Calendar Pieces 2003
Mon, Jan 6
5:30pm City Council
meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Jan 7
6:00pm School Committee
regular meeting (CRLS Media Cafeteria)
7:30pm The Planning Board will receive the Town-Gown
Report for Harvard University. (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
Thurs, Jan 9
8:00-9:00am Joint Meeting: Recycling Advisory & Envir.
Desirable Practices Committee (Ackerman Rm., City Hall, 795 Mass. Ave.)
1. Market Report: Greg Appleton (15 min)
2. Discussion: Vice Mayor Davis' idea for a Waste
Reduction/Recycling Pledge (45 min)
At the close of the Dec 12 meeting of the City Council's Health and Environment
Committee, Vice Mayor Davis called for a follow-up meeting, to be held jointly
with the RAC/EDP meeting scheduled for 2/6/03 at 8am. The goal of this meeting
will be to come up with a pledge, with specific waste reduction and recycling
goals that the City, local universities and the Cambridge Health Alliance would
sign onto. In addition, the top 25 Cambridge employers would be invited to
endorse it.
Mon, Jan 13 | ||
5:00pm | Special Presentation to welcome Yerevan high school students and teachers. (Sullivan Chamber) | |
5:30pm | City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber) | |
7:00pm | Conservation Commission meeting (2nd Floor Conference Room, 51 Inman Street, Cambridge) | |
7:00pm | Boston Sand and Gravel: change of plan and extension to Order of Conditions DEP file # 123-121. | |
7:30pm | Cambridge Department of Public Works: Notice of Intent: for the reconstruction of outlets at Amesbury and Pearl Streets into the Charles River- continued from 12/16 for fine-tuning of Order language. | |
8:00pm | Metropolitan District Commission: Notice of Intent: for the restoration of the bank and playing fields at Magazine Beach for work in the Riverfront Area, Bank, and Land under Water of the Charles River. |
Tues, Jan 14 |
4:00pm | The City Council's Cable TV, Telecommunications and Public Utilities Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss the issue of franchise fees paid to Cambridge by AT&T Broadband for the use of its public ways in light of ruling of FCC that the internet is not a cable service and the possibility of seeking and alternative revenue source. This meeting will be televised. (Sullivan Chamber) | |
7:30pm | Planning Board meeting (Central Square Senior Center 806 Mass. Ave.) | |
7:30pm Update by Beth Rubenstein, Assistant City Manager for Community Development | ||
General Business | ||
1. Riverside Zoning recommendation and Carlson, et al Petition discussion and possible recommendation. | ||
2. PB#179 - North Point/Guilford PUD and Project Review deliberation. | ||
3. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases. | ||
4. Other. | ||
Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During its discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please call Liza Paden at 617-349-4647; TTY: 617-349-4621, at the Cambridge Community Development Department, or email |
Wed, Jan 15
4:00pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a
public hearing to discuss a proposed amendment to the Municipal Code to provide
for an Assistant City Manager for Public Safety. (Sullivan Chamber)
4:30pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a
public hearing to consider proposed amendments to the Smoking Ordinance, Chapter
8.28 of the Municipal Code. This meeting to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Thurs, Jan 16 | ||
7:00-9:00pm Porter Square Neighbors Association meeting (Metropolitan New Life Baptist Church, 16 Beech St, Cambridge) | ||
Agenda includes: | ||
(a) | Preparing for future development. Understanding the zoning on Mass. Ave. from Beech to Roseland - Less Barber from Community Development. | |
(b) | Getting hassled in Porter Square? How to deal with it - our new brochure. | |
Questions? Call Dave Reed at 617-876-3688 (weekdays). |
Tues, Jan 21 | |
6:00pm | Regular School Committee meeting (CRLS Media Cafeteria) |
7:30pm | Planning Board meeting (Central Square Senior Center 806 Mass. Ave.) |
1. Update by Beth Rubenstein, Assistant City Manager for Community Development | |
2. Election of Planning Board chair. | |
3. Town-Gown Report for Lesley University. | |
4. Town Gown report for Cambridge College. | |
5. PB#180, 0 Arrow Street, minor amendment to extend the time for holding the public hearing. | |
6. PB#152, 100 Landsdowne Street, minor amendment to extend the time for decision of the major amendment to the special permit. | |
7. PB#179, North Point/Guilford site, deliberation of the Planned Unit Develoment and the Project Review Special Permits, possible decisions. | |
8. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases. | |
9. Other. | |
Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During its discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please call Liza Paden at 617-349-4647; TTY: 617-349-4621, at the Cambridge Community Development Department, or email |
Wed, Jan 22
10:00am The City Council's Finance Committee will
conduct a public meeting to receive and update on Hotel/Motel, water/sewer and
other major revenues and a state budget update. (Ackermann Room)
10:00am-2:00pm Election Commission Meeting (51
Inman Street, First Floor) - Review of Computerized Recount Procedures
Mon, Jan 27
5:00pm Special Presentation for Cambridge
Public School Art Department exhibit showing diversity of Cambridge. Reception
in Mayor's Office. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm City Council
meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Wed, Jan 29 | |
5:00pm-8:00pm Regular Election Commission Meeting (51 Inman Street, First Floor) | |
5:30pm | City Council Roundtable Meeting with the Cambridge Health Alliance (Cambridge Hospital, 1493 Cambridge Street, Main Building, Board Room, 7th Floor) Informal meeting with no public comment, at which time no votes will be taken. Meeting will not be televised. |
7:00-9:00pm | Mid-Cambridge Neighborhood Association (MCNA) meeting (Longfellow School Cafeteria, 359 Broadway) |
1) Update on Library Massing Scheme 4, with a presentation of models focusing on library mass, placement of parking ramp and M-C representation for the redesign of Joan Lorentz Park | |
2) Update on neighborhood car thefts/crime | |
3) Update on Broadway Market closing |
Fri, Jan 31
10:00am The City Council's Health and Environment
Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss visual and acoustical
recommendations on rooftop mechanicals. (Sullivan Chamber)
11:00am The City Council's Health and Environment
Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue discussions on service
outages and expenditure on maintenance with NSTAR. (Sullivan Chamber)
Mon, Feb 3
5:30pm City Council
meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Feb 4 | ||
4:00pm | The City Council's Cable TV, Telecommunications and
Public Utilities Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss the following: [This meeting to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)] -possibility of Cambridge charging a fee for using the city’s right-of-ways for running fiber optic cables -plan to develop public information cable television spots. -coordination of resources between municipal cable, CCTV and School Department cable. |
6:00pm | School Committee meeting (Henrietta Attles Meeting Room, Media Cafeteria, CRLS) | |
Agenda includes (among other things) 03-013 -- Recommendation: Comprehensive Plan and Timeline to Reduce Elementary Schools |
7:30pm | Planning Board meeting (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.) | |
7:30pm | General Business 1. Update by Beth Rubenstein, Assistant City Manager for Community Development 2. Town Gown Report for Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
9:00pm | 1. University Park Final Development Plan approval by the Planning Board. | |
2. PB#152, 100 Landsdowne Street, major amendment to delete 100 Landsdowne Street from Phase IV of the original Interim Planning Overlay Permit. Deliberation and possible decision. | ||
3. PB#157, 273 Vassar Street, Minor Amendment regarding condition #3 of the special permit. | ||
4. PB#65, One Rogers Park and #66, One Charles Park, minor amendments to the special permits to reflect the changes in ownership. | ||
5. PB#141, Cambridge Research Park, Landscaping Review for the North Plaza. | ||
6. PB#179, North Point/Guilford site, deliberation of the Planned Unit Development and the Project Review Special Permits, possible decisions. | ||
7. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases. | ||
For further information concerning this agenda, please call Liza Paden at 617-349-4647; TTY: 617-349-4621, at the Cambridge Community Development Department, or email |
Wed, Feb 5
4:00pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will
conduct a working meeting for City Council and public health officials to
continue discussion on the proposed Smoking Ordinance. No public comment.
(Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm The City Council's Public Facilities, Art and
Celebrations Committee will conduct a meeting to discuss the Charles River
Basin Plan and the opportunities for Cambridge with regard to MDC buildings.
(Sullivan Chamber)
7:30pm Cambridge Forum - FIXING ELECTIONS: The Failure of
America's Winner-Take-All Politics (First Parish, 3 Church Street)
A new book from political columnist and organizer Steven Hill indicts our
electoral college system as undemocratic, antiquated and in dire need of
overhaul. He offers practical alternatives based on successful electoral systems
employed around the world to restore faith in American politics and inspire
renewed interest in participatory democracy.
Thurs, Feb 6
8:00am The City Council's Health and Environment Committee
will conduct a joint meeting with the Recycling Committee to discuss the
development of a pledge on reducing waste either by a percentage increase or by
weight. (Ackermann Room)
9:30am The City Council's Health and Environment Committee
will conduct a meeting to continue discussion on the issue of public toilets.
(Sullivan Chamber)
Mon, Feb 10
5:00pm Special Presentation - License Advisory Board
Battle of the Bands [Your guess is as good as mine -
5:30pm City Council
meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Wed, Feb 12
2:00pm The City Council's Finance Committee will
conduct a public meeting for the purpose of receiving a briefing on the state
budget and local option legislative package and to discuss the City’s credit
rating, General Obligation Bond Sale and the FY02 Comprehensive Annual Financial
Report. (Ackermann Room)
4:00pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will
conduct a public hearing to discuss a proposed amendment to the Municipal Code
to amend the Cost of Living Adjustment Provision of the Living Wage Ordinance.
(Sullivan Chamber)
4:30pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will
conduct a public hearing to consider proposed amendments to Sections 2.84.030
and 2.84.050 of Chapter 2.84 known as “The Kids’ Council” of the Municipal
Code. (Sullivan Chamber)
Thurs, Feb 13
4:00pm The City Council's Civic Unity Committee will
conduct a public meeting to discuss with Suffolk Construction and District
Council #35 compliance with community standards when subcontracting on the issue
of wages and benefits. (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Feb 18 | ||
7:30pm Planning Board meeting (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.) - POSTPONED | ||
7:30pm | Update by Beth Rubenstein, Assistant City Manager for Community Development | |
7:40pm | Public hearing on PB#186, 310 Rindge Avenue, Project Review for construction of 99 units of housing and one commercial unit to be used for an ambulance service. Sections 4.26 Multifamily and 19.20 Project Review special permits. | |
8:15pm | Public hearing on PB#185, One Kendall Square, Project Review for construction of a building to replace 'Buildings 1500 and 1700 for office research and development. Section 19.20 Project Review. | |
9:00pm | Public hearing on Incentive Zoning Petition to amend section 11.200 of the zoning ordinance. This is a rehearing. | |
General Business | ||
PB#179, North Point/Guilford site, deliberation of the Planned Unit Development and the Project Review Special Permits, possible decisions. | ||
Board of Zoning Appeal Cases. | ||
Other. | ||
Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During its discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please call Liza Paden at 617-349-4647; TTY: 617-349-4621, at the Cambridge Community Development Department, or email |
Wed, Feb 19
2:00pm The City Council's Cable TV, Telecommunications and
Public Utilities Committee will conduct a public meeting to receive an
update on what the city needs to do to bring in another cable company to
Cambridge and what steps can be taken to challenge the rising costs.
(Sullivan Chamber)
4:00pm The City Council's Housing Committee will
conduct a public meeting to discuss information about income eligibility,
demographics and market demand in relation to the inclusionary zoning. (Sullivan
Thurs, Feb 20 | ||
4:00pm | The City Council's Civic Unity Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss with Suffolk Construction and District Council #35 compliance with community standards when subcontracting on the issue of wages and benefits. (Sullivan Chamber) | |
7:00-9:00pm Porter Square Neighbors Association meeting (Metropolitan New Life Baptist Church, 16 Beech St, Cambridge) | ||
Agenda includes: | ||
(a) | Police and Crime Update on Porter Square | |
(b) | Lieutenant Walsh and Sergeant O'Connor from the Cambridge Police Department and Carole Montgomery, Shopping Center Manager, will update us on the situation since October and together we will plan on how to deal with an expected increase in activity in the warmer weather. AS representative from the methadone clinic will also join us. | |
Questions? Call Dave Reed at 617-876-3688 (weekdays). |
Mon, Feb 24
5:30pm City Council
meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Feb 25
5:30pm The City Council's Claims Committee will
conduct a public meeting to consider claims filed against the city. (Ackermann
Wed, Feb 26
12:30pm The City Council's University Relations Committee
will conduct a public working meeting to review material from previous meetings
and consider next steps. No public comment. (Ackermann Room)
4:30pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will
conduct a public hearing on the re-filed amendment relative to linkage payments
required by the Incentive Zoning Ordinance. This meeting to be televised.
(Sullivan Chamber)
7:15pm The City Council's Public Safety Committee will
conduct a public meeting to discuss the issue of community policing and the
grant received from the Executive Office of Public Safety to assist in the
implementation of a community policing strategy. (Sullivan Chamber)
Thurs, Feb 27
8:00am The City Council's Human Services Committee
will conduct a public meeting to continue discussion of out of school time and
take up any other business that may come before the committee. (Ackermann Room)
4:00pm The City Council's Civic Unity Committee and Finance
Committee will
conduct a joint public meeting to discuss the report received on diversity training
provided to City employees. (Sullivan Chamber)
7:00-8:30pm Forum on Electoral
Reform and Instant Runoff Voting - Sponsored by MIT
Greens and MIT College Democrats (MIT, Room 6-120)
Speakers: Peter Vickery, Amherst lawyer; IRV bill author Rep.
Alice Wolf (D-Cambridge); IRV bill sponsor Ron Bell; Dunk the Vote Jim
Henderson, MassIRV.
How can we become free to vote for a candidate we
support without allowing a distasteful candidate into office? Why did Tolman and
Reich lose to O'Brien in the Democratic primaries this year? Why did Michael
Capuano secure himself the Democratic nomination to be our representative to
U.S. Congress with a mere 23% of the vote? Why did the Florida vote come so
close in 2000? The answer is that none of these elections used Instant Runoff
Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) is a way of voting that may
become the standard for some offices in Massachusetts as soon as the 2004
elections. In IRV, each voter ranks the candidates according to preference,
choosing one candidate first, another second, and so on. In the event that no
candidate has a majority of first choice votes, the lowest ranking candidate is
eliminated and all candidates move up on those ballots.
In Massachusetts, three bills currently in the state
legislature would make IRV the method of voting in certain elections. Our
speakers will discuss electoral reforms such as IRV and bring us up to date on
their current legal status in Massachusetts.
Information: Brad Friedman,,
More information on IRV in Massachusetts:
More information on voting systems:
Mon, Mar 3
5:00pm Special Presentation to “Cambridge
Cover to Cover” Advisory Board. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm City Council
Roundtable Meeting - Discussion on Homeland Security issues relative to
Cambridge. Informal meeting with no public comment, at which time no votes will
be taken. Meeting will not be televised. (Sullivan Chamber) [Please
bring duct tape to meeting. Just kidding. - RW]
Tues, Mar 4 | ||
5:30pm The City Council's Health and Environment Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss the water and sewer connections for the Silver Maple Forest site development at Alewife. (Sullivan Chamber) | ||
7:30pm Planning Board meeting (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.) | ||
General Business | ||
7:30pm | Update by Beth Rubenstein, Assistant City Manager for Community Development | |
PB#152 - 100 Landsdowne Street, Major Amendment to delete 100 Landsdowne Street from Phase IV of the original Interim Planning Overlay Permit for University Park. Deliberation and possible decision. | ||
University Park Final Development Plan review and approval. | ||
PB#179, North Point/Guilford site, deliberation of the Planned Unit Development and the Project Review Special Permits, possible decisions. | ||
Board of Zoning Appeal Cases. | ||
Other. | ||
Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During its discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please call Liza Paden at 617-349-4647; TTY: 617-349-4621, at the Cambridge Community Development Department, or email |
Tues, Mar 11 | ||
7:30pm Planning Board meeting (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.) | ||
7:30pm | Update by Beth Rubenstein, Assistant City Manager for Community Development | |
General Business | ||
PB#179, North Point/Guilford site, deliberation of the Planned Unit Development and the Project Review Special Permits, possible decisions. | ||
Other | ||
Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During its discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please call Liza Paden at 617-349-4647; TTY: 617-349-4621, at the Cambridge Community Development Department, or email |
Wed, Mar 12
6:30 - 8:30pm Cambridge United for Education (CUE) FORUM
ON SCHOOLS: teachers, tests, cuts
Cambridge United for Education (CUE)
will host a citywide forum on Wednesday, March 12th in the Media Cafeteria at
CRLS. Pizza will be available at 6 pm. The Forum will run from 6:30 to 8:30 pm.
It is open to all in the Cambridge community. Babysitting will be provided.
Three speakers from CPS will address some key questions
on topics which have figured in the recent discussions about school
Jim Maloney, Chief Operating Officer of the
Cambridge Public Schools will discuss the school department budget.
Paul Toner, President of the Cambridge
Teacher’s Association, will address questions related to the teacher contract.
MaryAnn MacDonald, from the Office of
Accountability, will discuss test data and the impact of the Federal No Child
Left Behind Act.
Each speaker will start by answering a few questions
CUE poses in advance. The rest of the time will be a moderated Q&A session.
We hope to get representations from all schools and communities within the city.
We also invite visitors to the website
to post questions online.
CUE welcomes suggestions and/or volunteer help. If you
have a question you think should be posed in advance for this forum please reply
to this e-mail.
Cambridge United for Education [CUE] is an independent,
city-wide non-profit organization dedicated to promoting excellence in education
in the Cambridge Public Schools PO Box 380112 Cambridge MA 02238-0112
Thurs, Mar 13
5:30pm The City Council's Public Safety Committee will
conduct a public meeting to discuss the city’s education campaign regarding
bicycle and pedestrian safety. (Sullivan Chamber)
Fri, Mar 14
9:30am The City Council's Health and Environment Committee
will conduct a public meeting to continue the discussion on public toilets.
(Sullivan Chamber)
Mon, Mar 17
5:30pm City Council
meeting (Sullivan Chamber) March
17 City Council agenda: HTML
Tues, Mar 18 | ||
7:30pm Planning Board meeting (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.) [Postponed from original date of Feb 18] | ||
7:30pm | Update by Beth Rubenstein, Assistant City Manager for Community Development | |
7:40pm | Public hearing on PB#186, 310 Rindge Avenue, Project Review for construction of 99 units of housing and one commercial unit to be used for an ambulance service. Sections 4.26 Multifamily and 19.20 Project Review special permits. | |
8:15pm | Public hearing on PB#185, One Kendall Square, Project Review for construction of a building to replace 'Buildings 1500 and 1700 for office research and development. Section 19.20 Project Review. | |
9:00pm | Public hearing on Incentive Zoning Petition to amend section 11.200 of the zoning ordinance. This is a rehearing. | |
General Business | ||
1. Special Permit #181, Vassar Street, Brain and Cognitive
Sciences Center, design review of the tunnel. 2. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases. 3. Other. |
Public comments are taken only during a Public
Hearing. During its discussion and deliberation on General Business items,
the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further
information concerning this agenda, please call Liza Paden at
617-349-4647; TTY: 617-349-4621, at the Cambridge Community Development
Department, or email |
Thurs, Mar 20 | ||
7:00pm |
Historical Perspectives on
the Mystic River (All Saints Church, 17 Clark Street, Belmont,
MA.) This is a free speaker series open to the public sponsored by the Mystic River Watershed Association (MYWA). Speaker Richard A. Duffy is a regional historian, preservation consultant and author, who has spoken on different aspects of the Mystic River and Lakes to a wide variety of audiences. His slide lecture will provide a thorough historical overview of the Mystic River from Boston Harbor to the Mystic Lakes using a wealth of historic images and maps. Featured will be newly discovered items that have not been publicly shown before. The importance of the river as a former source of tidal waterpower will be a particular focus of the talk, along with environmental issues that have confronted the watershed going back to early Colonial times. For information call: 781-316-3438 or send an email to: or |
7:00-9:00pm Porter Square Neighbors Association meeting (Metropolitan New Life Baptist Church, 16 Beech St, Cambridge) | ||
Agenda includes: | ||
(a) | Update on Lesley University plans - Paul Karoff of Lesley | |
(b) | Porter House Café proposed expansion plans - arranged by Susan Hunziker, PSNA | |
(c) | What's going to happen to the Long Funeral Home? - Karen Klinger, PSNA | |
Questions? Call Dave Reed at 617-876-3688 (weekdays). |
Sat, Mar 22
6:00-7:30pm King Open Auction
(King Open Upper Gym, 100 Putnam Avenue, Cambridge)
6:00-7:30pm Silent Auction -
Dessert Bar, Entertainment
7:30-8:30pm Live Auction
Suggested donation: $5 per person/$15 per family
Here are some of the items you’ll find at this event: handcrafted
jewelry, fine art and crafts, specialty dinners made in your home, gift
certificates to wonderful restaurants, hotels, sporting and cultural events,
student crafts, desserts and ethnic foods made to order and much more. Over 100
items to chose from!
The money raised at this event is used by the Friends of King Open, a
parent-run, non-profit organization, to enrich our classrooms.
If you have
questions about this event, call Janet Malenfant at 617-497-5596.
Mon, Mar 24
5:30pm City Council
meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Wed, Mar 26
8:30am The City Council's Human Services Committee
will conduct a public meeting to continue the discussion on out-of- school time
issues. (Ackermann Room)
12:30pm The City Council's University Relations Committee
will conduct a public working meeting to focus on opportunities for university
and city dialogue and collaboration in the area of education. (Sullivan Chamber)
4:30pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will
conduct a public hearing to discuss proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance
on a petition filed by the Planning Board to rezone areas of Riverside. This
meeting to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:00pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will
conduct a public hearing to discuss proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance
on the re-filed Robert S. Carlson et al. petition to amend zoning in the
Riverside area. This meeting to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Sat, Mar 29
9:30am The City Council's Ordinance Committee will
conduct a continuation of the March 26, 2003 hearings to enable members of the
public who through childcare or other hardships were unable to provide testimony
on March 26th to speak. People who spoke at the March 26th hearing will not be
allowed to speak again. This meeting to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Mon, Mar 31
5:00pm Special Presentation - Rape Aggression Defense
(Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm City Council
meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Apr 1 | ||
10:00am | The City Council's University Relations Committee will hold a public meeting to continue discussion of opportunities for university and city dialogue and collaboration in the area of education. (Ackermann Room) | |
7:30pm | Planning Board meeting (Cent. Sq. Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.) | |
General Business - Update by Beth Rubenstein, Assistant City Manager for Community Development | ||
7:30pm | Public hearing on Planning Board Petition and Carlson, et al Petition to amend the zoning in the Riverside neighborhood. | |
9:00pm | Public hearing on PB#180 - 0 Arrow Street, Harvard Square Overlay District Special Permit to construct 37,038 square foot theater and office building. Gregory C. Carr Foundation, applicant. | |
General Business | ||
1. | PB#12 - Charles Square PUD - minor amendment to review plans to enclose space under the existing awnings attached to the restaurant space. | |
2. | Town Gown Discussion. | |
3. | Board of Zoning Appeal Cases. | |
4. | Other. | |
For further information concerning this agenda, please call Liza Paden at 617-349-4647; TTY: 617-349-4621, at the Cambridge Community Development Department, or email |
Mon, Apr 7
5:30pm City Council
meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Apr 8
6:00pm Special Cambridge School Committee meeting to
vote on the proposed elementary schools consolidation plan. They could approve
it, amend it, or reject it. The proposed plan contains the following features:
* Close the Harrington school
* Close the M.E. Fitzgerald school
* Move the King Open school to the former Harrington building and expand by one
strand plus the OLA Program
* Move the Peabody school to the former Fitzgerald building and expand by one
* Move the the Longfellow school and merge with the Kennedy School
* Move the Graham & Parks school to the former Peabody building
* Move the Amigos School into the former King Open building (along with the King
School, of course)
An important feature of the plan is that students from closed schools can stay
in their buildings.
The plan can be obtained and discussion viewed at
or from the School Department website
Wed, Apr 9
3:30pm The City Council's Human Services Committee
will conduct a roundtable meeting with school principals to hear their
recommendations and concerns about out-of-school time programs. (Ackermann Room)
Fri, Apr 11
9:00am The City Council's University Relations Committee
will conduct a public working meeting to focus on opportunities for university
and city dialogue and collaboration in the area of fiscal health. (Ackermann
Mon, Apr 14
5:30pm City Council
meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Apr 15 | ||
7:30pm | Planning Board meeting (Cent. Sq. Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.) | |
General Business - Update by Beth Rubenstein, Assistant City Manager for Community Development | ||
7:40pm | Public hearing on PB #31, 245 First Street, Major Amendment to convert Office space to Office Research and Development. Project Review Special Permit, MA - Riverview, applicant. | |
8:15pm | Public hearing on PB#185, One Kendall Square, Project Review Special Permit for construction of 230,750 gross floor area. One Kendall Square Associates, LLC, applicants. | |
General Business | ||
1. | PB#186 -310 Rindge Avenue, Project Review Special Permit to construct 99 units of housing and one unit of commercial. Brickyards LLC, applicant - deliberation and possible decision. | |
2. | Design Review for 23 Sidney Street, housing site in University Park, Cambridgeport Revitalization Development District. | |
3. | Board of Zoning Appeal Cases. | |
4. | Other. | |
For further information concerning this agenda, please call Liza Paden at 617-349-4647; TTY: 617-349-4621, at the Cambridge Community Development Department, or email |
Tues, Apr 22
7:00-9:30pm Alewife Flooding; A Symposium for Arlington,
Belmont and Cambridge (Arlington Town Hall)
Goal: To build consensus as to what we know and what we don't know
about the causes of flooding (including sewage backups) in the Alewife area.
Sponsored by The Tri-community Working Group. For information: 781-316-3012,
Mon, Apr 28
5:30pm City Council
meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Wed, Apr 30
6:00pm Library Design Advisory Committee (Senior
Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
The architects will present an update of their current status in the schematic
design phase of the project. The public will have an opportunity to speak prior
to the Advisory Committee's discussion. For background information on the
project, please see:
Thurs, May 1
3:30pm The City Council's Economic Development, Training and Employment Committee will conduct a
follow-up meeting on the “Buy Cambridge Initiative” and any other matters
that comes before the Committee. (Ackermann Room)
Fri, May 2
2:00pm The City Council's Neighborhood and Long Term
Planning Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss “How Will
The Future Catch Cambridge.” (Ackermann Room)
Mon, May 5 (Day One of the Smoking Ban
in Boston! What a great way to celebrate Cinco de Mayo!)
5:00pm Special Presentation to Marsha Cannon, outgoing
Postmaster of Cambridge (Sullivan
5:30pm City Council
meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, May 6 | ||
7:30pm | Planning Board meeting (Cent. Sq. Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.) | |
General Business - Update by Beth Rubenstein, Assistant City Manager for Community Development | ||
7:40pm | Public hearing on PB#187 - 10 Decatur Street/15-17 Valentine Street. Townhouse special permit to construct 20 Townhouse units and special permit to waive the required minimum open space dimension. Margaret Morrisey, Applicant. | |
General Business | ||
1. | Harvard University North Yard update. | |
2. | PB#180 - 0 Arrow Street, deliberation and possible decision. | |
3. | PB#175 - Smith Residential Design Review. | |
4. | Town Gown Discussion | |
5. | Board of Zoning Appeal Cases. a. BZA Comprehensive Permit for Burns Apartments |
6. | Other. | |
For further information concerning this agenda, please call Liza Paden at 617-349-4647; TTY: 617-349-4621, at the Cambridge Community Development Department, or email |
Wed, May 7
4:30pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will
conduct a public hearing to consider a proposed tree protection ordinance.
(Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will
conduct a public hearing to consider proposed amendment to Section 19.33 of the
Zoning Ordinance to include in the design review of proposed developments a
review of whether the outdoor lighting is designed to minimize light pollution.
This meeting to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
7:00pm A Conversation with Steve
Grossman: How Do Democrats Win? (Saint Anthony’s Cultural Center,
575 Cambridge St., 2nd Floor)
Ward One and Ward Two of the Cambridge
Democratic City Committee invite you to the first in a series of forums with the
2002 gubernatorial candidates
Mon, May 12 | ||
4:00pm | Presentation and reception for scholarship recipients (Sullivan Chamber) | |
5:30pm | City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber) | |
7:00pm | Conservation Commission meeting (1st Floor Conf. Room, Water Purification Facility, 250 Fresh Pond Pkwy) | |
7:00pm | Cambridge Public Works Presentation - Outfall
and Wetland Treatment System Discharge, Little River, Alewife Reservation |
7:30pm | Metropolitan District Commission Hearing
(continued from April 14, 2003) - Phase II Historic Parkways Initiative, Memorial Drive |
9:30pm | Metropolitan District Commission Presentation -
Vegetation Management Summary of 2002 and Plan for 2003 Requirement of Existing Order of Conditions (DEP File #123-160), Charles River Basin |
10:00pm | Administration Business | |
Please Note: Metropolitan District Commission hearing regarding Magazine Beach to be continued on June 9. |
Tues, May 13 | ||
7:30pm | Planning Board meeting (Cent. Sq. Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.) | |
General Business - Update by Beth Rubenstein, Assistant City Manager for Community Development | ||
7:40pm | Public hearing on PB#188, 90 Mount Auburn Street, President and Fellows of Harvard College, Harvard Square Overlay District Special Permit for approximately 24,000 square feet of new building for institutional and ground floor retail. | |
General Business | ||
1. | PB#186 - 310 Rindge Avenue, Brickworks Housing - deliberation and decision. | |
2. | PB#150 - One Kendall Square, Amgen Building, minor amendment for design review of ground floor. | |
3. | Town Gown Discussion | |
4. | Board of Zoning Appeal Cases. | |
5. | Other. | |
For further information concerning this agenda, please call Liza Paden at 617-349-4647; TTY: 617-349-4621, at the Cambridge Community Development Department, or email |
Wed, May 14
8:00am The City Council's Human Services Committee
will hold a public meeting to discuss what will happen to the after-school
programs in the schools that are closing. (Ackermann Room)
4:30pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will
conduct a public working meeting to continue discussion of the proposed
amendment to the Smoking Ordinance with the City's health and economic
development professionals. (Sullivan Chamber)
Mon, May 19
5:30pm City Council
Roundtable meeting - Informal discussion of Town/Gown issues with the Planning
Board with no public comment, at which time no votes will be taken. Meeting will
not be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, May 20 | ||
10:00am The City Council's Finance Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss the FY04 City Budget. (Sullivan Chamber) | ||
Budget Overview |
Cable TV |
Veterans |
Wed, May 21 | |
3:30pm | The City Council's Economic Development, Training and Employment Committee will continue to discuss the “Buy Cambridge Initiative” and any other matters that comes before the Committee. (Ackermann Room) |
7:30-9pm | Mid-Cambridge Neighborhood Meeting (CRLS Media Cafeteria) |
Come to a brown-bag dinner and social hour, starting at 6:30pm. Bring your own dinner, or call John Pitkin at 617-492-4035 if you want to order pizza. MCNA will provide drinks, utensils, paper plates, and desserts. | |
Meeting agenda: | |
1. Proposed changes to MCNA bylaws - For details, please go to | |
2. Election of 2003-2004 Coordinating Committee - The Coordinating Committee is the board of the Mid-Cambridge Neighborhood Association | |
3. The Future of the
Longfellow School Building and Community School Programs in Mid-Cambridge The School Committee has voted to close the Longfellow School. The City Manager’s Budget for next year (not yet adopted by the City Council) would end the separate Longfellow Community School program that has served Mid-Cambridge for over 25 years. Neighbors are petitioning to keep the Community School program. There will be an update and possible votes on plans for the building, Community School, and play space. |
4. New Business - Proposals for new projects and issues for the Association to take up are invited. | |
For more information, see |
Thurs, May 22 | ||
10:00am The City Council's Finance Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss the FY04 City Budget. (Sullivan Chamber) | ||
License Commission |
Personnel |
Reserve |
Tues, May 27
6:00pm The City Council's Finance Committee will
conduct a public meeting to discuss the FY04 School Department Budget. [This
meeting will begin with the reconvening of the meeting recessed on May 22 for
the purpose of taking up the Department of Human Services Programs budget,
specifically the issue of the closing of the Longfellow and Graham & Parks
Community Schools.] (Sullivan
Wed, May 28
8:30am The City Council's Human Services Committee
will hold a working public meeting to continue discussing plans for the
after-school programs now located in school buildings that will be closed
through the consolidation. No public comment will be taken. (Ackermann Room)
5:30pm The City Council's Civic Unity Committee will
conduct a public meeting to discuss community schools. (Sullivan Chamber)
Fri, May 30
1:00pm The City Council's University Relations Committee will hold a public working meeting with members of the School Committee and representatives of Cambridge universities to discuss opportunities for collaboration and cooperation in the areas of education.
(Museum of Science Conference Room, Hodgkinson Room, 4th Floor)
Mon, June 2
5:00pm Special Presentation - Go Green Business Awards
(Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm City Council
meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, June 3 | ||
3:30pm | The City Council's Economic Development, Training and Employment Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue discussions on the "Buy Cambridge Initiative" and any other matters that come before the committee. (Ackermann Room) | |
7:30pm | Planning Board meeting (Central Square Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.) | |
General Business - Update by Beth Rubenstein, Assistant City Manager for Community Development | ||
7:30pm | Public Hearing on Thall, et al Petition, to amend the zoning map on 40-60 Highland Street and 1-4 Highland Park from Residence C-1 to Residence B. | |
8:30pm | Public Hearing on Lighting Petition, to amend Section 19.000 to include the development impacts of outdoor lighting necessary to ensure safety, night vision, and comfort while minimizing light pollution. | |
General Business | ||
1. PB#141 - 364 Third Street, Cambridge Research Park - Building E (housing) and Building F (pavilion) design review. | ||
2. PB#187, 10 Decatur Street, multifamily, deliberation and possible decision. | ||
3. PB#185, One Kendall Sq. minor amendment to extend time for decision. | ||
4. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases. | ||
5. Other. | ||
Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During its discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please call Liza Paden at 617-349-4647; TTY: 617-349-4621, at the Cambridge Community Development Department, or email |
Wed, June 4
4:00pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will
conduct a public hearing to discuss proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance
on a petition filed by Carolyn Thall, et al., requesting to rezone Plat
112-Plots 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 95 and 96, currently zoned as
Residence C-1, for inclusion in the adjacent Residence B District. This meeting
to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Fri, June 6
10:00am The City Council's Neighborhood and Long Term
Planning Committee will conduct a working meeting to plan the program for
the June 18th meeting of the committee. (Sullivan Chamber)
Secret Gardens of Cambridge The Fourth Annual Open-Gardens Day sponsored by The Friends of the Cambridge Public Library More than 30 gardens in 6 areas of Cambridge will be open to ticket-holders. Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 on the day of the event; Friends of the Library receive a $5 discount on tickets. All ticket purchases by check only. Tickets are available at all Cambridge Libraries, For information, please call 617-349-4032; TTY: 617-349-4421 |
Mon, June 9 | ||
5:30pm | City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber) | |
7:30pm | Conservation Commission meeting (51 Inman Street, 2nd Floor Conference Room) | |
6:30pm | Administrative Business | |
7:00pm | Hearing: Shell Oil Products US – Request for
Determination of Applicability – to install monitoring wells at River Street and Memorial Drive |
7:30pm | Hearing: City of Cambridge Water Department Notice of Intent – Invasive species removal at Fresh Pond Reservation |
8:00pm | Hearing: Metropolitan District Commission (Continued from
May 12, 2003) Notice of Intent – Magazine Beach, Memorial Drive TO BE CONTINUED TO JULY 14, 2003 |
8:00pm | Hearing: Metropolitan District Commission (Continued from
May 12, 2003) Notice of Intent - Phase II Historic Parkways Initiative – Memorial Drive |
Thurs, June 12
5:30pm The City Council's University Relations Committee
will hold a facilitated public meeting to discuss the elements of a successful
planning and development process. (Ceramics Room, Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
Cambridge River Festival On the banks of the Charles River, along one mile of Memorial Drive between JFK St. and Western Ave.
Rain or Shine! Free! |
Sun, June 15
2:00-4:00pm Campaign
Kick-Off Event for Marc McGovern, candidate for School Committee
(Riverside Press park, corner of River St. and Memorial
Mon, June 16
5:30pm City Council
meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, June 17 | |
7:30pm | Planning Board meeting (Central Sq. Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.) |
1. Update by Beth Rubenstein, Assistant City Manager for Community Development. | |
2. PB#187, 10 Decatur Street, multifamily, deliberation and possible decision. | |
3. PB#141 - 364 Third Street, Cambridge Research Park - North Plaza design review. | |
4. Adjustment to definitions of height in the Zoning Ordinance. | |
5. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases. |
Wed, June 18
12:45pm The City Council's University Relations Committee
will hold a facilitated public meeting to discuss and prioritize future action
in the areas considered by the committee in its previous meetings. (Ackermann
5:30pm The City Council's Neighborhood and Long Term
Planning Committee will hold a forum on “Cambridge and its New Economy -
Catching Up with our Future” (University Park Hotel at MIT, 20 Sidney St.)
Thurs, June 19 | ||
3:00pm The City Council's Public Safety Committee will conduct a public meeting (Sullivan Chamber): | ||
3:00pm | to discuss the issue of a new position entitled "Assistant City Manager for Public Safety." | |
3:30pm | to discuss investigating additional public buildings and entertainment complexes to house semi-automated external defibrillators (SAED) and SAED-trained and certified personnel. | |
4:00pm | to discuss night club safety issues. | |
5:00pm | to discuss campaign on pedestrian, bicyclist and motorist safety. | |
5:30-7:30pm | Event for School Committee candidate Ben Lummis at the playground across the street from the Baldwin School. | |
7:00-9:00pm | Porter Square Neighbors Association meeting (Metropolitan Baptist Church, 16 Beech St.) | |
On a very fast track: A major new real
estate development in Porter Square The T is getting bids on July 16 to develop the land and air rights over the train tracks from the Porter Square Station to Beacon Street for the next 85 years. This 50,000 square feet space off of Somerville Avenue is in both Cambridge and Somerville. Minimum bid is $4 million. Come learn about the bidding process, key players, timetable for development and community involvement from Greg Dicovitsky from Transit Realty Associates, the company which manages the T's real estate. The bid proposal went out to 400+ companies - and there are very interested developers. Condo proposal for the vacant nursing home at Mass. Ave. and Russell Street – learn about the details Questions? Call Dave Reed at 617-876-3688, weekdays. |
Mon, June 23 | ||
5:30pm | City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber) | |
7:00pm | Conservation Commission meeting (51 Inman Street, 2nd Floor Conference Room) | |
1. Confirm Meeting Minutes from June 9, 2003 & agenda review | ||
2. Review how can we do our work better? | ||
o Discuss the meeting format and length of meetings o Exempt Projects and Level of Review by Commission o Follow-up of Shell Oil Request for Determination of Applicability o Proposed Work at Fresh Pond Reservation o MACC Letter regarding Mass Highway's use of herbicides o Expired Order of Conditions for Belmont Hill City Council Goals for FY04 o Public Comment |
3. Status & Follow-up actions | ||
o Community Preservation Act Report - Public Meeting June
25th City Hall at 6:30PM o Water Department Order of Conditions (DEP File #123-170) o Letter to MDC - Vegetation Management (DEP File #123-160) o Review of Letter from Marilyn Wellons to the Cambridge Conservation Commission o Status of Wetlands Protection Ordinance o School Status of Wetland Inventory o DPW NPDES Phase II Public Meeting o Belmont Uplands - City of Cambridge final response to DEIR o Public Comment |
4. Questions/Comments for MDC Phase II (DEP File #123-162) - Planting Committee letters | ||
5. Party for Sarah & Karen? | ||
6. Bette Woody Honored | ||
7. Agenda for July 14, 2003 |
Tues, June 24
8:30am The City Council's Human Services Committee
will conduct a public meeting to discuss out-of-school time programs and
Community Schools programs. (Ackermann Room)
Wed, June 25
3:00pm The City Council's Economic Development, Training,
and Employment Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue
discussing the Democratic National Convention Workshop and the "Buy
Cambridge Initiative." (Ackermann Room) cancelled
5:30-7:30pm Campaign
Kick-Off Party for Henrietta Davis, candidate for City Council. (Asgard
Irish Pub & Restaurant, 350 Mass. Ave.)
For more info, call 617-547-0877 or
Thurs, June 26 | ||
3:00pm The City Council's Public Safety Committee will conduct a public meeting (Sullivan Chamber): | ||
3:00pm | to discuss the issue of a new position entitled "Assistant City Manager for Public Safety." | |
3:30pm | to discuss investigating additional public buildings and entertainment complexes to house semi-automated external defibrillators (SAED) and SAED-trained and certified personnel. | |
4:00pm | to discuss night club safety issues. | |
6:00-8:00pm | Campaign
Kick-Off for Brian Murphy for Cambridge City Council (Daedalus
Restaurant, 45 Mt. Auburn St.) For more info, call 617-492-7426 or e-mail |
Mon, June 30
4:00pm City Council Roundtable Meeting (Special Meeting) -
Informal discussion with members of the Affordable Housing Trust with no public comment. No votes will be taken.
Meeting will not be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, July 1
7:30pm Planning Board meeting (Central Square Senior
Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
1. Update by Beth Rubenstein, Assistant City Manager for Community Development.
2. PB#141 - 364 Third Street, Cambridge Research Park - Landscaping design
review for Parcel C, sign variance request for Building D & final design for
pavilion Building F.
3. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases.
4. Other.
For further information concerning this agenda, please call Liza Paden at
617-349-4647; TTY: 617-349-4621, at the Cambridge Community Development
Department, or email
Mon, July 14 | ||
7:00pm Open House for Ethridge King for City Council at the home of Fred Baker (109 Inman St.) | ||
7:00pm Cambridge Conservation Commission meeting (51 Inman Street, 2nd Floor Conference Room) | ||
7:00pm | Hearing: City of Cambridge Water Department DEP File #123-125 Request for Extension to Order of Conditions - Phase I Fresh Pond Reservation | |
7:15pm | Hearing: Charles River Conservancy Request for Determination of Applicability - Removal of Invasive Plants Hell's Half Acre, Charles River | |
7:30pm | Hearing: Riverside Boat Club Request for Determination of Applicability - Landscape and Drainage Improvements Charles River | |
7:45pm | Hearing: Metropolitan District Commission DEP File #123-162 Request to Amend Order of Conditions - Phase I Historic Parkways Initiative Memorial Drive | |
8:00pm | Hearing: Metropolitan District Commission (Continued from June 9, 2003) DEP File #123-168 Notice of Intent - Phase II Historic Parkways Initiative Memorial Drive | |
8:45pm | Hearing: Metropolitan District Commission (Continued from June 9, 2003) DEP File #123-166 Notice of Intent - Magazine Beach Memorial Drive | |
9:30pm | Public Comment |
Tues, July 15 | ||
7:30pm Planning Board meeting (Central Square Senior Center, 806 Mass Ave.) | ||
7:30pm | Update by Beth Rubenstein, Assistant City Manager for Community Development. | |
7:40pm | Public Hearing on University Park Final Development Plan amendment, Forest City, applicant. | |
8:30pm | Public Hearing on Zoning Petition to amend the Metropolitan District Commission open space from the current varied zoning designations to Open Space Districts. | |
General Business | ||
1. Informational presentation for Laboratory for Interface Science and
Engineering (LISE) Building to be built on the Harvard University Campus
near Oxford Street. 2. PB#185 - One Kendall Square extension. 3. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases. 4. Other. |
Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing.
During its discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the
Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please call Liza Paden at 617-349-4647; TTY: 617-349-4621, at the Cambridge Community Development Department, or email |
Wed, July 16
5:30pm The City Council's Public Safety Committee will
conduct a public meeting to discuss a safety campaign for pedestrian, bicyclist
and motorist. (Sullivan Chamber)
Wed, July 23
9:30am The City Council's Neighborhood and Long Term
Planning Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue discussion of
the long-term planning implications for Cambridge of the knowledge-based
Tues, July 29
6:00pm Library Design Advisory Committee meeting
(40 Granite St.)
Continuing Meetings for Phase 2 of Main Library Expansion Project. For more
information, contact Alan Burne at 617-349-4438/TTY617-349-4421 or via e-mail at Also
visit the project web page at: http://www.cambridgemagov/~CPL.
Wed, July 30
2:00-5:00pm Election
Commission meeting (51 Inman St.)
3:00pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will
conduct a public meeting to discuss a proposed amendment to the Human Rights
Ordinance to include a requirement that public accommodations remove barriers to
access for people with disabilities. (CRLS, 459 Broadway, Media Cafeteria)
3:30pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a
public hearing on a petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance to rezone land
parcels owned by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (generally acting as the
Metropolitan District Commission) from their current, varied zoning designations
to the zoning designation Open Space. This meeting to be televised. (CRLS,
459 Broadway, Media Cafeteria)
4:30pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will
conduct a public hearing to discuss the Planning Board petition (re-filed June
27) to amend the zoning in the Riverside area. This meeting to be televised.
(CRLS, 459 Broadway, Media Cafeteria)
5:00pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will
conduct a public hearing to discuss the Robert S. Carlson et al. petition
(re-filed June 27) to amend the zoning in the Riverside area. This meeting to be
televised. (CRLS, 459 Broadway, Media Cafeteria)
Tues, July 1 to Thurs, July 31 |
Nomination Papers for City Council and School Committee are available starting July 1. The Cambridge Election
Commission announces that nomination papers for the offices of City
Council and School Committee will be available Tuesday, July 1, at the
Election Commission office, 51 Inman Street, Cambridge. The requirements for anyone wishing to run for election to a Municipal Office are:
The Election Commission has prepared an informational kit for candidates containing important dates, Commission policies, services and publications. This kit will be available with the nomination papers on July 1. |
Thurs, July 31
9:30am The City Council's Economic Development, Training and
Employment Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue discussing
the “Buy Cambridge Initiative”. (Ackermann Room)
5:00pm DEADLINE for filing of
nomination papers to run for City Council or School Committee.
6:00pm Ice Cream Social/Kickoff
Party for City Council candidate Carole Bellew (Toscanini's Ice Cream
Parlor, 899 Main Street)
For info and RSVP, call 617-354-8077.
7:30pm Volunteer meeting for those interested in Ethridge
King for City Council. (109 Inman Street)
Mon, Aug 4
5:30pm Special
(Midsummer) City Council
meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Aug 5 | ||
7:30pm Planning Board meeting (Central Square Senior Center, 806 Mass Ave.) | ||
7:30pm | Update by Beth Rubenstein, Assistant City Manager for Community Development. | |
7:40pm | Public Hearing on PB#189 - 303 Third Street, Planned Unit Development Special Permit, Project Review, reduction of parking and driveway requirements, and relief from the required distance between buildings for 578 residential units of housing. | |
8:30pm | Public Hearing on Planning Board and Carlson, et al Petitions to amend the zoning in the Riverside neighborhood. (These petitions were previously heard on November 19, 2002 and April 1, 2003) | |
General Business | ||
1. PB#141- 364 Third Street, Cambridge Research Park -
Landscaping design review for Parcel C at the Gas Transfer Station. 2. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases. 3. Other. |
For further information concerning this agenda, please call Liza Paden at 617-349-4647; TTY: 617-349-4621, at the Cambridge Community Development Department, or email |
Wed, Aug 6
11:00am to 2:00pm - Harvard Yard
Senior Picnic - a MUST for all candidates
Michael A. Sullivan is pleased to invite all seniors who are residents of the
City of Cambridge to attend the 28th annual Harvard Yard Senior Picnic. The
picnic will take place on Wed, Aug 6 from 11:00am to 2:00pm (rain date: Thurs,
Aug 7). Co-hosting the event with the Mayor is Harvard University President
Lawrence Summers. This year’s theme is “Swing Into Summer”. As always,
there will be plenty of music and dancing. Individuals with questions about the
Harvard Yard Senior Picnic, or wanting to obtain a free ticket to the event,
should call the Mayor’s Office at 617-349-4321.
11:00am The City Council's Public Safety Committee
will conduct a public meeting to continue discussions on a pedestrian, bicyclist
and motorist safety campaign. (Sullivan Chamber)
2:00-5:00pm Election
Commission meeting (51 Inman St.)
5:30pm The City Council's Claims Committee will
conduct a public hearing to consider claims filed against the City.
(Ackermann Room)
6:00-8:30pm Campaign Kick-Off for
City Councillor David Maher (Royal Sonesta Hotel, 5 Cambridge Pkwy)
Fri, Aug 8
10:00am The City Council's Finance Committee will
conduct a public meeting to discuss the issue of a Request for Proposals (RFP)
and to solicit proposals for the lease of property owned by the City in Harvard
Square, known as the Harvard Square Kiosk at Zero Harvard Square. (Mayor's
Conference Room)
Mon, Aug 11 7:00pm Conservation Commission meeting (51 Inman Street, 2nd Floor Conference Room) 7:00pm Hearing: City of Cambridge Water Department, DEP File #123-149 Request for Extension to Order of Conditions, Bellis Circle Drainage Improvements 7:15pm Hearing: Metropolitan District Commission, DEP File #123-169 Request to Amend Order - Rehabilitation of Capstone, Memorial Drive Between River Street and Western Avenue 7:30pm Hearing: Metropolitan District Commission (Continued from July 14, 2003), DEP File #123-168 Notice of Intent - Phase II Historic Parkways Initiative, Memorial Drive 8:00pm Public Comment
Wed, Aug 13
1:00pm The City Council's Public Safety Committee will
conduct a public meeting to continue discussions on a pedestrian, bicyclist and
motorist safety campaign. (Sullivan Chamber)
Thurs, Aug 14
9:30am The Economic Development, Training and
Employment Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue discussing
the "Buy Cambridge Initiative" and any matter that comes before the
committee. (Ackermann Room)
5:00pm Last day and hour for Election
Commission to complete certification of signatures.
Mon, Aug 18
5:00pm Last day and hour for filing
withdrawal of nomination with the Election Commission.
Wed, Aug 20
2:00-5:00pm Election
Commission meeting (51 Inman St.)
Thurs, Aug 21
7:00pm Porter
Square Neighbors Association meeting (Metropolitan New Life Baptist
Church, 16 Beech St, Cambridge)
The MBTA has put its air
rights development process on “pause” to allow for public input on the
proposal submitted by Oaktree Green Development.
PSNA has invited representatives from the MBTA to discuss
this process and representatives from Oaktree and Lesley University to present
the proposals they submitted.
We invite you to bring your concerns, questions, and ideas
for a better Porter Square. Questions? Call Dave Reed at 617-876-3688 weekdays
Mon, Aug 25 | ||
7:00pm | Conservation Commission meeting (51 Inman Street, 2nd Floor Conference Room) | |
7:00pm | Presentation:
Department of Conservation and Recreation (Formerly Metropolitan District
Commission) DEP File #123-162 - Phase I Historic Parkways Initiative Memorial Drive |
8:00pm | Administrative Updates | |
• Fresh Pond Advisory Board |
8:30pm | Public Comment |
Thurs, Aug 28
10:00am The City Council's Economic Development, Training
and Employment Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue
discussing the "Buy Cambridge Initiative" and any matter that comes
before the committee. (Ackermann Room)
Wed, Sept 3
11:00am The City Council's Neighborhood and Long Term
Planning Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue discussion on
what strategies will best enable the Cambridge community to benefit from
Cambridge's knowledge-based economy, and specifically on strategies for
follow-up to the Professor Juan Enriquez public forum sponsored by the
committee. (Ackermann Room)
2:00-5:00pm Election
Commission meeting (51 Inman St.)
4:00pm The City Council's Housing and Ordinance Committees
will conduct a joint public hearing to amend the city's Inclusionary Zoning
Ordinance to provide a process for developers to gain dimensional relief (in
housing and mixed use projects) in exchange for providing housing affordable to
middle income owners and renters. This meeting to be televised. (Sullivan
Fri, Sept 5
5:00pm Last day and hour to submit
signatures to Election Commission for certification of Initiative Petition(s).
Mon, Sept 8 | ||
5:30pm | City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber) | |
7:00pm | Conservation Commission meeting (2nd Floor Conference Room, 51 Inman Street, Cambridge) | |
7:00pm | Presentation: Cambridge Research Park, LLC DEP
File #123-139 Bi-Annual Presentation in Compliance with Special Conditions |
7:15pm | Hearing: Charlesgate Yacht Club, DEP File
#123-163 Request for Certificate of Compliance |
Hearing: Department of Conservation and
Recreation (Continued from August 11th), DEP File #123-169 Request to Amend Order - Rehabilitation of Capstone Memorial Drive Between River Street and Western Avenue Continued to the October 20th Meeting |
7:30pm | Hearing: Department of Conservation and
Recreation, DEP File #123-171 Notice of Intent - Memorial Drive Intersection Re-design Memorial Drive and River Street |
8:00pm | Public Comment |
Wed, Sept 10
10:00am The City Council's Economic Development, Training
and Employment Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue
discussing the "Buy Cambridge Initiative" and any matter that comes
before the committee. (Ackermann Room)
Fri, Sept 12
3:00pm The City Council's Neighborhood and Long Term
Planning Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue discussion on
what strategies will best enable the Cambridge community to benefit from
Cambridge's knowledge-based economy, and specifically on strategies for
follow-up to the Professor Juan Enriquez public forum sponsored by the
committee. (Ackermann Room)
Sun, Sept 14
3:30 to 6:00pm Campaign Kick-Off Party for School
Committee candidate Ben Lummis at
Sennott Park. (Broadway, between Norfolk and Tremont Streets) All of Cambridge
is invited for children's events, a moon bounce, music, and food. In case of
rain, the Kick-Off will be held at the Central Square YWCA at 7 Temple Street.
Mon, Sept 15
5:30pm City Council
meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
7:30pm Working Meeting of the City Council's Ordinance
Committee on the Riverside rezoning. No public comment (Sullivan
6:00-9:00pm MCNCDC (Mid-Cambridge Neighborhood
Conservation District Commission) meeting in the auditorium of the Maecht
Center, behind Cambridge City Hospital, off Cambridge Street to discuss the
Architect's Schematic Design plans for the Library Expansion. This is a public
meeting with a public comment period at the end of the presentation.
Tues, Sept 16 | ||
7:30pm | Planning Board meeting (Central Square Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.) | |
General Business – Update by Beth Rubenstein, Assistant City Manager for Community Development. | ||
Public Hearings | ||
7:40pm | City Council Petition to rezone city parks and recreational facilities to Open Space from various zoning designations. Planning Board Petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance, Section 4.33.h.1, Footnote 11, regarding open space uses. | |
8:15pm | City Council Petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance to address rooftop mechanical equipment in new large-scale development as part of the Planning Board Special Permit Project Review process. | |
General Business | ||
1. University Park, 100 Landsdowne Street, Final Design Review. | ||
2. University Park, 23 Sidney Street, Final Design Review. | ||
3. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases. | ||
a. 8728 - 20 Sidney Street - Nextel installation at the Hotel@MIT at University Park | ||
b. 8745 - 21 Walden Square Road and 8746 - 284 Norfolk Street - Sprint installations | ||
4. Other. | ||
Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During its discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please call Liza Paden at 617-349-4647; TTY: 617-349-4621, at the Cambridge Community Development Department, or email |
Wed, Sept 17
10:00am The City Council's Economic Development, Training
and Employment Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue
discussing the "Buy Cambridge Initiative" and any matter that comes
before the committee. (Ackermann Room)
Thurs, Sept 18
5:00-7:00pm Alan Price, School Committee Member,
invites Cambridge to the kick-off party for his re-election campaign.
There will be activities for children and plenty of treats catered by The Greek
Corner and Toscanini's. (Location: 38 Cameron Avenue in North Cambridge)
For more information or assistance call 617-492-0804 or email
6:00pm Public Meeting of the Ordinance Committee
to hear public comment regarding the Riverside rezoning. (Senior Center,
806 Mass. Ave.)
7:00pm Porter
Square Neighbors Association meeting (Metropolitan New Life Baptist
Church, 16 Beech St, Cambridge)
Lesley University long range
campus plans and how they fit a holistic view of the Square. – Paul Karoff,
Lesley University
Air Rights process update – PSNA
Questions? Call Dave Reed at 617-876-3688 weekdays
Sun, Sept 21
3:00-5:00pm Nancy Walser Campaign Kickoff Party
(335 Huron Avenue, Rain or Shine)
Mon, Sept 22 | ||
5:30pm | City Council Roundtable Meeting with School Committee, to include an update from the City Manager on the new Main Library. No public comment. No votes will be taken. Meeting will not be televised. (Sullivan Chamber) | |
7:00pm | Conservation Commission meeting (51 Inman Street, 2nd Floor Conference Room) | |
7:00pm | Presentation: City of Cambridge Department of Public Works – Fresh Pond Golf Course - Drainage, Phase I and Subsequent Phases | |
7:30pm | Presentation: Brown, Richardson, & Rowe – Russell Field Project | |
8:00pm | Administrative Updates: | |
· Fresh Pond Advisory Board · Open Space Committee · Tri-Community Flooding Committee · Public Planting Committee · Projects to be Permitted · Projects in Construction · Draft Agenda for October 20, 2003 |
8:30pm | Public Comment |
Tues, Sept 23
10:00am The City Council's Neighborhood and Long Term
Planning Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue planning a
presentation on the Cambridge knowledge-based economy and its implications for
the Cambridge community to feature Professor Juan Enriquez and to take place at
CRLS. (Ackermann Room)
4:30pm Special Meeting of the City Council to hold a
public hearing to discuss the housing emergency and the Initiative Petition for
an Ordinance Regulating Residential Rents and Evictions. This meeting to be
televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:00pm Last day and hour to submit
signatures to Election Commission for certification of Non-Binding Public
Opinion Advisory Question(s).
7:00-9:00pm City Council Candidates
Night on Environment and Energy Issues (Central Square Senior Center)
Event organized by Karen Carmean – For more
information call Karen Carmean at 617-547-1413 or email
To see latest questions and background:
7:00-9:00pm Mid-Cambridge Neighborhood Association (MCNA)
Neighborhood Meeting (First Reformed Presbyterian Church of Cambridge,
53 Antrim St) Topics: Now that the Longfellow
School has closed, the future of the building is uncertain. Your input is needed
to help develop a recommendation. Also, hear the latest on the Main Library/Joan
Lorentz Park project.
Wed, Sept 24
10:00am The City Council's Economic Development, Training
and Employment Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue
discussing the "Buy Cambridge Initiative" and any matter that comes
before the committee. (Ackermann Room)
4:00pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will
conduct a public hearing to consider a proposed amendment to the Zoning
Ordinance to modify the use regulations in Open Space Districts. This meeting to
be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
4:30pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will
conduct a public hearing to consider a proposed amendment to the Zoning
Ordinance to zone land and City of Cambridge public facilities as open space.
This meeting to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
5:00pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will
conduct a public hearing to consider a proposed amendment to the Zoning
Ordinance with regard to the regulation of rooftop mechanical equipment and
noise. This meeting to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Mon, Sept 29
5:30pm City Council
meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
6:30pm The City Council will conduct a public hearing
to discuss the property tax rate classification. (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Sept 30
5:00pm Last day and hour to submit
final wording for ballot question(s) to Election Commission.
Wed, Oct 1
9:30am Special Meeting of the City Council to continue a recessed public hearing to discuss the property tax rate classification.
(Sullivan Chamber)
Meeting recessed to Wed, Oct 8 at 9:30am. The governor
vetoed the home rule petition to allow Cambridge to increase the residential
exemption to 30%. The City will seek a legislative override.
12:00pm The City Council's Cable TV, Telecommunications and Public Utilities Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss coordination of resources between the municipal cable, CCTV and the School Department cable (Sullivan Chamber)
Thurs, Oct 2
2:00pm The City Council's Neighborhood and Long Term Planning Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue planning the presentation on the Cambridge knowledge-based economy and its implications for the Cambridge community, to feature Professor Juan Enriquez. (Conference Room of the City Council Office)
Tues, Oct 7 | |
7:30pm | Planning Board meeting (Central Square Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.) |
General Business – Update by Beth Rubenstein, Assistant City Manager for Community Development. | |
Public Hearings | |
7:40pm City Council Zoning Petition to create incentives to encourage the inclusion of dwelling units for middle-income households in residential and mixed-use developments | |
8:30pm Special Permit #191, Project Review Special Permit for 15 Oxford Street for 118,800 square foot institutional building (LISE). Harvard University is the applicant. | |
General Business | |
1. Eastern Cambridge Design Guidelines Presentation. | |
2. PB#189 - 303 Third Street, Preliminary Determination, deliberation and possible determination. | |
3. Rooftop Mechanicals Zoning Petition, discussion and recommendation. | |
4. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases. | |
5. Other. | |
Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During its discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please call Liza Paden at 617-349-4647; TTY: 617-349-4621, at the Cambridge Community Development Department, or email |
Wed, Oct 8
9:30am Special Meeting of the City Council to continue a recessed public hearing to discuss the property tax rate classification.
(Sullivan Chamber)
10:00am The City Council's Economic Development, Training and Employment Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue discussing the "Buy Cambridge Initiative" and any matter that comes before the committee. (Ackermann Room)
Thurs, Oct 9
4:30pm Special Meeting of the City Council to continue
a recessed public hearing to discuss the property tax rate classification. (if
necessary) (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Oct. 14
5:00pm The City Council's Public Safety Committee will
conduct a public meeting to discuss foot patrol officers assigned to Area 4 and
Riverside, street crime in Cambridgeport and the actions taken to abate violent
crime in the city. (Sullivan Chamber)
7:00-9:00pm City Council Candidates'
Night sponsored by Mid-Cambridge Neighborhood Association (MCNA)
(Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.)
Wed, Oct 15
Last day of voter registration for Municipal Election.
In person registration hours are 8:30am to 8pm at Election Office (51 Inman
Street) and City Clerk’s Office (City Hall). (Mail-in registrations must be
postmarked by midnight.)
7:00-10:00pm Green-Rainbow/Democratic City Council
Candidates' Forum; Robert Reich, moderator. (Temple St. YWCA)
Thurs, Oct 16
2:00pm The City Council's Neighborhood and Long Term
Planning Committee will sponsor a discussion on the
Cambridge-knowledge-based economy and its implications for Cambridge youth
featuring Professor Juan Enriquez. (CRLS Auditorium, 459 Broadway)
7:00-9:00pm Porter
Square Neighbors Association meeting (Metropolitan New Life
Baptist Church, 16 Beech St, Cambridge)
The Urban Landscape along
Mass Ave – the importance of the commercial, institutional and residential
mix in maintaining an appealing urban environment and our fears of unintended
Updating Neighborhood Focus Points and Concerns about the T Air
Rights Space – public process, build in the right scale in harmony with
the rest of the Square, foster public transit over cars, improve pedestrian
access, replace the park, provide safe cell phone coverage, mitigate
construction, and fix up and clean up the T station.
Questions? Call Dave Reed at 617-876-3688 weekdays
Sat, Oct 18
10:00am 11th Annual Tour de Somerville (on bike)
The Somerville Bicycle Committee and the Friends of the Community Path proudly
present the 11th Annual Tour de Somerville on Sat, Oct 18. This year's easy,
10-mile ride explores transportation in Somerville – past, present, and
future. We'll visit the sites of old railroad stations and yards, as well as
possible locations for new paths and T stops. Even though Somerville is a City
of Seven Hills, our mostly-flat route avoids nearly all of them.
The ride begins at 10am at a new location – the Cedar
Street end of the Somerville Community Path. If you can't find this on your
online or printed map, it's just a few feet north of the corner of Alpine and
Cedar Streets, one-half mile east of Davis Square. Please wear a helmet.
Steady rain will postpone the ride to the following day –
Sunday, October 19 – same time and starting location.
Mon, Oct 20 | ||
5:00pm | Special Presentation for Agassiz Neighborhood/Maud Morgan Visual Arts Committee. (Sullivan Chamber) | |
5:30pm | City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber) | |
7:00pm | Conservation Commission Meeting (51 Inman Street, 2nd Floor Conference Room) | |
7:00pm | Presentation: Department of Conservation and Recreation;
DEP File #123-160; Memorial Drive Vegetation Management Semi-Annual Update |
7:15pm | Hearing: City of Cambridge - Recreation; DEP File # to be
determined; Notice of Intent - Russell Field Re-design; Rindge Avenue adjacent to Jerry's Pond |
8:00pm | Public Comment | |
Tues, Oct 21 | |
7:30pm | Planning Board meeting (Central Square Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.) |
General Business – Update by Beth Rubenstein, Assistant City Manager for Community Development. | |
Public Hearings | |
7:40pm Robach, et al Petition to amend the Zoning Map in the block bounded by Green, Pearl, Auburn, and Brookline Streets from Residence C-2A to Residence C-1. | |
General Business | |
1. PB#190 - 317 Fresh Pond Parkway, discussion and possible decision. | |
2. Middle Income Inclusionary Housing Zoning Petition, discussion and recommendation. | |
3. PB#190 - 15 Oxford Street (LISE), discussion and possible decision. | |
4. Rooftop Mechanicals Zoning Petition, discussion and recommendation. | |
5. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases. | |
6. Other. | |
Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During its discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please call Liza Paden at 617-349-4647; TTY: 617-349-4621, at the Cambridge Community Development Department, or email |
Wed, Oct 22
12:30pm The City Council's Cable TV, Telecommunications
and Public Utilities Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue
discussing coordination of resources between the municipal cable, CCTV and the
School Department cable. (Ackermann Room)
4:30pm The City Council's Economic Development, Training
and Employment Committee and the City Administration will be presenting the
Buy Cambridge Initiative at the Sala de Puerto Rico Room at the Stratton Student
Center. (84 Mass. Ave., MIT)
7:30-9:30pm Candidates Forum for
Cambridge School Committee Candidates (CRLS Media Cafeteria, 459
Panelists Include: Dean Ellen Condliffe Lagemann of The Harvard Graduate
School of Education, Cambridge NAACP President Kathy Reddick, Cambridge School
Parent & Community leader Larry Ward, & State Representative Alice Wolf.
This forum is sponsored by: Cambridge Chapter of the NAACP, MassCARE (Coalition
for Authentic Reform in Education) & Cambridge Democratic City Committee.
Thurs, Oct 23
7:00-9:00pm School Committee Candidates Forum (CRLS
Media Cafeteria)
This forum is sponsored by the Friends of CRLS and is part of the CRLS parents
forum series organized by the High School. Keith Harvey, regional director
of the American Friends Service Committee will be the moderator.
Fri, Oct 24
3:30pm Special Meeting of the
Cambridge City Council to take up the Riverside rezoning petitions.
(Sullivan Chamber)
If there is agreement on a zoning amendment, it is possible that a final vote
will take place on Friday. Otherwise, the vote will take place at the regular
City Council meeting on Mon, Oct 27. The deadline for acting on the petitions is
Tues, Oct 28.
Mon, Oct 27
5:00pm Last day and hour to file
Municipal Campaign and Political Finance Report for School Committee
Candidates, PAC and Ballot Question Committees at Election Office. City Council
Candidates should consult their OCPF packets for depository filing requirements.
5:30pm City Council
meeting (Sullivan Chamber) [If a final vote on
the Riverside rezoning does not happen at this meeting, a Special Meeting is
scheduled for Tuesday morning at 10am. This is also the legal deadline for
voting on the petitions before the City Council.]
Tues, Oct 28 | |
10:00am Special Meeting of the Cambridge City Council (if necessary) to consider proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, which would change the zoning in the Riverside area. This meeting to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber) | |
New Large Scale Development in Porter Square |
You are invited to
an important public meeting to inform the community & elicit responses
on potential uses & development of the 50,000 sq. ft. MBTA Air Rights
Space in Porter Square. Tuesday night, October 28, 7:30 to 9:30pm, at the North Prospect United Church of Christ, 1803 Mass Ave., on the corner of Roseland. There will be ample time for public comment. |
BACKGROUND INFORMATION This meeting is sponsored by Alice Wolf, State Representative, the Porter Square Neighbors Association and the Agassiz Neighborhood Council. In June the MBTA requested bids to build in Porter Square over the train tracks between the Porter Square T station and the Beacon Street Bridge along Somerville Avenue and Lesley University’s parking lot. The bid winner would get an 85 year lease. The property is in Cambridge (zoned commercial) and Somerville (split zoned commercial and residential). On July 30th Oaktree Development and Lesley University submitted bids offering different uses of the space (Oaktree - Condos, Lesley - Dorms). The MBTA ruled that Lesley University’s bid, having been well below the minimum bid sought, was non-responsive. The T has asked Oaktree to continue to work with Lesley and the community before it decides whether to move ahead with the Oaktree proposal. Lesley, which owns several properties around the Square, is developing a master plan for its campus. Oaktree is interested in looking at how to improve the T plaza for community purposes and in integrating its project with Lesley’s campus planning. PSNA P.O. Box 401046 • Porter Square Station • Cambridge, MA 02140 |
Sat, Nov 1
9:00am to 5:00pm Saturday absentee
voting in Election Office.
Mon, Nov 3
12 noon Last day and hour to apply
for absentee ballot for either mail-in or over-the counter voting.
5:30pm City Council
meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Nov 4
7:00am to 8:00pm ELECTION DAY
All absentee ballots must arrive at the Election
Commission by 8:00pm to be counted.
After the polls close, the complete Unofficial Count will take place at the Senior
Center, 806 Mass. Ave.
The Real Thing will take place the following day.
Wed, Nov 5
The Real Thing - The P.R. Count (Ballot Tabulation) at Senior Center, 806
Mass Ave. in Central Square
Thurs, Nov 6
12:30pm The City Council's Cable TV, Telecommunications
and Public Utilities Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue the
discussion on coordination of services between the Municipal Cable, School
Department and CCTV. (Sullivan Chamber)
4:00pm The City Council's Ordinance Committee will
conduct a public hearing on a petition from John Roback, et al., to amend the
Zoning Ordinances by deleting the designation C-2A and substituting in place
thereof the designation C-1 in the area bounded by Green, Pearl, Franklin and
Brookline Streets. This meeting to be televised. (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Nov 18 | |
8:30am | The City Council's Human Services Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss out of school time (OST) programs in Cambridge, with particular emphasis on whether there are sufficient OST programs to meet the needs of Cambridge families and if so, do parents know about them. (Ackermann Room) - MEETING CANCELLED |
Mon, Nov 17
5:30pm City Council
meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Tues, Nov 18 | |
7:30pm | Planning Board meeting (Central Square Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.) |
General Business – Update by Beth Rubenstein, Assistant City Manager for Community Development. | |
Public Hearings | |
7:40pm PB#133, Major Amendment for Fast Order Food Establishment Special Permit at 4 Central Square. | |
General Business | |
1. Roback, et al Petition to amend the Zoning Map in the block bounded by Green, Pearl, Auburn, and Brookline Streets from Residence C-2A to Residence C-1. | |
2. Middle Income Inclusionary Housing Zoning Petition, discussion and recommendation. | |
3. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases. | |
4. Other. | |
Public comments are taken only during a Public Hearing. During its discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Planning Board does not solicit public comment. For further information concerning this agenda, please call Liza Paden at 617-349-4647; TTY: 617-349-4621, at the Cambridge Community Development Department, or email |
Thurs, Nov 20 | |
7:00-9:00pm | Porter Square Neighbors Association meeting (Metropolitan New Life Baptist Church, 16 Beech St, Cambridge) |
the small retail stores and restaurants on Mass Ave from Beech Street to
the Common still be here in 5, 10, and 20 years? Current zoning may be
stacked against them. Is it possible to make zoning changes now which
will encourage their survival? Or will many be replaced with residential
and institutional buildings at a great loss to the neighborhood quality of
life? In a “help us get smart about this” informal session, Les Barber, Director of Zoning in Cambridge, will help us understand the existing zoning, how it got that way, its current and potential impact and what supportive zoning changes may make sense to encourage continued commercial uses. Come ask your questions and get to understand what's going on before you have to walk to Harvard, Central, and Davis Squares for small shops and restaurants. T Air Rights Space Update - where things stand since the October 28th meeting, how more in-depth community input will be gathered and what may happen next. Questions? Call Dave Reed at 617-876-3688 weekdays. |
Friday, Nov. 21, 2003
4-6 p.m.
Media Lab/Bartos Theater
20 Ames Street
For over a decade, the convergence of the computer
and telecommunications industries has inspired grand predictions of a bright
new world of freedom and prosperity . . . an "e-topia." And we
have seen advanced communications technologies help to improve business
practices, enhance medical services, enrich educational opportunities and
deliver a wide array of entertainments to our homes. But how can these
advanced telecommunications services be used to foster strong local
democratic communities? How are these communications technologies being
used, if at all, in the City of Cambridge? And what role, if any, does local
government play in making sure 21st-century communications technologies
serve public needs?
William Mitchell will discuss the civic uses of communications
technologies, with special emphasis on Cambridge, and will answer questions
from the audience. Mitchell is head of the MIT Media Lab and author of
several books on how advanced communications technologies can be used to
benefit communities, including e-topia: "Urban Life, Jim — But Not
As We Know It."
Following Mitchell's presentation, John Barrett and James
M. Horwood will debate virtues and dangers of municipal ownership of
communications services.
John Barrett is the director of research at the Beacon Hill
Institute at Suffolk University. He manages the Institute's State Tax
Analysis Modeling Program (STAMP) and conducts research for other projects
at the Beacon Hill Institute.
James N. Horwood is an attorney with Spiegel & McDiarmid, a
Washington D.C. law firm that represents local and state governments and
consumers on infrastructure issues, particularly those involving energy,
telecommunications, the environment, and transportation.
Saturday, Nov. 22, 2003
MIT Main Campus 6-120 (building 6, room 120)
10-11 am
How Can Information Technologies Serve
Ceasar McDowell,
director of the Center for Reflective Community Practice at MIT.
Mitchel Resnick, MIT Media Lab, and co-founder of the
Computer Clubhouse Project.
Keith Hampton, Dept of Urban Studies and Planning, MIT.
Richard O'Bryant, Dept of Political Science, Northeastern University.
11:15 am-12:15 pm
How Well Does Media Serve Cambridge Citizens
Michele Babineau,
Cambridge Chronicle.
Susan Fleischmann, Cambridge Community Television (CCTV).
David Goodman, Boston Community Reporters Project.
Moderator: Andrea Walsh, MIT.
Free and Open to the Public. For more information:
Mon, Nov 24
5:30pm City Council
meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Mon, Dec 1
12:30pm The City Council's Cable TV, Telecommunications
and Public Utilities Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss
coordination between the cable entities and an informational cable survey.
(Ackermann Room)
5:30pm City Council
meeting (Sullivan Chamber) [meeting cancelled
per Nov 3 order]
Tues, Dec 2 | ||
10:00am | The City Council's Finance Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss revenue received and development revenue projected for the next several years. (Sullivan Chamber) | |
7:30pm | Planning Board meeting (Sullivan Chamber) | |
7:30pm | Update by Beth Rubenstein, Assistant City Manager for Community Development. | |
7:40pm | Public Hearing on PB#192 - One First Street, Planned Unit Development and Project Review Special Permits for 211 units of housing. Leggat McCall Properties, LLC, applicant. | |
General Business | ||
1. North Point Design Guidelines 2. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases. 3. Other. |
For further information concerning this agenda, please call Liza Paden at 617-349-4647; TTY: 617-349-4621, at the Cambridge Community Development Department, or email |
Mon, Dec 8 | ||
5:30pm | City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber) | |
7:00pm | Conservation Commission meeting (51 Inman Street, 2nd Floor Conference Room) | |
7:00pm | Hearing: Wyeth Research – DEP File # To Be Determined; Notice of Intent - Proposed Stormwater Improvements, 87 CambridgePark Drive | |
7:15pm | Hearing: City of Cambridge Department of Public Works and Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation; DEP File # To Be Determined; Notice of Intent - Alewife Reservation Constructed Wetland, CambridgePark Drive | |
8:15pm | Hearing: Charles E. Smith – DEP File # 123-173; Notice of Intent - Stormwater Improvements, Lechmere Canal; cont. from Nov 10 | |
8:45pm | Hearing: Mirant Kendall – DEP File # 123-150; Request for Extension of Order of Conditions; Power Plant along the Charles River | |
8:50pm | Hearing: Central Artery/Tunnel – DEP File # 123-127; Request for Extension of Order of Conditions, CA/T Project | |
9:00pm | Hearing: Boston Sand & Gravel – DEP File # To Be Determined; Notice of Intent - ACROW Bridge, Miller's River | |
9:30pm | Public Comment |
Thurs, Dec 11 | |
10:00am The City Council's Housing Committee will hold a public hearing to received information on and to discuss the following issues: (Sullivan Chamber) | |
* The current status of the Section 8
program and its effect on the programs of the Multi Service Center. * Recent changes in the Cambridge housing market and how the City's affordable housing programs can take advantage of these changes. * The Planning Board's perspective on proposals to amend the zoning to provide incentive for the creation of units affordable to middle income residents. |
Mon, Dec 15
5:00pm Special Presentation to Just-A-Start
(Sullivan Chamber)
5:30pm City Council
meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
7:00pm Cambridge Republican City
Committee Holiday Party (Ryles Club, Hampshire Street)
Free of Charge – All Cambridge Republicans, both registered and
prospective are invited.
New membership always welcome. Contact Fred Baker,
Tues, Dec 16 | ||
3:00pm | The City Council's Public Safety Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss the following: (Ackermann Room) | |
-an update on the points of safety campaign -anti-idling campaign -fundraising tactics being practiced by the Police Department. |
7:30pm | Planning Board meeting (Central Sq. Senior Center) | |
General Business | ||
1. | Update by Beth Rubenstein, Assistant City Manager for Community Development. | |
2. | Roback, et al Petition to amend the Residence C-2 zoning at Green and Franklin Streets. Discussion and recommendation. | |
3. | Middle Income Incentive Zoning Petition, discussion of the draft recommendation. | |
4. | North Point Design Guidelines, discussion and adoption. | |
5. | PB#104 - Richdale Avenue, Payne Elevator Company, allowing additional Gross Floor Area allocation, discussion. | |
6. | PB#192 - One First Street, Planned Unit Development and Project Review Special Permits for 211 units of housing. Leggat McCall Properties, LLC, applicant, deliberation on Preliminary Determination. | |
7. | Board of Zoning Appeal Cases. | |
8. | Other. | |
For further information concerning this agenda, please call Liza Paden at 617-349-4647; TTY: 617-349-4621, at the Cambridge Community Development Department, or email |
Wed, Dec 17
5:30pm The City Council's Health and Environment Committee
will conduct a public meeting to discuss the status of a proposed development
along the Alewife Reservation and related water and sewer connectivity.
(Sullivan Chamber)
Thurs, Dec 18
8:30am The City Council's Economic Development, Training
and Employment Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss the 2004
Democratic National Convention. (Ackermann Room)
2:00pm The City Council's Health and Environment Committee
will conduct a public meeting to discuss green purchases and to receive an
update on public toilets. (Sullivan Chamber)
4:30pm The City Council's Civic Unity Committee will
conduct a public meeting to discuss the operations and functions of the
Riverside Oversight Committee. (Sullivan Chamber)
Mon, Dec 22
5:30pm City Council
meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Mon, Dec 29
5:30pm City Council
meeting (Sullivan Chamber) [to be cancelled]