to the City Manager, who will choose one of the nominees to serve on the Election Commission. Any person who wishes to be nominated for Election Commissioner must attend this public hearing. We will also be taking questions from the audience, so please come prepared with questions that you would like all candidates to answer. The known candidates so far are Mushtaque Mirza, Martha Older, Linda Pinti (withdrawn), Tom Stohlman, and Larry Ward.
Thurs, Feb 9
8:00-10:00am Kendall Square Advisory Committee meeting (Cambridge Innovation Center, Havana Conference Room, One Broadway, Kendall Square - bring ID and allot time for security)
Topic: Land Use & Urban Design: Height, Density, Open Space. All Committee meetings are open to the public. Information on the Kendall Square-Central Square Planning Study (K2C2) is available at If you have any questions, please contact Iram Farooq ( / 617-349-4606) or Kathy Watkins ( / 617-349-4751).
Mon, Feb 13
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Wed, Feb 15
1:00pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (Ackermann Room, 2nd Floor, City Hall)
I. MINUTES II. REPORTS 1. Executive Director's Report 2. Assistant Director's Report 2. Commissioners' Reports III. PUBLIC COMMENT |
IV. ACTION AGENDA Unfinished Business 1. 2012 Presidential Primary 2. FY13 Budget New Business |
Tues, Feb 21
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Conference Room)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeals Cases.
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
Public Hearings
7:20pm PB#268, by Kevin Emery and Eamon Fee at 60 Clifton Street. The applicants request a Special Permit (Section 5.53) in the Residence B district for a second structure on the lot further than 75 feet from the street line. This proposal will also require Board of Zoning Appeal variance approval.
General Business
1. PB#252A, 40 Norris Street, deliberation and possible decision.
2. Julia Bishop, et al Petition, to amend the Zoning Ordinance, Section 17.20 – Special District 2 to delete some uses currently allowed, decrease allowable development and create fencing regulations along Linear Park. Discussion and possible recommendation.
3. PB#141, Building G, Design review.
4. PB#179, North Point update.
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, Feb 22
5:30pm Special City Council Meeting. This meeting to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Note: There were two City Council Orders passed on Feb 13 calling for Special City Council meetings to be scheduled on Feb 22. One calls for a Special Meeting to take up the election of Mayor and Vice-Chair of the City Council. The other calls for a Special Meeting
beginning at 5:30pm in the Sullivan Chamber of City Hall to gather information and public testimony on the effects on Cambridge of the proposed cuts and fare increases and to develop a policy statement in preparation for the MBTA public hearing. Apparently, this meeting will include both of these purposes.
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
[It's possible that this meeting has been rescheduled for Feb 23 at the Senior Center - see below]
I. MINUTES II. REPORTS 1. Executive Director's Report 2. Assistant Director's Report 2. Commissioners' Reports |
III. PUBLIC COMMENT IV. ACTION AGENDA Unfinished Business 1. 2012 Presidential Primary New Business |
Wednesday, Feb 22, 2012 7:00-7:15pm -- Announcements (Board) 7:15-900pm -- Prospective Buyers of the Edward J. Sullivan Courthouse
Thurs, Feb 23
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
I. MINUTES II. REPORTS 1. Executive Director's Report 2. Assistant Director's Report 2. Commissioners' Reports |
III. PUBLIC COMMENT IV. ACTION AGENDA Unfinished Business 1. 2012 Presidential Primary New Business |
Mon, Feb 27
10:00-11:00am Human Rights Commission Subcommittee Meeting (51 Inman Street, 2nd Floor, Human Rights Commission Office)
The CHRC subcommittee reviewing school issues will be meeting to review materials collected and to discuss next steps.
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm Avon Hill NCD Commission Meeting (Lombardi Building, 831 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, basement conference room)
Agendas may be viewed on the CHC web site:
7:00pm Cambridge Conservation Commission 2012 Administrative Meeting (City Hall Annex, 4th Floor Conference Room)
Tues, Feb 28
7:00pm Cambridge Democratic City Committee Public Election for Election Commissioner (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
All formally accepted candidates for Election Commission may make a statement and encourage members to vote for them at this event. More details of this meeting will be forthcoming. The known candidates so far are Mushtaque Mirza, Martha Older, Linda Pinti (withdrawn), Tom Stohlman, and Larry Ward. The process will nominate a list of three people to be sent to the City Manager from which to choose.
Wed, Feb 29
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
I. MINUTES II. REPORTS 1. Executive Director's Report 2. Assistant Director's Report 2. Commissioners' Reports |
III. PUBLIC COMMENT IV. ACTION AGENDA Unfinished Business 1. 2012 Presidential Primary New Business |
6:00pm MBTA Public Hearing on Proposed Fare Increases and Service Reductions (Sullivan Chamber, City Hall)
This hearing was originally to take place at the Senior Center but was moved due to expected high turnout.
6:30-8:00pm Fresh Pond Reservation Public Meeting (Walter J. Sullivan Water Treatment Facility, 250 Fresh Pond Pkwy)
Status update on the Glacken Slope Restoration Project Phases 4 & 5
Thurs, Mar 1
6:00-8:00pm Human Rights Commission Meeting and Subcommittee Meetings (51 Inman St, 2nd Floor Conference Room)
Agenda Highlights: 1. Discussion of possible disposition of federal housing with Chris Cotter from the Community Development Department; 2. Presentation by Carole Sousa from the Community Engagement Team; 3. List of outstanding issues; 4. Break into subcommittees: Schools, Immigrant Rights, Rules
6:00pm License Commission Hearing (Lombardi Building, 831 Mass. Ave., Basement Level Conference Room)
The Board of License Commissioners will meet regarding an application From Veolia Energy Boston, Inc. for an exemption from the City of Cambridge Noise Ordinance.
Mon, Mar 5
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Mar 6
7:00am-8:00pm Presidential Primary - VOTE
6:00pm School Committee meeting (School Committee Meeting Room, CRLS, 459 Broadway)
Presentation: Proposed Budget
8:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
I. MINUTES II. REPORTS 1. Executive Director's Report 2. Assistant Director's Report 3. Commissioners' Reports |
III. PUBLIC COMMENT IV. ACTION AGENDA Unfinished Business 1. 2012 Presidential Primary A. Counting of Provisional Ballots New Business |
The Cambridge Women's Heritage Project Celebrates On Thursday, March 8, 2012, the Cambridge Women's Heritage Project will celebrate International Women's Day in the Lewis Room of the Central Square Branch Library, 45 Pearl Street, Cambridge from 5:30-7:30pm. Light refreshments will be served at 5:30, and the program will begin at 6pm. Highlights of the program will include the presentation of the Julia Wallace Memorial Quilt made by several organizations that provide services for immigrants in Cambridge. Julia Wallace's daughter Ginny will discuss her mother's legacy of working for social justice in the city and beyond, and her own work with Cameroon refugees. Other speakers will include Seble Argaw, director of Adbar Ethiopian Women's Alliance, which provides empowerment programs and services available to newly arrived immigrants, refugees, and at-risk individuals and families. Emily Shield, program coordinator at the Cambridge Women's Commission, will lead the discussions with a summary of the Commission's new Immigrant Women's Roundtable report. The audience is invited to share their experiences of immigration, working with immigrants, and their memories of Julia Wallace. Noted folksinger Marcia Diehl will sing songs of social justice and songs in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of Bread and Roses. The Cambridge Women's Heritage Project (CWHP) is dedicated to developing programs to recognize past and present contributions of Cambridge women from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. The CWHP's website,, was designed to honor Cambridge women and women's organizations and to assist women's history researchers. Nomination forms can be downloaded from the website for women or organizations that have impacted individual lives and the Cambridge community as well as those who have made lasting contributions in such fields as science, arts, business, labor, health care, culture, education and/or government. This is the 101st anniversary of the first celebration of International Women's Day. Founded in Copenhagen, Denmark, the date of March 8th was chosen in honor of the thousands of women who marched in the garment workers demonstration in New York City on March 8, 1908 to protest child labor and the deplorable and unsafe working conditions at sweatshops such as the Triangle Shirtwaist company, where just three years later a tragic fire and locked factory exits caused the death of over 140 women and girls. In 1987, Women's History Month was inaugurated in the United States. The Women's Heritage Project is jointly sponsored by the Cambridge Women's Commission and the Cambridge Historical Commission. |
Wed, Mar 14
8:00-9:30am Recycling Advisory Committee Meeting (Sullivan Chamber, City Hall)
6:00-8:30pm Meeting of the Central Square Advisory Committee 2011 (Sullivan Chamber, City Hall)
Topics: 1) Development/housing Opportunities; 2) Public Spaces
All committee meetings are open to the public. In addition to regular committee meetings, we will be planning public meetings/study area walking tours to solicit broader participation. Information on the Kendall Square-Central Square Planning Study (K2C2) is available at If you have any questions, please contact Iram Farooq at or 617-349-4606.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012 7:00-7:15pm -- Welcome and Announcements (Board) 7:15-8:00pm -- Boston Properties - Google 8:00-9:00pm -- General Discussion |
Mon, Mar 19
5:30pm City Council meeting [City Manager will submit recommendation for water/sewer rates.] (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Mar 20
3:00pm The City Council's Economic Development, Training and Employment Committee will conduct a public meeting to receive a report on Cambridge's participation in the BIO 2012 convention. (Sullivan Chamber)
6:00pm School Committee meeting (School Committee Meeting Room, CRLS, 459 Broadway)
Agenda includes: Proposed Budget, Special Education Report
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Meeting Room)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeals Cases.
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
Public Hearings
7:20pm PB#269, 563/603 Concord Avenue and 19 Wheeler Street, Project Review Special Permit (Sec. 19.20), waiver of yard requirements in the Parkway Overlay District (Sec. 20.95.34), increased Floor Area Ratio (Sec. 20.95.1), and height (Sec. in the Alewife Overlay Districts, and waiver of the setback requirements for on grade open parking (Sec. 6.44.1 (a) and (b)) for 61 residential units, 7,184 SF of retail and 79 parking spaces. AbodeZ Acorn, CW, LLC, applicants.
8:00pm Amendments to PB#26, 125 CambridgePark Drive, PB#47, 150 CambridgePark Drive and a new Special Permit application (PB#270) by The McKinnon Company, as developer on behalf of BRE/CPD LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, for the property located at 125, 150, 180 and 180R CambridgePark Drive, to permit the construction a new multifamily residential building on a portion of the above property to be known as 160 CambridgePark Drive (previously permitted as 160/180 CambridgePark Drive (PB #236)) and containing 398 multifamily dwelling units. The amendments to the existing special permits (PB #26 and PB #47) and Special Permit #270 are required pursuant to Sections 5.25.42 – Floor Area Ratio and Floodplain, 6.35 – Parking Requirements, 6.43.6 – Common Driveways, 6.44.1 – Parking Space and Driveway Requirements, 19.20 – Project Review Special Permit, 20.70 – Flood Plain Overlay District, 20.95 – Alewife Overlay District 6 Floor Area Ratio and Yard Requirements and 20.97 – Alewife Overlay District 6 Floor Area Ratio and Pooled Parking.
General Business
1. PB#175, Smith Residential Design Update
2. Article 22.000 Green Zoning Update
3. PB#263, 147 Hampshire Street, decision on the application.
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, Mar 21
5:30pm Special City Council meeting. This meeting to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
I. MINUTES II. REPORTS 1. Executive Director's Report 2. Assistant Director's Report 2. Commissioners' Reports III. PUBLIC COMMENT |
IV. ACTION AGENDA Unfinished Business 1. 2012 Presidential Primary A. Election Review 2. Policy Book Revisions/Assignments New Business |
Thurs, Mar 22
8:00-10:00am Kendall Square Advisory Committee meeting (Cambridge Innovation Center, Havana Conference Room, One Broadway, Kendall Square - bring ID and allot time for security)
Topics: This meeting will summarize the working session results; finalize recommendations on land use/built form and public space; and discuss sustainable design and development. All Committee meetings are open to the public. Information on the Kendall Square-Central Square Planning Study (K2C2) is available at If you have any questions, please contact Iram Farooq ( / 617-349-4606) or Kathy Watkins ( / 617-349-4751).
Mon, Mar 26
5:00pm Special Presentation - San Jose Las Flores, El Salvador, Sister City 25th Anniversary (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
7:00-8:00pm Cambridge Conservation Commission 2012 Administrative Meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 4th Floor Conference Room)
Tues, Mar 27
5:30pm The City Council's Claims Committee will conduct a public meeting to consider claims filed against the city. (Ackermann Room)
6:00pm School Committee Budget Subcommittee meeting (School Committee Meeting Room, CRLS, 459 Broadway)
Agenda includes: Public Hearing on the Budget
Wed, Mar 28
Wednesday, March 28, 2012 7:00-7:15pm -- Welcome and Announcements (Board) 7:30-7:45pm -- 21-23 Sciarappa Street 7:45-8:15pm -- Parcel G – Cambridge Research Park 8:15-8:45pm -- ECPT design ideas for Kendall Discussion 8:50-9:00pm -- Nomination for three positions on ECPT Executive Board * CBT is an architecture, urban design, and graphic design firm. Sample from their website: "CBT is providing master planning services to Spaulding and Slye and Guildford Transportation for the creation of a new transit-oriented 5.2 million square foot mixed-use neighborhood on a 45-acre parcel located in the municipalities of Cambridge, Boston, and Somerville in Massachusetts. Its planning demonstrates a vision for a unique 21st century mixed-use neighborhood that includes great architectural variety and form, social diversity, sustainability, and strategies for a smart growth and transit oriented development. Adjacent to Cambridge, Charlestown, and Somerville, the plan includes a significant new park network and creation of a new T stop at Lechmere Square. Up to 2,700 new dwelling units, 2.2 million square feet of employment space, a hotel, and local retail and neighborhood amenities will be created on the NorthPoint site. A pattern of 21 small, pedestrian-friendly urban blocks (in keeping with the scale of the adjacent Cambridge neighborhood) frames a central green space consisting of a central park of over 6 acres and a linear Boulevard with a central landscaped median. Smaller "finger" parks extend perpendicularly from the central park. The green spaces lead into a substantial existing metropolitan trail system that extends west to Davis Square and east to the Charles River Basin. Parking areas along the eight northernmost parcels create a buffer between the development and existing MBTA engine facilities. The development will be served by two transit lines. Ground floor commercial uses are clustered at transit points to enhance pedestrian experience and extend the First Street shopping precinct into the site." |
Mon, Apr 2
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Apr 3
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
I. MINUTES II. REPORTS 1. Executive Director's Report 2. Assistant Director's Report 2. Commissioners' Reports III. PUBLIC COMMENT |
IV. ACTION AGENDA Unfinished Business 1. 2012 Annual City Census New Business 1. Organizational Meeting |
6:00pm School Committee meeting (School Committee Meeting Room, CRLS, 459 Broadway)
Agenda includes: School Committee Vote on Budget; IA Update: Social Science, Math & Science
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Meeting Room)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeals Cases.
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
Public Hearings
7:20pm PB#271, 9 Montague Street, by MK Montague LLC, requests Special Permits to convert the existing nonresidential building to three dwelling units (Section 5.28.2), for Reduction of Parking (Section 6.35.1 as allowed in Section 10.45) and for the alteration or enlargement of windows and openings located within the setback requirement (Section 8.22.2(c) as allowed in Section 10.45).
8:00pm Amendments to PB#26, 125 CambridgePark Drive, PB#47, 150 CambridgePark Drive and a new Special Permit application (PB#270) by The McKinnon Company, as developer on behalf of BRE/CPD LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, for the property located at 125, 150, 180 and 180R CambridgePark Drive, to permit the construction a new multifamily residential building on a portion of the above property to be known as 160 CambridgePark Drive (previously permitted as 160/180 CambridgePark Drive (PB #236)) and containing 398 multifamily dwelling units. The amendments to the existing special permits (PB #26 and PB #47) and Special Permit #270 are required pursuant to Sections 5.25.42 – Floor Area Ratio and Floodplain, 6.35 – Parking Requirements, 6.43.6 – Common Driveways, 6.44.1 – Parking Space and Driveway Requirements, 19.20 – Project Review Special Permit, 20.70 – Flood Plain Overlay District, 20.95 – Alewife Overlay District 6 Floor Area Ratio and Yard Requirements and 20.97 – Alewife Overlay District 6 Floor Area Ratio and Pooled Parking. Continued from March 20, 2012.
General Business
1. PB#141, Building G, Design Update
2. PB#141, Building F, approval of restaurant use
3. K2C2 update, height discussion.
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, Apr 4
6:00-8:30pm Meeting of the Central Square Advisory Committee 2011 (Cambridge Citywide Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
Topics: 1) Public Space Opportunities including at potential redevelopment sites; 2) Forest City Rezoning Petition; 3) Planning for the April 11 Public Meeting
(Please note: Pending neighborhood discussion at the Area 4 Coalition on April 12, Newtowne Court will not be discussed at this meeting)
All committee meetings are open to the public. In addition to regular committee meetings, we will be planning public meetings/study area walking tours to solicit broader participation. Information on the Kendall Square-Central Square Planning Study (K2C2) is available at If you have any questions, please contact Iram Farooq at or 617-349-4606.
Thurs, Apr 5
8:00-10:00am Kendall Square Advisory Committee meeting (Cambridge Innovation Center, Havana Conference Room, One Broadway, Kendall Square - bring ID and allot time for security)
Topics: Continued discussion of built form and public space + sustainability concepts + additional recommendations (public benefits, retail, housing). All Committee meetings are open to the public. Information on the Kendall Square-Central Square Planning Study (K2C2) is available at If you have any questions, please contact Iram Farooq ( / 617-349-4606) or Kathy Watkins ( / 617-349-4751).
6:00pm Cambridge Historical Commission Monthly Meeting (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
Fri, Apr 6
8:00-10:00am Kendall Square Advisory Committee meeting (Cambridge Innovation Center, Havana Conference Room, One Broadway, Kendall Square - bring ID and allot time for security)
Topics: Discussion contd. From April 5 -- sustainability concepts + additional recommendations (public benefits, retail, housing) . All Committee meetings are open to the public. Information on the Kendall Square-Central Square Planning Study (K2C2) is available at If you have any questions, please contact Iram Farooq ( / 617-349-4606) or Kathy Watkins ( / 617-349-4751).
Mon, Apr 9
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
7:00-8:00pm Cambridge Conservation Commission Hearing (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 4th Floor Conference Room)
Tues, Apr 10
6:00pm School Committee Roundtable meeting (School Committee Meeting Room, CRLS, 459 Broadway)
Agenda includes: High School Programs
6:00-9:00pm Kendall Square Advisory Committee: 2011 - presentation of the draft plan for Kendall Square (Cambridge Marriott Hotel, 50 Broadway)
Incorporating input from last June's public meeting and a series of Advisory Committee sessions on topics including housing, building form, open space, roadway improvements, and transit service the plan lays out an integrated vision for Kendall Square. Building on existing strengths and nurturing new ones, the plan aims to create a welcoming place for innovating, living, learning, working and playing – helping cement Kendall Square's role as a global leader in solving the challenges and capturing the opportunities of our era.
Please join us to review the draft plan and offer feedback. We look forward to your input and participation! All ages are welcome, and we encourage you to bring a neighbor or a friend. To help us better plan the event, please register at (Tickets are NOT required.)
For more information or to become involved, please contact Iram Farooq at Cambridge Community Development Department:; 617-349-4606 or Kathy Watkins at the Department of Public Works:; 617-349-4751. Or visit the K2C2 website at [Flyer for meeting]
Wed, Apr 11
8:00-9:30am Recycling Advisory Committee Meeting (Sullivan Chamber, City Hall)
6:00-9:00pm Central Square Advisory Committee: 2011/City of Cambridge community workshop (Cambridge Citywide Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
Learn about the planning process and the preliminary vision emerging from Advisory Committee discussions, informed by the input received at the June 2011 public meeting. The process will produce a vision designed to foster an exciting, diverse place for people who shop, recreate, work, live, and will live here.
Hear about the committee's work to date and share your thoughts and priorities for the area. Please join the discussion – your voice is essential to the success of Central Square! All ages are welcome, and we encourage you to bring a neighbor or a friend. To help us better plan the meeting, please register at (Tickets are NOT required.)
For more information or to become involved, please contact Iram Farooq at Cambridge Community Development Department: Or visit the K2C2 website at [Flyer for meeting]
Thurs, Apr 12
8:00-10:00am Kendall Square Advisory Committee meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Meeting Room)
Topics: Committee recommendations. All Committee meetings are open to the public. Information on the Kendall Square-Central Square Planning Study (K2C2) is available at If you have any questions, please contact Iram Farooq ( / 617-349-4606) or Kathy Watkins ( / 617-349-4751).
Tues, Apr 17
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Meeting Room)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeals Cases.
2. Update by Susan Glazer, Deputy Director for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
Public Hearing (continued)
7:20pm PB#269, 593/603 Concord Avenue and 19 Wheeler Street, Project Review Special Permit (Sec.19.20), waiver of yard requirements in the parkway Overlay District (Sec.20.95.34), increased Floor Area Ratio (Sec.20.95.1), and height (Sec. in the Alewife Overlay District, and waiver of the setback requirements for on grade open parking (Sec.6.44.1(a) and (b)) for 61 residential units, 7,185 square feet of retail and 79 parking spaces. AbodeZ Acorn, CW, LLC applicants.
General Business
4. PB#144, 800 Tech Square. Proposed daycare center and office addition to the parking garage.
5. PB#203, 120-124 Rindge Avenue, design update.
6. Review and adoption of Planning Board Rules and Regulations.
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, Apr 18
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
I. MINUTES II. REPORTS 1. Executive Director's Report 2. Assistant Director's Report 2. Commissioners' Reports III. PUBLIC COMMENT |
IV. ACTION AGENDA Unfinished Business 1. Policy Book Revisions/Assignments New Business 1. --- |
Thurs, Apr 19
2:30pm The City Council's Public Facilities, Arts and Celebrations Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss old and new festivals and what role the City should play in these festivals. (Sullivan Chamber)
Mon, Apr 23
5:30pm City Council meeting [City Manager will submit the FY2012-13 Budget.] (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Apr 24
8:00-10:00am Kendall Square Advisory Committee meeting (Cambridge Innovation Center, Havana Conference Room, One Broadway, Kendall Square - bring ID and allot time for security)
Topic: Kendall Sq retail analysis. All Committee meetings are open to the public. Information on the Kendall Square-Central Square Planning Study (K2C2) is available at If you have any questions, please contact Iram Farooq ( / 617-349-4606) or Kathy Watkins ( / 617-349-4751).
5:30pm The City Council's Environment Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss water conservation and energy efficiency as it pertains to the treatment and distribution of Cambridge's water and associated costs. (Sullivan Chamber)
6:00pm School Committee Roundtable meeting (School Committee Meeting Room, CRLS, 459 Broadway)
Agenda includes: School Climate & Advisory Program
6:00-8:30pm Meeting of the Central Square Advisory Committee 2011 (Cambridge Citywide Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
Topic: Central Square Retail
All committee meetings are open to the public. In addition to regular committee meetings, we will be planning public meetings/study area walking tours to solicit broader participation. Information on the Kendall Square-Central Square Planning Study (K2C2) is available at If you have any questions, please contact Iram Farooq at or 617-349-4606.
Wed, Apr 25
4:00pm Roundtable City Council Meeting to receive an update from Goody Clancy and the Community Development Department on the Kendall-Central Study. No public comment. No votes will be taken. Meeting will not be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Thurs, Apr 26
8:00-10:00am Kendall Square Advisory Committee meeting (Cambridge Innovation Center, Havana Conference Room, One Broadway, Kendall Square - bring ID and allot time for security)
Topics: Committee recommendations. All Committee meetings are open to the public. Information on the Kendall Square-Central Square Planning Study (K2C2) is available at If you have any questions, please contact Iram Farooq ( / 617-349-4606) or Kathy Watkins ( / 617-349-4751).
2:30pm The City Council's University Relations Committee will conduct a public meeting to plan the agenda for the committee for the 2012-2013 term. (Sullivan Chamber)
Mon, Apr 30
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
The City Manager is expected to present the Budget Overview at this meeting.
Tues, May 1
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
I. MINUTES II. REPORTS 1. Executive Director's Report 2. Assistant Director's Report 2. Commissioners' Reports III. PUBLIC COMMENT |
IV. ACTION AGENDA Unfinished Business 1. FY13 Budget New Business 1. --- |
6:00pm School Committee meeting (School Committee Meeting Room, CRLS, 459 Broadway)
Agenda includes: Public Hearing on State School Choice; Presentation on Innovation Agenda Assessment/Measurement/Accountability System; IA Update: VPA
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Meeting Room)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeals Cases.
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
Public Hearing (continued)
7:20pm Forest City Commercial Group Petition, to amend the Zoning Map by extending the Cambridgeport Revitalization Development District (CRDD) from Green Street to Massachusetts Avenue in the area adjacent to Blanche Street, and to amend Article 15.000 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cambridge to increase the total allowed development in the CRDD Zoning District and to increase allowed building heights in specific areas of the district north of Green Street.
The petition also proposes other text changes to Article 15.000, including the following substantive changes: changes regarding the applicability of Section 11.200; changes regarding the applicability of Large Project Review procedures and established Design Guidelines; changes regarding the applicability of Section 19.59; and clarification of the applicability of Bicycle Parking requirements.
General Business
4. K2C2 Zoning discussion
5. MIT Zoning Petition Proposal update
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, May 2
9:00am The City Council's Finance Committee will conduct a public hearing on the FY2013 City Budget. This hearing to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Mayor’s Office Executive (2) - done City Council (3) - done City Clerk (4) - done Law Finance Admin. Budget |
Personnel (5) - done Assessing Purchasing (6) - done Auditing (7) - done Treasury/Revenue Information Technology (8) - done Employee Benefits (9) - done |
General Services Election Commission (10) - done Public Celebrations (11) - done Reserve (12) - done License Commission Animal Commission Fire Department (1) - done |
Police Department (13) - done Traffic, Parking & Transportation (14) - done Inspectional Services Weights & Measures Electrical Emergency Communications Cable TV (15) - done |
Date changes for individual departments may occur.
Mon, May 7
5:30pm Roundtable City Council Meeting with the Election Commission, the Kids' Council and the student School Committee members to discuss issues related to elections. No public comment. No votes will be taken. Meeting will not be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Wed, May 9
9:00am The City Council's Finance Committee will conduct a public hearing on the FY2013 City Budget. This hearing to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Public Works (1) - done Cambridge Health Alliance Water Community Development (2) - done Historical Commission |
Conservation Commission (3) - done Peace Commission Police Review & Advisory Board Debt Service (4) - done Library (5) - done |
Human Services (6) - done Women's Commission Human Rights Commission Veterans MWRA |
Cherry Sheet (7) - done Summaries Section Revenue Section (8) - done Public Investment (9) - done |
Date changes for individual departments may occur.
6:00-8:30pm Meeting of the Central Square Advisory Committee 2011 (Cambridge Citywide Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
Topic: Understanding development economics; Urban Design & Public Space
All committee meetings are open to the public. In addition to regular committee meetings, we will be planning public meetings/study area walking tours to solicit broader participation. Information on the Kendall Square-Central Square Planning Study (K2C2) is available at If you have any questions, please contact Iram Farooq at or 617-349-4606.
Mon, May 14
4:00pm 2012 Scholarship Award Ceremony (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, May 15
4:00pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing on the petition of Forest City/MIT to amend the Zoning Ordinance by extending the Cambridgeport Revitalization Development District from Green Street out to Massachusetts Avenue in the area adjacent to Blanche Street and further to provide for the potential development of a residential building on Sidney Street between Massachusetts Avenue and Green Street. This hearing to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
6:00pm School Committee meeting (School Committee Meeting Room, CRLS, 459 Broadway)
Agenda includes: Vote on Innovation Agenda Accountability System
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Meeting Room)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeals Cases.
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
Public Hearing
7:20pm Planning Board Petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance Section 20.100 - North Massachusetts Avenue Overlay District. The proposed amendments would maintain and incentivize ground floor retail, protect historic structures, promote attractive building design along the street front and facilitate outdoor seating.
8:00pm PB#26, 125 CambridgePark Drive amendment, PB #47, 150 CambridgePark Drive amendment, and PB#270 125, 150, 180 and 180 R CambridgePark Drive, for the property located at 125, 150, 180 and 180R CambridgePark Drive, to permit the construction a new multifamily residential building on a portion of the above property to be known as 160 CambridgePark Drive (previously permitted as 160/180 CambridgePark Drive (PB #236)) and containing 398 multifamily dwelling units. The amendments to the existing special permits (PB #26 and PB #47) and Special Permit #270 are required pursuant to Sections 5.25.42 – Floor Area Ratio and Floodplain, 6.35 – Parking Requirements, 6.43.6 – Common Driveways, 6.44.1 – Parking Space and Driveway Requirements, 19.20 – Project Review Special Permit, 20.70 – Flood Plain Overlay District, 20.95 – Alewife Overlay District 6 Floor Area Ratio and Yard Requirements and 20.97 – Alewife Overlay District 6 Floor Area Ratio and Pooled Parking. The applicant is The McKinnon Company, as developer on behalf of BRE/CPD LLC, a Delaware limited liability company.
General Business
4. Bike Parking Zoning Proposal
5. PB#231A, 159 First Street, Design Review of the residential component of this special permit as outlined in the decision.
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, May 16
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (Due to the Elevator being down at 51 Inman St. the Cambridge Election Commission meeting will now be held at the City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 3rd Floor Conference Room)
I. MINUTES II. REPORTS 1. Executive Director's Report 2. Assistant Director's Report 2. Commissioners' Reports III. PUBLIC COMMENT |
IV. ACTION AGENDA Unfinished Business 1. Policy Book Revisions/Assignments New Business --- |
6:00pm The City Council's Finance Committee will conduct a public hearing on the FY2013 School Department Budget. This hearing to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Thurs, May 17
8:00-10:00am Kendall Square Advisory Committee meeting (Cambridge Innovation Center, Havana Conference Room, One Broadway, Kendall Square - bring ID and allot time for security)
Topic: Finalizing Committee recommendations: zoning and design guidelines.
All Committee meetings are open to the public. Information on the Kendall Square-Central Square Planning Study (K2C2) is available at If you have any questions, please contact Iram Farooq ( / 617-349-4606) or Kathy Watkins ( / 617-349-4751).
2:00pm The City Council's Public Facilities, Arts and Celebrations Committee will conduct a public meeting. (Sullivan Chamber)
Sat, May 19
10:15am String Theory Bike Tour (meet next to Kendall Square T Station)
The story of science and technology in Cambridge is as old as the city. Join us this spring for a leisurely ride through Cambridge's historic streets of scientific discovery. Starting in Kendall Square, we'll explore the technological world of MIT and the once-industrial region of Cambridgeport. We'll visit the Museum of Science for a personalized presentation, view the Boston Skyline from our newest park on North Point and then head across Cambridge and through Harvard, stopping for light refreshments on Cambridge Common. Our ride continues down Brattle Street where (the successful) scientists and inventors of every generation have lived. We'll end with lunch at Fresh Pond, in time for you to enjoy Fresh Pond Day, with its own celebration of community and nature. This will be a gorgeous springtime ride, at an easy pace on mostly level terrain. No rain date: Heavy rain cancels. Rain announcements will be posted at on the morning of the ride. Like all our tours, this ride is free of charge.
Mon, May 21
5:30pm City Council meeting [FY2012-13 Budget Adoption (expected)] (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, May 22
7:00-8:30pm Cambridge celebrates Speaker Thomas P. O’Neill, Jr. (Cambridge Public Library Lecture Hall, 449 Broadway)
Cambridge celebrates Speaker Thomas P. O’Neill, Jr. with panel discussion moderated by MSNBC’s Chris Matthews Chris Mathews, host of MSNBC’s “Hardball,” and long time aide to Speaker Thomas P. O’Neill Jr., will visit Speaker O’Neill’s hometown of Cambridge to moderate a panel discussion with members of the Speaker’s family. This discussion will explore Speaker O’Neill’s Cambridge roots and his lasting commitment to the community. The panel, organized by the Speaker Thomas P. O’Neill, Jr. Centennial Committee, in conjunction with the O'Neill Family and the City of Cambridge, will kick off a year of events taking place throughout Cambridge to commemorate the Centennial of Speaker O’Neill’s birth in 1912. This event is free, open to the public and handicap accessible. Panelists:
When: Tuesday, May 22; 7:00pm–8:30pm. Press may arrive to set up at 6:30pm. Where: Cambridge Public Library Lecture Hall (enter through main entrance on Broadway), 449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138 |
Wed, May 23
4:00pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing on the petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance by adding to Section 5.50 entitled "Special Dimensional Regulations" a section 5.54 entitled "Special Regulations for Municipal Elementary and Middle (K-8) Schools. This hearing to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
4:45pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing on the petition of CJUF III Northpoint LLC to amend the Zoning Ordinances in Article 13.700-Planned Unit Development in the North Point Residence District. This hearing to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Thurs, May 24
2:30pm The City Council's University Relations Committee will conduct a public meeting to review plans for visits to academic institutions by the committee. (Sullivan Chamber)
Wed, May 30
9:00am Roundtable City Council meeting to complete the update from Goody Clancy and the Community Development Department on the Kendall Central Study (K2C2) and to discuss the appropriate next steps in the process. No public comment. No votes will be taken. Meeting will not be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
2:00pm, 3:00-5:00pm 10th Annual Cambridge Police Department Awards Ceremony (MIT Kresge Auditorium, 84 Mass. Ave.)
Refreshments begin at 2:00pm and the ceremony runs from 3:00pm – 5:00pm. All family and friends are invited to attend and celebrate. [More info.]
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
I. MINUTES II. REPORTS 1. Executive Director's Report 2. Assistant Director's Report 3. Commissioners' Reports III. PUBLIC COMMENT |
IV. ACTION AGENDA Unfinished Business 1. Policy Book Revisions/Assignments New Business --- |
6:00-8:00pm Cambridge School Committee Upper Schools Curriculum Night (CRLS Cafeteria, 459 Broadway)
Please join Superitendent of Schools Dr. Jefferey Young, the Academic Team and Curriculum Coordinators to learn about the Innovation Agenda and the academic program for grades 6-8 that will begin in September 2012. All students and families welcome!
Thurs, May 31
5:30pm The City Council's Transportation, Traffic and Parking Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss the PTDM Ordinance, how the ordinance works for property owners who comply with the PTDM, the specific tactics used to reduce Single Occupancy Vehicles and whether the PTDM Ordinance merits expansion to better serve and inform decision making in the current development boom. (Sullivan Chamber)
Sat, June 2
Noon to 6:00pm Cambridge River Festival
The Department of Conservation & Recreation along with the Cambridge Arts Council have decided to cancel the Cambridge River Festival due to severe weather conditions, concerns for public safety and possible flooding at stages. There is no rain date for the event.
Mon, June 4
1:00pm The City Council's Neighborhood and Long Term Planning Committee will conduct a public meeting to consider ideas for the best long term community use of the Foundry Works Building. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, June 5
10:00am The City Council's Government Operations and Rules Committee will conduct a public meeting to review the Cambridge Redevelopment Authority's relationship with the city, how the CRA was set up and who is the CRA's governing body. (Ackermann Room)
12:30pm The City Council's Cable TV, Telecommunications and Public Utilities Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss putting university educational study content on the public access channel. (Sullivan Chamber)
2:30pm The City Council's Cable TV, Telecommunications and Public Utilities Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss creating a Smarter City using Information and Innovation Technology. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm Community Preservation Act public meeting (Ackermann Room, City Hall)
The Community Preservation Act Committee will hold a public meeting and working committee meeting. The meeting agenda will include the following: Discussion and vote on a recommendation to purchase watershed protection land in Lincoln, MA with Open Space Reserve funds; Historic Preservation Grant transfer votes; and Regular Meeting of the CPA Committee to discuss CPA financials, anticipated 2013 CPA funding resources and to refine the proposed schedule for the remainder of the 2013 CPA process. [Contact: Nancy Schlacter,, 617-349-4302]
6:00pm School Committee meeting (School Committee Meeting Room, CRLS, 459 Broadway)
Agenda includes: End of Year Report on School Committee Goals
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Meeting Room)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeals Cases.
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
Public Hearing
7:20pm City Council Petition to create a new Section 5.54 "Special Regulations for Municipal Elementary and Middle (K-8) School." The new Section 5.54.1 would apply to the reconstruction, alteration or expansion of existing municipal K-8 school uses and modifies the dimensional, parking and other requirements applicable in the zoning district.
8:30pm CJUF III Northpoint LLC Petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance Article 13.700 – Planned Unit Development in the North Point Residence District. The amendments will permit flexibility in the location of allowed Gross Floor Area near Lechmere Station in order to facilitate the establishment of a retail plaza; modify the building height limitations in the district and increase the number of buildings allowed to reach a maximum height of two hundred twenty feet (220') from three residential buildings to seven residential buildings and one commercial building and permit additional Gross Floor Area exclusively for structured parking adjacent to the Gilmore Bridge.
9:00pm PB#26, 125 CambridgePark Drive amendment, PB #47, 150 CambridgePark Drive amendment, and PB#270 125, 150, 180 and 180 R CambridgePark Drive, for the property located at 125, 150, 180 and 180R CambridgePark Drive, to permit the construction a new multifamily residential building on a portion of the above property to be known as 160 CambridgePark Drive (previously permitted as 160/180 CambridgePark Drive (PB #236)) and containing 398 multifamily dwelling units. The amendments to the existing special permits (PB #26 and PB #47) and Special Permit #270 are required pursuant to Sections 5.25.42 – Floor Area Ratio and Floodplain, 6.35 – Parking Requirements, 6.43.6 – Common Driveways, 6.44.1 – Parking Space and Driveway Requirements, 19.20 – Project Review Special Permit, 20.70 – Flood Plain Overlay District, 20.95 – Alewife Overlay District 6 Floor Area Ratio and Yard Requirements and 20.97 – Alewife Overlay District 6 Floor Area Ratio and Pooled Parking. The applicant is The McKinnon Company, as developer on behalf of BRE/CPD LLC, a Delaware limited liability company.
General Business
4. PB#231A, 159 First Street, Design Review of the residential component consideration of a Minor Amendment to relocate the 4 spaces from the PUD 4 district to within the garage.
5. PB#141, 675 West Kendall Street, "Squeaky Beaker" Fast Order Food Establishment Determination as outlined in Section 13.42.5 of the Zoning Ordinance and PB#141.
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, June 6
4:00pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing on the petition from the Planning Board to rezone the North Massachusetts Avenue area. This hearing to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
4:15pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing on the petition of the Planning Board to amend the Zoning Map for an area along North Massachusetts Avenue in the vicinity of Trolley Square and Linear Park from Business A-2 to Residence C-2B. This hearing to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Mon, June 11
9:00am The City Council's Finance Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss an appropriation of $11,917,462 from Free Cash to the General Fund Law Department Travel and Training (Judgment and Damages) account and to discuss changing the Traffic Regulations in Appendix D, Schedule 13 by striking out the penalty fee of $30.00 and substitute in place the fee of $5.00 as it relates to Section 16.7 entitled "Street Cleaning". (Ackermann Room)
2:00-4:00pm Mayors and Municipal Leaders - Transportation Summit (South Station Concourse)
Join Boston Mayor Thomas Menino, Somerville Mayor Joseph Curtatone, Chelsea City Manager Jay Ash, Salem Mayor Kimberley Driscoll, and other municipal officials from across the state in a call to action for statewide investment to build the 21st century transportation system Massachusetts needs. [Info and RSVP]
Questions? Jessica Robertson, MAPC (Metropolitan Area Planning Council), 617-451-2770,
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, June 12
4:00pm The City Council's Cable TV, Telecommunications and Public Utilities Committee will conduct a public meeting to receive a status update on bridging the digital divide. (Sullivan Chamber)
Wed, June 13
2:00-4:00pm Cambridge Redevelopment Authority Information Meeting (Marriott Residence Inn, Richards Room, 6 Cambridge Center, Broadway at Ames St.)
Agenda: 1. "Google" project discussion and update by Boston Properties and its Architect
a. design update
Please send any questions regarding this meeting to: Tracy Mercer of the Cambridge Redevelopment Authority at or 617-492-6800 x16. [The offices of the CRA are located at One Cambridge Center, 4th Floor Cambridge, MA 02142.]
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
I. MINUTES II. REPORTS 1. Executive Director's Report 2. Assistant Director's Report 3. Commissioners' Reports III. PUBLIC COMMENT |
IV. ACTION AGENDA Unfinished Business 1. Policy Book Revisions/Assignments New Business --- |
5:30-7:30pm Cambridge Bicycle Committee meeting (344 Broadway, 4th Floor Conference Room)
Wednesday, June 13, 2012 7:00-7:15pm -- Announcements (Board) 7:30-9:00pm -- Bidders for the Courthouse |
Thurs, June 14
8:00-10:00am Kendall Square Advisory Committee meeting (Cambridge Innovation Center, Havana Conference Room, One Broadway, Kendall Square - bring ID and allot time for security)
Topic: Finalizing Committee recommendations: zoning and design guidelines.
All Committee meetings are open to the public. Information on the Kendall Square-Central Square Planning Study (K2C2) is available at If you have any questions, please contact Iram Farooq ( / 617-349-4606) or Kathy Watkins ( / 617-349-4751).
Mon, June 18
5:00pm Special Presentation to the CRLS Boys Volleyball State Champions (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, June 19
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Meeting Room)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases - Harvard University – 32 Quincy Street, sign variance amendments to #10014 Telecommunication Antenna Special Permits: 300 Mt Auburn St, 10 Canal Park, 10 Fawcett Street, 284 Norfolk St, and 1430 Mass Avenue.
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
Public Hearing
7:00pm Continued - PB#26, 125 CambridgePark Drive amendment, PB #47, 150 CambridgePark Drive amendment, and PB#270 125, 150, 180 and 180 R CambridgePark Drive, for the property located at 125, 150, 180 and 180R CambridgePark Drive, to permit the construction a new multifamily residential building on a portion of the above property to be known as 160 CambridgePark Drive (previously permitted as 160/180 CambridgePark Drive (PB #236)) and containing 398 multifamily dwelling units. The amendments to the existing special permits (PB #26 and PB #47) and Special Permit #270 are required pursuant to Sections 5.25.42 – Floor Area Ratio and Floodplain, 6.35 – Parking Requirements, 6.43.6 – Common Driveways, 6.44.1 – Parking Space and Driveway Requirements, 19.20 – Project Review Special Permit, 20.70 – Flood Plain Overlay District, 20.95 – Alewife Overlay District 6 Floor Area Ratio and Yard Requirements and 20.97 – Alewife Overlay District 6 Floor Area Ratio and Pooled Parking. The applicant is The McKinnon Company, as developer on behalf of BRE/CPD LLC, a Delaware limited liability company.
7:20pm Planning Board Petition to amend the Zoning Map in the area known as the North Cambridge Trolley Yard and the area abutting the Linear Park, currently zoned Business A-2 to Residence C-2B. Continued – North Mass Avenue Overlay District Zoning Petition, Section 20.100.
8:00pm Continued - Forest City Commercial Group Petition to amend the Zoning Map by extending the Cambridgeport Revitalization Development District and the Zoning Ordinance in Article 15.000, Section 11.200 – applicability of Inclusionary Housing, Section 19.59 – Large Project Review, and the applicability of the Bicycle Parking Requirements. The City Council has proposed an amendment that would modify the housing component of the original petition.
General Business
4. PB#247, 22 Water Street, extension of Special Permit for one year.
5. PB#141, Cambridge Research Park, approval of spinning classes at the warming shed at the skating rink.
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, June 20
6:00-8:30pm Meeting of the Central Square Advisory Committee 2011 (Cambridge Citywide Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
Topic: Potential tools & strategies to achieve desired goals -- middle income housing; retail affordability; public space
[Looking ahead: The July 11 meeting of the Committee will focus on Transportation]
All committee meetings are open to the public. In addition to regular committee meetings, we will be planning public meetings/study area walking tours to solicit broader participation. Information on the Kendall Square-Central Square Planning Study (K2C2) is available at If you have any questions, please contact Iram Farooq at or 617-349-4606.
Fri, June 22
10:00am The City Council's Government Operations and Rules Committee will conduct a public meeting to have an initial discussion with the City Manager to develop a comprehensive short and long term succession plan. (Ackermann Room)
Mon, June 25
5:30pm Roundtable City Council meeting to discuss with the School Committee and the Superintendent of Schools how the City's Five Year Financial Plan will impact the School District's building renovation plan. - No public comment. No votes will be taken. Meeting will not be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
7:00-9:00pm Cambridge Conservation Commission 2012 Administrative Meeting (344 Broadway, 4th Floor Conference Room)
Tues, June 26
5:00pm The City Council's Environment Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss open space throughout the City. (Sullivan Chamber)
Wed, June 27
4:00pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue discussion on the petition of Forest City/MIT to amend the Zoning Ordinance by extending the Cambridgeport Revitalization Development District from Green Street out to Massachusetts Avenue in the area adjacent to Blanche Street and further to provide for the potential development of a residential building on Sidney Street between Massachusetts Avenue and Green Street. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
I. MINUTES II. REPORTS 1. Executive Director's Report 2. Assistant Director's Report 3. Commissioners' Reports III. PUBLIC COMMENT |
IV. ACTION AGENDA Unfinished Business 1. Policy Book Revisions/Assignments New Business --- |
Thurs, June 28
4:00pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue discussion on petitions from the Planning Board to rezone the North Massachusetts Avenue area and to amend the Zoning Map for an area along Massachusetts Avenue in the vicinity of Trolley Square and Linear Park from Business A-2 to Residence C-2B. (Sullivan Chamber)
Mon, July 2 through Tues, July 31
8:30am-5:00pm Design Proposals for the Cambridge Street Underpass (CAC Gallery, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor)
Come visit the CAC Gallery to see six artists' proposals for the walls of the Cambridge Street Underpass. Imagine viewing artwork up-close at 35 miles per hour. Come give your feedback about which proposal should be chosen! On view July 2 through July 31.
Mon, July 9
7:00-8:00pm Cambridge Conservation Commission meeting (344 Broadway, 4th Floor Conference Room)
Tues, July 10
9:00am The City Council's Civic Unity Committee will conduct a public meeting to address the spike in summertime violence and safe neighborhoods. (Sullivan Chamber)
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Meeting Room)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases - Telecommunication Antenna Special Permits: 300 Mt Auburn St, 10 Canal Park, 10 Fawcett Street, 284 Norfolk St, and 1430 Mass Avenue.
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
4. Kendall Square Study Recommendations Discussion.
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, July 11
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
I. MINUTES II. REPORTS 1. Executive Director's Report 2. Assistant Director's Report 3. Commissioners' Reports III. PUBLIC COMMENT |
IV. ACTION AGENDA Unfinished Business 1. Policy Book Revisions/Assignments New Business 1. 2012 State Primary – Thursday, September 6, 2012 |
5:30-7:30pm Cambridge Bicycle Committee meeting (344 Broadway, 4th Floor Conference Room)
6:00-8:30pm Meeting of the Central Square Advisory Committee 2011 (Cambridge Citywide Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
Topics: Forest City Rezoning Petition; Transportation Analysis
All committee meetings are open to the public. In addition to regular committee meetings, we will be planning public meetings/study area walking tours to solicit broader participation. Information on the Kendall Square-Central Square Planning Study (K2C2) is available at If you have any questions, please contact Iram Farooq at or 617-349-4606.
Mon, July 16
1:15pm The City Council's University Relations Committee will conduct a public meeting to investigate the proximity to the universities of the Inovation Center located in the Seaport District of South Boston. The meeting will convene in the Sullivan Chamber and will proceed to the Seaport District in South Boston for a tour of the Innovation Center. (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, July 17
5:30pm The City Council's Public Safety Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss the jurisdiction of non-Cambridge Police Department law enforcement organizations, including Harvard, MIT, State, MBTA Police and Health Alliance and special security personnel and out of town officers on construction details. (Sullivan Chamber)
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Meeting Room)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
Public Hearing
7:20pm Continued – Planning Board Petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance Section 20.100 – North Massachusetts Avenue Overlay District. The proposed amendments would maintain and incentivize ground floor retail, protecting historic structures, promote attractive building design along the street front and facilitate outdoor seating.
General Business
4. PB#156 – 210 Broadway, Design Review of the exterior landscape and first floor elevation changes along Broadway.
5. PB#265 - Novartis, Design Review of the entrance landscaping as required by the Special Permit Decision.
6. Planning Board Rules and Regulations, Review and adoption.
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, July 18
5:30pm Cambridge Redevelopment Authority Meeting (Endeavor Room, 3rd Floor, Marriott Hotel, Two Cambridge Center, Kendall Square)
Agenda: Parcel 4 update – a. design update with the Developer; b. proposed transactions
Please send any questions regarding this meeting to: Tracy Mercer of the Cambridge Redevelopment Authority at or 617-492-6800 x16. [The offices of the CRA are located at One Cambridge Center, 4th Floor Cambridge, MA 02142.]
Thurs, July 19
4:00pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a follow-up meeting on the petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance by adding to Section 5.50 entitled "Special Dimensional Regulations" a section 5.54 entitled "Special Regulations for Municipal Elementary and Middle (K-8) Schools. (Sullivan Chamber)
Mon, July 23
7:00-9:00pm Cambridge Conservation Commission meeting (344 Broadway, 4th Floor Conference Room)
Tues, July 24
3:00pm The City Council's Public Facilities, Arts and Celebrations Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue discussions on public celebrations in the city. (Sullivan Chamber) - CANCELED
Wed, July 25
4:00pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue discussion on the petition of Forest City/MIT to amend the Zoning Ordinance by extending the Cambridgeport Revitalization Development District from Green Street out to Massachusetts Avenue in the area adjacent to Blanche Street and further to provide for the potential development of a residential building on Sidney Street between Massachusetts Avenue and Green Street. This meeting to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Thurs, July 26
1:00pm The City Council's University Relations Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue discussions on tours to the colleges and universities. (Sullivan Chamber) - CANCELED
Mon, July 30
5:30pm Special (Midsummer) City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Wed, Aug 1
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
I. MINUTES II. REPORTS 1. Executive Director's Report 2. Assistant Director's Report 3. Commissioners' Reports III. PUBLIC COMMENT |
IV. ACTION AGENDA Unfinished Business 1. 2012 State Primary – Thursday, September 6, 2012 New Business --- |
Mon, Aug 6
3:00pm The City Council's Economic Development, Training and Employment Committee will conduct a public meeting to receive an overview from Community Development Department of the Grand Junction Rail with the Trail Feasibility Study of 2006 and to discuss the actions the city can make towards its construction. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm The City Council's Public Safety Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue discussions on the MIT nuclear reactor. (Sullivan Chamber)
7:30pm Special City Council Meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
The purpose of this Special Meeting is to take up the matter of the Forest City/MIT Zoning Petition (delayed from previous week).
Tues, Aug 7
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Meeting Room)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
4. Kendall Square Planning Study Recommendation. Discussion.
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, Aug 8
Hubway Expansion Rolling Launch Party - 9:00am to 5:30pm
9:00am Brookline Town Hall: Ribbon Cutting with Selectwoman Jesse Mermell
10:00am Somerville City Hall: Ribbon Cutting with Mayor Curtatone
10:30am Riders depart from Hubway stations at Somerville City Hall and MIT toward Cambridge City Hall
11:00am Cambridge City Hall: Remarks from Mayor Henrietta Davis, MAPC Executive Director Marc Draisen, officials from MassDOT and FTA. Postmaster Katherine Lydon will unveil a new bicycle stamp. Coffee and snacks provided by the Central Square Business Association.
12:00pm Ride from Cambridge City Hall to Harvard Square for a lunch celebration sponsored by Harvard University and the Harvard Square Business Association.
12:00-1:00pm Boston Bikes celebrates with "High Fives and Helmets" at a new station on Boylston St. and Washington St., giving away free helmets to the first 25 people on bikes or with a Hubway key.
4:30-5:30pm Boston Bikes gives out more High Fives and Helmets at a new station at South Bay Plaza.
5:00pm The City Council's Environment Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss implementation of a plan for separate trash or recycling curbside pickup for small businesses along existing curbside routes. (Sullivan Chamber)
Mon, Aug 13
5:30pm The City Council's Public Safety Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss security cameras. (Sullivan Chamber)
7:00pm 19th Annual Oldtime Baseball Game (St. Peter's Field)
The Oldtime Baseball Game is a celebration of our national pastime, played each year at beautiful St. Peter's Field on Sherman Street in North Cambridge... What makes the Oldtime Baseball Game so special is our dazzling collection of flannel uniforms that represent virtually every era in baseball history...
Players from the game are chosen from colleges and universities from the Boston area, with an occasional high school player or retired big-leaguer added to the mix. Over the years, former Red Sox pitchers Oil Can Boyd and Jim Corsi have played in the game, as has former New York Yankee Mike Pagliarulo. More than 25 participants in the Oldtime Baseball Game have gone on to play professional baseball, including former Northeastern University star Carlos Pena of Haverhill, the first representative of our game to play Major League Baseball. Pena now plays for the Tampa Bay Devil Rays.
But the Oldtime Baseball Game is, and always will be, a charity event. Since we work so hard each year to gather more than 1,000 people to watch our game, it just makes sense to use the event to raise money for a worthy cause [American Red Cross].
Wed, Aug 15
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
5:30pm Statement of Financial Interest (SFI) Hearing
I. MINUTES II. REPORTS 1. Executive Director's Report 2. Assistant Director's Report 3. Commissioners' Reports III. PUBLIC COMMENT |
IV. ACTION AGENDA Unfinished Business 1. 2012 State Primary – Thursday, September 6, 2012 New Business --- |
Tues, Aug 21
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
I. MINUTES II. REPORTS 1. Executive Director's Report 2. Assistant Director's Report 3. Commissioners' Reports III. PUBLIC COMMENT |
IV. ACTION AGENDA Unfinished Business 1. 2012 State Primary – Thursday, September 6, 2012 New Business --- |
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Meeting Room)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
4. Novartis, Design Review of the entrance landscaping as required by the Special Permit Decision.
5. Bike parking petition language
6. Kendall Square continuing discussion
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, Aug 22
5:30pm Cambridge Redevelopment Authority meeting (Marriott Hotel, Two Cambridge Center, Endeavor Room, 3rd Floor)
Minutes and Reports
1. Motion: To approve the Minutes of previous Authority meeting as presented to members of the Authority July 18,2012.
2. Report: On correspondence dated August 5, 2012 received from Tom Stohlman.
3. Report: On correspondence dated August _, 2012 from Michael Cantalupa (see item 12).
Public Comment
Administrative Actions
4. Report: On status of RFP for Annual Audit proposals.
5. Motion: To award Contract to Roselli, Clark in the amount of $9,900.00.
6. Report: On Trial Balance as of July 31, 2012; CD Schedule/All Cash; and Cash Flow 2012.
7. Motion: To receive Finance Committee Report on Trial Balance as of July 31, 2012; CD Schedule/All Cash; and Cash Flow 2012.
8. Report: On status of developing a staffing plan, and description of current and proposed development activities.
9. Motion: To approve Contract with the City of Cambridge for Consultant Services to be provided by Ms. Kathy Spiegelman in connection with the Transition Planning.
10. Report: On initial inventory of public and private signs in the Kendall Square Urban Renewal Area prepared by Larry Bluestone and discussion respecting categories of signs of interest to Authority members and Authority Members response thereto.
11. Report: Request to Authority Counsel for a lookback of Authority actions during past two year period including discussion and consideration of the Kendall Square Urban Renewal Plan as amended.
Kendall Square Urban Renewal Area/Parcel 4
12. Report: On conditional approval letter, dated June 29, 2012, regarding the Schematic Design Phase Submission, dated April 19, 2012, including Authority Member comments and Boston Properties response thereto dated August _, 2012.
Kendall Square Urban Renewal Areal Development Program
13. Report on the relationship between the issuance of a Building Permit by the City of Cambridge, the Authority's Design Review Process and the issuance of a Certification of Gross Floor Area to the Building Inspector by the Authority Executive Director for each building constructed.
Kendall Square Urban Renewal Area Tract
14. Motion to authorize the Executive Director to explore the temporary use of Authority-Owned land for a food service use to be provided by Clover.
Other Business
Executive Session
Next Meeting: September 19,2012, Marriott, Endeavor Room, 3rd Floor, 2 Cambridge Ctr.
HELP SHAPE THE FUTURE OF CENTRAL SQUARE The Central Square Advisory Committee: 2011/2012 and the City of Cambridge invite you to help plan for the future of Central Square. Learn about the planning process to date and the vision emerging from Advisory Committee discussions informed by the two public meetings held in June 2011 and April 2012. OPEN HOUSE CHARRETTES: Hear about the Committee's work and share your thoughts and priorities for the area.
MONDAYS IN THE SQUARE: Staff will be available to hear from you and to discuss the project.
Please spread the word to others who might be interested. For more information or to become involved, please contact Elaine Thorne at (617-349-4648) or Iram Farooq at (617-349-4606).
Tues, Aug 28
6:00pm Community Preservation Act Public Hearing (City Hall, 795 Mass. Ave., Sullivan Chamber)
The Community Preservation Act Committee will hold a public hearing to take public comment regarding allocation of Community Preservation Act Funds for FY12. These funds may be allocated to affordable housing, open space and historic preservation. At this hearing the CPA Committee will hear comments on how FY13 CPA funds should be allocated and used to support affordable housing, historic preservation, and open space in the coming year. The CPA Committee will make its funding recommendation in early September. For more information, contact Nancy Schlacter, Assistant to the City Manager, at 617-349-4302 or
Wed, Aug 29
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
I. MINUTES II. REPORTS 1. Executive Director's Report 2. Assistant Director's Report 3. Commissioners' Reports III. PUBLIC COMMENT |
IV. ACTION AGENDA Unfinished Business 1. 2012 State Primary – Thursday, September 6, 2012 New Business --- |
Tues, Sept 4
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Meeting Room)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
4. Kendall Square continuing discussion.
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Thurs, Sept 6
7:00am to 8:00pm State Primary Election [Note that it takes place on a Thursday this year!]
8:45pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
8:45pm Counting of provisional ballots
I. MINUTES II. REPORTS 1. Executive Director's Report 2. Assistant Director's Report 3. Commissioners' Reports |
III. ACTION AGENDA Unfinished Business 1. 2012 State Primary – Thursday, September 6, 2012 A. Counting of provisional ballots New Business |
Mon, Sept 10
5:00pm Special Presentation of the Community Safety Audit and Photovoice Exhibit (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Sept 11
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Meeting Room)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases - 131 Harvard Street
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
Public Hearings
7:20pm PB#273, 54R Cedar Street (also known as 54½ Cedar Street), the applicants request a Special Permit (Section 5.53) in the Residence B district for a second structure on the lot further than 75 feet from the street line. LaCourt Family, LLC, applicant.
8:00pm PB#272, 165 CambridgePark Drive, to permit the construction of a new residential building containing 244 multifamily dwelling units. The proponent requests special permits pursuant to Section 19.20 – Project Review, 20.95.34 – Waiver of yard requirements, Section 20.97.3 – Parking gross floor area waiver, Section 20.70 – Flood Plain Overlay District and Section 6.35.1 – reduction of the required parking. Hines Interests Limited Partnership, applicant.
General Business
4. Kendall Square continuing discussion.
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, Sept 19
10:00am The City Council's Government Operations and Rules Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue discussion to develop a hiring process for the position of City Manager. (Ackermann Room)
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
I. MINUTES II. REPORTS 1. Executive Director's Report 2. Assistant Director's Report 3. Commissioners' Reports III. PUBLIC COMMENT |
IV. ACTION AGENDA Unfinished Business 1. 2012 State Primary – Election Review New Business 1. 2012 State/Presidential Election – Tuesday, November 6th |
6:00pm-8:30pm Central Square Advisory Committee meeting (Cambridge Senior Center, 806 Massachusetts Avenue)
Topic: Transportation (Part 2) – Updated Critical Sums Analysis, Updates to Transit Analysis, Parking, Infrastructure (bike, pedestrian, roadway) Issues
Sun, Sept 23. Union Square Walking Tour. 3:00pm-5:30pm |
Mon, Sept 24
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Thurs, Sept 27
6:00pm-8:30pm Central Square Advisory Committee meeting (Sullivan Chamber, City Hall, 795 Massachusetts Avenue)
Topic: Confirming the vision and goals; Understanding middle income housing; Preliminary recommendations discussion
Sat, Sept 29
Noon-7:00pm Cambridgeport History Day (Dana Park - Magazine Street between Lawrence and Cpl. McTernan)
Since 2008, Cambridgeport History Day and "If this house could talk . . ." have celebrated one of Cambridge's most vibrant neighborhoods. This year, there will be a special focus on the War of 1812, including explorations of how a trade embargo and the war ruined plans for a port in Cambridgeport and the unveiling of new historic markers and a new book on neighborhood streets named in honor of 1812 battles and commanders.
Cambridgeport History Day is a family event.
• Go on a free walking tour led by Charles Sullivan on The Dana Family and Early Cambridgeport History from Noon-2:00 PM
• Talk to costumed re-enactors from the 1812 Marine Guard; thrill to live musket firings
• Look at special history exhibits: Cambridge Room of the Public Library; the fight against the Inner Belt; Magazine Beach and the Powder Magazine
• See the unveiling by the Post Office of the "War of 1812: USS Constitution" stamp
• Listen to fiddle music and play historic games
• Play the Historical Society photo identification quiz
• Tryout a rowing machine from the Riverside Boat Club
• "Listen to" more than 100 houses speak up during "If this house could talk..." a neighborhood display from Sept. 28-Oct. 7, when the buildings of Cambridgeport tell their special and unique stories through the creation of hand-drawn signs.
• Enjoy supper at a potluck hosted by the Cambridgeport Neighborhood Association
Cambridgeport History Day is sponsored by the Cambridgeport History Project. Mayor Henrietta Davis and Michael Kenney serve as co-chairs, and Gavin Kleespies is the project manager. The Cambridge Historical Commission, Cambridge Arts Council, Cambridgeport Neighborhood Association, and the Riverside Boat Club are co-sponsors of the event. This neighborhood history event is made possible through the generous underwriting of Forest City, The Cambridge Savings Bank, and The Cambridge Trust Company.
Mon, Oct 1
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
6:30pm The City Council will conduct a public hearing to discuss the property tax rate classification. (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Oct 2
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Meeting Room)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases - 131 Harvard Street
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
Public Hearings
7:20pm City Council to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cambridge in Table 6.36.1(a) column III (Open Space, Res A-2, A-2, Res B) by creating a new footnote 15 to read as follows: Where a single dwelling unit is located on a private way and where said private way would provide adequate parking for at least one car, with the written notice from the Fire Department that emergency access would not be impaired, the requirement for off street parking is waived.
8:00pm Yanow, et al Petition to rezone areas in and around Central Square from Business A to Business A-1; to rezone Business B and Cambridgeport Revitalization Development District (CRDD) to a proposed new district Business B-3; to define as a protected neighborhood zone an area north of Main Street; and to rezone the Municipal Parking Lots numbered 4, 5, and 6 along Bishop Allen Drive to a proposed new Municipal Parking District (MP).
9:00pm PB#179, Major Amendment to revise the Master Plan of 2003 and reflect the recently enacted amendments to the Zoning Ordinance for the North Point PUD area, increase the amount of open space, provide for a retail plaza and public market, and adjust building sizes, building heights and proposed uses. While the total amount of development will not increase and the allocation of gross floor area to residential and non-residential uses will not change, the location and phasing of uses would change. The applicant is CJUF III NorthPoint, LLC, c/o The HYM Investment Group, LLC.
General Business
4. PB#235, 112, 114-116 Mount Auburn Street, (Conductor's Building), extension request
5. PB#237, 1924 Mass Avenue, (KayaKa Hotel), extension request
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, Oct 3
4:00pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing on an amendment by the City Council to the Zoning Ordinance to add a footnote #15 to Table 6.36.1(a) column III (Open Space, Res A-1, A-2, Res B) stating: "Where a single dwelling unit is located on a private way and where said private way would provide adequate parking for at least one car, with the written notice from the Fire Department that emergency access would not be impaired, the requirement for off street parking is waived." This hearing to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
4:30pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing on a zoning petition by Susan Yanow, et al. to amend the Zoning Map of the City of Cambridge in the following areas: Rezone from the existing Business A to Business A-1 the areas bounded by Windsor and Main Streets and Bishop Allen Drive; and Columbia Street, Bishop Allen Drive, Prospect and Norfolk Streets; Rezone from the existing Business B and Cambridgeport Revitalization Development District (CRDD) to a proposed new district Business B-3 in the area bounded by Green, Landsdowne, Magazine, and Prospect Streets and Massachusetts Avenue; Define as a protected neighborhood zone the area zoned Residence C-1 and bounded by Portland, Main and Windsor Streets and a line 120 feet north of and parallel to Main Street; Rezone the areas currently identified as Municipal Parking Lots numbered 4, 5, and 6 along Bishop Allen Drive to a proposed new Municipal Parking District (MP). This district would not allow construction of any permanent buildings except for public purposes such as performances and farmer's markets and would require a minimum of 7.25% of any lot to be landscaped. This hearing to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
I. MINUTES II. REPORTS 1. Executive Director's Report 2. Assistant Director's Report 3. Commissioners' Reports III. PUBLIC COMMENT |
IV. ACTION AGENDA Unfinished Business 1. 2012 State/Presidential Election – Tuesday, November 6th New Business -- |
Mon, Oct 15
5:00pm Special Presentation - "Cambridge welcomes Felipe Tobar and Ana Navarrete - community leaders of our Sister City San Jose Las Flores, El Salvador" (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Oct 16
3:00pm The City Council's Housing Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss the expiring use agreement for University Park and to receive an update from Boston Properties on their commitment to build affordable housing in Kendall Square. (Sullivan Chamber)
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Meeting Room)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases - 131 Harvard Street
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
Public Hearings
7:20pm City Council Petition to amend the Zoning Map of the City of Cambridge in the area known as the North Cambridge Trolley Yards and the area abutting Linear Park from the current Business A-2 to Residence C-2B.
8:00pm PB#274, 51 Cedar Street, Special Permit for a second structure on the lot further than 75 feet from the street line. Section 5.53. Rich Brawn, applicant.
9:00pm PB#179, Major Amendment to revise the Master Plan of 2003 and reflect the recently enacted amendments to the Zoning Ordinance for the North Point PUD area, increase the amount of open space, provide for a retail plaza and public market, and adjust building sizes, building heights and proposed uses. While the total amount of development will not increase and the allocation of gross floor area to residential and non-residential uses will not change, the location and phasing of uses would change. The applicant is CJUF III NorthPoint, LLC, c/o The HYM Investment Group, LLC.
General Business
4. PB#179 Design Review for Building N.
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
7:00pm 26th Middlesex State Representative Debate (Somerville Community Access Television, located at 90 Union Sq., Somerville)
At 7:00pm on October 16 the three candidates vying for State Representative of the 26th Middlesex district will participate in a live-broadcast debate in front of a studio audience at Somerville Community Access Television, located at 90 Union Sq., Somerville, MA.
The debate will consist of three segments and should last a total of 90 minutes. The first segment will allow each candidate to address the audience in a two-minute opening statement.
The second segment will consist of the candidates answering questions posed by residents of the 26th Middlesex district. Questions from residents must be submitted by 5:00pm on October 15 either to one of the three campaigns or by filling out the form located at Questions must be answerable by all three candidates and each candidate will have 90 seconds to respond to each question. The candidates will know the questions in advance.
The third segment will allow for candidates to ask each other questions. The candidates will not know their opponents' questions in advance. Questions can be phrased for one or both other candidates, but both candidates may respond. The candidate asking the question may also give his own response. If a question is posed to a particular candidate, that candidate is allowed the last word before moving on. There are no time limits in this segment.
The debate will be broadcast live on SCATV (channel 3 in Somerville) and tickets for attending the debate in person will be available through the three campaigns. Due to space constraints, tickets are limited. Residents of the 26th Middlesex district (In Somerville: Ward 1; Ward 2, Precinct 1. In Cambridge: Ward 1; Ward 2, Precinct 1; Ward 3; Ward 6, Precinct 1) who would like to attend the debate may be in touch with any of the three campaigns to procure a ticket to attend the live event at SCATV. Members of the press who would like to attend the debate should likewise contact any of the three campaigns.
The three candidates will also participate in a debate in Cambridge at 7:00pm on October 30. The format will be the same as in the Somerville debate, but the location is still to be determined.
(1) Max Chalkin, Campaign Manager for Timothy J. Toomey Jr., State Representative 26th Middlesex District,, (201) 965-3297
(2) Thomas Vasconcelos, Republican candidate for State Representative, 26th Middlesex District,, (617) 501-8534
(3) Frank Gerratana, Campaign Manager for Mike Connolly, "Progressive Independent" candidate for State Representative 26th Middlesex District,, (617) 981-6235.
Wed, Oct 17
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
I. MINUTES II. REPORTS 1. Executive Director's Report 2. Assistant Director's Report 3. Commissioners' Reports III. PUBLIC COMMENT |
IV. ACTION AGENDA Unfinished Business 1. 2012 State/Presidential Election – Tuesday, November 6th New Business -- |
6:00pm-8:30pm Meeting of the Central Square Advisory Committee 2011/2012 (Cambridge Citywide Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
Topics: Sustainability; Transportation (Part 3)
All committee meetings are open to the public. Information on the Kendall Square-Central Square Planning Study (K2C2) is available at If you have any questions, please contact Iram Farooq at or 617-349-4606 or Elaine Thorne at or 617-349-4648.
Fri, Oct 19
10:00am The City Council's Government Operations and Rules Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss Community Benefits. (Ackermann Room)
Mon, Oct 22
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Oct 23
10:00am The City Council's Housing Committee will conduct a public meeting to receive an update on plans to sell 2 Mount Auburn Street. (Sullivan Chamber)
Wed, Oct 24
4:00pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing on the petition of the Planning Board to amend the Zoning Map for an area along North Massachusetts Avenue in the vicinity of Trolley Square and Linear Park from Business A-2 to Residence C-2B. This hearing to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:00pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
I. MINUTES II. REPORTS 1. Executive Director's Report 2. Assistant Director's Report 3. Commissioners' Reports III. PUBLIC COMMENT |
IV. ACTION AGENDA Unfinished Business 1. 2012 State/Presidential Election – Tuesday, November 6th New Business -- |
5:30pm The City Council's Government Operations and Rules Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss the visioning process for the City of Cambridge and the City Manager search. (Sullivan Chamber)
6:00pm-8:30pm Meeting of the Central Square Advisory Committee 2011/2012 (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 4th floor conference room)
Topics: Discussion of key issues/questions
All committee meetings are open to the public. Information on the Kendall Square-Central Square Planning Study (K2C2) is available at If you have any questions, please contact Iram Farooq at or 617-349-4606 or Elaine Thorne at or 617-349-4648.
Thurs, Oct 25
2:00pm The City Council's Public Facilities, Arts and Celebrations Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss urban festivals and the role of festivals in civic life and economic development. (Sullivan Chamber)
6:00pm-7:30pm Meeting of the Central Square Advisory Committee 2011/2012 (City Hall, 795 Massachusetts Avenue, Sullivan Chamber)
Topics: Housing and Smart Growth presentation by Barry Bluestone, Director, Kitty and Michael Dukakis Center for Urban and Regional Policy at Northeastern University (this session will be a presentation/Q&A format rather than Committee meeting format)
All committee meetings are open to the public. Information on the Kendall Square-Central Square Planning Study (K2C2) is available at If you have any questions, please contact Iram Farooq at or 617-349-4606 or Elaine Thorne at or 617-349-4648.
Mon, Oct 29
5:30pm Roundtable City Council meeting between City Council and School Committee to receive an update on the Innovation Agenda. No public comment. No votes will be taken. Meeting will not be televised. (Sullivan Chamber) - postponed due to Hurricane Sandy
Tues, Oct 30
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
I. MINUTES II. REPORTS 1. Executive Director's Report 2. Assistant Director's Report 3. Commissioners' Reports III. PUBLIC COMMENT |
IV. ACTION AGENDA Unfinished Business 1. 2012 State/Presidential Election – Tuesday, November 6th New Business -- |
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Meeting Room)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases - Telecommunication antenna special permits
Sanofi Sign Variance request
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
Public Hearings
7:20pm PB#272, 165 CambridgePark Drive, to permit the construction of a new residential building containing 244 multifamily dwelling units. The proponent requests special permits pursuant to Section 19.20 – Project Review, 20.95.34 – Waiver of yard requirements, 20.97.3 – Parking gross floor area waiver, Section 20.70 – Flood Plain Overlay District and Section 6.35.1 – reduction of required parking. Hines Interest Limited Partnership, applicant.
8:00pm PB#274, 51 Cedar Street, Special Permit for a second structure on the lot further than 75 feet from the street line. Section 5.53. Rich Brawn, applicant.
General Business
4. Bike Parking Zoning discussion.
5. PB#231A – 159 First Street, Residential building design review.
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Thurs, Nov 1
6:00pm-8:30pm Meeting of the Central Square Advisory Committee 2011/2012 (Cambridge College, 1000 Mass. Ave., 1st floor meeting room)
Topics: Public Places Workshop (including open space & covered/enclosed gathering spaces)
All committee meetings are open to the public. Information on the Kendall Square-Central Square Planning Study (K2C2) is available at If you have any questions, please contact Iram Farooq at or 617-349-4606 or Elaine Thorne at or 617-349-4648.
Sat, Nov 3
9:00am-12:00noon Meeting of the Central Square Advisory Committee 2011/2012 (Cambridge College, 1000 Mass. Ave., 1st floor meeting room)
Topics: Built Form Workshop (including use, FAR, height, urban design)
All committee meetings are open to the public. Information on the Kendall Square-Central Square Planning Study (K2C2) is available at If you have any questions, please contact Iram Farooq at or 617-349-4606 or Elaine Thorne at or 617-349-4648.
Mon, Nov 5
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Nov 6
7:00am-8:00pm Election Day
Wed, Nov 7
6:00pm-8:30pm Meeting of the Central Square Advisory Committee 2011/2012 (City Hall, 795 Massachusetts Avenue, Sullivan Chamber)
Topics: Consolidate & Finalize Recommendations
All committee meetings are open to the public. Information on the Kendall Square-Central Square Planning Study (K2C2) is available at If you have any questions, please contact Iram Farooq at or 617-349-4606 or Elaine Thorne at or 617-349-4648.
Tues, Nov 13
6:00pm-8:30pm Meeting of the Central Square Advisory Committee 2011/2012 (City Hall, 795 Massachusetts Avenue, Sullivan Chamber)
Topics: Consolidate & Finalize Recommendations
All committee meetings are open to the public. Information on the Kendall Square-Central Square Planning Study (K2C2) is available at If you have any questions, please contact Iram Farooq at or 617-349-4606 or Elaine Thorne at or 617-349-4648.
Wed, Nov 14
4:30pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing on a zoning petition filed by Patty Chen, et al., to amend the Zoning Ordinance in Section 20.300 - Central Square Overlay District in Section 20.304.5 Use Limitations and Restrictions. This hearing to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Thurs, Nov 15
5:00pm The City Council's Environment Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss the Cambridge Public Schools FY12 Sustainability Year-in-Review Report and Cambridge's Green Purchasing Policies. (Sullivan Chamber)
6:00pm-8:30pm Meeting of the Central Square Advisory Committee 2011/2012 (CCTV, 438 Massachusetts Avenue)
Topics: Consolidate & Finalize Recommendations
All committee meetings are open to the public. Information on the Kendall Square-Central Square Planning Study (K2C2) is available at If you have any questions, please contact Iram Farooq at or 617-349-4606 or Elaine Thorne at or 617-349-4648.
Fri, Nov 16
9:00am-11:00am The City Council's Government Operations and Rules Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue discussions as it relates to the City Council's desire for a visioning/search process for the City Manager. This meeting to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
3:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
I. MINUTES II. REPORTS 1. Executive Director's Report 2. Assistant Director's Report 3. Commissioners' Reports III. PUBLIC COMMENT |
IV. ACTION AGENDA Unfinished Business 1. 2012 State/Presidential Election – Tuesday, November 6th A. Provisional Ballots and Overseas Absentee Ballots will be Counted B. Final Election Results will be Announced New Business |
Mon, Nov 19
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Nov 20
5:30pm The City Council's Public Safety Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue discussions on security cameras. (Sullivan Chamber)
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Meeting Room)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
Public Hearings
7:20pm Patty Chen, et al, to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cambridge by amending the Central Square Overlay District, Section 20.304.5 Use Limitations and Restrictions by amending paragraph 3b Restricted Uses by inserting the underlined phrase:
Bar or establishment where alcoholic beverages are consumed and where dancing and entertainment is provided, dance hall or similar place of entertainment: Section 4.35g shall be permitted only if the principal public entrance or entrances are directly from Massachusetts Avenue, Prospect Street between Massachusetts Avenue and Bishop Allen Drive or Main Street.
8:00pm (continued) PB#273, 54R Cedar Street (also known as 54 ½ Cedar Street), Special Permit for a second structure on the lot further than 75 feet from the street line in the Residence B district. Section 5.53. LaCourt Family, LLC, applicant.
General Business
4. Kendall Square Zoning Discussion of area-wide provisions.
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Mon, Nov 26
5:30pm Roundtable/Working meeting between City Council and School Committee to receive an update on the Innovation Agenda. No public comment. No votes will be taken. Meeting will not be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Nov 27
5:30pm The City Council's Transportation, Traffic and Parking Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss completion of an on-street parking census; its rationale, hurdles, costs and benefits. (Sullivan Chamber)
6:00pm The City Council's Transportation, Traffic and Parking Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss the City of Cambridge's comprehensive public metered spaces plan. (Sullivan Chamber)
6:00pm-8:30pm Meeting of the Central Square Advisory Committee 2011/2012 (Citywide Senior Center, 806 Massachusetts Avenue)
Topics: Finalize Recommendations
All committee meetings are open to the public. Information on the Kendall Square-Central Square Planning Study (K2C2) is available at If you have any questions, please contact Iram Farooq at or 617-349-4606 or Elaine Thorne at or 617-349-4648.
Wed, Nov 28
2:30pm The City Council's Public Facilities, Arts and Celebrations Committee will conduct a public meeting on nurturing an exciting environment in the city. (Sullivan Chamber)
6:00pm-8:30pm Meeting of the Central Square Advisory Committee 2011/2012 (Citywide Senior Center, 806 Massachusetts Avenue)
Topics: Finalize Recommendations
All committee meetings are open to the public. Information on the Kendall Square-Central Square Planning Study (K2C2) is available at If you have any questions, please contact Iram Farooq at or 617-349-4606 or Elaine Thorne at or 617-349-4648.
Mon, Dec 3
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Dec 4
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Meeting Room)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
10351, 700 Huron Avenue, and 10352, One Brattle Square, Telecommunications.
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
4. Central Square and Osborn Triangle: Plan & Recommendations.
5. MIT Zoning proposal discussion.
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Thurs, Dec 6
6:30pm Cambridgeport's 3rd Annual Holiday Potluck Party (Cambridgeport Baptist Church, 459 Putnam Ave., corner of Magazine and Putnam).
The party begins at 6:30pm. Bring a dish to share and enjoy an evening with neighbors to the tunes of Best Ever Chicken! GreenPort and the Cambridgeport Neighborhood Association are hosting this extravaganza with Vision Central Square. All are welcome! Come and share!
Volunteers needed! If you can volunteer to help with set up (5:00pm) or cleanup, please send an email to Cathie Zusy at
Fri, Dec 7
10:45am The City Council's University Relations Committee has scheduled a tour of Harvard University for the City Council and City Staff. Meeting will convene in the Sullivan Chamber and proceed to the tour. (Sullivan Chamber)
City Councillor David P. Maher, The Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill Jr. Centennial Committee & the O'Neill Family cordially invite you to A Community Story Trade A unique opportunity to share personal memories and reflections about Speaker O'Neill Moderated by Dick Flavin, former Boston television personality and author of the play "According to Tip" December 6, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. and The Unveiling of the Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill Jr. Mural Created by artists David Fichter and Joshua Winer December 9, 2012 at Twelve O'clock Noon A Memorial mass will be held prior to the unveiling For more information, please call the Office of Councillor David Maher: 617-349-4279 |
Mon, Dec 10
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Dec 11
4:00pm The City Council's Cable TV, Telecommunications and Public Utilities Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss the impacts of mobile internet technology on On-Demand Transportation Infrastructure. (Sullivan Chamber)
Wed, Dec 12
8:00am Recycling Advisory Committee meeting (Sullivan Chamber, City Hall)
4:00pm The City Council's Neighborhood and Long Term Planning Committee will conduct a public meeting to receive an update on the long-term vision for Kendall Square. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm Cambridge Election Commission meeting. (1st Floor Meeting Room, 51 Inman St.)
I. MINUTES II. REPORTS 1. Executive Director's Report 2. Assistant Director's Report 3. Commissioners' Reports III. PUBLIC COMMENT |
IV. ACTION AGENDA Unfinished Business 1. 2012 State/Presidential Election – Election Review New Business -- |
Thurs, Dec 13
4:00pm The City Council's Neighborhood and Long Term Planning Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss dogs at Paine Park on St. Mary Road. (Sullivan Chamber)
City of Cambridge
Open House
Lower Massachusetts Avenue
Come to view the completed streetscape master plan for "The Avenue" from Cambridge Common to Porter Square Join City of Cambridge staff, neighbors, and Halvorson Design Partnership to discuss the completed streetscape master plan developed over the course of two years. This plan was the result of a close collaboration between neighbors, city staff and consultants, which included three major public meetings to develop goals and a master plan to be implementd over time. The plan includes recommendations and standards to be used in reconstructing sidewalks, planting trees, regulating parking/loading, and implementing elements to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety. Standards for street furniture and new lighting are also included. The plan also aims to strengthen neighborhood identity, culture and the retail environment. Open House – drop by anytime! Thursday, December 13, 2012 at the corner of Mass. Ave and Roseland St. Questions? Contact Stuart Dash at 617-349-4640 See the plan at: The City of Cambridge does not discriminate on the basis of disability. The City will provide auxiliary aids and services, written materials in alternative format and responsible modifications in policies and procedures to qualified individuals with disabilities upon request. |
Cambridge Common Tree Walk Friday, Dec. 14th 8AM Meet at Civil War Memorial The purpose of this meeting is to view and discuss the tree removal plan for the Common in the context of the tree planting plan and overall landscape treatment for the Common as part of a planned rehabilitation project which could start as early as the fall of 2013. Questions: contact Bill Deignan at 617-349-4632 or For further information see: The City of Cambridge does not discriminate on the basis of disability. The City will provide auxiliary aids and services, written materials in alternative format and responsible modifications in policies and procedures to qualified individuals with disabilities upon request. |
Mon, Dec 17
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Dec 18
3:00pm The City Council's Civic Unity Committee will conduct a public meeting to explore the Cambridge Police Department's practices and policies surrounding minority hires, promotions, and recruitment efforts. (Sullivan Chamber)
7:00pm Planning Board meeting (City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor Meeting Room)
General Business
1. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases
2. Update by Brian Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
3. Adoption of the Meeting Transcript(s).
Public Hearings
7:20pm PB#275, 350 Third Street, Special Permit to convert existing mechanical roof rear at the 21st floor to a "Functional Green Roof Area" pursuant to Section 22.32 of the Cambridge Zoning Ordinance. Twinings Properties, applicant.
8:00pm City Council Petition to amend the Cambridge Zoning Ordinance, Section 13.59.33 Building and Site Design Requirements for Active Uses and Open Spaces by deleting condition number 5, that requires public access to cafeteria use in commercial space.
General Business items may be taken out of the order in which they appear on the agenda above. Times for General Business items are approximate. Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During the discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please contact Liza Paden, Planning Board staff (617-349-4647, Applications and Petitions are online at
Wed, Dec 19
10:00am The City Council's Community Health Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss a ban on plastic bags. (Sullivan Chamber)
4:30pm The City Council's Government Operations and Rules Committee will conduct a public meeting to be introduced to Attorney Elizabeth Valerio, representing the City Council in negotiations with the next City Manager, Richard Rossi. The meeting will convene in open session and move to Executive Session for the purpose of discussing strategy for contract negotiations with the attorney. This meeting to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Mon, Dec 31
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber) - canceled