Sat, Mar 6
9:00-11:30am Community workshop on redesign of Sheridan
Square and Cedar Street in North Cambridge. Contact Kathy Watkins at 349-4655 for more
information. (Fitzgerald School, 70 Rindge Ave.)
3:00pm Meeting of the City Council's Deliberation and Policy Task Force. (Ackermann Room)
Tues, Mar 9
7:30pm Planning Board meeting, including
deliberation on Cambridge Research Park. (The meeting has been moved to the Sullivan
Chamber, City Hall.)
Wed, Mar 10
5:30pm RESCHEDULED The Mayor's Office, The
City of Cambridge, The City Employees' Committee on Diversity and the Cambridge Arts
Council will present "Black Art/American Art." (2nd floor
foyer, City Hall)
5:30pm Harvard Square Historic District Study Committee
meeting (BankBoston, 1414 Mass. Ave., 5th floor)
5:30pm Cambridge Bicycle Committee meeting. Contact Cara Seiderman at 349-4629 for more
information. (City Hall Annex)
7:00pm Cambridgeport Neighborhood Sergeant Meeting,
hosted by Sergeant John Sheehan. Opportunity for residents to discuss their crime and
safety concerns with the officers who patrol their neighborhoods and to get information on
neighborhood crime statistics. Handouts on various crime and safety topics and information
on programs offered by the Cambridge Police Department will be available. For more
information, call Neighborhood Coordinator Vicky Boulrice at 349-3236. (Morse School
Auditorium, 40 Granite Street)
Thurs, Mar 11
5:30pm The Housing and Community Development Committee
will hold a public meeting to discuss MIT's Housing Impact Statement. (Sullivan
6:30pm First meeting of the Green Ribbon Open Space Committee
(City Hall Annex)
7:00pm Peabody Neighborhood Sergeant Meeting, hosted by
Sergeant George Walker. Opportunity for residents to discuss their crime and safety
concerns with the officers who patrol their neighborhoods and to get information on
neighborhood crime statistics. Handouts on various crime and safety topics and information
on programs offered by the Cambridge Police Department will be available. For more
information, call Neighborhood Coordinator Vicky Boulrice at 349-3236. (Peabody School
Cafeteria, 44 Linnaean Street)
Sat, Mar 13
9:00am - noon GMAC "Big Picture" public
meeting. This is the 2nd of three public workshops addressing growth management
issues. (Senior Center)
Mon, Mar 15 5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber) |
7:30pm Conservation
Commission meeting (Third Floor Conference Room, City Hall Annex). Of special
interest: 7:30pm - Informal presentation of environmental issues associated with construction of the underground parking garage at Cambridge Research Park in Kendall Square area. 8:00pm - Review of proposed wetland mitigation plan for the Central Artery/Tunnel - North Point Park Project |
Tues, Mar 16 5:30pm The Public Service Committee will hold a public meeting to receive a presentation from the Director of the Historical Commission regarding the architectural history of City Hall and the availability of grant funding for historic renovations. There will also be discussion of the relationship of whether it is advisable to prepare a financial analysis and strategic plan for the City's office infrastructure. (Sullivan Chamber) |
6:00-8:00pm Office Hours of State
Representative Jarrett Barrios (28th Middlesex). Anyone with questions about
state government or needing help with state agencies is welcome. (Ackermann Room,
City Hall) Website: email: Rep. Barrios' aide: |
7:30pm Planning Board
meeting. (City Hall Annex) 7:30 p.m. PUD Special Permit #141 - Cambridge Research Park proposal for a mixed use development of office, retail housing, hotel and research and development uses as well as a parking garage. Discussion and possible decision. Public Hearings 8:30 p.m. Amendment to the PUD 3 Development Controls to increase the requirement for open space and provide for publicly beneficial open space. [This is the Born-Toomey proposal for the area containing the ComEnergy site.] 9:30 p.m. Falb, et al (Truck Curfew) - Zoning Amendment to Article 6.000; amend the heading and the intent sections of the article; create a new section 6.96 to create a Night time curfew on the use of city streets by through trucks. |
Thurs, Mar 18
5:00pm Growth Management Advisory Committee
meeting. (City Hall Annex, 57 Inman St.)
6:00pm Harvard Square Advisory Committee meeting. (City
Hall Annex, 1st Floor Conference Room, 57 Inman St.)
5:30pm The Traffic and Transportation Committee will
conduct a public meeting to discuss traffic calming night-time truck ban and to wrap up
the truck reports. (Sullivan Chamber)
7:00pm West Cambridge Neighborhood Sergeant Meeting,
hosted by Sergeant William Lyons. Opportunity for residents to discuss their crime and
safety concerns with the officers who patrol their neighborhoods and to get information on
neighborhood crime statistics. Handouts on various crime and safety topics and information
on programs offered by the Cambridge Police Department will be available. For more
information, call Neighborhood Coordinator Vicky Boulrice at 349-3236. (Tobin School
Auditorium, 197 Vassal Lane)
7:00-9:00pm North Cambridge Railroad Safety Task Force
meeting. Contact Venita Mathias at
349-4603 for more information. (Fitzgerald School Cafeteria, 70 Rindge Ave.)
Mon, Mar 22
5:00-7:00pm US Representative Michael Capuano
district office hours. (110 First Street, East Cambridge)
Rep. Capuano's local office phone number is 621-6208.
5:00-7:00pm Representative
Alice Wolf district office hours. (O'Neill Branch Library, 70 Rindge
email:, state house tel:
722-2070, district tel: 868-9653
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber)
Thurs, Mar 25
5:30pm The Traffic and Transportation Committee
will conduct a public meeting to receive an update on University Park. (Sullivan Chamber)
6:00pm Cambridge
Pedestrian Committee meeting. Contact Rosalie Anders at 349-4604 for more
information. (City Hall Annex)
7:00pm North Cambridge Neighborhood Sergeant Meeting,
hosted by Sergeant Lester Sullivan. Opportunity for residents to discuss their crime and
safety concerns with the officers who patrol their neighborhoods and to get information on
neighborhood crime statistics. Handouts on various crime and safety topics and information
on programs offered by the Cambridge Police Department will be available. For more
information, call Neighborhood Coordinator Vicky Boulrice at 349-3236. (Fitzgerald
School Auditorium, 70 Rindge Avenue)
Fri, Mar 26
10:30am to noon Representative
Alice Wolf district office hours. (North Cambridge Senior Center, 2050
Massachusetts Ave.)
email:, state house tel:
722-2070, district tel: 868-9653
Sat, Mar 27
9:00am - 1:00pm School Committee Budget Subcommittee
meeting to vote on the School Superintendent's recommended school budget for FY2000. If
additional time is needed, the committee will also meet on Tues, Mar 30 to finish their
deliberations. These budget meetings will be televised on cable TV channel 98. (CRLS media
9:00am-2:00pm Kick-Off Celebration for the Area Four Recycling
Participation Project. Featuring the 50 ft. long "Trashasaurous." For info,
call coordinator Cherie Duval at 876-0871 (Maynard School)
12:00pm-2:00pm Congressman Michael Capuano will host a
meeting about the Logan Airport runway issue. This meeting is for the
variety of groups and individuals opposing the MASSPORT plan for a new runway at Logan.
(Bunker Hill Community College) For more information, contact Jay Kiely at (617) 621-6208.
Tues, Mar 30
5:30pm The Housing and Community Development Committee
will hold a public meeting to discuss MIT's Housing Impact Statement. (Sullivan
7:30pm Planning Board meeting. (City Hall Annex)
7:30pm Kendall Square Fire
Station Inn - Design Guideline Development
7:45pm University Park Preliminary Design
Consultation for 100 Landsdowne Street
8:30pm Board of Zoning Appeal Cases - BZA#7884 - 820
Somerville Avenue, Porter Arcade Building
9:00pm Born/Toomey Petition to amend the PUD-3/Office
3 district, discussion and possible recommendation.
9:30pm PUD Special Permit #141 - Cambridge Research
Park proposal for a mixed use development
of office, retail housing, hotel and research and development uses as well as a parking
Review of decision language.
Wed, Mar 31
12:00 noon The City Council's Traffic and
Transportation Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss options for
shuttle buses in Cambridge. (Sullivan Chamber)
2:00pm The City Council's Public Service Committee will
conduct a public meeting to discuss a proposed policy regarding private art donations to
the City. (Sullivan Chamber)
7:30pm Wellington/Harrington Neighborhood Sergeant Meeting,
hosted by Sergeant Paul Sugrue. Opportunity for residents to discuss their crime and
safety concerns with the officers who patrol their neighborhoods and to get information on
neighborhood crime statistics. Handouts on various crime and safety topics and information
on programs offered by the Cambridge Police Department will be available. For more
information, call Neighborhood Coordinator Vicky Boulrice at 349-3236. (St.
Anthony's Parish Hall, 400 Cardinal Medeiros Avenue)
Thurs, Apr 1
8:00-9:15am Environmentally Desirable
Practices/Recycling Advisory Committee meeting. (City Hall)
6:30-8:30pm Green Ribbon Open Space Committee. Contact Carlton Hart for more information. (City
Hall Annex, CDD Conference Room)
7:00pm Area IV Neighborhood Sergeant Meeting, hosted by
Sergeant John Lang. Opportunity for residents to discuss their crime and safety concerns
with the officers who patrol their neighborhoods and to get information on neighborhood
crime statistics. Handouts on various crime and safety topics and information on programs
offered by the Cambridge Police Department will be available. For more information, call
Neighborhood Coordinator Vicky Boulrice at 349-3236. (Maynard School, 225 Windsor
Mon, Apr 5
5:30pm City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber) - [The Mayor will
make a special presentation to the North Cambridge Catholic High School Boy's Basketball
Team for winning the Division Three State Championship.]
5:30pm Mid-Cambridge Neighborhood Conservation District Commission
meeting. (City Hall Annex, 3rd floor conference room)
Tues, Apr 6 10:00am The City Council's Health and Hospital Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss the new Health of the City Assessment. (Sullivan Chamber) 3:00pm Meeting of the City Council's Deliberation and Policy Task Force. (Ackermann Room) 6:00pm School Committee meeting. A vote is expected on a final plan to restructure the Tobin elementary school. (CRLS media cafeteria) 7:30pm Planning Board meeting. (City Hall Annex) |
7:30pm PB#143 - 784 Memorial Drive,
Spaulding & Slye, IPOP Special Permit, continued hearing from March 2, 1999. (This is
the so-called Polaroid site.) 9:00pm Public hearing on City Council Petition to amend the zoning at Linear Park from Industry A-1 to Special District 2, and to create a new zoning designation Special District 2. (to be continued to Apr 13 for public comment) 9:15pm Public hearing on City Council Petition to amend the zoning ordinance text in various sections to preserve open space and green areas in the rear of residential lots.(to be continued to Apr 13 for public comment) 9:30pm Public hearing on Special Permit #120, Major Amendment #3, 100-102 Mount Auburn Street, to create a third floor link of 120 square feet. 9:45pm City Council Petition to amend the zoning in the PUD-3/Office 3A District, discussion and possible recommendation. |
1:00pm to 3:00pm |
Community Forum on Expiring Use Housing with Congressman Michael Capuano. (Roxbury Community College) For more information, contact Jay Kiely at (617) 621-6208. |
2:00pm | Election Commission meeting. (362 Green St.) |
5:30pm | The Election Commission's Technical Working Committee will meet to discuss matters related to the computerization of the Cambridge elections. (362 Green St.) |
5:30pm | The Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing to consider proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance submitted by the Planning Board regarding yards and space. (Sullivan Chamber) |
5:30pm to 7:30pm |
Fresh Pond Master Plan Advisory Comittee meeting. For information, call the City Manager's Office at 349-4300. (Haggerty School Cafeteria, 100 Cushing St.) |
Thurs, Apr 8 |
5:30pm | Meeting of the Cambridge Commission for Persons with Disabilities. (51 Inman St., 2nd floor conference room - fully accessible) Sign language interpreters and other aids and services provided with adequate notice. For more information: 349-6297 (voice), 492-0235 (TTY), 349-4766 (fax) |
5:30pm | The City Council's Human Services and Youth Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss the youth program assessment. (Area 4 Youth Center) |
7:00pm | Neighborhood Nine Association meeting. Topics include a) the proposed development at the corner of Fayerweather St. and Concord Ave., and b) the potential sale of Frasier's liquor license to Charlie Christopher. For information, call 354-7983. (Peabody School, Walker St. entrance) |
Sat, Apr 10 |
9:00am to noon |
GMAC "Big Picture" public meeting. This is the 3rd of three public workshops by the Community Development Department addressing growth management issues. (Senior Center) |
Sun, Apr 11 |
7:30pm to 9:00pm |
Cambridge Residents for Growth
Management (CRGM) Open Meeting. (1737 Cambridge St. - Light refreshments served 7:00pm to 7:30pm) Agenda includes: 1) Identify development trouble spots throughout the city; 2) Update on petitions in progress; 3) Explore our options and coordinate our efforts. As the IPOP expiration nears (October 1) and Council election approaches, CRGM is planning to step up its activities and efforts. The goal will be to ensure the passage of citywide changes to Cambridge's zoning laws. Questions? |
Mon, Apr 12 |
5:30pm | City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber) |
Tues, Apr 13 |
3:00pm to 5:00pm |
The City Council's Human Services and Youth Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss the Youth Program assessment. (Area Four Youth Center, 243 Harvard St.) |
6:00pm | Public informational workshop on extended day programs for the School Committee members. (CRLS media cafeteria) |
7:00pm | Riverside (Neighborhood 7) neighborhood meeting
hosted by Neighborhood Sergeant Richard Gardner. (King School library, 100 Putnam Avenue) The meeting will feature the introduction of Shawn Headly, the new district park supervisor for Riverside, and planning for summer events and activities. In addition, a representative from the Cambridge Dispute Settlement Center will be on hand to discuss a new Cambridge Dispute Settlement Center/Cambridge Police Department Referral Collaboration partnership that has been formed for those situations where mediation might be a viable option to police involvement for certain types of disputes, such as noise complaints or landlord-tenant conflicts. This meeting is an excellent opportunity for residents to discuss their crime and safety concerns with the officers who patrol their neighborhoods and get information on neighborhood crime statistics. There will also be handouts on various crime and safety topics and information on programs offered by the Cambridge Police Department. For more information, please call Neighborhood Coordinator Vicky Boulrice at 349-3236. |
7:00pm | Massport public hearing for Somerville and Cambridge residents on proposed construction of Runway 14/32 at Logan Airport. (Aldermanic Chambers, Somerville City Hall, 93 Highland Ave., Somerville) |
7:00pm | Cambridge Greenspace Alliance meeting. The group meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7pm at the High School. Contact Debbie Kershner for more information. (CRLS) |
7:30pm | Planning Board meeting. (3rd
floor conference room, City Hall Annex) Public Hearings - continued from April 6, 1999 7:30pm City Council Petition to amend the zoning at Linear Park from Industry A-1 to Special District 2, and to create a new zoning designation Special District 2. 8:00pm City Council Petition to amend the zoning ordinance text in various sections to preserve open space and green areas in the rear of residential lots in the A, B, C and C-1 residential districts. General Business 9:00pm Falb, et al Petition (Truck Curfew) to amend Article 6.000 9:30pm City Council Petition to amend the zoning in the PUD-3/Office 3A District, discussion and possible recommendation. 10:00pm Idiosyncratic zoning - discussion of possible zoning petitions |
Wed, Apr 14 |
11:00am![]() |
The Finance Committee of the Cambridge City Council
will conduct a public hearing to discuss the FY2000 Budget. (Sullivan Chamber)
2:00pm | Election Commission meeting. (362 Green St.) | ||||||||||||||||||||
5:30pm | Cambridge Bicycle
Committee meeting. Contact Cara Seiderman at 349-4629 for more information. (City Hall Annex) |
Thurs, Apr 15 |
7:00pm to 9:00pm |
Green Ribbon Open Space Committee. Contact Carlton Hart for more information. (City Hall Annex, CDD Conference Room) |
7:00pm | Porter Square Neighbors Association (PSNA) meeting. Agenda is expected to include a progress report on the Porter Square Shopping Center and a discussion of traffic problems at the Mass Ave/Somerville Ave intersection. (Metropolitan New Life Baptist Church, 16 Beech Street, Cambridge) |
Sat, Apr 17 |
Neighborhood salute to Hugo Salemme, long-time resident of East Cambridge and member of the Cambridge Planning Board, the East Cambridge Planning Team, and other civic organizations. Contact Michael Delia at the East End House, 876-4444 for more information. (across the street from Hugo's home at 89 Third St.) | |
9:00am | Tree Walk of Agassiz & Harvard with Larry Acosta, Cambridge City Arborist. Tree care demonstration at 9am, walk from 10am to noon. Meet in front of Harvard Natural History Museum on Oxford St. |
Mon, Apr 19 - Patriot's Day |
10:45am | Patriot's Day observance at the Washington Memorial on the Cambridge Common |
Tues, Apr 20 |
7:30pm | Planning Board meeting. (City Hall Annex) Agenda includes a public hearing on an application for an IPOP Special Permit for proposed new development at Tech Square, including the construction of 599,000 sq. ft. of gross floor area (GFA) to be contained in four new buildings, demolition of an existing 43,500 sq. ft. building, and the construction of 622 additional parking spaces in the existing garage, some of which replace existing parking spaces now at grade. |
Wed, Apr 21 |
5:00pm | Election Commission meeting. (362 Green St.) |
Thurs, Apr 22 |
6:00pm | Cambridge Pedestrian Committee meeting. Contact Rosalie Anders at 349-4604 for more information. (City Hall Annex) |
7:00pm | Cambridge Libertarian City Committee's planning meeting. Contact Jeff Chase at (meeting at offices of US Power Solutions, 249 River Street) |
Sat, Apr 24 |
9:00am to 1:00pm |
Household Hazardous Waste Collection will be held at the Mass Army National Guard Armory at 450 Concord Ave. next to the Sozio Rotary. |
9:30am to noon |
Annual Magazine Beach Clean-up sponsored by
Friends of Magazine Beach and MIT Sea Grant. Pick up gloves, tools and refreshments at the ballfield parking area nearest the BU Bridge. All welcome! info: 868-6842. |
10:00am | Walk-about Black's Nook for Jean's Secrets of Flowering Plants and Budding Trees, with Fresh Pond Ranger Jean Rogers. (Black's Nook, Fresh Pond Reservation) |
Mon, Apr 26 |
5:00pm | The Mayor will hold a special reception to honor the Mayors of Abidyan, Ivory Coast, West Africa to Cambridge. (Sullivan Chamber) |
5:30pm | City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber) |
Tues, Apr 27 |
3:00pm | Meeting of the City Council's Deliberation and Policy Task Force. (Ackermann Room) |
5:30pm | Meeting of the City Council's Ordinance Committee.
(Sullivan Chamber, City Hall) 5:30pm Public hearing to consider proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance submitted by the Planning Board regarding yards and space. 6:00pm Public hearing on the re-filed Special District 2 amendment to the zoning in the Linear Park Area, Frankleton III. |
7:30pm | Planning Board meeting. (City Hall Annex) Agenda includes: Development Consultation on Auburn Court - Phase II, in the Cambridgeport Revitalization Development District; Board of Zoning Appeal Cases |
Wed, Apr 28 |
10:00am | Election Commission meeting. (362 Green St.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
11:00am |
The Finance Committee of the Cambridge City Council
will conduct a public hearing to discuss the FY2000 Budget. [continued to May 5 at 11am,
if necessary] (Sullivan Chamber)
4:30pm![]() |
The Finance Committee of the Cambridge City Council
will conduct a public hearing to discuss the FY2000 Budget. (Sullivan Chamber) Agenda for Children Initiative |
6:00pm![]() |
The Finance Committee of the Cambridge City Council
will conduct a public hearing to discuss the FY2000 Budget. (Sullivan Chamber) Public Schools |
Sat, May 1 |
9:00am | Tree Walk of Inman Square, Wellington-Harrington, and Area 4 with Larry Acosta, Cambridge City Arborist. Tree care demonstration at 9am, walk from 10am to noon. (Meet at Cambridge St. & Hampshire St.) |
10am to noon |
MCNA ANNUAL PLANT SWAP. Fayette Park (across from Longfellow School). All Cambridge gardeners welcome. Rain date (in case of downpour) May 8. Info: Helen Snively, |
10am to 2pm |
Used Book Sale sponsored by the Friends of the Cambridge Public Library. Books may be donated by calling 876-6255 for pickup. We especially need children's books. Textbooks, magazines, and books in frail condition will not be accepted. Call 876-6255 or 864-1612 for more info. (Sakey Room, Main Library, 449 Broadway) |
11am to 5pm |
North Cambridge
All Arts Open Studios (NoCa). (Various locations in North Cambridge) A showcase of North Cambridge visual arts, the written word, crafts, music and the performing arts. Start the tour at any site. Maps and info available at our Danehy Park Info Booth on Sherman Street on the day of the event. Visit our website at |
Sun, May 2 |
11am to 5pm |
North Cambridge
All Arts Open Studios (NoCa). (Various locations in North Cambridge) A showcase of North Cambridge visual arts, the written word, crafts, music and the performing arts. Start the tour at any site. Maps and info available at our Danehy Park Info Booth on Sherman Street on the day of the event. Visit our website at |
1pm to 4pm |
Used Book Sale sponsored by the Friends of the Cambridge Public Library. Books may be donated by calling 876-6255 for pickup. We especially need children's books. Textbooks, magazines, and books in frail condition will not be accepted. Call 876-6255 or 864-1612 for more info. (Sakey Room, Main Library, 449 Broadway) |
Mon, May 3 |
5:00pm | Special Presentation - The Harrington School students who traveled to the Azores, will present gifts to the City of Cambridge from government officials of the Azore host cities. (Sullivan Chamber) |
5:30pm | City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber) |
Tues, May 4 |
3:00pm to 5:00pm |
Cable Communications Planning
Workshop - Education Co-sponsored by the Cambridge Public Schools and Cambridge United for Education (CUE). (Professional Development Center, Maynard School, 225 Windsor St.) |
5:30pm | The City Council's Health and Hospital Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss the Public Health Department's proposal for changes in the regulation of tobacco. (Sullivan Chamber) |
6:00pm | The Cambridge School Committee meets in the high school media cafeteria. The committee will hear presentations and public comment on four School Improvement Plans. |
7:00pm to 9:00pm |
Cable Communications Planning
Workshop - CCTV Users (CCTV, 675 Mass. Ave., entrance on Prospect St.) |
7:30pm | Planning Board
meeting (Central Square Senior Center, 806 Mass. Avenue) Public Hearings 7:30pm PB#38, One Canal Park major amendment to allow office use on the first floor. 8:00pm PB#147 - IPOP Special Permit at Fifteen Cambridge Center, by Biogen Realty Limited Partnership and the Cambridge Redevelopment Authority, construction of 210,000 square foot office building. 9:00pm Wellons, et al Petition, Backyard protection affecting the development in the Residence, Office and Open Space Districts. General Business 1. Falb, et al (Truck Curfew) Petition to amend Article 6.000; to create a night time curfew on the sue of city streets by through trucks. Discussion and possible recommendation. 2. Amendment to the PUD-3 Development Controls to increase the requirement for open space and provide for publicly beneficial open space. Discussion and possible recommendation. This is the Toomey-Born petition. Indications are that the vote may be unanimous against the petition and that the final wording of the PB report will be finalized tonight. What will be of interest is the analysis and explanation contained in the PB report. |
Wed, May 5 |
8:30am to 10:30am |
Cable Communications Planning
Workshop - Arts and Cultural Co-sponsored by the Cambridge Multicultural Arts Center and the Cambridge Arts Council. (Cambridge Multicultural Arts Center (CMAC), 41 Second Street) |
11:00am | The Finance Committee of the Cambridge City Council will conduct a public hearing to discuss the FY2000 Budget. (if necessary) (Sullivan Chamber) | ![]() |
2:00pm | Election Commission meeting. (362 Green St.) | |
3:00pm to 5:00pm |
Cable Communications
Planning Workshop - Human Services Co-sponsored by the Cambridge Department of Human Services Programs and Cambridge Community Services. (Senior Center, Central Square) |
5:00pm | Meeting of the City Council's Ordinance
Committee. (Sullivan Chamber, City Hall) 5:00pm Public hearing to consider proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance on the re-filed Planning Board Petition on Yards. 5:30pm Public hearing to consider a proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance on the petition submitted by Sheila Cook et al. relative to Yards. 6:30pm Public hearing to consider a proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance on the petition submitted by Marilyn Zoeller Wellons et al. relative to Yards. |
7:00pm | Cambridge United for Education (CUE)
Spring Meeting. (Cambridge High School Library) Meet Rob Clickstein, the new Manager of Food Services for the Cambridge Public Schools. Also on the agenda is a report from the CUE Subcommittee on Environmental Safety and Security, and a discussion of CUE's agenda for the 1999-2000 school year. For more information, or if you need childcare, call Barbara Brammer at 497-9315. |
7:30pm to 9:00pm |
Friends of Magazine Beach monthly meeting.
(Howard Johnson's, 777 Memorial Drive) All welcome. Info: 868-6842. |
7:30pm to 9:00pm |
The City Council's Traffic and Transportation Committee will conduct a public meeting to receive a presentation from the Truck Advisory Committee on the issue of day-time truck ban and any other matters related to trucks. (Sullivan Chamber) |
Thurs, May 6 |
8:00am to 9:15am |
8:00-9:15am Environmentally
Desirable Practices/Recycling Advisory Committee meeting. (City Hall, Ackermann Room) |
8:30am to 10:30am |
Cable Communications Planning
Workshop - Business Co-sponsored by the Cambridge Chamber of Commerce, the Harvard Square Business Association, the Central Square Business Association, and Forest City Development. (University Park Hotel, 129 Franklin St.) |
5:30pm | The City Council's Food Policy Committee will conduct a public meeting to receive information on childhood hunger in Cambridge. (Sullivan Chamber) |
6:30pm to 8:30pm |
Green Ribbon Open Space Committee. Contact Carlton Hart for more information. (City Hall Annex, CDD Conference Room) |
7:00pm to 9:00pm |
Cable Communications Planning
Workshop - Neighborhood Co-sponsored by the Cambridge Community Development Department and the Cambridge Public Library. (Cambridge Public Library, Main Branch, 449 Broadway) |
Fri, May 7 |
8:30am to 10:30am |
Cable Communications Planning
Workshop - Municipal Services Co-sponsored by the City of Cambridge. (Cambridge Public Library, Main Branch, 449 Broadway) |
Sat, May 8 |
10:00am | Alewife Brook Cleanup Meet at wooden benches at Passenger Drop-off area behind Alewife Station. Call Betty Radwanski at 617-628-5565 or David White at 781-641-2879 for details. Blair Pond, Claypit Pond, and Little Pond Cleanup For info, call Lori Tsuruda at 617-423-2545 x308. Find out more about the Mystic River Watershed Coalition at |
9:00am | Tree Walk of North Cambridge with Larry Acosta, Cambridge City Arborist. Tree care demonstration at 9am, walk from 10am to noon. (Meet at corner of Massachusetts Ave. and Clarendon Street.) |
Mon, May 10 |
5:00pm | Special Event - The Mayor will make a special presentation to the Cambridge Boys and Girls Track coaches and athletes. (Sullivan Chamber) |
5:30pm | City Council meeting. (Sullivan Chamber) |
Tues, May 11 |
6:00pm | The Cambridge School Committee meets in an informal workshop in the high school media cafeteria to hear presentations on the high school Delta Project and elementary school mergers. |
7:00pm | Cambridge Greenspace Alliance meeting. The group meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7pm, usually at the High School. Contact Debbie Kershner for more information. |
Wed, May 12 |
3:00pm | Meeting of the City Council's Deliberation and Policy Task Force. (Ackermann Room) |
5:30pm | Cambridge Bicycle Committee meeting. Contact Cara Seiderman at 349-4629 for more information. (City Hall Annex) |
Thurs, May 13 |
5:30pm | Meeting of the Cambridge Commission for Persons with Disabilities. (51 Inman St., 2nd floor conference room - fully accessible) Sign language interpreters and other aids and services provided with adequate notice. For more information: 349-6297 (voice), 492-0235 (TTY), 349-4766 (fax) |
Mon, May 10 through Sat, May 15 |
9:00am to 5:00pm |
Cambridge Police Department Open House The offices at the Police Station will be open for visitors to stop in and meet CPD personnel and find out what duties the various units are responsible for and get information on crime and safety issues. On Saturday, May 15, the Open House will culminate with a Bike Safety demonstration, a demonstration by the Special Response Team, displays in the Guard Room and a community barbecue. The barbecue will take place in the parking lot on Green Street from Noon to 2:00pm. |
Sat, May 15 - (Robert's Birthday!!) |
9:00am | Tree Walk of East Cambridge and Kendall Square with Larry Acosta, Cambridge City Arborist. Tree care demonstration at 9am, walk from 10am to noon. (Meet at Broadway & Main St.) |
Noon to 6pm |
Not the Beatles return to Harvard Square. OK, it's not really a civic event, but I really like these guys. So will you. |
Sun, May 16 |
12:30pm | Cambridge Libertarian City Committee lunch meeting.
Contact Jeff Chase at
(upstairs meeting room of the AKBAR Indian restaurant at corner of Prospect and
Cambridge Streets) Libertarian Party members in Cambridge will have the opportunity to socialize while consuming an "all-you-can-eat" quantity of Indian foods. Featured speaker will be former LP-MA Secretary of State candidate David Atkinson, a talk show host on WOMR-AM radio serving the Cape and an office holder (Selectman) in Provincetown, MA. |
Mon, May 17 |
5:00pm | Special Presentation - The Mayor will make a presentation to the Cambridge Rindge and Latin School Drama Department, cast and crew on their performance of "The Land of the Astronauts" at the Massachusetts High School Drama Festival. (Sullivan Chamber) |
5:30pm | City Council meeting (Sullivan
Chamber) It is anticipated that the FY2000 Budget will be adopted at this meeting. |
Tues, May 18 |
3:30pm | The Public Service Committee will conduct a
public meeting: 3:30pm To discuss the proposed donation of a monument in honor of the King of Thailand. (Ackermann Room) 4:00pm To receive information on park maintenance. (Ackermann Room) |
6:00pm | The Cambridge School Committee meets at the high school media cafeteria. The Committee will hear presentations and public comment on eight School Improvement Plans. |
7:30pm | Planning Board meeting. (Central Square Senior Center) [7:30 p.m. The public hearing originally scheduled on the Amgen, One Kendall Square IPOP Special Permit for approximately 285,000 square feet of office research and development is continued to May 25. No testimony will be taken at this meeting] 8:30 p.m. Public Hearing: Cook, et al Petition, Backyard protection affecting the development in the Residence, Office and Open Space Districts, and accessory buildings. 9:00 p.m. Public Hearing: Biogen, 15 Cambridge Center, IPOP Special Permit for approximately 210,000 square feet of office research and development. Public hearings will be followed by general Business and Board of Zoning Appeal Cases |
Wed, May 19 |
12 noon | The City Council's Rules Committee will hold a public meeting to consider proposed changes to the Rules of the City Council recommended by the Joint Task Force. (Ackermann Room) |
3:30pm | Annual Recycling Awards Ceremony (City Hall, Sullivan Chamber) |
5:30pm | Meeting of the City Council's Ordinance Committee.
(Sullivan Chamber, City Hall) 5:30pm Public hearing on proposed changes to Ch. 8.28 of the Cambridge Municipal Code regulating youth access to tobacco and smoking in workplaces and public places. 6:30pm Public hearing to continue its consideration of a proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to regulate through truck traffic at night. |
6:00pm to 9:00pm |
King Open School Silent Auction (Martin
Luther King Open School, Upper Gym, Putnam Avenue) This major fundraiser showcases gift certificates and items from Cambridge restaurants, hotels, shops and other businesses. It also features catered dinners, gourmet items, fine handcrafts and vacation home stays offered by KO Parents. The auction benefits the Friends of King Open, a non-profit, parent-led organization that supports the school with additional classroom and curriculum materials, field trip funds and other extras that make the difference between adequate and excellent education. |
7:00pm | Mid-Cambridge Neighborhood Association Annual Meeting. (Swedenborg Chapel, corner of Quincy St. and Kirkland St.) |
Thurs, May 20 |
11:30am to 1:00pm |
Commissioners' Awards - Performance
Recognition Awards Program Ceremony to honor DPW employees for outstanding performance as
well as citizens for significant contributions in community service by working with the
Cambridge Department of Public Works (DPW, 147 Hampshire St.) |
7:00pm to 9:00pm |
Green Ribbon Open Space Committee. Contact
Carlton Hart for more information. (City Hall Annex, CDD Conference Room) |
7:00pm to 9:00pm |
Porter Square
Neighbors Association (PSNA) meeting. (Metropolitan New Life Baptist Church, 16 Beech Street, Cambridge) Agenda includes: Shopping Center construction updates Presentation by the MBTA on "Project Clean" New housing on Massachuetts Avenue Davenport Street landscape design issues |
Sat, May 22 |
9:00am | Tree Walk of Fresh Pond and Cambridge Highlands with Larry Acosta, Cambridge City Arborist. Tree care demonstration at 9am, walk from 10am to noon. (Meet at Concord Ave. & Griswold St.) |
1:30pm to 3:30pm |
Re-opening of Library Park Tot Lot, next to the Main Library. Speakers will be Deputy City Manager Richard Rossi and Acting Assistant City Manager for Community Development Beth Rubenstein. Food, fun, games, and prizes, so bring the kids. In case of rain, call 349-4639 |
Mon, May 24 |
5:00pm | Special Presentation - The Mayor will make a presentation to the Cambridge Rindge and Latin School Science Team on winning the State Science Olympiad Competition. (Sullivan Chamber) |
5:30pm | City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber) |
Tues, May 25 |
6:00pm to 8:30pm |
Annual Tour of the Cambridge Watershed. Meet at 6pm at Waltham Woods, 880 Winter St., Waltham. To register, call 965-5975 x231 or e-mail . |
6:00pm | The Cambridge School Committee meets in an informal workshop in the high school media cafeteria to hear presentations on special education and world language programs. |
7:30pm | Planning Board meeting. (City Hall Annex,
3rd floor conference room) 7:30pm City wide Growth Management Committee joint meeting with the Planning Board to discuss potential zoning petitions. 8:30pm Public Hearing: Amgen, One Kendall Square IPOP Special Permit for approximately 285,000 square feet of office research and development. 9:30pm PB#145 - 2443 Mass Avenue, North Mass Avenue Overlay District Special Permit for housing and ground floor retail, deliberation and decision 10:00pm PB#144 - Technology Square, Interim Planning Overlay Permit, Special Permit, deliberation 10:30pm PB#147, Biogen, 15 Cambridge Center, IPOP Special Permit for approximately 210,000 square feet of office research and development, deliberation Board of Zoning Appeal Cases |
Wed, May 26 |
11:00am | The City Council's Finance Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss the property tax levy on University owned properties which are tax-exempt. (Ackermann Room) | |||
6:30pm | Presentation of recommended plan for the Weir Meadow
at Fresh Pond Reservation. Meeting to be held out of doors at the Weir Meadow.
The improvements to be discussed are:
Thurs, May 27 |
5:30pm | Central Square Advisory Committee meeting
(Central Square Senior Center) The topic of the meeting is the pending proposal from the YWCA to build on Temple St. For more information, contact Elaine Thorne at or at 617/349-4648. |
6:00pm | Cambridge Pedestrian Committee meeting. Contact Rosalie Anders at 349-4604 for more information. (City Hall Annex) |
Tues, June 1 |
6:00pm | The Cambridge School Committee meets in the high school media cafeteria. Presentations will be given on the high school attendance policy and on the Cambridge School Volunteers program. |
7:30pm | Planning Board meeting. (Central Square
Senior Center, 806 Massachusetts Avenue) 7:30pm Public Hearing on PB#38 - Major Amendment, One Canal Park, request relief to allow first floor office use in addition to the retail use. 8:00pm Public Hearing on PB#148 - YWCA, 7 Temple Street, Interim Planning Overlay for construction of 77 residential units, and 56 parking spaces in the Central Square Overlay District, a special permit for 80 foot height, waive the sky exposure plane above 55 feet in height, waive the setback requirements and reduce the amount of parking required for the residential units. General Business 9:00pm Discussion of IPOP related Traffic Issues with Susan Clippinger, Traffic, Parking and Transportation Dept., and Susanne Rasmussen, Environmental Program. 9:30pm PB#147, Fifteen Cambridge Center, Biogen IPOP Special Permit, deliberation and possible decision. 10:30pm PB#145, 2443 Massachusetts Avenue, Modern Continental, Multifamily Special Permit, deliberation and possible decision. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases |
Wed, June 2 |
11:00am | City Council's Public Safety Committee
public meeting to discuss the following: (Sullivan Chamber) 11:00am A presentation will be made on the trial court community service volunteer program. 11:30am A discussion will be held on the status of an ordinance requiring exterior lighting on rental properties. 12 noon A discussion will be held on the issue of requiring defibrillators in buildings. |
4:00pm | The City Council's Food Policy Committee will conduct a public meeting to receive information on childhood hunger in Cambridge. |
7:00pm to 9:00pm |
Backyard Rezoning Workshop conducted by the
Community Development Department and the Citywide Growth Management Advisory Committee for
the public to learn more about proposed changes to the Zoning Ordinance that would: Reduce the amount of new development allowed on residential lots. Increase requirements for rear yard setbacks. Require larger percentages of open space in residential yards. Specify the way open space is surfaced or landscaped. Restrict amount of open space which may be paved. Call Les Barber (349-4657) or Roger Boothe (349-4646) for more information. (3rd floor CDD conference room, City Hall Annex, 57 Inman St.) |
Sat, June 5 |
9:00am | Tree Walk of Riverside with Larry Acosta, Cambridge City Arborist. Tree care demonstration at 9am, walk from 10am to noon. (Meet at Kinnaird St. and Putnam Ave.) |
Sun, June 6 |
1:00pm to 6:00pm |
Central Square World's Fair. Volunteers and vendors needed. Call Green Street Productions at 868-3247 for information. Rain date is Sunday, June 13. |
5:00pm to 7:30pm |
WALSER CAMPAIGN KICKOFF CELEBRATION The Committee to Elect Nancy Walser invites families and their friends across Cambridge to kick off her campaign for school committee at a family dance and pizza party Sunday, June 6th from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Cambridge Masonic Temple, 1950 Massachusetts Ave, just north of the Porter Square T Station. Meet Walser, author of the Parents Guide to Cambridge Schools and first-time school committee candidate, and dance to the tunes of "You are the Star" D.J. Tad Travis. Travis, a popular entertainer at school events, is famous among adults and kids for his "Ultimate Kids Party" a mixture of music and games featuring the "Mummy Wrap," the Limbo, line dances and more. Suggested donation is $5 per person. Children 5 years-old and under are free. Funds will benefit the Committee to Elect Nancy Walser. For more information call 868-1973. |
Mon, June 7 |
5:30pm | City Council will hold a roundtable discussion on growth management issues (Sullivan Chamber) |
5:30pm | Mid-Cambridge Neighborhood Conservation District
Commission meeting. (City Hall Annex, 3rd floor conference room) |
Tues, June 8 |
6:00pm | The Cambridge School Committee meets in an informal workshop in the high school media cafeteria to hear presentations on safety and security in the schools. |
7:00pm | Cambridge Greenspace Alliance meeting. The group meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7pm at the High School. Contact Debbie Kershner for more information. (CRLS) |
Wed, June 9 |
5:30pm | Cambridge Bicycle Committee meeting. Contact Cara Seiderman at 349-4629 for more information. (City Hall Annex) |
5:30pm | The City Council's Ordinance Committee will
meet for the following: (Sullivan Chamber) 5:30pm Public hearing to continue its consideration of a refiled petition by the Planning Board to rezone the area near Linear Park in North Cambridge. 6:00pm Public meeting to continue its consideration of a refiled petition by the Planning Board regarding Backyard Construction and Open Space. |
7:00pm | Riverside Traffic Meeting (King School, 100
Putnam Avenue) Please join the Cambridge Police Department, the Community Development Department and the Traffic, Parking and Transportation Department for a special meeting to discuss traffic concerns in Riverside. This is your opportunity to discuss speeding, crosswalk safety, illegal parking, and other traffic problems with the experts. The meeting will feature a presentation on traffic calming techniques, what it canand cannotdo; enforcement efforts; and other traffic abatement and pedestrian safety measures. For more information, please call Neighborhood Coordinator Vicky Boulrice at 349-3236. |
Thurs, June 10 |
5:30pm | Meeting of the Cambridge Commission for Persons with Disabilities. (51 Inman St., 2nd floor conference room - fully accessible) Sign language interpreters and other aids and services provided with adequate notice. For more information: 349-6297 (voice), 492-0235 (TTY), 349-4766 (fax) |
7:00pm | The City Council's Traffic and Transportation
Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss safety issues relating to
crosswalks, crossing guards and school buses in preparation for the upcoming school year. (Sullivan Chamber) |
Sat, June 12 |
9:00am | Tree Walk of Cambridge Common and Area 9 with Larry Acosta, Cambridge City Arborist. Tree care demonstration at 9am, walk from 10am to noon. (Meet at Mass Ave. & Waterhouse St.) |
Mon, June 14 |
5:30pm | City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber) |
Tues, June 15 |
7:30pm | Planning Board meeting (Central Square
Senior Center, 806 Massachusetts Avenue) PB#147, Fifteen Cambridge Center, Biogen IPOP Special Permit, deliberation and approval of decision text. 7:30pm - Public hearing on City Council Petition to amend the inclusionary zoning ordinance to create a provision for affordable parking spaces. 7:30pm - Public hearing on PB#38, Major Amendment, One Canal Park, request relief to allow first floor office use in addition to the retail use. This is the second public hearing as required for a Planned Unit Development in Article 12.000. 8:30pm - Public hearing on PB#151, Beal Companies, LLP, IPOP Special Permit at 286 third Street for office research and development. 9:30pm - Public hearing on PB#152, Forest City Enterprise, Inc., IPOP Special Permit at University Park for office, research and development, housing and parking. 10:30pm - PB#145, 2443 Massachusetts Avenue, Modern Continental, Multifamily Special Permit, deliberation and possible decision. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases |
Wed, June 16 |
6:00pm to 8:00pm |
Cambridgeport Roadways Citizens Advisory Committee
(Morse School) For more information, contact Bill Deignan ( at 349-4632. |
Sat, June 19 |
9:00am to 1:00pm |
Household Hazardous Waste Collection will be held at the Mass Army National Guard Armory at 450 Concord Ave. next to the Sozio Rotary. |
Mon, June 21 |
5:30pm | City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber) |
7:30pm | Conservation Commission meeting (3rd
floor conf. room, 57 Inman St.) 7:30pm Central Artery/Tunnel Project Update 8:00pm Fresh Pond Water Purification Plant - Phase 1 Shoreline Maintenance and Improvement Plan (includes rip rap repair, vegetation management, pathway realignment, and replacement of the weir structure and outlet). 8:30pm Cambridge Research Park - continuation of public hearing on Notice of Intent (work proposed in within 100 ft buffer zone of inland bank - work includes construction of an underground parking garage, associated utilities and appurtenances, soil remediation, and open space landscaping). |
Tues, June 22 |
5:30pm | The City Council's Claims Committee will hold a public meeting. (Ackermann Room) |
6:00pm | The Cambridge School Committee meets in the high school media cafeteria. Topics include CRLS and Tobin School improvement plans. |
7:00pm | Kickoff party for David Trumbull, candidate for Cambridge City Council. Suggested donation $15. Call 876-6004. (The Fishery, 720 Mass. Ave., Central Square) |
7:30pm | Planning Board meeting (Central Square
Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.) 7:30pm PB#150 - Amgen, IPOP Special Permit, One Kendall Square, deliberation and possible decision. 8:30pm PB#141 - Cambridge Research Park, design review of parking garage and review of the construction management plan (still being reviewed by CDD staff). 9:00pm PB#122 - Two Canal Park, Parking and Transportation Demand Management Plan review; ATM use in retail space. 9:30pm City Council Petition and Cook, et al Petition to amend the regulations regarding backyard protections, recommendation to City Council. 10:00pm PB#38, One Canal Park, Major Amendment, review of the special permit text. 10:30pm Board of Zoning Appeal Cases |
Wed, June 23 |
5:30pm | The City Council's Ordinance Committee will
conduct the following public hearings: 5:30pm Public hearing to consider a proposed amendment to the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance regarding the cost of parking for tenants in the affordable units. (Sullivan Chamber) 6:00pm Public hearing to consider four zoning district changes for four areas in the City proposed by the Planning Board. [These are referred to as areas with idiosyncratic zoning, following the language of Councillor Born who originated the idea of looking at these areas.] (Sullivan Chamber) |
5:30pm to 7:30pm |
Kickoff dinner for School Committee member Alice Turkel. Family dinner, live music, and arts activity for children. (YWCA, 7 Temple St., Central Square) |
6:15pm | Cambridge Street Improvement Committee meeting to (a) review plans for bicycle lanes on Cambridge St., (b) review comments on the draft master plan report, (c) discuss the proposed reading garden at the Valente Library, and (d) an overview of the proposed improvements at the park by the Millers' River complex. (Vinfen Corporation, 950 Cambridge St.) |
7:00pm | Kickoff for campaign workers for City Councillor Michael Sullivan. For information, call 492-1444. (Mt. Auburn VFW Post 8818, Huron Ave.) |
since August 28, 1998 LE FastCounter
This page was last updated Tuesday December 28, 1999 02:32 PM
Thurs, June 24 |
4:00pm | Cambridge Historical Commission meeting. For info, call the Historical Commission at 349-4683. |
6:00pm to 8:00pm |
Kickoff party for City Councillor Henrietta Davis. For information, call 547-0877. (home of Lisa Dittrich, 390 Broadway between Crawford and Hancock) |
6:00pm to 8:00pm |
Kickoff event for School Committee member Susana Segat. (home of Joel and Betsy Bard, 51 Wendell St.) |
7:00pm to 9:00pm |
Community meeting on the redesign of Sheridan Square (where Cedar Street meets Rindge Ave.). For more info, contact Kathy Watkins at 349-4655. (Fitzgerald School, 70 Rindge Ave.) |
Fri, June 25 |
9:00am | Cambridge Cable Television Ascertainment Hearing The City Manager, statutory Issuing Authority for the City of Cambridge, will conduct a public hearing to review the performance of the current cable operator, MediaOne, during its current license term. Interested parties are encouraged to attend and to offer testimony on cable-related matters. For more information on the public hearing, call the City Manager's Office at 349-4300. (Sullivan Chamber, City Hall) |
5:30pm to 7:30pm |
Kickoff party for School Committee candidate Melody Brazo. For info, call 354-8306. (6 Holly Ave.) |
7:00pm to 11:00pm |
City of Cambridge Dance Party in front of
City Hall. Rain date is July 1. Mass. Ave. will be closed to celebrate this annual boondoggle featuring really bad music at intolerable volume. For more info, call 349-4301 |
Sat, June 26 |
5:00pm to 8:00pm |
Kickoff party for Dottie Giacobbe, candidate for Cambridge City Council. Call 868-4513 for information. (7 Van Norden St.) |
Tues, June 29 |
6:30pm to 8:30pm |
MEETING The grassroots housing advocacy group Cambridge Eviction Free Zone will hold a town meeting for all Cambridge tenants at the Central Square Senior Center. The topic, What is the most effective strategy for the housing emergency, is designed to elicit the participation of all tenants who have been affected by the throes of the Cambridge rental market. At the town meeting, members of the Eviction Free Zone will present the groups strategy for a winning campaign for a new form of rent control. Audience members will be invited to have input on the strategy and to participate in the campaign. (Cambridge Senior Center, Mass. Ave.) From the brochure: "Four years after the end of rent control, low-and moderate-income tenants across Cambridge continue to be forced from the city by unprecedented rent increases. In response, the Cambridge City Council on February 1, 1999 declared the city to be in a state of housing emergency. Without new rent control laws to protect these families, our community will be gone forever." Contact Bill Marcotte, lead housing organizer, Eviction Free Zone, 617/912-8574 (voicemail) or Janice Zazinski, |
7:30pm | Planning Board meeting (City Hall
Annex, 57 Inman St., 3rd floor conference room) 7:30pm Kendall Square District-wide Pedestrian Plan (relative to the current IPOP proposals) 8:00pm PB#144 - Technology Square, IPOP special permit, deliberation and possible decision 9:00pm PB#143 - Polaroid IPOP Special Permit at Memorial Drive, discussion and decision. 9:15pm Public Hearing on PB#152, University Park IPOP Special Permit for Phase IV of the development of University Park. Also to be reviewed but not part of Phase IV is 40 Landsdowne Street of approximately 232,000 square feet of research and development space and 23 Sidney Street for approximately 18,500 square feet of retail use. |
Wed, June 30 |
2:00pm | Election Commission meeting |
5:30pm to 7:30pm |
Meeting of the Technical Working Committee of the Cambridge Election Commission to discuss matters related to the computerized elections, voter education, and other matters. |
5:30pm | Central Square Business Association dinner
meeting at the Middle East Restaurant featuring: 5:30pm Cocktails and hors d'oevres 6:00pm Presentation by Robert Gibbs, specialist in retail development and planning and a leader in the New Urbanism movement 7:00pm Dinner Tickets are $15 for CSBA members and $20 for non-members. Call 864-3211 for reservations. |
8:00pm to 9:00pm |
Central Square Retail Market Study
(Cambridge Senior Center, 806 Massachusetts Ave.) Come attend a presentation of the findings from the Central Square Retail Market Study by Robert Gibbs of Gibbs Planning Group. Find out why 80% of Central Square residents' shopping dollars are being spent outside of the Square. Find out what it would take to draw this shopping back to Central Square. For more information, contact Andrea Wong ( at 617/349-4601. |
Thurs, July 1 |
9:00am | Nomination papers for Cambridge City Council and School Committee available at the Election Commission office, 362 Green Street. The deadline to file to be on the November ballot is 5:00pm on Fri, July 30. |
7:00pm | Green Ribbon Open Space Committee meeting
(CDD conference room, 57 Inman St.) For more information, contact Carlton Hart at 349-4639. |
Tues, July 6 |
7:30pm | Planning Board meeting (Central Square
Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.) General Business - Transmittal of the Growth Management Advisory Committee draft zoning proposals. 7:30pm Public Hearing on Special Permit #153, 191-195 Prospect Street, David A. Pallotta, applicant for a Multifamily Special Permit for the conversion of the nursing home to 22 units of housing. 8:30pm Public Hearing on Planning Board petition to amend the zoning from Industry B to Business A for the area bounded by the Somerville boundary, Windsor Street, Elm Street, and a line 100 feet distant from and parallel to Cambridge Street. 8:45pm Public Hearing on Planning Board petition to amend the zoning from Residence C-2 to Residence B for the lots encompassing Blair Place, and lots at 60-80 Bolton Street, and 112-132 Sherman Street and abutting portions of the public and private ways. 9:30pm (a) Public Hearing on Planning Board petition to amend the zoning from Residence C-2 to Residence C-1 for the area bounded by the Howard Street, Putnam Avenue and two lines 100 feet distant from and parallel to both sidelines of Western Avenue. (b) Public Hearing on Planning Board petition to amend the zoning from Residence C-3 to Residence C-1 for the area bounded by the Western Avenue, Putnam Avenue, Banks Street and lots abutting Elmer Street and Riverside Place. 10:00pm PB#146, 773 Concord Avenue, multifamily housing, deliberation and decision. 10:15 p.m. PB#144, Tech Square, office research and development, deliberation and decision. |
Tues, July 13 |
5:30pm | Central Square Advisory Committee (Cambridge
Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.) Topic: Continue Large Project Review of YWCA Temple Street Residences Special Permit. For more information, contact Elaine Thorne at or 617/349-4648. |
Wed, July 14 |
5:00pm | Election Commission meeting. (Ackermann Room, City Hall) |
6:00pm to 8:00pm |
Campaign kick-off for Tad Kenney, candidate for Cambridge School Committee. (home of Paul Myers and David Baron, 51 Davenport St., Porter Square) Tel: 868-3100 |
Thurs, July 15 |
7:00pm | Green Ribbon Open Space Committee meeting
(CDD conference room, 57 Inman St.) For more information, contact Carlton Hart at 349-4639. |
7:00pm | Somerville ArtBeat '99 (Davis Square,
Somerville) The Somerville Arts Council is proud to present the 13th annual ArtBeat festival in Davis Square this week. Thursday and Friday nights, July 15 and 16, will feature concerts in Seven Hills Park, behind the Holland Street T station entrance. Concerts start at 7 pm. Thursday's concert presents Seks Bomba and the Sticky Skillet Swing Orchestra. For full details and a calendar of events, see |
Fri, July 16 |
7:00pm | Somerville ArtBeat '99 (Davis Square,
Somerville) The Somerville Arts Council is proud to present the 13th annual ArtBeat festival in Davis Square this week. Thursday and Friday nights, July 15 and 16, will feature concerts in Seven Hills Park, behind the Holland Street T station entrance. Concerts start at 7 pm. Friday's concert presents Titilayo Ngwenya and Mili Bermejo. For full details and a calendar of events, see |
Sat, July 17 |
11:00am to 6:00pm |
Somerville ArtBeat '99 (Davis Square,
Somerville) The Somerville Arts Council is proud to present the 13th annual ArtBeat festival in Davis Square this week. Saturday, the festival opens at 11 am and runs through 6 pm, at a variety of indoor and outdoor locations in Davis Square. There will be music, storytelling, dance, video, performance art, rock opera, and more. For full details and a calendar of events, see |
Tues, July 20 |
7:30pm | Planning Board meeting (Central Square
Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.) Public hearings 7:30pm Public Hearing on Savenor, et al, Petition to rezone an area at 222-228 Broadway from Residence C-1 to Business C. 8:30pm Public Hearing on Lippincott, et al, Kirkland Street, to rezone and area at Sumner Road along Kirkland and Quincy Streets from Residence C-3 to Residence C-1. General Business 1. Transmittal of the Growth Management Advisory Committee draft zoning proposals 2. Cook/PB Backyard protections recommendation 3. PB#150 - Amgen, IPOP Special Permit, discussion, decision 4. Board of Zoning Appeal Case - EF International signage |
Wed, July 21 |
2:00pm | Election Commission meeting. (362 Green St., 3rd floor) |
Thurs, July 22 |
3:30pm to 6:00pm |
"Reclaiming the Lost Half Mile" - A
Celebration of our Urban Open Space Dedication of Paul Revere Park on the northern shore of the Charles River at the Charles River Dam. Refreshments, family activities, and music. Featured speakers/guests are Governor paul Cellucci, Lt. Governor Jane Swift, Mass. Turnpike Authority Chairman James Kerasiotes, Central Artery/Tunnel Director Patrick Moynihan, EOEA Sectretary Bob Durand, MDC Commissioner David Balfour, and the New Charles River Basin Parks Citizens Advisory Committee. RSVP (617) 727-9800 ext 218 |
Sat, July 24 |
9am to 5pm |
Public test of the tallying software used in the Cambridge municipal election. (Senior Center, Central Square) Officials will be on hand to answer questions and to explain the system as the tests proceed during the day. (It is possible that the testing will be completed well before the advertised 5pm end time.) |
Sun, July 25 |
3:00pm to 6:00pm |
Memorial concert for Mark Sandman
(Brookline Street at Central Square) Mark Sandman, bass player, vocalist, songwriter, and inspiration for the group Morphine (and Treat Her Right before that) passed away during a performance in Rome earlier this month. Funds generated by this event will be used to support the recently established Mark Sandman Music Education Fund for the Cambridge Public Schools. |
Mon, July 26 |
4:30pm | Special City Council meeting (Sullivan
Chamber) PDF guide to the July 26, 1999 meeting |
Tues, July 27 |
7:30pm | Planning Board meeting (Central Square
Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.) 7:30pm Discussion of the Growth Management Advisory Committee draft zoning proposal. 8:30pm PB#153 - 191 Prospect Street, deliberation and possible decision. 9:30pm PB#146 - 773 Concord Avenue, deliberation and possible decision. |
Wed, July 28 |
2:00pm | Election Commission meeting. (362 Green St., 3rd floor) |
5:30pm | The Ordinance Committee will conduct public
hearings to discuss the following: 5:30pm A petition from Linda Savenor, et al., relative to a change in the zoning status from residential to business at the property located at 222-228 Broadway. (Sullivan Chamber) 6:00pm A petition from Nancy E. Lippincott, et al., to rezone the area of the Sumner Road Block along Kirkland Street and Quincy Street on which the Swedenborg Chapel and the 34 Kirkland Street Greek Revival house are situated, which are currently zoned Residence C-3, to Residence C-1. (Sullivan Chamber) 6:30pm A petition from Lydia Vickers, et al, to rezone a portion of the transitional zone between Main Street and School Streets from Business A to Residence C-1. (Sullivan Chamber) |
Fri, July 30 |
5:00pm | Deadline for filing nomination papers with the Cambridge Election Commission to be on the ballot for the November election for City Council and School Committee. |
Mon, Aug 2 |
7:00pm to 8:30pm and 8:30pm to 10:00pm |
Cambridgeport Meeting & Safety Walk The Cambridge Police Department will host a meeting on Monday, August 2, 1999 from 7:00p.m. to 8:30pm at the Cambridgeport School, 12 Corporal McTernan Street (across from Dana Park). This meeting will feature an update on the status of recent arrests of two "peeping toms" in the neighborhood, personal and home safety tips to help residents be more secure, and neighborhood crime statistics. Bring YOUR crime & safety concerns to discuss with CPD officers. For more information, call Neighborhood Coordinator Vicky Boulrice at 349-3236. Safety Walk: 8:30 p.m. to 10:00p.m. Immediately following the Cambridge Police Department meeting, the Cambridgeport Neighborhood Group will host a safety walk with police officers and neighborhood residents. Those on the walk will look for street lights that need repairing, areas that need additional lighting and shrubbery that needs trimming, etc. Following the walk, the Cambridgeport Neighborhood Group will develop a safety action plan for the community. For more information about the Cambridgeport Neighborhood Group, call 864-0498. Contact: Vicky Boulrice, 349-3236 |
Tues, Aug 3 |
7:30pm | Planning Board meeting (Central Square
Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.) 7:30pm Discussion of Growth Management Advisory Committee draft zoning proposal. 8:30pm PB#151 - Beal, IPOP Special Permit, deliberation and decision 9:00pm PB#152 - University Park, IPOP Special Permit, deliberation and decision 9:30pm PB# 153 - 191 Prospect Street, deliberation and decision |
Thurs, Aug 5 |
7:00pm | Green Ribbon Open Space Committee meeting
(CDD conference room, 57 Inman St.) For more information, contact Carlton Hart at 349-4639. |
Sun, Aug 8 |
Noon to 7:00pm |
Carnival '99 - Caribbean Parade and Festival
(Central Square) Call 497-6318 or 661-0457 for information |
9:00pm Public hearing on PB#148, YWCA, 7 Temple Street, Central Square Overlay District and Interim Planning Overlay District Special Permit for residential use. This is a continued hearing and there will be public comment taken.
Mon, Aug 9 |
6:30pm | A Jazz Evening - with Chanier & Galindo
(Lee Street Park, corner of Lee St. and West St.) Presented by Longfellow Neighborhood Council and the Department of Human Services Programs. For more information, call Penelope Kleespies at 349-6260. |
Tues, Aug 10 |
5:30pm | Central Square Advisory Committee meeting to
continue discussion of the YWCA proposal for a new residential building on Temple St.
(Cambridge Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.) Contact Elaine Thorne at 349-4648 for additional information. |
Wed, Aug 11 |
2:00pm | Election Commission meeting. (362 Green St., 3rd floor) |
Tues, Aug 17 |
7:30pm | Planning
Board meeting (City Hall Annex, 57 Inman St., 3rd Floor Conference Room 7:30pm Discussion of the Growth Management Advisory Committee draft zoning proposal. 8:00pm Public hearing on the Vickers, et al Petition to amend the zoning from Business A to Residence C-1 and delete from the Central Square Overlay District an area at School, and Windsor Streets and Bishop Allen Drive. General Business: (1) CambridgeSide Galleria Associates Trust - discussion of the proposed changed of use from residential to hotel. (2) Cambridge Research Park - Construction Management Plan discussion. (3) Board of Zoning Appeal Case (4) Other |
Thurs, Aug 19 |
5:00pm | Growth Management Advisory Committee meeting (City Hall Annex, 57 Inman St., 3rd Floor Conference Room) Contact Elaine Thorne at or 349-4648. |
Tues, Aug 24 |
7:30pm | Planning Board meeting (Senior Center) |
Wed, Aug 25 |
2:00pm | Election Commission meeting. (362 Green St., 3rd floor) |
5:00pm to 6:00pm |
Technical Working Committee will meet to advise the Election Commission on voter education and possibly other matters relating to the fall election. (362 Green Street, 3rd floor) |
Thurs, Aug 26 |
10:00am | The new top of Harvard's Memorial Hall is scheduled to be raised into position at this time. The original top burned several decades ago. This is a must-see event. |
6:00pm to 8:00pm |
Cambridge Pedestrian Committee meeting. Contact Rosalie Anders at 349-4604 for more information. (City Hall Annex) |
Thurs, Sept 2 |
8:00am to 9:15am |
Recycling Advisory/Environmentally Desirable
Practices Committee meeting. (City Hall, Ackermann Room) |
Tues, Sept 7 |
7:30pm | Planning Board meeting (Senior Center,
806 Mass. Ave., Central Square) 7:30pm Introduction of the new Planning Board members. Election of a chairperson. 7:30pm Public Hearing on PB#148, YWCA, 7 Temple Street, Central Square Overlay District and Interim Planning Overlay District Special Permit. 8:30pm Public Hearing on PB#120, Major Amendment, Winthrop Park, to allow office use on the second floor in addition to the permitted uses. 9:00pm Citywide Growth Management Committee discussion. |
Wed, Sept 8 |
5:30pm to 7:30pm |
Cambridge Bicycle
Committee meeting. Contact Cara Seiderman at 349-4629 for more information. (City Hall Annex) |
Thurs, Sept 9 |
5:30pm | Meeting of the Cambridge Commission for Persons with Disabilities. (51 Inman St., 2nd floor conference room - fully accessible) Sign language interpreters and other aids and services provided with adequate notice. For more information: 349-6297 (voice), 492-0235 (TTY), 349-4766 (fax) |
6:00pm to 8:30pm |
Green Ribbon Open Space Committee meeting
(City Hall Annex, 3rd Floor Conference Room) For more information, contact Carlton Hart at 349-4639. |
Sat, Sept 11 |
Noon to 6:00pm |
Cambridge River Festival (Memorial
Drive between Western Ave. and JFK St.) (Raindate is Sun, Sept 12.) |
Sun, Sept 12 |
4:00pm to 6:00pm |
School Committee member Denise Simmons Campaign
Kickoff (Rhythm & Spice, 315 Massachusetts Ave.) |
4:00pm to 6:00pm |
Campaign Kick-off Party for James Williamson,
candidate for Cambridge City Council. (Peoples' Republik, 880 Mass. Ave.) |
Mon, Sept 13 |
5:30pm | City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber) |
Tues, Sept 14 |
7:00pm | City
Council Candidate Forum - "Greenspace & Environmental Issues: Platforms for
2000", sponsored by Cambridge Greenspace Alliance. (Cambridge
Senior Center, Central Square) Three panels - 7:00 to 8:00, 7:30 to 8:30 and 8:00 to 9:00pm |
Thurs, Sept 16 |
2:00pm | News from Center for Voting and Democracy
- Washington, DC A hearing has been scheduled on the States' Choice of Voting Systems Act (HR 1173) for Thurs, Sept 16 at 2:00pm. The bill would allow states to elect their House members in multi-seat House districts, as was legal as recently as 1967. Multi-seat districts are a necessary condition for using proportional and semi-proportional voting systems. HR 1173 is sponsored by Rep. Mel Watt (D-NC) and currently has 16 co-sponsors, including many of the leading experts on voting rights in the House and two Republicans (Tom Campbell and John Porter) who had positive experiences with cumulative voting in multi-seat districts in Illinois state assembly elections. Eleven witnesses are scheduled; we are hoping that C-SPAN will cover this extremely important hearing. For background information on HR 1173 and on instant runoff voting, redistricting, congressional elections and proportional representation voting systems, please visit our web site at: |
5:00pm | Growth Management Advisory Committee
meeting. (City Hall Annex, 3rd Floor Conf. Room) Contact Elaine Thorne ( at 349-4648 for more information. |
7:00pm to 9:00pm |
Meeting of the Porter Square Neighbors Association. (Metro.
Baptist Church, 16 Beech St.) Agenda includes introductions, reactions to the new Porter Square Shopping Center, the Mural Ciommittee, and issues relating to Elm Street. Contact John Howard (491-9881) or Jane Sauer (776-0945) to give or get more information. |
7:00pm to 9:00pm |
Ribbon Open Space Committee meeting (City Hall Annex, 3rd Floor
Conference Room) For more information, contact Carlton Hart at 349-4639. |
7:00pm | City Council Candidates' Forum on "City-wide
Development." (First Baptist Church, Central Square) Sponsored by a coalition of neighborhood groups. |
Fri, Sept 17 |
7:00pm | Fund-raiser for School Committee candidate Melody
Brazo (Cambridge YWCA, Temple Street) |
Sat, Sept 18 |
9:00am to 1:00pm |
Household Hazardous Waste Collection will be held at the Mass Army National Guard Armory at 450 Concord Ave. next to the Sozio Rotary. |
9:00am | Tree Walk of Central Square with Larry Acosta, Cambridge City Arborist. Tree care demonstration at 9am, walk from 10am to noon. (Meet at City Hall.) |
4:00pm to 7:00pm |
City Council candidate Jim Braude's Campaign Kickoff (American Legion Marsh Post, across from Cambridge Boat Club and BB&N) |
Sun, Sept 19 |
Mon, Sept 20 |
Tues, Sept 21 |
1:00pm | Y2K Forum sponsored by the City of Cambridge
(Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.) The city of Cambridge will host a Y2K Public Forum to inform the community about preparation efforts for the anticipated year 2000 technology problem and the possible impact on the computer-driven mechanisms and systems that might be affected. Representatives from the city and a variety of industries, including banking and financial, public utilities, public safety, food, health care, transportation, etc., will be on hand to advise citizens on individual preparation activities, warn against false rumors, offer safety tips, address concerns and answer questions regarding Y2K. The forum will be televised on Cambridge cable Channel 1 and periodically rebroadcast over the next few months.For more information, call 349-4842. |
7:30pm | Planning
Board meeting (Senior Center) 7:30pm Public hearing on PB #155 - 63 Cedar Street, Section 5.53.2 to construct 3 units of housing in the Residence B district further than 75 feet from the front lot line. Waiver of the special permit fee. 8:00pm Public hearing on PB #154 - 30 CambridgePark Drive, Section 4.26 - Multifamily Special Permit, and Section 11.500 - Interim Planning Overlay Permit for 310 units of housing, and 345 parking spaces. 9:00pm Public hearing on PB #151 - 286 Third Street, Section 10.50 - Reconsideration of the special permit. Section 11.500 - Interim Planning Overlay Permit for 128,000 square feet of office research and development. General Business 1. PB #148 - 7 Temple Street, YWCA special permit for Section 11.300 Central Square Overlay District and Section 11.500 - Interim Planning Overlay District for 63 units of housing and 56 parking spaces. Deliberation and possible decision. 2. Harvard Square Historical District report - requests for comments 3. Board of Zoning Appeal cases |
Wed, Sept 22 |
5:00pm | The M.I.T. Department of Urban Studies and Planning presents: "Living Water, Urban Vitality: The Art and Science of City Water Quality" Betsy Damon - Environmental artist, urban designer, and founder, Keepers of the Waters (M.I.T., Building 10, Room 485) |
Thurs, Sept 23 |
4:00pm | Meeting of the Affordable Housing Trust (Ackerman Room, 2nd Floor, Cambridge City Hall) |
6:00pm to 8:00pm |
Cambridge Pedestrian Committee meeting. Contact Rosalie Anders at 349-4604 for more information. (City Hall Annex) |
as early as 6:00pm until as |
Council Candidates' Debate, sponsored by the Democratic City Committee and
moderated by Barbara Ackermann and Glenn Koocher. (Morse School Auditorium, Granite
St.) The plan (which I've only received third hand) is to have panels of four candidates each. With 24 candidates, of which about 20 will participate, this probably means five panels. The event will be videotaped for use as half-hour segments on Cambridge Inside Out, as far as I know. |
Sat, Sept 25 |
9:00am | Tree Walk of Brattle Street and Harvard Square with Larry Acosta, Cambridge City Arborist. Tree care demonstration at 9am, walk from 10am to noon. (Meet at Mass. Ave. & Garden St.) |
11:00am to 4:00pm |
Danehy Park Family Day The free event, which draws over 3,000 people annually, features activities for all ages and interests, including amusement rides, arts and crafts, food, dance lessons, live music and roving performers. There will also be children's races, face painting, magic shows and storytelling. Approximately 750 kites will be flying over the park. Danehy Park is a 55-acre facility located at 99 Sherman St. in North Cambridge on Sherman, Garden and New streets. Shuttle buses will provide free transportation from a number of key points in Cambridge. Danehy Park can also be reached by public transportation. Picnics and lawn chairs are encouraged. For more information, call 349-6229. Rain date is Sunday, Sept. 26. |
5:00pm to 7:00pm |
Henrietta Davis Fall campaign fund-raiser
"The Tuscan Table" (Prado and Selfridge residences, 64-66 Grozier Road) |
Sun, Sept 26 |
Noon to 4:00pm |
School committee candidate Nancy Walser invites friends and neighbors and anyone interested in her campaign to an Open House in her backyard during the Huron Village Street Fair, Sunday, September 26, from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. along Huron Avenue. Nancy will have her gate open at 335 Huron Ave. Come for refreshments, meet Nancy, and add your ideas to the "My Wish for Cambridge Schools Wall" -- a giant poster on Nancy's fence. Wishes will be posted on her Web site at . |
Mon, Sept 27 |
4:30pm | The City Council will hold a Special Meeting
to discuss the Property Rate Tax Classification. (Sullivan Chamber) |
5:30pm | The City Council will hold a roundtable
discussion to update the City Council on the City's Capital Plan with special
attention to open space, the new library, and the new police station.
NO PUBLIC COMMENT. (Sullivan Chamber) [Note: The previously scheduled discussion on affordable housing was cancelled and may occur at a later date.] |
Tues, Sept 28 |
7:30pm | Joint meeting of the Planning
Board and the Citywide Growth
Management Advisory Committee to discuss the work of the Committee and the
progress on proposed zoning changes. (City Hall Annex, 57 Inman St. - 3rd floor Conference Rm.) Contact Liza Paden ( at 349-4647 for more information. |
Wed, Sept 29 |
3:00pm | The Human Services and Youth Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss an update on the extended day Pilot Program for the Harrington School and the Frisoli Youth Center. (Sullivan Chamber) |
7:00pm | Tentative date
for rescheduled City Council Candidates' Forum on
"City-wide Development." (Cambridge Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.,
Central Square) Sponsored by a coalition of neighborhood groups. |
Thurs, Sept 30 |
7:00pm to 9:00pm |
Ribbon Open Space Committee meeting (City Hall Annex, 3rd Floor
Conference Room) For more information, contact Carlton Hart at 349-4639. |
7:30pm | Ninth Annual Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony
honoring things that "cannot, or should not, be reproduced" (Sanders Theater,
Harvard University) Admission is $20/$15, Students $14/$12 at the Harvard Box Office at Holyoke Center, 617-496-2222. Inflicted on you by the science humor magazine Annals of Improbable Research. Live internet telecast at . For details and related events, try or call 617-491-4437 |
8:00pm | School
Committee Candidates Forum sponsored by the Cambridge Democratic City Committee (Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.) |
Fri, Oct 1 |
5:00pm - 7:00pm | Cambridge Arts Council 1st Annual Grant Awards
Reception (City Hall, Sullivan Chamber) There will be performances by grant recipients and a visual arts exhibition; light refreshments will be served. There are over 20 recipients, including Mitch Ryerson (Alice Turkel's husband), Cambridge School Volunteers, and the King Open School Arts Committee. |
Sat, Oct 2 |
9:00am | Tree Walk of Cambridgeport with Larry Acosta, Cambridge City Arborist. Tree care demonstration at 9am, walk from 10am to noon. (Meet at Mass. Ave. & Main St.) |
5:00pm to 7:00pm |
Dana Park Barbecue for Alice Turkel and Henrietta Davis (Dana Park is on Magazine Street between Lawrence and Cpl McTernan). Rain date is Sun, Oct 3rd from 5pm to 7pm. |
8:00pm - 10:00pm | Peace and Disarmament in the 21st Century: Can We
Turn the Dream into Reality? A discussion with Noam Chomsky, John Kenneth Galbraith, and physician-leaders from the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War. (Episcopal Divinity School Auditorium, 99 Brattle Street, Cambridge) Suggested donation is $5. Proceeds to benefit IPPNW. For more information, please call IPPNW at 617-868-5050, Andrew at x203 or Brian at x208 |
Sun, Oct 3 |
11:00am |
Cambridgeport Artists Open Studios (CAOS) -
(27 sites throughout Cambridgeport) Maps are available at the Dana Park Info Booth (Magazine St. between Lawrence and Corp. McTernan) or you can call (617) 497-5233 |
Mon, Oct 4 |
12:00 Noon |
The City Council's Health and Hospital Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss an update on domestic violence prevention in Cambridge. (Sullivan Chamber) |
5:30pm | City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber) |
Tues, Oct 5 |
7:00pm | Cambridge Greenspace Alliance meeting (CRLS,
459 Broadway - room posted in main entrance) Proposed Agenda -Celebrate/discuss Candidates Forum and River Festival -Next steps of Alliance (A. Candidate follow-up, B. Supporting current initiatives, C. Grants and projects) |
7:30pm | Planning
Board meeting. (Senior Center, Central Square) 7:30pm CDD update of general business - Beth Rubenstein, Assistant City Manager for Community Development 7:45pm Public hearing on PB#66, CambridgeSide Residential Associates Trust, application for Major Amendment to the PUD to construct a hotel on the housing parcel at Edwin Land Boulevard. This is the first of two public hearings. 8:30pm Public hearing on PB#149, 275 Fresh Pond Parkway, by Fresh Pond Realty to waive the Parkway Overlay District requirements for screening of display vehicles on the lot, exposed due to the demolition of the existing building. 9:30pm Public hearing on Moot, et al Petition to amend the existing Section 11.500 - Interim Planning Overlay Permit by extending the term of effect through April 3, 2000. Public hearing on Planning Board Petition to amend the existing Section 11.500 - Interim Planning Overlay Permit by extending the term of effect until April 1, 2000 and making other modifications. Contact Liza Paden ( at 349-4647 for more information. |
Wed, Oct 6 |
5:00pm | Citywide Growth Management Advisory Committee meeting. (City Hall Annex, 3rd Floor Conf. Room) Contact Elaine Thorne ( at 349-4648 for more information. |
7:00pm to 9:00pm |
Cambridge School Committee Candidates
Forum sponsored by Cambridge United for Education. (Cambridge Rindge & Latin High School cafeteria/media room) All candidates have been invited and the public is encouraged to listen to them address the issues. The forum will focus on the elementary schools. Each candidate will have a short time to give a statement followed by a question-and-answer period. |
Thurs, Oct 7 |
7:00pm to 9:00pm |
Ribbon Open Space Committee meeting (City Hall Annex, 3rd Floor
Conference Room) For more information, contact Carlton Hart at 349-4639. |
7:00pm to 9:00pm |
Tenants' Forum on
Affordable Housing (First Baptist Church, Central Square) Candidate forum sponsored by Eviction Free Zone (EFZ) and others open only to those City Council candidates who sign a pledge agreeing to a statement supporting "a new form of rent regulation" or a "massive increase in public spending to preserve affordable housing." |
Tues, Oct 12 |
7:30pm | Planning
Board meeting. (Senior Center, Central Square) Contact Liza Paden ( at 349-4647 for
more information. 7:30pm CDD update of general business - Beth Rubenstein, Assistant City Manager for Community Development 7:45pm Discussion of Rules and Regulations of conducting Planning Board business. |
Wed, Oct 13 |
5:00pm | The City Council's Ordinance Committee will
conduct public meetings on the following matters: 5:00pm To discuss how the proposed condominium ordinance should be changed to comport with court decisions, with a report on this issue from the Law Department. (Sullivan Chamber) 5:30pm To conduct a public hearing relative to the Planning Board IPOP Extension and Amendment Petition. (Sullivan Chamber) 6:00pm To conduct a public hearing on a petition filed by John Moot et al., to amend Section 11.50 of the Zoning Ordinance by extending the effective date of the IPOP Petition until Mon, April 3, 2000. (Sullivan Chamber) |
6:30pm to 7:30pm |
School Committee Candidates' Forum. Focus of forum will be issues of growth, diversity, education, governance, and the quality of life of all city residents. Sponsored by a group of residents identifying themselves as "Cambridge 2000+." (Howard Johnson Hotel, 777 Memorial Drive) |
8:00pm | Deadline for Voter Registration for the Nov 2 Municipal Election |
8:00pm to 9:00pm |
City Council Candidates' Forum. Focus of forum will be issues of growth, diversity, education, governance, and the quality of life of all city residents. Sponsored by a group of residents identifying themselves as "Cambridge 2000+." (Howard Johnson Hotel, 777 Memorial Drive) |
Thurs, Oct 14 |
10:00am | The City Council's Housing and Community Development
Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss the issues of below-grade
setbacks and permitted uses in accessory buildings. (Sullivan Chamber) [Note: These issues grew out of the Cook Petition which was allowed to expire.] |
5:30pm | Meeting of the Cambridge Commission for Persons with Disabilities. (51 Inman St., 2nd floor conference room - fully accessible) Sign language interpreters and other aids and services provided with adequate notice. For more information: 349-6297 (voice), 492-0235 (TTY), 349-4766 (fax) |
7:00pm to 9:00pm |
Neighborhood Association (MCNA) Candidates Night (Longfellow School) Doors open at 6:30. It will run till 9 (promptly). |
7:00pm | Haggerty Special Needs Advisory Committee - School Committee Candidates Forum On Inclusion (Haggerty School, 110 Cushing St.) |
Sat, Oct 16 |
8:30am to 5:30pm |
Volunteers needed for Storm Drain
Stenciling project Cambridgeport resident Ben Bruckner is organizing his Eagle Scout Project to stencil catch basins in Cambridgeport and Riverside with "Please Don't Dump, Protect the Charles River." The point of it would be to raise awareness that these catch basins lead to storm drains which, when it rains, overflow into the Charles River. Volunteers are needed for October 16th and 17th to help with the stenciling. For more information, visit , call Ben Bruckner at (617) 868-4675, or email Ben at . |
10:00am to 1:00pm |
7th annual Tour de Somerville, a 16 mile
recreational bicycle ride around the City of Somerville. The ride will explore pathways and side streets to discover some of Somerville's best kept secrets. Historic buildings, riverfront parks, community gardens, and diverse neighborhoods are just a few of the highlights of this fun event celebrating bikeable Somerville. Redbones Barbecue will provide refreshments halfway along the route. This free ride will be held on Saturday, October 16 (rain date Sunday, October 17). Join us at 10am at Seven Hills Park in Davis Square, behind the Somerville Theater and the T. The ride will finish at the same location about three hours later. Helmets are strongly encouraged. For more information, contact the Somerville Bicycle Committee at 617-628-8850, or write e-mail to Greg Palmer at . |
Sun, Oct 17 |
1:00pm to 5:00pm |
Volunteers needed for Storm Drain
Stenciling project Cambridgeport resident Ben Bruckner is organizing his Eagle Scout Project to stencil catch basins in Cambridgeport and Riverside with "Please Don't Dump, Protect the Charles River." The point of it would be to raise awareness that these catch basins lead to storm drains which, when it rains, overflow into the Charles River. Volunteers are needed for October 16th and 17th to help with the stenciling. For more information, visit , call Ben Bruckner at (617) 868-4675, or email Ben at . |
Mon, Oct 18 |
5:00pm | Special Event Presentations (Sullivan Chamber, prior
to regular City Council meeting) (a) Congratulations to Mercia Bordes on her citizenship. (b) Daniel Moniz and Robert Curly "My Eight Rules of Safety" |
5:30pm | City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber) |
7:00pm to 9:00pm |
Book Drive and
Reception to benefit public school libraries sponsored by School Committee
Candidate Nancy Walser. (Cambridge Skating Club, 40 Willard St.) Residents are encouraged to bring new or used, soft or hardback books in good condition for grades K-12. Books in the following categories are especially needed early readers; chapter books; up-to-date reference books; multicultural literature current geography and social studies books; children's biographies. For more information go to or call 868-1973. |
Tues, Oct 19 |
7:30pm | Planning
Board meeting. (Central Square Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.) 7:30pm CDD update of general business - Beth Rubenstein, Assistant City Manager for Community Development 7:40pm Public Hearing on PB#151A, 286 Third Street, Interim Planning Overlay Permit for 128,000 square feet of office research and development. 8:30pm Public Hearing on PB#157, 210 Broadway, Interim Planning Overlay Permit for 22,000 square foot addition to an existing 49,000 square foot building. 9:30pm Public Hearing on PB#154, 30 CambridgePark Drive, Interim Planning Overlay Permit for 311 units of housing. This hearing is to take testimony on IPOP criteria as requested by the Planning Board. 10:15pm Public Hearing on PB#156, 229-243 Vassar Street, Interim Planning Overlay Permit. MIT applicant to construct a 185,050 square foot dormitory for educational purposes. Contact Liza Paden ( at 349-4647 for more information. |
Wed, Oct 20 |
Noon | Election Commission meeting (362 Green St.) |
Thurs, Oct 21 |
10:00am | The City Council Housing and Community Development Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss the issues of below-grade setbacks and permitted use in accessory buildings. (Sullivan Chamber) |
3:00pm | The Cable TV Telecommunications and Electricity Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss the issue of open access license transfer from Media One to ATT. (Sullivan Chamber) |
5:00pm | Citywide Growth Management Advisory Committee meeting. (City Hall Annex, 3rd Floor Conf. Room) Contact Elaine Thorne ( at 349-4648 for more information. |
7:00pm to 9:00pm |
Meeting of the Porter Square Neighbors Association. (Metro.
Baptist Church, 16 Beech St.) Agenda includes (a) reactions to the new Porter Square Shopping Center, (b) the fate of the new left-hand turn onto Mass. Ave., (c) Elm Street traffic and landscaping, and (d) Shopping Center parking lot issues. Contact John Howard (491-9881) or Jane Sauer (776-0945) to give or get more information. |
7:00pm to 9:00pm |
Green Ribbon Open Space Committee meeting (City Hall Annex, 3rd Floor Conference Room) For more information, contact Carlton Hart at 349-4639. |
7:00pm to 9:00pm |
City Council
Candidate Forum, sponsored by the Cambridge Chamber of Commerce, the
Massachusetts Biotechnology Council, and MediaOne. (CRLS Auditorium) The moderator
will be Glenn Koocher. Read the Chamber's questions and the responses from the Chamber and the candidates. The program will be taped by MediaOne and re-broadcast in three 1/2 hour segments. |
Fri, Oct 22 |
Sat, Oct 23 |
1:30pm to 3:30(?)pm![]() |
Middlesex Canal Association Fall Walk [Though not really a Cambridge event, this is quite interesting. Besides, I'm on the Board of the Middlesex Canal Association and I'm doing the typing!] This will be a joint AMC-MCA Middlesex Canal walk. (AMC is the Appalachian Mountain Club.) It will be an easy three to four mile guided tour along a section of the canal towpath from the summit level at the Mill Pond in Billerica toward the southeast. The introduction will include a brief overview of the history of the Middlesex Canal, a look at the floating towpath anchor and the Lowell Branch guard lock, and a Q&A session. Meet at 1:30pm at the parking lot opposite the Talbot Mill/Cambridge Tool Works, along Faulkner (aka Rogers) Street near the Concord River mill dam in North Billerica. Trip leaders are Roger Hagopian (781-861-7868 or ( and Bill Gerber ( Contact Robert Winters (617-661-9230 or for more information on the Middlesex Canal (1793-1853) which once ran from Charlestown to Lowell. |
Sun, Oct 24 |
Mon, Oct 25 |
5:30pm | The City Council will hold a roundtable discussion on affordable housing in Cambridge. NO PUBLIC COMMENT (Sullivan Chamber) |
Tues, Oct 26 |
6:30pm to 8:30pm |
Area 4 City Council
Candidates Town meeting (Saint Bartholomew's Church, 239 Harvard Street) All City Council candidates and Area 4 residents are being asked to attend. Each candidate will be asked a general question relating to Area 4. The floor will then be opened up to questions and answers. |
7:00pm to 9:00pm |
City Council Candidate Forum on playing fields and athletic facilities sponsored by the newly-formed Cambridge Athletic Fields Alliance. (King School Auditorium, 100 Putnam Ave.) For more information, call (617)576-4730. |
7:30pm | Planning Board meeting. (City Hall Annex, 3rd Floor Conf. Rm.) Contact Liza Paden ( at 349-4647 for more information. |
Wed, Oct 27 |
2:00pm | Election Commission meeting (362 Green St.) |
5:30pm | The City Council's Ordinance Committee will
conduct public meetings on the following matters: 5:30pm To conduct a public hearing on a petition filed by Shannon Larkin et al., to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cambridge by creating a new Section 1.600-11.602: Temporary Development Moratorium Overlay District (East Cambridge/Neighborhood Four/ Wellington Harrington area). (Sullivan Chamber) 6:30pm To conduct a public hearing on proposed changes to the Plan E Charter. (Sullivan Chamber) |
6:30pm to 8:30pm |
Area 4 School
Committee Candidates Town meeting (Saint Bartholomew's Church, 239 Harvard Street) All School Committee candidates and Area 4 residents are being asked to attend. After general questions are asked of all the candidates, the floor will be opened up to questions from the audience. |
Thurs, Oct 28 |
7:00pm | CRLS Parent Advisory
Committee "Meet the School Committee Candidates" Night (Media Cafeteria, Cambridge Rindge & Latin, 459 Broadway) |
Mon, Nov 1 |
5:00pm | Special Events Presentation - Welcome youth exchange delegation from the Sister City of Yerevan, Armenia. (Sullivan Chamber, prior to the regular Ciy Council meeting) |
5:30pm | City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber) |
Tues, Nov 2 |
7:00am to 8:00pm |
Cambridge Municipal
Election for City Council and School Committee The unofficial tally of first place votes will take place Tuesday evening at the Cambridge Senior Center. "The Count" will occur there on Wednesday, tallied by computer. |
Tues, Nov 9 |
7:30pm | Planning
Board meeting. (Central Square Senior Center) 7:30pm CDD update of general business - Beth Rubenstein, Asst. City Manager for Community Development Public hearings which will be accepting public testimony: 7:40pm Public hearing on land disposition of the Kendall Square Fire Station at 350 Main Street. Public hearings open for written submissions only, to be received by the Board no later than Friday, Nov 5: 8:30pm PB#154, 30 CambridgePark Drive, Interim Planning Overlay Permit for 311 units of housing. Deliberation and Decision. 9:00pm PB#151A, 286 Third Street, Interim Planning Overlay Permit for 128,000 square feet of office research and development. Deliberation and Decision. 9:30pm PB#148, YWCA, 7 Temple Street, Interim Planning Overlay Permit and Central Square Overlay District Special Permit for 63 units of housing and 56 parking spaces. Deliberation and Decision. 10:00pm PB#156, MIT Dormitory, 229-243 Vassar Street, Interim Planning Overlay Permit, Deliberation and Decision. General Business 10:30pm Board of Zoning Appeal Cases 1. Comprehensive Permit Review for Neville Manor. |
Thurs, Nov 11 |
5:30pm | Meeting of the Cambridge Commission for Persons with Disabilities. (51 Inman St., 2nd floor conference room - fully accessible) Sign language interpreters and other aids and services provided with adequate notice. For more information: 349-6297 (voice), 492-0235 (TTY), 349-4766 (fax) |
Sat, Nov 13 |
9:00am to 1:00pm |
Household Hazardous Waste Collection will be held at the Mass Army National Guard Armory at 450 Concord Ave. next to the Sozio Rotary. |
Mon, Nov 15 |
5:00pm | Special Events Presentation Celebrating mediation in Cambridge; Welcoming the Donnell Patterson Gospel Choir Quartet home from their Armenian Tour. (Sullivan Chamber) |
5:30pm | City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber) |
7:00pm | The Cambridge
Conservation Commission will conduct a public meeting on the following
matters: 7:00pm Presentation of photos and comments by Roger Frymire. 7:20pm Boston Sand and Gravel request for Amendment and Extension of Order of Conditions regarding proposed stormwater sedimentation lagoons in the vicinity of the Miler's River. 7:40pm Cambridge Research Park - Overview of construction management issues related to the initiation of construction of an underground parking garage and associated utility relocation. 8:10pm Cambridge DPW Request for Amended Order of Conditions regarding S. Mass. Ave. stormwater drain and Charles River outfall. (Third Floor Conference Room, 57 Inman Street) |
7:00pm | Cambridge Police Department Sponsors Area IV Meeting All residents of Area IV are invited to a meeting hosted by Neighborhood Sergeant John Lang. This meeting will be held on Monday, November 15 at 7:00p.m. at the Margaret Fuller Neighborhood House, 71 Cherry Street. Representatives from the Massachusetts Neighborhood Crime Watch Commission will be on hand to do a presentation on how to start a neighborhood watch group and offer safety tips. In addition, there will be an update on the results of the recent neighborhood safety walk and other upcoming activities. Residents will also have an opportunity to get information on the latest neighborhood crime statistics and discuss their crime and safety concerns with officers. For more information, please call Neighborhood Coordinator Vicky Boulrice at 349-3236. |
Tues, Nov 16 |
3:00pm | The City Council's Joint Council-Staff Task Force on Improving Council Effectiveness will conduct a public meeting. (Ackermann Room) |
6:00pm to 8:00pm |
Representative Jarrett T. Barrios bimonthly
office hours. Anyone with questions about state government or needing help with state
agencies is welcome to meet personally with the Representative. For additional
information, contact Glen Tagliamonte at 617-722-2130. (Community Room, Johnson Apartments, 150 Erie St.) |
7:00pm | The City Council Rules Committee will conduct a public hearing to receive public comment regarding the Temporary Rules changes adopted by the City Council on June 21, 1999. (Sullivan Chamber) |
7:30pm | Planning
Board meeting. (Central Square Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.) 7:30pm CDD update of general business - Beth Rubenstein, Assistant City Manager for Community Development 7:40pm Discussion on the proposed Hammond Street Transition District. 8:30pm Public Hearing on the City Council Petition to amend the Harvard Square Overlay District. 9:00pm Public Hearing on the Shannon Larkin, et al, East Cambridge/Neighborhood Four/Wellington-Harrington Neighborhood Building Moratorium 10:00pm Public Hearing on the Judith Brown, et al and City Council Petitions to amend the zoning in the area of Linear park to one of two proposed Special District 2. 10:30pm Re: Special permit #133, Holmes Trust: Parking, Transportation, Demand Management Plan, approval is required by the special permit that has been issued. Contact Liza Paden ( at 349-4647 for more information. |
Wed, Nov 17 |
5:30pm | The City Council's Ordinance Committee will
conduct public meetings on the following matters: 5:30pm To conduct a public hearing on a petition filed by Judith M. Brown et al., to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cambridge by creating a new Special District 2 in the Linear Park area to insert it in Article 17.00. (Sullivan Chamber) 6:00pm To conduct a public hearing relative to the Planning Board's refiled petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cambridge for a proposed Special District 2 amendment to the zoning in the Linear Park area. (Sullivan Chamber) 6:30pm To conduct a public hearing relative to amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cambridge in Section 11.50 - Harvard Square Overlay District and relative to Chapter 2.78 of the Municipal Code entitled "Historical Buildings and Landmarks" to be amended by inserting a subsection at the end of Section 2.78.050. (Sullivan Chamber) |
7:00pm | Cambridge Police Department Sponsors Mid-Cambridge
Meeting All residents of Mid-Cambridge (Neighborhood 6) are invited to a neighborhood meeting hosted by Sergeant Joe Wilson. This meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 17, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. at the Longfellow School cafeteria, 359 Broadway. In response to recent housebreaks in the neighborhood, the meeting will feature a presentation by CPD crime prevention officers on home security. They will also discuss the residential security survey program offered by the Cambridge Police Department. This is also an opportunity for residents to discuss their crime and safety concerns with police officers and get the latest neighborhood crime statistics. For more information, please call Neighborhood Coordinator Vicky Boulrice at 349-3236. |
Thurs, Nov 18 |
7:00pm to 9:00pm |
Square Neighbors Association meeting. (Metropolitan New Life Baptist Church,
16 Beech St.) Agenda includes: (a) the Davenport Street mural, (b) the Kotobukiya package store license application, and (c) Annual Elections. Contact John Howard (491-9881) or Jane Sauer (776-0945) to give or get more information. |
7:00pm to 9:00pm |
Green Ribbon Open Space Committee meeting (City Hall Annex, 1st Floor Conference Room) For more information, contact Carlton Hart at 349-4639. |
Mon, Nov 22 |
11:00am | The City Council's Finance Committee will conduct a public meeting to receive an update from the City Manager on the matter of whether the City should accept the provisions of Chapter 32, Sections 90A, B & C. (Ackermann Room) |
5:30pm | The City Council will hold a Roundtable Discussion on the topic of homelessness in Cambridge. NO PUBLIC COMMENT. (Sullivan Chamber) |
Tues, Nov 23 |
5:30pm | The Traffic and Transportation Committee will conduct a public meeting to review the proposed loss of the median strip on Massachusetts Avenue and the impact on pedestrian and traffic safety for the North Massachusetts Avenue Design Project. (Sullivan Chamber) |
Tues, Nov 30 |
7:00pm to 9:00pm |
Town Meeting with U.S. Rep. Michael
Capuano at Cambridge City Hall (Sullivan Chamber) |
7:30pm | Planning Board meeting.
(Central Square Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.) 7:30pm CDD update of general business - Beth Rubenstein, Asst. City Manager for Community Development 7:40pm Review of 91 Sidney Street, 40% drawings, as required by the Cambridgeport Revitalization Development District zoning. 8:15pm CityWide Growth Management Advisory Committee joint meeting with the Planning Board. Discussion of CityWide Traffic Impact Approach. Discussion of Standards for Project Review. 10:00pm City Council Petition to amend the Harvard Square Overlay District, deliberation and recommendation. Contact Liza Paden ( at 349-4647 for more information. |
Wed, Dec 1 |
5:30pm to 7:00pm |
Office hours for State Senator Robert Travaglini (Ackermann Room, City Hall) |
Thurs, Dec 2 |
8:00am to 9:15am |
Recycling Advisory/Environmentally Desirable
Practices Committee meeting. (City Hall, Ackermann Room) |
6:30pm to 7:30pm |
State Rep. Alice Wolf (Cambridge) will be
having office hours at Walden Square Apartments (Walden Sq. Rd. at the end of Richdale Ave.) Anyone with questions about state government or needing help with state agencies is welcome to attend. For additional information, contact Christine Lopes at (617)722-2070. |
7:00pm to 9:00pm |
Green Ribbon Open Space Committee meeting (City Hall Annex, 3rd Floor Conference Room) For more information, contact Carlton Hart at 349-4639. |
Mon, Dec 6 |
5:30pm | City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber) |
Tues, Dec 7 |
12:00 noon | The City Council's Government Operations Committee will conduct a public meeting to discuss what if any action the current City Council shall take with regard to the City Manager's Contract. |
5:30pm | The City Council's Civil and Human Rights Committee
will conduct a public hearing to discuss whether the ordinance and procedures of the
Police Review Board should be changed to increase its effectiveness. (Sullivan Chamber) |
6:00pm | Cambridge School Committee meeting (CRLS media cafeteria) |
7:30pm | Planning Board meeting.
(Central Square Senior Center, 806 Mass. Ave.) 7:30pm CDD update of general business - Beth Rubenstein, Asst. City Mgr. for Community Development 7:40pm Public hearing on City Council Petition to amend accessory use regulations in the Zoning Ordinance. 8:00pm Public hearing on PB#157, 229-243 Vassar Street, IPOP Special Permit to construct a dormitory for educational purposes. 8:30pm Public hearing on PB#158, 10-40 Vassar Street, IPOP Special Permit to construct 430,000 sq ft of classroom, childcare and faculty offices. 9:15pm Public hearing on PB#156, 210 Broadway, IPOP Special Permit to construct a 22,000 sq ft addition to the existing 49,000 sq ft office building. General Business Board of Zoning Appeal Cases. Contact Liza Paden ( at 349-4647 for more information. |
Wed, Dec 8 |
5:00pm | The City Council's Ordinance Committee will
conduct public meetings on the following matters: 5:00pm To conduct a public hearing to continue discussion on the proposed condominium conversion ordinance. (Sullivan Chamber) 5:30pm To conduct an additional hearing to continue discussion on proposed changes to the Plan E Charter. (Sullivan Chamber) 6:30pm To conduct a public hearing on the petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cambridge in Section 4.21.d relative to accessory use. [as per certain provisions of the former Cook petition] (Sullivan Chamber) |
6:30pm | Retirement Party for Sheila Doyle Russell
(Royal Sonesta Hotel, 5 Cambridge Parkway) Dinner starts at 7:30pm. Tickets are $50 per person and are available through Gerry Boyle (DPW), Carol Correia (Harrington School), Robert Doherty (Police Dept.), Carole Gentile (CRLS), Lucille Kelley (St. John's School), Kathy Kroen (CRLS), Michael Mahoney (Fire Dept.), Claire Murphy (School Dept.), Mike Nicoloro (Inspect. Services), Frank Pasquarello (Police Dept.), Donna Pritchard (Assessors, City Hall), or Nancy Russell (DPW - Cemetery). |
Thurs, Dec 9 |
5:30pm | Meeting of the Cambridge Commission for
Persons with Disabilities. (51 Inman St., 2nd floor conference room - fully accessible) Sign language interpreters and other aids and services provided with adequate notice. For more information: 349-6297 (voice), 492-0235 (TTY), 349-4766 (fax) |
Fri, Dec 10 |
6:00pm to 9:00pm |
Good-Bye Party for Frank Duehay (Walker
Memorial, MIT, 142 Memorial Drive) Speeches at 7:30pm. Potluck finger food - If you can bring food, contact Diane Cahalane at 876-7156. Cash Bar. Donations in Frank's honor will be sought at the event to go to Tutoring Plus, a small non-profit in Area 4 which Frank helped found and continues to support. |
Mon, Dec 13 |
5:30pm | City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber) |
7:00pm | The City Council will conduct a public meeting relative to seeking the rights for immigrants who are not citizens to vote in School Committee elections. (Sullivan Chamber) |
Tues, Dec 14 |
5:30pm | The City Council's Civil and Human Rights Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss whether the ordinance and procedures of the Police Review Board should be changed to increase its effectiveness. (Sullivan Chamber) |
6:30pm | Planning Board meeting.
(Third Floor Conference Room, Citry Hall Annex, 57 Inman St.) 6:30pm Overview of University Park, by Forest City Development. Informational only - no action required by Planning Board. 7:30pm CDD update of general business - Beth Rubenstein, Asst. City Mgr. for Community Development 7:40pm City-Wide Growth Management Meeting with the Planning Board. 9:30pm Larkin, et al Petition to create a moratorium in the eastern part of the city. Discussion and recommendation. General Business Board of Zoning Appeal Cases. Contact Liza Paden ( at 349-4647 for more information. |
Wed, Dec 15 |
5:30pm | The City Council's Ordinance Committee will conduct a public meeting to continue discussion on the proposed condominium conversion ordinance. (Sullivan Chamber) |
6:30pm | The Traffic and Transportation Committee will conduct a public meeting to review the proposed loss of the median strip on Massachusetts Avenue and the impact on pedestrian and traffic safety for the North Massachusetts Avenue Design Project. (Sullivan Chamber) |
Thurs, Dec 16 |
5:00pm | The City Council's Environment Committee
will conduct public meetings on the following matters: 5:00pm To conduct a public meeting to discuss material regarding a proposal to alleviate cigarette littering. (Ackermann Room) 5:30pm To conduct a public meeting to discuss the decision by the MDC to extend permission for Arthur D. Little and/or new owners of ADL property to use parkland/wetland for a parking lot. (Ackermann Room) |
7:00pm to 9:00pm |
Square Neighbors Association meeting. (Metr. New Life Baptist Church, 16
Beech St.) Agenda includes: (a) Status Reports: Elm Street side of shopping center, Davenport Street mural, etc. (b) Executive Committee appointments (c) Kaya Restaurant's application for a smoking area (d) Review of Orchard Street traffic calming project Contact John Howard (491-9881) or Jane Sauer (776-0945) to give or get more information. |
Mon, Dec 20 |
5:30pm | City Council meeting (Sullivan Chamber) |
Tues, Dec 21 |
6:00pm | The City Council's Claims Committee will conduct a public meeting to act on all claims brought before the City. (Ackermann Room) |
7:30pm | The Cambridge Police Department invites all residents of the Agassiz neighborhood (Neighborhood 8) to a neighborhood meeting hosted by Neighborhood Sergeant Kathleen Murphy. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 21 at 7:30p.m. at the Agassiz School Dining Hall, 28 Sacramento Street. The meeting will feature an update of current city efforts regarding homelessness, public intoxication, and nuisance behaviors. All Agassiz residents are encouraged to attend to meet their neighborhood sergeant, get information on the latest neighborhood crime statistics, and discuss their crime and safety concerns. For more information, please call Neighborhood Coordinator Vicky Boulrice at 349-3236. |
Planning Board meeting.
(Central Square Senior Center, 806 Massachusetts Avenue) 7:30pm CDD update of general business - Beth Rubenstein, Assistant City Manager for Community Development. 7:40pm Public hearing on PB#154, 30 CambridgePark Drive, Multifamily Special Permit and Flood Plain Special Permit. 8:40pm Public hearing on PB#66 CambridgeSide Galleria, Interim Planning Overlay Permit, Hotel use at the vacant parcel at Edwin Land Boulevard. This is the second hearing required by the PUD process. 9:00pm Public hearing on PB#66 CambridgeSide Galleria, major amendment to allow the existing parking spaces in the Galleria Mall for off site parking for nonaccessory uses. General Business 1. PB#157, 229 Vassar Street, IPOP Special Permit, MIT dormitory, deliberation and possible decision. 2. Rules and regulations 3. Board of Zoning Appeal Cases. Contact Liza Paden ( at 349-4647 for more information. |